Пример #1
 public function create(string $data, string $type = 'md5') : string
     $algos = ['golden', 'super'];
     if (!isHash($type) && !in_array($type, $algos)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Error', 'hashParameter', 'String $type');
     if (in_array($type, $algos)) {
         return Encode::$type($data);
     return hash($type, $data);
Пример #2
 public function create(string $data, string $additional = 'default') : string
     $algo = CRYPTOGRAPHY_ENCODE_CONFIG['type'];
     if (!isHash($algo)) {
         $algo = 'md5';
     // Ek veri şifreleniyor.
     $additional = hash($algo, $additional);
     // Veri şifreleniyor.
     $data = hash($algo, $data);
     // Veri ve ek yeniden şifreleniyor.
     return hash($algo, $data . $additional);
Пример #3
 public function create(string $data) : string
     $projectKey = PROJECT_CONFIG['key'];
     $algo = CRYPTOGRAPHY_ENCODE_CONFIG['type'];
     if (!isHash($algo)) {
         $algo = 'md5';
     // Proje Anahatarı belirtizme bu veri yerine
     // Proje anahtarı olarak sitenin host adresi
     // eklenecek ek veri kabul edilir.
     if (empty($projectKey)) {
         $additional = hash($algo, host());
     } else {
         $additional = hash($algo, $projectKey);
     // Veri şifreleniyor.
     $data = hash($algo, $data);
     // Veri ve ek yeniden şifreleniyor.
     return hash($algo, $data . $additional);
Пример #4
 public function encode($hash = 'md5')
     if (isHash($hash)) {
         $this->settings['encryption'] = $hash;
     } else {
         $this->settings['encryption'] = 'md5';
     return $this;
Пример #5
 protected function _encode()
     $encode = $this->settings['encryption'];
     $length = $this->settings['encodeLength'];
     if (!isHash($encode)) {
         $encode = 'md5';
     return substr(Encode::type(uniqid(rand()), $encode), 0, $length) . '-';
 * get Owner (username)
 * @param $transfer
 * @return string
function getOwner($transfer)
    global $cfg, $db, $transfers;
    if (isset($transfers['owner'][$transfer])) {
        return $transfers['owner'][$transfer];
    } else {
        $uid = (int) getTransferOwnerID($transfer);
        if ($uid > 0) {
            //fast method
            return GetUsername($uid);
        } elseif (isHash($transfer)) {
            $uid = $db->GetOne("SELECT uid FROM tf_transfer_totals WHERE tid=" . $db->qstr($transfer) . " ORDER BY created DESC");
            if ($db->ErrorNo() != 0) {
            $transfers['owner'][$transfer] = GetUsername($uid);
        } else {
            //slower, needed for old transfers (before TFNG)
            // Check log to see what user has a history with this file
            $transfers['owner'][$transfer] = $db->GetOne("SELECT user_id FROM tf_log WHERE file=" . $db->qstr($transfer) . " AND (action=" . $db->qstr($cfg["constants"]["file_upload"]) . " OR action=" . $db->qstr($cfg["constants"]["url_upload"]) . " OR action=" . $db->qstr($cfg["constants"]["reset_owner"]) . ") ORDER BY time DESC");
            return $transfers['owner'][$transfer] != "" ? $transfers['owner'][$transfer] : resetOwner($transfer);
            // try and get the owner from the stat file;
Пример #7
  * SOAP::Value::_getSoapType
  * convert php type to soap type
  * @param    string  value
  * @param    string  type  - presumed php type
  * @return   string  type  - soap type
  * @access   private
 function _getSoapType(&$value, &$type)
     $doconvert = FALSE;
     if (0 && $this->wsdl) {
         # see if it's a complex type so we can deal properly with SOAPENC:arrayType
         if (!$type && $this->name) {
             # XXX TODO:
             # look up the name in the wsdl and validate the type
             $this->debug("SOAP_VALUE no type for {$this->name}!");
         } else {
             if ($type) {
                 # XXX TODO:
                 # this code currently handles only one way of encoding array types in wsdl
                 # need to do a generalized function to figure out complex types
                 if (array_key_exists($type, $this->wsdl->complexTypes)) {
                     if ($this->arrayType = $this->wsdl->complexTypes[$type]['arrayType']) {
                         $type = 'Array';
                     } else {
                         if ($this->wsdl->complexTypes[$type]['order'] == 'sequence' && array_key_exists('elements', $this->wsdl->complexTypes[$type])) {
