function __construct($validate = TRUE) { parent::__construct(); // load all the helpers we need $this->load->library('form'); $this->load->helper('convert'); $this->load->helper('ajax'); $this->load->helper('cookie'); $this->load->helper('inflector'); //$this->load->helper('string'); already loaded in autoload $this->load->helper('text'); // load main fuel config $this->load->module_config(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel', TRUE); // load the authentication library $this->load->module_library(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_auth'); // set the language based on first the users profile and then what is in the config... (FYI... fuel_auth is loaded in the hooks) $language = $this->fuel_auth->user_data('language'); // in case the language field doesn't exist... due to older fersions' if (empty($language) or !is_string($language)) { $language = $this->config->item('language'); } // load this language file first because fuel_modules needs it $this->load->module_language(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel', $language); // now load the other languages $this->_load_languages(); // now load the fuel modules information $this->load->module_library(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_modules'); // load assets $this->config->load('asset'); // load fuel helper $this->load->module_helper(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel'); // check any remote host or IP restrictions first if (!$this->config->item('admin_enabled', 'fuel') or $this->config->item('restrict_to_remote_ip', 'fuel') and !in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->config->item('restrict_to_remote_ip', 'fuel'))) { show_404(); } // set asset output settings $this->asset->assets_output = $this->config->item('fuel_assets_output', 'fuel'); if ($validate) { $this->_check_login(); } $this->load->model(FUEL_FOLDER . '/logs_model'); $this->load->helpers(array('ajax', 'date')); // set up default variables $load_vars = array('js' => '', 'css' => $this->_load_css(), 'js_controller_params' => array(), 'keyboard_shortcuts' => $this->config->item('keyboard_shortcuts', 'fuel'), 'nav' => $this->_nav(), 'modules_allowed' => $this->config->item('modules_allowed', 'fuel'), 'page_title' => $this->_page_title()); if ($validate) { $load_vars['user'] = $this->fuel_auth->user_data(); $load_vars['session_key'] = $this->fuel_auth->get_session_namespace(); } $this->js_controller_path = js_path('', FUEL_FOLDER); $this->load->vars($load_vars); $this->_load_js_localized(); // set asset paths //$this->asset->assets_module = FUEL_FOLDER; $this->asset->assets_folders = array('images' => 'images/', 'css' => 'css/', 'js' => 'js/'); $this->_last_page(); }
/** * add_news. * * Displays a default list of news articles. The nbumber of articles displayed is managed via * the news.default_article_count setting. * * @return <void> This function outputs to the Template::render() function * */ public function add_news() { $settings = $this->_settings; if ($this->input->post('submit')) { $this->load->module('news/content'); $uploadData = array(); $upload = true; if (isset($_FILES['attachment']) && is_array($_FILES['attachment']) && $_FILES['attachment']['error'] != 4) { $uploadData = $this->content->handle_upload(); if (isset($uploadData['error']) && !empty($uploadData['error'])) { $upload = false; } } if (count($uploadData) > 0 && $upload || count($uploadData) == 0 && $upload) { if ($id = $this->content->save_article($uploadData)) { $article = $this->news_model->find($id); $this->load->model('activities/activity_model'); $this->activity_model->log_activity($this->current_user->id, 'Created Article: ' . $article->id, 'news'); Template::set_message('Article successfully submitted. It will be reviewed by the news moderator.', 'success'); Template::set_view('index'); Template::render(); } else { Template::set_message('There was a problem creating the article: ' . $this->news_model->error); } } else { Template::set_message('There was a problem saving the file attachment: ' . $uploadData['error']); } } if ($settings['news.public_submissions'] == 1) { $showForm = true; if ($settings['news.public_submitters'] == 1) { $cookie = unserialize($this->input->cookie($this->config->item('sess_cookie_name'))); $showForm = isset($cookie['logged_in']); $error = 'You must be <a href="' . site_url('/login/') . '">logged in</a> to post news to this site.'; unset($cookie); } if ($showForm) { $this->load->helper('form'); Assets::add_css(array(Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/skins/markitup/style.css'), Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/sets/default/style.css'), css_path() . 