Пример #1
function verify_setting($path)
    if (query("hostname") == "") {
        return set_result("FAILED", $path . "/hostname", i18n("Please input the host name."));
    if (isdomain(query("hostname")) == "0") {
        return set_result("FAILED", $path . "/hostname", i18n("Invalid host name."));
    if (query("username") == "") {
        return set_result("FAILED", $path . "/username", i18n("Please enter user account or e-mail."));
    if (query("password") == "") {
        return set_result("FAILED", $path . "/password", i18n("Please input the password."));
    return "OK";
Пример #2
function privatecheck($ipaddr)
    $private = 0;
    if (isdomain($ipaddr) != "0") {
        $a = cut($ipaddr, 0, ".");
        $b = cut($ipaddr, 1, ".");
        $c = cut($ipaddr, 2, ".");
        $d = cut($ipaddr, 3, ".");
        if ($a == 10) {
            $private = 1;
        } else {
            if ($a == 172) {
                if ($b >= 16 && $b <= 31) {
                    $private = 1;
            } else {
                if ($a == 192 && $b == 168) {
                    $private = 1;
    return $private;
Пример #3
     $rssfeed = $row['rssfeed'];
     $maxnews = isid($row['maxnews'], 11) ? $row['maxnews'] : 10;
     $page_default = $row['defaultpage'];
     $pageurl = $row['pageurl'];
     $protectioncheck = $row['protectioncheck'];
     $maxnews_sidebar = $row['maxnews_sidebar'];
     $newssidebar_textlength = $row['newssidebar_textlength'];
     $spamFilter = $row['spamFilter'];
     $languageFilter = $row['languageFilter'];
     $blockLinks = $row['blockLinks'];
     $blockWords = $row['blockWords'];
     $mailRequired = $row['mailRequired'];
     $commentMinLength = $row['commentMinLength'];
     $commentsModerated = $row['commentsModerated'];
     $honeyPotKey = $row['honeyPotKey'];
     if (!isurl($pageurl) and !isdomain($pageurl)) {
         $pageurl = $page_url;
 $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT `active` FROM `modules` WHERE `type`='C' AND `get`='pn' AND `sub`='pn' LIMIT 1");
 $page_active = $query->fetchColumn();
 $page_active = active_check($page_active) ? $page_active : 'Y';
 $ewInstallPath = EASYWIDIR;
 $elements = (!empty($ewInstallPath) and strpos($ui->escaped('REQUEST_URI', 'server'), $ewInstallPath) === false) ? preg_split('/\\//', $ui->escaped('REQUEST_URI', 'server'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : preg_split('/\\//', substr($ui->escaped('REQUEST_URI', 'server'), strlen($ewInstallPath)), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
 if (isset($seo) and $seo == 'Y' and isset($elements[0])) {
     $page_detect_language = $elements[0];
     if (!preg_match('/^[a-z]{2}+$/', $elements[0]) and !$ui->w('site', 50, 'get') and $elements[0] != 'index.php') {
         $throw404 = true;
Пример #4
 function webhostRequest($domain, $useragent, $file, $postParams = '', $port = 80)
     $domain = str_replace(array('https://', 'http://'), '', $domain);
     if (isdomain($domain)) {
         $fp = @fsockopen($domain, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10);
     } else {
         $errstr = $domain . ' is no domain';
     if (isset($fp) and $fp) {
         if (is_array($postParams) and count($postParams) > 0) {
             $postData = '';
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($postParams as $key => $value) {
                 if ($i == 0) {
                     $postData .= $key . '=' . $value;
                 } else {
                     $postData .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
             $send = "POST /{$file} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
         } else {
             if (strlen($file) == 0) {
                 $file = '/';
             $send = "GET {$file} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
         $send .= "Host: {$domain}\r\n";
         $send .= "User-Agent: {$useragent}\r\n";
         $send .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\r\n";
         if (isset($postData) and is_array($postParams) and count($postParams) > 0) {
             $send .= "Content-Length: " . strlen($postData) . "\r\n";
         $send .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
