function _print($type, $namel, $options, $list, $prefix) { global $loc; assert('$loc'); assert('!empty($namel)'); // $loc_share = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, "shared"); // //jalg multi 5-7-2015 $loc_share = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, "shared"); if ($type == 'session_id') { return; } if (isset($options['hidden'])) { //jalg multi 5-7-2015 return; } if ($type == 'group') { echo '<tr><td class="' . $prefix . 'group" colspan="2">'; Params::printForm($list, $prefix, $namel); echo '</td></tr>'; return; } if ($type == 'order_by') { $title = 'Sort By'; } elseif (isset($options['title']) && $options['title']) { $title = $options['title']; } else { $title = $namel[count($namel) - 1]; } $name = $prefix . array_shift($namel); foreach ($namel as $n) { $name .= '[' . $n . ']'; } if (isset($options['default'])) { $default = $options['default']; } else { $default = ''; } echo '<tr class="' . $prefix . 'param">'; echo '<td><label for="' . H($name) . '">'; echo $loc->getText($title); echo '</label></td><td>'; switch ($type) { case 'string': echo inputField('text', $name, $default); break; case 'date': echo inputField('date', $name, $default); break; case 'select': $l = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { list($n, $o) = $v; if (isset($o['title']) && $o['title']) { $l[$n] = $loc->getText($o['title']); } elseif (strcmp($name, "rpt_material_type") == 0 || strcmp($name, "rpt_collection") == 0) { $l[''] = $loc_share->getText("any"); foreach ($o as $i) { $l[$o['code']] = $o['description']; } } else { $l[$n] = $n; } } echo inputField('select', $name, $default, NULL, $l); break; case 'order_by': $l = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { list($n, $o) = $v; if (isset($o['title']) and $o['title']) { $l[$n] = $loc->getText($o['title']); } else { $l[$n] = $n; } $l[$n . '!r'] = $l[$n] . ' ' . $loc->getText('reportsReverse'); // $l[$n.'!r'] = $l[$n].' ('.$loc->getText("Reverse").')';// revisar de ALX } echo inputField('select', $name, $default, NULL, $l); break; default: assert(NULL); } echo '</td></tr>'; }
require_once '../classes/School.php'; $dmQ = new DmQuery(); $dmQ->connect(); $mbrClassifyDm = $dmQ->getAssoc('mbr_classify_dm'); $customFields = $dmQ->getAssoc('member_fields_dm'); $dmQ->close(); $gender = array(OBIB_GENDER_MALE => "Male", OBIB_GENDER_FEMALE => "Female"); $standardlevel = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10); $standardGrade = array('' => 'none', 'A' => 'A', 'B' => 'B', 'C' => 'C', 'D' => 'D', 'E' => 'E', 'F' => 'F', 'G' => 'G', 'H' => 'H', 'I' => 'I', 'J' => 'J', 'K' => 'K', 'L' => 'L', 'M' => 'M', 'N' => 'N', 'O' => 'O', 'P' => 'P', 'Q' => 'Q', 'R' => 'R', 'S' => 'S', 'T' => 'T', 'U' => 'U', 'V' => 'V', 'W' => 'W', 'X' => 'X', 'Y' => 'Y', 'Z' => 'Z'); $scQ = new SchoolQuery(); $scQ->connect(); $schoolList = $scQ->getSchoolList(); $scQ->close(); $fields = array("mbrFldsClassify" => inputField('select', 'classification', $mbr->getClassification(), NULL, $mbrClassifyDm), "mbrFldsLastName" => inputField('text', "lastName", $mbr->getLastName()), "mbrFldsFirstName" => inputField('text', "firstName", $mbr->getFirstName()), "mbrFldsGender" => inputField('select', "gender", $mbr->getGender(), Null, $gender), "mbrFldsSchool" => inputField('select', "school", $mbr->getSchoolId(), Null, $schoolList), "mbrFldsStandard" => inputField('select', "standard", $mbr->getStandard(), Null, $standardlevel), "mbrFldsStandardGrade" => inputField('select', "grade", $mbr->getGrade(), Null, $standardGrade), "mbrFldsSchoolTeacher" => inputField('text', "schoolTeacher", $mbr->getSchoolTeacher()), "mbrFldsParentName" => inputField('text', "parentname", $mbr->getParentName()), "mbrFldsParentOccupation" => inputField('text', "parentoccupation", $mbr->getParentOccupation()), "mbrFldsMotherTongue" => inputField('text', "mothertongue", $mbr->getMotherTongue()), "mbrFldsEmail" => inputField('text', "email", $mbr->getEmail()), "Mailing Address:" => inputField('textarea', "address", $mbr->getAddress()), "mbrFldsHomePhone" => inputField('text', "homePhone", $mbr->getHomePhone()), "mbrFldsWorkPhone" => inputField('text', "workPhone", $mbr->getWorkPhone())); foreach ($customFields as $name => $title) { $fields[$title . ':'] = inputField('text', 'custom_' . $name, $mbr->getCustom($name)); } ?> <table class="primary"> <tr> <th colspan="2" valign="top" nowrap="yes" align="left"> <?php echo H($headerWording); ?> <?php echo $loc->getText("mbrFldsHeader"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php