'chosen.css', css_path() . 'bootstrap-datepicker.css')); Assets::add_js(array(Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/jquery.markitup.js'), Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/sets/default/set.js'), js_path() . 'chosen.jquery.min.js', js_path() . 'bootstrap-datepicker.js')); Template::set('public', true); Template::set('settings', $settings); Template::set('toolbar_title', lang('us_create_news')); Template::set_view('content/news_form'); Template::render(); } else { show_error($error, 501, 'Form Access Error'); } } else { show_error('<h2>Sorry</h2><br />Public news submissions are not currently available.<br /><a href="' . site_url() . '">Return to the site</a>.', 501, 'Public News Submission not available'); } }
/** * Checks Auth Permissions and setups all java-scripts and other stuff * * @property CI_Pagination $pagination * @property MY_Model $my_model * @property news_model $news_model * @property author_model $author_model * * @return void */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->auth->restrict('News.Content.View'); $this->load->model('news/news_model'); $this->load->model('news/author_model'); $this->load->helper('news'); $this->lang->load('news'); $this->load->helper('author'); $this->load->library('pagination'); $this->_settings = $this->settings_model->select('name,value')->find_all_by('module', 'news'); Assets::add_css(array(Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/skins/markitup/style.css'), Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/sets/default/style.css'), css_path() . 'chosen.css', css_path() . 'bootstrap-datepicker.css')); Assets::add_js(array(Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/jquery.markitup.js'), Template::theme_url('js/editors/markitup/sets/default/set.js'), js_path() . 'chosen.jquery.min.js', js_path() . 'bootstrap-datepicker.js')); $the_path = $this->_settings['news.upload_dir_path']; $this->_news_dir = realpath($the_path); if (!is_dir($this->_news_dir) && !is_writeable($this->_news_dir)) { Template::set_message('Attachment Upload Directory is not write-able: ' . $this->_news_dir, 'error'); log_message('error', 'Attachment Upload Directory is not write-able: ' . $this->_news_dir); } Template::set_block('sub_nav', 'content/_sub_nav'); }
<meta http-equiv= 'pragma' content='no-cache' /> <meta name='robots' content='all' /> </head> <body> <br clear="all" /> <!-- START CONTENT --> <div id="content"> <?php echo $body; ?> </div> <!-- END CONTENT --> <script language="javascript"> SyntaxHighlighter.config['clipboardSwf'] = '<?php echo js_path('clipboard.swf', 'user_guide'); ?> '; SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['gutter'] = false; SyntaxHighlighter.all(); </script> </body> </html>
/** * Retrieve the info for a module * * @access public * @param string module name (optional) * @return array */ public function info($prop = NULL) { if (empty($this->_init)) { $inits = Fuel_modules::get_all_module_configs(); if (isset($inits[$this->module])) { $this->_init = $inits[$this->module]; } } if (empty($this->_info)) { $this->CI->load->helper('inflector'); $this->CI->load->helper('string'); $defaults = array('module_name' => humanize($this->module), 'module_uri' => $this->module, 'model_name' => $this->module . '_model', 'model_location' => '', 'view_location' => '', 'display_field' => '', 'preview_path' => '', 'views' => array('list' => 'modules/module_list', 'create_edit' => 'modules/module_create_edit', 'delete' => 'modules/module_delete'), 'permission' => array($this->module, 'create', 'edit', 'publish', 'delete', 'export'), 'js_controller' => 'fuel.controller.BaseFuelController', 'js_controller_path' => '', 'js_controller_params' => array(), 'js_localized' => array(), 'js' => '', 'edit_method' => 'find_one_array', 'instructions' => lang('module_instructions_default', strtolower(humanize($this->module))), 'filters' => array(), 'archivable' => TRUE, 'table_headers' => array(), 'table_actions' => array('EDIT', 'VIEW', 'DELETE'), 'item_actions' => array('save', 'view', 'publish', 'activate', 'delete', 'duplicate', 'replace', 'create'), 'list_actions' => array(), 'rows_selectable' => TRUE, 'precedence_col' => 'precedence', 'clear_cache_on_save' => TRUE, 