function get_instagram_posts() { foreach (get_field('sdo_api_instagram_usernames', 'options') as $user) { $instagram = array(array('instagram_id' => $user['user_id'], 'username' => $user['username'])); } $all_posts = array(); if (get_transient('instagram') !== false) { $all_posts = get_transient('instagram'); } else { while (!empty($instagram)) { $username = array_shift($instagram); $pics = instagram_request($username['instagram_id'])->data; while (!empty($pics)) { $pic = array_shift($pics); $source = $pic->type === "video" ? $pic->videos->standard_resolution->url : $pic->images->standard_resolution->url; $posts = array(intval($pic->created_time) => array("platform" => "instagram", "media" => $pic->type, "name" => $pic->user->full_name, "profile_link" => "" . $pic->user->username, "avatar" => $pic->user->profile_picture, "likes" => $pic->likes->count, "source" => $source, "poster" => $pic->images->standard_resolution->url, "link" => $pic->link, "date" => intval($pic->created_time), "comment" => $pic->caption->text)); $all_posts = array_merge($posts, $all_posts); } } set_transient('instagram', $all_posts, 8 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS); } return $all_posts; }
/** * ALL: This function returns the most recent post from a source based on a user ID. * @return Array Items that will provide information to visit the content. */ function grab_users_preferred_content($type, $this_user) { $social_platforms = get_field('social_platforms', 'user_' . $this_user['ID']); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => null, 'type' => null, 'image_md' => null, 'image_lg' => null, 'image_sm' => null, 'video_url' => null, 'link' => null, 'title' => null); switch ($type) { /* Favorite Project */ case 'favorite_project': $post = get_sub_field('favorite_project'); $large = get_field('preview_image', $post); $medium = get_field('preview_image', $post); $small = get_field('preview_image', $post); $permalink = get_permalink($post); $post_title = get_the_title($post); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Favorite Project', 'type' => 'image', 'image_lg' => $large, 'image_md' => $medium, 'image_sm' => $small, 'video_url' => null, 'link' => $permalink, 'title' => $post_title); break; /* Latest Post */ /* Latest Post */ case 'post': $args = array('post_type' => 'blog', 'posts_per_page' => '1', 'nopaging' => true, 'author' => $this_user['ID'], 'order' => 'DESC'); $recent_post = new WP_Query($args); while ($recent_post->have_posts()) { $recent_post->the_post(); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest post', 'type' => 'image', 'image_sm' => get_field('preview_image', get_the_ID()), 'image_md' => get_field('preview_image', get_the_ID()), 'image_lg' => get_field('preview_image', get_the_ID()), 'video_url' => null, 'link' => get_permalink(get_the_ID()), 'title' => get_the_title()); } wp_reset_postdata(); break; /* Instagram */ /* Instagram */ case 'instagram': foreach ($social_platforms as $social_platform) { if ($social_platform['social_platforms'] === $type) { /* Do Instagram Logic */ $instagram = instagram_request($social_platform['user_id'], 1); if ($instagram->data[0]->type === "image") { $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest Instagram', 'type' => $instagram->data[0]->type, 'image_lg' => null, 'image_md' => $instagram->data[0]->images->standard_resolution, 'image_sm' => $instagram->data[0]->images->low_resolution, 'video_url' => null, 'link' => $instagram->data[0]->link, 'title' => $instagram->data[0]->caption->text); } elseif ($instagram->data[0]->type === "video") { $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest Instagram', 'type' => $instagram->data[0]->type, 'image_lg' => null, 'image_md' => $instagram->data[0]->images->standard_resolution, 'image_sm' => $instagram->data[0]->images->low_resolution, 'video_mp4_url' => $instagram->data[0]->videos->standard_resolution->url, 'video_webm_url' => str_replace('.mp4', '.webm', $instagram->data[0]->videos->standard_resolution->url), 'link' => $instagram->data[0]->link, 'title' => $instagram->data[0]->caption->text); } } } break; /* Facebook */ /* Facebook */ case 'facebook': foreach ($social_platforms as $social_platform) { if ($social_platform['social_platforms'] === $type) { /* Do Facebook Logic */ } } break; /* Dribbble */ /* Dribbble */ case 'dribbble': foreach ($social_platforms as $social_platform) { if ($social_platform['social_platforms'] === $type) { /* Do Dribbble Logic */ $dribbble = dribbble_request($social_platform['username'], 1); $small = (object) array('url' => $dribbble[0]->images->teaser, 'width' => $dribbble[0]->width, 'height' => $dribbble[0]->height); $medium = (object) array('url' => $dribbble[0]->images->normal, 'width' => $dribbble[0]->width, 'height' => $dribbble[0]->height); $large = (object) array('url' => $dribbble[0]->images->hidpi, 'width' => $dribbble[0]->width, 'height' => $dribbble[0]->height); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest Dribbble', 'type' => 'image', 'image_lg' => $large, 'image_md' => $medium, 'image_sm' => $small, 'video_url' => null, 'link' => $dribbble[0]->html_url, 'title' => $dribbble[0]->title); } } break; /* Twitter */ /* Twitter */ case 'tweet': foreach ($social_platforms as $social_platform) { if ($social_platform['social_platforms'] === 'twitter') { /* Do Twitter Logic */ $tweet = get_recent_tweet_by_username($social_platform['username']); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest Tweet', 'type' => 'copy', 'copy' => $tweet->text, 'background_color' => $tweet->user->profile_background_color, 'background_image' => $tweet->user->profile_background_image_url_https, 'link' => '' . $tweet->user->screen_name . '/status/' . $tweet->id, 'title' => $tweet->user->screen_name . ' on Twitter'); } } break; /* Codepen */ /* Codepen */ case 'codepen': foreach ($social_platforms as $social_platform) { if ($social_platform['social_platforms'] === $type) { /* Do Codepen Logic */ $latest_pen = get_codepen_feed('' . $social_platform['username'] . '/public/feed/'); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest Codepen', 'type' => 'interactive', 'image_lg' => null, 'image_md' => null, 'image_sm' => null, 'video_url' => null, 'code' => '[codepen_embed height="700" theme_id="20900" slug_hash="' . $latest_pen->pen_id . '" default_tab="result" user="******"][/codepen_embed]', 'link' => $latest_pen->permalink, 'title' => str_replace('"', '\'', $latest_pen->title)); } } break; /* Medium */ /* Medium */ case 'medium': foreach ($social_platforms as $social_platform) { if ($social_platform['social_platforms'] === $type) { /* Do Medium Logic */ $latest_post = get_medium_feed('' . $social_platform['username'] . '/'); $object_to_return = (object) array('caption' => 'Latest Medium', 'type' => 'image', 'image_lg' => (object) $latest_post['image_lg'], 'image_md' => (object) $latest_post['image_md'], 'image_sm' => (object) $latest_post['image_sm'], 'video_url' => null, 'link' => $latest_post['permalink'], 'title' => str_replace('"', '\'', $latest_post['title'])); } } break; default: break; } return (object) $object_to_return; }