<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } // just in case if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) { die('Access Denied'); } $now = date('Y/m/d H:i:s', time() + get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600); $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); extract($options); $chkcloudflare = 'Y'; // force back to on - always fix cloudflare if the plugin is not present and cloudflare detected. $nonce = ''; if (array_key_exists('kpg_stop_spammers_control', $_POST)) { $nonce = $_POST['kpg_stop_spammers_control']; } if (!empty($nonce) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'kpgstopspam_update')) { if (array_key_exists('wlist', $_POST)) { $wlist = $_POST['wlist']; $wlist = explode("\n", $wlist); $tblist = array(); foreach ($wlist as $bl) { $bl = trim($bl); if (!empty($bl)) { $tblist[] = $bl; } } $options['wlist'] = $tblist; $wlist = $tblist;
public function process($ip, &$stats = array(), &$options = array(), &$post = array()) { // it looks like I am not getting my stats and options correctly //sfs_debug_msg('Made it into challenge'); $ip = kpg_get_ip(); $stats = kpg_ss_get_stats(); $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); //$post=get_post_variables(); /* page is HEADER, Allow List Request, Captchas and then a button Processing is 1) check for response from from 2) else display form. */ // display deny message and captcha if set. // first, check to see if they should be redirected if ($options['redir'] == 'Y' && !empty($options['redirurl'])) { //sfs_debug_msg('Redir?'); header('HTTP/1.1 307 Moved'); header('Status: 307 Moved'); header("location: " . $options['redirurl']); exit; } extract($options); $ke = ''; $km = ''; $kr = ''; $ka = ''; $kp = ''; // serialized post // step 1 look for form response // nonce is in a field named kn - this is not to confuse with other forms that may be coming in $nonce = ''; $msg = ''; // this is the body message for failed captchas, notifies and requests if (!empty($_POST) && array_key_exists('kn', $_POST)) { //sfs_debug_msg('second time'); $nonce = $_POST['kn']; // get the post items if (array_key_exists('ke', $_POST)) { $ke = sanitize_text_field($_POST['ke']); } if (array_key_exists('km', $_POST)) { $km = sanitize_text_field($_POST['km']); } if (strlen($km) > 80) { $km = substr($km, 0, 77) . '...'; } if (array_key_exists('kr', $_POST)) { $kr = sanitize_text_field($_POST['kr']); } if (array_key_exists('ka', $_POST)) { $ka = sanitize_text_field($_POST['ka']); } if (array_key_exists('kp', $_POST)) { $kp = $_POST['kp']; } // serialized post if (!empty($nonce) && wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'kpg_stopspam_deny')) { //sfs_debug_msg('nonce is good'); // have a form return. //1) to see if the allow by request has been triggered $emailsent = $this->kpg_ss_send_email($options); //2) see if we should add to the allow list $allowset = false; if ($wlreq == 'Y') { // allow things to added to allow list $allowset = $this->kpg_ss_add_allow($ip, $options, $stats, $post, $post); } // now the captcha settings $msg = "Thank you,<br>"; if ($emailsent) { $msg .= "The blog master has been notified by email.<br>"; } if ($allowset) { $msg .= "You request has been recorded.<br>"; } if (empty($chkcaptcha) || $chkcaptcha == 'N') { // send out the thank you message wp_die($msg, "Stop Spammers", array('response' => 200)); exit; } // they submitted a captcha switch ($chkcaptcha) { case 'Y': // open captcha if (array_key_exists('img', $_POST) && !empty($_POST['img']) && !empty($_POST['code'])) { //sfs_debug_msg('open capcha 2'); // validate open captcha $fff = 'http://www.opencaptcha.com/validate.php?ans='; $fff .= sanitize_text_field($_POST['code']); $fff .= '&img='; $fff .= sanitize_text_field($_POST['img']); $sn = kpg_read_file($fff); if ($sn == 'pass') { // restore the post //$kp=base64_encode(serialize($_POST)); $_POST = unserialize(base64_decode($kp)); ////sfs_debug_msg("trying to return the post to the comments program".print_r($_POST,true)); // success add to cache kpg_ss_log_good($ip, 'passed open captcha', 'pass'); do_action('kpg_stop_spam_OK', $ip, $post); // So plugins can undo spam report return false; } else { $msg = "Open Captcha entry does not match, try again."; } } break; case 'G': if (array_key_exists('recaptcha', $_POST) && !empty($_POST['recaptcha']) && array_key_exists('g-recaptcha-response', $_POST)) { // check recaptcha $recaptchaapisecret = $options['recaptchaapisecret']; $recaptchaapisite = $options['recaptchaapisite']; if (empty($recaptchaapisecret) || empty($recaptchaapisite)) { $msg = "Recaptcha Keys are not set."; } else { $g = $_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response']; //$url="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify"; $url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret={$recaptchaapisecret}&response={$g}&remoteip={$ip}"; $resp = kpg_read_file($url); ////sfs_debug_msg("recaptcha '$g', '$ip' '$resp' - \r\n".print_r($_POST,true)); if (strpos($resp, '"success": true') !