function keywords($text) { strpos($text, ',') && ($text = explode(',', $text)); if (is_array($text)) { foreach ($text as $value) { keywords(trim($value)); } return; } $cogear = getInstance(); $cogear->meta->info->title->append($text); }
<?php if (!path()) { draw_page('Поваренная книга программиста', dview('index_content', main_categories())); } elseif (is_category_path(path()) && is_category_exists(path())) { is_need_cache(true); $category = new Category(path()); keywords($category->keywords()); draw_page($category->getTitle(), dview('one_category', $category)); } elseif (is_example_path(path()) && is_example_exists(path())) { is_need_cache(true); $example = new Example(path()); keywords($example->keywords()); draw_page($example->prop('desc'), view('path_block', ['id' => $example->id()]) . view('one_example', ['data' => $example, 'show_link' => true])); } else { show_404(); }
public function admin_manage_tags($admin) { if (!Post::any_editable()) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to manage tags.", "tags")); } $sql = SQL::current(); $tags = array(); $names = array(); foreach ($sql->select("post_attributes", "*", array("name" => "tags"))->fetchAll() as $tag) { $post_tags = YAML::load($tag["value"]); $tags = array_merge($tags, $post_tags); foreach ($post_tags as $name => $clean) { $names[] = $name; } } $popularity = array_count_values($names); $cloud = array(); if (!empty($popularity)) { $max_qty = max($popularity); $min_qty = min($popularity); $spread = $max_qty - $min_qty; if ($spread == 0) { $spread = 1; } $step = 75 / $spread; foreach ($popularity as $tag => $count) { $cloud[] = array("size" => 100 + ($count - $min_qty) * $step, "popularity" => $count, "name" => $tag, "title" => sprintf(_p("%s post tagged with "%s"", "%s posts tagged with "%s"", $count, "tags"), $count, $tag), "clean" => $tags[$tag], "url" => url("tag/" . $tags[$tag], MainController::current())); } } fallback($_GET['query'], ""); list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "post_attributes.value LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query"); $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!$visitor->group->can("view_draft", "edit_draft", "edit_post", "delete_draft", "delete_post")) { $where["user_id"] = $visitor->id; } $results = Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); $ids = array(); foreach ($results[0] as $result) { $ids[] = $result["id"]; } if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = new Paginator(Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "drafts" => true, "where" => array("id" => $ids))), 25); } else { $posts = new Paginator(array()); } $admin->display("manage_tags", array("tag_cloud" => $cloud, "posts" => $posts)); }
<div class="media well"> <div class="media-body"> <div class="col-lg-8"> <div class="ibox-content"> <h3 class="media-heading"> <?php echo $article_data->title; ?> </h3> <span>Sub Authors : <?php echo sub_authors($article_data->sub_authors); ?> </span><br/> <span>Keywords : <?php echo keywords($article_data->keyword); ?> </span><br/> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-2 pull-right"> <a href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> ./uploads/FreshCopy/<?php echo $article_data->id . '.docx'; ?> " target="_blank"> <button type="button" style="margin-bottom: 10px"
/** * Set metadata for output later * * @access public * @param string * @return void */ public function set_metadata($name, $content, $type = 'meta') { $name = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($name)); $content = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($content)); // Keywords with no comments? ARG! comment them if ($name == 'keywords' && !strpos($content, ',')) { $this->CI->load->helper('inflector'); $content = keywords($content); } switch ($type) { case 'meta': $meta = '<meta name="' . $name . '" content="' . $content . '" />'; break; case 'link': $meta = '<link rel="' . $name . '" href="' . $content . '" />'; break; } $this->extra_head($meta); return $this; }
static function admin_manage_comments($admin) { if (!Comment::any_editable() and !Comment::any_deletable()) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to manage any comments.", "comments")); } fallback($_GET['query'], ""); list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "body LIKE :query"); $where[] = "status != 'spam'"; $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!$visitor->group->can("edit_comment", "delete_comment", true)) { $where["user_id"] = $visitor->id; } $admin->display("manage_comments", array("comments" => new Paginator(Comment::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)), 25))); }
