Пример #1
function http_afficher_rendez_vous($date_heure, $date_fin)
  global $spip_lang_rtl;

	$dirpuce = _DIR_RACINE . 'dist';
	if (jour($date_heure) == jour($date_fin) AND mois($date_heure) == mois($date_fin) AND annee($date_heure) == annee($date_fin)) {		
	  echo "<p class='verdana2' style='text-align: center'>"._T('titre_rendez_vous')." ".majuscules(nom_jour($date_heure))." <b>".majuscules(affdate($date_heure))."</b><br />\n<b>".heures($date_heure)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_heure)."</b>";
	  echo " &nbsp; <img src='$dirpuce/puce$spip_lang_rtl.gif' alt=' ' style='border: 0px;' /> &nbsp;  ".heures($date_fin)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_fin)."</p>";
	} else {
	  echo "<p class='verdana2' style='text-align: center'>"._T('titre_rendez_vous')."<br />\n".majuscules(nom_jour($date_heure))." <b>".majuscules(affdate($date_heure))."</b>, <b>".heures($date_heure)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_heure)."</b>";
	  echo "<br />\n<img src='$dirpuce/puce$spip_lang_rtl.gif' alt=' ' style='border: 0px;' /> ".majuscules(nom_jour($date_fin))." ".majuscules(affdate($date_fin)).", <b>".heures($date_fin)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_fin)."</b></p>";
Пример #2
function afficher_jour_mois_annee_h_m($date, $heures, $minutes, $suffixe='')
    afficher_jour(jour($date), "name='jour$suffixe' id='jour$suffixe' size='1' class='verdana1'") .
    afficher_mois(mois($date), "name='mois$suffixe' id='mois$suffixe' size='1' class='verdana1'") .
    afficher_annee(annee($date), "name='annee$suffixe' id='annee$suffixe' class='verdana1'", date('Y')-1) .
    "&nbsp;  <input type='text' class='verdana1' name='heures$suffixe' id='heures$suffixe' value=\"".$heures."\" size='3'/>&nbsp;".majuscules(_T('date_mot_heures'))."&nbsp;" .
    "<input type='text' class='verdana1' name='minutes$suffixe' id='minutes$suffixe' value=\"$minutes\" size='3'/>";
Пример #3
 * Afficher de facon textuelle les dates de debut et fin en fonction des cas
 * - Le lundi 20 fevrier a 18h
 * - Le 20 fevrier de 18h a 20h
 * - Du 20 au 23 fevrier
 * - du 20 fevrier au 30 mars
 * - du 20 fevrier 2007 au 30 mars 2008
 * $horaire='oui' permet d'afficher l'horaire, toute autre valeur n'indique que le jour
 * $forme peut contenir abbr (afficher le nom des jours en abbrege) et ou hcal (generer une date au format hcal)
 * @param string $date_debut
 * @param string $date_fin
 * @param string $horaire
 * @param string $forme
 * @return string
function agenda_affdate_debut_fin($date_debut, $date_fin, $horaire = 'oui', $forme=''){
	static $trans_tbl=NULL;
	if ($trans_tbl==NULL){
		$trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table (HTML_ENTITIES);
		$trans_tbl = array_flip ($trans_tbl);
	$abbr = '';
	if (strpos($forme,'abbr')!==false) $abbr = 'abbr';
	$affdate = "affdate_jourcourt";
	if (strpos($forme,'annee')!==false) $affdate = 'affdate';
	$dtstart = $dtend = $dtabbr = "";
	if (strpos($forme,'hcal')!==false) {
		$dtstart = "<abbr class='dtstart' title='".date_iso($date_debut)."'>";
		$dtend = "<abbr class='dtend' title='".date_iso($date_fin)."'>";
		$dtabbr = "</abbr>";
	$date_debut = strtotime($date_debut);
	$date_fin = strtotime($date_fin);
	$d = date("Y-m-d", $date_debut);
	$f = date("Y-m-d", $date_fin);
	$h = $horaire=='oui';
	$hd = date("H:i",$date_debut);
	$hf = date("H:i",$date_fin);
	$au = " " . strtolower(_T('agenda:evenement_date_au'));
	$du = _T('agenda:evenement_date_du') . " ";
	$s = "";
	if ($d==$f)
	{ // meme jour
		$s = ucfirst(nom_jour($d,$abbr))." ".$affdate($d);
		if ($h)
			$s .= " $hd";
		$s = "$dtstart$s$dtabbr";