                             # assume an array
                             if (count($this->wsdl->complexTypes[$type]['elements']) == 1) {
                                 $arg = current($this->wsdl->complexTypes[$type]['elements']);
                                 $this->arrayType = $arg['type'];
                                 $type = 'Array';
                             } else {
                                 foreach ($this->wsdl->complexTypes[$type]['elements'] as $element) {
                                     if ($element['name'] == $type) {
                                         $this->arrayType = $element['type'];
                                         $type = $element['type'];
     if (!$type || !$this->verifyType($type)) {
         if ($type && $this->wsdl && array_key_exists($type, $this->wsdl->complexTypes)) {
             # do nothing, this preserves our complex types
         } else {
             if (is_object($value)) {
                 # allows for creating special classes to handle soap types
                 $type = get_class($value);
                 # this may return a different type that we process below
                 $value = $value->toSOAP();
             } elseif (isArray($value)) {
                 $type = isHash($value) ? 'Struct' : 'Array';
             } elseif (isInt($value)) {
                 $type = 'int';
             } elseif (isFloat($value)) {
                 $type = 'float';
             } elseif (SOAP_Type_hexBinary::is_hexbin($value)) {
                 $type = 'hexBinary';
             } elseif (isBase64($value)) {
                 $type = 'base64Binary';
             } elseif (isBoolean($value)) {
                 $type = 'boolean';
             } else {
                 $type = gettype($value);
                 # php defaults a lot of stuff to string, if we have no
                 # idea what the type realy is, we have to try to figure it out
                 # this is the best we can do if the user did not use the SOAP_Value class
                 if ($type == 'string') {
                     $doconvert = TRUE;
     # we have the type, handle any value munging we need
     if ($doconvert) {
         $dt = new SOAP_Type_dateTime($value);
         if ($dt->toUnixtime() != -1) {
             $type = 'dateTime';
             $value = $dt->toSOAP();
     } else {
         if ($type == 'dateTime') {
             # encode a dateTime to ISOE
             $dt = new SOAP_Type_dateTime($value);
             $value = $dt->toSOAP();
         } else {
             // php type name mangle
             if ($type == 'integer') {
                 $type = 'int';
             } else {
                 if ($type == 'boolean') {
                     if ($value != 0 && $value != '0' || strcasecmp($value, 'true') == 0) {
                         $value = 'true';
                     } else {
                         $value = 'false';
     return $type;
Пример #8
 * (internal) Function with which metafiles are downloaded and injected
 * @param $url url to download
 * @param $type
function _dispatcher_processDownload($url, $type = 'torrent', $ext = '.torrent')
    global $cfg;
    $filename = "";
    $downloadMessages = array();
    $origurl = $url;
    // Added by deadeyes; copied as later $url gets changed
    if (!empty($url)) {
        $hash = false;
        // Added by deadeyes to detect a magnet link
        if ($type === 'torrent' && strlen(stristr($url, 'magnet:')) > 0) {
            $client = getTransferClient('magnet.torrent');
            // We have a magnet link :D
            if ($client == 'transmissionrpc' && $cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"]) {
                require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php';
                $hash = addTransmissionTransfer($cfg['uid'], $url, $cfg['path'] . $cfg['user']);
                if (isHash($hash)) {
            if (($client == 'vuzerpc' || $client == 'azureus') && $cfg["vuze_rpc_enable"]) {
                require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.vuze.php';
                $hash = addVuzeMagnetTransfer($cfg['uid'], $url, $cfg['transfer_file_path']);
            if ($cfg['debuglevel'] > 0) {
                AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["debug"], "Download Magnet ({$client}) : {$hash} " . htmlentities(addslashes($url), ENT_QUOTES));
        if (!$hash) {
            // not a magnet torrent..