function autokeyword($updatedb = 0) { $this->detail_data(); $fields = read_cache('fields', $this->archive['chid']); if ($fields['keywords']['available'] && $this->channel['autokeyword'] && empty($this->archive['keywords']) && !empty($this->archive[$this->channel['autokeyword']])) { $keywords = autokeyword($this->archive[$this->channel['autokeyword']]); $this->updatefield('keywords', keywords(addslashes($keywords)), 'main'); } unset($fields, $keywords); $updatedb && $this->updatedb(); }
/** * Function: search * Grabs the posts for a search query. */ public function search() { fallback($_GET['query'], ""); $config = Config::current(); if ($config->clean_urls and substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") and !substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "%2F")) { # Searches with / and clean URLs = server 404 redirect("search/" . urlencode($_GET['query']) . "/"); } if (empty($_GET['query'])) { return Flash::warning(__("Please enter a search term.")); } list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "post_attributes.value LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query", "posts"); $results = Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); $ids = array(); foreach ($results[0] as $result) { $ids[] = $result["id"]; } if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = new Paginator(Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => array("id" => $ids))), $this->post_limit); } else { $posts = new Paginator(array()); } $this->display(array("pages/search", "pages/index"), array("posts" => $posts, "search" => $_GET['query']), fix(_f("Search results for \"%s\"", array($_GET['query'])))); }
$a_field->deal('archivenew'); if (!empty($a_field->error)) { $c_upload->rollback(); amessage($a_field->error, axaction(2, M_REFERER)); } $archivenew[$k] = $a_field->newvalue; } } } } unset($a_field); $cu_ret = cu_fields_deal($channel['cuid'], 'archivenew', $aedit->archive); !empty($cu_ret) && amessage($cu_ret, axaction(2, M_REFERER)); $aedit->edit_cudata($archivenew, 1); if (isset($archivenew['keywords'])) { $archivenew['keywords'] = keywords($archivenew['keywords'], $aedit->archive['keywords']); } if ($fields['abstract']['available'] && $channel['autoabstract'] && empty($archivenew['abstract']) && isset($archivenew[$channel['autoabstract']])) { $archivenew['abstract'] = autoabstract($archivenew[$channel['autoabstract']]); } if ($fields['thumb']['available'] && $channel['autothumb'] && empty($archivenew['thumb']) && isset($archivenew[$channel['autothumb']])) { $archivenew['thumb'] = $c_upload->thumb_pick(stripslashes($archivenew[$channel['autothumb']]), $fields[$channel['autothumb']]['datatype'], $fields['thumb']['rpid']); } if ($channel['autosize'] && isset($archivenew[$channel['autosize']]) && $archivenew[$channel['autosize']] != addslashes($aedit->archive[$channel['autosize']])) { $archivenew['atmsize'] = atm_size(stripslashes($archivenew[$channel['autosize']]), $fields[$channel['autosize']]['datatype'], $channel['autosizemode']); $aedit->updatefield('atmsize', $archivenew['atmsize'], 'main'); } if ($channel['autobyte'] && isset($archivenew[$channel['autobyte']])) { $archivenew['bytenum'] = atm_byte(stripslashes($archivenew[$channel['autobyte']]), $fields[$channel['autobyte']]['datatype']); $aedit->updatefield('bytenum', $archivenew['bytenum'], 'main'); }
<?php include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); include_once('ressources/'); $user=new usersMenus(); if($user->AsPostfixAdministrator==false){ $tpl=new templates(); echo "alert('". $tpl->javascript_parse_text("{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}")."');"; die();exit(); } if(isset($_GET["tabs"])){tabs();exit;} if(isset($_GET["keywords"])){keywords();exit;} if(isset($_GET["keywords-popup"])){keywords_add_popup();exit;} if(isset($_GET["keywords-list"])){keywords_list();exit;} if(isset($_POST["keywords-save"])){keywords_add();exit;} if(isset($_GET["keywords-edit"])){keywords_edit();exit;} if(isset($_GET["keywords-edit-save"])){keywords_edit_save();exit;} if(isset($_GET["SimpleKeywordDisable"])){SimpleKeywordDisable();exit;} if(isset($_GET["SimpleWordsDelete"])){SimpleWordsDelete();exit;} js(); function js(){ $tpl=new templates(); $page=CurrentPageName(); $title=$tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("{APP_SPAMASSASSIN}::{block_keywords}"); echo "YahooWin3('700','$page?tabs=yes','$title');";
