/** * Function to delete a TAP interface * * @param string $s Interface name * @return int 0 means ok */ function delTap($s) { if (isInterface($s)) { // Remove interface from OVS switches $cmd = 'ovs-vsctl del-port ' . $s . ' 2>&1'; exec($cmd, $o, $rc); // Delete TAP (so it's removed from bridges too) $cmd = 'tunctl -d ' . $s . ' 2>&1'; exec($cmd, $o, $rc); if (isInterface($s)) { // Failed to delete the TAP interface error_log('ERROR: ' . $GLOBALS['messages'][80034]); error_log(implode("\n", $o)); return 80034; } else { return 0; } } else { // Interface does not exist return 0; } }
$namespace .= '\\' . basename($path, '.php'); passthru('phpunit-skelgen --bootstrap ' . $base . '/tests/autoload.php --test -- "' . $namespace . '" ' . $path); } else { foreach ($sources as $dir) { $lambaIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($lambaIterator as $path => $value) { // get the target path where the test will be generated $targetPath = str_replace('.php', 'Test', $path); if (is_dir($path)) { continue; } // filter excluded paths if (anyInArray($exclude, $path) !== false) { continue; } if (isInterface(file($path)) === true) { continue; } if (isException(file($path)) === true) { continue; } // get the namespace for the class $namespace = getNameSpace(file($path)); // if no namepsace then skip if (empty($namespace)) { continue; } // append the class name to the namespace $namespace .= '\\' . str_replace('.php', '', $value->getFileName()); if (!is_dir(dirname($targetPath))) { mkdir(dirname($targetPath), 0775, true);