function edit_config() { $this->isset_cookie(); $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //pr($_POST);die; if (!empty($_POST)) { foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('config') . " set type='" . $v . "' where con_name='{$k}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } } if ($a) { js_redir('index.php?a=admin&m=main_right'); } else { js_alert('修改失败,请联系系统管理员'); } }
function edit_news() { $this->isset_cookie(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('article') . " set edit_by='" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "' where art_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); require_once MANAGE_MOD . 'uploaded_file.php'; $path = "/data/news_doc/"; $doc_src = uploaded_m_file($this->table_name('img'), 'original_src', 'file_url', $path); if (!empty($_POST['edit_doc'])) { foreach ($_POST['edit_doc'] as $k => $v) { if ($v == 1) { $sql = "select * from " . $this->table_name('img') . " where img_id='" . $_POST['img_id'][$k] . "' "; $img_b = getFetchAll($sql, $this->conn); if (!empty($img_b)) { @unlink('.' . $img_b[0]['original_src']); $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('img') . " set original_src='" . $doc_src[$k] . "',edit_by='" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "' where img_id='" . $_POST['img_id'][$k] . "' "; $c = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } else { $p = explode('-', $k); $sql = "insert into " . $this->table_name('img') . "(type_id,type,original_src,add_by ,add_time,edit_by,i8n) values('" . $id . "','A','" . $doc_src[$k] . "','" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "','" . $d . "','" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "','" . $p[1] . "')"; $c = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } } } } if ($a) { if (!empty($_POST['detail'])) { foreach ($_POST['detail'] as $k => $v) { $art_detail = addslashes(implode('":;"', $v)); $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('article_i8n') . " set art_detail='" . $art_detail . "' where art_i8n_id='" . $_POST['iid'][$k] . "'"; $b = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } } //$this->index(); js_redir('index.php?a=admin&m=main_right'); } else { js_alert('修改失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
function edit_config() { $this->isset_cookie(); $d = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); require_once MANAGE_MOD . 'uploaded_file.php'; $path = "/data/config_doc/"; $doc_src = uploaded_file($this->table_name('img'), 'original_src', 'file_url', $path); if ($_GET['id'] != '') { $id = $_GET['id']; $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('config') . " set con_name='" . $_POST['con_name'] . "' where con_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if ($_POST['edit_doc'] == 1) { $img_id = $_POST['img_id']; $sql = "select * from " . $this->table_name('img') . " where img_id='{$img_id}'"; $product = getFetchAll($sql, $this->conn); if (!empty($product)) { foreach ($product as $k => $v) { @unlink('.' . $v['original_src']); } } $sql = "delete from " . $this->table_name('img') . " where img_id='{$img_id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } if (!empty($doc_src)) { $sql = "insert into " . $this->table_name('img') . "(type_id,type,img_title,order_by,original_src,add_by ,add_time,edit_by) values('" . $id . "','CON','" . $_POST['img_name'] . "','" . $_POST['img_by'] . "','{$doc_src}','" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "','" . $d . "','" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "')"; $b = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } if ($a) { js_redir('index.php?a=admin&m=main_right'); } else { js_alert('修改失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
