Пример #1
} else {
    $is_pb_ban = false;
    $duration_form = cleanvar($_POST['duration']);
    $time = cleanvar($_POST['time']);
    emptyInput($time, 'time frame');
    emptyInput($duration_form, 'penalty duration');
$reason = cleanvar($_POST['reason']);
$client_id = cleanvar($_POST['cid']);
$pbid = cleanvar($_POST['c-pbid']);
$c_name = cleanvar($_POST['c-name']);
$c_ip = cleanvar($_POST['c-ip']);
// check for empty reason
emptyInput($reason, 'ban reason');
## Check sent client_id is a number ##
if (!isID($client_id)) {
    sendBack('Invalid data sent, ban not added');
## Sort out some ban information
if ($is_pb_ban) {
    // if the ban is perma ban
    $type = 'Ban';
    $time_expire = '-1';
    $duration = 0;
} else {
    $type = 'TempBan';
    // NOTE: the duration in the DB is done in MINUTES and the time_expire is written in unix timestamp (in seconds)
    $duration = penDuration($time, $duration_form);
    $duration_secs = $duration * 60;
    // find the duration in seconds
    $time_expire = time() + $duration_secs;
Пример #2

require '../lib/book_func.php';
require '../lib/check.php';
$result = 0;
$ActType = "";
$Key0 = "";
$Key1 = "";
$Key2 = "";
$Key3 = "";
$Key21 = "";
$Key22 = "";
if (!isID($_POST["KEYWORD1"], 40, 1)) {
    $result = 1;
} elseif (!isPW($_POST["KEYWORD2"], 10, 1)) {
    $result = 1;
} else {
    $ActType = $_POST["ActionType"];
    $Key0 = $_POST["KEYWORD0"];
    $Key1 = $_POST["KEYWORD1"];
    $Key2 = $_POST["KEYWORD2"];
    $Key3 = $_POST["KEYWORD3"];
    $obj = new BookModel();
    $result = $obj->GETBorrowUList($ActType, $Key0, $dspBorrowUList);
Пример #3

$auth_name = 'manage_settings';
require '../inc.php';
## delete server
if ($_GET['t'] == 'del') {
    // get and check the id sent
    if (isset($_GET['id']) || isID($_GET['id'])) {
        $sid = $_GET['id'];
    } else {
        sendBack('Vital information needed to delete the server was not sent');
    ## check that the form token is corret
    if (!verifyFormToken('del-server' . $sid, $tokens)) {
        // verify token
        ifTokenBad('Deleting a server');
    $result = $dbl->delServer($sid);
    if (!$result) {
        sendBack('There was a problem with deleting the server');
    $result = $dbl->delServerUpdateGames($game_id);
    if (!$result) {
        sendBack('There was a problem with deleting the server');
    sendGood('The server has been deleted');
    // stop - no need to load the rest of the page
## Check that the form was posted and that the user did not just stumble here ##
if (!isset($_POST['server-settings-sub'])) {
Пример #4
        $ip = $result[3];
        $group = $result[4];
        $admin_id = $result[5];
        $first_seen = $result[6];
        $last_seen = $result[7];
        $admin_name = $result[8];
    $ech_logs = $dbl->getEchLogs($id, NULL, 'admin');
    // get the echelon logs created by this user (note: admin_id is admin group not the id stored in log)
    $token_del = genFormToken('del' . $id);
    $is_view_user = true;
// end
// if this is an edit user page
if ($_GET['t'] == 'edituser') {
    if (!isID($_GET['id'])) {
        set_error('Invalid data sent. Request aborted.');
    } else {
        $uid = $_GET['id'];
    ## Get a users details
    $result = $dbl->getUserDetailsEdit($uid);
    if (!$result) {
        // there was no user matching the sent id // throw error and sedn to SA page
        set_error('No user matches that id.');
    } else {
        ## Setup information vars ##
        $u_username = $result[0];
Пример #5
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
include 'function.php';
if (isWords($_POST['student']) && isID($_POST['IDnumber']) && isEmail($_POST['email']) && isGrade($_POST['chinese']) && isGrade($_POST['english']) && isGrade($_POST['math']) && isGrade($_POST['physics']) && isGrade($_POST['chemistry'])) {
    echo '輸入成功';
    write($_POST['student'], $_POST['IDnumber'], $_POST['email'], $_POST['chinese'], $_POST['english'], $_POST['math'], $_POST['physics'], $_POST['chemistry']);
} else {
    echo '輸入失敗';
Пример #6

$option = $options;
if (isID($option[0])) {
    function superdanmuTab()
    <div id="supertabchoose"><div id="chooseText">字</div><div id="chooseCode">码</div></div>
    <div id="commonTools" style="position: absolute;height: 26px;width: 100%;top: 0px;left: 0px;font-size: 13px;background-color: #66ccff;">
         <input  name="gettime" style="width: 54px;text-align: right;" title="Ctrl+Alt+t" /> 
        相对于<select onchange="inputCenter.relativeTo(this.value)">
        <option value="frame">框架</option>
        <option value="video">视频</option>
    <div id="SuperTextTab" class="SuperTab">高级字幕</div>
    <div id="SupeCodeTab" class="SuperTab">代码弹幕</div>
    function optioneles()
                     <h3> 播放器设置</h3>
                      <span>默认隐藏边栏:<div switch name="DefaultHideSideBar"></div></span>
