Пример #1
  * Display the end of a payload block
  * Note: it is possible to display several payload blocks on a single page.
  *       The first block uses the "sub" template, the others "block".
  * @see disp_payload_begin()
 function disp_payload_end()
     if (is_ajax_content()) {
         // Don't display this content on AJAX request
     if (empty($this->displayed_sub_end)) {
         $name = 'sub';
         $this->displayed_sub_end = 1;
     } else {
         $name = 'block';
     $template = $this->get_template($name);
     echo $template['end'];
Пример #2
 * Template tag.
 * @param string Template name
 * @param array Params
 * @param boolean force include even if sitewide header/footer not enabled
function siteskin_include($template_name, $params = array(), $force = false)
    global $Settings, $siteskins_path, $Blog;
    if (!$Settings->get('site_skins_enabled') && !$force) {
        // Site skins are not enabled and we don't want to force either
    if (is_ajax_content($template_name)) {
        // When we request ajax content for results table we need to hide wrapper data (header, footer & etc)
    // Globals that may be needed by the template:
    global $current_User, $Hit, $Session, $Settings;
    global $skin_url, $htsrv_url, $htsrv_url_sensitive;
    global $samedomain_htsrv_url, $secure_htsrv_url;
    global $credit_links, $skin_links, $francois_links, $fplanque_links, $skinfaktory_links;
     * @var Log
    global $Debuglog;
    global $Timer;
    $timer_name = 'siteskin_include(' . $template_name . ')';
    if (file_exists($siteskins_path . 'custom/' . $template_name)) {
        // Use the custom template:
        $file = $siteskins_path . 'custom/' . $template_name;
        $debug_info = '<b>Custom template</b>: ' . rel_path_to_base($file);
        $disp_handled = 'custom';
    } elseif (file_exists($siteskins_path . $template_name)) {
        // Use the default/fallback template:
        $file = $siteskins_path . $template_name;
        $debug_info = '<b>Fallback to</b>: ' . rel_path_to_base($file);
        $disp_handled = 'fallback';
    } else {
        $disp_handled = false;
    // Do we want a visible container for DEBUG/DEV ?:
    if (strpos($template_name, '_html_') !== false || strpos($template_name, '_init.') !== false) {
        // We're outside of the page body: NEVER display wrap this include with a <div>
        $display_includes = false;
    } elseif (isset($Session)) {
        // We may wrap with a <div>:
        $display_includes = $Session->get('display_includes_' . (empty($Blog) ? 0 : $Blog->ID)) == 1;
    } else {
        // Request without defined $Session, Don't display the includes:
        $display_includes = false;
    if ($display_includes) {
        // Wrap the include with a visible div:
        echo '<div class="dev-blocks dev-blocks--siteinclude">';
        echo '<div class="dev-blocks-name">siteskin_include( <b>' . $template_name . '</b> ) -> ' . $debug_info . '</div>';
    if ($disp_handled) {
        $Debuglog->add('siteskin_include: ' . rel_path_to_base($file), 'skins');
        require $file;
    } else {
        // nothing handled the display
        printf('<div class="skin_error">Site template [%s] not found.</div>', $template_name);
        if (!empty($current_User) && $current_User->level == 10) {
            printf('<div class="skin_error">User level 10 help info: [%s]</div>', $siteskins_path . $template_name);
    if ($display_includes) {
        // End of visible container:
        // echo get_icon( 'pixel', 'imgtag', array( 'class' => 'clear' ) );
        echo '</div>';
Пример #3
 * Display threads results table
 * @param array Params
function threads_results_block($params = array())
    // Make sure we are not missing any param:
    $params = array_merge(array('edited_User' => NULL, 'results_param_prefix' => 'actv_thrd_', 'results_title' => T_('Threads with private messages sent by the user'), 'results_no_text' => T_('User has not sent any private messages')), $params);
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // Only logged in users can access to this function
    global $current_User;
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit') || !$current_User->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'reply')) {
        // Check minimum permission:
    $edited_User = $params['edited_User'];
    if (!$edited_User) {
        // No defined User, probably the function is calling from AJAX request
        $user_ID = param('user_ID', 'integer', 0);
        if (empty($user_ID)) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
        $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
        if (($edited_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false)) === false) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
    global $DB, $current_User;
    param('user_tab', 'string', '', true);
    param('user_ID', 'integer', 0, true);
    // Check permission:
    if ($current_User->check_perm('perm_messaging', 'abuse')) {