echo "</select>"; } if ($id_politico) { $tamanho = 3; $numero = 3; $consulta = $consulta . " WHERE v2.id_politico = '{$id_politico}'"; } echo "<br />"; $input1 = ''; $consulta1 = $consulta . " AND v2.id_voto_tipo = 'Sim'"; //$consulta = $consulta." ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT 0,2000"; $sql_votacao1 = mysql_query($consulta1) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row_votacao1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_votacao1)) { $input1 = $input1 . ' ' . $row_votacao1[0]; } $input2 = ''; $consulta2 = $consulta . " AND v2.id_voto_tipo = 'Não'"; //$consulta = $consulta." ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT 0,2000"; $sql_votacao2 = mysql_query($consulta2) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row_votacao2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql_votacao2)) { $input2 = $input2 . ' ' . $row_votacao2[0]; } echo "<div style='width:50%;float:left;'>"; echo "<h1 class='verde'>SIM</h1>"; keywords($input1, 1, 10, 'verde'); echo "</div>"; echo "<div style='width:50%;float:right;text-align:right;'>"; echo "<h1 class='vermelho'>NÃO</h1>"; keywords($input2, 1, 10, 'vermelho'); echo "</div>"; echo "<div style='clear:both;'> </div>";
<?php echo "<div class='divisao'>Proposições</div>"; $conta_proposicao = 1; $input = ''; echo "<table border=1 class='tabelas'>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>N<sup>o</sup></td>\n\t\t<td>Título</td>\n\t\t<td>Data</td>\n\t\t<td>Casa</td>\t\n\t\t<td>Número</td>\n\t\t<td>Tipo</td>\t\n\t\t<td>Ementa</td>\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t</tr>"; foreach ($sparql11 as $row) { $data = $row['data']; if ($data == '01/01/1970') { $data = '-'; } echo "\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>{$conta_proposicao}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $row['titulo'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $data . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $row['casa'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $row['numero'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $row['tipo'] . " - " . $row['descricao_tipo'] . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . $row['ementa'] . "</td>\n\t\t</tr>"; $conta_proposicao++; $input = $input . ' ' . $row['ementa']; } echo "</table>"; echo "<br />"; keywords($input, 3, 5, 'azul');
"> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="<?php echo bu::pub('default.css'); ?> "> <link href=',latin' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="<?php echo bu::pub('favicon.png'); ?> "> <title><?php echo title(); ?> </title> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php echo is_array(keywords()) ? implode(', ', keywords()) : keywords(); ?> "> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="col-md-10 col-md-push-1"> <div id='header'> Большая поваренная книга программиста. </div> <div class="row"> <div id='sub_header'> <?php echo view('menu'); ?>
echo ' 个'; } elseif (is_tag()) { $description = strip_tags(tag_description()); echo trim($description); } else { $description = strip_tags(term_description()); echo trim($description); } } ?> <meta name="description" content="<?php description(); ?> "> <meta name="keywords" content="<?php keywords(); ?> "> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <?php if (is_404()) { ?> <meta http-equiv='refresh' content=5;URL="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?> "> <?php } ?> <?php wp_head();
public function search() { if (empty($_GET['query'])) { exit; } # TODO $config = Config::current(); if ($config->clean_urls and substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") and !substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "%2F")) { # Searches with / and clean URLs = server 404 redirect("search/" . urlencode($_GET['query']) . "/"); } if (empty($_GET['query'])) { return Flash::warning(__("Please enter a search term.")); } list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "name LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query", "extensions"); $extensions = Extension::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "description LIKE :query OR tags LIKE :query", "versions"); $versions = Version::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "body LIKE :query", "notes"); $notes = Note::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); $this->display("extend/search", array("extensions" => new Paginator($extensions, 25, "extensions_page"), "versions" => new Paginator($versions, 25, "versions_page"), "notes" => new Paginator($notes, 25, "notes_page"), "search" => $_GET['query']), fix(_f("Search results for \"%s\"", $_GET['query']))); }