== false) { // found success //$kp=base64_encode(serialize($_POST)); $_POST = unserialize(base64_decode($kp)); ////sfs_debug_msg("trying to return the post to the comments program".print_r($_POST,true)); // success add to cache kpg_ss_log_good($ip, 'passed recaptcha', 'pass'); do_action('kpg_stop_spam_OK', $ip, $post); // So plugins can undo spam report return false; } else { $msg = "Google reCaptcha entry does not match, try again"; } } } break; case 'S': if (array_key_exists('adcopy_challenge', $_POST) && !empty($_POST['adcopy_challenge'])) { // solve media $solvmediaapivchallenge = $options['solvmediaapivchallenge']; $solvmediaapiverify = $options['solvmediaapiverify']; $adcopy_challenge = $_REQUEST['adcopy_challenge']; $adcopy_response = $_REQUEST['adcopy_response']; //$ip=''; $postdata = http_build_query(array('privatekey' => $solvmediaapiverify, 'challenge' => $adcopy_challenge, 'response' => $adcopy_response, 'remoteip' => $ip)); $opts = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $postdata)); //$context = stream_context_create($opts); // need to rewrite this post with the wp class /********************************************** try to use the sp function **********************************************/ $body = array('privatekey' => $solvmediaapiverify, 'challenge' => $adcopy_challenge, 'response' => $adcopy_response, 'remoteip' => $ip); $args = array('user-agent' => 'WordPress/' . '4.2' . '; ' . get_bloginfo('url'), 'blocking' => true, 'headers' => array('Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'redirection' => 5, 'httpversion' => '1.0', 'body' => $body, 'cookies' => array()); $url = 'http://verify.solvemedia.com/papi/verify/'; $resultarray = wp_remote_post($url, $args); $result = $resultarray['body']; //$result = //file_get_contents('http://verify.solvemedia.com/papi/verify/', //false, $context); if (strpos($result, 'true') !== false) { $_POST = unserialize(base64_decode($kp)); ////sfs_debug_msg("trying to return the post to the comments program".print_r($_POST,true)); // success add to cache kpg_ss_log_good($ip, 'passed open captcha', 'pass'); do_action('kpg_stop_spam_OK', $ip, $post); // So plugins can undo spam report return false; } else { $msg = "Captcha entry does not match, try again"; } } break; case 'A': if (array_key_exists('nums', $_POST) && !empty($_POST['nums'])) { // simple arithmetic - at lease it is different for each website and changes occasionally $seed = 5; $spdate = $stats['spdate']; if (!empty($spdate)) { $seed = strtotime($spdate); } $nums = really_clean(sanitize_text_field($_POST['nums'])); $nums += $seed; $sum = really_clean(sanitize_text_field($_POST['sum'])); if ($sum == $nums) { $_POST = unserialize(base64_decode($kp)); ////sfs_debug_msg("trying to return the post to the comments program".print_r($_POST,true)); // success add to cache kpg_ss_log_good($ip, 'passed open captcha', 'pass'); do_action('kpg_stop_spam_OK', $ip, $post); // So plugins can undo spam report return false; } else { $msg = "Your arithmetic sucks, try again"; } } break; case 'F': // future - more free captchas break; } } // nonce check - not a valid nonce on form submit yet the value is there - what do we do? //sfs_debug_msg('leaving second time'); } else { // first time through //print_r($post); //print_r($_POST); $ke = $post['email']; $km = ''; $kr = ""; //if (array_key_exists('reason',$post)) $kr=$post['reason']; $ka = $post['author']; $kp = base64_encode(serialize($_POST)); //sfs_debug_msg('first time getting post stuff'); } //sfs_debug_msg('creating form data'); // made it here - we display the screens $knonce = wp_create_nonce('kpg_stopspam_deny'); // this may be the second time through $formtop = ''; if (!empty($msg)) { $msg = "\r\n<br><span style=\"color:red;\"> {$msg} </span><hr/>\r\n"; } $formtop .