Пример #1
 public function check_bounces($db)
     $email_address = $this->settings['bounce_email'];
     // not used
     $email_username = $this->settings['bounce_username'];
     $email_password = $this->settings['bounce_password'];
     $email_host = $this->settings['bounce_host'];
     $email_port = $this->settings['bounce_port'] ? $this->settings['bounce_port'] : 110;
     // pop3
     $mbox = imap_open('{' . $email_host . ':' . $email_port . '/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX', $email_username, $email_password) or die(imap_last_error());
     if (!$mbox) {
         // send email letting them know bounce checking failed?
         // meh. later.
         echo 'Failed to connect';
     } else {
         $MC = imap_check($mbox);
         $result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, "1:{$MC->Nmsgs}", 0);
         foreach ($result as $overview) {
             $this_subject = (string) $overview->subject;
             //echo "#{$overview->msgno} ({$overview->date}) - From: {$overview->from} <br> {$this_subject} <br>\n";
             $tmp_file = tempnam('/tmp/', 'newsletter_bounce');
             // TODO - tmp files for windows hosting.
             imap_savebody($mbox, $tmp_file, $overview->msgno);
             $body = file_get_contents($tmp_file);
             if (preg_match('/Message-ID:\\s*<?Newsletter-(\\d+)-(\\d+)-([A-Fa-f0-9]{32})/imsU', $body, $matches)) {
                 // we have a newsletter message id, check the hash and mark a bounce.
                 //"message_id" => "Newsletter-$send_id-$member_id-".md5("bounce check for $member_id in send $send_id"),
                 $send_id = (int) $matches[1];
                 $member_id = (int) $matches[2];
                 $provided_hash = trim($matches[3]);
                 $real_hash = md5("bounce check for {$member_id} in send {$send_id}");
                 if ($provided_hash == $real_hash) {
                     $sql = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX . "newsletter_member SET `status` = 4, bounce_time = '" . time() . "' WHERE `member_id` = '" . $member_id . "' AND send_id = '" . $send_id . "' AND `status` = 3 LIMIT 1";
                     $res = query($sql, $db);
                     imap_delete($mbox, $overview->msgno);
                 } else {
                     // bad hash, report.
Пример #2
  * @param $callback function that is called with parsed mail header + attachments
 function getMail($callback = '', $timeout = 30)
     if (!$this->connect()) {
         echo "ERROR: IMAP connection to " . $this->server . ":" . $this->port . " failed\n";
         return false;
     $folders = imap_listmailbox($this->handle, '{' . $this->server . ':' . $this->port . '}', '*');
     $msginfo = imap_mailboxmsginfo($this->handle);
     //dp('found '.$msginfo->Nmsgs.' messages in mailbox');
     $this->tot_mails = $msginfo->Nmsgs;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->tot_mails; $i++) {
         //dp("Downloading ".$i." of ".$this->tot_mails." ...");
         //XXX hack because retarded imap_fetchbody() dont allow to fetch the whole message
         $fp = fopen('php://temp', 'w');
         imap_savebody($this->handle, $fp, $i);
         $msg = stream_get_contents($fp);
         $mime = new MimeReader();
         $this->emails[] = $mime->getAsEMail($i);
     if (!function_exists($callback)) {
         throw new \Exception('ERROR callback function ' . $callback . ' not found');
     call_user_func($callback, $this->emails, $this);
Пример #3
  * Save Message with MessageNumber to Disk
  * @param $save_path
  * @return bool
 public function saveMessageToDisk($savePath)
     $res = imap_savebody($this->stream, $savePath, imap_msgno($this->stream, $this->messageNumber));
     return $res;
Пример #4
     Get a Message
 function mailGet($i)
     // return imap_body($this->_c,$i,FT_PEEK);
     return imap_savebody($this->_c, 'mail', $i, null, FT_PEEK);
 * Read messages from server and save returned emails into DB
 * @param resource $mbox created by dre_connect() (by reference)
 * @param integer the number of messages to process
 * @return boolean true on success
function dre_process_messages(&$mbox, $limit)
    //return; // Exit, in development...
    global $Settings;
    global $dre_messages, $dre_emails, $email_cntr, $del_cntr, $is_cron_mode;
    // No execution time limit
    $email_cntr = 0;
    $del_cntr = 0;
    for ($index = 1; $index <= $limit; $index++) {
        dre_msg('<hr /><h3>Processing message #' . $index . ':</h3>');
        $strbody = '';
        $hasAttachment = false;
        $hasRelated = false;
        // Save email to hard drive, otherwise attachments may take a lot of RAM
        if (!($tmpMIME = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evoMail'))) {
            dre_msg(T_('Could not create temporary file.'), true);
        imap_savebody($mbox, $tmpMIME, $index);
        // Create random temp directory for message parts
        $tmpDirMIME = dre_tempdir(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evo_');
        $mimeParser = new mime_parser_class();
        $mimeParser->mbox = 0;
        // Set to 0 for parsing a single message file
        $mimeParser->decode_headers = 1;
        $mimeParser->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
        $mimeParser->extract_addresses = 0;
        $MIMEparameters = array('File' => $tmpMIME, 'SaveBody' => $tmpDirMIME, 'SkipBody' => 1);
        if (!$mimeParser->Decode($MIMEparameters, $decodedMIME)) {
            dre_msg(sprintf('MIME message decoding error: %s at position %d.', $mimeParser->error, $mimeParser->error_position), true);
        } else {
            dre_msg('MIME message decoding successful');
            if (!$mimeParser->Analyze($decodedMIME[0], $parsedMIME)) {
                dre_msg(sprintf('MIME message analyse error: %s', $mimeParser->error), true);
            // Get message $subject and $post_date from headers (by reference)
            if (!dre_process_header($parsedMIME, $subject, $post_date)) {
                // Couldn't process message headers
            // TODO: handle type == "message" recursively
            // sam2kb> For some reason imap_qprint() demages HTML text... needs more testing
            if ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'html') {
                // Mail is HTML
                dre_msg('HTML message part saved as ' . $parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                $html_body = file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Alternative'] as $alternative) {
                    // First try to get HTML alternative (when possible)
                    if ($alternative['Type'] == 'html') {
                        // HTML text
                        dre_msg('HTML alternative message part saved as ' . $alternative['DataFile']);
                        // sam2kb> TODO: we may need to use $html_body here instead
                        $strbody = file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']);
                        // stop after first alternative
                    } elseif ($alternative['Type'] == 'text') {
                        // Plain text
                        dre_msg('Text alternative message part saved as ' . $alternative['DataFile']);
                        $strbody = imap_qprint(file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']));
                        // stop after first alternative
            } elseif ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'text') {
                // Mail is plain text
                dre_msg('Plain-text message part saved as ' . $parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                $strbody = imap_qprint(file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']));
            } elseif ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'delivery-status') {
                // Mail is delivery-status
                $strbody = '';
                foreach ($decodedMIME[0]['Parts'] as $part) {
                    $strbody .= imap_qprint(file_get_contents($part['BodyFile']));
            if (count($mimeParser->warnings) > 0) {
                dre_msg(sprintf('<h4>%d warnings during decode:</h4>', count($mimeParser->warnings)));
                foreach ($mimeParser->warnings as $k => $v) {
                    dre_msg('Warning: ' . $v . ' at position ' . $k);
        if (empty($html_body)) {
            // Plain text message
            dre_msg('Message type: TEXT');
            dre_msg('Message body: <pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($strbody) . '</pre>');
            // Process body. First fix different line-endings (dos, mac, unix), remove double newlines
            $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\n\n"), "\n", trim($strbody));
        } else {
            // HTML message
            dre_msg('Message type: HTML');
            if (($parsed_message = dre_prepare_html_message($html_body)) === false) {
                // No 'auth' tag provided, skip to the next message
            list($auth, $content) = $parsed_message;
        dre_msg('<b class="green">Success</b>');
        $message_text = $content;
        // Remove content after terminators
        $content = dre_limit_by_terminators($content);
        global $Messages;
        if ($Messages->has_errors()) {
            // Make it easier for user to find and correct the errors
            dre_msg("\n" . sprintf(T_('Processing message: %s'), $post_title), true);
            dre_msg($Messages->get_string(T_('Cannot post, please correct these errors:'), 'error'), true);
        global $dre_emails, $DB, $localtimenow;
        dre_msg(sprintf('<h4>Saving the returned email in the database</h4>'));
        // Insert a returned email's data into DB
        if ($returned_email = dre_insert_returned_email($content, $message_text, dre_get_headers($decodedMIME))) {
            dre_msg('Error Type: ' . dre_decode_error_type($returned_email['errtype']));
            dre_msg('Error Message: ' . $returned_email['errormsg']);
        // Delete temporary directory
        if ($Settings->get('repath_delete_emails')) {
            dre_msg('Marking message for deletion from inbox: ' . $index);
            imap_delete($mbox, $index);
    // Expunge messages market for deletion
    return true;
Пример #6
 * Read messages from server and create posts
 * @param resource $mbox created by pbm_connect() (by reference)
 * @param integer the number of messages to process
 * @return boolean true on success
function pbm_process_messages(&$mbox, $limit)
    global $Settings;
    global $pbm_item_files, $pbm_messages, $pbm_items, $post_cntr, $del_cntr, $is_cron_mode;
    // No execution time limit
    // Are we in test mode?
