Пример #1
                $data = validate_id($id_player, 'id_rotoworld');
                $this_id_rotoworld = $data['id_rotoworld'];
                if ($id_rotoworld != $this_id_rotoworld) {
                    writelog($logFile, "info", "\tJoueur {$playerName} ({$id_player}) : id_rotoworld différent (2)");
                    $q = "update nhl_players set id_rotoworld={$id_rotoworld} where id = {$id_player} and date_expiration = '2099-12-31';";
                    insert_query_in_file($INSERTFILE, $q);
                // ajout/update dans la table de corr.
                insert_or_update_corr_values($INSERTFILE, $id_player, $playerName, $birthdate);
            } else {
                // on a trouvé le joueur
                $data = $data[0];
                $id_player = $data['id'];
                $this_id_rotoworld = $data['id_rotoworld'];
                if ($this_id_rotoworld != $id_rotoworld) {
                    writelog($logFile, "info", "\t Joueur {$playerName} ({$id_player}): id_rotoworld différent");
                    $q = "update nhl_players set id_rotoworld=\"{$id_rotoworld}\" where id = {$id_player} and date_expiration = '2099-12-31';";
                    insert_query_in_file($INSERTFILE, $q);
                // ajout/update dans la table de corr.
                insert_or_update_corr_values($INSERTFILE, $id_player, $playerName, $birthdate);
writelog($logFile, "info", "Closing the connexion to the database...");
writelog($logFile, "info", "Closed");
writelog($logFile, "info", "To update the database, load the file {$INSERTFILE}");
writelog($logFile, "info", "DONE");
         $query = "insert into nhl_players_temp\n                                                  select * from nhl_players\n                                                  where id = {$id_player}\n                                                       and date_expiration = '{$today}'";
         $query = "update nhl_players_temp set team={$my_id_team},date_expiration='2099-12-31',date_activation='{$today}'\n                                             where id = {$id_player}\n                                                  and date_expiration = '{$today}'";
         $query = "insert into nhl_players\n                                                  select * from nhl_players_temp\n                                                  where id = {$id_player}\n                                                       and date_expiration = '2099-12-31'";
 // champ id_forecaster de la table nhl_players
 if ($id_forecaster != $my_id_forecaster) {
     $query = "update nhl_players set id_forecaster={$my_id_forecaster} where id = {$id_player} and date_expiration = '2099-12-31';";
     insert_query_in_file($INSERTFILE, $q);
 // ajout dans la table de corr. si nécessaire
 insert_or_update_corr_values($INSERTFILE, $id_player, $full_name_corr, $birthdate);
 // update de la position du joueur
 // N.B. Si la position change de D/G vers un avant, on écrit dans le log et on fait rien...
 $query = "select pos from nhl_players\n                                   where id = {$id_player}\n                                        and date_expiration = '2099-12-31'";
 $data = DB::dbSelect($query);
 $data = $data[0];
 $pos = $data['pos'];
 switch ($this_pos) {
     case 'D':
         if ($pos != "D" && $pos != "" && $pos != " ") {
             writelog($logFile, "warning", "{$full_name_corr} : pos table: {$pos}, pos site: {$this_pos} (in case D)");
         } elseif ($pos == "") {
             $q = "update nhl_players set pos='{$this_pos}' where id = {$id_player} and date_expiration = '2099-12-31';";
             insert_query_in_file($INSERTFILE, $q);