Пример #1
 *  GI that generates data in clusters, using a specified distribution for each
 *  cluster.
 *  This GI requires the following template arguments:
 *      - 'n' or 0
 *          The number of tuples to generate. Note: this value is per task.
 *          The total number of tuples generated will be n_tasks * n
 *      - 'centers' or 1
 *          A list of configuration for the centers.
 *  The following template arguments are optional:
 *      - 'outputs'
 *          If the outputs of the GI are not given implicitly, they can be
 *          specified in this template argument. The number of dimensions will
 *          be determined by the number of outputs.
 *          All output types must be numeric real types. The default type for
 *          outputs is DOUBLE.
 *      - 'dist.lib' = 'std'
 *          Which library to use for generating distributions.
 *          Valid options are:
 *              - std
 *              - boost
 *      - 'seed' = null
 *          The seed to be used for the random number generator. This seed will
 *          be used to generate the seed for each task, and different runs with
 *          the same seed will produce the same data.
 *      - 'compute.sets' = 1
 *          The number of sets of tuples to compute at once.
 *  Each center configuration is a functor with the form:
 *      dist_name(args)
 *  The following distributions are supported:
 *      { Uniform Distributions }
 *      - uniform(a = 0, b = 1)
 *      { Normal Distributions }
 *      - normal(mean = 0.0, std_dev = 1.0) [ synonyms: gaussian ]
 *      - inverse_gaussian(mean = 1, shape = 1) [ synonyms: inverse_normal ]
 *      { Bernoulli Distributions }
 *      - binomial(t = 1, p = 0.5)
 *      - negative_binomial(k = 1, p = 0.5)
 *      { Poisson Distributions }
 *      - exponential( lambda = 1 )
 *      - gamma(alpha = 1, beta = 1)    [ synonyms: Gamma ]
function ClusterGen(array $t_args, array $outputs)
    $sys_headers = ['array', 'cinttypes'];
    $user_headers = [];
    $libraries = [];
    if (\count($outputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('outputs', $t_args), 'ClusterGen: No outputs specified');
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($t_args['outputs'] as $type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType($type);
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'ClusterGen: Non data-type ' . $type . ' given as output');
            $name = 'output' . $count++;
            $outputs[$name] = $type;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => &$type) {
        if (is_null($type)) {
            $type = lookupType('base::DOUBLE');
        } else {
            grokit_assert($type->is('real'), 'ClusterGen: Non-real datatype ' . $type . ' given as output');
    $myOutputs = [];
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        $myOutputs[$name] = $type;
    $tSize = \count($outputs);
    $seed = get_default($t_args, 'seed', null);
    if ($seed !== null) {
        grokit_assert(is_int($seed), 'ClusterGen: Seed must be an integer or null.');
    } else {
        $user_headers[] = 'HashFunctions.h';
    $distLib = get_default($t_args, 'dist.lib', 'std');
    $distNS = '';
    switch ($distLib) {
        case 'std':
            $sys_headers[] = 'random';
            $distNS = 'std';
        case 'boost':
            $sys_headers[] = 'boost/random.hpp';
            $distNS = 'boost::random';
            $libraries[] = 'boost_random-mt';
            if ($seed === null) {
                // Need random_device
                $sys_headers[] = 'boost/random/random_device.hpp';
                $libraries[] = 'boost_system-mt';
            grokit_error('ClusterGen: Unknown RNG library ' . $distLib);
    $distRNG = 'mt19937';
    $RNGtype = $distNS . '::' . $distRNG;
    $nTuples = get_first_key($t_args, ['n', '0']);
    grokit_assert(is_int($nTuples), 'ClusterGen: the number of tuples to be produced must be an integer.');
    $centers = get_first_key($t_args, ['centers', 1]);
    grokit_assert(is_array($centers), 'ClusterGen: centers must be an array of functors');
    $handleDist = function ($name, $args, $oType) use($distNS) {
        $distName = '';
        $distArgs = [];
        switch ($name) {
            case 'gaussian':
            case 'normal':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'normal_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Normal distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $mean = get_default($args, ['mean', 0], 0.0);
                $sigma = get_default($args, ['std_dev', 'sigma', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($mean), 'ClusterGen: mean parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($sigma), 'ClusterGen: sigma parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $mean = floatval($mean);
                $sigma = floatval($sigma);
                $distArgs = [$mean, $sigma];
            case 'binomial':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'binomial_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Binomial distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $t = get_default($args, ['t', 0], 1);
                $p = get_default($args, ['p', 1], 0.5);
                grokit_assert(is_int($t), 'ClusterGen: t parameter of binomial distribution must be an integer.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($p), 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $p = floatval($p);
                grokit_assert($p >= 0 && $p <= 1, 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be in the range [0, 1]');
                grokit_assert($t >= 0, 'ClusterGen: t parameter of binomial distribution must be in the range [0, +inf)');
                $distArgs = [$t, $p];
            case 'negative_binomial':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'negative_binomial_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Negative Binomial distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $k = get_default($args, ['k', 0], 1);
                $p = get_default($args, ['p', 1], 0.5);
                grokit_assert(is_int($k), 'ClusterGen: k parameter of binomial distribution must be an integer.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($p), 'ClusterGen: p parameter of binomial distribution must be a real number.');
                $p = floatval($p);
                grokit_assert($p > 0 && $p <= 1, 'ClusterGen: p parameter of negative binomial distribution must be in the range (0, 1]');
                grokit_assert($k > 0, 'ClusterGen: k parameter of negative binomial distribution must be in the range (0, +inf)');
                $distArgs = [$k, $p];
            case 'inverse_gaussian':
            case 'inverse_normal':
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Inverse Gaussian distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $mean = get_default($args, ['mean', 0], 1);
                $shape = get_default($args, ['shape', 1], 1);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($mean), 'ClusterGen: mean parameter of inverse gaussian distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($shape), 'ClusterGen: shape parameter of inverse gaussian distribution must be a real number.');
                $mean = floatval($mean);
                $shape = floatval($shape);
                grokit_assert($mean > 0, 'ClusterGen: mean of inverse gaussian distribution must be in range (0, inf)');
                grokit_assert($shape > 0, 'ClusterGen: shape of inverse gaussian distribution must be in range (0, inf)');
                $gen_args = ['output' => $oType, 'ns' => $distNS];
                $distName = strval(lookupResource('datagen::InverseGaussianGen', $gen_args));
                $distArgs = [$mean, $shape];
            case 'uniform':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'uniform_real_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Uniform distribution takes at most 2 arguments, ' . \count($args) . ' given');
                $a = get_default($args, ['a', 0], 0.0);
                $b = get_default($args, ['b', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($a), 'ClusterGen: `a` parameter of uniform distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($b), 'ClusterGen: `b` parameter of uniform distribution must be a real number.');
                $a = floatval($a);
                $b = floatval($b);
                grokit_assert($b >= $a, 'ClusterGen: `b` parameter of uniform distribution must be >= the `a` parameter.');
                $distArgs = [$a, $b];
            case 'exponential':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'exponential_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 1, 'ClusterGen: Exponential distribution takes at most 1 argument.');
                $lambda = get_default($args, ['lambda', 0], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($lambda), 'ClusterGen: `lambda` parameter of exponential distribution must be a real number.');
                $lambda = floatval($lambda);
                grokit_assert($lambda > 0, 'ClusterGen: `lambda` parameter of exponential distribution must be in range (0, +inf).');
                $distArgs = [$lambda];
            case 'gamma':
            case 'Gamma':
                $distName = $distNS . '::' . 'gamma_distribution<' . $oType . '>';
                grokit_assert(\count($args) <= 2, 'ClusterGen: Gamma distribution takes at most 2 arguments.');
                $alpha = get_default($args, ['alpha', 0], 1.0);
                $beta = det_default($args, ['beta', 1], 1.0);
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($alpha), 'ClusterGen: `alpha` parameter of gamma distribution must be a real number.');
                grokit_assert(is_numeric($beta), 'ClusterGen: `beta` parameter of gamma distribution must be a real number.');
                $alpha = floatval($alpha);
                $beta = floatval($beta);
                $distArgs = [$alpha, $beta];
                grokit_error('ClusterGen: Unknown distribution ' . $name . ' given for center');
        return [$distName, $distArgs];
    $dists = [];
    $distArgs = [];
    $count = 0;
    $oType = '';
    $nCenters = 1;
    foreach ($centers as $val) {
        $cluster = $val;
        if (is_functor($val)) {
            $cluster = [$val];
        } else {
            if (is_array($val)) {
                $nCenters = lcm($nCenters, \count($val));
            } else {
                grokit_error('ClusterGen: center descriptions must be functors or list of functors');
        $curDist = [];
        $curDistArgs = [];
        $curDistName = 'distribution' . $count++;
        $oType = strval(current($outputs));
        $iCount = 0;
        foreach ($cluster as $functor) {
            grokit_assert(is_functor($functor), 'ClusterGen: center description must be a functor');
            $vName = $curDistName . '_' . $iCount++;
            $ret = $handleDist($functor->name(), $functor->args(), $oType);
            $curDist[$vName] = $ret[0];
            $curDistArgs[$vName] = $ret[1];
        $dists[$curDistName] = $curDist;
        $distArgs[$curDistName] = $curDistArgs;
    // Determine the default number of sets to compute at a time.
    // We want to generate either $nTuples or 10,000 tuples, depending on which
    // is less.
    $defaultSetsTarget = min($nTuples, 10000);
    $setsToTarget = intval(ceil($defaultSetsTarget / $nCenters));
    $computeSets = get_default($t_args, 'compute.sets', $setsToTarget);
    grokit_assert(is_int($computeSets) && $computeSets > 0, 'ClusterGen: compute.sets must be a positive integer, ' . $computeSets . ' given');
    $className = generate_name('ClusterGen');
    // For some BIZZARE reason, the $outputs array was getting modified while
    // traversing over the $dists array. Making a deep copy of the outputs and
    // then reassigning it seems to fix the issue.
    $outputs = $myOutputs;