'create_action_name' => lang('btn_create'), 'configuration' => '', 'nav_selected' => NULL, 'default_col' => NULL, 'default_order' => NULL, 'sanitize_input' => TRUE, 'sanitize_files' => FALSE, 'displayonly' => FALSE, 'language' => '', 'language_col' => 'language', 'hidden' => FALSE, 'disabled' => FALSE, 'icon_class' => '', 'folder' => '', 'exportable' => FALSE, 'limit_options' => array('50' => '50', '100' => '100', '200' => '200'), 'advanced_search' => FALSE, 'disable_heading_sort' => FALSE, 'description' => '', 'search_field' => '', 'pages' => array()); $info = array(); foreach ($defaults as $key => $val) { if (isset($this->_init[$key])) { $info[$key] = $this->_init[$key]; } else { $info[$key] = $val; } } // icon class for module if (empty($info['icon_class'])) { $info['icon_class'] = 'ico_' . url_title(str_replace('/', '_', $info['module_uri']), '_', TRUE); } // localize certain fields if (empty($info['module_name']) and $module_name = lang('module_' . $this->module)) { $info['module_name'] = $module_name; } // set proper jqxController name if (is_array($info['js_controller'])) { if (empty($info['js_controller_path'])) { $info['js_controller_path'] = js_path('', key($info['js_controller'])); } $info['js_controller'] = current($info['js_controller']); } else { if (is_string($info['js_controller']) and strpos($info['js_controller'], '.') === FALSE) { //$info['js_controller'] = 'fuel.controller.'.$info['js_controller']; $info['js_controller'] = $info['js_controller']; } } // convert slashes to jqx object periods $info['js_controller'] = str_replace('/', '.', $info['js_controller']); // set the base path to the controller file if still empty if (empty($info['js_controller_path'])) { $info['js_controller_path'] = js_path('', FUEL_FOLDER); } if ($create_action_name = lang('module_' . $this->module . '_create')) { $info['create_action_name'] = $create_action_name; } $this->_info = $info; // must be done after the above if (empty($this->_info['display_field'])) { $fields = $this->model()->fields(); // loop through the fields and find the first column that doesn't have id or _id at the end of it for ($i = 1; $i < count($fields); $i++) { if (substr($fields[$i], -3) != '_id') { $this->_info['display_field'] = $fields[$i]; break; } } if (empty($this->_info['display_field'])) { $this->_info['display_field'] = $fields[1]; } // usually the second field is the display_field... first is the id } } if (empty($prop)) { return $this->_info; } else { if (isset($this->_info[$prop])) { return $this->_info[$prop]; } else { return FALSE; } } }
function theme_js_path($asset_name) { return js_path($asset_name, '_theme_'); }
function fuelify($output) { // if not logged in then we remove the markers if (!$this->_CI->config->item('admin_enabled', 'fuel') or $this->variables('fuelified') === FALSE or !$this->_fuelified or empty($output) or defined('FUELIFY') and FUELIFY === FALSE) { return $this->remove_markers($output); } $this->_CI->load->library('session'); // add top edit bar for fuel $this->_CI->config->module_load('fuel', 'fuel', TRUE); // render the markers to the proper html $output = $this->render_all_markers($output); // set main image and assets path before switching to fuel assets path $vars['init_params'] = array('assetsImgPath' => img_path(''), 'assetsPath' => assets_path('')); $this->_CI->asset->assets_path = $this->_CI->config->item('fuel_assets_path', 'fuel'); $this->_CI->load->helper('ajax'); $this->_CI->load->library('form'); $vars['page'] = $this->properties(); $vars['layouts'] = $this->_CI->fuel_layouts->layouts_list(TRUE); $editable_asset_types = $this->_CI->config->item('editable_asset_filetypes', 'fuel'); // add javascript $vars['init_params']['pageId'] = !empty($vars['page']['id']) ? $vars['page']['id'] : 0; $vars['init_params']['basePath'] = WEB_PATH; $vars['init_params']['imgPath'] = img_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['cssPath'] = css_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['jsPath'] = js_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['assetsAccept']['assetsAccept'] = !empty($editable_asset_types['media']) ? $editable_asset_types['media'] : 'jpg|gif|png'; // database specific... so we must check the fuel mode to see if we actually need to make a call to the database. // otherwise we get an error when the mode is set to views if ($this->_CI->config->item('fuel_mode', 'fuel') == 'views') { $vars['others'] = array(); } else { $this->_CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'pages_model'); $vars['others'] = $this->_CI->pages_model->get_others('location', $this->location, 'location'); } if (!$this->_fuelified_processed) { $inline_edit_bar = $this->_CI->load->module_view(FUEL_FOLDER, '_blocks/inline_edit_bar', $vars, TRUE); $output = str_replace('</head>', css('fuel_inline', 'fuel') . "\n</head>", $output); $output = str_replace('</body>', $inline_edit_bar . "\n</body>", $output); $this->_CI->config->set_item('assets_path', $this->_CI->config->item('assets_path')); } $this->_fuelified_processed = TRUE; return $output; }