                      <span>进度条显示弹幕密度:<div switch name="ProgressDanmumark"></div></span>
                     <h3> 普通弹幕</h3>
Пример #7
    set_error('Please do not call that page directly, thank you.');
## get vars ##
$ban_id = $_POST['banid'];
$type = cleanvar($_POST['type']);
## check that the sent form token is correct ##
if (verifyFormToken('unban' . $ban_id, $tokens) == false) {
    // verify token
## Check for empties ##
emptyInput($type, 'data not sent');
emptyInput($ban_id, 'data not sent');
## Check ban_id is a number ##
if (!isID($ban_id)) {
    sendBack('Invalid data sent, ban not added');
## Send query ##
$results = $db->makePenInactive($ban_id);
if (!$results) {
    // if bad send back warning
    sendBack('Penalty has not been removed');
## If a permaban send unban rcon command ##
if ($type == 'Ban') {
    ## Get the PBID of the client ##
    $pbid = $db->getPBIDfromPID($pen_id);
    ## Loop thro server for this game and send unban command and update ban file
    $i = 1;
    while ($i <= $game_num_srvs) {
Пример #8
    $is_pb_ban = false;
    $type = 'TempBan';
    $duration_form = cleanvar($_POST['duration']);
    $time = cleanvar($_POST['time']);
    emptyInput($time, 'time frame');
    emptyInput($duration_form, 'penalty duration');
    // NOTE: the duration in the DB is done in MINUTES and the time_expire is written in unix timestamp (in seconds)
    $duration = penDuration($time, $duration_form);
    $duration_secs = $duration * 60;
    // find the duration in seconds
    $time_expire = time() + $duration_secs;
    // time_expire is current time plus the duration in seconds
// check for empty reason
emptyInput($reason, 'ban reason');
if (!isID($ban_id) || !isID($cid)) {
    sendBack('Some of the information sent by you is invalid, the ban was not edited');
## Query Section ##
$query = "UPDATE penalties SET type = ?, duration = ?, time_edit = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), time_expire = ?, reason = ? WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1";
$stmt = $db->mysql->prepare($query) or die('DB Error');
$stmt->bind_param('siisi', $type, $duration, $time_expire, $reason, $ban_id);
if ($stmt->affected_rows > 0) {
    $results = true;
} else {
    sendBack('Something went wrong');
## If a permaban send unban rcon command (the ban will still be enforced then by the B3 DB ##
if ($type == 'Ban') {
    ## Loop thro server for this game and send unban command and update ban file
Пример #9

$page = "clientdetails";
$page_title = "Client Details";
$auth_name = 'clients';
$b3_conn = true;
// this page needs to connect to the B3 database
$pagination = false;
// this page requires the pagination part of the footer
require 'inc.php';
## Do Stuff ##
if ($_GET['id']) {
    $cid = $_GET['id'];
if (!isID($cid)) {
    set_error('The client id that you have supplied is invalid. Please supply a valid client id.');
if ($cid == '') {
    set_error('No user specified, please select one');
## Get Client information ##
$query = "SELECT c.ip, c.connections, c.guid, c.name, c.mask_level, c.greeting, c.time_add, c.time_edit, c.group_bits, g.name\n\t\t  FROM clients c LEFT JOIN groups g ON c.group_bits = g.id WHERE c.id = ? LIMIT 1";
$stmt = $db->mysql->prepare($query) or die('Database Error ' . $db->mysql->error);
$stmt->bind_param('i', $cid);
$stmt->bind_result($ip, $connections, $guid, $name, $mask_level, $greeting, $time_add, $time_edit, $group_bits, $user_group);
## Require Header ##
Пример #10
    public function db_readbible_results_html()
        if ($this->db_passage_results['summary']['error'] == 'no') {
            while (list($k, $v) = each($this->db_passage_results['result'])) {
                foreach ($v as $b => $Books) {
                    foreach ($Books as $i => $verses) {
                        foreach ($verses as $f => $y) {
                            $this->db_passage_results_verse .= '
							<div class="verse ' . $y['aneu'] . '">
							  <span><!--{@verse_num} -->' . Numbers($y['aneu'], $k) . '</span>
							  <p><!--{@verse} -->' . $y['lai'] . '</p>
                        $this->page_description = $verses[key($verses)]['lai'];
                        $chapter = $this->config["book"][$k]["chapter"] ? $this->config["book"][$k]["chapter"] : 'Chapter';
                        $this->db_passage_results_chapter .= '
						<div class="chapter ' . $i . '">
						  <h4><!--{@chapter} --> ' . Numbers($chapter . ' ' . $i, $k) . '</h4>
						  <!--{@data} -->' . $this->db_passage_results_verse . '
                        $this->db_passage_results_verse = '';
                    $bookClass = $this->config["book"]["All"][$b];
                    $bookID = $b;
                    $book = $this->config["book"][$k][$b] ? $this->config["book"][$k][$b] : $bookClass;