        // Create result set:
        $threads_Results = get_threads_results(array('results_param_prefix' => $params['results_param_prefix'], 'user_ID' => $edited_User->ID, 'sent_user_ID' => $edited_User->ID));
        $threads_Results->Cache =& get_ThreadCache();
        $threads_Results->title = $params['results_title'];
        $threads_Results->no_results_text = $params['results_no_text'];
        if ($threads_Results->total_rows > 0) {
            // Display action icon to delete all records if at least one record exists
            $threads_Results->global_icon(sprintf(T_('Delete all private messages sent by %s'), $edited_User->login), 'delete', '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=activity&amp;action=delete_all_messages&amp;user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&amp;' . url_crumb('user'), ' ' . T_('Delete all'), 3, 4);
        // Load classes
        load_class('messaging/model/_thread.class.php', 'Thread');
        // Initialize Results object
        threads_results($threads_Results, array('abuse_management' => 1, 'show_only_date' => 1));
        if (is_ajax_content()) {
            // init results param by template name
            if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) {
                debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!');
            $threads_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']);
        $display_params = array('before' => '<div class="results" style="margin-top:25px" id="threads_result">');
        if (!is_ajax_content()) {
            // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request
            echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>';
    } else {
        // No permission for abuse management
        echo '<div style="margin-top:25px;font-weight:bold">' . sprintf(T_('User has sent %s private messages'), $edited_User->get_num_messages('sent')) . '</div>';
Пример #4
 * Template tag. Include a sub-template at the current position
function skin_include($template_name, $params = array())
    if (is_ajax_content($template_name)) {
        // When we request ajax content for results table we need to hide wrapper data (header, footer & etc)
    global $skins_path, $ads_current_skin_path, $disp;
    // Globals that may be needed by the template:
    global $Blog, $MainList, $Item;
    global $Plugins, $Skin;
    global $current_User, $Hit, $Session, $Settings;
    global $skin_url, $htsrv_url, $htsrv_url_sensitive;
    global $samedomain_htsrv_url, $secure_htsrv_url;
    global $credit_links, $skin_links, $francois_links, $fplanque_links, $skinfaktory_links;
     * @var Log
    global $Debuglog;
    global $Timer;
    $timer_name = 'skin_include(' . $template_name . ')';
    if ($template_name == '$disp$') {
        // This is a special case.
        // We are going to include a template based on $disp:
        // Default display handlers:
        $disp_handlers = array('disp_404' => '_404_not_found.disp.php', 'disp_arcdir' => '_arcdir.disp.php', 'disp_catdir' => '_catdir.disp.php', 'disp_comments' => '_comments.disp.php', 'disp_feedback-popup' => '_feedback_popup.disp.php', 'disp_help' => '_help.disp.php', 'disp_login' => '_login.disp.php', 'disp_register' => '_register.disp.php', 'disp_activateinfo' => '_activateinfo.disp.php', 'disp_lostpassword' => '_lostpassword.disp.php', 'disp_mediaidx' => '_mediaidx.disp.php', 'disp_msgform' => '_msgform.disp.php', 'disp_threads' => '_threads.disp.php', 'disp_contacts' => '_threads.disp.php', 'disp_messages' => '_messages.disp.php', 'disp_page' => '_page.disp.php', 'disp_postidx' => '_postidx.disp.php', 'disp_posts' => '_posts.disp.php', 'disp_profile' => '_profile.disp.php', 'disp_avatar' => '_profile.disp.php', 'disp_pwdchange' => '_profile.disp.php', 'disp_userprefs' => '_profile.disp.php', 'disp_subs' => '_profile.disp.php', 'disp_search' => '_search.disp.php', 'disp_single' => '_single.disp.php', 'disp_sitemap' => '_sitemap.disp.php', 'disp_user' => '_user.disp.php', 'disp_users' => '_users.disp.php', 'disp_edit' => '_edit.disp.php', 'disp_edit_comment' => '_edit_comment.disp.php', 'disp_closeaccount' => '_closeaccount.disp.php', 'disp_module_form' => '_module_form.disp.php', 'disp_useritems' => '_useritems.disp.php', 'disp_usercomments' => '_usercomments.disp.php');
        // Add plugin disp handlers:
        if ($disp_Plugins = $Plugins->get_list_by_event('GetHandledDispModes')) {
            foreach ($disp_Plugins as $disp_Plugin) {
                // Go through whole list of plugins providing disps
                if ($plugin_modes = $Plugins->call_method($disp_Plugin->ID, 'GetHandledDispModes', $disp_handlers)) {
                    // plugin handles some custom disp modes
                    foreach ($plugin_modes as $plugin_mode) {
                        $disp_handlers[$plugin_mode] = '#' . $disp_Plugin->ID;
        // Allow skin overrides as well as additional disp modes (This can be used in the famou shopping cart scenario...)