" content="<?php echo $value; ?> " /> <?php } } } } /** * Check if Gumroad is enabled and if it is then add the Gumroad script */ function site_enable_purchase() { if (!DISABLE_GUMROAD) { site_script('', true); } } // Set Defaults // default site description site_description('Designing <strong>Professional WordPress Themes</strong> since 2007.'); // default site title site_title('Pro Theme Design - WordPress Themes and Plugins'); // default site page header title site_header_title('Pro Theme Design'); // default site og:type site_meta('og:type', 'website'); // default site scripts site_script(''); site_script(js_path('main.min.js'));
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo css_path(); ?> jquery/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.css"> <script src="<?php echo js_path(); ?> jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom.min.js"></script> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <style> .ui-autocomplete { position: absolute; cursor: default; } .ui-autocomplete-loading { background: white url('<?php echo base_url(); ?> assets/images/ui-anim_basic_16x16.gif') right center no-repeat; } </style> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> assets/css/chosen.css" /> <?php if (validation_errors()) { ?> <div class="alert alert-block alert-error fade in "> <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a> <h4 class="alert-heading">Please fix the following errors :</h4> <?php echo validation_errors(); ?> </div>
// to prevent some issues with loading jquery twice on the page if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ document.write('<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="<?php echo js_path('jquery/jquery', 'fuel'); ?> "><\/script>'); } </script> <script> // must be less then version 1.9 or we will load campatability helper var __jq_version__ = jQuery.fn.jquery.split('.'); if (parseInt(__jq_version__[0]) > 1 || (parseInt(__jq_version__[0]) == 1 && parseInt(__jq_version__[1]) >= 9)){ jQuery.migrateMute = true; document.write('<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="<?php echo js_path('jquery/plugins/jquery-migrate-1.1.1.js', 'fuel'); ?> "><\/script>'); } </script> <?php echo js('fuel/fuel_inline.min.js', 'fuel', array('ignore_if_loaded' => TRUE, 'output' => $this->fuel->config('fuel_assets_output'))); ?> <div class="__fuel__" id="__fuel_edit_bar__"> <?php echo $this->form->open(array('action' => fuel_url('pages/ajax_page_edit/'), 'method' => 'post', 'id' => '__fuel_edit_bar_form__')); ?> <div class="buttonbar buttonbar_notop">
/** * Retrieve the info for a module * * @access public * @param string module name * @return array */ public function info($module) { if (!empty($_cached[$module])) return $_cached[$module]; //if (!$this->is_allowed($module)) return FALSE; if (!isset($this->_modules[$module])) return FALSE; $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('inflector'); $CI->load->helper('string'); $defaults = array( 'module_name' => humanize($module), 'module_uri' => $module, 'model_name' => $module.'_model', 'model_location' => '', 'view_location' => '', 'display_field' => '', 'preview_path' => '', 'views' => array( 'list' => '_layouts/module_list', 'create_edit' => '_layouts/module_create_edit', 'delete' => '_layouts/module_delete'), 'permission' => $module, 'js_controller' => 'BaseFuelController', 'js_controller_path' => '', 'js_controller_params' => array(), 'js_localized' => array(), 'js' => '', 'edit_method' => 'find_one_array', 'instructions' => NULL, 'filters' => array(), 'archivable' => TRUE, 'table_headers' => array(), 'table_actions' => array('EDIT', 'VIEW', 'DELETE'), 'item_actions' => array('save', 'view', 'publish', 'activate', 'delete', 'duplicate', 'create'), 'list_actions' => array(), 'rows_selectable' => TRUE, 'precedence_col' => 'precedence', 'clear_cache_on_save' => TRUE, 'create_action_name' => lang('btn_create'), 'configuration' => '', 'nav_selected' => NULL, 'default_col' => NULL, 'default_order' => NULL, 'sanitize_input' => TRUE, 'sanitize_images' => TRUE, 'displayonly' => FALSE, 'language' => '', 'hidden' => FALSE, ); $return = array(); $params = $this->_modules[$module]; foreach ($defaults as $key => $val) { if (isset($params[$key])) { $return[$key] = $params[$key]; } else { $return[$key] = $val; } } // localize certain fields if ($module_name = lang('module_'.