<?php /* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY. * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details. */ require_once "../functions/inputFuncs.php"; require_once "../classes/Location.php"; require_once "../classes/LocationQuery.php"; $locQ = new LocationQuery(); $locQ->connect(); $locations = $locQ->getLocations(); $allLocations = $locQ->getAssoc($locations); $locQ->close(); $fields = array("location" => inputField('select', 'locationid', $location->getLocationid(), NULL, $allLocations)); ?> <table class="primary"> <tr> <th colspan="2" valign="top" nowrap="yes" align="left"> <?php echo H($headerWording); ?> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($fields as $title => $html) { ?> <tr> <td nowrap="true" class="primary" valign="top">
function printInputText($fieldName, $size, $max, &$postVars, &$pageErrors, $visibility = "visible") { $_SESSION['postVars'] = $postVars; $_SESSION['pageErrors'] = $pageErrors; $attrs = array('size' => $size, 'maxlength' => $max, 'style' => "visibility: {$visibility}"); echo inputField('text', $fieldName, '', $attrs); }
function printUsmarcInputText($tag, $subfieldCd, $required, &$postVars, &$pageErrors, &$marcTags, &$marcSubflds, $showTagDesc, $cntrlType, $occur = "") { $arrayIndex = sprintf("%03d", $tag) . $subfieldCd; $formIndex = $arrayIndex . $occur; $size = 40; $maxLen = 300; $cols = 35; $rows = 4; if (!isset($postVars)) { $value = ""; } elseif (!isset($postVars['values'][$formIndex])) { $value = ""; } else { $value = $postVars['values'][$formIndex]; } if (!isset($postVars['fieldIds'])) { $fieldId = ""; } elseif (!isset($postVars['fieldIds'][$formIndex])) { $fieldId = ""; } else { $fieldId = $postVars['fieldIds'][$formIndex]; } if (!isset($pageErrors)) { $error = ""; } elseif (!isset($pageErrors[$formIndex])) { $error = ""; } else { $error = $pageErrors[$formIndex]; } echo "<tr><td class=\"primary\" valign=\"top\">\n"; if ($required) { echo "<sup>*</sup> "; } if ($showTagDesc && isset($marcTags[$tag]) && isset($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex])) { echo H($marcTags[$tag]->getDescription()); echo " (" . H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()) . ")"; } elseif (isset($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex])) { echo H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()); } if ($occur != "") { echo " " . H($occur + 1); } echo ":\n</td>\n"; echo "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"primary\">\n"; if ($cntrlType == OBIB_TEXTAREA_CNTRL) { $attrs = array('cols' => H($cols), 'rows' => H($rows)); echo inputField('textarea', "values[" . H($formIndex) . "]", H($value), $attrs); } elseif ($cntrlType == OBIB_TEXT_CNTRL) { $attrs = array('size' => H($size), 'maxlength' => H($maxLen)); echo inputField('text', "values[" . H($formIndex) . "]", H($value), $attrs); } elseif ($cntrlType == OBIB_FILE_CNTRL) { echo "<input type=\"file\""; echo " name=\"values[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" size=\"28\" />"; if ($value) { $title = $postVars["values"]["245a"]; $filepath = "../pictures/{$value}"; $thumbpath = make_thumbnail($filepath, array('width' => 200)); if (file_exists($thumbpath)) { echo "<br /><a href=\"{$filepath}\" title=\"{$title}\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$thumbpath}\" border=\"0\" title=\"{$title}\" alt=\"{$alt}\" /></a>"; } else { echo "<div class=\"error\">File does not exists.</div>"; } } } if ($error != "") { echo "<br><font class=\"error\">"; echo H($error) . "</font>"; } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"indexes[]\" value=\"" . H($formIndex) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tags[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($tag) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subfieldCds[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($subfieldCd) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fieldIds[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($fieldId) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"requiredFlgs[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($required) . "\" >\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; }
