function onSubmit($vals) { if (intl_lang() == intl_default_lang()) { $ps1 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_title'); $ps2 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_description'); $ps3 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_date'); } else { $ps1 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_title_' . intl_lang()); $ps2 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_description_' . intl_lang()); $ps3 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_date'); } $ps1->set($vals['album'], $vals['title']); $ps2->set($vals['album'], $vals['description']); $ps3->set($vals['album'], $vals['date']); if (appconf('page_alias')) { header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/' . appconf('page_alias')); exit; } header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index/sitegallery-app'); exit; }
$cookie->set('sitellite_lang_pref', $parameters['choice'], '', '/'); if ($parameters['goHome']) { header('Location: ' . site_prefix() . '/index'); } else { header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } elseif ($intl->negotiation == 'url') { if ($parameters['goHome']) { if (strpos(site_prefix(), '/' . intl_lang() . '/') !== false) { $prefix = str_replace('/' . intl_lang() . '/', '/' . $parameters['choice'] . '/', site_prefix()); } else { $prefix = site_prefix() . '/' . $parameters['choice']; } header('Location: ' . $prefix . '/index'); } else { if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '/' . intl_lang() . '/') !== false) { $referrer = str_replace('/' . intl_lang() . '/', '/' . $parameters['choice'] . '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } elseif (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '/index') !== false) { $referrer = str_replace('/index', '/' . $parameters['choice'] . '/index', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { $info = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if ($info['path'] == '/' || $info['path'] == '/' . intl_lang()) { $referrer = '/' . $parameters['choice']; } else { $referrer = str_replace($info['path'], '/' . $parameters['choice'] . $info['path'], $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } header('Location: ' . $referrer); } } exit;
$res = array($res); } if (session_admin()) { echo '<div class="scm-sidebar-top">'; echo loader_box('cms/buttons/add', array('collection' => 'sitellite_sidebar', 'return' => site_current(), 'extra' => '&position=' . $position)); echo '</div>'; } if (!$res) { return; } if (intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { loader_import('multilingual.Translation'); $tr = new Translation('sitellite_sidebar', intl_lang()); } foreach ($res as $key => $row) { if (intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { if (session_admin()) { $translated = $tr->get($row->id); } else { $translated = $tr->get($row->id, true); } if ($translated) { foreach ($translated->data as $k => $v) { $row->{$k} = $v; } } } if (count($res) == 1) { $up = false; $down = false; $upkey = '';
/** * Takes the string provided (which is usually the global $REQUEST_URI, * and returns a version of it without illegal characters so it can be used as a * file name to store a cached page. * * @access public * @param string $file * @return string * */ function serialize($file = '') { if (intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { $file .= '_' . intl_lang(); } return preg_replace("/[\\/\\\\?&%#~:]/", '', $file); }
<?php $default = intl_lang(); if (!$default) { $default = intl_default_lang(); } $langs = intl_get_langs(); echo template_simple('intl_select.spt', array('default' => $default, 'langs' => $langs));
if (empty($parameters['sidebar'])) { return; } if (session_admin()) { $function = 'session_allowed_sql'; } else { $function = 'session_approved_sql'; } $row = db_single('select * from sitellite_sidebar where id = ?', $parameters['sidebar']); if (!$row) { echo '<div class="scm-sidebar-error">' . db_error() . '</div>'; return; } if (intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { loader_import('multilingual.Translation'); $tr = new Translation('sitellite_sidebar', intl_lang()); if (session_admin()) { $translated = $tr->get($row->id); } else { $translated = $tr->get($row->id, true); } if ($translated) { foreach ($translated->data as $k => $v) { $row->{$k} = $v; } } } echo '<div class="scm-sidebar" id="scm-sidebar-' . str_replace('_', '-', $row->id) . '">'; if (session_admin()) { $buttons = loader_box('cms/buttons', array('collection' => 'sitellite_sidebar', 'id' => $row->id, 'status' => $row->sitellite_status, 'access' => $row->sitellite_access, 'team' => $row->sitellite_team, 'add' => true, 'float' => true, 'up' => false, 'down' => false, 'upkey' => '', 'downkey' => '', 'return' => site_prefix() . '/index/' . $page->id)); } else {