if ($curuser->pmbypmids('field', $a_field->field['pmid'])) { $a_field->deal('archiveadd'); if (!empty($a_field->error)) { $c_upload->rollback(); mcmessage($a_field->error, axaction(2, M_REFERER)); } $archiveadd[$k] = $a_field->newvalue; } } } unset($a_field); $oldarr = array(); $cu_ret = cu_fields_deal($channel['cuid'], 'archiveadd', $oldarr); $cu_ret && mcmessage($cu_ret, axaction(2, M_REFERER)); if (isset($archiveadd['keywords'])) { $archiveadd['keywords'] = keywords($archiveadd['keywords']); } $fields['author']['available'] && ($archiveadd['author'] = empty($archiveadd['author']) ? $curuser->info['mname'] : $archiveadd['author']); if ($fields['abstract']['available'] && !$fields['abstract']['isadmin'] && $channel['autoabstract'] && empty($archiveadd['abstract']) && isset($archiveadd[$channel['autoabstract']])) { $archiveadd['abstract'] = autoabstract($archiveadd[$channel['autoabstract']]); } if ($fields['thumb']['available'] && !$fields['thumb']['isadmin'] && $channel['autothumb'] && empty($archiveadd['thumb']) && isset($archiveadd[$channel['autothumb']])) { $field = read_cache('field', $chid, 'thumb'); $archiveadd['thumb'] = $c_upload->thumb_pick(stripslashes($archiveadd[$channel['autothumb']]), $fields[$channel['autothumb']]['datatype'], $fields['thumb']['rpid']); } if ($channel['autosize'] && !empty($archiveadd[$channel['autosize']])) { $archiveadd['atmsize'] = atm_size(stripslashes($archiveadd[$channel['autosize']]), $fields[$channel['autosize']]['datatype'], $channel['autosizemode']); $sqlmain .= ",atmsize='" . $archiveadd['atmsize'] . "'"; } if ($channel['autobyte'] && isset($archiveadd[$channel['autobyte']])) { $archiveadd['bytenum'] = atm_byte(stripslashes($archiveadd[$channel['autobyte']]), $fields[$channel['autobyte']]['datatype']);
public function search() { fallback($_GET['query'], ""); $config = Config::current(); if ($config->clean_urls and substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "?") and !substr_count($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], "%2F")) { # Searches with / and clean URLs = server 404 redirect("search/" . urlencode($_GET['query']) . "/"); } if (empty($_GET['query'])) { return Flash::warning(__("Please enter a search term.")); } list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "title LIKE :query OR description LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query", "tickets"); $tickets = Ticket::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params, "done" => true)); list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "body LIKE :query", "revisions"); $revisions = Revision::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); list($where, $params) = keywords($_GET['query'], "name LIKE :query", "milestones"); $milestones = Milestone::find(array("placeholders" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); $this->display("progress/search", array("tickets" => new Paginator($tickets, 25, "tickets_page"), "revisions" => new Paginator($revisions, 25, "revisions_page"), "milestones" => new Paginator($milestones, 25, "milestones_page"), "search" => $_GET['query']), fix(_f("Search results for \"%s\"", $_GET['query']))); }
/** * Function: export * Export posts, pages, etc. */ public function export() { if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("add_post")) { show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to export content.")); } if (empty($_POST)) { return $this->display("export"); } $config = Config::current(); $trigger = Trigger::current(); $route = Route::current(); $exports = array(); if (isset($_POST['posts'])) { list($where, $params) = keywords($_POST['filter_posts'], "post_attributes.value LIKE :query OR url LIKE :query", "post_attributes"); if (!empty($_GET['month'])) { $where["created_at like"] = $_GET['month'] . "-%"; } $visitor = Visitor::current(); if (!