function mkPackage($option, $caller, $pkg) { global $ff_admpath, $ff_version, $mosConfig_fileperms; $id = $pkg; $name = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_name', ''); $title = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_title', ''); $version = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_version', ''); $created = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $author = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_author', ''); $email = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_email', ''); $url = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_url', ''); $description = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_description', ''); $copyright = JRequest::getVar( 'pkg_copyright', ''); savePackage($id, $name, $title, $version, $created, $author, $email, $url, $description, $copyright); $xmlname = $ff_admpath.'/packages/'.$name.'.xml'; $existed = file_exists($xmlname); if ($existed) if (!is_writable($xmlname)) die('XML file is not writable!'); $file= fopen($xmlname, "w"); $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>'.nl(). '<FacileFormsPackage'; if ($id != '') $xml .= ' id="'.$id.'"'; if ($id == '') $xml .= ' id="'.$name.'"'; $xml .= ' type="autoincrement" version="'.$ff_version.'">'.nl(). indent(1).'<name>'.expstring($name).'</name>'.nl(). indent(1).'<title>'.expstring($title).'</title>'.nl(). indent(1).'<version>'.expstring($version).'</version>'.nl(). indent(1).'<creationDate>'.$created.'</creationDate>'.nl(). indent(1).'<author>'.expstring($author).'</author>'.nl(). indent(1).'<authorEmail>'.expstring($email).'</authorEmail>'.nl(). indent(1).'<authorUrl>'.expstring($url).'</authorUrl>'.nl(). indent(1).'<description>'.expstring($description).'</description>'.nl(). indent(1).'<copyright>'.expstring($copyright).'</copyright>'.nl(); if ($id == '') $ids = JRequest::getVar( 'scriptsel', array()); else { $ids = array(); $rows = _ff_select( "select id from #__facileforms_scripts ". "where package = '$id' ". "order by id" ); if (count($rows)) foreach ($rows as $row) $ids[] = $row->id; } // if if (count($ids) > 0) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); $scripts = _ff_select( "select * from #__facileforms_scripts where id in ($ids) order by package, name, id" ); for ($s = 0; $s < count($scripts); $s++) { $script = $scripts[$s]; $xml .= indent(1).'<script id="'.$script->id.'">'.nl(); if ($script->published != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<published>'.$script->published.'</published>'.nl(); if ($script->package != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<package>'.expstring($script->package).'</package>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'<name>'.expstring($script->name).'</name>'.nl(). indent(2).'<title>'.expstring($script->title).'</title>'.nl(); if ($script->type != 'Untyped') $xml .= indent(2).'<type>'.expstring($script->type).'</type>'.nl(); $script->description = trim($script->description); if ($script->description != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<description>'.expstring($script->description).'</description>'.nl(); $script->code = trim($script->code); if ($script->code != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<code>'.expstring($script->code).'</code>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(1).'</script>'.nl(); } // for } // if if ($id == '') $ids = JRequest::getVar( 'piecesel', array()); else { $ids = array(); $rows = _ff_select( "select id from #__facileforms_pieces ". "where package = '$id' ". "order by id" ); if (count($rows)) foreach ($rows as $row) $ids[] = $row->id; } // if if (count($ids) > 0) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); $pieces = _ff_select( "select * from #__facileforms_pieces where id in ($ids) order by package, name, id" ); for ($p = 0; $p < count($pieces); $p++) { $piece = $pieces[$p]; $xml .= indent(1).'<piece id="'.$piece->id.'">'.nl(); if ($piece->published != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<published>'.$piece->published.'</published>'.nl(); if ($piece->package != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<package>'.expstring($piece->package).'</package>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'<name>'.expstring($piece->name).'</name>'.nl(). indent(2).'<title>'.expstring($piece->title).'</title>'.nl(); if ($piece->type != 'Untyped') $xml .= indent(2).'<type>'.expstring($piece->type).'