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    // The number of tuples to produce per task
    static constexpr size_t N = <?php 
    echo $nTuples;
    static constexpr size_t CacheSize = <?php 
    echo $computeSets * $nCenters;

    // Typedefs
    typedef std::tuple<<?php 
    echo array_template('{val}', ', ', $outputs);
> Tuple;
    typedef std::array<Tuple, CacheSize> TupleArray;
    typedef TupleArray::const_iterator TupleIterator;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $RNGtype;

    // Number of tuples produced.
    uintmax_t count;

    // Cache a number of outputs for efficiency
    TupleArray cache;
    TupleIterator cacheIt;

    // Random number generator
    RandGen rng;

    // Distributions
    // This is the section causing issues.
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
            echo $type;
            echo $vName;
        // foreach distribution
    // foreach cluster set

    // Helper function to generate tuples.
    void GenerateTuples(void) {
    $tIndex = 0;
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        $lCenters = \count($list);
        // $nCenters has been defined to be the LCM of the number of centers in
        // any column, so $lCenter is guaranteed to divide evenly into
        // CacheSize
        for( size_t index = 0; CacheSize > index; index += <?php 
        echo $lCenters;
 ) {
        $index = 0;
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
            echo $tIndex;
>(cache[index + <?php 
            echo $index;
]) = <?php 
            echo $vName;
        // foreach value in tuple
    // foreach distribution
        cacheIt = cache.cbegin();

    // Constructor
    echo $className;
( GIStreamProxy & _stream ) :
        , cacheIt()
        , count(0)
        , rng()
    foreach ($dists as $name => $list) {
        foreach ($list as $vName => $type) {
        , <?php 
            echo $vName;
            echo implode(', ', $distArgs[$name][$vName]);
        // foreach distribution
    // foreach cluster set

    if (is_null($seed)) {
        echo $distNS;
::random_device rd;
    // if seed is null
        RandGen::result_type seed = <?php 
    echo is_null($seed) ? 'rd()' : "CongruentHash({$seed}, _stream.get_id() )";

        cacheIt = cache.cend();

    // Destructor
    echo $className;
(void) { }

    bool ProduceTuple(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        if( N > count ) {
            if( cacheIt == cache.cend() ) {
    $tIndex = 0;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = std::get<<?php 
        echo $tIndex;
    // foreach output


            return true;
        else {
            return false;

    return array('kind' => 'GI', 'name' => $className, 'output' => $outputs, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'libraries' => $libraries);
Пример #2
function ExtremeTuples(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs)
    $extremes = get_first_key($t_args, ['extremes']);
    $nExt = \count($extremes);
    grokit_assert($nExt > 0, 'No extremes specified for ExtremeTuples GLA.');
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('inputs', $t_args), 'No arguments specified for ExtremeTuples GLA.');
        $count = 0;
        foreach ($t_args['inputs'] as $type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Only datatypes can be specified as inputs to ' . 'the ExtremeTuples GLA');
            $name = 'et_val' . $count;
            $inputs[$name] = $type;
    $outputMap = [];
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        $oKey = key($outputs);
        $outputs[$oKey] = $type;
        $outputMap[$oKey] = $name;
    grokit_assert($nExt <= \count($inputs), 'There can not be more extreme values than there are inputs!');
    $mainAtts = [];
    $extraAtts = [];
    $minOpts = ['MIN', 'MINIMUM', '-', '<'];
    $maxOpts = ['MAX', 'MAXIMUM', '+', '>'];
    $inArrayCase = function ($needle, $haystack) {
        foreach ($haystack as $item) {
            if (strcasecmp($needle, $item) == 0) {
                return true;
        return false;
    $minimum = [];
    foreach ($extremes as $name => $val) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, $inputs), "ExtremeTuples: Expression with name " . $name . " specified as extreme not found in inputs");
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        if (array_key_exists($name, $extremes)) {
            $mainAtts[$name] = $type;
            if ($inArrayCase($extremes[$name], $minOpts)) {
                $minimum[$name] = true;
            } else {
                if ($inArrayCase($extremes[$name], $maxOpts)) {
                    $minimum[$name] = false;
                } else {
                    grokit_error('Unknown extreme type ' . $extremes[$name] . ' specified for ' . $name);
        } else {
            $extraAtts[$name] = $type;
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $className = generate_name('ExtremeTuples');

class <?php 
    echo $className;

    struct Tuple {
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // foreach input

        // Default Constructor, Copy Constructor, and Copy Assignment are all
        // default
        Tuple(void) = default;
        Tuple(const Tuple &) = default;
        Tuple & operator = (const Tuple &) = default;

    echo array_template('const {val} & _{key}', ', ', $inputs);
) :
    echo array_template('{key}(_{key})', ', ', $inputs);

        { }

        // operator > means that this tuple is "better" than the other tuple.
        bool operator > ( const Tuple & other ) const {
    foreach ($mainAtts as $name => $type) {
        $op1 = $minimum[$name] ? '<' : '>';
        $op2 = !$minimum[$name] ? '<' : '>';
            if( <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $op1;
        echo $name;
                return true;
            else if( <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $op2;
        echo $name;
                return false;
    // foreach main attribute

            return false;

        bool operator < ( const Tuple& other ) const {
            return other > *this;

        bool operator <= (const Tuple & other ) const {
            return ! (*this > other );

        bool operator >= (const Tuple & other ) const {
            return !( other > *this );

        bool operator == (const Tuple & other ) const {
            bool ret = true;
    foreach ($mainAtts as $name => $type) {
            ret &= <?php 
        echo $name;
 == other.<?php 
        echo $name;
    // foreach main attribute
            return ret;
    }; // struct Tuple

    typedef std::vector<Tuple> TupleVector;
    class Iterator {
        typedef TupleVector::const_iterator iter_type;

        iter_type begin;
        iter_type end;

        Iterator(void) = default;
        Iterator(const Iterator &) = default;
        Iterator( const iter_type & _begin, const iter_type & _end ) : begin(_begin), end(_end)
        { }
        Iterator( const iter_type && _begin, const iter_type && _end ) : begin(_begin), end(_end)
        { }

        bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
            if( begin != end ) {
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = begin-><?php 
        echo $outputMap[$name];
                return true;
            else {
                return false;



    uintmax_t __count;  // number of tuples covered

    TupleVector tuples;

    // Iterator for multi output type
    Iterator multiIterator;

    // Constructor and destructor
    echo $className;
(void) : __count(0), tuples(), multiIterator()
    { }

    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
 ) {
        Tuple t(<?php 
    echo args($inputs);

        if( tuples.empty() ) {
        else if( t > tuples.front() ) {
        else if( t == tuples.front() ) {

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        if( tuples.size() == 0 ) {
        else if( other.tuples.size() == 0 ) {
            // Do nothing
        else if( tuples.front() > other.tuples.front() ) {
            // fast path
        else if( other.tuples.front() > tuples.front() ) {
        else {
            for( Tuple & t : other.tuples ) {

    void Finalize( void ) {
        multiIterator = Iterator(tuples.cbegin(), tuples.cend());

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($outputs);
}; // class <?php 
    echo $className;

