public static function ipHead($head) { $vars = array('siteName' => ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle')); $defaultTitle = ipGetOptionLang('FacebookTags.defaultTitle'); if ($defaultTitle) { $vars['title'] = $defaultTitle; } $defaultImage = array(ipGetOptionLang('FacebookTags.defaultImage')); if ($defaultImage) { $vars['images'] = $defaultImage; } $adminId = ipGetOptionLang('FacebookTags.adminId'); if ($adminId) { $vars['adminId'] = $adminId; } $pageTags = Service::facebookTags(); if (!empty($pageTags['images'])) { foreach ($pageTags['images'] as &$image) { $image = ipFileUrl('file/repository/' . $image); } } else { unset($pageTags['images']); } $vars = array_merge($vars, $pageTags); $tags = ipView('view/tags.php', $vars)->render(); $head .= $tags; return $head; }
/** * @param \Ip\Form $form * @param array $postData * @param array $data */ public function sendEmail($form, $postData, $data) { $contentData = array(); $websiteName = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle'); $websiteEmail = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'); $from = $websiteEmail; $files = array(); foreach ($form->getFields() as $field) { if ($field->getType() == \Ip\Form\Field::TYPE_REGULAR) { if (!isset($postData[$field->getName()])) { $postData[$field->getName()] = null; } $title = $field->getLabel(); $value = $field->getValueAsString($postData, $field->getName()); $contentData[] = array('fieldClass' => get_class($field), 'title' => $title, 'value' => $value); } if (get_class($field) == 'Ip\\Form\\Field\\Email') { $userFrom = $field->getValueAsString($postData, $field->getName()); if ($userFrom != '') { $from = $userFrom; } } if (get_class($field) == 'Ip\\Form\\Field\\File') { $uploadedFiles = $field->getFiles($postData, $field->getName()); $originalNames = $field->originalFileNames($postData, $field->getName()); foreach ($uploadedFiles as $key => $uploadedFile) { $files[] = array($uploadedFile, $originalNames[$key]); } } } $content = ipView('helperView/email_content.php', array('values' => $contentData))->render(); $emailData = array('content' => $content); $email = ipEmailTemplate($emailData); //get page where this widget sits :) $fullWidgetRecord = \Ip\Internal\Content\Model::getWidgetRecord($postData['widgetId']); $pageTitle = ''; if (isset($fullWidgetRecord['revisionId'])) { $revision = \Ip\Internal\Revision::getRevision($fullWidgetRecord['revisionId']); if (!empty($revision['pageId'])) { $pageTitle = ipPage($revision['pageId'])->getTitle(); } } $subject = $websiteName . ': ' . $pageTitle; $emailQueue = new \Ip\Internal\Email\Module(); if (!empty($data['sendTo']) && $data['sendTo'] == 'custom') { if (empty($data['emails'])) { $data['emails'] = ''; } $emailList = preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", $data['emails']); } else { $emailList = array($websiteEmail); } foreach ($emailList as $listItem) { $emailQueue->addEmail($from, '', $listItem, '', $subject, $email, false, true, $files); } $emailQueue->send(); }
/** * @param array|string $data * @param string $defaultLogo */ public function __construct($data, $defaultLogo = null) { if (is_string($data)) { $data = $this->parseStr($data); } if (!isset($data['type'])) { if ($defaultLogo) { $data['type'] = self::TYPE_IMAGE; } else { $data['type'] = self::TYPE_TEXT; } } switch ($data['type']) { case self::TYPE_TEXT: $this->type = self::TYPE_TEXT; break; case self::TYPE_IMAGE: $this->type = self::TYPE_IMAGE; break; default: $this->type = self::TYPE_TEXT; break; } if (!empty($data['imageOrig']) && file_exists(ipFile('file/repository/' . $data['imageOrig']))) { $this->imageOrig = $data['imageOrig']; if (isset($data['x1']) && isset($data['y1']) && isset($data['x2']) && isset($data['y2'])) { $this->x1 = $data['x1']; $this->y1 = $data['y1']; $this->x2 = $data['x2']; $this->y2 = $data['y2']; if (empty($data['requiredWidth'])) { $data['requiredWidth'] = $this->x2 - $this->x1; } if (empty($data['requiredHeight'])) { $data['requiredHeight'] = $this->y2 - $this->y1; } $this->requiredWidth = $data['requiredWidth']; $this->requiredHeight = $data['requiredHeight']; $transform = array('type' => 'crop', 'x1' => $this->getX1(), 'y1' => $this->getY1(), 'x2' => $this->getX2(), 'y2' => $this->getY2(), 'width' => $this->getRequiredWidth(), 'height' => $this->getRequiredHeight(), 'quality' => 100); $requestedName = \Ip\Internal\Text\Specialchars::url(ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle')); $this->image = ipReflection($this->getImageOrig(), $transform, $requestedName); } } else { $this->image = $defaultLogo; } if (!empty($data['text'])) { $this->setText($data['text']); } else { $this->setText(ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle')); } if (isset($data['color'])) { $this->setColor($data['color']); } if (isset($data['font'])) { $this->setFont($data['font']); } }