        $disp_handlers = array_merge($disp_handlers, $params);
        if (!isset($disp_handlers['disp_' . $disp])) {
            global $Messages;
            $Messages->add(sprintf('Unhandled disp type [%s]', htmlspecialchars($disp)));
            $disp = '404';
        $template_name = $disp_handlers['disp_' . $disp];
        if (empty($template_name)) {
            // The caller asked not to display this handler
    $disp_handled = false;
    if ($template_name[0] == '#') {
        // This disp mode is handled by a plugin:
        $plug_ID = substr($template_name, 1);
        $disp_params = array('disp' => $disp);
        $Plugins->call_method($plug_ID, 'HandleDispMode', $disp_params);
        $disp_handled = true;
    } elseif (file_exists($ads_current_skin_path . $template_name)) {
        // The skin has a customized handler, use that one instead:
        $file = $ads_current_skin_path . $template_name;
        $Debuglog->add('skin_include (' . ($Item ? 'Item #' . $Item->ID : '-') . '): ' . rel_path_to_base($file), 'skins');
        require $file;
        $disp_handled = true;
    } elseif (file_exists($skins_path . $template_name)) {
        // Use the default template:
        global $Debuglog;
        $file = $skins_path . $template_name;
        $Debuglog->add('skin_include (' . ($Item ? 'Item #' . $Item->ID : '-') . '): ' . rel_path_to_base($file), 'skins');
        require $file;
        $disp_handled = true;
    if (!$disp_handled) {
        // nothing handled the disp mode
        printf('<div class="skin_error">Sub template [%s] not found.</div>', $template_name);
        if (!empty($current_User) && $current_User->level == 10) {
            printf('<div class="skin_error">User level 10 help info: [%s]</div>', $ads_current_skin_path . $template_name);
Пример #5
  * Display paged list/table based on object parameters
  * This is the meat of this class!
  * @param array|NULL
  * @param array Fadeout settings array( 'key column' => array of values ) or 'session'
  * @return int # of rows displayed
 function display($display_params = NULL, $fadeout = NULL)
     // Lazy fill $this->params:
     parent::display_init($display_params, $fadeout);
     // -------------------------
     // Proceed with display:
     // -------------------------
     echo $this->params['before'];
     if (!is_ajax_content()) {
         // Display TITLE/FILTERS only if NO AJAX request
         // DISPLAY TITLE:
         if (isset($this->title)) {
             // A title has been defined for this result set:
             echo $this->replace_vars($this->params['head_title']);
         // Set this to TRUE in order to display all checkboxes before labels
         $this->force_checkboxes_to_inline = true;
         // DISPLAY FILTERS:
     // Flush in order to show the filters before slow SQL query will be executed below
     // Initialize the order param
     // Make sure query has executed and we're at the top of the resultset:
     if (!is_ajax_content()) {
         // Display COL SELECTION only if NO AJAX request
     echo $this->replace_vars($this->params['content_start']);
     if ($this->total_pages == 0) {
         // There are no results! Nothing to display!