$module)) { $return['module_name'] = $module_name; } // set instructions if (empty($return['instructions'])) { $return['instructions'] = lang('module_instructions_default', strtolower($return['module_name'])); } // set proper jqxController name if (is_array($return['js_controller'])) { if (empty($return['js_controller_path'])) { $return['js_controller_path'] = js_path('', key($return['js_controller'])); } $return['js_controller'] = current($return['js_controller']); } else if (is_string($return['js_controller']) AND strpos($return['js_controller'], '.') === FALSE) { $return['js_controller'] = 'fuel.controller.'.$return['js_controller']; } // convert slashes to jqx object periods $return['js_controller'] = str_replace('/', '.', $return['js_controller']); // set the base path to the controller file if still empty if (empty($return['js_controller_path'])) { $return['js_controller_path'] = js_path('', FUEL_FOLDER); } if ($create_action_name = lang('module_'.$module.'_create')) { $return['create_action_name'] = $create_action_name; } $_cached[$module] = $return; return $return; }
<?php $config['modules']['social_icons'] = array('module_name' => 'Icons', 'module_uri' => 'social/icons', 'model_name' => 'social_icons_model', 'model_location' => 'social', 'display_field' => 'url', 'default_col' => 'name', 'preview_path' => '', 'permission' => 'social_icons', 'instructions' => lang('module_instructions_default', 'social icons'), 'archivable' => TRUE, 'configuration' => array('social' => 'social'), 'nav_selected' => 'social/icons', 'js_controller' => 'SocialController', 'js_controller_path' => js_path('', SOCIAL_FOLDER)); //EOF
?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo js_asset_url('jquery.tablesorter.min.js'); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo js_asset_url('bootstrap.min.js'); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo js_asset_url('chosen.jquery.min.js'); ?> "></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo js_path('manage.js'); ?> "></script> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <ul class="nav nav-pills"> <li> <a href="<?php echo site_url();
echo lang('cp_admin_title') . ' - ' . $template['title']; ?> </title> <base href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> " /> <!-- Mobile Viewport Fix --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0;"> <!-- Grab Google CDNs jQuery, fall back if necessary --> <script src=""></script> <script>!window.jQuery && document.write('<script src="<?php echo js_path('jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js'); ?> "><\/script>')</script> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> <?php echo $template['partials']['metadata']; ?> </head> <body> <noscript> PyroCMS requires that Javascript be turned on for many of the functions to work correctly. Please turn javascript on and reload the page. </noscript> <div id="page-wrapper">
<!-- CKEditor --> <?php echo js('ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { CKEDITOR.replaceAll( 'wysiwyg-advanced', { customConfig : '<?php echo js_path('ckeditor/config_advanced.js'); ?> ' }); CKEDITOR.replaceAll( 'wysiwyg-simple', { customConfig : '<?php echo js_path('ckeditor/config_simple.js'); ?> ' }); }); </script> <!-- /CKEditor -->
function fuelify($output) { // if not logged in then we remove the markers if (!$this->_CI->config->item('admin_enabled', 'fuel') OR $this->variables('fuelified') === FALSE OR !