Пример #1
	function display($tpl = null) { 


		global $mainframe;
		$app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
		$albumModel = & $this->getModel('awdjomalbum');
		$db		=& JFactory :: getDBO();

		$user =& JFactory::getUser();



		// checking privacy




			$msg= JText::_('User has set privacy.');




		if($albumid!='' && $pid!='')


			//load images related to one album id


			$imagequery= 'SELECT * from #__awd_jomalbum_photos where albumid='.$albumid.' '.' and id='.$pid.' order by id';



				$msg="It seems that image deleted by user";
			$this->assignRef('photorow', $photorow);


			$sql= 'SELECT count(*) from #__awd_jomalbum_photos where albumid='.$albumid;







			$sql="select count(*) from #__awd_jomalbum_photos where id <= ".$pid." and albumid=".$albumid." order by id asc ";

			//echo $sql;





			//load user name and user id to one album id

			$sql="Select u.*,aj.name as albumname from #__users as u left join #__awd_jomalbum as aj on u.id=aj.userid where aj.id=".$albumid;








			$this->assignRef('albumname', $albumname);  


			$this->assignRef('username', $username);  

			$this->assignRef('userid', $userid);  



			//set prev and next record


				$sql="SELECT  (SELECT MAX(id) FROM #__awd_jomalbum_photos ph1 WHERE ph1.id < ph2.id ) as PreviousID,  (SELECT MIN(id)    FROM #__awd_jomalbum_photos ph1  WHERE     ph1.id >  ph2.id ) as NextID FROM #__awd_jomalbum_photos  ph2 WHERE  id =".$pid;








			$sql1="SELECT id from #__awd_jomalbum_photos where albumid=".$albumid." order by id ASC LIMIT 1";




			$sql2="SELECT * from #__awd_jomalbum_photos where albumid=".$albumid." order by id DESC LIMIT 1";







			else if($pid==$lastRec)





			$this->assignRef('nextR', $next);  

			$this->assignRef('prevR', $prev);   




		$commentqry='SELECT ajc.*, u.id as uid, u.name as cname,u.username  FROM  #__awd_jomalbum_comment as ajc left join #__users as u on ajc.userid=u.id where ajc.photoid='.$pid.' order by ajc.id desc limit 5';



		$commentqry='SELECT ajc.*, u.id as uid, u.name as cname,u.username  FROM  #__awd_jomalbum_comment as ajc left join #__users as u on ajc.userid=u.id where ajc.photoid='.$pid.' order by ajc.id desc';




		$tagqry='SELECT * from #__awd_jomalbum_tags where photoid='.$pid;



		$app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
		$config =  & $app->getParams('com_awdwall');
		$display_group = $config->get('display_group', 1);
		$display_group_for_moderators = $config->get('display_group_for_moderators', 1);
		$moderator_users = $config->get('moderator_users', '');
		$this->assignRef('display_group', $display_group);
		$this->assignRef('display_group_for_moderators', $display_group_for_moderators);
		$this->assignRef('moderator_users', $moderator_users);


		$this->assignRef('totalcommentrows', $totalcommentrows); 

		$this->assignRef('commentrows', $commentrows); 

		$this->assignRef('tagrows', $tagrows); 

		$this->assignRef('pid', $pid); 








			echo JText::_('Opps! You are in wrong page');


Пример #2
	<div style="clear:both; height:10px;"></div> 
<form action="" method="post" name="adminForm">
<?php if(count($this->rows)>0) {?>
<div id="imgList">	
	$db	=& JFactory::getDBO(); 
	for ($i=0, $n=count( $this->rows ); $i < $n; $i++)
		$db		=& JFactory :: getDBO();
		$row 	=$this->rows[$i];
		$sql='Select * from #__awd_jomalbum_photos where albumid='.$row->id .' and userid='.$row->userid;
		//echo $sql;
		//$link 	=JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_awdjomalbum&view=awdimagelist&pid='.$photo->id.'&albumid='. $row->id.'&Itemid='.AwdwallHelperUser::getComItemId());
		$link 	=JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_awdjomalbum&view=awdalbumimages&albumid='. $row->id.'&Itemid='.AwdwallHelperUser::getComItemId());
		$link2 	=JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_awdjomalbum&view=awd_addphoto&id='. $row->id.'&Itemid='.AwdwallHelperUser::getComItemId());
			if($row->userid==$user->id) {