/** * Returns a single object with the specified $id. * * @access public * @param mixed * @return object */ function &get($id) { if ($this->usePermissions) { if (session_admin()) { $and = ' and ' . session_allowed_sql(); } else { $and = ' and ' . session_approved_sql(); } } else { $and = ''; } $res = db_fetch('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE ' . $this->pkey . ' = ?' . $and . $this->_end(), $id); if (!$res) { $this->error = db_error(); return false; } if ($this->multilingual && intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { loader_import('multilingual.Translation'); $tr = new Translation($this->table, intl_lang()); if (session_admin()) { $translated = $tr->get($res->{$this->pkey}); } else { $translated = $tr->get($res->{$this->pkey}, true); } if ($translated) { foreach ($translated->data as $key => $value) { $res->{$key} = $value; } } } return $res; }
/** * Builds the item tree from the database table specified. * * @access public * @return boolean * */ function getTree() { if (!session_valid() && $this->cache > 0) { if (intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { $this->cacheLocation .= '_' . intl_lang(); } if (@file_exists($this->cacheLocation) && filemtime($this->cacheLocation) > time() - $this->cache) { $this->loadConfig($this->cacheLocation); return true; } } $table = $this->table; $idcol = $this->idcolumn; $showcol = $this->showcolumn; $refcol = $this->refcolumn; $listcol = $this->listcolumn; $hidevalue = $this->hideValue; if (!empty($listcol)) { // $list = "where $listcol != '$hidevalue' and $listcol is not null"; $listcolumn = ', ' . $listcol; } else { $list = ''; $listcolumn = ''; } if (!empty($this->sectioncolumn)) { $sectioncolumn = ', ' . $this->sectioncolumn; } else { $sectioncolumn = ''; } if (!empty($this->templatecolumn)) { $templatecolumn = ', ' . $this->templatecolumn; } else { $templatecolumn = ''; } if ($this->sitelliteAllowed) { global $session; if (!empty($list)) { $allowed = 'and ' . $session->allowedSql(); } else { $allowed = 'where ' . $session->allowedSql(); } } else { $allowed = ''; } if ($this->sortcolumn) { $sort = ', ' . $this->sortcolumn; if ($this->sortorder) { $sort .= ' ' . $this->sortorder; } } else { $sort = ''; } $tree = db_fetch("select {$idcol}, {$showcol}, {$refcol} {$listcolumn} {$sectioncolumn} {$templatecolumn} from {$table} {$list} {$allowed} group by {$refcol} {$sort}, {$showcol} asc"); if (!$tree) { $this->error = db_error(); return false; } elseif (is_object($tree)) { $tree = array($tree); } $this->initTree($tree); if (intl_lang() != intl_default_lang()) { loader_import('multilingual.Translation'); $tr = new Translation($table, intl_lang()); $titles = $tr->getTitles(); foreach ($titles as $key => $title) { $this->{'items_' . $key}->title = $title; } } if (!session_valid() && $this->cache > 0) { if (@is_writeable($this->cacheLocation) || !@file_exists($this->cacheLocation) && @is_writeable(dirname($this->cacheLocation))) { $fp = fopen($this->cacheLocation, 'w'); if ($fp) { fwrite($fp, $this->makeConfig($tree)); fclose($fp); } } } return true; }
loader_import('sitegallery.Functions'); loader_import('saf.Database.PropertySet'); $files = Dir::fetch($path, true); $galleries = array(); if (!empty($parameters['path'])) { $prefix = $parameters['path'] . '/'; } else { $prefix = ''; } if (intl_lang() == intl_default_lang()) { $ps1 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_title'); $ps2 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_description'); $ps3 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_date'); } else { $ps1 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_title_' . intl_lang()); $ps2 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_description_' . intl_lang()); $ps3 = new PropertySet('sitegallery', 'album_date'); } foreach ($files as $k => $v) { if (!@is_dir($path . '/' . $v)) { continue; } $galleries[] = array('path' => $prefix . $v, 'name' => ucwords(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z\'-]+/', ' ', $v)), 'ts' => filemtime($path . '/' . $v), 'count' => sitegallery_count_images($path . '/' . $v), 'thumb' => sitegallery_get_thumbnail(sitegallery_first_image($path . '/' . $v)), 'desc' => ''); $name = $ps1->get($prefix . $v); if (!empty($name)) { $galleries[count($galleries) - 1]['name'] = $name; } $desc = $ps2->get($prefix . $v); if (!empty($desc)) { $galleries[count($galleries) - 1]['desc'] = nl2br($desc); }