$this->_fuelified OR empty($output) OR (defined('FUELIFY') AND FUELIFY === FALSE)) { return $this->remove_markers($output); } $this->_CI->load->library('session'); $this->_CI->load->helper('convert'); // add top edit bar for fuel $this->_CI->config->module_load('fuel', 'fuel', TRUE); // render the markers to the proper html $output = $this->render_all_markers($output); // set main image and assets path before switching to fuel assets path $vars['init_params'] = array( 'assetsImgPath' => img_path(''), 'assetsPath' => assets_path(''), ); $this->_CI->asset->assets_path = $this->_CI->config->item('fuel_assets_path', 'fuel'); $this->_CI->load->helper('ajax'); $this->_CI->load->library('form'); $vars['page'] = $this->properties(); $vars['layouts'] = $this->_CI->fuel_layouts->layouts_list(TRUE); $last_page = uri_path(); if (empty($last_page)) $last_page = $this->_CI->config->item('default_home_view', 'fuel'); $vars['last_page'] = uri_safe_encode($last_page); $editable_asset_types = $this->_CI->config->item('editable_asset_filetypes', 'fuel'); // add javascript $vars['init_params']['pageId'] = (!empty($vars['page']['id']) ? $vars['page']['id'] : 0); $vars['init_params']['basePath'] = WEB_PATH; $vars['init_params']['imgPath'] = img_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['cssPath'] = css_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['jsPath'] = js_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['editor'] = $this->_CI->config->item('text_editor', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['editorConfig'] = $this->_CI->config->item('ck_editor_settings', 'fuel'); // load language files $this->_CI->load->module_language(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_inline_edit'); $this->_CI->load->module_language(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_js'); // json localization $vars['js_localized'] = json_lang('fuel/fuel_js'); $vars['assetsAccept']['assetsAccept'] = (!empty($editable_asset_types['media']) ? $editable_asset_types['media'] : 'jpg|gif|png'); // database specific... so we must check the fuel mode to see if we actually need to make a call to the database. // otherwise we get an error when the mode is set to views if ($this->_CI->config->item('fuel_mode', 'fuel') == 'views') { $vars['others'] = array(); } else { $this->_CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'pages_model'); $vars['others'] = $this->_CI->pages_model->get_others('location', $this->location, 'location'); } if (!$this->_fuelified_processed) { $inline_edit_bar = $this->_CI->load->module_view(FUEL_FOLDER, '_blocks/inline_edit_bar', $vars, TRUE); $output = preg_replace('#(</head>)#i', css('fuel_inline', 'fuel')."\n$1", $output); $output = preg_replace('#(</body>)#i', $inline_edit_bar."\n$1", $output); $this->_CI->config->set_item('assets_path', $this->_CI->config->item('assets_path')); } $this->_fuelified_processed = TRUE; return $output; }
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine & Chrome Frame --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <!-- Grab Google CDNs jQuery, fall back if necessary --> <script src=""></script> <script>!window.jQuery && document.write('<script src="<?php echo js_path('jquery/jquery.min.js'); ?>"><\/script>')</script> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> <?php echo css('admin/basic_layout.css'); ?> </head> <body> <?php $this->load->view('admin/partials/notices') ?> <?php echo $template['body']; ?> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <!-- Always force latest IE rendering engine & Chrome Frame --> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <title><?php echo lang('cp_admin_title').' - '.$template['title'];?></title> <base href="<?php echo base_url(); ?>" /> <!-- Mobile Viewport Fix --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> <!-- Grab Google CDNs jQuery, fall back if necessary --> <script src=""></script> <script>window.jQuery || document.write('<script src="<?php echo js_path('jquery/jquery.min.js'); ?>">\x3C/script>')</script> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> <?php file_partial('metadata'); ?> </head> <body> <noscript> <span class="noscript">PyroCMS requires that JavaScript be turned on for many of the functions to work correctly. Please turn JavaScript on and reload the page.</span> </noscript> <div id="page-wrapper"> <section id="sidebar" dir=<?php $vars = $this->load->_ci_cached_vars; echo $vars['lang']['direction']; ?>> <?php file_partial('header'); ?> <?php file_partial('navigation'); ?> <div id="lang-select">
/** * Creates javascript code that first tries to pull in jquery from the Google CDN, and if it doesn't exist, goes to the local backup version * * @access public * @param string jQuery version number for Google CDN * @param string local asset path to default version * @return string */ public function jquery($version = '1.7.1', $default = 'jquery') { $js = '<script src="//' . $version . '/jquery.min.js"></script>'; $js .= '<script>window.jQuery || document.write(\'<script src="' . js_path($default) . '"><\\/script>\');</script>'; return $js; }