public function saveedit_area() { //保存产品 $id = getgpc("id"); if ($id) { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("joininfo_area") . " where id ='" . $id . "' "); if (!$res) { alert("错误,没有找到该数据", ""); } } $name = getgpc("name"); $tel = getgpc("tel"); $email = getgpc("email"); $join_name = getgpc("join_name"); $area = getgpc("area"); $displayorder = intval(getgpc("displayorder")); $status = intval(getgpc("status")); $indata = array("name" => $name, "join_name" => $join_name, "tel" => $tel, "area" => $area, "email" => $email, "displayorder" => $displayorder, "status" => $status); if (!$id) { $indata["gtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbinsert("joininfo_area", $indata); } else { $indata["uptime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbupdate("joininfo_area", $indata, array('id' => $id)); } js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=joininfo&act=area'"); }
function saveedit() { //保存修改 $id = intval(getgpc("id")); $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("news") . " where id='" . $id . "' and status >0"); if (!$res) { js_alert("错误,找不到该新闻"); } $title = trim(getgpc("title")); $en_title = trim(getgpc("en_title")); $intr = getgpc("intr"); $content = getgpc("content"); $showtime = getgpc("showtime"); $showtime = $showtime ? $showtime : date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $content_img1 = getgpc("content_img1"); $content_img2 = getgpc("content_img2"); $content_img3 = getgpc("content_img3"); $content_img4 = getgpc("content_img4"); $imgurl = trim(getgpc("imgurl")); $tags = trim(getgpc("tags")); $istop = intval(getgpc("istop")); $displayorder = intval(getgpc("displayorder")); $status = intval(getgpc("status")); $iskv = intval(getgpc("iskv")); if (!$title) { js_alert("请填写标题"); } if (!$intr) { js_alert("请填写简介"); } if (!$content) { js_alert("请填写内容"); } if (!$status) { js_alert("请选择状态"); } //数据正常,入库 $data = array('en_title' => $en_title, 'title' => $title, 'imgurl' => $imgurl, 'intr' => $intr, 'content' => $content, 'showtime' => $showtime, 'content_img1' => $content_img1, 'content_img2' => $content_img2, 'content_img3' => $content_img3, 'content_img4' => $content_img4, 'tags' => $tags, 'gtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'iskv' => $iskv, 'istop' => $istop, 'displayorder' => $displayorder, 'status' => $status); $this->db->where('id', $id); $this->db->update('news', $data); js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=news'"); }
public function saveedit() { //保存产品 $id = getgpc("id"); if ($id) { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("faq") . " where id ='" . $id . "' "); if (!$res) { alert("错误,没有找到该数据", ""); } } $name = getgpc("name"); $tel = getgpc("tel"); $email = getgpc("email"); $question = getgpc("question"); $displayorder = intval(getgpc("displayorder")); $status = intval(getgpc("status")); $indata = array("name" => $name, "tel" => $tel, "email" => $email, "question" => $question, "reply_sign" => 1, "displayorder" => $displayorder, "status" => $status); if (!$id) { $indata["gtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbinsert("faq", $indata); } else { $indata["reply"] = getgpc("reply"); $indata["reply_sign"] = 2; $indata["uptime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbupdate("faq", $indata, array('id' => $id)); } js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=faq&act=index'"); }
/** * 保存成员信息 */ function actionSave() { __TRY(); $this->_modelMembers->saveMember($_POST); $ex = __CATCH(); if (__IS_EXCEPTION($ex)) { return $this->_editMember($_POST, $ex->getMessage()); } js_alert(_T('ui_m_member_success'), '', $this->_url('index')); }
function del_user() { $this->isset_cookie(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $sql = "delete from " . $this->table_name('article') . " where art_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if ($a) { $this->index(); } else { js_alert('删除失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
/** * 保存帖子 */ function actionSave() { $post = array('post_id' => $_POST['post_id'], 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'body' => strip_tags($_POST['body'])); __TRY(); $this->_modelPosts->savePost($post); $ex = __CATCH(); if (__IS_EXCEPTION($ex)) { return $this->_editComment($post, $ex->getMessage()); } js_alert(_T('ui_c_success_post'), '', $this->_url('index')); }