    $test_mode_on = $Settings->get('eblog_test_mode');
    $post_cntr = 0;
    $del_cntr = 0;
    for ($index = 1; $index <= $limit; $index++) {
        pbm_msg('<hr /><h3>Processing message #' . $index . ':</h3>');
        $strbody = '';
        $hasAttachment = false;
        $hasRelated = false;
        $pbm_item_files = array();
        // reset the value for each new Item
        // Save email to hard drive, otherwise attachments may take a lot of RAM
        if (!($tmpMIME = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evoMail'))) {
            pbm_msg(T_('Could not create temporary file.'), true);
        imap_savebody($mbox, $tmpMIME, $index);
        // Create random temp directory for message parts
        $tmpDirMIME = pbm_tempdir(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evo_');
        $mimeParser = new mime_parser_class();
        $mimeParser->mbox = 0;
        // Set to 0 for parsing a single message file
        $mimeParser->decode_headers = 1;
        $mimeParser->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
        $mimeParser->extract_addresses = 0;
        $MIMEparameters = array('File' => $tmpMIME, 'SaveBody' => $tmpDirMIME, 'SkipBody' => 1);
        if (!$mimeParser->Decode($MIMEparameters, $decodedMIME)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf('MIME message decoding error: %s at position %d.', $mimeParser->error, $mimeParser->error_position), true);
        } else {
            pbm_msg('MIME message decoding successful');
            if (!$mimeParser->Analyze($decodedMIME[0], $parsedMIME)) {
                pbm_msg(sprintf('MIME message analyse error: %s', $mimeParser->error), true);
            // Get message $subject and $post_date from headers (by reference)
            if (!pbm_process_header($parsedMIME, $subject, $post_date)) {
                // Couldn't process message headers
            // TODO: handle type == "message" recursively
            // sam2kb> For some reason imap_qprint() demages HTML text... needs more testing
            if ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'html') {
                // Mail is HTML
                if ($Settings->get('eblog_html_enabled')) {
                    // HTML posting enabled
                    pbm_msg('HTML message part saved as ' . $parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                    $html_body = file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Alternative'] as $alternative) {
                    // First try to get HTML alternative (when possible)
                    if ($alternative['Type'] == 'html' && $Settings->get('eblog_html_enabled')) {
                        // HTML text
                        pbm_msg('HTML alternative message part saved as ' . $alternative['DataFile']);
                        // sam2kb> TODO: we may need to use $html_body here instead
                        $strbody = file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']);
                        // stop after first alternative
                    } elseif ($alternative['Type'] == 'text') {
                        // Plain text
                        pbm_msg('Text alternative message part saved as ' . $alternative['DataFile']);
                        $strbody = imap_qprint(file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']));
                        // stop after first alternative
            } elseif ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'text') {
                // Mail is plain text
                pbm_msg('Plain-text message part saved as ' . $parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                $strbody = imap_qprint(file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']));
            // Check for attachments
            if (!empty($parsedMIME['Attachments'])) {
                $hasAttachment = true;
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Attachments'] as $file) {
                    pbm_msg('Attachment: ' . $file['FileName'] . ' stored as ' . $file['DataFile']);
            // Check for inline images
            if (!empty($parsedMIME['Related'])) {
                $hasRelated = true;
                foreach ($parsedMIME['Related'] as $file) {
                    pbm_msg('Related file with content ID: ' . $file['ContentID'] . ' stored as ' . $file['DataFile']);
            if (count($mimeParser->warnings) > 0) {
                pbm_msg(sprintf('<h4>%d warnings during decode:</h4>', count($mimeParser->warnings)));
                foreach ($mimeParser->warnings as $k => $v) {
                    pbm_msg('Warning: ' . $v . ' at position ' . $k);
        if (empty($html_body)) {
            // Plain text message
            pbm_msg('Message type: TEXT');
            pbm_msg('Message body: <pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($strbody) . '</pre>');
            // Process body. First fix different line-endings (dos, mac, unix), remove double newlines
            $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\n\n"), "\n", trim($strbody));
            // First see if there's an <auth> tag with login and password
            if (($auth = pbm_get_auth_tag($content)) === false) {
                // No <auth> tag, let's detect legacy "username:password" on the first line
                $a_body = explode("\n", $content, 2);
                // tblue> splitting only into 2 parts allows colons in the user PW
                // Note: login and password cannot include '<' !
                $auth = explode(':', strip_tags($a_body[0]), 2);
                // Drop the first line with username and password
                $content = $a_body[1];
        } else {
            // HTML message
            pbm_msg('Message type: HTML');
            if (($parsed_message = pbm_prepare_html_message($html_body)) === false) {
                // No 'auth' tag provided, skip to the next message
            list($auth, $content) = $parsed_message;
        // TODO: dh> should the password really get trimmed here?!
        $user_pass = isset($auth[1]) ? trim(remove_magic_quotes($auth[1])) : NULL;
        $user_login = trim(evo_strtolower(remove_magic_quotes($auth[0])));
        if (empty($user_login) || empty($user_pass)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Please add username and password in message body in format %s.'), '"&lt;auth&gt;username:password&lt;/auth&gt;"'), true);
        // Authenticate user
        pbm_msg('Authenticating user: &laquo;' . $user_login . '&raquo;');
        $pbmUser =& pbm_validate_user_password($user_login, $user_pass);
        if (!$pbmUser) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Authentication failed for user &laquo;%s&raquo;'), htmlspecialchars($user_login)), true);
        // Load group
        if (!empty($is_cron_mode)) {
            // Assign current User if we are in cron mode. This is needed in order to check user permissions
            global $current_User;
            $current_User = duplicate($pbmUser);
        // Activate User's locale
        pbm_msg('<b class="green">Success</b>');
        if ($post_categories = xmlrpc_getpostcategories($content)) {
            $main_cat_ID = array_shift($post_categories);
            $extra_cat_IDs = $post_categories;
            pbm_msg('Extra categories: ' . implode(', ', $extra_cat_IDs));
        } else {
            $main_cat_ID = $Settings->get('eblog_default_category');
            $extra_cat_IDs = array();
        pbm_msg('Main category ID: ' . $main_cat_ID);
        $ChapterCache =& get_ChapterCache();
        $pbmChapter =& $ChapterCache->get_by_ID($main_cat_ID, false, false);
        if (empty($pbmChapter)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Requested category %s does not exist!'), $main_cat_ID), true);
        $blog_ID = $pbmChapter->blog_ID;
        pbm_msg('Blog ID: ' . $blog_ID);
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $pbmBlog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($blog_ID, false, false);
        if (empty($pbmBlog)) {
            pbm_msg(sprintf(T_('Requested blog %s does not exist!'), $blog_ID), true);
        // Check permission:
        pbm_msg(sprintf('Checking permissions for user &laquo;%s&raquo; to post to Blog #%d', $user_login, $blog_ID));
        if (!$pbmUser->check_perm('blog_post!published', 'edit', false, $blog_ID)) {
            pbm_msg(T_('Permission denied.'), true);
        if (($hasAttachment || $hasRelated) && !$pbmUser->check_perm('files', 'add', false, $blog_ID)) {
            pbm_msg(T_('You have no permission to add/upload files.'), true);
        pbm_msg('<b class="green">Success</b>');
        // Remove content after terminator
        $eblog_terminator = $Settings->get('eblog_body_terminator');
        if (!empty($eblog_terminator) && ($os_terminator = evo_strpos($content, $eblog_terminator)) !== false) {
            $content = evo_substr($content, 0, $os_terminator);
        $post_title = pbm_get_post_title($content, $subject);
        // Remove 'title' and 'category' tags
        $content = xmlrpc_removepostdata($content);
        // Remove <br> tags from string start and end
        // We do it here because there might be extra <br> left after deletion of <auth>, <category> and <title> tags
        $content = preg_replace(array('~^(\\s*<br[\\s/]*>\\s*){1,}~i', '~(\\s*<br[\\s/]*>\\s*){1,}$~i'), '', $content);
        if ($hasAttachment || $hasRelated) {
            // Handle attachments
            if (isset($GLOBALS['files_Module'])) {
                if ($mediadir = $pbmBlog->get_media_dir()) {
                    if ($hasAttachment) {
                        pbm_process_attachments($content, $parsedMIME['Attachments'], $mediadir, $pbmBlog->get_media_url(), $Settings->get('eblog_add_imgtag'), 'attach');
                    if ($hasRelated) {
                        pbm_process_attachments($content, $parsedMIME['Related'], $mediadir, $pbmBlog->get_media_url(), true, 'related');
                } else {
                    pbm_msg(T_('Unable to access media directory. No attachments processed.'), true);
            } else {
                pbm_msg(T_('Files module is disabled or missing!'), true);
        // CHECK and FORMAT content
        global $Plugins;
        $renderer_params = array('Blog' => &$pbmBlog, 'setting_name' => 'coll_apply_rendering');
        $renderers = $Plugins->validate_renderer_list($Settings->get('eblog_renderers'), $renderer_params);
        pbm_msg('Applying the following text renderers: ' . implode(', ', $renderers));
        // Do some optional filtering on the content
        // Typically stuff that will help the content to validate
        // Useful for code display
        // Will probably be used for validation also
        $Plugins_admin =& get_Plugins_admin();
        $params = array('object_type' => 'Item', 'object_Blog' => &$pbmBlog);
        $Plugins_admin->filter_contents($post_title, $content, $renderers, $params);
        pbm_msg('Filtered post content: <pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '</pre>');
        $context = $Settings->get('eblog_html_tag_limit') ? 'commenting' : 'posting';
        $post_title = check_html_sanity($post_title, $context, $pbmUser);
        $content = check_html_sanity($content, $context, $pbmUser);
        global $Messages;
        if ($Messages->has_errors()) {
            // Make it easier for user to find and correct the errors
            pbm_msg("\n" . sprintf(T_('Processing message: %s'), $post_title), true);
            pbm_msg($Messages->get_string(T_('Cannot post, please correct these errors:'), 'error'), true);
        if ($test_mode_on) {
            // Test mode
            pbm_msg('<b class="green">It looks like the post can be successfully saved in the database. However we will not do it in test mode.</b>');
        } else {
            load_class('items/model/_item.class.php', 'Item');
            global $pbm_items, $DB, $localtimenow;
            $post_status = 'published';
            pbm_msg(sprintf('<h4>Saving item "%s" in the database</h4>', $post_title));