         if (isset($postData) and is_array($postParams) and count($postParams) > 0) {
             $send .= $postData;
         fwrite($fp, $send);
         $buffer = '';
         while (!feof($fp)) {
             $buffer .= fgets($fp, 4096);
         $ex = explode("\r\n\r\n", $buffer);
         if (strpos($ex[0], '404') !== false) {
             return 'file not found: ' . $domain . '/' . $file;
         } else {
             if (isset($ex[1])) {
                 return $ex[1];
             } else {
                 $errstr = 'Error: no response. Header is: ' . $ex[0];
     return 'Error: Could not connect to host ' . $domain . ' and port ' . $port . ' (' . $errstr . ')';
Пример #5
     $flexSlots = $data['flexSlots'];
 if (isset($data['flexSlotsFree']) and isid($data['flexSlotsFree'], 11)) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['flexSlotsFree'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`flexSlotsFree`=?';
     $flexSlotsFree = $data['flexSlotsFree'];
 if (isset($data['flexSlotsPercent']) and isid($data['flexSlotsPercent'], 3)) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['flexSlotsPercent'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`flexSlotsPercent`=?';
     $flexSlotsPercent = $data['flexSlotsPercent'];
 if (isset($data['tsdns']) and active_check($data['tsdns'])) {
     $tsdns = $data['tsdns'];
 if (isset($data['dns']) and $tsdns == 'Y' and isdomain($data['dns'])) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['dns'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`dns`=?';
     $dns = $data['dns'];
 if (isset($data['autoRestart']) and active_check($data['autoRestart'])) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['autoRestart'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`autoRestart`=?';
     $flexSlots = $data['autoRestart'];
 if (isExternalID($data['server_external_id']) and $data['identify_server_by'] == 'server_local_id') {
     $updateArray[] = $data['server_external_id'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`externalID`=?';
 if (count($updateArray) > 0) {
     $eventualUpdate = trim($eventualUpdate, ',');
$logreseller = 0;
if (isset($admin_id)) {
    $logsubuser = $admin_id;
} else {
    if (isset($subuser_id)) {
        $logsubuser = $subuser_id;
    } else {
        $logsubuser = 0;
if ($ui->id('id', 10, 'get') and in_array($ui->st('d', 'get'), array('if', 'pw', 'ri', 'md', 'dm'))) {
    $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT v.`webMasterID`,v.`description`,v.`phpConfiguration`,v.`phpConfiguration`,v.`defaultDomain`,m.`vhostTemplate`,m.`usageType`,m.`defaultdns`,m.`connect_ip_only`,m.`ftpIP`,m.`ip`,m.`phpConfiguration` AS `phpMasterConfiguration` FROM `webVhost` AS v INNER JOIN `webMaster` AS m ON m.`webMasterID`=v.`webMasterID` WHERE v.`webVhostID`=? AND v.`userID`=? AND v.`resellerID`=? AND v.`active`='Y'");
    $query->execute(array($ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $user_id, $reseller_id));
    while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $description = $row['description'];
        $defaultDns = isdomain($row['defaultDomain']) ? $row['defaultDomain'] : 'web-' . $ui->id('id', 10, 'get') . '.' . $row['defaultdns'];
        $dns = strlen($row['description']) == 0 ? 'web-' . $ui->id('id', 10, 'get') : $row['description'];
        $webMasterID = $row['webMasterID'];
        $usageType = $row['usageType'];
        $vhostTemplate = $row['vhostTemplate'];
        $phpConfigurationVhost = @json_decode($row['phpConfiguration']);
        $phpConfigurationMaster = @parse_ini_string($row['phpMasterConfiguration'], true, INI_SCANNER_RAW);
        $serverIP = $row['connect_ip_only'] == 'Y' ? $row['ftpIP'] : $row['ip'];
if (isset($webMasterID) and $ui->st('d', 'get') == 'pw' and $ui->id('id', 10, 'get') and (!isset($_SESSION['sID']) or in_array($ui->id('id', 10, 'get'), $substituteAccess['ws']))) {
    $id = $ui->id('id', 10, 'get');
    $errors = array();
    if ($ui->st('action', 'post') == 'pw') {
        if ($ui->w('action', 4, 'post') and !token(true)) {
            $errors[] = $spracheResponse->token;
Пример #7

/* fatlady is used to validate the configuration for the specific service.
 * FATLADY_prefix was defined to the path of Session Data.