		if ($h AND $hd!=$hf) $s .= "-$dtend$hf$dtabbr";
	else if ((date("Y-m",$date_debut))==date("Y-m",$date_fin))
	{ // meme annee et mois, jours differents
		if ($h){
			$s = $du . $dtstart . affdate_jourcourt($d) . " $hd" . $dtabbr;
			$s .= $au . $dtend . $affdate($f);
			if ($hd!=$hf) $s .= " $hf";
			$s .= $dtabbr;
		else {
			$s = $du . $dtstart . jour($d) . $dtabbr;
			$s .= $au . $dtend . $affdate($f) . $dtabbr;
	else if ((date("Y",$date_debut))==date("Y",$date_fin))
	{ // meme annee, mois et jours differents
		$s = $du . $dtstart . affdate_jourcourt($d);
		if ($h) $s .= " $hd";
		$s .= $dtabbr . $au . $dtend . $affdate($f);
		if ($h) $s .= " $hf";
		$s .= $dtabbr;
	{ // tout different
		$s = $du . $dtstart . affdate($d);
		if ($h)
			$s .= " ".date("(H:i)",$date_debut);
		$s .= $dtabbr . $au . $dtend. affdate($f);
		if ($h)
			$s .= " ".date("(H:i)",$date_fin);
		$s .= $dtabbr;
	return unicode2charset(charset2unicode(strtr($s,$trans_tbl),''));	
Пример #4
 * Afficher de facon textuelle les dates de debut et fin en fonction des cas
 * - Lundi 20 fevrier a 18h
 * - Le 20 fevrier de 18h a 20h
 * - Du 20 au 23 fevrier
 * - Du 20 fevrier au 30 mars
 * - Du 20 fevrier 2007 au 30 mars 2008
 * $horaire='oui' ou true permet d'afficher l'horaire, toute autre valeur n'indique que le jour
 * $forme peut contenir une ou plusieurs valeurs parmi
 *  - abbr (afficher le nom des jours en abbrege)
 *  - hcal (generer une date au format hcal)
 *  - jour (forcer l'affichage des jours)
 *  - annee (forcer l'affichage de l'annee)
 * @param string $date_debut
 * @param string $date_fin
 * @param string $horaire
 * @param string $forme
 * @return string
function affdate_debut_fin($date_debut, $date_fin, $horaire = 'oui', $forme = '')
    $abbr = $jour = '';
    $affdate = "affdate_jourcourt";
    if (strpos($forme, 'abbr') !== false) {
        $abbr = 'abbr';
    if (strpos($forme, 'annee') !== false) {
        $affdate = 'affdate';
    if (strpos($forme, 'jour') !== false) {
        $jour = 'jour';
    $dtstart = $dtend = $dtabbr = "";
    if (strpos($forme, 'hcal') !== false) {
        $dtstart = "<abbr class='dtstart' title='" . date_iso($date_debut) . "'>";
        $dtend = "<abbr class='dtend' title='" . date_iso($date_fin) . "'>";
        $dtabbr = "</abbr>";
    $date_debut = strtotime($date_debut);
    $date_fin = strtotime($date_fin);
    $d = date("Y-m-d", $date_debut);
    $f = date("Y-m-d", $date_fin);
    $h = ($horaire === 'oui' or $horaire === true);
    $hd = _T('date_fmt_heures_minutes_court', array('h' => date("H", $date_debut), 'm' => date("i", $date_debut)));
    $hf = _T('date_fmt_heures_minutes_court', array('h' => date("H", $date_fin), 'm' => date("i", $date_fin)));
    if ($d == $f) {
        // meme jour
        $nomjour = nom_jour($d, $abbr);
        $s = $affdate($d);
        $s = _T('date_fmt_jour', array('nomjour' => $nomjour, 'jour' => $s));
        if ($h) {
            if ($hd == $hf) {
                // Lundi 20 fevrier a 18h25
                $s = spip_ucfirst(_T('date_fmt_jour_heure', array('jour' => $s, 'heure' => $hd)));
                $s = "{$dtstart}{$s}{$dtabbr}";
            } else {
                // Le <abbr...>lundi 20 fevrier de 18h00</abbr> a <abbr...>20h00</abbr>
                if ($dtabbr && $dtstart && $dtend) {
                    $s = spip_ucfirst(_T('date_fmt_jour_heure_debut_fin_abbr', array('jour' => $s, 'heure_debut' => $hd, 'heure_fin' => $hf, 'dtstart' => $dtstart, 'dtend' => $dtend, 'dtabbr' => $dtabbr)));
                } else {
                    $s = spip_ucfirst(_T('date_fmt_jour_heure_debut_fin', array('jour' => $s, 'heure_debut' => $hd, 'heure_fin' => $hf)));