$visitor->group->can("view_draft", "edit_draft", "edit_post", "delete_draft", "delete_post")) { $where["user_id"] = $visitor->id; } $results = Post::find(array("placeholders" => true, "drafts" => true, "where" => $where, "params" => $params)); $ids = array(); foreach ($results[0] as $result) { $ids[] = $result["id"]; } if (!empty($ids)) { $posts = Post::find(array("drafts" => true, "where" => array("id" => $ids), "order" => "id ASC"), array("filter" => false)); } else { $posts = new Paginator(array()); } $latest_timestamp = 0; foreach ($posts as $post) { if (strtotime($post->created_at) > $latest_timestamp) { $latest_timestamp = strtotime($post->created_at); } } $id = substr(strstr($config->url, "//"), 2); $id = str_replace("#", "/", $id); $id = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote(parse_url($config->url, PHP_URL_HOST)) . ")/", "\\1," . date("Y", $latest_timestamp) . ":", $id, 1); $posts_atom = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= '<feed xmlns="" xmlns:chyrp="">' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <title>' . fix($config->name) . ' Posts</title>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <subtitle>' . fix($config->description) . '</subtitle>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <id>tag:' . parse_url($config->url, PHP_URL_HOST) . ',' . date("Y", $latest_timestamp) . ':Chyrp</id>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <updated>' . date("c", $latest_timestamp) . '</updated>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <link href="' . $config->url . '" rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" />' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <generator uri="" version="' . CHYRP_VERSION . '">Chyrp</generator>' . "\r"; foreach ($posts as $post) { $title = fix($post->title(), false); fallback($title, ucfirst($post->feather) . " Post #" . $post->id); $updated = $post->updated ? $post->updated_at : $post->created_at; $tagged = substr(strstr(url("id/" . $post->id), "//"), 2); $tagged = str_replace("#", "/", $tagged); $tagged = preg_replace("/(" . preg_quote(parse_url($post->url(), PHP_URL_HOST)) . ")/", "\\1," . when("Y-m-d", $updated) . ":", $tagged, 1); $url = $post->url(); $posts_atom .= ' <entry xml:base="' . fix($url) . '">' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <title type="html">' . $title . '</title>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <id>tag:' . $tagged . '</id>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <updated>' . when("c", $updated) . '</updated>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <published>' . when("c", $post->created_at) . '</published>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <link href="' . fix($trigger->filter($url, "post_export_url", $post)) . '" />' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <author chyrp:user_id="' . $post->user_id . '">' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <name>' . fix(oneof($post->user->full_name, $post->user->login)) . '</name>' . "\r"; if (!empty($post->user->website)) { $posts_atom .= ' <uri>' . fix($post->user->website) . '</uri>' . "\r"; } $posts_atom .= ' <chyrp:login>' . fix($post->user->login) . '</chyrp:login>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' </author>' . "\r"; $posts_atom .= ' <content>' . "\r"; foreach ($post->attributes as $key => $val) { $posts_atom .= ' <' . $key . '>' . fix($val) . '</' . $key . '>' . "\r"; } $posts_atom .= ' </content>' . "\r"; foreach (array("feather", "clean", "url", "pinned", "status") as $attr) { $posts_atom .= ' <chyrp:' . $attr . '>' . fix($post->{$attr}) . '</chyrp:' . $attr . '>' . "\r"; } $trigger->filter($posts_atom, "posts_export", $post); $posts_atom .= ' </entry>' . "\r"; } $posts_atom .= '</feed>' . 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$id_politico2 = $row3[0]; $politician = $row3[1]; $quantidade = ''; $sql444 = mysql_query("SELECT quantidade FROM eleicao_voto_politico WHERE id_politico = '{$id_politico2}' AND id_cidade = '{$id_cidade}'"); while ($row444 = mysql_fetch_row($sql444)) { $quantidade = '- ' . $row444[0] . ' votos'; } echo "<option value={$id_politico2}"; if ($id_politico == $id_politico2) { echo " SELECTED"; } echo ">{$politician} {$quantidade}</option>"; } echo "</select>"; } if ($id_politico) { $tamanho = 3; $numero = 3; $consulta = $consulta . " AND pr.id_politico = '{$id_politico}'"; } echo "<br />"; echo "<br />"; $input = ''; $consulta = $consulta . " ORDER BY data DESC LIMIT 0,2000"; $sql_proposicao = mysql_query($consulta) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row_proposicao = mysql_fetch_array($sql_proposicao)) { //echo $row_proposicao['ementa']; $input = $input . ' ' . $row_proposicao['ementa']; } keywords($input, $numero, $tamanho, 'azul');