            // INSERT NEW POST INTO DB:
            $edited_Item = new Item();
            $edited_Item->set($edited_Item->lasteditor_field, $pbmUser->ID);
            $edited_Item->set('title', $post_title);
            $edited_Item->set('content', $content);
            $edited_Item->set('datestart', $post_date);
            $edited_Item->set('datemodified', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $localtimenow));
            $edited_Item->set('main_cat_ID', $main_cat_ID);
            $edited_Item->set('extra_cat_IDs', $extra_cat_IDs);
            $edited_Item->set('status', $post_status);
            $edited_Item->set('locale', $pbmUser->locale);
            $edited_Item->set('renderers', $renderers);
            // INSERT INTO DB:
            pbm_msg(sprintf('Item created?: ' . (isset($edited_Item->ID) ? 'yes' : 'no')));
            // Execute or schedule notifications & pings:
            if (!empty($pbm_item_files)) {
                // Attach files
                $FileCache =& get_FileCache();
                $order = 1;
                foreach ($pbm_item_files as $filename) {
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('Saving file "%s" in the database', $filename));
                    $pbmFile =& $FileCache->get_by_root_and_path('collection', $pbmBlog->ID, $filename);
                    $pbmFile->meta = 'notfound';
                    // Save time and don't try to load meta from DB, it's not there anyway
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('File saved?: ' . (isset($pbmFile->ID) ? 'yes' : 'no')));
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('Attaching file "%s" to the post', $filename));
                    // Let's make the link!
                    $pbmLink = new Link();
                    $pbmLink->set('itm_ID', $edited_Item->ID);
                    $pbmLink->set('file_ID', $pbmFile->ID);
                    $pbmLink->set('position', 'aftermore');
                    $pbmLink->set('order', $order++);
                    pbm_msg(sprintf('File attached?: ' . (isset($pbmLink->ID) ? 'yes' : 'no')));
            // Save posted items sorted by author user for reports
            $pbm_items['user_' . $pbmUser->ID][] = $edited_Item;
        pbm_msg('Message posting successful');
        // Delete temporary directory
        if (!$test_mode_on && $Settings->get('eblog_delete_emails')) {
            pbm_msg('Marking message for deletion from inbox: ' . $index);
            imap_delete($mbox, $index);
    // Expunge messages marked for deletion
    return true;
Пример #7
  * define proxy function for imap_savebody
  * @param resource $imap_stream
  * @param mixed $file
  * @param int $msg_number
  * @param string $part_number
  * @param int $options
  * @return boolean
 function imap_savebody_alt($imap_stream, $file, $msg_number, $part_number = null, $options = null)
     return imap_savebody($imap_stream, $file, $msg_number, $part_number, $options);
Пример #8
 function mailGetPart($i, $part = '1', $file = null)
     return imap_savebody($this->_c, $file, $mnum, $part, FT_INTERNAL | FT_PEEK);
Пример #9
                            $attachments[$partid][pos] = $partid + 1;
                            $attachments[$partid][id] = $postid;
            if ($attachments) {
                foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                    $filename = '/tmp/' . $attachment[filename];
                    $filelist[] = str_replace('7z', 'xml', $filename);
                    $file = fopen($filename, 'w');
                    stream_filter_append($file, 'convert.base64-decode', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
                    if (chkconfig($cashimport['use_seen_flag'])) {
                        imap_savebody($ih, $file, $attachment[id], $attachment[pos]);
                    } else {
                        imap_savebody($ih, $file, $attachment[id], $attachment[pos], FT_PEEK);
                    exec('7za e ' . $filename . ' -p' . $cashimport['7zpasswd'] . ' -o/tmp -y', $debug);
if (!empty($filelist)) {
    $count = sizeof($filelist);
    $cash = array();
    $time = time();
    if (isset($cashimport['copy_dir']) && !empty($cashimport['copy_dir'])) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
Пример #10
  * This function saves the attachment to the exact specified location.
  * @param  string $path
  * @return bool
 public function saveAs($path)
     $dirname = dirname($path);
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         if (!is_writable($path)) {
             return false;
     } elseif (!is_dir($dirname) || !is_writable($dirname)) {
         return false;
     if (($filePointer = fopen($path, 'w')) == false) {
         return false;
     switch ($this->encoding) {
         case 3:
             $streamFilter = stream_filter_append($filePointer, 'convert.base64-decode', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
         case 4:
             $streamFilter = stream_filter_append($filePointer, 'convert.quoted-printable-decode', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
             $streamFilter = null;
     $result = imap_savebody($this->imapStream, $filePointer, $this->messageId, $this->partId ?: 1, FT_UID);
     if ($streamFilter) {
     return $result;
  * Scan mailbox to import news.
 private function scanMailbox()
     // check available emails
     $count = imap_num_msg($this->mailbox);
     $this->report .= sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_zad_sendnews']['inf_msgs'] . '<br />', $count);
     for ($msg = 1; $msg <= $count; $msg++) {
         // init
         $this->header = null;
         $this->forwarded = null;
         $this->text = null;
         $this->html = null;
         $this->attach = array();
         $this->images = array();
         // read header
         $this->report .= sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_zad_sendnews']['inf_nummsg'] . '<br />', $msg, $this->header->subject);
         if ($this->header->Deleted == 'D') {
             // skip deleted emails
             $this->report .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_zad_sendnews']['inf_del'] . '<br />';
         // read content
         // import news
         // do post action
         if ($this->manager->post_action == 'move') {
             // move email
             $res = imap_mail_move($this->mailbox, $msg, $this->manager->move_mailbox);
             if (!$res) {
                 // error, do nothing
                 $this->log('Can\'t move email ' . $msg . ' to ' . $this->manager->move_mailbox . ' for the sendnews manager \'' . $this->manager->name . '\'', 'ZadSendnewsManager scanMailbox()', TL_ERROR);
                 $this->report .= sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_zad_sendnews']['wrn_move'] . '<br />', $msg, $this->manager->move_mailbox);
         } elseif ($this->manager->post_action == 'log') {
             // log and delete email
             $fl = fopen(TL_ROOT . '/system/logs/zad_sendnews_' . $this->manager->id . '.log', 'ab');
             if (!$fl) {
                 // error, do nothing
                 $this->log('Can\'t write log file for the sendnews manager \'' . $this->manager->name . '\'', 'ZadSendnewsManager scanMailbox()', TL_ERROR);
                 $this->report .= sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_zad_sendnews']['wrn_open'] . '<br />', $msg);
             } else {
                 fwrite($fl, "\n\n###---[[[EMAIL START]]]---###\n");
                 $res = imap_savebody($this->mailbox, $fl, $msg);
                 if (!$res) {
                     // error, do nothing
                     $this->log('Can\'t log email ' . $msg . ' for the sendnews manager \'' . $this->manager->name . '\'', 'ZadSendnewsManager scanMailbox()', TL_ERROR);
                     $this->report .= sprintf($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_zad_sendnews']['wrn_write'] . '<br />', $msg);
             imap_delete($this->mailbox, $msg);
         } else {
             // delete email
             imap_delete($this->mailbox, $msg);
Пример #12
function CheckMessage($uid, $subject)
    $file = "/tmp/imap-{$uid}.msg";
    if (!imap_savebody($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], $file, $uid)) {
        events("Failed save message {$uid}", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
        return false;
    $datas = @file_get_contents($file);
    if (preg_match("#The following addresses failed:\\s+<(.+?)>#is", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Return Receipt#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;.+?\\s+Action: delayed#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
    if (preg_match("#delivery temporarily suspended#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
    if (preg_match("#said: 550 5\\.1\\.1 <(.+?)>: Recipient address rejected#is", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#R=E9ponse automatique d'absence du bureau#i", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je suis absent entre#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je suis en cong.+?du#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#550\\s+<(.+?)>: User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#550\\s+<(.+?)>: Recipient address\\s+rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#550 5\\.1\\.1 <(.+?)>: Recipient\\s+address rejected:#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: Host or domain name not found#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<mailto:(.+?)>\\s+The recipient's e-mail address was not found#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550.+?5\\.1\\.0\\s+Address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: Recipient address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$overview->uid}:{$overview->uid}");
    if (preg_match("#Delivery to the following recipients failed\\.\\s+(.+?)@(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $re[1] = trim("{$re[1]}@{$re[2]}");
        if (preg_match("#(.+?)@(.+?)>#", $re[1], $ri)) {
            $re[1] = "{$ri[1]}@{$ri[2]}";
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#[0-9]+ [0-9\\.]+ SPAM is not accepted here#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: Relay access denied#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>\\.\\.\\. User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#after 0 second\\(s\\):\\s+\\*\\s+(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>\\.\\.\\. sorry, that domain isn't in my list#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Utilisateur.+?\\((.+?)\\)\\s+non recens#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host\\s+.+?\\[.+?said: 550 5\\.1\\.1 User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#RCPT TO: <(.+?)>\\s+Received <<< 550 5\\.1\\.1 User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#chec de la remise aux destinataires suivants\\.\\s+(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+[0-9\\.]+ does not like recipient\\.#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?\\s+said: 550.+?5\\.1\\.0 Address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: 550.+?5\\.1\\.0 Address\\s+rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: 550 sorry, no\\s+mailbox#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 553 sorry, that\\s+domain isn't#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550 Requested\\s+action not taken: mailbox unavailable#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)> Recipient not allowed#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550\\s+.+?5\\.1\\.0 Address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550 Sorry, no mailbox here#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550 unrouteable#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550 5\\.7\\.1 Message\\s+rejected as spam#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Cette identification n'est &agrav=\\s+e; faire qu'une seule fois\\. Tous vos futurs messages me parviendront direct#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#enlevez moi de votre mailing list#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#the fight against spam requires our outside senders to be recognized#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Our policy in security and the fight against spam requires.