 * 3 variables should be returned for the result:
 * FATLADY_result, FATLADY_node & FATLADY_message. */
include "/htdocs/phplib/trace.php";
$inet_host = query($FATLADY_prefix . "/device/diagnostic/chkconn/host/entry:4");
TRACE_debug("FATLADY: DEVICE.DIAGNOSTIC: internet host=" . $inet_host);
if (isdomain($inet_host) != "0" || $inet_host == "") {
    set($FATLADY_prefix . "/valid", "1");
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_result"] = "OK";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_node"] = "";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_message"] = "";
} else {
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_result"] = "FAILED";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_node"] = $FATLADY_prefix . "/device/diagnostic/chkconn/host/entry:4";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_message"] = i18n("Invalid Internet Host");
Пример #8

/* fatlady is used to validate the configuration for the specific service.
 * FATLADY_prefix was defined to the path of Session Data.
 * 3 variables should be returned for the result:
 * FATLADY_result, FATLADY_node & FATLADY_message. */
include "/htdocs/phplib/trace.php";
$hostname = query($FATLADY_prefix . "/device/hostname");
TRACE_debug("FATLADY: DEVICE.HOSTNAME: hostname=" . $hostname);
if ($hostname == "" || isdomain($hostname) == "0" || isdigit($hostname) == "1" || strchr($hostname, ".") != "") {
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_result"] = "FAILED";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_node"] = $FATLADY_prefix . "/device/hostname";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_message"] = i18n("Invalid host name");
    /* internal error, no i18n. */
} else {
    set($FATLADY_prefix . "/valid", "1");
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_result"] = "OK";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_node"] = "";
    $_GLOBALS["FATLADY_message"] = "";
Пример #9
 $localServerID = $row['webVhostID'];
 $localUserLookupID = $row['userID'];
 $webMasterID = $row['webMasterID'];
 $externalServerID = $row['externalID'];
 $userID = $row['userID'];
 $oldHDD = $row['hdd'];
 $active = $row['active'];
 $private = $row['password'];
 $hdd = $row['hdd'];
 $domainRowCount = 0;
 $query2 = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`jobID`) AS `amount` FROM `jobs` WHERE `affectedID`=? AND `type`='wv' AND `action`='dl' AND (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') LIMIT 1");
 if ($query2->fetchColumn() > 0) {
     $success['false'][] = 'Server is marked for deletion';
 } else {
     if (isdomain($dns)) {
         $query = $sql->prepare("UPDATE `webVhost` SET `defaultDomain`=? WHERE `webVhostID`=? AND `resellerID`=? LIMIT 1");
         $query->execute(array($dns, $localServerID, $resellerID));
         $domainRowCount = $query->rowCount();
 $updateArray = array();
 $eventualUpdate = '';
 if (isset($data['active']) and active_check($data['active'])) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['active'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`active`=?';
     $active = $data['active'];
 if (isset($data['password']) and is_password($data['password'], 255)) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['private'];
     $updateArray[] = $aeskey;
Пример #10
 $dns = $row['dns'];
 $userID = $row['userID'];
 $active = $row['active'];
 $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT COUNT(`jobID`) AS `amount` FROM `jobs` WHERE `affectedID`=? AND `type`='ds' AND `action`='dl' AND (`status` IS NULL OR `status`='1') LIMIT 1");
 if ($query->fetchColumn() > 0) {
     $success['false'][] = 'Server is marked for deletion';
 $updateArray = array();
 $eventualUpdate = '';
 if (isset($data['active']) and active_check($data['active'])) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['active'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`active`=?';
     $active = $data['active'];
 if (isset($data['dns']) and isdomain($data['dns'])) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['dns'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`dns`=?';
     $dns = $data['dns'];
 if (isset($data['ip']) and isip($data['ip'], 'ip4')) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['ip'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`ip`=?';
     $ip = $data['ip'];
 if (isset($data['port']) and port($data['port'])) {
     $updateArray[] = $data['port'];
     $eventualUpdate .= ',`port`=?';
     $port = $data['port'];
 if (isExternalID($data['server_external_id']) and $data['identify_server_by'] == 'server_local_id') {
Пример #11
function check_ppp4($path)
    $over = query("over");
    if ($over != "eth" && $over != "pptp" && $over != "l2tp" && $over != "tty") {
        /* Internal error, no i18n. */
