$arrtype = ""; switch ($action) { case "editall": editall(); break; case "editid": editid(); break; case "hide": hide(); break; case "nohide": nohide(); break; case "into": into(); break; default: headAdmin("应用分类管理"); main(); break; } dispseObj(); function hide() { global $db; $t_id = be("get", "t_id"); $type = be("get", "type"); $db->Update("apk_category", array("t_hide"), array("1"), "id=" . $t_id); updateCacheFile(); redirect("admin_apk_category.php?type=" . $type);
} elseif ($starttime) { $s = strtotime($starttime); $e = empty($endtime) ? time() + 86400 : strtotime($endtime); $rs = $iCMS->db->getArray("SELECT id FROM #iCMS@__article WHERE `pubdate`>='{$s}' and `pubdate`<='{$e}' and `visible`='1'"); empty($totle) && ($totle = count($rs)); $tloop = ceil($totle / $speed); if ($loop <= $tloop) { $max = $i + $speed > $totle ? $totle : $i + $speed; for ($j = $i; $j < $max; $j++) { if ($action == "thumb") { if (extractThumb($rs[$j]['id'])) { echo "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; flush(); } } elseif ($action == "into") { if (into($rs[$j]['id'])) { echo "文章ID:" . $rs[$j]['id'] . "提取…<span style='color:green;'>√</span><br />"; flush(); } } } _header(__SELF__ . '?do=file&operation=extract&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime . '&totle=' . $totle . '&loop=' . ($loop + 1) . '&i=' . $j . $QUERY_STRING); } else { redirect("提取完毕", __SELF__ . '?do=file&operation=extract'); } } else { alert("请选择方式"); } } break; case 'post':