= "\r\n<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" >\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"kn\" value=\"{$knonce}\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"kpg_deny\" value=\"{$chkcaptcha}\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"kp\" value=\"{$kp}\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"kr\" value=\"{$kr}\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ka\" value=\"{$ka}\">\r\n"; $formbot = "\r\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Press to continue\">\r\n\r\n</form>\r\n\r\n"; $not = ''; if ($wlreq == 'Y') { // halfhearted attempt to hide which field is the email field. $not = "\r\n<fieldset style=\"border:thin solid black;padding:6px;width:100%;\">\r\n<legend><span style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em\" >Allow Request</span></legend>\r\n<p>You have been blocked from entering information on this blog. In order to prevent this from happening in the future you\r\nmay ask the owner to add your network address to a list that allows you full access.</p>\r\n<p>Please enter your <b>e</b><b>ma</b><b>il</b> <b>add</b><b>re</b><b>ss</b> and a short note requesting access here</p>\r\n<span style=\"color:FFFEFF;\">e</span>-<span style=\"color:FFFDFF;\">ma</span>il for contact(required)<!-- not the message -->: <input type=\"text\" value=\"\" name=\"ke\"><br>\r\nmessage <!-- not email -->:<br><textarea name=\"km\"></textarea>\r\n</fieldset>\r\n"; } $captop = "\r\n<fieldset style=\"border:thin solid black;padding:6px;width:100%;\">\r\n<legend><span style=\"font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em\" >Please prove you are not a Robot</span></legend>\r\n\t\r\n\t\r\n"; $capbot = "\r\n</fieldset>\r\n"; // now the captchas $cap = ''; switch ($chkcaptcha) { case 'Y': $date = date("Ymd"); $rand = rand(0, 9999999999999); $height = "80"; $width = "240"; $img = "{$date}{$rand}-{$height}-{$width}.jpgx"; $imgloc = 'http://www.opencaptcha.com/img/'; $root = site_url(); $imgloc = site_url() . '?ocimg='; //http://localhost/wordpress?ocimg=20150410628305005-80-240.jpgx $cap = "\r\n<br>\r\n<hr/>\r\n<img src='{$imgloc}{$img}' height='{$height}' alt='captcha' width='{$width}' border='0' />\r\n<input type='hidden' name='img' value='{$img}'><br>\r\nEnter the code: <input type=text name=code value='' size='35' />\r\n"; break; case 'G': // recaptcha $recaptchaapisite = $options['recaptchaapisite']; $cap = "\r\n\t\t\t<script src=\"https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js\" async defer></script>\r\n\r\n\t\t\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"recaptcha\" value=\"recaptcha\">\r\n<div class=\"g-recaptcha\" data-sitekey=\"{$recaptchaapisite}\"></div>\r\n\r\n\r\n"; break; case 'S': $solvmediaapivchallenge = $options['solvmediaapivchallenge']; $cap = "\r\n\t\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\"\r\n\tsrc=\"http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/challenge.script?k={$solvmediaapivchallenge}\">\r\n</script>\r\n\r\n<noscript>\r\n\t<iframe src=\"http://api.solvemedia.com/papi/challenge.noscript?k={$solvmediaapivchallenge}\"\r\n\theight=\"300\" width=\"500\" frameborder=\"0\"></iframe><br/>\r\n\t<textarea name=\"adcopy_challenge\" rows=\"3\" cols=\"40\">\r\n\t</textarea>\r\n\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"adcopy_response\" value=\"manual_challenge\"/>\r\n</noscript><br>\r\n"; break; case 'A': // arithmetic $n1 = rand(1, 9); $n2 = rand(1, 9); // try a much more nteresting way that can't be generalized // use the "since" date from stats $seed = 5; $spdate = $stats['spdate']; if (!empty($spdate)) { $seed = strtotime($spdate); } $stupid = $n1 + $n2 - $seed; $cap = "\r\n<P>Enter the SUM of these two numbers: <span style=\"size:4em;font-weight:bold;\">{$n1} + {$n2}</span><br>\r\n<input name=\"sum\" value=\"\" type=\"text\">\r\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"nums\" value=\"{$stupid}\"><br>\r\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Press to continue\">\r\n\r\n\r\n"; break; case 'F': // future // future default: $captop = ''; $capbot = ''; $cap = ''; break; } // have a display // need to send it to the display if (empty($msg)) { $msg = $rejectmessage; } $ansa = "\r\n\t\t{$msg}\r\n\t\t{$formtop}\r\n\t\t{$not}\r\n\t\t{$captop}\r\n\t\t{$cap}\r\n\t\t{$capbot}\r\n\t\t{$formbot}\r\n\t\t"; wp_die($ansa, "Stop Spammers", array('response' => 200)); exit; }