/** * 保存帖子 */ function actionSave() { __TRY(); $this->_modelProjects->saveProject($_POST); $ex = __CATCH(); if (__IS_EXCEPTION($ex)) { return $this->_editProject($post, $ex->getMessage()); } js_alert(_T('ui_c_success_post'), '', $this->_url('index')); }
write_html_form("<div class='ecu_preview_file'><a href='{$filelink}'>{$target_name}</a><br />{$filecode}</div>"); if ($is_image) { write_html_form("<a href='{$filelink}' rel='lightbox[new]'><img class='ecu_preview_img' src='{$filelink}' /></a><br />"); } ecu_user_record_upload_time(); } else { $alert = "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"; } } } } } } // Alert the user of any errors if (isset($alert)) { js_alert($alert); } // Check upload against blacklist and return true unless it matches function filetype_blacklisted() { $blacklist = ecu_get_blacklist(); return preg_match("/\\.((" . implode('|', $blacklist) . ")|~)(\\.|\$)/i", $_FILES['file']['name']); } // Check upload against whitelist and return true if it matches function filetype_whitelisted() { if (get_option('ecu_file_extension_whitelist') === false) { return false; } $whitelist = get_option('ecu_file_extension_whitelist'); return preg_match("/^[^\\.]+\\.(" . implode('|', $whitelist) . ")\$/i", $_FILES['file']['name']);
public function saveedit() { //保存产品 $id = getgpc("id"); if ($id) { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("englandstyle") . " where id ='" . $id . "' "); if (!$res) { alert("错误,没有找到该数据", ""); } } $title = getgpc("title"); $showtime = getgpc("showtime"); $intr = getgpc("intr"); $content = getgpc("content"); $simgurl = getgpc("simgurl"); $imgurl = getgpc("imgurl"); $lovenum = getgpc("lovenum"); $displayorder = intval(getgpc("displayorder")); $status = intval(getgpc("status")); $indata = array("title" => $title, "showtime" => $showtime, "intr" => $intr, "content" => $content, "simgurl" => $simgurl, "imgurl" => $imgurl, "lovenum" => $lovenum, "displayorder" => $displayorder, "status" => $status); if (!$id) { // $indata["gtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbinsert("englandstyle", $indata); } else { $indata["uptime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbupdate("englandstyle", $indata, array('id' => $id)); } js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=englandstyle&act=index'"); }
function del_img() { isset_cookie(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $sql = "delete from aich_img where i_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if ($a) { $this->index(); } else { js_alert('删除失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
public function saveedit_city() { //保存门店 $id = getgpc("id"); $pid = getgpc("pid"); if ($id) { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("district") . " where id ='" . $id . "' "); if (!$res) { alert("错误,没有找到该数据", ""); } } $name = getgpc("name"); $status = getgpc("status"); if (empty($name)) { js_alert("请输入城市名称"); } $indata = array("name" => $name, "level" => 2, "usetype" => 0, "upid" => $pid, "status" => $status); if (!$id) { dbinsert("district", $indata); } else { dbupdate("district", $indata, array('id' => $id)); } alert("保存成功", "admin.php?mod=product&act=citylist&pid=" . $pid); }
public function saveedit() { $id = intval(getgpc("id")); $tid = intval(getgpc("tid")); $title = getgpc("title"); $stitle = getgpc("stitle"); $imgurl = getgpc("imgurl"); $intr = getgpc("intr"); $type = getgpc("type"); $url = getgpc("url"); // if(!empty($url)) // { // if(!strstr($url,"http://") and !strstr($url,"www") and !strstr($url,"index.php")) // { // $url="index.php".