Пример #1
    function approve($id, $unlock_safe = false)
        /* fetch info about the message, poll (if one exists), thread & forum */
        $mtf = db_sab('SELECT
					m.id, m.poster_id, m.apr, m.subject, m.foff, m.length, m.file_id, m.thread_id, m.poll_id, m.attach_cnt,
					m.post_stamp, m.reply_to, m.mlist_msg_id,
					t.forum_id, t.last_post_id, t.root_msg_id, t.last_post_date,
					m2.post_stamp AS frm_last_post_date,
					f.name AS frm_name,
					u.alias, u.email, u.sig,
					n.id AS nntp_id, ml.id AS mlist_id
				FROM phpgw_fud_msg m
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_thread t ON m.thread_id=t.id
				INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_forum f ON t.forum_id=f.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_msg m2 ON f.last_post_id=m2.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON m.poster_id=u.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mlist ml ON ml.forum_id=f.id
				LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_nntp n ON n.forum_id=f.id
				WHERE m.id=' . $id . ' AND m.apr=0');
        /* nothing to do or bad message id */
        if (!$mtf) {
        if ($mtf->alias) {
        } else {
            $mtf->alias = $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'];
        if (!db_locked()) {
            db_lock('phpgw_fud_thread_view WRITE, phpgw_fud_level WRITE, phpgw_fud_users WRITE, phpgw_fud_forum WRITE, phpgw_fud_thread WRITE, phpgw_fud_msg WRITE');
            $ll = 1;
        q("UPDATE phpgw_fud_msg SET apr=1 WHERE id=" . $mtf->id);
        if ($mtf->poster_id) {
        $last_post_id = $mtf->post_stamp > $mtf->frm_last_post_date ? $mtf->id : 0;
        if ($mtf->root_msg_id == $mtf->id) {
            /* new thread */
            $threads = 1;
        } else {
            /* reply to thread */
            if ($mtf->post_stamp > $mtf->last_post_date) {
                th_inc_post_count($mtf->thread_id, 1, $mtf->id, $mtf->post_stamp);
            } else {
                th_inc_post_count($mtf->thread_id, 1);
            rebuild_forum_view($mtf->forum_id, q_singleval('SELECT page FROM phpgw_fud_thread_view WHERE forum_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . ' AND thread_id=' . $mtf->thread_id));
            $threads = 0;
        /* update forum thread & post count as well as last_post_id field */
        frm_updt_counts($mtf->forum_id, 1, $threads, $last_post_id);
        if ($unlock_safe || isset($ll)) {
        if ($mtf->poll_id) {
            poll_activate($mtf->poll_id, $mtf->forum_id);
        $mtf->body = read_msg_body($mtf->foff, $mtf->length, $mtf->file_id);
        if ($GLOBALS['FUD_OPT_1'] & 16777216) {
            index_text(preg_match('!Re: !i', $mtf->subject) ? '' : $mtf->subject, $mtf->body, $mtf->id);
        /* handle notifications */
        if ($mtf->root_msg_id == $mtf->id) {
            if (empty($mtf->frm_last_post_date)) {
                $mtf->frm_last_post_date = 0;
            /* send new thread notifications to forum subscribers */
            $c = uq('SELECT u.email, u.icq, u.users_opt
					FROM phpgw_fud_forum_notify fn
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON fn.user_id=u.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_forum_read r ON r.forum_id=fn.forum_id AND r.user_id=fn.user_id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=fn.user_id AND g2.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					fn.forum_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . ' AND fn.user_id!=' . (int) $mtf->poster_id . '
					AND (CASE WHEN (r.last_view IS NULL AND (u.last_read=0 OR u.last_read >= ' . $mtf->frm_last_post_date . ')) OR r.last_view > ' . $mtf->frm_last_post_date . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)=1
					AND ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0');
            $notify_type = 'frm';
        } else {
            /* send new reply notifications to thread subscribers */
            $c = uq('SELECT u.email, u.icq, u.users_opt, r.msg_id, u.id
					FROM phpgw_fud_thread_notify tn
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_users u ON tn.user_id=u.id
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_read r ON r.thread_id=tn.thread_id AND r.user_id=tn.user_id
					INNER JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g1 ON g1.user_id=2147483647 AND g1.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					LEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_group_cache g2 ON g2.user_id=tn.user_id AND g2.resource_id=' . $mtf->forum_id . '
					tn.thread_id=' . $mtf->thread_id . ' AND tn.user_id!=' . (int) $mtf->poster_id . '
					AND (r.msg_id=' . $mtf->last_post_id . ' OR (r.msg_id IS NULL AND ' . $mtf->post_stamp . ' > u.last_read))
					AND ((CASE WHEN g2.id IS NOT NULL THEN g2.group_cache_opt ELSE g1.group_cache_opt END) & 2) > 0');
            $notify_type = 'thr';
        while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
            if ($r[2] & 16) {
                $to['EMAIL'] = $r[0];
            } else {
                $to['ICQ'] = $r[1] . '@pager.icq.com';
            if (isset($r[4]) && is_null($r[3])) {
                $tl[] = $r[4];
        if (isset($tl)) {
            /* this allows us to mark the message we are sending notification about as read, so that we do not re-notify the user
             * until this message is read.