                    $this->db_passage_results_book .= '
					<div class="book ' . isID($bookClass) . ' bs rc2 ifie">
					  <h3><!--{@book} -->' . $book . '</h3>
					  <!--{@data} -->' . $this->db_passage_results_chapter . '
                    $this->db_passage_results_chapter = '';
                $version = $k;
                $version_name = $this->config["book"]["name"][$k] ? $this->config["book"]["name"][$k] : $this->db_passage_results['summary'][$k]['name'];
                $totalverses = $this->db_passage_results['summary'][$k]['total'];
                $isMoreVerses = $totalverses > 1 ? 'verses' : 'verse';
                $verse = $this->config["book"][$k]["verse"] ? $this->config["book"][$k]["verse"] : $isMoreVerses;
                $this->db_passage_results_version .= '
				<div class="version ' . $k . '">
				  <h2 class="none"><strong>' . $version_name . '</strong> <span>' . $this->q . '</span></h2>
				  ' . $this->db_passage_results_book . '
                $this->db_passage_results_book = '';
        } else {
            $this->db_passage_results_version .= '
			<div class="version noresults">
			  <h2>in ' . $this->db_passage_results['summary'][$k]['name'] . ' found no verse</h2>
			  <!--{@data} -->
            $this->diagnosticMessage = 'Sorry, no result were found in ' . $this->db_passage_results['summary'][$k]['name'] . '!';
        $current_chapter = $this->db_passage_results['summary']['detail'][0];
        $current_book = $this->config["book"][$this->sil][$bookID] ? $this->config["book"][$this->sil][$bookID] : $bookClass;
        $chapter = $this->config["book"][$this->sil]["chapter"] ? $this->config["book"][$this->sil]["chapter"] : 'Chapter';
        $verse = $this->config["book"][$this->sil]["verse"] ? $this->config["book"][$this->sil]["verse"] : 'verse';
        $OldTestament = $this->config["book"]["testament"][$this->sil][1] ? $this->config["book"]["testament"][$this->sil][1] : "Old Testament";
        $NewTestament = $this->config["book"]["testament"][$this->sil][2] ? $this->config["book"]["testament"][$this->sil][2] : "New Testament";
        $Testament = $bookID <= 39 ? $OldTestament : $NewTestament;
        $parable = $this->db_passage_results['summary']['versions'];
        $this->MainMenu = $this->BibleMainMenu_html();
        $this->db_passage_results_html_final = '
		<div class="bible wise' . $parable . '">
			<div class="currentChapter">
					<li class="books bs rc2 ifie">
						<a href="' . $this->config['www'] . '">' . $version_name . '</a>
					<li class="bs rc2 ifie"><a href="#">' . $Testament . '</a></li>
					<li class="parable bs rc2 ifie">
						<ul class="parables bs rc2 ifie">' . $this->parallel_html() . '</ul>
					<li class="chapters bs rc2 ifie">
						<a href="#">' . $current_book . '</a>
						<ul class=" bs rc2 ifie">
							<li class="cap">' . $chapter . '</li>
							<li class="chapter">' . $this->chpaterlist_html($bookID, $this->currentbook_url, $current_chapter) . '</li>
					<li class="nav bs rc2 ifie">
						<a href="' . $this->config['www'] . $this->previousbook_url . $this->isBibleQuery . '" title="' . $this->previousbookName . '" class="book previous">&laquo;</a>
						<a href="' . $this->config['www'] . $this->chapter_previous . $this->isBibleQuery . '" class="pre">Previous</a>
						<a href="' . $current_url . '" class="num">' . $current_chapter . '</a>
						<a href="' . $this->config['www'] . $this->chapter_next . $this->isBibleQuery . '" class="nex">Next</a>
						<a href="' . $this->config['www'] . $this->nextbook_url . $this->isBibleQuery . '" title="' . $this->nextbookName . '" class="book next">&raquo;</a>
		' . $this->db_passage_results_version . '
			<div class="version widgets">
				<ul class="parables bs rc2 ifie"><li class="title">Parallel</li>' . $this->parallel_html() . '</ul>
        $this->page_title = $book . ' ' . Numbers($current_chapter, $version) . ' - ' . $version_name;
        $this->page_keywords = $version_name . ', ' . $book . ', ' . $this->config['site_title'];
        return $this->db_passage_results_html_final;
Пример #11
  * Set a child service
  * Method will set a child spool $spoolId to the spool $parentSpoolId
  * @access protected
  * @param mixed $spoolId The child spool ID
  * @param int $parentSpoolId The parent spool ID
  * @param bool $setAsAvailable TRUE to set the new child spool as the current spool. Default is TRUE
  * @return bool TRUE if the child was added successfully, FALSE otherwise
 protected function setAccountingSpoolChildren($parentSpoolId, $spoolId, $setAsAvailable = true)
     if (!isId($parentSpoolId) || !isID($spoolId)) {
         return false;
     if (!$this->quickbooks->setAccountingSpoolChildren($parentSpoolId, $spoolId)) {
         return false;
     if ($setAsAvailable) {
     return true;