</type>'.nl(); $piece->description = trim($piece->description); if ($piece->description != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<description>'.expstring($piece->description).'</description>'.nl(); $piece->code = trim($piece->code); if ($piece->code != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<code>'.expstring($piece->code).'</code>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(1).'</piece>'.nl(); } // for } // if if ($id == '') $ids = JRequest::getVar( 'formsel', array()); else { $ids = array(); $rows = _ff_select( "select id from #__facileforms_forms ". "where package = '$id' ". "order by id" ); if (count($rows)) foreach ($rows as $row) $ids[] = $row->id; } // if if (count($ids) > 0) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); $forms = _ff_select( "select * from #__facileforms_forms where id in ($ids) order by package, ordering, id" ); for ($f = 0; $f < count($forms); $f++) { $form = $forms[$f]; $xml .= indent(1).'<form id="'.$form->id.'">'.nl(); if ($form->published != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<published>'.$form->published.'</published>'.nl(); if ($form->runmode != 0) $xml .= indent(2).'<runmode>'.$form->runmode.'</runmode>'.nl(); if ($form->package != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<package>'.expstring($form->package).'</package>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'<name>'.expstring($form->name).'</name>'.nl(). indent(2).'<title>'.expstring($form->title).'</title>'.nl(); if ($form->description != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<description>'.expstring($form->description).'</description>'.nl(); if ($form->class1 != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<class1>'.expstring($form->class1).'</class1>'.nl(); if ($form->class2 != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<class2>'.expstring($form->class2).'</class2>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'<width>'.$form->width.'</width>'.nl(); if ($form->widthmode != 0) $xml .= indent(2).'<widthmode>'.$form->widthmode.'</widthmode>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'<height>'.$form->height.'</height>'.nl(); if ($form->heightmode != 0) $xml .= indent(2).'<heightmode>'.$form->heightmode.'</heightmode>'.nl(); if ($form->pages != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<pages>'.$form->pages.'</pages>'.nl(); if ($form->emailntf != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<emailntf>'.$form->emailntf.'</emailntf>'.nl(); if ($form->emaillog != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<emaillog>'.$form->emaillog.'</emaillog>'.nl(); if ($form->emailxml != 0) $xml .= indent(2).'<emailxml>'.$form->emailxml.'</emailxml>'.nl(); if ($form->emailntf == 2) { $form->emailadr = expstring($form->emailadr); if ($form->emailadr != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<emailadr>'.$form->emailadr.'</emailadr>'.nl(); } // if if($form->template_code != '')$xml.=indent(2).'<template_code>'.base64_encode($form->template_code).'</template_code>'; if($form->template_code_processed != '')$xml.=indent(2).'<template_code_processed>'.base64_encode($form->template_code_processed).'</template_code_processed>'; 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$this->exportScript( 'piece4', '#__facileforms_pieces', $form->piece4cond, $form->piece4id, $form->piece4code, 2, $xml ); $elems = _ff_select( "select * from #__facileforms_elements where form=$form->id order by page, ordering, id" ); for ($e = 0; $e < count($elems); $e++) { $elem = $elems[$e]; $xml .= indent(2).'<element id="'.$elem->id.'">'.nl(); if ($elem->page != 1) $xml .= indent(3).'<page>'.$elem->page.'</page>'.nl(); if ($elem->published != 1) $xml .= indent(3).'<published>'.$elem->published.'</published>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(3).'<name>'.expstring($elem->name).'</name>'.nl(). indent(3).'<title>'.expstring($elem->title).'</title>'.nl(); if ($elem->type != 'Static Text/HTML') $xml .= indent(3).'<type>'.$elem->type.'</type>'.nl(); if ($elem->class1 != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<class1>'.expstring($elem->class1).'</class1>'.nl(); if ($elem->class2 != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<class2>'.expstring($elem->class2).'</class2>'.nl(); if (isInputElement($elem->type)) { if ($elem->logging != 1) $xml .= indent(3).'<logging>'.$elem->logging.'</logging>'.nl(); } // if if (isVisibleElement($elem->type)) { if ($elem->posx != NULL) $xml .