        } else {
            if ($dtabbr && $dtstart) {
                $s = $dtstart . spip_ucfirst($s) . $dtabbr;
            } else {
                $s = spip_ucfirst($s);
    } else {
        if (date("Y-m", $date_debut) == date("Y-m", $date_fin)) {
            // meme annee et mois, jours differents
            if (!$h) {
                $date_debut = jour($d);
            } else {
                $date_debut = $affdate($d);
            $date_fin = $affdate($f);
            if ($jour) {
                $nomjour_debut = nom_jour($d, $abbr);
                $date_debut = _T('date_fmt_jour', array('nomjour' => $nomjour_debut, 'jour' => $date_debut));
                $nomjour_fin = nom_jour($f, $abbr);
                $date_fin = _T('date_fmt_jour', array('nomjour' => $nomjour_fin, 'jour' => $date_fin));
            if ($h) {
                $date_debut = _T('date_fmt_jour_heure', array('jour' => $date_debut, 'heure' => $hd));
                $date_fin = _T('date_fmt_jour_heure', array('jour' => $date_fin, 'heure' => $hf));
            $date_debut = $dtstart . $date_debut . $dtabbr;
            $date_fin = $dtend . $date_fin . $dtabbr;
            $s = _T('date_fmt_periode', array('date_debut' => $date_debut, 'date_fin' => $date_fin));
        } else {
            $date_debut = affdate($d);
            $date_fin = affdate($f);
            if ($jour) {
                $nomjour_debut = nom_jour($d, $abbr);
                $date_debut = _T('date_fmt_jour_periode', array('nomjour' => $nomjour_debut, 'jour' => $date_debut));
                $nomjour_fin = nom_jour($f, $abbr);
                $date_fin = _T('date_fmt_jour_periode', array('nomjour' => $nomjour_fin, 'jour' => $date_fin));
            if ($h) {
                $date_debut = _T('date_fmt_jour_heure', array('jour' => $date_debut, 'heure' => $hd));
                $date_fin = _T('date_fmt_jour_heure', array('jour' => $date_fin, 'heure' => $hf));
            $date_debut = $dtstart . $date_debut . $dtabbr;
            $date_fin = $dtend . $date_fin . $dtabbr;
            $s = _T('date_fmt_periode', array('date_debut' => $date_debut, 'date_fin' => $date_fin));
    return $s;
/** listedatefin() - voir jour()
function listedatefin(&$formtemplate, $tableau_template, $mode, $valeurs_fiche)
    return jour($formtemplate, $tableau_template, $mode, $valeurs_fiche);
Пример #6
 * Afficher de facon textuelle les dates de debut et fin en fonction des cas
 * - Le lundi 20 fevrier a 18h
 * - Le 20 fevrier de 18h a 20h
 * - Du 20 au 23 fevrier
 * - du 20 fevrier au 30 mars
 * - du 20 fevrier 2007 au 30 mars 2008
 * $horaire='oui' permet d'afficher l'horaire, toute autre valeur n'indique que le jour
 * $forme peut contenir abbr (afficher le nom des jours en abbrege) et ou hcal (generer une date au format hcal)
 * @param string $date_debut
 * @param string $date_fin
 * @param string $horaire
 * @param string $forme
 * @return string
function agenda_affdate_debut_fin($date_debut, $date_fin, $horaire = 'oui', $forme = '')
    $abbr = '';
    if (strpos($forme, 'abbr') !== false) {
        $abbr = 'abbr';
    $affdate = "affdate_jourcourt";
    if (strpos($forme, 'annee') !== false) {
        $affdate = 'affdate';
    $dtstart = $dtend = $dtabbr = "";
    if (strpos($forme, 'hcal') !== false) {
        $dtstart = "<abbr class='dtstart' title='" . date_iso($date_debut) . "'>";
        $dtend = "<abbr class='dtend' title='" . date_iso($date_fin) . "'>";
        $dtabbr = "</abbr>";
    $date_debut = strtotime($date_debut);
    $date_fin = strtotime($date_fin);
    $d = date("Y-m-d", $date_debut);
    $f = date("Y-m-d", $date_fin);
    $h = $horaire == 'oui';
