Пример #1
 * Convert a Vimeo shortcode into an embed code.
 * @param array $atts An array of shortcode attributes.
 * @return string The embed code for the Vimeo video.
function vimeo_shortcode($atts)
    global $content_width;
    extract(array_map('intval', shortcode_atts(array('id' => 0, 'width' => 400, 'height' => 300, 'autoplay' => 0, 'loop' => 0), $atts, 'vimeo')));
    if (isset($atts[0])) {
        $id = jetpack_shortcode_get_vimeo_id($atts);
    if (!$id) {
        return "<!-- vimeo error: not a vimeo video -->";
    // [vimeo 141358 h=500&w=350]
    $params = shortcode_new_to_old_params($atts);
    // h=500&w=350
    $params = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&#038;'), '&', $params);
    parse_str($params, $args);
    if (isset($args['w'])) {
        $width = (int) $args['w'];
        if (!isset($args['h'])) {
            // The case where w=300 is specified without h=200, otherwise $height
            // will always equal the default of 300, no matter what w was set to.
            $height = round($width / 640 * 360);
    if (isset($args['h'])) {
        $height = (int) $args['h'];
        if (!isset($args['w'])) {
            $width = round($height / 360 * 640);
    if (!$width) {
        $width = absint($content_width);
    if (!$height) {
        $height = round($width / 640 * 360);
    $url = esc_url(set_url_scheme("http://player.vimeo.com/video/{$id}"));
    // $args['autoplay'] is parsed from the embedded url.
    // $autoplay is parsed from shortcode arguments.
    // in_array( 'autoplay', $atts ) catches the argument passed without a value.
    if (!empty($args['autoplay']) || !empty($autoplay) || in_array('autoplay', $atts)) {
        $url = add_query_arg('autoplay', 1, $url);
    if (!empty($args['loop']) || !empty($loop) || in_array('loop', $atts)) {
        $url = add_query_arg('loop', 1, $url);
    $html = sprintf('<div class="embed-vimeo" style="text-align:center;"><iframe src="%1$s" width="%2$u" height="%3$u" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>', esc_url($url), $width, $height);
    $html = apply_filters('video_embed_html', $html);
    return $html;
Пример #2
 * Convert a Vimeo shortcode into an embed code.
 * @param array $atts An array of shortcode attributes.
 * @return string The embed code for the Vimeo video.
function vimeo_shortcode($atts)
    global $content_width;
    extract(array_map('intval', shortcode_atts(array('id' => 0, 'width' => 400, 'height' => 300), $atts)));
    if (isset($atts[0])) {
        $id = jetpack_shortcode_get_vimeo_id($atts);
    if (!$id) {
        return "<!-- vimeo error: not a vimeo video -->";
    // [vimeo 141358 h=500&w=350]
    $params = shortcode_new_to_old_params($atts);
    // h=500&w=350
    $params = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&#038;'), '&', $params);
    parse_str($params, $args);
    if (isset($args['w'])) {
        $width = (int) $args['w'];
        if (!isset($args['h'])) {
            // The case where w=300 is specified without h=200, otherwise $height
            // will always equal the default of 300, no matter what w was set to.
            $height = round($width / 640 * 360);
    if (isset($args['h'])) {
        $height = (int) $args['h'];
        if (!isset($args['w'])) {
            $width = round($height / 360 * 640);
    if (!$width) {
        $width = absint($content_width);
    if (!$height) {
        $height = round($width / 640 * 360);
    $url = esc_url(set_url_scheme("http://player.vimeo.com/video/{$id}"));
    $html = "<div class='embed-vimeo' style='text-align:center;'><iframe src='{$url}' width='{$width}' height='{$height}' frameborder='0'></iframe></div>";
    $html = apply_filters('video_embed_html', $html);
    return $html;
Пример #3
 * Convert a Vimeo shortcode into an embed code.
 * @param array $atts An array of shortcode attributes.
 * @return string The embed code for the Vimeo video.
function vimeo_shortcode($atts)
    global $content_width;
    $attr = array_map('intval', shortcode_atts(array('id' => 0, 'width' => 0, 'height' => 0, 'autoplay' => 0, 'loop' => 0), $atts));
    if (isset($atts[0])) {
        $attr['id'] = jetpack_shortcode_get_vimeo_id($atts);
    if (!$attr['id']) {
        return '<!-- vimeo error: not a vimeo video -->';
    // [vimeo 141358 h=500&w=350]
    $params = shortcode_new_to_old_params($atts);
    // h=500&w=350
    $params = str_replace(array('&amp;', '&#038;'), '&', $params);
    parse_str($params, $args);
    $width = intval($attr['width']);
    $height = intval($attr['height']);
    // Support w and h argument as fallback.
    if (empty($width) && isset($args['w'])) {
        $width = intval($args['w']);
        if (empty($height) && !isset($args['h'])) {
            // The case where w=300 is specified without h=200, otherwise $height
            // will always equal the default of 300, no matter what w was set to.
            $height = round($width / 640 * 360);
    if (empty($height) && isset($args['h'])) {
        $height = (int) $args['h'];
        if (!isset($args['w'])) {
            $width = round($height / 360 * 640);
    if (!$width && !empty($content_width)) {
        $width = absint($content_width);
    // If setting the width with content_width has failed, defaulting
    if (!$width) {
        $width = 640;
    if (!$height) {
        $height = round($width / 640 * 360);
     * Filter the Vimeo player width.
     * @module shortcodes
     * @since 3.4.0
     * @param int $width Width of the Vimeo player in pixels.
    $width = (int) apply_filters('vimeo_width', $width);
     * Filter the Vimeo player height.
     * @module shortcodes
     * @since 3.4.0
     * @param int $height Height of the Vimeo player in pixels.
    $height = (int) apply_filters('vimeo_height', $height);
    $url = esc_url('https://player.vimeo.com/video/' . $attr['id']);
    // Handle autoplay and loop arguments.
    if (isset($args['autoplay']) && '1' === $args['autoplay'] || $attr['autoplay'] || in_array('autoplay', $atts)) {
        $url = add_query_arg('autoplay', 1, $url);
    if (isset($args['loop']) && '1' === $args['loop'] || $attr['loop'] || in_array('loop', $atts)) {
        $url = add_query_arg('loop', 1, $url);
    $html = sprintf('<div class="embed-vimeo" style="text-align: center;"><iframe src="%1$s" width="%2$u" height="%3$u" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe></div>', esc_url($url), esc_attr($width), esc_attr($height));
     * Filter the Vimeo player HTML.
     * @module shortcodes
     * @since 1.2.3
     * @param string $html Embedded Vimeo player HTML.
    $html = apply_filters('video_embed_html', $html);
    return $html;