<?php /* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY. * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details. */ require_once "../functions/inputFuncs.php"; require_once "../classes/Staff.php"; require_once "../classes/StaffQuery.php"; $staffQ = new StaffQuery(); $staffQ->connect(); $all_staff = $staffQ->getAllStaff(); $staffnames = $staffQ->getAssoc($all_staff); $staffQ->close(); $fields = array("locFldsAddr1" => inputField('text', "location", $location->getAddressOne()), "locFldsAddr2" => inputField('text', "address", $location->getAddressTwo()), "locstaffid" => inputField('select', 'staffid', $location->getStaffid(), NULL, $staffnames), "locFldsCity" => inputField('text', "city", $location->getCity()), "locFldsPincode" => inputField('text', "pincode", $location->getPincode()), "locFldsState" => inputField('text', "state", $location->getState()), "locFldsDays" => inputField('text', "days", $location->getDays()), "locFldsTime" => inputField('text', "time", $location->getTime()), "locFldsLatitude" => inputField('text', "latitude", $location->getLatitude()), "locFldsLongitude" => inputField('text', "longitude", $location->getLongitude())); ?> <table class="primary"> <tr> <th colspan="2" valign="top" nowrap="yes" align="left"> <?php echo H($headerWording); ?> <?php echo $loc->getText("locFldsHeader"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($fields as $title => $html) { ?>
<?php /* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY. * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details. */ require_once "../functions/inputFuncs.php"; require_once '../classes/DmQuery.php'; $fields = array("sclFldsSchoolName" => inputField('text', "schoolName", $scl->getSchoolName()), "sclFldsAddress" => inputField('text', "schoolAddress", $scl->getSchoolAddress()), "sclFldsContactPerson" => inputField('text', "contactPerson", $scl->getcontactPerson()), "sclFldsContactNumber" => inputField('text', "contactNumber", $scl->getContactNumber()), "sclFldsEmail" => inputField('text', "email", $scl->getEmail())); ?> <table class="primary"> <tr> <th colspan="2" valign="top" nowrap="yes" align="left"> <?php echo H($headerWording); ?> <?php echo $loc->getText("sclFldsHeader"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($fields as $title => $html) { ?> <tr> <td nowrap="true" class="primary" valign="top"> <?php echo $loc->getText($title); ?> </td> <td valign="top" class="primary">
</td> <td valign="top" class="primary"> <?php echo inputField('text', 'checkout_limit', $priv['checkout_limit']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap="true" class="primary"> <?php echo $loc->getText("Renewal Limit:"); ?> </td> <td valign="top" class="primary"> <?php echo inputField('text', 'renewal_limit', $priv['renewal_limit']); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="center" colspan="2" class="primary"> <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo $loc->getText("adminSubmit"); ?> " class="button"> <input type="button" onClick="self.location='../admin/checkout_privs_list.php'" value=" <?php echo $loc->getText("adminCancel"); ?> " class="button"> </td> </tr>