         // START OF LIST/TABLE:
         // END OF LIST/TABLE:
     } else {
         // We have rows to display:
         // Display internal messages
         // GLOBAL (NAV) HEADER:
         // START OF LIST/TABLE:
         // GROUP & DATA ROWS:
         // Totals line
         // Functions
         // END OF LIST/TABLE:
         // GLOBAL (NAV) FOOTER:
     echo $this->params['content_end'];
     echo $this->params['after'];
     // Return number of rows displayed:
     return $this->current_idx;
Пример #6
 * Display the edited items results table
 * @param array Params
function items_edited_results_block($params = array())
    // Make sure we are not missing any param:
    $params = array_merge(array('edited_User' => NULL, 'results_param_prefix' => 'actv_postedit_', 'results_title' => T_('Posts edited by the user'), 'results_no_text' => T_('User has not edited any posts')), $params);
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // Only logged in users can access to this function
    global $current_User;
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
        // Check minimum permission:
    $edited_User = $params['edited_User'];
    if (!$edited_User) {
        // No defined User, probably the function is calling from AJAX request
        $user_ID = param('user_ID', 'integer', 0);
        if (empty($user_ID)) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
        $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
        if (($edited_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false)) === false) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
    global $DB;
    param('user_tab', 'string', '', true);
    param('user_ID', 'integer', 0, true);
    $edited_versions_SQL = new SQL();
    $edited_versions_SQL->SELECT('DISTINCT( iver_itm_ID )');
    $edited_versions_SQL->WHERE('iver_edit_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID));
    $SQL = new SQL();
    $SQL->FROM('T_items__item ');
    $SQL->WHERE('( ( post_lastedit_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID) . ' ) OR ( post_ID IN ( ' . $edited_versions_SQL->get() . ' ) ) )');
    $SQL->WHERE_and('post_creator_user_ID != ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID));
    // Create result set:
    $edited_items_Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $params['results_param_prefix'], 'D');
    $edited_items_Results->Cache =& get_ItemCache();
    $edited_items_Results->title = $params['results_title'];
    $edited_items_Results->no_results_text = $params['results_no_text'];
    // Get a count of the post which current user can delete
    $deleted_posts_edited_count = count($edited_User->get_deleted_posts('edited'));
    if ($edited_items_Results->total_rows > 0 && $deleted_posts_edited_count > 0) {
        // Display actino icon to delete all records if at least one record exists & current user can delete at least one item created by user
        $edited_items_Results->global_icon(sprintf(T_('Delete all post edited by %s'), $edited_User->login), 'delete', '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=activity&amp;action=delete_all_posts_edited&amp;user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&amp;' . url_crumb('user'), ' ' . T_('Delete all'), 3, 4);
    // Initialize Results object
    items_results($edited_items_Results, array('field_prefix' => 'post_', 'display_ord' => false, 'display_history' => false));
    if (is_ajax_content()) {
        // init results param by template name
        if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) {
            debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!');
        $edited_items_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']);
    $display_params = array('before' => '<div class="results" style="margin-top:25px" id="edited_posts_result">');
    if (!is_ajax_content()) {
        // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request
        echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>';
Пример #7
 * Display user's reposts results table
 * @param array Params
function user_reports_results_block($params = array())
    // Make sure we are not missing any param:
    $params = array_merge(array('edited_User' => NULL, 'results_param_prefix' => 'actv_reports_', 'results_title' => T_('This user profile has been reported by other users!'), 'results_no_text' => T_('User was not reported yet.')), $params);
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // Only logged in users can access to this function
    global $current_User;
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('users', 'edit')) {
        // Check minimum permission:
    $edited_User = $params['edited_User'];
    if (!$edited_User) {
        // No defined User, probably the function is calling from AJAX request
        $user_ID = param('user_ID', 'integer', 0);
        if (empty($user_ID)) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
        $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
        if (($edited_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false)) === false) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
    global $DB;
    param('user_tab', 'string', '', true);
    param('user_ID', 'integer', 0, true);
    $SQL = new SQL();
    $SQL->SELECT('user_login, urep_datetime, urep_status, urep_info');
    $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_users ON user_ID = urep_reporter_ID');
    $SQL->WHERE('urep_target_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID));
    // Create result set:
    $reports_Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $params['results_param_prefix'], 'D');
    $reports_Results->title = $params['results_title'];
    $reports_Results->no_results_text = $params['results_no_text'];
    // Initialize Results object
    if (is_ajax_content()) {
        // init results param by template name
        if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) {
            debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!');
        $reports_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']);
    $display_params = array('before' => '<div class="results" style="margin-top:25px" id="reports_result">');
    if (!is_ajax_content()) {
        // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request
        echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>';
    // Who should be able to delete other users reports???