if ($use_footer) { ?> <div id="footer"> <p> · <a href="#top">Top of Page</a> · <a href="<?php echo user_guide_url(); ?> ">User Guide Home</a> · </p> <p><a href="">FUEL CMS</a> · © Copyright <?php echo date('Y'); ?> · <a href="">Daylight Studio</a></p> </div> <?php } ?> <script language="javascript"> SyntaxHighlighter.config['clipboardSwf'] = '<?php echo js_path('', 'user_guide'); ?> clipboard.swf'; SyntaxHighlighter.defaults['gutter'] = false; SyntaxHighlighter.all(); </script> </body> </html>
function js_respond() { if (template_enable_oldie()) { ci()->load->helper('asset'); if (config_item('load_javascripts_from_source')) { $js_path = js_path('lib/respond/respond-1.3.0.js'); } else { $js_path = js_path('lib/respond/respond-1.3.0.min.js'); } return "\n <script type=\"text/javascript\">\n //<![CDATA[\n'(min-width:0)') || document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{$js_path}\"></scr' + 'ipt>');\n //]]>\n </script>"; } return ''; }
var jqx_config = {}; jqx_config.basePath = "<?php echo substr(site_url(), -1) != '/' ? site_url() . '/' : site_url(); ?> "; jqx_config.jsPath = "<?php echo js_path('', 'fuel'); ?> "; jqx_config.imgPath = "<?php echo img_path('', 'fuel'); ?> "; jqx_config.assetsImgPath = "<?php echo img_path(''); ?> "; jqx_config.assetsPath = "<?php echo assets_path(''); ?> "; jqx_config.jqxPath = jqx_config.jsPath + "jqx/"; jqx_config.controllerPath = <?php echo $this->js_controller_path; ?> ; jqx_config.pluginPath = jqx_config.jsPath + "jquery/"; jqx_config.helpersPath = jqx_config.jqxPath + 'helpers/'; jqx_config.pluginPath = jqx_config.jsPath + 'jquery/plugins/';
echo lang('cp_admin_title') . ' - ' . $template['title']; ?> </title> <base href="<?php echo base_url(); ?> " /> <!-- Mobile Viewport Fix --> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"> <!-- Grab Google CDNs jQuery, fall back if necessary --> <script src=""></script> <script>!window.jQuery && document.write('<script src="<?php echo js_path('jquery/jquery.js'); ?> "><\/script>')</script> <!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--> <?php echo $template['partials']['metadata']; ?> </head> <body> <noscript> PyroCMS requires that Javascript be turned on for many of the functions to work correctly. Please turn javascript on and reload the page. </noscript> <div id="page-wrapper">
/** * Returns the inline editing toolbar HTML * * @access public * @return void */ public function toolbar() { $user_lang = $this->fuel->auth->user_lang(); $this->fuel->load_language('fuel_inline_edit', $user_lang); $this->fuel->load_language('fuel_js', $user_lang); $vars['page'] = $this->fuel->page->properties(); $vars['layouts'] = $this->fuel->layouts->options_list(); $vars['language'] = $this->fuel->language->detect(); $vars['language_mode'] = $this->fuel->language->mode(); $vars['language_default'] = $this->fuel->language->default_option(); $vars['tools'] = $this->toolbar_tools(); $vars['js_localized'] = json_lang('fuel/fuel_js', $user_lang); $vars['is_fuelified'] = is_fuelified(); $vars['can_edit_pages'] = $this->CI->fuel->auth->has_permission('pages', 'edit'); if ($this->fuel->pages->mode() == 'views') { $vars['others'] = array(); } else { $location = uri_path(); $this->CI->load->module_model(FUEL_FOLDER, 'fuel_pages_model'); $vars['others'] = $this->CI->fuel_pages_model->get_others('location', $location, 'location'); } $vars['init_params']['pageId'] = !empty($vars['page']['id']) ? $vars['page']['id'] : 0; $vars['init_params']['pageLocation'] = !empty($vars['page']['location']) ? $vars['page']['location'] : uri_path(); $vars['init_params']['basePath'] = WEB_PATH; $vars['init_params']['cookiePath'] = $this->CI->fuel->config('fuel_cookie_path'); $vars['init_params']['imgPath'] = img_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['cssPath'] = css_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['jsPath'] = js_path('', 'fuel'); $vars['init_params']['editor'] = $this->fuel->config('text_editor'); $vars['init_params']['editorConfig'] = $this->fuel->config('ck_editor_settings'); $last_page = uri_path(); if (empty($last_page)) { $last_page = $this->fuel->config('default_home_view'); } $vars['last_page'] = uri_safe_encode($last_page); $output = $this->CI->load->module_view(FUEL_FOLDER, '_blocks/inline_edit_bar', $vars, TRUE); return $output; }