public static function ipLanguageUpdated($data) { $oldCode = $data['old']['code']; $newCode = $data['new']['code']; if ($oldCode != $newCode) { $title = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle', $oldCode); $email = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail', $oldCode); ipRemoveOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle', $oldCode); ipRemoveOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail', $oldCode); ipSetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle', $title, $newCode); ipSetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail', $email, $newCode); } }
public static function getForm() { $form = new \Ip\Form(); $form->addClass('ipsConfigForm'); $form->setAjaxSubmit(0); $field = new FieldOptionTextLang(array('optionName' => 'Config.websiteTitle', 'name' => 'websiteTitle', 'label' => __('Website title', 'Ip-admin', false), 'hint' => __('Used as a sender name in emails and as default website logo.', 'Ip-admin'))); $field->addClass('ipsAutoSave'); $form->addField($field); $field = new FieldOptionTextLang(array('optionName' => 'Config.websiteEmail', 'name' => 'websiteEmail', 'value' => ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'), 'label' => __('Website email', 'Ip-admin', false), 'hint' => __('Email address used as a sender to send emails on behalf of the website.', 'Ip-admin'))); $field->addValidator('Email'); $field->addClass('ipsAutoSave'); $form->addField($field); return $form; }
public static function sendResetPasswordLink($userId) { $user = self::get($userId); if (!$user) { throw new \Ip\Exception("User doesn't exist"); } $urlData = array('sa' => 'Admin.passwordReset', 'id' => $userId, 'secret' => self::generatePasswordResetSecret($userId)); $contentData = array('link' => ipActionUrl($urlData)); $content = ipView('view/passwordResetContent.php', $contentData)->render(); $emailData = array('content' => $content); $email = ipEmailTemplate($emailData); $from = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'); $fromName = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle'); $subject = __('Password reset instructions', 'Ip-admin', false); $to = $user['email']; $toName = $user['username']; ipSendEmail($from, $fromName, $to, $toName, $subject, $email); }
public function render($doctype, $environment) { $languages = ipContent()->getLanguages(); $answer = ''; foreach ($languages as $language) { $value = ipGetOptionLang($this->getOptionName(), $language->getCode(), $this->getValue()); $fieldId = $this->getName() . '_' . $language->getId() . ''; $answer .= ' <div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon">' . esc($language->getAbbreviation()) . '</span> <input data-fieldname="' . $this->getName() . '" data-fieldid="' . $fieldId . '" id="' . $fieldId . '" ' . $this->getAttributesStr($doctype) . ' data-languageid="' . $language->getId() . '" class="ips' . $this->getName() . ' form-control ' . implode(' ', $this->getClasses()) . '" name="' . esc($fieldId, 'attr') . '" ' . $this->getValidationAttributesStr($doctype) . ' type="optionTextLang" value="' . esc($value, 'attr') . '" /> </div> '; } return $answer; }
public static function getForm() { $form = new \Ip\Form(); $form->addClass('ipsConfigForm'); $form->setAjaxSubmit(0); $field = new FieldOptionTextLang(array('optionName' => 'Config.websiteTitle', 'name' => 'websiteTitle', 'label' => __('Website title', 'Ip-admin', false), 'hint' => __('Used as a sender name in emails and as default website logo.', 'Ip-admin'))); $field->addClass('ipsAutoSave'); $form->addField($field); $field = new FieldOptionTextLang(array('optionName' => 'Config.websiteEmail', 'name' => 'websiteEmail', 'value' => ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'), 'label' => __('Website email', 'Ip-admin', false), 'hint' => __('Email address used as a sender to send emails on behalf of the website.', 'Ip-admin'))); $field->addValidator('Email'); $field->addClass('ipsAutoSave'); $form->addField($field); $field = new \Ip\Form\Field\Text(array('name' => 'gmapsApiKey', 'value' => ipGetOption('Config.gmapsApiKey'), 'label' => __('Google Maps API key', 'Ip-admin', false), 'note' => __('You must provide Google Maps API key for Map widget to work.', 'Ip-admin', false) . ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Follow instructions.', 'Ip-admin', false) . '</a>')); $field->addClass('ipsAutoSave'); $field->addAttribute('data-fieldid', $field->getName()); $field->addAttribute('id', $field->getName()); $field->addAttribute('data-fieldname', $field->getName()); $form->addField($field); return $form; }