function printUsmarcInputText($tag, $subfieldCd, $required, &$postVars, &$pageErrors, &$marcTags, &$marcSubflds, $showTagDesc, $cntrlType, $occur = "") { $arrayIndex = sprintf("%03d", $tag) . $subfieldCd; $formIndex = $arrayIndex . $occur; $size = 40; $maxLen = 300; $cols = 35; $rows = 4; if (!isset($postVars)) { $value = ""; } elseif (!isset($postVars['values'][$formIndex])) { $value = ""; } else { $value = $postVars['values'][$formIndex]; } if (!isset($postVars['fieldIds'])) { $fieldId = ""; } elseif (!isset($postVars['fieldIds'][$formIndex])) { $fieldId = ""; } else { $fieldId = $postVars['fieldIds'][$formIndex]; } if (!isset($pageErrors)) { $error = ""; } elseif (!isset($pageErrors[$formIndex])) { $error = ""; } else { $error = $pageErrors[$formIndex]; } echo "<tr><td class=\"primary\" valign=\"top\">\n"; if ($required) { echo "<sup>*</sup> "; } if ($showTagDesc && isset($marcTags[$tag]) && isset($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex])) { echo H($marcTags[$tag]->getDescription()); echo " (" . H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()) . ")"; } elseif (isset($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex])) { echo H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()); } if ($occur != "") { echo " " . H($occur + 1); } echo ":\n</td>\n"; echo "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"primary\">\n"; if ($cntrlType == OBIB_TEXTAREA_CNTRL) { ## lookup mods F.LaPlante - June 2009 //echo "<textarea name=\"values[".H($formIndex)."]\""; //echo " cols=\"".H($cols)."\" rows=\"".H($rows)."\">\n"; //echo H($value)."</textarea>"; $attrs = array('cols' => H($cols), 'rows' => H($rows)); echo inputField('textarea', "values[" . H($formIndex) . "]", H($value), $attrs); } else { ## lookup mods F.LaPlante - June 2009 //echo "<input type=\"text\""; //echo " name=\"values[".H($formIndex)."]\""; //echo " size=\"".H($size)."\" maxlength=\"".H($maxLen)."\" "; //echo "value=\"".H($value)."\" >\n"; $attrs = array('size' => H($size), 'maxlength' => H($maxLen)); echo inputField('text', "values[" . H($formIndex) . "]", H($value), $attrs); } #if ($cntrlType == OBIB_TEXTAREA_CNTRL) { # echo "<textarea name=\"values[".H($formIndex)."]\" cols=\"".H($cols)."\" rows=\"".H($rows)."\">"; # echo H($value)."</textarea>"; #} else { # echo "<input type=\"text\""; # echo " name=\"values[".H($formIndex)."]\" size=\"".H($size)."\" maxlength=\"".H($maxLen)."\" "; # echo "value=\"".H($value)."\" >"; #} if ($error != "") { echo "<br><font class=\"error\">"; echo H($error) . "</font>"; } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"indexes[]\" value=\"" . H($formIndex) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tags[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($tag) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subfieldCds[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($subfieldCd) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fieldIds[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($fieldId) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"requiredFlgs[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($required) . "\" >\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; }
?> <br> <?php //printInputText("callNmbr2",20,20,$postVars,$pageErrors); ?> <br> <?php //printInputText("callNmbr3",20,20,$postVars,$pageErrors); ?> </td> </tr> --> <!-- #C1 - begin--> <?php $readinglevel = array(0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9); $fields = array("biblioFieldsReadlingLevel" => inputField('select', 'readingLevel', null, NULL, $readinglevel)); ?> <?php foreach ($fields as $title => $html) { ?> <tr> <td nowrap="true" class="primary" valign="top"> <sup>*</sup> <?php echo $loc->getText($title); ?> </td> <td valign="top" class="primary"> <?php echo $html;
function _print($type, $namel, $options, $list, $prefix) { global $loc; assert('$loc'); assert('!empty($namel)'); if ($type == 'session_id') { return; } if (isset($options['hidden'])) { return; } if ($type == 'group') { echo '<tr><td class="' . $prefix . 'group" colspan="2">'; Params::printForm($list, $prefix, $namel); echo '</td></tr>'; return; } if ($type == 'order_by') { $title = 'Sort By'; } elseif (isset($options['title']) && $options['title']) { $title = $options['title']; } else { $title = $namel[count($namel) - 1]; } $name = $prefix . array_shift($namel); foreach ($namel as $n) { $name .= '[' . $n . ']'; } if (isset($options['default'])) { $default = $options['default']; } else { $default = ''; } echo '<tr class="' . $prefix . 