    $system_headers = ['vector', 'algorithm', 'cinttypes'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers = array_merge($system_headers, ['iostream', 'sstream', 'string']);
    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => 'multi', 'system_headers' => $system_headers);
Пример #3
function GroupBy(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs, array $states)
    // Ensure we have valid inputs.
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        // No inputs given, try to get them from template arguments.
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs given for GroupBy');
        $inputs = $t_args['input'];
        if (!is_array($inputs)) {
            $inputs = [$inputs];
        foreach ($inputs as $name => &$type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Invalid type given for input ' . $name);
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('group', $t_args), 'No groups specified for GroupBy');
    $gbyAttMap = $t_args['group'];
    grokit_assert(is_array($gbyAttMap), 'Invalid value given for groups, expected an expression name or list of expression names');
    $gbyAttMap = array_map('strval', $gbyAttMap);
    $gbyAttNames = array_keys($gbyAttMap);
    foreach ($gbyAttMap as $in => $out) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($in, $inputs), 'Group ' . $in . ' not present in input');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($out, $outputs), 'Output Attribute ' . $out . ' for group ' . $in . ' not found in outputs');
    $numGByAtts = \count($gbyAttNames);
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('aggregate', $t_args), 'No aggregate specified for GroupBy');
    $innerGLA = $t_args['aggregate'];
    grokit_assert(is_gla($innerGLA), 'Non-GLA specified as aggregate for GroupBy');
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $init_size = get_default($t_args, 'init.size', 1024);
    $use_mct = get_default($t_args, 'use.mct', true);
    $keepHashes = get_default($t_args, 'mct.keep.hashes', false);
    grokit_assert(is_bool($keepHashes), 'GroupBy mct.keep.hashes argument must be boolean');
    // determine the result type
    $use_fragments = get_default($t_args, 'use.fragments', true);
    $resType = $use_fragments ? ['fragment', 'multi'] : ['multi'];
    $fragSize = get_default($t_args, 'fragment.size', 2000000);
    // Always support state
    $resType[] = 'state';
    // Class name randomly generated
    $className = generate_name("GroupBy");
    // instantiate the inner GLA. input/output is derived from the main input/output
    $gbyAtts = [];
    $gbyAttsOut = [];
    $glaInputAtts = [];
    $glaOutputAtts = [];
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        if (in_array($name, $gbyAttNames)) {
            $gbyAtts[$name] = $type;
            $gbyAttsOut[$gbyAttMap[$name]] = $type;
            $outputs[$gbyAttMap[$name]] = $type;
        } else {
            $glaInputAtts[$name] = $type;
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        if (!in_array($name, $gbyAttMap)) {
            $glaOutputAtts[$name] = $type;
    $innerGLA = $innerGLA->apply($glaInputAtts, $glaOutputAtts, $states);
    $libraries = $innerGLA->libraries();
    $innerRes = get_first_value($innerGLA->result_type(), ['multi', 'single', 'state']);
    if ($innerRes == 'state') {
        // If the result type is state, the only output is a state object
        // containing the GLA.
        $outputName = array_keys($glaOutputAtts)[0];
        $innerOutputs = [$outputName => lookupType('base::STATE', ['type' => $innerGLA])];
    } else {
        $innerOutputs = $innerGLA->output();
        grokit_assert(\count($innerOutputs) == \count($glaOutputAtts), 'Expected ' . \count($glaOutputAtts) . ' outputs fromm Inner GLA, got ' . \count($innerOutputs));
    $constState = lookupResource('GroupByState', ['gla' => $innerGLA, 'groups' => $gbyAtts, 'debug' => $debug]);
    // constructor argumetns are inherited from inner GLA
    $configurable = $innerGLA->configurable();
    $reqStates = $innerGLA->req_states();
    // We need to specially create the constructor string because apparently
    // declaring Type Name(); is a function declaration instead of a variable
    // declaration for some reason.
    $constructorParts = [];
    if ($configurable) {
        $constructorParts[] = 'jsonInit';
    if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
        $constructorParts[] = 'innerState';
    $constructorString = \count($constructorParts) > 0 ? '(' . implode(', ', $constructorParts) . ')' : '';
    // add the outputs we got from the gla
    foreach ($innerOutputs as $name => $type) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, $outputs), 'Inner GLA\'s outputs refer to unknown attribute ' . $name);
        grokit_assert($type !== null, 'GroupBy Inner GLA left output ' . $name . ' with no type');
        $outputs[$name] = $type;
    $iterable = $innerGLA->iterable();
    // need to keep track of system includes needed
    $extraHeaders = array();
    $allocatorText = "std::allocator<std::pair<const Key, {$innerGLA}> >";
    if ($use_mct) {
        $keepHashesText = $keepHashes ? 'true' : 'false';
        $extraHeaders[] = "mct/hash-map.hpp";
        $map = "mct::closed_hash_map<Key, {$innerGLA}, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, {$allocatorText}, {$keepHashesText}>";
        $mapType = 'mct::closed_hash_map';
    } else {
        $extraHeaders[] = "unordered_map";
        $map = "std::unordered_map<Key, {$innerGLA}, HashKey, std::equal_to<Key>, {$allocatorText}>";
        $mapType = 'std::unordered_map';
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $extraHeaders[] = 'cstdio';

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    using ConstantState = <?php 
    echo $constState;
    if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
    using InnerState = ConstantState::InnerState;
    // if gla has state
    using Key = ConstantState::Key;
    using HashKey = ConstantState::HashKey;
    using InnerGLA = <?php 
    echo $innerGLA;

    typedef <?php 
    echo $map;
    static const size_t INIT_SIZE = <?php 
    echo $init_size;

    class Iterator {
        MapType::iterator it; // current value
        MapType::iterator end; // last value in the fragment

        Iterator() { }

        Iterator(MapType::iterator _it, MapType::iterator _end):
            it(_it), end(_end)
            if( it != end ) {

    switch ($innerRes) {
        case 'multi':
        case 'state':
            if ($innerGLA->finalize_as_state()) {
            // if we need to finalize as a state
    // end switch inner restype

        bool GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
 ) {
            bool gotResult = false;
            while( it != end && !gotResult ) {
    echo $innerGLA;
 & gla = it->second;
    foreach ($gbyAttMap as $in => $out) {
        echo $out;
 = it->first.<?php 
        echo $in;
    // foreach grouping attribute

    switch ($innerRes) {
        case 'multi':
                gotResult = gla.GetNextResult( <?php 
            echo args($innerOutputs);
                if( !gotResult ) {
                    if( it != end ) {
        case 'single':
                gotResult = true;
            echo args($innerOutputs);
        case 'state':
            // Assuming that $innerOutputs contains a single value that is
            // the state type.
            $oName = key($innerOutputs);
            $oType = current($innerOutputs);
                gotResult = true;
            echo $oName;
 = <?php 
            echo $oType;
( &gla );
    // switch inner result type

            return gotResult;

    const ConstantState & constState;

    if ($configurable) {
    const Json::Value jsonInit;
    // if configurable

    size_t count;

    MapType groupByMap;

    std::vector<MapType::iterator> theIterators;  // the iterators, only 2 elements if multi, many if fragment
    Iterator multiIterator;


    echo $className;
    if ($configurable) {
const Json::Value & _jsonInit, <?php 
const ConstantState & _constState ) :
    if ($configurable) {
        , jsonInit(_jsonInit)
    // if configurable
        , count(0)
        , groupByMap( INIT_SIZE )
        , theIterators()
        , multiIterator()
    { }

    echo $className;
() {}

    void Reset(void) {
        count = 0;

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo array_template('const {val} & {key}', ', ', $inputs);
) {
        // check if _key is already in the map; if yes, add _value; else, add a new
        // entry (_key, _value)
        Key key(<?php 
    echo array_template('{key}', ', ', $gbyAtts);

        MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.find(key);
        if (it == groupByMap.end()) { // group does not exist
            // create an empty GLA and insert
            // better to not add the item here so we do not have
            // to transport a large state

    if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
            const InnerState & innerState = constState.getConstState(key);
    // if gla has state
            InnerGLA gla<?php 
    echo $constructorString;
            auto ret = groupByMap.insert(MapType::value_type(key, gla));
            it = ret.first; // reposition
    echo array_template('{key}', ', ', $glaInputAtts);

    void AddState(<?php 
    echo $className;
& other) {
        count += other.count;
        // scan other hash and insert or update content in this one
        for (MapType::iterator it = other.groupByMap.begin(); it != other.groupByMap.end();
                ++it) {
            const Key& okey = it->first;
    echo $innerGLA;
& ogla = it->second;

            MapType::iterator itt = groupByMap.find(okey);
            if (itt != groupByMap.end()) { // found the group
    echo $innerGLA;
& gla = itt->second;
            } else {
                // add the other group to this hash
                groupByMap.insert(MapType::value_type(okey, ogla));

    if ($iterable) {
    bool ShouldIterate(ConstantState& modibleState) {
        if ($debug > 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
            echo $className;
: ==== ShouldIterate ====\n");
        // if debugging enabled
        bool shouldIterate = false;
        for( MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.begin(); it != groupByMap.end(); ++it ) {
            const Key & key = it->first;
            InnerGLA & gla = it->second;
        if ($innerGLA->has_state()) {
            InnerState & innerState = modibleState.getModibleState(key);
        // if gla has state
            bool glaRet = gla.ShouldIterate(innerState);
            shouldIterate = shouldIterate || glaRet;
        if ($debug > 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
            echo $className;
: Key(%s) shouldIterate(%s)\n",
                glaRet ? "true" : "false");
        // if debugging enabled

        return shouldIterate;
    // if iterable

    if (in_array('fragment', $resType)) {

    int GetNumFragments(void){
        int size = groupByMap.size();
        int sizeFrag = <?php 
        echo $fragSize;
        // setup the fragment boundaries
        // scan via iterator and count
        int frag=0;
        int pos=0;
        MapType::iterator it = groupByMap.begin();
        theIterators.push_back( it );
        // special case when size < num_fragments
        // >
        if (sizeFrag == 0){
            it = groupByMap.end();
            theIterators.push_back( it );
            return 1; // one fragment

            while(it!=groupByMap.end() && pos<( frag + 1 )*sizeFrag){
            theIterators.push_back( it );

        if ($debug > 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
            echo $className;
: fragments(%d)\n", frag);

        return frag;