$url; // } // } // if(!is_numeric(substr($url, -1)) and $tid=='1') // { // js_alert("请输入相对应产品的ID号"); // } if (empty($imgurl) and $tid != '11' and $tid != 9) { js_alert("上传相应的图片"); } $con = getgpc("con"); $istop = getgpc("istop"); $displayorder = getgpc("displayorder"); $status = getgpc("status"); $indata = array('tid' => $tid, 'type' => $type, 'title' => $title, 'stitle' => $stitle, 'imgurl' => $imgurl, 'intr' => $intr, 'url' => $url, 'con' => $con, 'gtime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'postip' => json_encode(convertip()), "istop" => $istop, "displayorder" => $displayorder, "status" => $status); if (!$id) { //更新 dbinsert("indexpush", $indata); } else { //dbupdate("indexpush",$indata,"id='".$id."'"); dbupdate("indexpush", $indata, array('id' => $id)); } js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=indexpush&tid=" . $tid . "'"); }
public function save_employment_content() { //保存产品 $id = getgpc("id"); $pid = getgpc("pid"); if ($id) { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("employment_content") . " where id ='" . $id . "' "); if (!$res) { alert("错误,没有找到该数据", ""); } } $content = getgpc("content"); $istop = intval(getgpc("istop")); $displayorder = intval(getgpc("displayorder")); $status = intval(getgpc("status")); $indata = array('pid' => $pid, "content" => $content, "istop" => $istop, "displayorder" => $displayorder, "status" => $status); if (!$id) { // $indata["gtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbinsert("employment_content", $indata); } else { dbupdate("employment_content", $indata, array('id' => $id)); } js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=employment&act=content&pid=" . $pid . "'"); }
public function vxBlogLinkSave() { $return = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; header('Content-type: text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); if ($this->User->vxIsLogin()) { if (isset($_GET['weblog_id'])) { $weblog_id = intval($_GET['weblog_id']); $sql = "SELECT blg_id, blg_uid, blg_title, blg_links FROM babel_weblog WHERE blg_id = {$weblog_id}"; $rs = mysql_query($sql); if ($_weblog = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { mysql_free_result($rs); if ($_weblog['blg_uid'] == $this->User->usr_id) { if (isset($_POST['blg_links'])) { $blg_links = fetch_multi($_POST['blg_links']); if (strlen($blg_links) > 2048) { $_SESSION['babel_message_weblog'] = '链接描述文本过长'; } else { $blg_links = str_replace('\\|', '{$pipeline}', $blg_links); $blg_links_md5 = md5($blg_links); $_links = explode("\n", $blg_links); $links = array(); $category_current = ''; foreach ($_links as $entry) { $entry = trim($entry); if ($entry != '') { if (strpos($entry, '|') === false) { // This is a link category: $category_md5 = md5($entry); if (!in_array($category_md5, $links)) { $category_current = $category_md5; $links[$category_md5] = array(); $links[$category_md5]['category'] = str_replace('{$pipeline}', '\\|', $entry); $links[$category_md5]['links'] = array(); } } else { // This is a link: if ($category_current == '') { $category_current = md5('Blogroll'); $links[$category_current] = array(); $links[$category_current]['category'] = 'Blogroll'; $links[$category_current]['links'] = array(); } $_link_info = explode('|', $entry); $_link_info[0] = str_replace('{$pipeline}', '\\|', trim($_link_info[0])); $_link_info[1] = str_replace('{$pipeline}', '\\|', trim($_link_info[1])); if (mb_strlen($_link_info[1], 'UTF-8') > 7) { if (strtolower(mb_substr($_link_info[1], 0, 7, 'UTF-8')) != 'http://') { $_link_info[1] = 'http://' . $_link_info['1']; } } else { $_link_info[1] = 'http://' . $_link_info['1']; } $link_md5 = md5($_link_info[1]); $links[$category_current]['links'][$link_md5] = array(); $links[$category_current]['links'][$link_md5]['title'] = $_link_info[0]; $links[$category_current]['links'][$link_md5]['url'] = $_link_info[1]; } } } $links_sql = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize($links)); $sql = "UPDATE babel_weblog SET blg_links = '{$links_sql}' WHERE blg_id = {$weblog_id}"; mysql_unbuffered_query($sql); } return URL::vxToRedirect(URL::vxGetBlogLink($_weblog['blg_id'])); } else { return URL::vxToRedirect(URL::vxGetBlogLink($_weblog['blg_id'])); } } else { return js_alert('你没有权力对这个博客网站进行操作', '/blog/admin.vx'); } } else { mysql_free_result($rs); return js_alert('指定的博客网站没有找到', '/blog/admin.vx'); } } else { return js_alert('指定的博客网站没有找到', '/blog/admin.vx'); } } else { return js_alert('你还没有登录,请登录之后再进行操作', URL::vxGetLogin(URL::vxGetBlogAdmin())); } }