    $hd = date("H:i", $date_debut);
    $hf = date("H:i", $date_fin);
    $au = " " . strtolower(_T('agenda:evenement_date_au'));
    $du = _T('agenda:evenement_date_du') . " ";
    $s = "";
    if ($d == $f) {
        // meme jour
        $s = ucfirst(nom_jour($d, $abbr)) . " " . $affdate($d);
        if ($h) {
            $s .= " {$hd}";
        $s = "{$dtstart}{$s}{$dtabbr}";
        if ($h and $hd != $hf) {
            $s .= "-{$dtend}{$hf}{$dtabbr}";
    } else {
        if (date("Y-m", $date_debut) == date("Y-m", $date_fin)) {
            // meme annee et mois, jours differents
            if ($h) {
                $s = $du . $dtstart . affdate_jourcourt($d) . " {$hd}" . $dtabbr;
                $s .= $au . $dtend . $affdate($f);
                if ($hd != $hf) {
                    $s .= " {$hf}";
                $s .= $dtabbr;
            } else {
                $s = $du . $dtstart . jour($d) . $dtabbr;
                $s .= $au . $dtend . $affdate($f) . $dtabbr;
        } else {
            if (date("Y", $date_debut) == date("Y", $date_fin)) {
                // meme annee, mois et jours differents
                $s = $du . $dtstart . affdate_jourcourt($d);
                if ($h) {
                    $s .= " {$hd}";
                $s .= $dtabbr . $au . $dtend . $affdate($f);
                if ($h) {
                    $s .= " {$hf}";
                $s .= $dtabbr;
            } else {
                // tout different
                $s = $du . $dtstart . affdate($d);
                if ($h) {
                    $s .= " " . date("(H:i)", $date_debut);
                $s .= $dtabbr . $au . $dtend . affdate($f);
                if ($h) {
                    $s .= " " . date("(H:i)", $date_fin);
                $s .= $dtabbr;
    return unicode2charset(charset2unicode($s, 'AUTO'));
Пример #7
function date_ical($date_heure, $minutes = 0)
    return date("Ymd\\THis", mktime(heures($date_heure), minutes($date_heure) + $minutes, 0, mois($date_heure), jour($date_heure), annee($date_heure)));
Пример #8
function FormCoti($titre, $champs, $valeur, $champs1, $champs2, $champs3, $valeur1, $annee, $pastous, $droitmin, $lien, $espace)
    // Formulaire : cotisation
    global $cotiadhesions1_liste;
    global $cotiadhesions2_liste;
    $verrou = VerifieDroit($droitmin);
    TRdebut($titre, $espace);
    Select($champs, $valeur, $cotiadhesions1_liste[$annee], $cotiadhesions2_liste[$annee], 6, $pastous, '', '', $verrou, $espace . '    ');
    html(' le ');
    INPUTtexte($champs1, jour($valeur1), 'tel', 1, '', $verrou, $espace . '    ');
    INPUTtexte($champs2, mois($valeur1), 'tel', 1, '', $verrou, $espace . '    ');
    INPUTtexte($champs3, annee($valeur1), 'tel', 3, '', $verrou, $espace . '    ');
    //  INPUTtexte($champs1,$valeur1,$style1,$taille1,'',$verrou,$espace.'    ');
    //SELECTdate($jour,$mois,$annee,$date,2000,$verrou,$espace.'    ');
    //SELECTdate($jour,$mois,$annee,$date,$datedebut,$verrou,$espace.'    ');
    //list($avant, $date, $apres) = explode("'", $date);
    //list($annee1, $mois1, $jour1) = explode("-", $date);
    //return GereRetours($lien,$lien.'&'.$jour.'='.$jour1.'&'.$mois.'='.$mois1.'&'.$annee.'='.$annee1,$espace);
    return GereRetours($lien, $lien . '&' . $champs . '=' . $valeur, $espace);
Пример #9
function ageActuel($date1, $date2)
    // Calcul d'âge
    if (mois($date1) == mois($date2) and jour($date2) < jour($date1) or mois($date2) < mois($date1)) {
        $age = annee($date2) - annee($date1) - 1;
    } else {
        $age = annee($date2) - annee($date1);
    if ($age > 100) {
        $age = '';
    // Pour éviter les dates fausses.