    Iterator* Finalize(int fragment){
        // Call finalize on all inner GLAs in this fragment.
        MapType::iterator iter = theIterators[fragment];
        MapType::iterator iterEnd = theIterators[fragment+1];

        Iterator* rez
            = new Iterator(theIterators[fragment], theIterators[fragment+1] );
        return rez;

    bool GetNextResult(Iterator* it,  <?php 
        echo array_template('{val} & {key}', ', ', $outputs);
) {
        return it->GetNextResult(<?php 
        echo args($outputs);
    // if using fragment interface

    void Finalize() {
        multiIterator = Iterator( groupByMap.begin(), groupByMap.end() );

    if ($debug >= 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "<?php 
        echo $className;
: groups(%lu) tuples(%lu)\n", groupByMap.size(), count);

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo array_template('{val} & {key}', ', ', $outputs);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo args($outputs);

    std::size_t size() const {
        return groupByMap.size();

    const MapType& GetMap() const {
      return groupByMap;

    bool Contains(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($gbyAtts);
) const {
      Key key(<?php 
    echo args($gbyAtts);
      return groupByMap.count(key) > 0;

    const InnerGLA& Get(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($gbyAtts);
) const {
      Key key(<?php 
    echo args($gbyAtts);
      return groupByMap.at(key);

    bool Contains(Key key) const {
      return groupByMap.count(key) > 0;

    const InnerGLA& Get(Key key) const {
      return groupByMap.at(key);

    if (in_array('fragment', $resType)) {
typedef <?php 
        echo $className;
::Iterator <?php 
        echo $className;

    $sys_headers = array_merge(['iomanip', 'iostream', 'cstring'], $extraHeaders);
    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => array('HashFunctions.h'), 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => $resType, 'configurable' => $configurable, 'generated_state' => $constState, 'required_states' => $reqStates, 'iterable' => $iterable, 'properties' => ['resettable', 'finite container'], 'libraries' => $libraries, 'extra' => ['inner_gla' => $innerGLA]);
Пример #4
 function hashComplex($val)
     $hasher = hash_init('sha256');
     if (is_array($val)) {
         hash_update($hasher, '[');
         // Ensure array is sorted by keys
         foreach ($val as $name => $v) {
             hash_update($hasher, $name);
             hash_update($hasher, '=>');
             hash_update($hasher, hashComplex($v));
         hash_update($hasher, ']');
     } else {
         if (is_gla($val)) {
             hash_update($hasher, 'gla');
             hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
         } else {
             if (is_gf($val)) {
                 hash_update($hasher, 'gf');
                 hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
             } else {
                 if (is_gt($val)) {
                     hash_update($hasher, 'gt');
                     hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
                 } else {
                     if (is_gist($val)) {
                         hash_update($hasher, 'gist');
                         hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
                     } else {
                         if (is_gi($val)) {
                             hash_update($hasher, 'gi');
                             hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
                         } else {
                             if (is_datatype($val)) {
                                 hash_update($hasher, 'datatype');
                                 hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
                             } else {
                                 if (is_functor($val)) {
                                     hash_update($hasher, 'functor');
                                     hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
                                 } else {
                                     if (is_identifier($val)) {
                                         hash_update($hasher, 'identifier');
                                         hash_update($hasher, $val->hash());
                                     } else {
                                         if (is_attribute($val)) {
                                             hash_update($hasher, 'attribute');
                                             hash_update($hasher, strval($val));
                                         } else {
                                             if (is_int($val) || is_float($val) || is_string($val) || is_bool($val)) {
                                                 hash_update($hasher, gettype($val));
                                                 hash_update($hasher, $val);
                                             } else {
                                                 if (is_null($val)) {
                                                     hash_update($hasher, 'null');
                                                 } else {
                                                     $valType = is_object($val) ? get_class($val) : gettype($val);
                                                     grokit_logic_error('Unable to hash unknown type ' . $valType);
     return hash_final($hasher);
Пример #5
 * A fixed-size typed array view on top of memory. The view is read-only
 * This is used to prevent copying of data when extracting from a column.
function FixedArrayView(array $t_args)
    $constructors = [];
    $methods = [];
    $functions = [];
    $globalContent = '';
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('type', $t_args), 'FixedArrayView: No type given.');
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('size', $t_args), 'FixedArrayView: No size given');
    $type = $t_args['type'];
    $size = $t_args['size'];
    if (is_array($type)) {
        $type = call_user_func_array('lookupType', $type);
    } else {
        $type = $type->lookup();
    grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'arrayView: [type] argument must be a valid datatype.');
    grokit_assert($type->isFixedSize(), 'FixedArray: variable-sized types not supported');
    grokit_assert(is_int($size), 'FixedArrayView: [size] argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($size > 0, 'FixedArrayView: [size] arugment must be a positive number.');
    $className = generate_name('FixedArrayView_' . $size . '_');
struct <?php 
    echo $className;
	using value_type             = <?php 
    echo $type;
    using size_type              = std::size_t;
    using difference_type        = std::ptrdiff_t;

    using reference              = value_type &;
    using const_reference        = const value_type &;
    using pointer                = value_type *;
    using const_pointer          = const value_type *;
    using iterator               = value_type *;
    using const_iterator         = const value_type *;
    using reverse_iterator       = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
    using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;

	static constexpr const size_type SIZE = <?php 
    echo $size;

    const_pointer __elems_;

    echo $className;
(): __elems_(nullptr) { }

	// Constructor from externally managed memory
    echo $className;
(const_pointer ptr): __elems_(ptr) { }

	// Default copy and move constructors/assignment
    echo $className;
(const <?php 
    echo $className;
 &other) = default;
    echo $className;
 & operator=(const <?php 
    echo $className;
 &other) = default;
    echo $className;
    echo $className;
 &&other) = default;
    echo $className;
 & operator=(<?php 
    echo $className;
 &&other) = default;

	/***** Element Access *****/

    $methods[] = ['at', ['base::BIGINT'], $type->value(), true];
    const_reference at( size_type pos ) const {
        if( size() <= pos ) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss  << "Element access out of range:"
                << " size=" << size()
                << " index=" << pos;

             throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
        return __elems_[pos];

    const_reference operator[]( size_type pos ) const {
        return __elems_[pos];

    $methods[] = ['front', [], $type->value(), true];
    const_reference front() const {
        return __elems_[0];

    $methods[] = ['back', [], $type->value(), true];
    const_reference back() const {
        return __elems_[SIZE-1];

    const_pointer data() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

	/***** Iterators *****/

    const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_iterator begin() const noexcept {
        return cbegin();

    const_iterator cend() const noexcept {
        return __elems_ + size();

    const_iterator end() const noexcept {
        return cend();

    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cend());

    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept {
        return crbegin();

    const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());

    const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept {
        return crend();

	/***** Capacity *****/

    $methods[] = ['empty', [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool empty() const noexcept {
        return SIZE == 0;

    $methods[] = ['size', [], 'base::BIGINT', true];
    size_type size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    size_type max_size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    /***** Operations *****/

    void swap( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) noexcept {
        std::swap( __elems_, other.__elems_ );

    /***** EXTENTIONS *****/

    void from_memory( const_pointer mem ) {
        __elems_ = mem;


bool operator == ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
	// Fast-track for views referring to the same memory
	if (lhs.__elems_ == rhs.__elems_)
		return true;

    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) {
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return false;
    return true;

bool operator != ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
	// Fast-track for views referring to the same memory
	if (lhs.__elems_ == rhs.__elems_)
		return false;

    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) {
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return true;
    return false;

bool operator < ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin(), rhs.cend());

bool operator > ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return rhs < lhs;

bool operator <= ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return !(lhs > rhs);

bool operator >=( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return !(lhs < rhs);

// ostream operator for easier debugging.
template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& operator << ( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits> & os, const @type s ) {
    std::ostringstream ss;
    bool first = true;
    ss << "[";

    for( const auto & elem : s ) {
        if( first ) {
            first = false;
        } else {
            ss << ", ";

        ss << elem;

    ss << "]";

    os << ss.str();
    return os;

std::size_t SizeFromBuffer<@type>(const char *buffer) {
	return @type::SIZE * sizeof(@type::value_type);

std::size_t SerializedSize(const @type& from) {
	return @type::SIZE * sizeof(@type::value_type);

std::size_t Serialize(char *buffer, const @type &from) {
	@type::pointer ptr = reinterpret_cast<@type::pointer>(buffer);
	std::copy(from.cbegin(), from.cend(), ptr);
	return SerializedSize(from);

std::size_t Deserialize(const char *buffer, @type &dest) {
	@type::const_pointer ptr = reinterpret_cast<@type::const_pointer>(buffer);
	return SizeFromBuffer<@type>(buffer);