+?outside senders to be recognized#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Our policy for security and our willingness to fight against spam messages#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Please click the below link to allow your mail to be transmitted#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Please click on the following link in order to identify yourself to me and to allow your message to reach me#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#The address mail of your correspondent changed#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550\\s+5\\.1\\.1 User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<mailto:(.+?)>\\s+L'adresse de messagerie que vous avez entr#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: 550 5.7.1 Unable\\s+to relay for#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+User's Disk Quota Exceeded#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Delivery failed: Over quota#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Raison : Over quota#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#the recipients email address has changed#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Please note that I have resigned from#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#http:\\/\\/.+?\\.mailinblack.com#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Our policy in security and the fight against spam requires our#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#Veuillez.+?confirmer.+?votre envoi.+?en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#This mailbox is not used anymore. For any urgent matters, please contact#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#You can now reach following receipients#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#is blocked in my spam folder awaiting your authentication#", $datas, $re)) {
        if (imap_mail_move($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}", "INBOX/emailing_read")) {
            return true;
        } else {
            events("INBOX/emailing_read: unable to mode message {$uid}:{$uid} ", imap_last_error(), $GLOBALS["ACCOUNT_IMAP"], __LINE__);
    if (preg_match("#<mailto:(.+?)>\\s+L'adresse de messagerie de ce destinataire est introuvable#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Reason: content policy violation#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Out of Office AutoReply#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I am away until#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I am out of office until#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je suis absent et serai#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I am travelling till#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I will be out of the office#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Votre message est bien arriv=E9#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I am out of the office until#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je serai absent\\(e\\)#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I AM BACK ON#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je suis en cong.+?jusqu#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je suis en cong=E9s jusqu#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Je suis absent\\(e\\) du bureau jusqu#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#I'm out of office until#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#R=E9ponse_automatique_d=27absence_du_bureau#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Error writing message to safe storage#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#could not be stored to disk#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 571\\s+.+?prohibited#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#failed:\\s+(.+?)\\s+retry time not reached#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550 5\\.2\\.1 This\\s+mailbox has been blocked due to inactivity#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-recipient: rfc822; (.+?)\\s+Action: failed\\s+Status: 5\\.1\\.1#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>\\.\\.\\. User is unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 501 5\\.5\\.4\\s+Unrecognized parameter#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said:\\s+550.+?5\\.1\\.0 Address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host\\s+.+?said: 550-Invalid recipient#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#\\s+(.+?)@(.+?)\\s+.+?550 5\\.1\\.1 RESOLVER\\.ADR\\.RecipNotFound; not found#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}@{$re['2']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)> was not found in#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: 550\\s+5\\.4\\.1 Relay Access Denied#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said:\\s+550-Callout verification failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#expanded from <(.+?)>\\): Host\\s+or domain name not found\\.#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: Name service error for#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said:\\s+520 5\\.2\\.1 Mailbox Inactive#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said:\\s+550 sorry, no mailbox here#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>.+?: maildir\\s+delivery failed: Sorry#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Action: failed\\s+Status: 5\\.1\\.1#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Action: failed\\s+Status: [0-9\\.]+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)> recipient rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: [0-9]+.+?\\.\\.\\. No such user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+ No such\\s+user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+\\s+\"Unknown User#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+host.+?said: [0-9]+\\s+Requested action not taken#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)> is not a valid mailbox#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said:\\s+[0-9]+ No relaying allowed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>.+?Mailbox does not exist#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: [0-9]+ Recipient\\s+address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: [0-9]+\\s+.+?is not a known user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: [0-9]+ sorry,#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said:\\s+[0-9]+ Invalid recipient#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host.+?said: [0-9]+\\s+.+?unroutable#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said:\\s+.+?User unknow#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: invalid address#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+ unroutable#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#[0-9]+ [0-9\\.]+\\s+(.+?)\\.\\.\\. User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>, Recipient unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?\\s+said:.+?No such user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+said: [0-9]+\\s+.+?Recipient address rejected#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#\\s+(.+?)\\s+- no such user here\\.#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+\\s+delivery error#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said:\\s+[0-9\\-\\.]+.+?does not exist#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+ [0-9\\.]+ This\\s+.+?not configured to#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+ Sorry#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#following:\\s+(.+?) \\(user not found#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Original-Recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Action: failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#failed:\\s+(.+?)\\s+retry timeout exceeded#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+user does not exist#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#failed:\\s+(.+?)\\s+Unrouteable address#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Delevery to the following recipients failed permanently:\\s+\\* (.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Your message could not be delivered to (.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Recipient address: (.+?)\\s+Reason: Remote SMTP server has rejected address#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#had permanent fatal errors .+?\\s+<(.+?)>#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Could not deliver mail to this user\\.\\s+(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Original-Recipient: <(.+?)>\\s+Action: failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Your mail could not be delivered to the following address\\(es\\):\\s+(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Recipient address: (.+?)\\s+Reason: Not found in directory#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#L'adresse \"(.+?)\" n'existe plus\\.#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;<(.+?)>\\s+Diagnostic-Code: [0-9]+\\s+Action: failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Your message\\s+To:\\s+(.+?)\\s+.+?did not reach the following recipient#s", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#User unknown.+?X-Deliver-To: (.+?)\\s+#s", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#delivery problems\\s+<(.+?)>\tMessage exceeded maximum hop count#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+Sorry, no mailbox here#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#delivery problems\\s+<(.+?)>#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+Cette adresse mail n'existe pas#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#L'adresse (.+?) n'est plus active#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Returned mail: unreachable recipients:(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#failed:\\s+(.+?)\\s+mailbox is full#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#failed:\\s+(.+?)\\s+\\(.+?\\s+Unrouteable address#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#did not receive this message:\\s+<(.+?)>\\s+Please reply#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+\\s+.+?No such user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#The following address\\(es\\) failed:\\s+(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Unable to deliver mail.+?recipients.\\s+(.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#out\\.\\s+<(.+?)>:\\s+user is over quota#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+Mailaddress is administratively disabled#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Action: failed\\s+Status: [0-9\\.]+ \\(Over quota#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#domain '(.+?)' is not an Email domain#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Unknown address error [0-9]+.+?'(.+?)\\.\\.\\. No such user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#The following message to <(.+?)> was undeliverable#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+L'adresse email entr.+?e est inexistante ou erron.+?#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Diagnostic-Code: smtp; [0-9]+ Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#DELIVERY FAILURE: User .+? \\((.+?)\\)#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Failed to deliver to '<(.+?)>'#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Could not find a gateway for (.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: [0-9]+ No such recipient#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: [0-9]+ [0-9\\.]+ Hop count exceeded#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: [0-9]+ Invalid recipient#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#failed permanently:\\s+(.+?)\\s+Technical#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: host .+?said: [0-9]+\\s+[0-9\\.]+ Message contains invalid header#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#smtp;[0-9]+ Mailbox unavailable or access denied - <(.+?)>#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+.+?fatal: Sorry, I don't accept#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Diagnostic-Code: smtp; [0-9]+ (.+?)\\.\\.\\. No such user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Original-Recipient: rfc822;<(.+?)>\\s+Final-Recipient.+?\\s+Action: failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Unable to deliver message to <(.+?)>\\.#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Originally addressed to (.+?)\\)\\s+User not known#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Diagnostic-Code: smtp;[0-9]+ User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#RCPT To:<(.+?)>\\s+.+?[0-9]+ [0-9\\.]+ User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#The email address (.+?) \\(and (.+?)\\) is no longer in use#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['2']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Unable to deliver message to <(.+?)>#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: rfc822;(.+?)\\s+Diagnostic-Code: smtp; [0-9\\.]+ None of the mail servers#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#[0-9\\.]+, '(.+?)\\.\\.\\. No such user#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: RFC822; (.+?)\\s+Action: failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#X-Greylist: Delayed for [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+#", $datas, $re)) {