    return $age;
Пример #10
function lcm_page_start($title = "", $css_files = "", $meta = '', $help_code = '')
    global $connect_id_auteur;
    global $connect_status;
    global $auth_can_disconnect, $connect_login;
    global $options;
    global $lcm_lang, $lcm_lang_rtl, $lcm_lang_left, $lcm_lang_right;
    global $clean_link;
    global $prefs;
    // Clean the global link (i.e. remove actions passed in the URL)
    lcm_html_start($title, $css_files, $meta);
    // Title (mandatory) and description (may be empty) of the site
    $site_name = _T(read_meta('site_name'));
    if (!$site_name) {
        $site_name = _T('title_software');
    $site_desc = _T(read_meta('site_description'));
    // Most of the header/navigation html
    echo '<div id="header">
		<a href="summary.php" class="balance_link">&nbsp;</a>
		<h1 class="lcm_main_head"><a href="summary.php" class="head_ttl_link">' . $site_name . '</a></h1>
		<div class="lcm_slogan"><a href="summary.php" class="head_subttl_link">' . $site_desc . "</a></div>\n\t\t<br />\n\t</div>\n";
    echo "<div id='wrapper_" . $prefs['screen'] . "'>\n\t\t<div id=\"container_" . $prefs['screen'] . "\">\n\t\t\t<div id=\"content_" . $prefs['screen'] . "\">\n\t\t\t<!-- This is the navigation column, usually used for menus and brief information -->\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"navigation_menu_column\">\n\t\t\t\t<!-- Start of navigation_menu_column content -->\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"nav_menu_box\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"nav_column_menu_head\"><div class=\"mm_main_menu\">" . _T('menu_main') . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"nav_menu_list\">";
    echo show_navmenu_item("listcases.php", 'main_cases');
    // Require to be explicitly off in order to hide the menu item (avoid config errors)
    if (read_meta('client_hide_all') != 'yes') {
        echo show_navmenu_item("listclients.php", 'main_clients');
    if (read_meta('org_hide_all') != 'yes') {
        echo show_navmenu_item("listorgs.php", 'main_orgs');
    if (read_meta('expenses_hide_all') != 'yes') {
        echo show_navmenu_item("listexps.php", "main_expenses");
    echo show_navmenu_item("listauthors.php", 'main_authors');
    echo "</ul>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    if ($connect_status == 'admin') {
        echo "<div class=\"nav_menu_box\">\n";
        echo "<div class=\"nav_column_menu_head\"><div class=\"mm_admin\">" . _T('menu_admin') . "</div></div>\n";
        echo "<ul class=\"nav_menu_list\">";
        show_navmenu_item("config_site.php", "admin_siteconf");
        show_navmenu_item("archive.php", "admin_archives");
        show_navmenu_item("listreps.php", "admin_reports");
        show_navmenu_item("keywords.php", "admin_keywords");
        echo "</ul>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
    // Show today's date
    if ($title != _T('title_upgrade_database')) {
        echo "<div class=\"nav_menu_box\">\n";
        echo "<div class=\"nav_column_menu_head\">\n";
        echo "<div class=\"mm_calendar\">" . _T('menu_calendar') . "</div>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        // Show calendar
        $now = date('Y-m-d');
        echo "<table border='0' align='center'><tr><td>\n";
        // Temporary? [ML]
        echo http_calendrier_agenda(mois($now), annee($now), jour($now), mois($now), annee($now), false, 'calendar.php');
        echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        // Start agenda box
        echo '<div class="nav_menu_box">' . "\n";
        echo '<div class="nav_column_menu_head">';
        echo '<div class="mm_agenda">' . _T('menu_agenda') . "</div>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
        $events = false;
        // Show appointments for today