    /*if( $reports_Results->total_rows > 0 )
    	{	// Display button to delete all records if at least one record exists & current user can delete at least one item created by user
    		echo action_icon( sprintf( T_('Delete all reports from %s'), $edited_User->login ), 'delete', '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=activity&amp;action=delete_all_reports_from&amp;user_ID='.$edited_User->ID.'&amp;'.url_crumb('user'), ' '.T_('Delete all'), 3, 4 );
Пример #8
 * Display all blogs results table
 * @param array Params
function blogs_all_results_block($params = array())
    // Make sure we are not missing any param:
    $params = array_merge(array('results_param_prefix' => 'blog_', 'results_title' => T_('List of Collections configured on this system') . get_manual_link('site-collection-list'), 'results_no_text' => T_('No blog has been created yet!'), 'results_no_perm_text' => T_('Sorry, you have no permission to edit/view any blog\'s properties.')), $params);
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // Only logged in users can access to this function
    global $current_User;
    if (is_ajax_content()) {
        $order_action = param('order_action', 'string');
        if ($order_action == 'update') {
            // Update an order to new value
            $new_value = (int) param('new_value', 'string', 0);
            $order_data = param('order_data', 'string');
            $order_obj_ID = (int) str_replace('order-blog-', '', $order_data);
            if ($order_obj_ID > 0) {
                // Update blog order
                $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
                if ($updated_Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($order_obj_ID, false)) {
                    if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', false, $updated_Blog->ID)) {
                        // Check permission to edit this Blog
                        $updated_Blog->set('order', $new_value);
    $SQL = new SQL();
    $SQL->SELECT('T_blogs.*, user_login');
    $SQL->FROM('T_blogs INNER JOIN T_users ON blog_owner_user_ID = user_ID');
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'view')) {
        // We do not have perm to view all blogs... we need to restrict to those we're a member of:
        $SQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_coll_user_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0' . ' AND blog_ID = bloguser_blog_ID' . ' AND bloguser_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID . ' )' . ' LEFT JOIN T_coll_group_perms ON (blog_advanced_perms <> 0' . ' AND blog_ID = bloggroup_blog_ID' . ' AND bloggroup_group_ID = ' . $current_User->grp_ID . ' )');
        $SQL->WHERE('blog_owner_user_ID = ' . $current_User->ID . ' OR bloguser_ismember <> 0' . ' OR bloggroup_ismember <> 0');
        $no_results = $params['results_no_perm_text'];
    } else {
        $no_results = $params['results_no_text'];
    // Create result set:
    $blogs_Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $params['results_param_prefix'], '---------A');
    $blogs_Results->Cache =& get_BlogCache();
    $blogs_Results->title = $params['results_title'];
    $blogs_Results->no_results_text = $no_results;
    if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'create')) {
        global $admin_url;
        $blogs_Results->global_icon(T_('New Collection') . '...', 'new', url_add_param($admin_url, 'ctrl=collections&amp;action=new'), T_('New Collection') . '...', 3, 4, array('class' => 'action_icon btn-primary'));
    // Initialize Results object
    if (is_ajax_content()) {
        // init results param by template name
        if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) {
            debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!');
        $blogs_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']);
    $blogs_Results->display(NULL, 'session');
    if (!is_ajax_content()) {
        // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request
        echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>';
Пример #9
  * Display list/table head.
  * This includes list head/title and filters.