            $arURL = explode("/", $url);
            $filename = urldecode($arURL[count($arURL) - 1]);
            // get the file name
            $filename = str_replace(array("'", ","), "", $filename);
            $filename = stripslashes($filename);
            // Check to see if url has something like ?passkey=12345
            // If so remove it.
            if (($point = strrpos($filename, "?")) !== false) {
                $filename = substr($filename, 0, $point);
            $ret = strrpos($filename, ".");
            if ($ret === false) {
                $filename .= $ext;
            } else {
                if (!strcmp(strtolower(substr($filename, -strlen($ext))), $ext) == 0) {
                    $filename .= $ext;
            $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", $url);
            // This is to support Sites that pass an id along with the url for downloads.
            $tmpId = tfb_getRequestVar("id");
            if (!empty($tmpId)) {
                $url .= "&id=" . $tmpId;
            // retrieve the file
            require_once "inc/classes/SimpleHTTP.php";
            $content = "";
            switch ($type) {
                case 'torrent':
                    $content = SimpleHTTP::getTorrent($url);
                case 'nzb':
                    $content = SimpleHTTP::getNzb($url);
            if (SimpleHTTP::getState() == SIMPLEHTTP_STATE_OK && strlen($content) > 0) {
                $fileNameBackup = $filename;
                $filename = SimpleHTTP::getFilename();
                if ($filename != "") {
                    $filename = strpos($filename, $ext) !== false ? tfb_cleanFileName($filename) : tfb_cleanFileName($filename . $ext);
                if (empty($filename) || transferExists($filename)) {
                    $filename = substr($cfg['user'], 0, 3) . "_" . date('ymdHis') . "_" . sprintf('%x', crc32($filename)) . $ext;
                if (($filename == "") || ($filename === false) || (transferExists($filename))) {
                	$filename = tfb_cleanFileName($fileNameBackup);
                	if (($filename === false) || (transferExists($filename))) {
                		$filename = tfb_cleanFileName($url.$ext);
                		if (($filename === false) || (transferExists($filename))) {
                			$filename = tfb_cleanFileName(md5($url.strval(@microtime())).$ext);
                			if (($filename === false) || (transferExists($filename))) {
                				// Error
                				array_push($downloadMessages , "failed to get a valid transfer-filename for ".$url);
                if (empty($downloadMessages)) {
                    // no messages
                    // check if content contains html
                    if ($cfg['debuglevel'] > 0) {
                        if (strpos($content, "<br />") !== false) {
                            AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["debug"], "download-content contained html : " . htmlentities(addslashes($url), ENT_QUOTES));
                    if (is_file($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $filename)) {
                        // Error
                        array_push($downloadMessages, "the file " . $filename . " already exists on the server.");
                    } else {
                        // write to file
                        $handle = false;
                        $handle = @fopen($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $filename, "w");
                        if (!$handle) {
                            array_push($downloadMessages, "cannot open " . $filename . " for writing.");
                        } else {
                            $result = @fwrite($handle, $content);
                            if ($result === false) {
                                array_push($downloadMessages, "cannot write content to " . $filename . ".");
            } else {
                $msgs = SimpleHTTP::getMessages();
                if (count($msgs) > 0) {
                    $downloadMessages = array_merge($downloadMessages, $msgs);
            if (empty($downloadMessages) && is_file($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $filename)) {
                // no messages
                AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["url_upload"], $filename);
                // inject
                // instant action ?
                $actionId = tfb_getRequestVar('aid');
                if ($actionId > 1) {
                    $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance(getTransferClient($filename));
                    switch ($actionId) {
                        case 3:
                            $ch->start($filename, false, true);
                        case 2:
                            $ch->start($filename, false, false);
                    if (count($ch->messages) > 0) {
                        $downloadMessages = array_merge($downloadMessages, $ch->messages);
    } else {
        array_push($downloadMessages, "Invalid Url : " . $url);
    if (count($downloadMessages) > 0) {
        AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], $cfg["constants"]["url_upload"] . " :: " . $filename);
        @error("There were Problems", "", "", $downloadMessages);
  * gets current status of one Transfer (realtime)
  * for transferStat popup
  * @return array (stat) or Error String
 function monitorTransfer($transfer, $format = "rpc")
     //by default, monitoring not available.