        $q = "SELECT app.id_app, start_time, type, title\n\t\t\tFROM lcm_app as app, lcm_author_app as aut\n\t\t\tWHERE aut.id_author=" . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\tAND app.id_app = aut.id_app\n\t\t\tAND " . lcm_query_trunc_field('app.start_time', 'day') . "\n\t\t\t= " . lcm_query_trunc_field('NOW()', 'day') . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY app.reminder ASC";
        $result = lcm_query($q);
        if (lcm_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $events = true;
            $today = getdate(time());
            echo "<p class=\"nav_column_text\">\n" . '<strong><a class="content_link" href="calendar.php?type=jour' . "&amp;jour=" . $today['mday'] . "&amp;mois=" . $today['mon'] . "&amp;annee=" . $today['year'] . '">' . _Th('calendar_button_now') . "</a></strong><br />\n";
            echo "</p>\n";
            echo "<ul class=\"small_agenda\">\n";
            while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
                echo "<li><a href=\"app_det.php?app=" . $row['id_app'] . "\">" . heures($row['start_time']) . ':' . minutes($row['start_time']) . " - " . $row['title'] . "</a></li>\n";
            echo "</ul>\n";
            echo "<hr class=\"hair_line\" />\n";
        // Show next appointments
        $q = "SELECT a.id_app, a.start_time, a.type, a.title\n\t\t\tFROM lcm_app as a, lcm_author_app as aa\n\t\t\tWHERE (aa.id_author = " . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND a.id_app = aa.id_app\n\t\t\t\t\tAND a.start_time >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) ceil(time() / 86400) * 86400) . "')\n\t\t\tORDER BY a.reminder ASC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 5";
        $result = lcm_query($q);
        if (lcm_num_rows($result) > 0) {
            $events = true;
            echo "<p class=\"nav_column_text\">\n";
            echo "<strong>" . _T('calendar_button_nextapps') . "</strong><br />\n";
            echo "</p>\n";
            echo "<ul class=\"small_agenda\">\n";
            while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) {
                echo "<li><a href=\"app_det.php?app=" . $row['id_app'] . "\">" . format_date($row['start_time'], 'short') . " - " . $row['title'] . "</a></li>\n";
            echo "</ul>\n";
        if (!$events) {
            echo '<p class="nav_column_text">' . _T('calendar_info_noacts') . "</p>\n";
        // my appointments
        echo '&nbsp;<a href="author_det.php?tab=appointments&amp;author=' . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . '" title="' . _T('title_agenda_list') . '">' . '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_show-form-dialog.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" /></a>';
        // new appointment
        echo '&nbsp;<a href="edit_app.php?app=0" title="' . _T('app_button_new') . '">' . '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_new-16.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" /></a>';
        // End of nav_menu_box for Agenda
        echo "</div>\n";
    // End of "navigation_menu_column" content
    echo "</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<!-- The main content will be here - all the data, html forms, search results etc. -->\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"main_column\">\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- Start of 'main_column' content -->\n\t\t\t\t\t<h3 class=\"content_head\">";
    if ($help_code) {
        echo '<span class="help_icon">' . lcm_help($help_code) . "</span> ";
    echo $title;
    echo "</h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- [KM] Just a small experiment how the future breadcrumb will look like -->\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- div id=\"breadcrumb\"><a href=\"#\" title=\"Test link\">Home</a> &gt; <a href=\"#\" title=\"Test link\">Page1</a> &gt; <a href=\"#\" title=\"Test link\">Subpage1</a> &gt; Subsubpage1</div -->\n\t";