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Your message to <(.+?)> was automatically rejected:\\s+Quota exceeded#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>: [0-9]+ [0-9\\.]+ User unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Invalid final delivery userid: (.+?)\\s+#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+vdeliver: Invalid or unknown#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>, sorry#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+.+?:.+?I'm sorry#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+Sorry,#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+The users mailfolder#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Final-Recipient: RFC822; (.+?)\\s+X-Actual-Recipient.+?\\s+Action: failed#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#Remote-Recipient: rfc822;<(.+?)>\\s+Diagnostic-Code: smtp;[0-9]+ SMTP-Deliver:QueuedTooLong#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+Unable to chdir to maildir#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#X-TM-AS-User-Approved-Sender: No.+?To: (.+?)\\s+From:#is", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#\\s+(.+?)\\s+Error Type: SMTP#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+Cet adresse email n'existe pas#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    if (preg_match("#<(.+?)>:\\s+[0-9\\.]+ failed after I sent the message#", $datas, $re)) {
        $GLOBALS["FOUND_BAD_MAIL"]["{$re['1']}"] = true;
        @imap_delete($GLOBALS["MBXCON"], "{$uid}:{$uid}");
        return true;
    echo "NOT FOUND  message {$uid} {$file} \"{$subject}\"\n";
    return false;
Пример #13
 public static function check_bounces($debug = false)
     $email_username = module_config::c('newsletter_bounce_username', '');
     $email_password = module_config::c('newsletter_bounce_password', '');
     $email_host = module_config::c('newsletter_bounce_host', '');
     $email_port = module_config::c('newsletter_bounce_port', '110');
     $email_ssl = module_config::c('newsletter_bounce_ssl', '/ssl');
     if (!$email_username || !$email_password || !$email_host || !$email_port) {
         if ($debug) {
             echo "No username, password, host or port defined. Please check settings.\n";
     $connect_string = '{' . $email_host . ':' . $email_port . $email_ssl . '/pop3/novalidate-cert}INBOX';
     if ($debug) {
         echo "Connecting using: " . $connect_string . "\n\n";
     $mbox = imap_open($connect_string, $email_username, $email_password, 0, 1);
     // or die();
     if (!$mbox) {
         // send email letting them know bounce checking failed?
         // meh. later.
         echo 'Failed to connect';
         echo print_r(imap_errors());
     } else {
         $MC = imap_check($mbox);
         $result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, "1:{$MC->Nmsgs}", 0);
         foreach ($result as $overview) {
             if ($debug) {
                 $this_subject = (string) $overview->subject;
                 echo "\n\n--------------------------------------------------\nFound an email! \n";
                 echo "   Subject: {$this_subject}\n";
                 echo "   #{$overview->msgno} ({$overview->date}) - From: {$overview->from} \n";
             if (is_dir(_UCM_FOLDER . "/temp/") && is_writable(_UCM_FOLDER . "/temp/")) {
                 $tmp_file = tempnam(_UCM_FOLDER . "/temp/", 'newsletter_bounce');
             } else {
                 $tmp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'newsletter_bounce');
             imap_savebody($mbox, $tmp_file, $overview->msgno);
             $body = file_get_contents($tmp_file);
             $this_is_a_bounce = false;
             if (preg_match('/Message-ID:\\s*<?Newsletter-(\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)-([A-Fa-f0-9]{32})/imsU', $body, $matches)) {
                 // we have a newsletter message id, check the hash and mark a bounce.
                 $newsletter_id = (int) $matches[1];
                 $send_id = (int) $matches[2];
                 $newsletter_member_id = (int) $matches[3];
                 $provided_hash = trim($matches[4]);
                 if ($debug) {
                     echo "  this is a bounce newsletter. ID: {$newsletter_id} SEND: {$send_id}, Member: {$newsletter_member_id} \n";
                 $real_hash = self::generate_bounce_message_id($newsletter_id, $send_id, $newsletter_member_id, true);
                 if ($provided_hash == $real_hash) {
                     $this_is_a_bounce = true;
                     // YAY! valid bounce!
                     // have to update the newsletter_member with an extra bounce_count.
                     //$newsletter_member = get_single('newsletter_member','newsletter_member_id',$newsletter_member_id);
                     //if($newsletter_member && $newsletter_member['newsletter_member_id'] == $newsletter_member_id){
                     // found the member! increment count.
                     $sql = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX . "newsletter_member` SET bounce_count = bounce_count + 1 WHERE newsletter_member_id = " . (int) $newsletter_member_id . " LIMIT 1";
                     // have to update newsletter_send_member with a bounce timestamp.
                     $sql = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX . "newsletter_send_member SET `status` = " . _NEWSLETTER_STATUS_BOUNCED . ", bounce_time = '" . time() . "' WHERE `newsletter_member_id` = '" . $newsletter_member_id . "' AND send_id = '" . $send_id . "' LIMIT 1";
                 } else {
                     if ($debug) {
                         echo "   WOA! Hash doesn't match, this is a big problem. Get in touch with dtbaker. \n";
                         echo "    " . $matches[0] . " with \n";
                         echo "    " . $real_hash . "\n";
                     // bad hash, or no hash found, report this so the user can login manually and review the bounced message.
             if (!$this_is_a_bounce) {
                 // didn't find a bounce using message ID hash.
                 // this can be because we're sending through google.
                 // look for the subject fields.
                 if ($debug) {
                     echo '    - no bounce message id found, checking for "delivery failure" message' . "\n";
                 if ((preg_match('#Delivery.*Failure#i', $body) || preg_match('#Delivery.*Failed#i', $body) || preg_match('#Failed.*Delivery#i', $body)) && preg_match_all('#Subject: (.*)#', $body, $subject_matches)) {
                     if ($debug) {
                         echo '    - FOUND DELIVERY FAILURE' . "\n";
                     // find who this newsletter was sent to
                     $to_emails = array();
                     if (preg_match_all('#To: (.*)#', $body, $to_matches)) {
                         foreach ($to_matches[1] as $possible_to_email) {
                             // todo: ignore the "To" address of the original sender email in newsletter table,
                             $possible_to_email = str_replace('<', ' ', $possible_to_email);
                             $possible_to_email = str_replace('>', ' ', $possible_to_email);
                             foreach (explode(' ', $possible_to_email) as $token) {
                                 if ($debug) {
                                     echo '    - parsing email:' . $token . "\n";
                                 $email = filter_var(filter_var($token, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
                                 if ($email !== false) {
                                     if ($debug) {
                                         echo '    - checking for local member:' . $email . "\n";
                                     $search_newsletter_member_id = self::member_from_email(array('email' => $email), false);
                                     if ($search_newsletter_member_id) {
                                         if ($debug) {
                                             echo '    - Found Local Member!:' . $email . " (ID: {$search_newsletter_member_id}) \n";
                                         $to_emails[] = $search_newsletter_member_id;
                     if (count($to_emails)) {
                         // we have some to emails.
                         foreach ($subject_matches[1] as $subject) {
                             $subject = trim($subject);
                             if (!strlen($subject)) {
                             if ($debug) {
                                 echo '    - Checking email subject:' . $subject . "\n";
                             // find a newsletter that matches this subject in our listing.
                             $newsletters = get_multiple('newsletter_send', array('subject' => $subject));
                             if (count($newsletters)) {
                                 foreach ($newsletters as $newsletter_send) {
                                     if ($debug) {
                                         echo '    - found a local newsletter send matching this subject' . "\n";
                                     // see if this to address was in the recipient list.
                                     foreach ($to_emails as $to_member_id) {
                                         // see if this member exists in this send.
                                         $send_members = get_multiple('newsletter_send_member', array('newsletter_member_id' => $to_member_id, 'send_id' => $newsletter_send['send_id']));
                                         if (count($send_members)) {
                                             // should really only be one, oh well.
                                             foreach ($send_members as $send_member) {
                                                 if ($send_member['newsletter_member_id'] == $to_member_id) {
                                                     $this_is_a_bounce = true;
                                                     $sql = "UPDATE `" . _DB_PREFIX . "newsletter_member` SET bounce_count = bounce_count + 1 WHERE newsletter_member_id = " . (int) $send_member['newsletter_member_id'] . " LIMIT 1";
                                                     // have to update newsletter_send_member with a bounce timestamp.