'param">'; echo '<td><label for="' . H($name) . '">'; echo $loc->getText($title); echo '</label></td><td>'; switch ($type) { case 'string': case 'date': echo inputField('text', $name, $default); break; case 'select': $l = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { list($n, $o) = $v; if (isset($o['title']) && $o['title']) { $l[$n] = $loc->getText($o['title']); } else { $l[$n] = $n; } } echo inputField('select', $name, $default, NULL, $l); break; case 'order_by': $l = array(); foreach ($list as $v) { list($n, $o) = $v; if (isset($o['title']) and $o['title']) { $l[$n] = $loc->getText($o['title']); } else { $l[$n] = $n; } $l[$n . '!r'] = $l[$n] . ' (Reverse)'; } echo inputField('select', $name, $default, NULL, $l); break; default: assert(NULL); } echo '</td></tr>'; }
/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY. * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details. */ require_once "../functions/inputFuncs.php"; require_once '../classes/DmQuery.php'; require_once '../classes/School.php'; require_once '../classes/SchoolQuery.php'; $sclid = $_GET["sclid"]; $_POST["sclid"] = $sclid; $sclQ = new SchoolQuery(); $sclQ->connect(); $scl = $sclQ->get($sclid); $sclQ->close(); $standardLevel = array(0 => 0, 1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9); $standardGrade = array('' => 'none', 'A' => 'A', 'B' => 'B', 'C' => 'C', 'D' => 'D', 'E' => 'E', 'F' => 'F', 'G' => 'G', 'H' => 'H', 'I' => 'I', 'J' => 'J', 'K' => 'K', 'L' => 'L', 'M' => 'M', 'N' => 'N', 'O' => 'O', 'P' => 'P', 'Q' => 'Q', 'R' => 'R', 'S' => 'S', 'T' => 'T', 'U' => 'U', 'V' => 'V', 'W' => 'W', 'X' => 'X', 'Y' => 'Y', 'Z' => 'Z'); $fields = array("sclFldsSchoolId" => inputField('text', "schoolId", $sclid, array("readonly" => "readonly")), "sclFldsSchoolName" => inputField('text', "schoolName", $scl->getSchoolName(), array("readonly" => "readonly")), "sclStandard" => inputField('select', 'standardLevel', null, NULL, $standardLevel), "sclGrade" => inputField('select', 'standardGrade', null, NULL, $standardGrade)); ?> <table class="primary"> <tr> <th colspan="2" valign="top" nowrap="yes" align="left"> <?php echo H($headerWording); ?> <?php echo $loc->getText("sclFldsHeader"); ?> </td> </tr> <?php foreach ($fields as $title => $html) {
function printUsmarcInputText($tag, $subfieldCd, $required, &$postVars, &$pageErrors, &$marcTags, &$marcSubflds, $showTagDesc, $cntrlType, $occur = "") { require_once "../classes/Localize.php"; $shareloc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, "shared"); $arrayIndex = sprintf("%03d", $tag) . $subfieldCd; $formIndex = $arrayIndex . $occur; $size = 40; $maxLen = 300; $cols = 35; $rows = 4; if (!isset($postVars)) { $value = ""; } elseif (!isset($postVars['values'][$formIndex])) { $value = ""; } else { $value = $postVars['values'][$formIndex]; } if (!isset($postVars['fieldIds'])) { $fieldId = ""; } elseif (!isset($postVars['fieldIds'][$formIndex])) { $fieldId = ""; } else { $fieldId = $postVars['fieldIds'][$formIndex]; } if (!isset($pageErrors)) { $error = ""; } elseif (!isset($pageErrors[$formIndex])) { $error = ""; } else { $error = $pageErrors[$formIndex]; } if ($required) { echo "<tr><td class=\"primary form-required\" valign=\"top\">\n"; echo "<sup>*</sup> "; } else { echo "<tr><td class=\"primary form-optional\" valign=\"top\">\n"; } if ($showTagDesc && isset($marcTags[$tag]) && isset($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex])) { $descr = $marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription(); $subfieldSet = explode(' ', $descr, 2); echo $tag . $subfieldCd . ' '; //muestra los indices de campos MARC // echo $subfieldSet[0] . ' ' . H($marcTags[$tag]->getDescription());// muestra prefijo echo ' ; ' . H($marcTags[$tag]->getDescription()); // echo ' - ' . $subfieldSet[1]; // echo " - " . H($marcTags[$tag]->getDescription());//test echo " - (" . H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()) . ")"; //test } elseif (isset($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex])) { echo $tag . $subfieldCd . ' '; //muestra los indices de campos MARC // echo H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()); echo ' ; ' . H($marcTags[$tag]->getDescription()); echo " - (" . H($marcSubflds[$arrayIndex]->getDescription()) . ")"; //test } if ($occur != "") { echo " " . H($occur + 1); } echo ":\n</td>\n"; echo "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"primary\">\n"; switch ($cntrlType) { case OBIB_TEXTAREA_CNTRL: $attrs = array('cols' => H($cols), 'rows' => H($rows)); echo inputField('textarea', "values[" . H($formIndex) . "]", $value, $attrs); break; case OBIB_TEXT_CNTRL: $attrs = array('size' => H($size), 'maxlength' => H($maxLen)); echo inputField('text', "values[" . H($formIndex) . "]", $value, $attrs); break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRLF: echo "<input type=\"text\""; echo " name=\"values[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" size=\"" . H($size) . "\" maxlength=\"" . H($maxLen) . "\" "; echo "value=\"" . H($value) . "\" >"; echo "<sup>(6)</sup>"; break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRLD: echo "<input type=\"text\""; echo " name=\"values[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" size=\"" . H($size) . "\" maxlength=\"" . H($maxLen) . "\" "; echo " onChange=\"File_DigiReload()\" "; echo "value=\"" . H($value) . "\" >"; echo "<sup>(5)</sup>"; break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRLA: echo "<input type=\"text\""; echo " name=\"values[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" size=\"" . H($size) . "\" maxlength=\"" . H($maxLen) . "\" "; echo " onChange=\"File_AutReload()\" "; echo "value=\"" . H($value) . "\" >"; echo "<sup>(3)</sup>" . H($value); break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRLS: echo "<input type=\"text\""; echo " name=\"values[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" size=\"" . H($size) . "\" maxlength=\"" . H($maxLen) . "\" "; echo " onChange=\"File_CoverReload()\" "; echo "value=\"" . H($value) . "\" >"; echo "<sup>(1)</sup>" . $values[H($formIndex)]; break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRL: echo "<input type=\"file\""; echo " name=\"values[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" size=\"28\" />"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"old[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"{$value}\" />"; if ($value) { $title = $postVars["values"]["245a"]; $filepath = "../" . COVER_PATH . "/{$value}"; $thumbpath = make_thumbnail($filepath, array('height' => 120)); if (file_exists($thumbpath)) { echo "<br /><a href=\"{$filepath}\" title=\"{$title}\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"{$thumbpath}\" border=\"0\" title=\"{$title}\" alt=\"{$title}\" /></a>"; } else { echo "<div class=\"error\">File does not exists.</div>"; } echo " <a href=\"../catalog/biblio_cover_del.php?bibid=" . HURL($_REQUEST['bibid']) . "&redirect=edit\" onclick=\"javascript: return confirm('" . htmlspecialchars($shareloc->getText('Are you sure to remove this picture?'), ENT_QUOTES) . "');\">" . $shareloc->getText('Remove') . "</a>"; } echo "<sup>(1)</sup>"; break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRLB: echo "<input type=\"file\""; echo " name=\"autor\" "; echo " onChange=\"File_AutReload()\">\n"; echo "<sup>(2)</sup>"; break; case OBIB_FILE_CNTRLK: echo "<input type=\"file\""; echo " name=\"digital\" "; echo " onChange=\"File_DigiReload()\" "; echo "<sup>(4)</sup>"; break; default: break; } if ($error != "") { echo "<br><font class=\"error\">"; if ($formIndex == '020a' || $formIndex == '245a') { // Enable suggestion link for existing ISBN check. echo $error . "</font>"; } else { echo H($error) . "</font>"; } } echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"indexes[]\" value=\"" . H($formIndex) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tags[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($tag) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"subfieldCds[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($subfieldCd) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fieldIds[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($fieldId) . "\" >\n"; echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"requiredFlgs[" . H($formIndex) . "]\" value=\"" . H($required) . "\" >\n"; echo "</td></tr>\n"; }