Пример #1
 function SetUp()
     $this->AddSubMenu(__('JEO Settings', 'jeo'), $this->page_slug);
     // Add in-page tabs in the first page.
     $page_tabs = apply_filters('jeo_settings_tabs', array('home' => __('Front page', 'jeo'), 'map' => __('Maps', 'jeo'), 'geocode' => __('Geocode', 'jeo')));
     $this->AddInPageTabs($this->page_slug, $page_tabs);
      * Data
     $maps = get_posts(array('post_type' => array('map', 'map-group'), 'posts_per_page' => -1));
     $maps_input = array();
     if ($maps) {
         foreach ($maps as $map) {
             $maps_input[$map->ID] = $map->post_title . ' (' . get_post_type($map->ID) . ')';
     } else {
         $maps_input[0] = __('No maps were found', 'jeo');
     $mapped = jeo_get_mapped_post_types();
     $mapped_post_types = array();
     foreach ($mapped as $post_type) {
         $mapped_post_types[$post_type] = true;
     $pts = get_post_types(array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false));
     $pts = $pts + array('post', 'page');
     $post_types = array();
     foreach ($pts as $pt) {
         $post_types[$pt] = $pt;
     // Add form elements.
     // Here we have four sections as an example.
     // If you wonder what array keys are need to be used, please refer to http://en.michaeluno.jp/admin-page-framework/methods/
     $form_sections = apply_filters('jeo_settings_form_sections', array(array('pageslug' => $this->page_slug, 'tabslug' => 'home', 'id' => 'front_page', 'title' => __('Front page settings', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Set your front page contents.', 'jeo'), 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'front_page_map', 'title' => __('Front page map', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Select if the front page map should be the featured map with latest content or a selection of featured posts.', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'radio', 'default' => 'latest', 'label' => array('latest' => __('Featured map with latest posts', 'jeo'), 'featured' => __('Selection of featured posts', 'jeo') . ' <strong>(' . __('featured map cannot be a map-group', 'jeo') . ')</strong>')), array('id' => 'featured_map', 'title' => __('Featured map', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Select the map to be featured on the homepage and posts.', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 0, 'label' => $maps_input))), array('pageslug' => $this->page_slug, 'tabslug' => 'geocode', 'id' => 'geocode', 'title' => __('Geocode settings', 'jeo'), 'description' => '', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'type', 'title' => __('Geocode type', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Choose simple latitude/longitude inputs or complete address lookup geocoding system', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'radio', 'default' => 'default', 'label' => array('default' => __('Address geocoding with interactive map (default)', 'jeo'), 'latlng' => __('Latitude/longitude inputs', 'jeo'))), array('id' => 'service', 'title' => __('Geocode service', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Choose the geocoding service to be used', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'radio', 'default' => 'osm', 'label' => array('osm' => __('OpenStreetMaps with Nominatim', 'jeo'), 'gmaps' => 'Google Maps')), array('id' => 'gmaps_api_key', 'title' => __('Google Maps API Key', 'jeo'), 'description' => sprintf(__('Key to use the Google Maps geocoding services. <a href="%s" target="_blank">Click here to get one.</a>', 'jeo'), 'https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial#api_key'), 'type' => 'text', 'size' => 100))), array('pageslug' => $this->page_slug, 'tabslug' => 'map', 'id' => 'map', 'title' => __('Map behaviours', 'jeo'), 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'use_hash', 'title' => __('Fragment hash', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Enable use of fragment hash url to share map location, selected maps on mapgroup and fullscreen state. <br/>E.g.: yoursite.com/#!/loc=-23,-42,7&map=12&full=true', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => true, 'label' => __('Enable', 'jeo')), array('id' => 'enable_clustering', 'title' => __('Enable marker clustering', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Enable marker clustering system.', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => true, 'label' => __('Enable', 'jeo')), array('id' => 'use_map_query', 'title' => __('Map query', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Display posts only associated to the viewing map', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => true, 'label' => __('Enable', 'jeo')), array('id' => 'mapped_post_types', 'title' => __('Mapped post types', 'jeo'), 'description' => __('Post types to enable map functionalities', 'jeo'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'default' => $mapped_post_types, 'label' => $post_types)))), $this->page_slug);
Пример #2
 function clean_geojson($post_id = false)
     $keys = $this->get_geojson_keys();
     if (is_int($post_id) && get_post_type($post_id) == 'revision') {
         return false;
     if (is_int($post_id) && in_array(get_post_type($post_id), jeo_get_mapped_post_types())) {
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             delete_post_meta($post_id, $key);
     } else {
         global $wpdb;
         foreach ($keys as $key) {
             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '{$key}'", null));
Пример #3
 function connected_post_types()
     $this->connected_post_types = jeo_get_mapped_post_types();
     return $this->connected_post_types;