  * EXPERIMENTAL: also dispays <tfoot>
 function display_head()
     if (is_ajax_content()) {
         // Don't display this content on AJAX request
     if (isset($this->title)) {
         // A title has been defined for this result set:
         echo $this->replace_vars($this->params['head_title']);
     // Experimental:
     /*echo $this->params['tfoot_start'];
     		echo $this->params['tfoot_end'];*/
Пример #10
 * Display hits results table
function hits_results_block($params = array())
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // Only logged in users can access to this function
    global $current_User;
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('stats', 'view')) {
        // Current user has no permission to view all stats (aggregated stats)
     * View funcs
    global $blog, $admin_url, $rsc_url;
    global $Session, $UserSettings, $DB;
    global $datestartinput, $datestart, $datestopinput, $datestop;
    global $preset_referer_type, $preset_agent_type;
    $tab = param('tab', 'string', 'summary', true);
    $tab3 = param('tab3', 'string', '', true);
    switch ($tab) {
        case 'other':
            $preset_results_title = T_('Direct browser hits');
            $preset_referer_type = 'direct';
            $preset_agent_type = 'browser';
            $preset_filter_all_url = '?ctrl=stats&amp;tab=referers&amp;blog=' . $blog;
            $hide_columns = 'referer';
        case 'referers':
            $preset_results_title = T_('Refered browser hits');
            $preset_referer_type = 'referer';
            $preset_agent_type = 'browser';
            $preset_filter_all_url = '?ctrl=stats&amp;tab=referers&amp;blog=' . $blog;
        case 'refsearches':
            if ($tab3 == 'hits') {
                $preset_results_title = T_('Search hits');
                $preset_referer_type = 'search';
                $preset_agent_type = 'browser';
                $preset_filter_all_url = '?ctrl=stats&amp;tab=refsearches&amp;tab3=hits&amp;blog=' . $blog;
    if (param_date('datestartinput', T_('Invalid date'), false, NULL) !== NULL) {
        // We have a user provided localized date:
        memorize_param('datestart', 'string', NULL, trim(form_date($datestartinput)));
    } else {
        // We may have an automated param transmission date:
        param('datestart', 'string', '', true);
    if (param_date('datestopinput', T_('Invalid date'), false, NULL) !== NULL) {
        // We have a user provided localized date:
        memorize_param('datestop', 'string', NULL, trim(form_date($datestopinput)));
    } else {
        // We may have an automated param transmission date:
        param('datestop', 'string', '', true);
    $exclude = param('exclude', 'integer', 0, true);
    $sess_ID = param('sess_ID', 'integer', NULL, true);
    $remote_IP = param('remote_IP', 'string', NULL, true);
    $referer_type = isset($preset_referer_type) ? $preset_referer_type : param('referer_type', 'string', NULL, true);
    $agent_type = isset($preset_agent_type) ? $preset_agent_type : param('agent_type', 'string', NULL, true);
    $device = param('device', 'string', NULL, true);
    $hit_type = param('hit_type', 'string', NULL, true);
    $reqURI = param('reqURI', 'string', NULL, true);
    // Create result set:
    $SQL = new SQL();
    $SQL->SELECT('SQL_NO_CACHE hit_ID, sess_ID, sess_device, hit_datetime, hit_type, hit_referer_type, hit_uri, hit_disp, hit_ctrl, hit_action, hit_blog_ID, hit_referer, hit_remote_addr,' . 'user_login, hit_agent_type, blog_shortname, dom_name, goal_name, hit_keyphrase, hit_serprank, hit_response_code');
    $SQL->FROM('T_hitlog LEFT JOIN T_basedomains ON dom_ID = hit_referer_dom_ID' . ' LEFT JOIN T_sessions ON hit_sess_ID = sess_ID' . ' LEFT JOIN T_blogs ON hit_blog_ID = blog_ID' . ' LEFT JOIN T_users ON sess_user_ID = user_ID' . ' LEFT JOIN T_track__goalhit ON hit_ID = ghit_hit_ID' . ' LEFT JOIN T_track__goal ON ghit_goal_ID = goal_ID');
    $CountSQL = new SQL();
    $operator = $exclude ? ' <> ' : ' = ';
    if (!empty($sess_ID)) {
        // We want to filter on the session ID:
        $filter = 'hit_sess_ID' . $operator . $sess_ID;
    } elseif (!empty($remote_IP)) {
        // We want to filter on the goal name:
        $filter = 'hit_remote_addr' . $operator . $DB->quote($remote_IP);
    if (!empty($referer_type)) {
        $filter = 'hit_referer_type = ' . $DB->quote($referer_type);
    if (!empty($agent_type)) {
        $filter = 'hit_agent_type = ' . $DB->quote($agent_type);
    if (!empty($device)) {
        if ($device == 'other') {
            // Unknown device
            $device = '';
        $filter = 'sess_device = ' . $DB->quote($device);