= indent(3).'<posx>'.$elem->posx.'</posx>'.nl(); if ($elem->posx != NULL && $elem->posxmode!=0) $xml .= indent(3).'<posxmode>'.$elem->posxmode.'</posxmode>'.nl(); if ($elem->posy != NULL) $xml .= indent(3).'<posy>'.$elem->posy.'</posy>'.nl(); if ($elem->posy != NULL && $elem->posymode!=0) $xml .= indent(3).'<posymode>'.$elem->posymode.'</posymode>'.nl(); if ($elem->width != NULL) $xml .= indent(3).'<width>'.$elem->width.'</width>'.nl(); if ($elem->width != NULL && $elem->widthmode!=0) $xml .= indent(3).'<widthmode>'.$elem->widthmode.'</widthmode>'.nl(); if ($elem->height != NULL) $xml .= indent(3).'<height>'.$elem->height.'</height>'.nl(); if ($elem->height != NULL && $elem->heightmode!=0) $xml .= indent(3).'<heightmode>'.$elem->heightmode.'</heightmode>'.nl(); } // if $xml .= indent(3).'<mailback>'.$elem->mailback.'</mailback>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(3).'<mailbackfile>'.$elem->mailbackfile.'</mailbackfile>'.nl(); if ($elem->flag1) $xml .= indent(3).'<flag1>'.$elem->flag1.'</flag1>'.nl(); if ($elem->flag2) $xml .= indent(3).'<flag2>'.$elem->flag2.'</flag2>'.nl(); $elem->data1 = expstring($elem->data1); if ($elem->data1 != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<data1>'.$elem->data1.'</data1>'.nl(); $elem->data2 = expstring($elem->data2); if ($elem->data2 != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<data2>'.$elem->data2.'</data2>'.nl(); $elem->data3 = expstring($elem->data3); if ($elem->data3 != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<data3>'.$elem->data3.'</data3>'.nl(); $this->exportScript( 'script1', '#__facileforms_scripts', $elem->script1cond, $elem->script1id, $elem->script1code, 3, $xml ); if ($elem->script1cond > 0) { if ($elem->script1flag1) $xml .= indent(3).'<script1flag1>'.$elem->script1flag1.'</script1flag1>'.nl(); if ($elem->script1flag2) $xml .= indent(3).'<script1flag2>'.$elem->script1flag2.'</script1flag2>'.nl(); } // if $this->exportScript( 'script2', '#__facileforms_scripts', $elem->script2cond, $elem->script2id, $elem->script2code, 3, $xml ); if ($elem->script2cond > 0) { if ($elem->script2flag1) $xml .= indent(3).'<script2flag1>'.$elem->script2flag1.'</script2flag1>'.nl(); if ($elem->script2flag2) $xml .= indent(3).'<script2flag2>'.$elem->script2flag2.'</script2flag2>'.nl(); if ($elem->script2flag3) $xml .= indent(3).'<script2flag3>'.$elem->script2flag3.'</script2flag3>'.nl(); if ($elem->script2flag4) $xml .= indent(3).'<script2flag4>'.$elem->script2flag4.'</script2flag4>'.nl(); if ($elem->script2flag5) $xml .= indent(3).'<script2flag5>'.$elem->script2flag5.'</script2flag5>'.nl(); } // if $this->exportScript( 'script3', '#__facileforms_scripts', $elem->script3cond, $elem->script3id, $elem->script3code, 3, $xml ); if ($elem->script3cond > 0) { if ($elem->script3msg != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<script3msg>'.expstring($elem->script3msg).'</script3msg>'.nl(); } // if $xml .= indent(2).'</element>'.nl(); } // for $xml .= indent(1).'</form>'.nl(); } // for } // if if ($id == '') $ids = JRequest::getVar( 'menusel', array()); else { $ids = array(); $rows = _ff_select( "select id from #__facileforms_compmenus ". "where package = '$id' and parent = 0 ". "order by id" ); if (count($rows)) foreach ($rows as $row) $ids[] = $row->id; } // if if (count($ids) > 0) { $ids = implode(',', $ids); $menus = _ff_select( "select * from #__facileforms_compmenus where id in ($ids) order by package, ordering, id" ); for ($m = 0; $m < count($menus); $m++) { $menu = $menus[$m]; $xml .= indent(1).'<compmenu id="'.$menu->id.'">'.nl(); if ($menu->published != 1) $xml .= indent(2).'<published>'.$menu->published.'</published>'.nl(); $menu->img = trim($menu->img); if ($menu->img != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<img>'.expstring($menu->img).'</img>'.nl(); if ($menu->package != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<package>'.expstring($menu->package).'</package>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'<title>'.expstring($menu->title).'</title>'.nl(); $menu->name = trim($menu->name); if ($menu->name != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<name>'.expstring($menu->name).'</name>'.nl(); if ($menu->page != 1 && $menu->page!='') $xml .= indent(2).'<page>'.$menu->page.'</page>'.nl(); if ($menu->frame != 0) $xml .= indent(2).'<frame>'.$menu->frame.'</frame>'.nl(); if ($menu->border != 0) $xml .= indent(2).'<border>'.$menu->border.'