                                                     $sql = "UPDATE " . _DB_PREFIX . "newsletter_send_member SET `status` = " . _NEWSLETTER_STATUS_BOUNCED . ", bounce_time = '" . time() . "' WHERE `newsletter_member_id` = '" . $send_member['newsletter_member_id'] . "' AND send_id = '" . $send_member['send_id'] . "' LIMIT 1";
                                                     if ($debug) {
                                                         echo '    - FOUND MEMBER TO BOUNCE!' . " (ID: " . $send_member['newsletter_member_id'] . "\n";
             if ($this_is_a_bounce) {
                 if ($debug) {
                     echo " SUCESS! Bounce recorded. Deleting email from inbox.\n";
                 imap_delete($mbox, $overview->msgno);
             } else {
                 if ($debug) {
                     echo " FAILED! No message ID found in this email. It must not be a bounce from the newsletter system. \n";
     if ($debug) {
         echo "Bounce checking finished\n";
Пример #14
  * This function saves the attachment to the exact specified location.
  * @param  string $path
  * @return bool
 public function saveAs($path)
     $dirName = dirname($path);
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         if (!is_writable($path)) {
             return false;
     } elseif (!is_dir($dirName) || !is_writable($dirName)) {
         return false;
     if (($filePointer = fopen($path, 'w')) == false) {
         return false;
     switch ($this->encoding) {
         case 3:
             $streamFilter = stream_filter_append($filePointer, 'convert.base64-decode', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
         case 4:
             $streamFilter = stream_filter_append($filePointer, 'convert.quoted-printable-decode', STREAM_FILTER_WRITE);
             $streamFilter = null;
     // Fix an issue causing server to throw an error
     // See: https://github.com/tedious/Fetch/issues/74 for more details
     imap_fetchbody($this->imapStream, $this->messageId, $this->partId ?: 1, FT_UID);
     $result = imap_savebody($this->imapStream, $filePointer, $this->messageId, $this->partId ?: 1, FT_UID);
     if ($streamFilter) {
     return $result;
Пример #15

echo "Checking with no parameters\n";
echo "Checking with incorrect parameter type\n";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/imap_include.inc';
$stream_id = setup_test_mailbox('', 1);
$file = dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmpsavebody.txt';
//with URL
$z = imap_savebody($stream_id, $file, 1);
echo "Size: " . filesize($file) . "\n";
//With FOPEN
$fp = fopen($file, 'w');
$z = imap_savebody($stream_id, $fp, 1);
echo "Size: " . filesize($file) . "\n";
@unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/tmpsavebody.txt');
require_once 'clean.inc';
Пример #16
 $counter = 1;
 while (count($info->parts) > 1 && count($info->parts) > $counter) {
     if ($info->parts[$counter]->ifparameters == 1) {
         $filename = $info->parts[$counter]->parameters[0]->value;
     } else {
         if ($info->parts[$counter]->ifdparameters == 1) {
             $filename = $info->parts[$counter]->dparameters[0]->value;
     $mimetype = $type[(int) $info->parts[$counter]->type] . '/' . $info->parts[$counter]->subtype;
     $mimetype = strtolower($mimetype);
     echo " - File: {$filename} ({$mimetype})... ";
     $fullfilename = 'tmp/attachments/' . $uid . '/' . $filename;
     $file = 'tmp/attachments/' . $uid . '/mail.txt';
     imap_savebody($inbox, $file, $message->msgno);
     $parser = new MimeMailParser();
     $attachments = $parser->getAttachmentsAsStreams();
     file_put_contents($fullfilename, $attachments[$counter - 1]);
     echo "done\n";
     $package->addFile($filename, $mimetype);
 // Deposit the package
 $client = new SWORDAPPClient();
 $response = $client->deposit($swordurl, $sworduser, $swordpassword, '', 'tmp/' . $packagefilename, 'http://purl.org/net/sword-types/METSDSpaceSIP', 'application/zip', false, true);
 // print_r($response);
 $id = $response->sac_id;
 $id = str_replace("http://hdl.handle.net/", "http://dspace.swordapp.org/jspui/handle/", $id);
 * Read messages from server and save returned emails into DB
 * @param resource $mbox created by dre_connect() (by reference)
 * @param integer the number of messages to process
 * @param boolean TRUE if script is executed by cron
 * @return boolean true on success
function dre_process_messages(&$mbox, $limit, $cron = false)
    global $Settings, $debug;
    global $dre_messages, $dre_emails, $email_cntr, $del_cntr, $is_cron_mode;
    // This may take a very long time if there are many messages; No execution time limit:
    if ($Settings->get('repath_ignore_read')) {
        // Read status info of all messages in order to know which have already been read:
        $msg_statuses = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, '1:' . $limit);
    $email_cntr = 0;
    $del_cntr = 0;
    for ($index = 1; $index <= $limit; $index++) {
        // Repeat for as many messages as allowed...
        dre_msg('<hr /><h3>' . sprintf(T_('Processing message %s:'), '#' . $index) . '</h3>', $cron);
        if ($Settings->get('repath_ignore_read')) {
            // Check if we can read this message or we should skip this:
            if (isset($msg_statuses[$index - 1]) && $msg_statuses[$index - 1]->seen == 1) {
                // Skip this message because it has already been read:
                dre_msg(T_('Ignoring this message because it has aleady been read.'), $cron);
            } else {
                // Mark this message as "Seen" in order to don't read it twice:
                imap_setflag_full($mbox, $index, '\\Seen');
        $html_body = '';
        $strbody = '';
        $hasAttachment = false;
        $hasRelated = false;
        // Save email to a temporary file on hard drive, otherwise BIG attachments may take a lot of RAM:
        if (!($tmpMIME = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evoMail'))) {
            dre_msg(T_('Could not create temporary file.'), $cron);
        // Save the whole body of a specific message from the mailbox:
        imap_savebody($mbox, $tmpMIME, $index);
        // fp> TODO: soemwhere here we should skip messages that already have the "seen" flag. This should be optional but should be the default.
        // This will allow to keep the emails in the INBOX without reprocessing them but to easily try them again my marking them unread.
        // Create random temp directory for message parts:
        $tmpDirMIME = dre_tempdir(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'b2evo_');
        // Instanciate mime_parser.php library:
        $mimeParser = new mime_parser_class();
        $mimeParser->mbox = 0;
        // Set to 0 for parsing a *single* RFC 2822 message
        $mimeParser->decode_headers = 1;
        // Set to 1 if it is	necessary to decode message headers that may have non-ASCII	characters and use other character set encodings
        $mimeParser->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
        // ignore syntax errors in	malformed messages.
        $mimeParser->extract_addresses = 0;
        // Associative array to specify parameters for the messagedata parsing and decoding operation.
        $MIMEparameters = array('File' => $tmpMIME, 'SaveBody' => $tmpDirMIME, 'SkipBody' => 1);
        // STEP 1: Parse and decode message data and retrieve its structure:
        if (!$mimeParser->Decode($MIMEparameters, $decodedMIME)) {
            // error:
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('MIME message decoding error: %s at position %d.'), $mimeParser->error, $mimeParser->error_position), $cron);
        } else {
            // the specified message data was parsed successfully:
            dre_msg(T_('MIME message decoding successful'), $cron);
            // STEP 2: Analyze (the first) parsed message to describe its contents:
            if (!$mimeParser->Analyze($decodedMIME[0], $parsedMIME)) {
                // error:
                dre_msg(sprintf(T_('MIME message analyze error: %s'), $mimeParser->error), $cron);
            // Get message $subject and $post_date from headers (by reference)
            if (!dre_process_header($parsedMIME, $subject, $post_date, $cron)) {
                // Couldn't process message headers:
            // TODO: handle type == "message" recursively
            // fp> where is type == "message" ???
            // yura> I don't find the type == 'message' in dump of $decodedMIME and $parsedMIME
            // sam2kb> For some reason imap_qprint() demages HTML text... needs more testing
            // yura> I replaced imap_qprint() with quoted_printable_decode() to avoid notices about invalid quoted-printable sequence
            // yura> imap_qprint() and quoted_printable_decode() do empty the message text, thus they were deleted.