public function login() { if (\Ip\Internal\Admin\Backend::userId()) { //user has already been logged in \Ip\Internal\Content\Service::setManagementMode(1); return new \Ip\Response\Redirect(ipHomeUrl()); } // If none of the administrator exist, we create default one and log in user $administrators = \Ip\Internal\Administrators\Model::getAll(); if (empty($administrators)) { $adminUsername = '******'; $adminEmail = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'); $adminPassword = Model::randString(8); $adminId = \Ip\Internal\Administrators\Service::add($adminUsername, $adminEmail, $adminPassword); \Ip\Internal\AdminPermissionsModel::addPermission('Super admin', $adminId); // Set variable to know that user is autogenerated ipStorage()->set('Ip', 'adminIsAutogenerated', $adminPassword); // Logging in new admin $model = Model::instance(); if ($model->login($adminUsername, $adminPassword)) { \Ip\Internal\System\Model::sendUsageStatistics(array('action' => 'Install.adminIsAutogenerated')); $redirectUrl = ipHomeUrl(); return new \Ip\Response\Redirect($redirectUrl); } else { \Ip\Internal\System\Model::sendUsageStatistics(array('action' => 'Install.adminIsAutogeneratedFailed')); // todo: handle errors // $errors = $model->getErrors(); } } $content = ipView('view/login.php', array('loginForm' => FormHelper::getLoginForm())); ipAddJs('Ip/Internal/Admin/assets/login.js'); $response = ipResponse(); $response->setLayout('Ip/Internal/Admin/view/loginLayout.php'); $response->setLayoutVariable('content', $content); ipAddJs('assets/languageSelect.js'); $response->setLayoutVariable('languageSelectForm', FormHelper::getLanguageSelectForm()); return $response; }
public static function sendMailNotification($page, $author, $date, $comm, $emailAuthor, $pageTitle = '', $vcode = '') { $sendEmail = ipGetOption('Comment.useSeparateEmail'); if (empty($sendEmail)) { $sendEmail = ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'); } $noUser = '******' . __("You are not a registered user, or pehaps you were not logged in when have commented. So, you need to verify " . "your email address before your comment is moderated and published. Please, click on the following link for " . "such a thing: ", "Comments") . '<a href="' . ipHomeUrl() . ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage()->getUrlPath() . 'comments/' . $vcode . '-!' . $emailAuthor . '">' . __('Email verification', 'Comments') . '</a>' . __(" If it doesn't work, please copy and past the following in your web browser: ", "Comments") . "<strong>" . ipHomeUrl() . ipContent()->getCurrentLanguage()->getUrlPath() . "comments/" . $vcode . '-!' . $emailAuthor . '</strong></div><br />'; if (ipUser()->isLoggedIn()) { $noUser = ''; } //array can has: 'title', 'content', 'signature', 'footer'. $contentAdmin = sprintf('<div><strong>' . __('Page', 'Comments') . ':</strong> ' . __($pageTitle, 'Comments') . ' (%s)</div>' . '<div><strong>' . __('Author', 'Comments') . ':</strong> %s - ' . $emailAuthor . '</div>' . '<div><strong>' . __('Date', 'Comments') . ':</strong> %s</div>' . '<div><strong>' . __('Comment', 'Comments') . ':</strong></div>' . '<div><cite class="mail">%s</cite></div>', $page, $author, $date, $comm); $templateAdmin = array('title' => __('You just received a comment', 'Comments'), 'content' => $contentAdmin, 'signature' => '<h4>' . __('Internal Administration', 'Comments') . '</h4>', 'footer' => '<h4>' . ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle') . '</h4>'); $contentAuthor = sprintf(__('Your comment has been sent and it is awaiting moderation. Thank you.', 'Comments') . $noUser . '<div><strong>' . __('Page', 'Comments') . ':</strong> ' . __($pageTitle, 'Comments') . ' (%s)</div>' . '<div><strong>' . __('Author', 'Comments') . ':</strong> %s - ' . $emailAuthor . '</div>' . '<div><strong>' . __('Date', 'Comments') . ':</strong> %s</div>' . '<div><strong>' . __('Comment', 'Comments') . ':</strong></div>' . '<div><cite class="mail">%s</cite></div>', $page, $author, $date, $comm); $templateAuthor = array('title' => __('You just sent a comment', 'Comments'), 'content' => $contentAuthor, 'signature' => '<div>' . __('Kindest regards', 'Comments') . ',</div>', 'footer' => '<h4>' . ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle') . '</h4>'); /* ipSendEmail ( string $from , string $fromName , string $to , string $toName , string $subject , string $content , [ boolean $urgent ] , [ boolean $html ] , [ string|array|null $files ] ) */ if (ipGetOption('Comments.informAboutNewComments') == 'Yes') { //ipSendEmail() Administration ipSendEmail($sendEmail, __('Site Comment', 'Comments'), $sendEmail, __('Comment Moderation', 'Comments'), __('There is a new comment', 'Comments') . ': ' . __($pageTitle, 'Comments'), ipEmailTemplate($templateAdmin), true, true); } if (ipGetOption('Comments.requireEmailConfirmation') == 'Yes') { //ipSendMail Author ipSendEmail($sendEmail, ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle'), $emailAuthor, $author, __('You have just done a comment in our website', 'Comments') . ': ' . __($pageTitle, 'Comments'), ipEmailTemplate($templateAuthor), true, true); } }
?> <?php echo $signature; ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php echo esc(ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle')); ?> <br/> <a href="mailto:<?php echo esc(ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail')); ?> "><?php echo esc(ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail')); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </p> <p> </p> <?php if (isset($footer)) { ?> <?php echo $footer; } else { ?> <p style="text-align: right;"><span style="color: #6d6b70; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: 10px;">Powered by </span><a style="text-decoration: underline; font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial; font-size: 10px; color: #6d6b70;" href="">ImpressPages</a></p>
public function getMetaTitle() { return ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle', null, 'Page not found'); }
public static function ipReplacePlaceholders($info) { $content = $info['content']; $userData = ipUser()->data(); $userEmail = !empty($userData['email']) ? $userData['email'] : ''; $userName = !empty($userData['name']) ? $userData['name'] : ''; $values = array('{websiteTitle}' => ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle'), '{websiteEmail}' => ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteEmail'), '{websiteUrl}' => ipConfig()->baseUrl(), '{userId}' => ipUser()->userId(), '{userEmail}' => $userEmail, '{userName}' => $userName); foreach ($info['customValues'] as $key => $value) { $values['{' . $key . '}'] = $value; } $values = ipFilter('ipReplacePlaceholdersValues', $values, $info); $answer = strtr($content, $values); $answer = ipFilter('ipReplacePlaceholders', $answer, $info); return $answer; }
/** * @param string $pluginName * @param \Ip\Form $form * @param array $options */ public static function getOptionsForm($pluginName, $form, $options) { foreach ($options as $option) { if (empty($option['type'])) { $option['type'] = 'text'; } if (in_array($option['type'], array('select', 'text', 'textarea', 'richText', 'color', 'range', 'checkbox', 'password'))) { $option['type'] = ucfirst($option['type']); } $className = $option['type']; if (class_exists($className)) { $newField = new $className($option); } else { $className = 'Ip\\Form\\Field\\' . $option['type']; if (class_exists($className)) { $newField = new $className($option); } } if (!isset($newField)) { //field type is not recognised continue; } $default = isset($option['default']) ? $option['default'] : null; if (!empty($option['name'])) { $newField->setName($option['name']); $optionKey = "{$pluginName}.{$option['name']}"; if ($newField instanceof \Ip\Form\FieldLang) { $value = array(); foreach (ipContent()->getLanguages() as $language) { $value[$language->getCode()] = ipGetOptionLang($optionKey, $language->getCode(), $default); } $newField->setValue($value); } else { $newField->setValue(ipGetOption($optionKey, $default)); } } $newField->setLabel(empty($option['label']) ? '' : $option['label']); if (!empty($option['note'])) { $newField->setNote($option['note']); } if (!empty($option['validators'])) { $newField->addValidator($option['validators']); } $form->addfield($newField); } }
?> <a href="<?php echo isset($link) ? $link : ''; ?> " style="<?php echo !empty($color) ? 'color: ' . htmlspecialchars($color) . ';' : ''; ?> <?php echo !empty($font) ? 'font-family: ' . htmlspecialchars($font) . ';' : ''; ?> "> <img src="<?php echo escAttr(!empty($image) ? ipFileUrl($image) : ipFileUrl('Ip/Internal/InlineManagement/assets/empty.gif')); ?> " alt="<?php echo esc(ipGetOptionLang('Config.websiteTitle')); ?> " /> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo isset($link) ? $link : ''; ?> " style="<?php echo !empty($color) ? 'color: ' . htmlspecialchars($color) . ';' : ''; ?> <?php echo !empty($font) ? 'font-family: ' . htmlspecialchars($font) . ';' : ''; ?>