</border>'.nl(); $menu->params = trim($menu->params); if ($menu->params != '') $xml .= indent(2).'<params>'.expstring($menu->params).'</params>'.nl(); $submenus = _ff_select( "select * from #__facileforms_compmenus where parent=$menu->id order by ordering, id" ); for ($s = 0; $s < count($submenus); $s++) { $submenu = $submenus[$s]; $xml .= indent(2).'<compmenu id="'.$submenu->id.'">'.nl(); if ($submenu->published != 1) $xml .= indent(3).'<published>'.$submenu->published.'</published>'.nl(); $submenu->img = trim($submenu->img); if ($submenu->img != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<img>'.expstring($submenu->img).'</img>'.nl(); if ($menu->package != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<package>'.expstring($submenu->package).'</package>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(3).'<title>'.expstring($submenu->title).'</title>'.nl(); $submenu->name = trim($submenu->name); if ($submenu->name != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<name>'.expstring($submenu->name).'</name>'.nl(); if ($submenu->page != 1 && $submenu->page!='') $xml .= indent(3).'<page>'.$submenu->page.'</page>'.nl(); if ($submenu->frame != 0) $xml .= indent(3).'<frame>'.$submenu->frame.'</frame>'.nl(); if ($submenu->border != 0) $xml .= indent(3).'<border>'.$submenu->border.'</border>'.nl(); $submenu->params = trim($submenu->params); if ($submenu->params != '') $xml .= indent(3).'<params>'.expstring($submenu->params).'</params>'.nl(); $xml .= indent(2).'</compmenu>'.nl(); } // for $xml .= indent(1).'</compmenu>'.nl(); } // for } // if $xml .= '</FacileFormsPackage>'.nl(); fwrite($file, $xml); fclose($file); if (!$existed) { $filemode = NULL; if (isset($mosConfig_fileperms)) { if ($mosConfig_fileperms!='') $filemode = octdec($mosConfig_fileperms); } else $filemode = 0644; if (isset($filemode)) @chmod($xmlname, $filemode); } // if HTML_facileFormsConf::edit($option, $caller, $pkg, $xmlname); } // mkPackage
static function listitems($option, $pkg, &$form, $page, &$rows, $prevmode, &$checkedIds) { global $ff_processor, $ff_mospath, $ff_mossite, $ff_admicon, $ff_comsite, $ff_config, $ff_request, $ff_version, $database, $my; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $database = JFactory::getDBO(); $ff_mossite = JURI::root(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var bf_submitbutton = function(pressbutton) { var form = document.adminForm; switch (pressbutton) { case 'close': location.href="index.php?option=com_breezingforms&act=manageforms"; return; break; case 'copy': case 'move': case 'publish': case 'unpublish': case 'remove': if (form.boxchecked.value==0) { alert("<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_SELELEMENTS'); ?> "); return; } // if break; default: break; } // switch switch (pressbutton) { case 'share': form.act.value = 'share'; break; case 'sort': if (!confirm("<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_ASKSORT'); ?> ")) return; break; case 'remove': if (!confirm("<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_ASKDELELEMENTS'); ?> ")) return; break; case 'delpage': if (!confirm("<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_ASKDELPAGE'); ?> ")) return; break; case 'movepos': if (form.movepixels.value=='') { alert("<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_ENTPIXMOVE'); ?> "); return; } // if var nonDigits = /\D/; if (nonDigits.test(form.movepixels.value)) { alert("<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_PIXMOVEINT'); ?> "); return; } // if break; default: break; } // switch submitform(pressbutton); }; // submitbutton if(typeof Joomla != "undefined"){ Joomla.submitbutton = bf_submitbutton; } submitbutton = bf_submitbutton; function changepage(newpage) { = newpage; submitform(''); } // changepage function listItemTask( id, task ) { var f = document.adminForm; cb = eval( 'f.' + id ); if (cb) { for (i = 0; true; i++) { cbx = eval('f.cb'+i); if (!cbx) break; cbx.checked = false; } // for cb.checked = true; f.boxchecked.value = 1; submitbutton(task); } return false; } // listItemTask <?php if ($form->prevmode > 0) { ?> ff_coords = [ <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; if ($i) { echo ",\n"; } echo "\t\t\t\t[" . intval(isVisibleElement($row->type)) . ',' . intval($row->posx) . ',' . intval($row->posx) . ',' . intval($row->posxmode) . ',' . intval($row->posy) . ',' . intval($row->posy) . ',' . intval($row->posymode) . ']'; } // for if ($i) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\t\t\t\t0"; } ?