            q('INSERT INTO phpgw_fud_read (thread_id, msg_id, last_view, user_id) SELECT ' . $mtf->thread_id . ', 0, 0, id FROM phpgw_fud_users WHERE id IN(' . implode(',', $tl) . ')');
        if (isset($to)) {
            send_notifications($to, $mtf->id, $mtf->subject, $mtf->alias, $notify_type, $notify_type == 'thr' ? $mtf->thread_id : $mtf->forum_id, $mtf->frm_name, $mtf->forum_id);
        // Handle Mailing List and/or Newsgroup syncronization.
        if (($mtf->nntp_id || $mtf->mlist_id) && !$mtf->mlist_msg_id) {
            fud_use('email_msg_format.inc', true);
            $from = $mtf->poster_id ? $mtf->alias . ' <' . $mtf->email . '>' : $GLOBALS['ANON_NICK'] . ' <' . $GLOBALS['NOTIFY_FROM'] . '>';
            $body = $mtf->body . ($mtf->msg_opt & 1 && $mtf->sig ? "\n--\n" . $mtf->sig : '');
            if ($mtf->reply_to) {
                $replyto_id = q_singleval('SELECT mlist_msg_id FROM phpgw_fud_msg WHERE id=' . $mtf->reply_to);
            } else {
                $replyto_id = 0;
            if ($mtf->attach_cnt) {
                $r = uq("SELECT a.id, a.original_name,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tCASE WHEN m.mime_hdr IS NULL THEN 'application/octet-stream' ELSE m.mime_hdr END\n\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM phpgw_fud_attach a\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN phpgw_fud_mime m ON a.mime_type=m.id\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE a.message_id=" . $mtf->id . " AND a.attach_opt=0");
                while ($ent = db_rowarr($r)) {
                    $attach[$ent[1]] = file_get_contents($GLOBALS['FILE_STORE'] . $ent[0] . '.atch');
                    if ($mtf->mlist_id) {
                        $attach_mime[$ent[1]] = $ent[2];
            } else {
                $attach_mime = $attach = null;
            if ($mtf->nntp_id) {
                fud_use('nntp.inc', true);
                $nntp_adm = db_sab('SELECT * FROM phpgw_fud_nntp WHERE id=' . $mtf->nntp_id);
                $nntp = new fud_nntp();
                $nntp->server = $nntp_adm->server;
                $nntp->newsgroup = $nntp_adm->newsgroup;
                $nntp->port = $nntp_adm->port;
                $nntp->timeout = $nntp_adm->timeout;
                $nntp->nntp_opt = $nntp_adm->nntp_opt;
                $nntp->login = $nntp_adm->login;
                $nntp->pass = $nntp_adm->pass;
                define('sql_p', 'phpgw_fud_');
                $lock = $nntp->get_lock();
                $nntp->post_message($mtf->subject, $body, $from, $mtf->id, $replyto_id, $attach);
            } else {
                fud_use('mlist_post.inc', true);
                $GLOBALS['CHARSET'] = 'ISO-8859-15';
                $r = db_saq('SELECT name, additional_headers FROM phpgw_fud_mlist WHERE id=' . $mtf->mlist_id);
                mail_list_post($r[0], $from, $mtf->subject, $body, $mtf->id, $replyto_id, $attach, $attach_mime, $r[1]);
Пример #2
db_lock($tbl . 'search_cache WRITE, ' . $tbl . 'search WRITE, ' . $tbl . 'index WRITE, ' . $tbl . 'title_index WRITE, ' . $tbl . 'msg WRITE');
if (!($sid = q_singleval("SELECT MIN(query_type) FROM " . $tbl . "search_cache WHERE srch_query='' AND query_type<0"))) {
    q('DELETE FROM ' . $tbl . 'search');
    q('DELETE FROM ' . $tbl . 'index');
    q('DELETE FROM ' . $tbl . 'title_index');
    q('DELETE FROM ' . $tbl . 'search_cache');
$c = q('SELECT id, subject, length, foff, file_id FROM ' . $tbl . 'msg WHERE ' . ($sid ? ' id>' . $sid . ' AND ' : '') . ' apr=1 ORDER BY subject');
$old_subject = '';
while ($r = db_rowarr($c)) {
    if ($old_subject != $r[1]) {
        $subj = $old_subject = $r[1];
    } else {
        $subj = '';
    q('INSERT INTO ' . $tbl . 'search_cache (srch_query, query_type, expiry, msg_id, n_match) VALUES(\'\', -' . $r[0] . ', 0,0,0)');
    index_text($subj, read_msg_body($r[3], $r[2], $r[4]), $r[0]);
q('DELETE FROM ' . $tbl . 'search_cache');
echo 'Done<br>';
if ($FUD_OPT_1 & 1) {
    echo '<br>Re-enabling the forum.<br>';
    maintenance_status($GLOBALS['DISABLED_REASON'], 0);
} else {
    echo '<br><font size=+1 color="red">Your forum is currently disabled, to re-enable it go to the <a href="admglobal.php?' . _rsidl . '">Global Settings Manager</a> and re-enable it.</font>';
require $WWW_ROOT_DISK . 'adm/admclose.php';