     // set vars
     if (isHash($transfer)) {
         $hash = $transfer;
     } else {
         $hash = getTransferHash($transfer);
     if (empty($hash)) {
         return "Hash for {$transfer} was not found";
     //original rpc format, you can add fields here
     $fields = array('id', 'name', 'status', 'hashString', 'totalSize', 'downloadedEver', 'uploadedEver', 'percentDone', 'uploadRatio', 'peersConnected', 'peersGettingFromUs', 'peersSendingToUs', 'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'downloadLimit', 'uploadLimit', 'downloadLimited', 'uploadLimited', 'seedRatioLimit', 'seedRatioMode', 'downloadDir', 'eta', 'error', 'errorString');
     $stat_rpc = getTransmissionTransfer($hash, $fields);
     $rpc = Transmission::getInstance();
     if (is_array($stat_rpc)) {
         if ($format == "rpc") {
             return $stat_rpc;
         } else {
             return $rpc->rpc_to_tf($stat_rpc);
     return $rpc->lastError;
Пример #10
 public function delete($name = '', $path = '')
     if (!isValue($name) || empty($name)) {
         return Error::set(lang('Error', 'valueParameter', 'name'));
     $cookieConfig = $this->config;
     if (!empty($path)) {
         $this->path = $path;
     if (empty($this->path)) {
         $this->path = $cookieConfig["path"];
     if (isset($this->encode['name'])) {
         if (isHash($this->encode['name'])) {
             $name = hash($this->encode['name'], $name);
             $this->encode = array();
     } else {
         if ($cookieConfig["encode"] === true) {
             $name = md5($name);
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) {
         setcookie($name, '', time() - 1, $this->path);
         $this->path = NULL;
     } else {
         return false;
 * This method adds a Transmission transfer to transmission-daemon
 * @return array with uid and transmission transfer hash
 * TODO: generate an error when adding does fail
function addTransmissionTransfer($uid = 0, $url, $path, $paused = true)
    // $path holds the download path
    require_once 'inc/classes/Transmission.class.php';
    $rpc = Transmission::getInstance();
    $result = $rpc->add($url, $path, array('paused' => $paused));
    if ($result["result"] !== "success") {
        //rpc_error("addTransmissionTransfer","","",$result['result']. " url=$url");
        return $result;
    $hash = $result['arguments']['torrent-added']['hashString'];
    //rpc_error("The hash is: $hash. The uid is $uid"); exit();
    if (isHash($hash)) {
        addTransmissionTransferToDB($uid, $hash);
    return $hash;
Пример #12
 public function delete(string $name, string $path = NULL) : bool
     $cookieConfig = SERVICES_COOKIE_CONFIG;
     if (!empty($path)) {
         $this->path = $path;
     if (empty($this->path)) {
         $this->path = $cookieConfig["path"];
     if (isset($this->encode['name'])) {
         if (isHash($this->encode['name'])) {
             $name = hash($this->encode['name'], $name);
             $this->encode = [];
     } else {
         $encode = $cookieConfig["encode"];
         if ($encode === true) {
             $name = md5($name);
         } elseif (is_string($encode)) {
             if (isHash($encode)) {
                 $name = hash($encode, $name);
     if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) {
         setcookie($name, '', time() - 1, $this->path);
         $this->path = NULL;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #13
 public function decode($hash = '')
     if (!isHash($hash)) {
         Error::set('Error', 'hashParameter', 'hash');
         return $this;
     $this->encode['name'] = $name;
     return $this;
Пример #14
 public function delete(string $name) : bool
     $sessionConfig = SERVICES_SESSION_CONFIG;
     if (isset($this->encode['name'])) {
         if (isHash($this->encode['name'])) {
             $name = hash($this->encode['name'], $name);
             $this->encode = [];
     } else {
         $encode = $sessionConfig["encode"];
         if ($encode === true) {
             $name = md5($name);
         } elseif (is_string($encode)) {
             if (isHash($encode)) {
                 $name = hash($encode, $name);
     if (isset($_SESSION[$name])) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #15
 * setFileVars
function transfer_setFileVars()
    global $cfg, $tmpl, $transfer, $transferLabel, $ch;
    // set vars for transfer
    $transferFilesList = array();
    switch ($ch->type) {
        case "torrent":
            require_once "inc/classes/BDecode.php";