> ]; var highlightTmpColor = ""; var highlightTmpPadding = ""; function highlightElement( elementIndex ){ var f = document.adminForm; <?php if ($ff_config->stylesheet) { ?> var fd = ff_prevframe.document; <?php } else { ?> var fd = document; <?php } // endif ?> var cb = eval('f.cb'+elementIndex); highlightTmpColor = fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style.backgroundColor; highlightTmpPadding = fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style.padding; fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style.backgroundColor = "red"; fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style.padding = "5px"; } function unhighlightElement( elementIndex ){ var f = document.adminForm; <?php if ($ff_config->stylesheet) { ?> var fd = ff_prevframe.document; <?php } else { ?> var fd = document; <?php } // endif ?> var cb = eval('f.cb'+elementIndex); fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style.backgroundColor = highlightTmpColor; fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style.padding = highlightTmpPadding; } function moveElements(direction) { var f = document.adminForm; var step = parseInt(f.id_movepixels.value); if (step==0) return; <?php if ($ff_config->stylesheet) { ?> var fd = ff_prevframe.document; <?php } else { ?> var fd = document; <?php } // endif ?> var i; for (i = 0; i < <?php echo count($rows); ?> ; i++) { var cb = eval('f.cb'+i); if (cb.checked && ff_coords[i][0]) { var el = fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style; var x,y,u; switch (direction) { case 'left': x = ff_coords[i][2]; if (ff_coords[i][3]) u = '%'; else u = 'px'; if (x >= 0) { if (x > step) x -= step; else x = 0; el.left = x+u; } else { x -= step; el.right = (-x)+u; } // if ff_coords[i][2] = x; break; case 'right': x = ff_coords[i][2]; if (ff_coords[i][3]) u = '%'; else u = 'px'; if (x >= 0) { x += step; el.left = x+u; } else { if ((-x) > step) x += step; else x = -1; el.right = (-y)+u; } // if ff_coords[i][2] = x; break; case 'up': y = ff_coords[i][5]; if (ff_coords[i][6]) u = '%'; else u = 'px'; if (y >= 0) { if (y > step) y -= step; else y = 0; = y+u; } else { y -= step; el.bottom = (-y)+u; } // if ff_coords[i][5] = y; break; case 'down': y = ff_coords[i][5]; if (ff_coords[i][6]) u = '%'; else u = 'px'; if (y >= 0) { y += step; = y+u; } else { if ((-y) > step) y += step; else y = -1; el.bottom = (-y)+u; } // if ff_coords[i][5] = y; break; default:; } // switch } // if } // for var disabled = true; for (i = 0; i < <?php echo count($rows); ?> ; i++) if (ff_coords[i][1]!=ff_coords[i][2] || ff_coords[i][4]!=ff_coords[i][5]) { disabled = false; break; } // if f.savepos.disabled = disabled; f.restpos.disabled = disabled; } // moveElements function savePositions() { var f = document.adminForm; <?php if ($ff_config->stylesheet) { ?> var fd = ff_prevframe.document; <?php } else { ?> var fd = document; <?php } // endif ?> var i; var pos = ''; for (i = 0; i < <?php echo count($rows); ?> ; i++) if (ff_coords[i][1]!=ff_coords[i][2] || ff_coords[i][4]!=ff_coords[i][5]) { var cb = eval('f.cb'+i); var el = fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style; if (pos != '') pos += ','; pos += cb.value+','+ff_coords[i][2]+','+ff_coords[i][5]; } // if f.movepositions.value = pos; submitbutton('movepos'); } // savePositions function restorePositions() { var f = document.adminForm; <?php if ($ff_config->stylesheet) { ?> var fd = ff_prevframe.document; <?php } else { ?> var fd = document; <?php } // endif ?> var i; for (i = 0; i < <?php echo count($rows); ?> ; i++) if (ff_coords[i][1]!=ff_coords[i][2] || ff_coords[i][4]!=ff_coords[i][5]) { var cb = eval('f.cb'+i); var el = fd.getElementById('ff_div'+cb.value).style; var x = ff_coords[i][2] = ff_coords[i][1]; var y = ff_coords[i][5] = ff_coords[i][4]; var u; if (ff_coords[i][3]) u = '%'; else u = 'px'; if (x >= 0) el.left = x+u; else el.right = (-x)+u; if (ff_coords[i][6]) u = '%'; else u = 'px'; if (y >= 0) = y+u; else el.bottom = (-y)+u; } // if f.savepos.disabled = true; f.restpos.disabled = true; } // restorePositions <?php } // endif ?> <?php if ($prevmode == 'submit') { ?> onload = function() { submitform(''); } // onload <?php } // endif ?> //--> </script> <div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden;z-index:1000;"></div> <?php //echo bf_alert('Get BreezingForms Full Version', ''); ?> <?php //echo bf_alert('More features, no footers, no messages', ''); ?