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {
    dest = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    for( @type::const_reference elem : src ) {
        Json::Value tmp;
        ToJson( elem, tmp );

int ToString( const @type & x, char * buffer ) {
    if ($size > 0) {
    char * start = buffer;
    char * current = start;

    for( const auto & val : x ) {
        current += ToString( val, current );

        // Replace null with space
        *(current-1) = ' ';

    // Replace final comma with null
    *(current-1) = '\0';

    return current - start;
    } else {
        // if size > 0
    buffer[0] = '\0';

    return 1;
    // if size == 0

    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'BASE::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash( const @type & val ) {
    uint64_t hashVal = H_b;
    for( @type::const_reference elem : val ) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(elem), hashVal);
    return hashVal;

namespace std {

#ifdef _HAS_STD_HASH

// C++11 STL-compliant hash struct specialization
template <>
class hash<@type> {
    size_t operator () (const @type& key) const {
        return Hash(key);
#endif // _HAS_STD_HASH

// std::swap specializations

void swap( @type& lhs, @type& rhs ) {


    $globalContent .= ob_get_clean();

    $innerDesc = function ($var, $myType) use($type) {
        $describer = $type->describer('json');
        echo $var;
["size"] = Json::Int64(<?php 
        echo $myType;
        $innerVar = "{$var}[\"inner_type\"]";
        $describer($innerVar, $type);
    $sys_headers = ['iterator', 'algorithm', 'stdexcept', 'utility', 'cstdint', 'cstddef', 'iostream', 'sstream', 'cstring'];
    $user_headers = ['Config.h'];
    $extras = ['size' => $size, 'type' => $type];
    $sizeBytes = $size * $type->get('size.bytes');
    $extras['size.bytes'] = $sizeBytes;
    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'methods' => $methods, 'functions' => $functions, 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'global_content' => $globalContent, 'complex' => "ColumnIterator<@type, 0, {$sizeBytes}>", 'properties' => ['container', 'sequence', 'array-view'], 'extras' => $extras, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('array', $innerDesc)];
Пример #6
function Multiplexer(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs)
    $className = generate_name('Multiplexer');
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs specified for Multiplexer');
        $inputs = $t_args['input'];
        foreach ($t_args['inputs'] as $name => &$type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Only types may be specified as inputs to Multiplexer.');
        $inputs = ensure_valid_names($inputs, 'multi_input');
    $glas = get_first_key($t_args, ['glas', 0]);
    grokit_assert(\count($glas) > 0, 'No GLAs specified for Multiplexer.');
    $myGLAs = [];
    $glaInputs = [];
    $glaOutputs = [];
    $resultType = 'multi';
    $usedOutputs = [];
    $libraries = [];
    $glaGenStates = [];
    $glaReqStates = [];
    $configurable = false;
    $constArgs = [];
    $genStates = [];
    $reqStates = [];
    $iterable = null;
    foreach ($glas as $name => $glaInfo) {
        grokit_assert(is_array($glaInfo), 'Template argument \'glas\' must be an array');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('gla', $glaInfo), 'No GLA given for glas[' . $name . ']');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('inputs', $glaInfo), 'No inputs given for glas[' . $name . ']');
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('outputs', $glaInfo), 'No outputs given for glas[' . $name . ']');
        $gla = $glaInfo['gla'];
        $glaInAtts = $glaInfo['inputs'];
        $glaOutAtts = $glaInfo['outputs'];
        grokit_assert(is_gla($gla), 'Non-GLA given for glas[' . $name . '][gla]');
        grokit_assert(is_array($glaInAtts), 'Non-array given for inputs for gla ' . $name);
        grokit_assert(is_array($glaOutAtts), 'Non-array given for outputs for gla ' . $name);
        $glaInAtts = array_map('strval', $glaInAtts);
        $glaOutAtts = array_map('strval', $glaOutAtts);
        $glaName = "innerGLA_" . $name;
        $glaInputs[$glaName] = [];
        $glaOutputs[$glaName] = [];
        foreach ($glaInAtts as $att) {
            grokit_assert(array_key_exists($att, $inputs), 'Input ' . $att . ' for GLA ' . $name . ' not found in inputs');
            $glaInputs[$glaName][$att] = $inputs[$att];
        foreach ($glaOutAtts as $att) {
            grokit_assert(array_key_exists($att, $outputs), 'Output ' . $att . ' for GLA ' . $name . ' not found in outputs');
            grokit_assert(!in_array($att, $usedOutputs), 'Output ' . $att . ' used by multiple GLAs');
            $usedOutputs[] = $att;
            $glaOutputs[$glaName][$att] = $outputs[$att];
        //fwrite(STDERR, "Inputs for GLA " . $glaName . ": " . print_r($glaInputs[$glaName], true) . PHP_EOL );
        //fwrite(STDERR, "Outputs for GLA " . $glaName . ": " . print_r($glaOutputs[$glaName], true) . PHP_EOL );
        $gla = $gla->apply($glaInputs[$glaName], $glaOutputs[$glaName]);
        $myGLAs[$glaName] = $gla;
        $glaRez[$glaName] = get_first_value($gla->result_type(), ['multi', 'single', 'state']);
        $libraries = array_merge($libraries, $gla->libraries());
        if ($glaRez[$glaName] == 'state') {
            grokit_assert(\count($glaOutputs[$glaName]) == 1, "GLA {$glaName} is produced as state, and thus must have exactly 1 output.");
            $stateType = lookupType('base::STATE', ['type' => $gla]);
            $glaOutputs[$glaName] = array_combine(array_keys($glaOutputs[$glaName]), [$stateType]);
        } else {
            grokit_assert(\count($glaOutputs[$glaName]) == \count($gla->output()), 'GLA ' . $glaName . ' produces different number of outputs than expected');
            $glaOutputs[$glaName] = array_combine(array_keys($glaOutputs[$glaName]), $gla->output());
        // Set types for our output
        foreach ($glaOutputs[$glaName] as $attName => $type) {
            $outputs[$attName] = $type;
        if (is_null($iterable)) {
            $iterable = $gla->iterable();
        } else {
            grokit_assert($iterable == $gla->iterable(), 'Multiplexer does not support mixing iterable and non-iterable GLAs');
        $glaReqStates[$glaName] = $gla->req_states();
        foreach ($gla->req_states() as $rstate) {
            $reqStates[] = $rstate;
        $glaGenStates[$glaName] = $gla->state();
        // TODO: Support constant states
        grokit_assert(!$gla->has_state(), 'Multiplexer currently does not support constant states.');
    $libraries = array_unique($libraries);
    $extra = ['glas' => $myGLAs];

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;
    // foreach inner gla

    class Iterator {

        bool _gotResultsOnce;
        bool _valid;

    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
 * it_<?php 
        echo $name;
    // foreach inner gla

        Iterator(void) : _gotResultsOnce(false), _valid(false),
    echo array_template('it_{key}(nullptr)', ', ', $myGLAs);

        { }

    echo typed_ref_args($myGLAs);
) : _gotResultsOnce(false), _valid(true),
    echo array_template('it_{key}(&{key})', ', ', $myGLAs);

    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        if ($glaRez[$name] == 'multi') {
            echo $name;
        // if inner GLA is multi
    // foreach inner gla

        Iterator( const Iterator & other) = default;

        ~Iterator() { }

        bool GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
 ) {
            FATALIF(!_valid, "Tried to get results from an invalid iterator.");

            bool ret = !_gotResultsOnce;
            _gotResultsOnce = true;

    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        if ($glaRez[$name] == 'multi') {
            ret |= it_<?php 
            echo $name;
            echo args($glaOutputs[$name]);
        // if inner GLA is multi
    // foreach inner gla

            if( ret ) {
    foreach ($myGLAs as $name => $type) {
        if ($glaRez[$name] == 'single') {
            echo $name;
            echo args($glaOutputs[$name]);
        } else {
            if ($glaRez[$name] == 'state') {
                $stateVar = array_keys($glaOutputs[$name])[0];
                $stateType = $glaOutputs[$name][$stateVar];
                echo $stateVar;
 = <?php 
                echo $stateType;
                echo $name;
        // if inner GLA is state
    // foreach inner gla

            return ret;

    Iterator multiIterator;

    echo $className;
() { }
    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
) {
        // Call AddItem individually on each GLA.
    foreach ($myGLAs as $gName => $gType) {
        echo $gName;
        echo args($glaInputs[$gName]);
    // foreach inner gla