function saveedit() { $id = getgpc("id"); // $username=getgpc("username"); $tel = getgpc("tel"); $password = getgpc("password"); $tname = getgpc("tname"); $nicename = getgpc("nicename"); $sex = getgpc("sex"); $intr = getgpc("intr"); $pic = getgpc("pic"); $birthday = getgpc("birthday"); $weixun = getgpc("weixun"); $status = getgpc("status"); //if(!$tele){js_alert("请填写用户账号");} if (!$tel) { js_alert("请填写用户手机号码"); } if ($id) { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("user") . " where id='" . $id . "'"); if (!$res) { alert("错误,找不到该用户", ""); } } else { $res = fetch_one_array("select * from " . dbtable("user") . " where tel='" . $tel . "'"); if ($res) { alert("错误,该手机已存在", ""); } if (!$password) { js_alert("请填写用户密码"); } } //处理用户密码 $md5salt = $this->config->item("md5salt"); if ($password) { $password = md5($md5salt . $password); } if ($id) { $updata = array('tel' => $tel, 'status' => $status); if ($password) { $updata['password'] = $password; } $this->db->where('id', $id); $this->db->update('user', $updata); //更新信息表 $updata_info = array('tname' => $tname, 'nicename' => $nicename, 'sex' => $sex, 'intr' => $intr, 'pic' => $pic, 'birthday' => $birthday, 'weixun' => $weixun); $this->db->where('uid', $id); $this->db->update('user_info', $updata_info); } else { $salt = rand(100000, 999999); $user_token = "t" . md5($md5salt . $salt . "_" . $tel . time()); $indata = array('tel' => $tel, 'password' => $password, 'status' => $status, 'user_token' => $user_token); $this->db->insert('user', $indata); $uid = $this->db->insert_id(); $indata_info = array('uid' => $uid, 'tname' => $tname, 'nicename' => $nicename, 'sex' => $sex, 'intr' => $intr, 'pic' => $pic, 'birthday' => $birthday, 'weixun' => $weixun); $this->db->insert('user_info', $indata_info); $this->db->insert('user_set', array('uid' => $uid)); //初始化一个小孩的数据 /* if($sex=='男'){ $cdata=array('pid'=>$uid); }else{//默认是妈妈 $cdata=array('mid'=>$uid); } $this->db->insert('child_info', $cdata); //*/ //需要插入用户mongodb的用户信息数据 $mongo = getMyMongodb(); $mongo->insert("userMessages", array("userid" => $uid, "user_token" => $user_token)); } js_alert("保存成功", "top.location.href='?mod=user'"); }
function del_product() { $this->isset_cookie(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; $sql = "delete from " . $this->table_name('goods') . " where goods_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); $sql = "delete from " . $this->table_name('goods_i8n') . " where goods_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); $sql = "select * from " . $this->table_name('img') . " where type_id='{$id}' and type='P'"; $product = getFetchAll($sql, $this->conn); if (!empty($product)) { foreach ($product as $k => $v) { @unlink('.' . $v['original_src']); } } $sql = "delete from " . $this->table_name('img') . " where type_id='{$id}' and type='P'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); if ($a) { $this->index(); } else { js_alert('删除失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
function edit_order_type() { $this->isset_cookie(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { //order $orderid = $_GET['id']; $type = $_GET['type']; $sql_o = "update " . $this->table_name('order') . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tset type='{$type}'\n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere orderid='{$orderid}'"; $o = mysql_query($sql_o, $this->conn); // echo $sql_o;die; if ($o) { $this->index(); } else { js_alert('订单修改失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
function actionlogout() { session_destroy(); js_alert('退出成功!', 'history.back()'); }