> <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0"> <tr> <td nowrap> <table class="adminheading"> <tr><th class="edit" nowrap>BreezingForms <?php echo $ff_version; ?> <br/><span class="componentheading"><?php echo $form->title; ?> <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_PAGE'); ?> <?php echo $page; ?> </span></th></tr> </table> </td> <td width="100%" align="right" nowrap> <?php JToolBarHelper::custom('new', 'new.png', 'new_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_NEW'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('editform', 'edit.png', 'edit_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_EDITFORM'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('copy', 'copy.png', 'copy_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_COPY'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('move', 'move.png', 'move_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_MOVE'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('publish', 'publish.png', 'publish_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_PUBLISH'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('unpublish', 'unpublish.png', 'unpublish_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_UNPUBLISH'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('remove', 'delete.png', 'delete_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_DELETE'), false); JToolBarHelper::custom('close', 'cancel.png', 'cancel_f2.png', BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_TOOLBAR_QUICKMODE_CLOSE'), false); ?> </td> </tr> </table> <form action="index.php" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm" class="adminForm"> <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="adminlist table table-striped"> <tr> <th nowrap align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="toggle" value="" onclick="<?php $version = new JVersion(); echo version_compare($version->getShortVersion(), '3.0', '>=') ? 'Joomla.checkAll(this);' : 'checkAll(' . count($rows) . ');'; ?> " /></th> <th nowrap align="left"><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_TITLE'); ?> </th> <th nowrap align="left"><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_NAME'); ?> </th> <th nowrap align="left"><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_TYPE'); ?> </th> <th nowrap align="center"><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_PUBLISHED'); ?> </th> <th nowrap align="center" colspan="2"><a href="#sort" onclick="submitbutton('sort')"><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_REORDER'); ?> </a></th> <th nowrap align="center">X</th> <th nowrap align="center">Y</th> <th nowrap align="center"><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_SCRIPTID'); ?> </th> <th width="100%"></th> </tr> <?php $k = 0; $boxchecked = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($rows); $i++) { $row = $rows[$i]; $checked = ''; if (in_array($row->id, $checkedIds)) { $checked = 'checked="checked"'; $boxchecked++; } // if ?> <tr class="row<?php echo $k; ?> "> <td nowrap align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="cb<?php echo $i; ?> " name="ids[]" value="<?php echo $row->id; ?> " onclick="<?php jimport('joomla.version'); $version = new JVersion(); echo version_compare($version->getShortVersion(), '3.0', '>=') ? 'Joomla.isChecked(this.checked);' : 'isChecked(this.checked);'; ?> " <?php echo $checked; ?> /></td> <td nowrap align="left"><div id="hoverItem_ff_div<?php echo $row->id; ?> "><a href="#edit" onmouseout="unhighlightElement(<?php echo $i; ?> )" onmouseover="highlightElement(<?php echo $i; ?> )" onclick="return listItemTask('cb<?php echo $i; ?> ','edit')"><?php echo $row->title; ?> </a></div></td> <td nowrap align="left"><?php echo $row->name; ?> </td> <td nowrap align="left"><?php echo HTML_facileFormsElement::displayType($row->type); ?> </td> <td nowrap align="center"> <?php if ($row->published == "1") { echo "<a href=\"#unpublish\" onClick=\"return listItemTask('cb" . $i . "','unpublish')\"><img src=\"components/com_breezingforms/images/icons/publish_g.png\" alt=\"+\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"#publish\" onClick=\"return listItemTask('cb" . $i . "','publish')\"><img src=\"components/com_breezingforms/images/icons/publish_x.png\" alt=\"-\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; } // if ?