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        // Call AddState individually on each GLA.
    foreach ($myGLAs as $gName => $gType) {
        echo $gName;
        echo $gName;
    // foreach inner gla

    void Finalize() {
        multiIterator = Iterator(<?php 
    echo args($myGLAs);

    bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($outputs);

    void GetResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
    echo args($outputs);

    foreach (array_keys($myGLAs) as $index => $name) {
    const <?php 
        echo $myGLAs[$name];
& GetGLA<?php 
        echo $index;
() const {
      return <?php 
        echo $name;

    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => $resultType, 'libraries' => $libraries, 'configurable' => $configurable, 'extra' => $extra);
Пример #7
 *  A fixed array containing a given type.
 *  This is very similar to the STL array datatype, except that the size is not
 *  allowed to be 0.
function FixedArray(array $t_args)
    $constructors = [];
    $methods = [];
    $functions = [];
    $globalContent = '';
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('type', $t_args), 'FixedArray: No type given for elements');
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('size', $t_args), 'FixedArray: No size given');
    $type = $t_args['type'];
    $size = $t_args['size'];
    if (is_array($type)) {
        // Perform type lookup
        $type = call_user_func_array('lookupType', $type);
    } else {
        $type = $type->lookup();
    grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'FixedArray: [type] argument must be a valid datatype');
    grokit_assert($type->isFixedSize(), 'FixedArray: variable-sized types not supported');
    grokit_assert(is_int($size), 'FixedArray: [size] argument must be an integer');
    grokit_assert($size > 0, 'FixedArray: [size] arugment must be a positive number.');
    $className = generate_name('FixedArray_' . $size . '_');
struct <?php 
    echo $className;
    using value_type             = <?php 
    echo $type;
    using size_type              = std::size_t;
    using difference_type        = std::ptrdiff_t;

    using reference              = value_type &;
    using const_reference        = const value_type &;
    using pointer                = value_type *;
    using const_pointer          = const value_type *;
    using iterator               = value_type *;
    using const_iterator         = const value_type *;
    using reverse_iterator       = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
    using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;

    static constexpr const size_type SIZE = <?php 
    echo $size;

    value_type __elems_[SIZE > 0 ? SIZE : 1];

    // No explicit contruct/copy/destroy for aggregate type
    $constructors[] = [[], true];

    /***** Element Access *****/

    $methods[] = ['at', ['base::BIGINT'], $type->value(), true];
    reference at( size_type pos ) {
        if( size() <= pos ) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss  << "Element access out of range:"
                << " size=" << size()
                << " index=" << pos;

            throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
        return __elems_[pos];

    const_reference at( size_type pos ) const {
        if( size() <= pos ) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss  << "Element access out of range:"
                << " size=" << size()
                << " index=" << pos;

             throw std::out_of_range(ss.str());
        return __elems_[pos];

    reference operator[]( size_type pos ) {
        return __elems_[pos];

    constexpr const_reference operator[]( size_type pos ) const {
        return __elems_[pos];

    $methods[] = ['front', [], $type->value(), true];
    reference front() {
        return __elems_[0];

    constexpr const_reference front() const {
        return __elems_[0];

    $methods[] = ['back', [], $type->value(), true];
    reference back() {
        return __elems_[SIZE-1];

    constexpr const_reference back() const {
        return __elems_[SIZE-1];

    pointer data() noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_pointer data() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    /***** Iterators *****/

    iterator begin() noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept {
        return __elems_;

    const_iterator begin() const noexcept {
        return cbegin();

    iterator end() noexcept {
        return __elems_ + size();

    const_iterator cend() const noexcept {
        return __elems_ + size();

    const_iterator end() const noexcept {
        return cend();

    reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept {
        return reverse_iterator(end());

    const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cend());

    const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept {
        return crbegin();

    reverse_iterator rend() noexcept {
        return reverse_iterator(begin());

    const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept {
        return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());

    const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept {
        return crend();

    /***** Capacity *****/

    $methods[] = ['empty', [], 'base::bool', true];
    constexpr bool empty() const noexcept {
        return SIZE == 0;

    $methods[] = ['size', [], 'base::BIGINT', true];
    constexpr size_type size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    constexpr size_type max_size() const noexcept {
        return SIZE;

    /***** Operations *****/

    void fill( const value_type & value ) {
        std::fill_n(begin(), SIZE, value);

    void swap( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) noexcept(noexcept(std::swap(std::declval<value_type&>(), std::declval<value_type&>()))) {
        std::swap( __elems_, other.__elems_ );

    /***** EXTENTIONS *****/

    void from_memory( const_pointer mem ) {
        std::copy(mem, mem+SIZE, __elems_);


bool operator == ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) { //>
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return false;
    return true;

bool operator != ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    for( @type::size_type i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) { //>
        if( lhs[i] != rhs[i] ) return true;
    return false;

bool operator < ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) { //>
    return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs.cbegin(), lhs.cend(), rhs.cbegin(), rhs.cend());

bool operator > ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return rhs < lhs; //>

bool operator <= ( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) { //>
    return !(lhs > rhs);

bool operator >=( const @type & lhs, const @type & rhs ) {
    return !(lhs < rhs); //>

// ostream operator for easier debugging.
template<class CharT, class Traits = std::char_traits<CharT>>
std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& operator << ( std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits> & os, const @type s ) {
    std::ostringstream ss;
    bool first = true;
    ss << "[";

    for( const auto & elem : s ) {
        if( first ) {
            first = false;
        } else {
            ss << ", ";

        ss << elem;

    ss << "]";

    os << ss.str();
    return os;

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {
    dest = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    for( @type::const_reference elem : src ) {
        Json::Value tmp;
        ToJson( elem, tmp );

void FromJson( const Json::Value & src, @type & dest ) {
    FATALIF(!src.isArray(), "Attempted to read array from non-array JSON");
    FATALIF(!(src.size() == @type::SIZE), "Invalid number of elements in JSON for Array");

    for( Json::ArrayIndex i = 0; i < @type::SIZE; i++ ) { //>
        FromJson( src[i], dest[i] );

int ToString( const @type & x, char * buffer ) {
    if ($size > 0) {
    char * start = buffer;
    char * current = start;

    for( const auto & val : x ) {
        current += ToString( val, current );

        // Replace null with space
        *(current-1) = ' ';

    // Replace final comma with null
    *(current-1) = '\0';

    return current - start;
    } else {
        // if size > 0
    buffer[0] = '\0';

    return 1;
    // if size == 0

void FromString( @type & x, const char * buffer ) {
    char * current = NULL;
    char * saveptr = NULL;
    const char * delim = " ";
    char * copy = strdup(buffer);

    current = strtok_r(copy, delim, &saveptr);

    for( auto & val : x ) {
        FATALIF(current == NULL, "Not enough elements in string representation of array");
        ToString(val, current);
        current = strtok_r(NULL, delim, &saveptr);

    free((void *) copy);

    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'BASE::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash( const @type & val ) {
    uint64_t hashVal = H_b;
    for( @type::const_reference elem : val ) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(elem), hashVal);
    return hashVal;

namespace std {

#ifdef _HAS_STD_HASH

// C++11 STL-compliant hash struct specialization
template <>
class hash<@type> {
    size_t operator () (const @type& key) const {
        return Hash(key);
#endif // _HAS_STD_HASH

// std::get specializations

template< size_t I >
constexpr @type::reference get( @type& a ) {
    static_assert(I < @type::SIZE,
        "Index out of bounds for std::get(@type)");

    return a.__elems_[I];

template< size_t I >
constexpr @type::value_type&& get( @type&& a ) {
    static_assert(I < @type::SIZE,
        "Index out of bounds for std::get(@type)");

    return std::move(a.__elems_[I]);

template< size_t I >
constexpr @type::const_reference get( const @type& a ) {
    static_assert(I < @type::SIZE,
        "Index out of bounds for std::get(@type)");

    return a.__elems_[I];

// std::swap specializations

void swap( @type& lhs, @type& rhs ) {

// std::tuple_size

class tuple_size< @type > :
    public integral_constant<size_t, @type::SIZE>
{ };

// std::tuple_element

template<size_t I>
struct tuple_element< I, @type > {
    using type = @type::value_type;


    $globalContent .= ob_get_clean();