function faq_save() { $name = getgpc("name"); $tel = getgpc("tel"); $email = getgpc("email"); $question = getgpc("question"); if (empty($name)) { js_alert("请输入姓名"); } if (empty($tel)) { js_alert("请输入联系电话"); } if (empty($email)) { js_alert("请输入Email"); } if (empty($question)) { js_alert("请输入问题描述"); } $indata = array("name" => $name, "tel" => $tel, "email" => $email, "question" => $question, "reply_sign" => 1, "displayorder" => 0, "status" => 1); $indata["gtime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); dbinsert("faq", $indata); js_alert("提交成功", "top.location.href='?c=home&m=faq'"); }
function edit_category() { $this->isset_cookie(); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = addslashes($_GET['id']); $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('category') . " set edit_by='" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "' where cat_id='{$id}'"; $a = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); require_once MANAGE_MOD . 'uploaded_file.php'; $path = "/data/category_doc/"; $doc_src = uploaded_m_file($this->table_name('img'), 'original_src', 'file_url', $path); if (!empty($_POST['edit_doc'])) { foreach ($_POST['edit_doc'] as $k => $v) { $sql = "select * from " . $this->table_name('img') . " where img_id='" . $_POST['img_id'][$k] . "' "; $img_b = getFetchAll($sql, $this->conn); if (!empty($img_b)) { if ($v == 1) { $img_sql = " , original_src='" . $doc_src[$k] . "' "; @unlink('.' . $img_b[0]['original_src']); } else { $img_sql = ""; } // order_by='".$_POST['order_by'][$k]."', $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('img') . " set original_link='" . $_POST['original_link'][$k] . "',is_show='" . $_POST['is_showi'][$k] . "',edit_by='" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "' " . $img_sql . " where img_id='" . $_POST['img_id'][$k] . "' "; } else { if ($v == 1) { $img_sql = ",original_link"; $img_sql1 = ",'" . $doc_src[$k] . "'"; } else { $img_sql = ""; $img_sql1 = ""; } $sql = "insert into " . $this->table_name('img') . "(type_id,type,original_link" . $img_sql . ",is_show,add_by ,add_time,edit_by) values('" . $id . "','C','" . $_POST['original_link'][$k] . "'" . $img_sql1 . ",'" . $_POST['is_showi'][$k] . "','" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "','" . $d . "','" . $_SESSION[$this->shop_name]['h_id'] . "')"; } $c = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } } if ($a) { if (!empty($_POST['detail'])) { foreach ($_POST['detail'] as $k => $v) { $art_detail = addslashes(implode('":;"', $v)); $sql = "update " . $this->table_name('category_i8n') . " set cat_detail='" . $art_detail . "' where cat_i8n_id='" . $_POST['iid'][$k] . "'"; $b = mysql_query($sql, $this->conn); } } js_redir('index.php?a=admin&m=main_right'); } else { js_alert('修改失败,请联系系统管理员'); } } else { js_alert_redir('登录错误请重新再试', 'index.php?a=main&m=login'); } }
if (!$_POST['username'] || !$_POST['password']){ $js_alert.=js_alert('Полетата \\\'Потребител\\\' и \\\'Парола\\\' са задължителни за попълване!'); } else { $username=trim($_POST['username']); $result = ConfirmUser($username, md5($_POST['password'])); if($result == 1) { logit("bad user name: $username"); $js_alert.=js_alert('Потребителят не съществува в базата!'); } elseif($result == 2) { logit("unactive user: $username"); $js_alert.=js_alert('Потребителят е с неактивно състояние.\\n Обърнете се към системния администратор!'); } elseif($result == 3) { logit("bad password! username=$username"); $js_alert.=js_alert('Невалидна парола!'); } $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $user_id=mysql_fetch_assoc(sql_q("select id, placement from users where username='******'")); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id['id']; $_SESSION['placement'] = $user_id['placement']; $_SESSION['password'] = md5($_POST['password']); } if(empty($js_alert)){ logit("loged in"); Header ("Location: Modules.php"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ip_info($_SESSION['username']); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exit;