> </td> <td nowrap align="right"> <?php if ($i > 0) { echo "<a href=\"#orderup\" onClick=\"return listItemTask('cb" . $i . "','orderup')\"><img src=\"components/com_breezingforms/images/icons/uparrow.png\" alt=\"^\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; } ?> </td> <td nowrap align="left"> <?php if ($i < count($rows) - 1) { echo "<a href=\"#orderdown\" onClick=\"return listItemTask('cb" . $i . "','orderdown')\"><img src=\"components/com_breezingforms/images/icons/downarrow.png\" alt=\"v\" border=\"0\" /></a>"; } ?> </td> <td nowrap align="right"><?php echo $row->posx; if ($row->posxmode) { echo '%'; } else { echo 'px'; } ?> </td> <td nowrap align="right"><?php echo $row->posy; if ($row->posymode) { echo '%'; } else { echo 'px'; } ?> </td> <td nowrap align="right"><?php echo $row->id; ?> </td> <td></td> </tr> <?php $k = 1 - $k; } // for ?> </table> <?php if ($form->prevmode > 0) { if ($form->prevmode == 1) { ?> <br /> <br /> <?php } else { ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo JURI::root() . 'administrator/components/com_breezingforms/libraries/wz_dragdrop/wz_dragdrop.js'; ?> "></script> <!-- BEGIN OF SURFACE --> <div id="SelectOptionDialog" style="background-color: #cccccc;position:absolute;top:233px;right:15px;z-index:100;"> <?php } ?> <table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" class="adminform" style="width:100%;"> <tr><th colspan="2" class="title">BreezingForms - <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_PAGELAY'); ?> </th></tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <table class="menubar" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr><td nowrap class="menudottedline" align="right"> <input class="btn btn-warning" onclick="submitbutton('addbefore');" type="submit" value="<?php echo htmlentities(BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_ADDPAGEBEFORE'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> "/> <input class="btn btn-warning" onclick="submitbutton('addbehind');" type="submit" value="<?php echo htmlentities(BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_ADDPAGEBEHIND'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> "/> <?php if ($form->pages > 1) { ?> <input class="btn btn-primary" onclick="submitbutton('movepage');" type="submit" value="<?php echo htmlentities(BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_MOVEPG'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> "/> <input class="btn btn-primary" onclick="submitbutton('delpage');" type="submit" value="<?php echo htmlentities(BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_DELPAGE'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?> "/> <?php } // if ?> </td></tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table class="menubar" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> <td nowrap colspan="5" style="text-align:center"> <?php if ($form->prevmode == 2) { ?> <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_DRAGGING'); ?> <br/> <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_DRAGGING_ON'); ?> <input type="radio" id="draggingEnabled" name="dragToggle" onclick="dd.elements.SelectOptionDialog.setDraggable(true);"/> <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_DRAGGING_OFF'); ?> <input id="draggingDisabled" checked type="radio" name="dragToggle" onclick="dd.elements.SelectOptionDialog.setDraggable(false);"/> <br/> <?php } ?> <input type="checkbox" id="gridshow" name="gridshow" onclick="submitbutton('gridshow');" value="1"<?php if ($ff_config->gridshow == 1) { echo ' checked="checked"'; } ?> /><label for="gridshow"> <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_GRID'); ?> </label> <hr/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap colspan="5" style="text-align:center"> <?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_MOVEPIX'); ?> :<br/> <input type="text" size="6" maxlength="6" id="id_movepixels" name="movepixels" value="<?php echo is_int($ff_config->movepixels) ? is_int($ff_config->movepixels) : 5; ?> " class="inputbox"/> <br/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td align="center"> <a href="javascript:moveElements('up');"> <img src="<?php echo $ff_admicon; ?> /moveup_f2.png" width="16" height="16" alt="up" name="moveup" border="0" align="middle" /> </a> </td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <a href="javascript:moveElements('left');"> <img src="<?php echo $ff_admicon; ?> /movelt_f2.png" width="16" height="16" alt="left" name="moveleft" border="0" align="middle" /> </a> </td> <td></td> <td align="right"> <a href="javascript:moveElements('right');"> <img src="<?php echo $ff_admicon; ?