        $CountSQL->FROM_add('LEFT JOIN T_sessions ON hit_sess_ID = sess_ID');
    if (!empty($hit_type)) {
        $filter = 'hit_type = ' . $DB->quote($hit_type);
    if (!empty($reqURI)) {
        $filter = 'hit_uri LIKE ' . $DB->quote($reqURI);
    if (!empty($datestart)) {
        $SQL->WHERE_and('hit_datetime >= ' . $DB->quote($datestart . ' 00:00:00'));
        $CountSQL->WHERE_and('hit_datetime >= ' . $DB->quote($datestart . ' 00:00:00'));
    if (!empty($datestop)) {
        $SQL->WHERE_and('hit_datetime <= ' . $DB->quote($datestop . ' 23:59:59'));
        $CountSQL->WHERE_and('hit_datetime <= ' . $DB->quote($datestop . ' 23:59:59'));
    if (!empty($blog)) {
        $filter = 'hit_blog_ID = ' . $DB->escape($blog);
    $resuts_param_prefix = 'hits_';
    if (!empty($preset_referer_type)) {
        $resuts_param_prefix = substr($preset_referer_type, 0, 8) . '_' . $resuts_param_prefix;
    $Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $resuts_param_prefix, '--D', $UserSettings->get('results_per_page'), $CountSQL->get());
    // Initialize Results object
    if (is_ajax_content()) {
        // init results param by template name
        if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) {
            debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!');
        $Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']);
    // Display results:
    if (!is_ajax_content()) {
        // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request
        echo '<div id="' . $resuts_param_prefix . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>';
Пример #11
 * Display comments results table
 * @param array Params
function comments_results_block($params = array())
    // Make sure we are not missing any param:
    $params = array_merge(array('edited_User' => NULL, 'results_param_prefix' => 'actv_comment_', 'results_title' => T_('Comments posted by the user'), 'results_no_text' => T_('User has not posted any comment yet')), $params);
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // Only logged in users can access to this function
    global $current_User;
    if (!$current_User->check_perm('users', 'moderate')) {
        // Check minimum permission:
    $edited_User = $params['edited_User'];
    if (!$edited_User) {
        // No defined User, probably the function is calling from AJAX request
        $user_ID = param('user_ID', 'integer', 0);
        if (empty($user_ID)) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
        $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
        if (($edited_User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($user_ID, false)) === false) {
            // Bad request, Exit here
    global $DB, $AdminUI;
    param('user_tab', 'string', '', true);
    param('user_ID', 'integer', 0, true);
    $SQL = new SQL();
    $SQL->WHERE('comment_author_user_ID = ' . $DB->quote($edited_User->ID));
    // Create result set:
    $comments_Results = new Results($SQL->get(), $params['results_param_prefix'], 'D');
    $comments_Results->Cache =& get_CommentCache();
    $comments_Results->title = $params['results_title'];
    $comments_Results->no_results_text = $params['results_no_text'];
    if ($comments_Results->get_total_rows() > 0 && $edited_User->has_comment_to_delete()) {
        // Display action icon to delete all records if at least one record exists & current user can delete at least one comment posted by user
        $comments_Results->global_icon(sprintf(T_('Delete all comments posted by %s'), $edited_User->login), 'recycle', '?ctrl=user&amp;user_tab=activity&amp;action=delete_all_comments&amp;user_ID=' . $edited_User->ID . '&amp;' . url_crumb('user'), ' ' . T_('Delete all'), 3, 4);
    // Initialize Results object
    comments_results($comments_Results, array('field_prefix' => 'comment_', 'display_kind' => false, 'display_additional_columns' => true, 'plugin_table_name' => 'activity', 'display_spam' => false));
    if (is_ajax_content()) {
        // init results param by template name
        if (!isset($params['skin_type']) || !isset($params['skin_name'])) {
            debug_die('Invalid ajax results request!');
        $comments_Results->init_params_by_skin($params['skin_type'], $params['skin_name']);
    $results_params = $AdminUI->get_template('Results');
    $display_params = array('before' => str_replace('>', ' style="margin-top:25px" id="comments_result">', $results_params['before']));
    if (!is_ajax_content()) {
        // Create this hidden div to get a function name for AJAX request
        echo '<div id="' . $params['results_param_prefix'] . 'ajax_callback" style="display:none">' . __FUNCTION__ . '</div>';