function kpg_ss_check_white_block() { sfs_errorsonoff(); $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); $stats = kpg_ss_get_stats(); $post = get_post_variables(); $post['block'] = true; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_check_white', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); return $ansa; }
function kpg_sfs_ip_column($value, $column_name, $user_id) { // get the ip for this column $trash = KPG_SS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/trash.png'; $tdown = KPG_SS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/tdown.png'; $tup = KPG_SS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/tup.png'; $whois = KPG_SS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/whois.png'; $stophand = KPG_SS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/stop.png'; $search = KPG_SS_PLUGIN_URL . 'images/search.png'; if ($column_name == 'signup_ip') { $signup_ip = get_user_meta($user_id, 'signup_ip', true); $signup_ip2 = $signup_ip; $ipline = ""; if (!empty($signup_ip)) { $ipline = apply_filters('ip2link', $signup_ip2); // if the ip2link plugin is installed. // now add the check $user_info = get_userdata($user_id); $useremail = urlencode($user_info->user_email); // for reporting $userurl = urlencode($user_info->user_url); $username = $user_info->display_name; $stopper = "<a title=\"Check Stop Forum Spam (SFS)\" target=\"_stopspam\" href=\"http://www.stopforumspam.com/search.php?q={$signup_ip}\"><img src=\"{$stophand}\" width=\"16px\"/></a>"; $honeysearch = "<a title=\"Check project HoneyPot\" target=\"_stopspam\" href=\"https://www.projecthoneypot.org/ip_{$signup_ip}\"><img src=\"{$search}\" width=\"16px\"/></a>"; $botsearch = "<a title=\"Check BotScount\" target=\"_stopspam\" href=\"http://botscout.com/search.htm?stype=q&sterm={$signup_ip}\"><img src=\"{$search}\" width=\"16px\"/></a>"; $who = "<a title=\"whois nic lookup\" target=\"_stopspam\" href=\"http://lacnic.net/cgi-bin/lacnic/whois?lg=EN&query={$signup_ip}\"><img src=\"{$whois}\" width=\"16px\"/></a>"; $action = " {$who} {$stopper} {$honeysearch} {$botsearch}"; $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); $apikey = $options['apikey']; if (!empty($apikey)) { $report = "<a title=\"Check Stop Forum Spam (SFS)\" target=\"_stopspam\" href=\"http://www.stopforumspam.com/add.php?username={$username}&email={$useremail}&ip_addr={$signup_ip}&evidence={$userurl}&api_key={$apikey}\"><img src=\"{$stophand}\" width=\"16px\"/></a>"; $action .= $report; } return $ipline . $action; } return ""; } return $value; }
function kpg_ss_user_reg_filter($user_login) { // the plugin should be all initialized // check the ip, etc. sfs_errorsonoff(); $options = kpg_ss_get_options(); $stats = kpg_ss_get_stats(); // fake out the post variables $post = get_post_variables(); $post['author'] = $user_login; $post['addon'] = 'chkRegister'; // no really an addon - but may be moved out when working. if ($options['filterregistrations'] != 'Y') { remove_filter('pre_user_login', kpg_ss_user_reg_filter, 1); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); return $user_login; } // if the suspect is already in the bad cache he does not get a second chance? // prevents looping $reason = be_load('chkbcache', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); sfs_errorsonoff(); if ($reason !== false) { $rejectmessage = $options['rejectmessage']; $post['reason'] = 'Failed Registration: bad cache'; $host['chk'] = 'chkbcache'; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_log_bad', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); wp_die("{$rejectmessage}", "Login Access Denied", array('response' => 403)); exit; } // check the white list $reason = kpg_ss_check_white(); sfs_errorsonoff(); if ($reason !== false) { $post['reason'] = 'passed registration:' . $reason; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_log_good', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); sfs_errorsonoff('off'); return $user_login; } // check the black list //sfs_debug_msg("Checking black list on registration: /r/n".print_r($post,true)); $ret = be_load('kpg_ss_check_post', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); $post['reason'] = 'Passed Registration ' . $ret; $ansa = be_load('kpg_ss_log_good', kpg_get_ip(), $stats, $options, $post); return $user_login; }