> /movert_f2.png" width="16" height="16" alt="right" name="moveright" border="0" align="middle" /> </a> </td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td align="center"> <a href="javascript:moveElements('down');"> <img src="<?php echo $ff_admicon; ?> /movedn_f2.png" width="16" height="16" alt="down" name="movedown" border="0" align="middle" /> </a> </td> <td></td> <td><hr/></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" style="text-align:center"> <input class="btn btn-primary" id="savepos" type="button" value="<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_SAVE'); ?> " onclick="savePositions();" disabled="disabled"/><br/> <hr/> <input class="btn btn-primary" id="restpos" type="button" value="<?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_RESTORE'); ?> " onclick="restorePositions();" disabled="disabled"/> <hr/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="5" style="text-align:center"> <?php for ($p = 1; $p <= $form->pages; $p++) { $attribute = ''; if ($p == $page) { $attribute = 'disabled="disabled"'; } echo '<input class="btn btn-primary" type="button" value="' . BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_PAGE') . ' ' . $p . '" onclick="changepage(\'' . $p . '\');" ' . $attribute . '/><br/>'; } // for ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td align="center"> <?php if ($ff_config->stylesheet) { // compose iframe url $url = $ff_mossite . 'index.php' . '?option=com_breezingforms' . '&tmpl=component' . '&Itemid=0' . '&ff_form=' . $form->id . '&ff_frame=1' . '&ff_runmode=' . _FF_RUNMODE_PREVIEW . '&ff_page=' . $page; reset($ff_request); while (list($prop, $val) = each($ff_request)) { $url .= '&' . $prop . '=' . urlencode($val); } // prepare iframe width $framewidth = 'width="'; if ($form->widthmode) { $framewidth .= $form->prevwidth . '" '; } else { $framewidth .= $form->width . '" '; } // prepare iframe height $frameheight = ''; if (!$form->heightmode) { $frameheight = 'height="' . $form->height . '" '; } // assemble iframe parameters $params = 'name="ff_prevframe" ' . 'id="ff_prevframe" ' . 'src="' . $url . '" ' . $framewidth . $frameheight . 'frameborder="0" ' . 'scrolling="no"'; ?> <iframe <?php echo $params; ?> > <p><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_BROWSER1'); ?> </p> <p><?php echo BFText::_('COM_BREEZINGFORMS_ELEMENTS_BROWSER2'); ?> </p> </iframe> <?php } else { $tstyle = ' style="'; $dstyle = ''; if ($form->widthmode) { $tstyle .= 'width:' . $form->prevwidth . 'px;'; } else { $tstyle .= 'width:' . $form->width . 'px;'; $dstyle .= 'width:' . $form->width . 'px;'; } // else if (!$form->heightmode) { $tstyle .= 'height:' . $form->height . 'px;'; $dstyle .= 'height:' . $form->height . 'px;'; } // if $tstyle .= '"'; ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"<?php echo $tstyle; ?> > <tr><td> <div style="position:relative;left:0px;top:0px;<?php echo $dstyle; ?> "> <?php $myUser = JFactory::getUser(); $database->setQuery("select id from #__users where lower(username)=lower('" . $myUser->get('username', '') . "')"); $id = $database->loadResult(); if ($id) { $myUser->get('id', -1); } $curdir = getcwd(); chdir($ff_mospath); $ff_processor = new HTML_facileFormsProcessor(_FF_RUNMODE_PREVIEW, false, $form->id, $page, $option); if ($prevmode == 'submit') { $ff_processor->submit(); } else { $ff_processor->view(); } chdir($curdir); ?> </div> </td></tr> </table> <?php } // if ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if ($form->prevmode == 2) { ?> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- SET_DHTML('SelectOptionDialog'); dd.elements.SelectOptionDialog.setDraggable(false); //--> </script> <input type="hidden" id="ff_itemPositions" name="ff_itemPositions" value=""/> <?php } // if } // if $form->prevmode > 0 ?> <input type="hidden" name="boxchecked" value="<?php echo $boxchecked; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="pkg" value="<?php echo $pkg; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="option" value="<?php echo $option; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="editpage" /> <input type="hidden" name="task" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="form" value="<?php echo $form->id; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php echo $page; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="movepositions" value="" /> </form> <?php }