            $tFile = $cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $transfer;
            if ($fd = @fopen($tFile, "rd")) {
                $alltorrent = @fread($fd, @filesize($tFile));
                $btmeta = @BDecode($alltorrent);
            $transferSizeSum = 0;
            $isTransmissionTorrent = false;
            if ($cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"] && isHash($transfer)) {
                require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php';
                $theTorrent = getTransmissionTransfer($transfer, array('hashString', 'id', 'name', 'files'));
                $isTransmissionTorrent = is_array($theTorrent);
            if ($isTransmissionTorrent) {
                foreach ($theTorrent['files'] as $aFile) {
                    $transferSizeSum += $aFile['length'];
                    $fileNameParts = explode("/", $aFile['name']);
                    $name = $fileNameParts[count($fileNameParts) - 1];
                    $size = $aFile['length'];
                    array_push($transferFilesList, array('name' => $name, 'size' => $size != 0 ? formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($size) : 0));
            } else {
                if (isset($btmeta) && is_array($btmeta) && isset($btmeta['info'])) {
                    if (array_key_exists('files', $btmeta['info'])) {
                        foreach ($btmeta['info']['files'] as $filenum => $file) {
                            $name = is_array($file['path']) ? implode("/", $file['path']) : $file['path'];
                            $size = isset($file['length']) && is_numeric($file['length']) ? $file['length'] : 0;
                            $transferSizeSum += $size;
                            array_push($transferFilesList, array('name' => $name, 'size' => $size != 0 ? formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($size) : 0));
                    } else {
                        $size = $btmeta["info"]["piece length"] * (strlen($btmeta["info"]["pieces"]) / 20);
                        $transferSizeSum += $size;
                        array_push($transferFilesList, array('name' => $btmeta["info"]["name"], 'size' => formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($size)));
            if (empty($transferFilesList)) {
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFilesString', "Empty");
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFileCount', count($btmeta['info']['files']));
            } else {
                $tmpl->setloop('transferFilesList', $transferFilesList);
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFileCount', count($transferFilesList));
            $tmpl->setvar('transferSizeSum', $transferSizeSum > 0 ? formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($transferSizeSum) : 0);
        case "wget":
            $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance('wget');
            $transferSizeSum = 0;
            if (!empty($ch->url)) {
                require_once "inc/classes/SimpleHTTP.php";
                $size = SimpleHTTP::getRemoteSize($ch->url);
                $transferSizeSum += $size;
                array_push($transferFilesList, array('name' => $ch->url, 'size' => formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($size)));
            if (empty($transferFilesList)) {
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFilesString', "Empty");
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFileCount', 0);
            } else {
                $tmpl->setloop('transferFilesList', $transferFilesList);
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFileCount', count($transferFilesList));
            $tmpl->setvar('transferSizeSum', $transferSizeSum > 0 ? formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($transferSizeSum) : 0);
        case "nzb":
            require_once "inc/classes/NZBFile.php";
            $nzb = new NZBFile($transfer);
            $transferSizeSum = 0;
            if (empty($nzb->files)) {
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFilesString', "Empty");
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFileCount', 0);
            } else {
                foreach ($nzb->files as $file) {
                    $transferSizeSum += $file['size'];
                    array_push($transferFilesList, array('name' => $file['name'], 'size' => formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($file['size'])));
                $tmpl->setloop('transferFilesList', $transferFilesList);
                $tmpl->setvar('transferFileCount', $nzb->filecount);