        set_result("FAILED", $path . "/ipaddr", "Illegal value for over : " . $over);
    /* IP address */
    $static = query("static");
    if ($static == "1") {
        $ipaddr = query("ipaddr");
        if (INET_validv4addr($ipaddr) == 0) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/ipaddr", i18n("Invalid IP address"));
    } else {
        /* if static is not 1, it should be 0. */
        set("static", "0");
    /* DNS */
    $cnt = query("dns/count");
    $i = 0;
    while ($i < $cnt) {
        $value = query("dns/entry:" . $i);
        if (INET_validv4addr($value) == 0) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/dns:" . $i, i18n("Invalid DNS address"));
        set("dns/entry:" . $i, INET_addr_strip0($value));
    /* MTU/MRU */
    $mtu = query("mtu");
    if ($mtu != "") {
        if (isdigit($mtu) == "0") {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("The MTU value is invalid."));
        if ($mtu < 576) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("The MTU value is too small, the valid value cannot be smaller than 576."));
        if ($over == "pptp" && $mtu > 1460) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("The MTU value is too large, the valid value for pptp is 576 ~ 1460."));
        } else {
            if ($over == "l2tp" && $mtu > 1460) {
                set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("The MTU value is too large, the valid value for l2tp is 576 ~ 1460."));
            } else {
                if ($mtu > 1492) {
                    if ($over == "tty") {
                        if ($mtu > 1500) {
                            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("The MTU value is too large, the valid value for 3G is 576 ~ 1500."));
                    } else {
                        set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("The MTU value is too large, the valid value is 576 ~ 1492."));
        $mtu = $mtu + 1 - 1;
        /* convert to number */
        set("mtu", $mtu);
    $mru = query("mru");
    if ($mru != "") {
        if (isdigit($mru) == "0") {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mtu", i18n("Invalid MRU value."));
        if ($mru < 576) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mru", i18n("The MRU value is too small, the valid value is 576 ~ 1492."));
        if ($mru > 1492) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/mru", i18n("The MRU value is too large, the valid value is 576 ~ 1492."));
        $mru = $mru + 1 - 1;
        /* convert to number */
        set("mru", $mru);
    /* User Name & Password */
    if (query("username") == "" && $over != "tty") {
        set_result("FAILED", $path . "/username", i18n("The user name cannot be empty"));
    /* dialup */
    $mode = query("dialup/mode");
    if ($mode != "auto" && $mode != "manual" && $mode != "ondemand") {
        /* no i18n */
        set_result("FAILED", $path . "/dialup/mode", "Invalid value for dial up mode - " . $mode);
    $tout = query("dialup/idletimeout");
    if ($tout != "") {
        if (isdigit($tout) == "0" || $tout < 0 || $tout >= 10000) {
            set_result("FAILED", $path . "/dialup/mode", i18n("Invalid value for idle timeout."));
    if ($over == "eth") {
        /* should check service name & ac name here. */
    } else {
        if ($over == "pptp") {
            $server = query("pptp/server");
            if ($server == "") {
                set_result("FAILED", $path . "/pptp/server", i18n("No PPTP server."));
            if (cut_count($server, ".") == 4 && isdigit(cut($server, 0, ".")) == 1 && isdigit(cut($server, 1, ".")) == 1 && isdigit(cut($server, 2, ".")) == 1 && isdigit(cut($server, 3, ".")) == 1) {
                if (INET_validv4addr($server) == 0) {
                    set_result("FAILED", $path . "/pptp/server", i18n("Invalid server IP address"));
                } else {
                    set("pptp/server", INET_addr_strip0($server));
            } else {
                if (isdomain($server) != 1) {
                    set_result("FAILED", $path . "/pptp/server", i18n("Invalid server IP address"));
        } else {
            if ($over == "l2tp") {
                $server = query("l2tp/server");
                if ($server == "") {
                    set_result("FAILED", $path . "/l2tp/server", i18n("No L2TP server."));
                if (cut_count($server, ".") == 4 && isdigit(cut($server, 0, ".")) == 1 && isdigit(cut($server, 1, ".")) == 1 && isdigit(cut($server, 2, ".")) == 1 && isdigit(cut($server, 3, ".")) == 1) {
                    if (INET_validv4addr($server) == 0) {
                        set_result("FAILED", $path . "/l2tp/server", i18n("Invalid server IP address"));
                    } else {
                        set("l2tp/server", INET_addr_strip0($server));
