Пример #1
 private function setCookie($cookieString)
     # The script can handle cookies following the Netscape specification
     # (or close enough!) and supports "Max-Age" from RFC2109
     # Split parts by ;
     $cookieParts = explode(';', $cookieString);
     # Process each line
     foreach ($cookieParts as $part) {
         # Split attribute/value pairs by =
         $pair = explode('=', $part, 2);
         # Ensure we have a second part
         $pair[1] = isset($pair[1]) ? $pair[1] : '';
         # First pair must be name/cookie value
         if (!isset($cookieName)) {
             # Name is first pair item, value is second
             $cookieName = $pair[0];
             $cookieValue = $pair[1];
             # Skip rest of loop and start processing attributes
         # If still here, must be an attribute (case-insensitive so lower it)
         $pair[0] = strtolower($pair[0]);
         # And save in array
         if ($pair[1]) {
             # We have a attribute/value pair so save as associative
             $attr[ltrim($pair[0])] = $pair[1];
         } else {
             # Not a pair, just a value
             $attr[] = $pair[0];
     # All cookies need to be sent to this script (and then we choose
     # the correct cookies to forward to the client) so the extra attributes
     # (path, domain, etc.) must be stored in the cookie itself
     # Cookies stored as c[domain.com][path][cookie_name] with values of
     # cookie_value;secure;
     # If encoded, cookie name becomes c[base64_encode(domain.com path cookie_name)]
     # Find the EXPIRES date
     if (isset($attr['expires'])) {
         # From the "Expires" attribute (original Netscape spec)
         $expires = strtotime($attr['expires']);
     } else {
         if (isset($attr['max-age'])) {
             # From the "Max-Age" attribute (RFC2109)
             $expires = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + $attr['max-age'];
         } else {
             # Default to temp cookies
             $expires = 0;
     # If temp cookies, override expiry date to end of session unless time
     # is in the past since that means the cookie should be deleted
     if ($this->browsingOptions['tempCookies'] && $expires > $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']) {
         $expires = 0;
     # Find the PATH. The spec says if none found, default to the current path.
     # Certain browsers default to the the root path so we'll do the same.
     if (!isset($attr['path'])) {
         $attr['path'] = '/';
     # Were we sent a DOMAIN?
     if (isset($attr['domain'])) {
         # Ensure it's valid and we can accept this cookie
         if (stripos($attr['domain'], $this->URL['domain']) === false) {
             # Our current domain does not match the specified domain
             # so we reject the cookie
         # Some cookies will be sent with the domain starting with . as per RFC2109
         # The . then has to be stripped off by us when doing the tail match to determine
         # which cookies to send since ".glype.com" should match "glype.com". It's more
         # efficient to do any manipulations while forwarding cookies than on every request
         if ($attr['domain'][0] == '.') {
             $attr['domain'] = substr($attr['domain'], 1);
     } else {
         # No domain sent so use current domain
         $attr['domain'] = $this->URL['domain'];
     # Check for SECURE cookie
     $sentSecure = in_array('secure', $attr);
     # Append "[SEC]" to cookie value if we should only forward to secure connections
     if ($sentSecure) {
         $cookieValue .= '!SEC';
     # If we're on HTTPS, we can also send this cookie back as secure
     $secure = HTTPS && $sentSecure;
     # If the PHP version is recent enough, we can also forward the httponly flag
     $httponly = in_array('httponly', $attr) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=') ? true : false;
     # Prepare cookie name/value to save as
     $name = COOKIE_PREFIX . '[' . $attr['domain'] . '][' . $attr['path'] . '][' . inputEncode($cookieName) . ']';
     $value = $cookieValue;
     # Add encodings
     if ($this->forwardCookies == 'encode') {
         $name = COOKIE_PREFIX . '[' . urlencode(base64_encode($attr['domain'] . ' ' . $attr['path'] . ' ' . urlencode($cookieName))) . ']';
         $value = base64_encode($value);
     # Send cookie ...
     if ($httponly) {
         # ... with httponly flag
         setcookie($name, $value, $expires, '/', '', $secure, true);
     } else {
         # ... without httponly flag
         setcookie($name, $value, $expires, '/', '', $secure);
     # And log if in debug mode
     if (DEBUG_MODE) {
         $this->cookiesReceived[] = array('name' => $cookieName, 'value' => $cookieValue, 'attributes' => $attr);
Пример #2
function html_inputName($input)
    return 'name=' . $input[1] . inputEncode($input[2]) . $input[1];