            dre_msg(T_('Email Type') . ': ' . $parsedMIME['Type'], $cron);
            if ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'html') {
                // Mail is HTML:
                if ($debug) {
                    // Display this info only in debug mode:
                    dre_msg(sprintf(T_('HTML message part saved as %s'), $parsedMIME['DataFile']), $cron);
                $html_body = file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']);
                if (empty($html_body)) {
                    // Try to get a body text from alternative parts if main html body is empty:
                    foreach ($parsedMIME['Alternative'] as $alternative) {
                        // First try to get HTML alternative (when possible)
                        if ($alternative['Type'] == 'html') {
                            // HTML text
                            if ($debug) {
                                // Display this info only in debug mode:
                                dre_msg(sprintf(T_('HTML alternative message part saved as %s'), $alternative['DataFile']), $cron);
                            $strbody = file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']);
                            // stop after first alternative
                        } elseif ($alternative['Type'] == 'text') {
                            // Plain text
                            if ($debug) {
                                // Display this info only in debug mode:
                                dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Text alternative message part saved as %s'), $alternative['DataFile']), $cron);
                            $strbody = file_get_contents($alternative['DataFile']);
                            // stop after first alternative
            } elseif ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'text') {
                // Mail is plain text:
                if ($debug) {
                    // Display this info only in debug mode:
                    dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Plain-text message part saved as %s'), $parsedMIME['DataFile']), $cron);
                $strbody = file_get_contents($parsedMIME['DataFile']);
            } elseif ($parsedMIME['Type'] == 'delivery-status') {
                // Mail is delivery-status:
                $strbody = $parsedMIME['Response'];
            if (count($mimeParser->warnings) > 0) {
                // Record potential warnings:
                dre_msg('<h4>' . sprintf(T_('%d warnings during decode:'), count($mimeParser->warnings)) . '</h4>', $cron);
                foreach ($mimeParser->warnings as $k => $v) {
                    dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Warning: %s at position %s'), $v, $k), $cron);
        if (empty($html_body)) {
            // Plain-text message
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Message type: %s'), 'TEXT'), $cron);
            // Process body. First fix different line-endings (dos, mac, unix), remove double newlines
            $content = str_replace(array("\r", "\n\n"), "\n", trim($strbody));
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Message body: %s'), '<pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($strbody) . '</pre>'), $cron);
        } else {
            // HTML message
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Message type: %s'), 'HTML'), $cron);
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Message body (original): %s'), '<pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($html_body) . '</pre>', $cron));
            // Prepare html message body text:
            $content = dre_prepare_html_message($html_body);
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Message body (processed): %s'), '<pre style="font-size:10px">' . htmlspecialchars($content) . '</pre>', $cron));
        dre_msg('<b class="green">' . T_('MIME Decoding Successful') . '</b>', $cron);
        $message_text = $content;
        // Remove content after terminators
        $content = dre_limit_by_terminators($content);
        global $Messages;
        if ($Messages->has_errors()) {
            // Make it easier for user to find and correct the errors
            dre_msg("\n" . sprintf(T_('Processing message: %s'), $post_title), $cron);
            dre_msg($Messages->get_string(T_('Cannot post, please correct these errors:'), 'error'), $cron);
        global $dre_emails, $DB, $localtimenow;
        dre_msg('<h4>' . T_('Saving the returned email in the database') . '</h4>', $cron);
        // Get Headers from Decoded MIME Data:
        $email_headers = dre_get_headers($decodedMIME);
        // Get data of the returned email:
        $email_data = dre_get_email_data($content, $message_text, $email_headers);
        dre_msg(T_('Email Address') . ': ' . $email_data['address'], $cron);
        dre_msg(T_('Error Type') . ': ' . dre_decode_error_type($email_data['errtype']), $cron);
        dre_msg(T_('Error Message') . ': ' . $email_data['errormsg'], $cron);
        // Insert a returned email's data into DB
        if (dre_insert_returned_email($email_data)) {
        // Delete temporary directory:
        // Mark message to be deleted:
        if ($Settings->get('repath_delete_emails')) {
            dre_msg(sprintf(T_('Marking message for deletion from inbox: %s'), $index), $cron);
            imap_delete($mbox, $index);
    // Expunge messages marked for deletion
    return true;
Пример #18
  * Save mail body.
  * @return bool
 public function saveMail($mailId, $filename = 'email.eml')
     return imap_savebody($this->getImapStream(), $filename, $mailId, "", FT_UID);
Пример #19
    public static function import_email($ticket_account_id, $import = true, $debug = false)
        require_once 'includes/plugin_ticket/cron/rfc822_addresses.php';
        require_once 'includes/plugin_ticket/cron/mime_parser.php';
        $admins_rel = self::get_ticket_staff_rel();
        $created_tickets = array();
        $ticket_account_id = (int) $ticket_account_id;
        $account = self::get_ticket_account($ticket_account_id);
        if (!$account) {
            return false;
        $email_account_address = $account['email'];
        $email_username = $account['username'];
        $email_password = $account['password'];
        $email_host = $account['host'];
        $email_port = $account['port'];
        $reply_from_user_id = $account['default_user_id'];
        $support_type = (int) $account['default_type'];
        $subject_regex = $account['subject_regex'];
        $body_regex = $account['body_regex'];
        $to_regex = $account['to_regex'];
        $search_string = $account['search_string'];
        $mailbox = $account['mailbox'];
        $imap = (int) $account['imap'];
        $secure = (int) $account['secure'];
        $start_date = $account['start_date'] && $account['start_date'] != '0000-00-00' ? $account['start_date'] : false;
        if (!$email_host || !$email_username) {
            return false;
        // try to connect with ssl first:
        $ssl = $secure ? '/ssl' : '';
        if ($imap) {
            $host = '{' . $email_host . ':' . $email_port . '/imap' . $ssl . '/novalidate-cert}' . $mailbox;
            if ($debug) {
                echo "Connecting to {$host} <br>\n";
            $mbox = imap_open($host, $email_username, $email_password);
        } else {
            $host = '{' . $email_host . ':' . $email_port . '/pop3' . $ssl . '/novalidate-cert}' . $mailbox;
            if ($debug) {
                echo "Connecting to {$host} <br>\n";
            $mbox = imap_open($host, $email_username, $email_password);
        if (!$mbox) {
            // todo: send email letting them know bounce checking failed?
            echo 'Failed to connect when checking for support ticket emails.' . imap_last_error();
            return false;
        update_insert('ticket_account_id', $account['ticket_account_id'], 'ticket_account', array('last_checked' => time()));
        $MC = imap_check($mbox);
        //echo 'Connected'.$MC->Nmsgs;
        // do a search if
        $search_results = array(-1);
        if ($imap && $search_string) {
            // we do a hack to support multiple searches in the imap string.
            if (strpos($search_string, '||')) {
                $search_strings = explode('||', $search_string);
            } else {
                $search_strings = array($search_string);
            $search_results = array();
            foreach ($search_strings as $this_search_string) {
                $this_search_string = trim($this_search_string);
                if (!$this_search_string) {
                    return false;
                if ($debug) {
                    echo "Searching for {$this_search_string} <br>\n";
                $this_search_results = imap_search($mbox, $this_search_string);
                if ($debug) {
                    echo " -- found " . count($this_search_results) . " results <br>\n";
                $search_results = array_merge($search_results, $this_search_results);
            if (!$search_results) {
                echo "No search results for {$search_string} ";
                return false;
            } else {
        //print_r($search_results);//imap_close($mbox);return false;
        $sorted_emails = array();
        foreach ($search_results as $search_result) {
            if ($search_result >= 0) {
                $result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, $search_result, 0);
            } else {
                //$result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox,"1:100",0);
                $result = imap_fetch_overview($mbox, "1:" . min(100, $MC->Nmsgs), 0);
            foreach ($result as $overview) {
                if (!isset($overview->subject) && (!isset($overview->date) || !$overview->date)) {
                $overview->subject = self::_subject_decode(isset($overview->subject) ? (string) $overview->subject : '');
                if ($subject_regex && !preg_match($subject_regex, $overview->subject)) {
                if (!isset($overview->date)) {
                    $overview->date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
                if ($start_date > 1000) {
                    if (strtotime($overview->date) < strtotime($start_date)) {
                $message_id = isset($overview->message_id) ? (string) $overview->message_id : false;
                if (!$message_id) {
                    $overview->message_id = $message_id = md5($overview->subject . $overview->date);
                //echo "#{$overview->msgno} ({$overview->date}) - From: {$overview->from} <br> {$this_subject} <br>\n";
                // check this email hasn't been processed before.
                // check this message hasn't been processed yet.
                $ticket = get_single('ticket_message', 'message_id', $message_id);
                if ($ticket) {
                // get ready to sort them.
                $overview->time = strtotime($overview->date);
                $sorted_emails[] = $overview;
        if (!function_exists('dtbaker_ticket_import_sort')) {
            function dtbaker_ticket_import_sort($a, $b)
                return $a->time > $b->time;
        uasort($sorted_emails, 'dtbaker_ticket_import_sort');
        $message_number = 0;
        foreach ($sorted_emails as $overview) {
            $message_id = (string) $overview->message_id;
            if ($debug) {

                        <div style="padding:5px; border:1px solid #EFEFEF; margin:4px;">
                echo $message_number;
                                Date: <strong><?php 
                echo $overview->date;
</strong> <br/>
                                Subject: <strong><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($overview->subject);
</strong> <br/>
                                From: <strong><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($overview->from);
                                To: <strong><?php 
                echo htmlspecialchars($overview->to);
                                <!-- <a href="#" onclick="document.getElementById('msg_<?php 
                echo $message_number;
').style.display='block'; return false;">view body</a>
                            <div style="display:none; padding:10px; border:1px solid #CCC;" id="msg_<?php 
                echo $message_number;
                // echo htmlspecialchars($results['Data']);
            if (!$import) {
            $tmp_file = tempnam(_UCM_FOLDER . '/temp/', 'ticket');
            imap_savebody($mbox, $tmp_file, $overview->msgno);
            $mail_content = file_get_contents($tmp_file);
            $mime = new mime_parser_class();
            $mime->mbox = 0;
            $mime->decode_bodies = 1;
            $mime->ignore_syntax_errors = 1;
            $parameters = array('Data' => $mail_content);
            $parse_success = false;
            if (!$mime->Decode($parameters, $decoded)) {
                //echo 'MIME message decoding error: '.$mime->error.' at position '.$mime->error_position."\n";
                // TODO - send warning email to admin.
                send_error("Failed to decode this email: " . $mail_content);
                $parse_success = true;
                // so it delets the email below if that account setting is setfalse;
            } else {
                for ($message = 0; $message < count($decoded); $message++) {
                    if ($mime->Analyze($decoded[$message], $results)) {
                        if (isset($results['From'][0]['address'])) {
                            $from_address = $results['From'][0]['address'];
                        } else {
                        /*$results: Array
                                                            [Type] => html
                                                            [Description] => HTML message
                                                            [Encoding] => iso-8859-1
                                                            [Data] => asdfasdf
                                                            [Alternative] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [Type] => text
                                                                            [Description] => Text message
                                                                            [Encoding] => iso-8859-1
                                                                            [Data] => asdfasdf
                                                            [Subject] => [TICKET:004372] Re: Testing cc and bcc fields...