            $tmpl->setvar('transferSizeSum', $transferSizeSum > 0 ? formatBytesTokBMBGBTB($transferSizeSum) : 0);
Пример #16
 public function data($data = '', $type = 'md5')
     if (!is_scalar($data)) {
         return Error::set('Error', 'scalarParameter', '1.(data)');
     if (!isHash($type)) {
         return Error::set('Error', 'hashParameter', '2.(type)');
     return hash($type, $data);
Пример #17
 public function delete($name = '')
     if (!is_scalar($name) || empty($name)) {
         return Error::set('Error', 'valueParameter', 'name');
     $sessionConfig = $this->config;
     if (isset($this->encode['name'])) {
         if (isHash($this->encode['name'])) {
             $name = hash($this->encode['name'], $name);
             $this->encode = array();
     } else {
         if ($sessionConfig["encode"] === true) {
             $name = md5($name);
     if (isset($_SESSION[$name])) {
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #18
// prevent direct invocation
if (!isset($cfg['user']) || isset($_REQUEST['cfg'])) {
    @header("location: ../../index.php");
// transfer functions
require_once 'inc/functions/functions.transfer.php';
// init template-instance
tmplInitializeInstance($cfg["theme"], "page.transferHosts.tmpl");
// init transfer
$isTransmissionTransfer = false;
if ($cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"] > 0) {
    if (isHash($transfer)) {
        $hash = $transfer;
    } else {
        $hash = getTransferHash($transfer);
    require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php';
    $isTransmissionTransfer = isTransmissionTransfer($hash);
    if (!$isTransmissionTransfer && $cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"] == 1) {
        $isTransmissionTransfer = getTransferClient($transfer) == 'transmissionrpc';
$list_host = array();
if ($isTransmissionTransfer) {
    $options = array('peers');
    $transfer = getTransmissionTransfer($hash, $options);
    $isRunning = true;
Пример #19
 * pieTransferPeers
function image_pieTransferPeers()
    global $cfg;
    // transfer-id
    $transfer = tfb_getRequestVar('transfer');
    if (empty($transfer)) {
    // validate transfer
    $validTransfer = false;
    if (isHash($transfer)) {
        $hash = $transfer;
    } else {
        $hash = getTransferHash($transfer);
    if ($cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"]) {
        require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php';
        $options = array('trackerStats', 'peers');
        $transTransfer = getTransmissionTransfer($hash, $options);
        // false if not found; TODO check if transmission enabled
        if (is_array($transTransfer)) {
            $validTransfer = true;
            $client = "transmissionrpc";
    if (!$validTransfer) {
        // If not found in transmission transfer
        if (tfb_isValidTransfer($transfer)) {
            // stat
            $sf = new StatFile($transfer);
            $seeds = trim($sf->seeds);
            $peers = trim($sf->peers);
            // client-switch + get peer-data
            $peerData = array();
            $peerData['seeds'] = 0;
            $peerData['peers'] = 0;
            $peerData['seedsLabel'] = $seeds != "" ? $seeds : 0;
            $peerData['peersLabel'] = $peers != "" ? $peers : 0;
            $client = getTransferClient($transfer);
            $validTransfer = true;
    if (!$validTransfer) {
        AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "INVALID TRANSFER: " . $transfer);
    switch ($client) {
        case "tornado":
            if ($seeds != "") {
                if (strpos($seeds, "+") !== false) {
                    $seeds = preg_replace('/(\\d+)\\+.*/i', '${1}', $seeds);
                if (is_numeric($seeds)) {
                    $peerData['seeds'] = $seeds;
                $peerData['seedsLabel'] = $seeds;
            if ($peers != "") {
                if (strpos($peers, "+") !== false) {
                    $peers = preg_replace('/(\\d+)\\+.*/i', '${1}', $peers);
                if (is_numeric($peers)) {
                    $peerData['peers'] = $peers;
                $peerData['peersLabel'] = $peers;
        case "transmission":
        case "transmissionrpc":
            $peers = sizeof($transTransfer['peers']);
            $seeds = 0;
            foreach ($transTransfer['trackerStats'] as $tracker) {
                $seeds += $tracker['seederCount'] == -1 ? 0 : $tracker['seederCount'];
            $peerData['seedsLabel'] = $seeds;