    $innerDesc = function ($var, $myType) use($type) {
        $describer = $type->describer('json');
        echo $var;
["size"] = Json::Int64(<?php 
        echo $myType;
        $innerVar = "{$var}[\"inner_type\"]";
        $describer($innerVar, $type);
    $sys_headers = ['iterator', 'algorithm', 'stdexcept', 'utility', 'cinttypes', 'cstddef', 'iostream', 'sstream', 'cstring', 'cstdlib'];
    $user_headers = ['Config.h'];
    $extras = ['size' => $size, 'type' => $type];
    if ($type->has('size.bytes')) {
        $extras['size.bytes'] = $size * $type->get('size.bytes');
    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => $user_headers, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'methods' => $methods, 'functions' => $functions, 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'global_content' => $globalContent, 'complex' => false, 'properties' => ['container', 'sequence', 'array'], 'extras' => $extras, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('array', $innerDesc)];
Пример #8
 function lookupType($name, array $t_args = null, $alias = null)
     if (is_datatype($name)) {
         return $name->lookup();
     $t_args = is_null($t_args) ? [] : $t_args;
     $args = [$t_args];
     return _lookupType($name, $args, $alias);
Пример #9
 protected function CheckFuzzy(array &$expected, array &$exprs, $type)
     //fwrite(STDERR, "CheckFuzzy: " . print_r($exprs,true) . PHP_EOL);
     $nGiven = \count($exprs);
     $nExpected = \count($expected);
     grokit_assert($nExpected == $nGiven, 'Unable to apply ' . $this . ' to given ' . $type . 's: Expected ' . $nExpected . ' ' . $type . 's, received ' . $nGiven);
     if ($nGiven == 0) {
     $expectKeys = array_keys($expected);
     foreach (range(0, $nExpected - 1) as $i) {
         $cExpected = current($expected);
         $cGiven = current($exprs);
         $cGivenType = is_datatype($cGiven) ? $cGiven : $cGiven->type();
         grokit_assert(canConvert($cGivenType, $cExpected), 'Unable to apply ' . $this . ' to given ' . $type . 's: ' . '' . $type . ' at position ' . $i . ' of type ' . $cGiven->type() . ' not compatible with ' . 'expected type ' . $cExpected);
         if (is_expression($cGiven)) {
             $exprs[key($exprs)] = convertExpression($cGiven, $cExpected);
Пример #10
function OrderBy(array $t_args, array $inputs, array $outputs)
    if (\count($inputs) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $t_args), 'No inputs given for OrderBy');
        $inputs = $t_args['input'];
        foreach ($t_args['input'] as $name => &$type) {
            if (is_identifier($type)) {
                $type = lookupType(strval($type));
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($type), 'Invalid type given for input ' . $name);
    grokit_assert(array_key_exists('order', $t_args), 'No ordering attributes given for OrderBy');
    $ordering = $t_args['order'];
    $ascOpts = ['ASC', 'ASCENDING', '+', '>'];
    $descOpts = ['DESC', 'DESCENDING', 'DES', 'DSC', '-', '<'];
    $ascending = [];
    foreach ($ordering as $name => $order) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($name, $inputs), 'Ordering attribute ' . $name . ' not present in input');
        if (in_array_icase($order, $ascOpts)) {
            $ascending[$name] = true;
        } else {
            if (in_array_icase($order, $descOpts)) {
                $ascending[$name] = false;
            } else {
                grokit_error("Unknown ordering " . $order . " given for attribute " . $name);
    $rankAtt = get_default($t_args, 'rank', null);
    grokit_assert(is_null($rankAtt) || is_attribute($rankAtt), 'Rank argument should be null or an attribute');
    grokit_assert(is_null($rankAtt) || array_key_exists($rankAtt->name(), $outputs), 'Rank attribute does not exist in outputs');
    if (!is_null($rankAtt) && is_null($outputs[$rankAtt->name()])) {
        $outputs[$rankAtt->name()] = lookupType('base::BIGINT');
    $outputPassthroughAtts = [];
    foreach ($outputs as $name => $type) {
        if (is_null($rankAtt) || $rankAtt->name() != $name) {
            $outputPassthroughAtts[$name] = $type;
    $outToIn = [];
    $nInputs = \count($inputs);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $nInputs; $i++) {
        $outName = key($outputPassthroughAtts);
        $inName = key($inputs);
        $outToIn[$outName] = $inName;
        // Unify types
        $outputs[$outName] = $inputs[$inName];
        $outputPassthroughAtts[$outName] = $inputs[$inName];
    $orderAtts = [];
    $extraAtts = [];
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        if (array_key_exists($name, $ordering)) {
            $orderAtts[$name] = $type;
        } else {
            $extraAtts[$name] = $type;
    // Give 2^32 as the default, which should be effectively infinite
    $limitDefault = pow(2, 32);
    $limit = get_default($t_args, 'limit', $limitDefault);
    $limit = $limit == 0 ? $limitDefault : $limit;
    grokit_assert($limit > 0, 'The OrderBy limit must be a positive integer');
    $className = generate_name('OrderBy');
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    struct Tuple {
    foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
        echo $type;
        echo $name;

        Tuple( void ) = default;

        Tuple( const Tuple & other ) = default;

        Tuple( <?php 
    echo array_template('const {val} & _{key}', ', ', $inputs);
    echo array_template('{key}(_{key})', ', ', $inputs);

        { }

        Tuple & operator = (const Tuple & other ) = default;

        bool operator > ( const Tuple & other ) const {
    foreach ($orderAtts as $name => $type) {
        $op1 = $ascending[$name] ? '<' : '>';
        $op2 = !$ascending[$name] ? '<' : '>';
            if( <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $op1;
        echo $name;
                return true;
            else if( <?php 
        echo $name;
        echo $op2;
        echo $name;
                return false;

            return false;

        bool operator < ( const Tuple& other ) const {
            return other > *this;

        bool operator <= (const Tuple & other ) const {
            return ! (*this > other );

        bool operator >= (const Tuple & other ) const {
            return !( other > *this );

    if ($debug > 0) {
        std::string toString(void) const {
            std::ostringstream ss;

            ss << "( "; // >
        $first = true;
        foreach ($inputs as $name => $type) {
            if ($first) {
                $first = false;
            } else {
                echo '            ss << ", ";' . PHP_EOL;
            ss << <?php 
            echo $name;
; // >
        // foreach input
            ss << " )"; // >

            return ss.str();
    // debug > 0

    }; // struct Tuple

    typedef std::vector<Tuple> TupleVector;

    class Iterator {
        typedef TupleVector::const_iterator iter_type;

        iter_type begin;
        iter_type curr;
        iter_type end;

        Iterator(void) = default;
        Iterator( const iter_type & _begin, const iter_type & _end ) : begin(_begin), curr(_begin), end(_end)
        { }

        bool GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
) {
            if( curr != end ) {
    foreach ($outputPassthroughAtts as $name => $type) {
        echo $name;
 = curr-><?php 
        echo $outToIn[$name];
    if (!is_null($rankAtt)) {
        echo $rankAtt;
 = (curr - begin) + 1;
    // if we need to output the rank
                return true;
            else {
                return false;



    uintmax_t __count;  // number of tuples covered

    // K, as in Top-K
    static constexpr size_t K = <?php 
    echo $limit;

    TupleVector tuples;

    // Iterator for multi output type
    Iterator multiIterator;

    typedef std::greater<Tuple> TupleCompare;

    // Function to force sorting so that GetNext gets the tuples in order.
    void Sort(void) {
        TupleCompare comp;
        // If tuples doesn't contain at least K elements, it was never made into
        // a heap in the first place, so sort it normally.
        if( tuples.size() >= K ) {
            std::sort_heap(tuples.begin(), tuples.end(), comp);
        } else {
            std::sort(tuples.begin(), tuples.end(), comp);

    // Internal function to add a tuple to the heap
    void AddTupleInternal(Tuple & t ) {
    if ($debug >= 1) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss << "T ACK: " << t.toString() << std::endl; // >
            std::cerr << ss.str(); // >
        TupleCompare comp;
        if( tuples.size() >= K ) {
    if ($debug >= 1) {
                std::ostringstream ss;
                ss << "T REP: " << tuples.front().toString() << std::endl; // >
                std::cerr << ss.str(); // >
            std::pop_heap(tuples.begin(), tuples.end(), comp);
            std::push_heap(tuples.begin(), tuples.end(), comp);
        } else {
            if( tuples.size() == K ) {
                std::make_heap(tuples.begin(), tuples.end(), comp);


    echo $className;
() : __count(0), tuples(), multiIterator()
    { }

    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem(<?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
) {
        Tuple t(<?php 
    echo args($inputs);
    if ($debug >= 2) {
            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss << "T NEW: " << t.toString() << std::endl; // >
            std::cerr << ss.str(); // >
        if( tuples.size() == K && !(t > tuples.front()) )


    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        __count += other.__count;
        for( Tuple & el : other.tuples ) {
            if( tuples.size() < K /*>*/ || el > tuples.front() ) {

    void Finalize() {
        Iterator::iter_type begin = tuples.cbegin();
        Iterator::iter_type end = tuples.cend();
        multiIterator = Iterator(begin, end);

    if ($debug >= 1) {
        std::ostringstream ss;
        ss << "[ "; //>
        bool first = true;
        for( auto el : tuples ) {
            if( first )
                first = false;
                ss << ", "; //>>

            ss << el.toString(); //>>
        ss << " ]" << std::endl; // >
        std::cerr << ss.str(); //>>

    bool GetNextResult( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($outputs);
 ) {
        return multiIterator.GetNextResult(<?php 
    echo args($outputs);