                } else {
                    if (isdomain($server) != 1) {
                        set_result("FAILED", $path . "/l2tp/server", i18n("Invalid server IP address"));
    set_result("OK", "", "");
Пример #12
 private function getVhostData($vhostID)
     if ($this->vhostData == false) {
         $query = $this->sql->prepare("SELECT v.`active`,v.`userID`,v.`description`,v.`hdd`,v.`ftpUser`,v.`phpConfiguration`,v.`defaultDomain`,AES_DECRYPT(v.`ftpPassword`,?) AS `decryptedFTPPass`,u.`mail` FROM `webVhost` AS v INNER JOIN `userdata` AS u ON u.`id`=v.`userID` WHERE v.`webVhostID`=? AND v.`resellerID`=? LIMIT 1");
         $query->execute(array($this->aeskey, $vhostID, $this->resellerID));
         while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
             $this->vhostData['userID'] = $row['userID'];
             $this->vhostData['hdd'] = $row['hdd'];
             $this->vhostData['ftpUser'] = $row['ftpUser'];
             $this->vhostData['ftpPassword'] = $row['decryptedFTPPass'];
             $this->vhostData['vhostConfigFile'] = $this->removeNotNeededSlashes($this->hostData['vhostConfigPath'] . '/' . $this->vhostData['ftpUser']) . '.conf';
             $this->vhostData['vhostHomeDir'] = $this->removeNotNeededSlashes($this->hostData['vhostStoragePath'] . '/' . $this->vhostData['ftpUser']);
             $this->vhostData['description'] = strlen($row['description']) > 0 ? $row['description'] : 'web-' . $vhostID;
             $this->vhostData['defaultDomain'] = isdomain($row['defaultDomain']) ? $row['defaultDomain'] : 'web-' . $vhostID . '.' . $this->hostData['defaultdns'];
             $phpConfigurationVhost = @json_decode($row['phpConfiguration']);
             $this->vhostData['dns'] = array();
             // Workaround for migrations and other admin is breaking something faults
             $query2 = $this->sql->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM `webVhostDomain` WHERE `webVhostID`=? LIMIT 1");
             if ($query2->rowCount() == 0) {
                 try {
                     $query2 = $this->sql->prepare("INSERT INTO `webVhostDomain` (`webVhostID`,`userID`,`resellerID`,`domain`,`path`,`ownVhost`,`vhostTemplate`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,'','N',?)");
                     $query2->execute(array($vhostID, $row['userID'], $this->resellerID, $this->vhostData['defaultDomain'], $this->hostData['vhostTemplate']));
                     // There is always a catch ...
                 } catch (PDOException $error) {
                     $error = $error->getMessage();
             $this->vhostData['templateFileContent'] = "# DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY!\r\n# This file is autogenerated by easy-wi.com.\r\n# Date and time of generation was " . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\r\n\r\n";
             $query2 = $this->sql->prepare("SELECT `path`,`domain`,`ownVhost`,`vhostTemplate` FROM `webVhostDomain` WHERE `webVhostID`=?");
             while ($row2 = $query2->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
                 $this->vhostData['dns'][] = $row2['domain'];
                 $templateFileContentTemp = $row2['ownVhost'] == 'Y' ? $row2['vhostTemplate'] : $this->hostData['vhostTemplate'];
                 if ($phpConfigurationVhost and $this->hostData['usageType'] == 'W') {
                     preg_match('/(\\s{1,}%phpConfiguration%)/', $templateFileContentTemp, $matches);
                     $match = array_shift($matches);
                     $whiteSpace = str_replace('%phpConfiguration%', '', $match);
                     $phpOptions = '';
                     foreach ($phpConfigurationVhost as $phpOption) {
                         $phpOptions .= $whiteSpace . $phpOption;
                     $templateFileContentTemp = str_replace('%phpConfiguration%', $phpOptions, $templateFileContentTemp);
                 } else {
                     $templateFileContentTemp = str_replace('%phpConfiguration%', '', $templateFileContentTemp);
                 $templateFileContentTemp = $this->removeNotNeededSlashes(str_replace(array('%user%', '%group%', '%vhostpath%', '%email%', '%htdocs%', '%logDir%'), array($row['ftpUser'], $this->hostData['userGroup'], $this->hostData['vhostStoragePath'], $row['mail'], $this->hostData['dirHttpd'], $this->hostData['dirLogs']), $templateFileContentTemp)) . "\r\n";
                 $templateFileContentTemp = $this->removeNotNeededSlashes(str_replace(array('%path%', '%url%', '%domain%'), array($row2['path'], $row2['domain'], $row2['domain']), $templateFileContentTemp)) . "\r\n";
                 $this->vhostData['templateFileContent'] .= $templateFileContentTemp;
             return true;
     } else {
         return true;
     return false;