            $peerData['seeds'] = $seeds;
            $peerData['peersLabel'] = $peers;
            $peerData['peers'] = $peers;
        case "vuzerpc":
            if (empty($seeds) || empty($peers)) {
                $ch = ClientHandler::getInstance($client);
                $running = $ch->monitorRunningTransfers();
                $hash = strtoupper(getTransferHash($transfer));
                if (!empty($running[$hash])) {
                    $t = $running[$hash];
                    $peerData['seeds'] = $t['seeds'];
                    $peerData['seedsLabel'] = $t['seeds'];
                    $peerData['peers'] = $t['peers'];
                    $peerData['peersLabel'] = $t['peers'];
        case "azureus":
            if ($seeds != "") {
                if (strpos($seeds, "(") !== false) {
                    $seeds = preg_replace('/.*(\\d+) .*/i', '${1}', $seeds);
                if (is_numeric($seeds)) {
                    $peerData['seeds'] = $seeds;
                $peerData['seedsLabel'] = $seeds;
            if ($peers != "") {
                if (strpos($peers, "(") !== false) {
                    $peers = preg_replace('/.*(\\d+) .*/i', '${1}', $peers);
                if (is_numeric($peers)) {
                    $peerData['peers'] = $peers;
                $peerData['peersLabel'] = $peers;
        case "mainline":
            if ($seeds != "" && is_numeric($seeds)) {
                $peerData['seeds'] = $seeds;
                $peerData['seedsLabel'] = $seeds;
            if ($peers != "" && is_numeric($peers)) {
                $peerData['peers'] = $peers;
                $peerData['peersLabel'] = $peers;
        case "wget":
        case "nzbperl":
            $peerData['seeds'] = $seeds != "" ? $seeds : 0;
            $peerData['peers'] = $peers != "" ? $peers : 0;
            AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "INVALID TRANSFER: " . $transfer);
    // draw image
    Image::paintPie3D(202, 160, 100, 50, 200, 100, 20, Image::stringToRGBColor($cfg["body_data_bg"]), array($peerData['seeds'] + 1.0E-5, $peerData['peers'] + 1.0E-5), image_getColors(), array('Seeds : ' . $peerData['seedsLabel'], 'Peers : ' . $peerData['peersLabel']), 58, 130, 2, 14);
 * gets scrape-info of a torrent as string
 * @param $transfer name of the torrent
 * @return string with torrent-scrape-info
function getTorrentScrapeInfo($transfer)
    global $cfg;
    $hasClient = false;
    // transmissioncli
    if (!$cfg["transmission_rpc_enable"]) {
        $hasClient = true;
        $retVal = "";
        $retVal = @shell_exec("HOME=" . tfb_shellencode($cfg["path"]) . "; export HOME; " . $cfg["btclient_transmission_bin"] . " -s " . tfb_shellencode($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $transfer));
        if (isset($retVal) && $retVal != "" && !preg_match('/.*failed.*/i', $retVal)) {
            return trim($retVal);
    } else {
        require_once 'inc/functions/functions.transfer.php';
        require_once 'inc/functions/functions.rpc.transmission.php';
        if (isHash($transfer)) {
            $hash = $transfer;
        } else {
            $hash = getTransferHash($transfer);
        $a = getTransmissionTransfer($hash, array("trackerStats"));
        if (!empty($a['trackerStats'])) {
            $stats = $a['trackerStats'][0];
            return $stats['seederCount'] . ' seeder(s), ' . $stats['leecherCount'] . ' leecher(s).' . "\n";
    // ttools.pl
    if (is_executable($cfg["perlCmd"])) {
        $hasClient = true;
        $retVal = "";
        $retVal = @shell_exec($cfg["perlCmd"] . ' -I ' . tfb_shellencode($cfg["docroot"] . 'bin/ttools') . ' ' . tfb_shellencode($cfg["docroot"] . 'bin/ttools/ttools.pl') . ' -s ' . tfb_shellencode($cfg["transfer_file_path"] . $transfer));
        if (isset($retVal) && $retVal != "" && !preg_match('/.*failed.*/i', $retVal)) {
            return trim($retVal);
    // failed
    return $hasClient ? "Scrape failed" : "No Scrape-Client";
Пример #21
  * Pulls out the options hash from $array if any.
  * @internal DO NOT remove the reference on $array.
  * @param array &$array An array
  * @return array A valid options array
 public static function extractAndValidateOptions(array &$array)
     $options = [];
     if ($array) {
         $last =& $array[\count($array) - 1];
         try {
             if (self::isOptionsHash($last)) {
                 $options = $last;
         } catch (Activerecord $e) {
             if (!isHash($last)) {
                 throw $e;
             $options = ['conditions' => $last];
     return $options;