    $system_headers = ['vector', 'algorithm', 'cinttypes'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers = array_merge($system_headers, ['iostream', 'sstream', 'string']);
    return array('kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $inputs, 'output' => $outputs, 'result_type' => 'multi', 'system_headers' => $system_headers);
Пример #11
 public function apply($inputs, $outputs, $sargs = [])
     try {
         $input = [];
         foreach ($inputs as $n => $v) {
             if (is_datatype($v)) {
                 $input[$n] = $v;
             } else {
                 $input[$n] = $v->type();
         return lookupGT($this->name, $this->t_args, $input, $outputs, $sargs, $this->alias);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         grokit_error('Failed to lookup GT ' . $this->name . ' from spec ' . $this->source, $e);
Пример #12
function CSVReader(array $t_args, array $output)
    $my_output = [];
    // Handle case where outputs are given as template arguments
    // and not implied.
    if (\count($output) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('output', $t_args), 'Did not receive any description of my output!');
        $output_list = $t_args['output'];
        grokit_assert(is_array($output_list), 'Expected list of types for template argument "output"');
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($outputs_list as $name => $out_type) {
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($out_type) || is_identifier($out_type), 'Expected only types in the "output" list');
            if (is_identifier($out_type)) {
                $out_type = lookupType($out_type->value());
            $name = 'val_' . $i;
            $my_output[$name] = $out_type;
            $i += 1;
    } else {
        foreach ($output as $key => $out) {
            $name = $key;
            $my_output[$name] = $out;
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $simple = get_default($t_args, 'simple', false);
    $trimCR = get_default($t_args, 'trim.cr', false);
    // Handle separator
    $separator = ',';
    if (array_key_exists('sep', $t_args) || array_key_exists('separator', $t_args)) {
        $sep = get_first_key($t_args, ['sep', 'separator']);
        grokit_assert(is_string($sep), "Got " . gettype($sep) . " instead of string for separator.");
        if (strtolower($sep) === 'tab') {
            $sep = '\\t';
        grokit_assert($sep != "\n", 'CSV column delimiter cannot be new line');
        // Scream if separator is longer than one character
        grokit_assert(\strlen($sep) == 1 || $sep == '\\t', 'Expected string of length 1 for separator, got string <' . $sep . '> instead');
        $separator = $sep;
    // Handle quote character
    $quotechar = '"';
    if (array_key_exists('quote', $t_args) && !is_null($t_args['quote'])) {
        grokit_assert(!$simple, 'Quote option not available for simple CSVReader');
        $quote = $t_args['quote'];
        grokit_assert(is_string($quote), "Got " . gettype($quote) . " instead of string for quote.");
        // Scream if separator is longer than one character
        grokit_assert(\strlen($quote) == 1, 'Expected string of length 1 for quote character, got string <' . $quote . '> instead');
        $quotechar = $quote;
    $quotechar = addcslashes($quotechar, '\\\'');
    // Handle escape character
    $escapeChar = '\\';
    if (array_key_exists('escape', $t_args) && !is_null($t_args['escape'])) {
        grokit_assert(!$simple, 'Escape option not available for simple CSVReader');
        $escape = $t_args['escape'];
        grokit_assert(is_string($escape), 'Got ' . gettype($escape) . ' instead of string for escape character.');
        grokit_assert(\strlen($escape) == 1, 'Expected string of length 1 for escape character, got string <' . $escape . '> instead');
        $escapeChar = $escape;
    $escapeChar = addcslashes($escapeChar, '\\\'');
    // Handle header lines
    $headerLines = 0;
    if (array_key_exists('skip', $t_args)) {
        $headerLines = $t_args['skip'];
        grokit_assert(is_int($headerLines), 'Got ' . gettype($headerLines) . ' instead of int for number of lines to skip.');
        grokit_assert($headerLines >= 0, 'Cannot skip a negative number of lines.');
    // Maximum number of lines to read
    $maxLines = get_default($t_args, 'n', -1);
    grokit_assert(is_int($maxLines), 'Got ' . gettype($maxLines) . ' instead of int for template argument "n"');
    $nullArg = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['nullable'], false);
    $nullable = [];
    $nullStr = [];
    foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
        $nullable[$name] = false;
    if ($nullArg === true) {
        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            $nullable[$name] = true;
            $nullStr[$name] = 'NULL';
    } else {
        if (is_array($nullArg)) {
            foreach ($nullArg as $n => $v) {
                // If nullable value is an associative mapping, the value is either true/false
                // or the value of the null string
                if (is_string($n)) {
                    grokit_assert(is_string($v) || is_bool($v), 'CSVReader: nullable associative mapping must have string or boolean values');
                    grokit_assert(array_key_exists($n, $nullable), 'CSVReader: cannot make unknown attribute ' . $n . ' nullable');
                    if (is_bool($v)) {
                        $nullable[$n] = $v;
                        $nullStr[$n] = 'NULL';
                    } else {
                        $nullable[$n] = true;
                        $nullStr[$n] = $v;
                } else {
                    if (is_array($v)) {
                        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('attr', $v), 'CSVReader: Name of nullable attribute not specified');
                        $attrName = $v['attr']->name();
                        $nullable[$attrName] = true;
                        $nullStr[$attrName] = array_key_exists('null', $v) ? $v['null'] : 'NULL';
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise, it's just nullable
                        $attrName = $v->name();
                        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($attrName, $nullable), 'CSVReader: cannot make unknown attribute ' . $v . ' nullable');
                        $nullable[$attrName] = true;
                        $nullStr[$attrName] = 'NULL';
        } else {
            if ($nullArg === false) {
                // Nothing
            } else {
                if (is_string($nullArg)) {
                    foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
                        $nullable[$name] = true;
                        $nullStr[$name] = $nullArg;
                } else {
                    grokit_error('Template argument "nullable" must be boolean or array, ' . typeof($nullArg) . ' given');
    // Come up with a name for ourselves
    $className = generate_name('CSVReader');
    if ($debug >= 2) {
        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            fwrite(STDERR, "CSVReader: {$name} is nullable: " . ($nullable[$name] ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL);

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    std::istream& my_stream;
    std::string fileName;

    // Template parameters
    static constexpr size_t MAX_LINES = <?php 
    echo $maxLines;
    static constexpr size_t HEADER_LINES = <?php 
    echo $headerLines;
    static constexpr char DELIMITER = '<?php 
    echo $separator;
    if (!$simple) {
    static constexpr char QUOTE_CHAR = '<?php 
        echo $quotechar;
    static constexpr char ESCAPE_CHAR = '<?php 
        echo $escapeChar;

    typedef boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator;
    typedef boost::tokenizer< separator > Tokenizer;
    separator my_separator;
    Tokenizer my_tokenizer;

    // Prevent having to allocate this every time.
    std::string line;
    std::vector<std::string> tokens;

    size_t count;



    echo $className;
 ( GIStreamProxy& _stream ) :
        , fileName(_stream.get_file_name())
    if (!$simple) {
        , my_separator(ESCAPE_CHAR, DELIMITER, QUOTE_CHAR)
        , my_tokenizer(std::string(""))
        , count(0)
    if ($headerLines > 0) {
        for( size_t i = 0; i < HEADER_LINES; ++i ) {
            FATALIF( !getline( my_stream, line ), "CSV Reader reached end of file before finishing header.\n" );
    // If headerLines > 0

// >

    bool ProduceTuple( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($my_output);
 ) {
        if (count < MAX_LINES) { //>
        } else {
            return false;

        if( getline( my_stream, line ) ) {
    if ($trimCR) {
            if( line.back() == '\r' ) {
    // if trimCR
    if (!$simple) {
        if ($debug >= 1) {
            try {
        // if debug >= 1
            my_tokenizer.assign( line, my_separator );
        if ($debug >= 1) {
            } catch(...) {
                FATAL("CSVReader for file %s failed on line: %s", fileName.c_str(), line.c_str());
        // if debug >= 1
            Tokenizer::iterator it = my_tokenizer.begin();

        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            if ($nullable[$name]) {
                // nullable
                \grokit\fromStringNullable($name, $type, 'it->c_str()', true, $nullStr[$name]);

            } else {
                // not nullable
                echo \grokit\fromStringDict($name, $type, 'it->c_str()');
            // end nullable check
        // foreach output
    } else {
            for( char & c : line ) {
                if( c == DELIMITER )
                    c = '\0';

            const char * ptr = line.c_str();
        $first = true;
        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            if ($first) {
                $first = false;
            } else {
            while( *(ptr++) != '\0' )
                ; // Advance past next delimiter
            // not first output
            if ($nullable[$name]) {
                echo \grokit\fromStringNullable($name, $type, 'ptr', true, $nullStr[$name]);
            } else {
                // not nullable
                echo \grokit\fromStringDict($name, $type, 'ptr');
            // if nullable
        // foreach output
    // if simple reader

            return true;
        else {
            return false;


    $sys_headers = ['vector', 'string', 'iostream', 'cstdint'];
    if (!$simple) {
        $sys_headers[] = 'boost/tokenizer.hpp';
    return ['name' => $className, 'kind' => 'GI', 'output' => $my_output, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => ['GIStreamInfo.h', 'Dictionary.h', 'DictionaryManager.h']];