                                                            [Date] => Sun, 24 Mar 2013 22:04:49 +1000
                                                            [From] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email@gmail.com
                                                                            [name] => Dave
                                                            [To] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email@dtbaker.
                                                                            [name] => dtbaker Support
                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email+test@gmail.com
                                                            [Cc] => Array
                                                                    [0] => Array
                                                                            [address] => email+testcc@gmail.com
                                                                    [1] => Array
                                                                            [address] => info@email.com.au
                                                                            [name] => Hayley
                                                        ) */
                        if ($to_regex) {
                            $to_match = false;
                            foreach ($results['To'] as $possible_to_address) {
                                if (preg_match($to_regex, $possible_to_address['address'])) {
                                    $to_match = true;
                            if (!$to_match) {
                        // find out which accout this sender is from.
                        if (preg_match('/@(.*)$/', $from_address, $matches)) {
                            // run a hook now to parse the from address.
                            $domain = $matches[1];
                            // find this sender in the database.
                            // if we cant find this sender/customer in the database
                            // then we add this customer as a "support user" to the default customer for this ticketing system.
                            // based on the "to" address of this message.
                            //store this as an eamil
                            $email_to = '';
                            $email_to_first = current($results['To']);
                            if ($email_to_first) {
                                $email_to = $email_to_first['address'];
                            // work out the from and to users.
                            $from_user_id = 0;
                            $to_user_id = 0;
                            // this is admin. leave blank for now i guess.
                            // try to find a user based on this from email address.
                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u WHERE u.`email` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($from_address) . "' ORDER BY `date_created` DESC";
                            $ticket_user_account = $from_user = qa1($sql);
                            // convert the name if it's encoded strangely:
                            if (isset($results['From'][0]['name']) && strlen($results['From'][0]['name']) && isset($results['Encoding']) && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf8' && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf-8') {
                                //$name_decoded = quoted_printable_decode($results['From'][0]['name']);
                                if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                    $name_decoded = mb_convert_encoding($results['From'][0]['name'], 'UTF-8', $results['Encoding']);
                                    if (strlen($name_decoded) > 0) {
                                        $results['From'][0]['name'] = $name_decoded;
                            // todo! this user may be in the system twice!
                            // eg: once from submitting a ticket - then again when creating that user as a contact under a different customer.
                            // so we find the latest entry and use that... ^^ done! updated the above to sort by date updated.
                            if ($from_user) {
                                $from_user_id = $from_user['user_id'];
                                // woo!!found a user. assign this customer to the ticket.
                                if ($from_user['customer_id']) {
                                    //$account['default_customer_id'] = $from_user['customer_id'];
                            } else {
                                if (module_config::c('ticket_allow_new_from_email', 1)) {
                                    // create a user under this account customer because we allow new emails to be created
                                    if ($account['default_customer_id']) {
                                        // create a new support user! go go!
                                        $ticket_user_account = $from_user = array('name' => isset($results['From'][0]['name']) ? $results['From'][0]['name'] : $from_address, 'customer_id' => $account['default_customer_id'], 'email' => $from_address, 'status_id' => 1, 'password' => substr(md5(time() . mt_rand(0, 600)), 3));
                                        global $plugins;
                                        $from_user_id = $plugins['user']->create_user($from_user, 'support');
                                        $ticket_user_account['user_id'] = $from_user_id;
                                    } else {
                                        $ticket_user_account = $from_user = array('name' => isset($results['From'][0]['name']) ? $results['From'][0]['name'] : $from_address, 'customer_id' => -1, 'email' => $from_address, 'status_id' => 1, 'password' => substr(md5(time() . mt_rand(0, 600)), 3));
                                        global $plugins;
                                        $from_user_id = $plugins['user']->create_user($from_user, 'support');
                                        $ticket_user_account['user_id'] = $from_user_id;
                                        //echo 'Failed - no from account set';
                            if (!$from_user_id) {
                                // creating a new user for this ticket. not allowed for spam reasons sometimes.
                                if (module_config::c('ticket_allow_new_from_email', 1)) {
                                    // failed to create a user in the database.
                                    echo 'Failed - cannot find the from user id';
                                    echo $from_address . ' to ' . var_export($results['To'], true) . ' : subject: ' . $overview->subject . '<hr>';
                                } else {
                                    // new option to ignore these emails and force people to submit new tickets via the web interface
                                    // send an autoreply to this user saying that their ticket was not created.
                                    $temp_from_user = array('name' => isset($results['From'][0]['name']) ? $results['From'][0]['name'] : $from_address, 'email' => $from_address);
                                    module_ticket::send_customer_rejection_alert($temp_from_user, $overview->subject);
                                    echo 'Rejecting new tickets';
                                    $parse_success = true;
                            $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_CREATOR;
                            // from an end user.
                            if (strtolower($from_address) == strtolower($email_account_address)) {
                                $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN;
                                // from an admin replying via email.
                            } else {
                                if (strtolower($from_address) == strtolower(module_config::c('ticket_admin_email_alert'))) {
                                    $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN;
                                    // from an admin replying via email.
                                } else {
                                    if (isset($admins_rel[$from_user_id])) {
                                        $message_type_id = _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN;
                                        // from an admin replying via email.
                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u WHERE u.`email` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($email_to) . "'";
                            $to_user_temp = qa1($sql);
                            if ($to_user_temp) {
                                $to_user_id = $to_user_temp['user_id'];
                                // hack for BCC support (eg: email invoice, bcc goes to our ticket email address).
                                if ($message_type_id == _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN) {
                                    // swap these around. the email is coming from us to the customer.
                                    $ticket_user_account = array('customer_id' => $to_user_temp['customer_id'], 'user_id' => $to_user_temp['user_id']);
                            $ticket_id = false;
                            $new_message = true;
                            // check if the subject matches an existing ticket subject.
                            if (preg_match('#\\[TICKET:(\\d+)\\]#i', $overview->subject, $subject_matches) || preg_match('#\\#(\\d+)#', $overview->subject, $subject_matches)) {
                                // found an existing ticket.
                                // find this ticket in the system.
                                $ticket_id = ltrim($subject_matches[1], '0');
                                // see if it exists.
                                $existing_ticket = get_single('ticket', 'ticket_id', $ticket_id);
                                if ($existing_ticket) {
                                    // woot!
                                    // search to see if this "from" address is in any of the past ticket messages.
                                    $valid_previous_contact = false;
                                    if ($message_type_id == _TICKET_MESSAGE_TYPE_ADMIN) {
                                        $valid_previous_contact = true;
                                    } else {
                                        $past_ticket_messages = self::get_ticket_messages($existing_ticket['ticket_id'], true);
                                        //foreach($past_ticket_messages as $past_ticket_message){
                                        while ($past_ticket_message = mysql_fetch_assoc($past_ticket_messages)) {
                                            $past_header_cache = @unserialize($past_ticket_message['cache']);
                                            $past_to_temp = array();
                                            if ($past_ticket_message['to_user_id']) {
                                                $past_to_temp = module_user::get_user($past_ticket_message['to_user_id'], false);
                                            } else {
                                                if ($past_header_cache && isset($past_header_cache['to_email'])) {
                                                    $past_to_temp['email'] = $past_header_cache['to_email'];
                                            if (isset($past_to_temp['email']) && strtolower($past_to_temp['email']) == strtolower($from_address)) {
                                                $valid_previous_contact = true;
                                            foreach (array('to_emails', 'cc_emails', 'bcc_emails') as $header_cache_key) {
                                                if ($past_header_cache && isset($past_header_cache[$header_cache_key]) && is_array($past_header_cache[$header_cache_key])) {
                                                    foreach ($past_header_cache[$header_cache_key] as $to_email_additional) {
                                                        if (isset($to_email_additional['address']) && strlen($to_email_additional['address']) && strtolower($to_email_additional['address']) == strtolower($from_address)) {
                                                            $valid_previous_contact = true;
                                                            break 3;
                                    if ($valid_previous_contact) {
                                        update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                                        $new_message = false;
                                    } else {
                                        // create new message based on this one.
                                        // remove the old ticket ID number from subject
                                        $ticket_id = false;
                                        $overview->subject = str_replace($subject_matches[0], '', $overview->subject);
                                } else {
                                    // fail..
                                    $ticket_id = false;
                            } else {
                                // we search for this subject, and this sender, to see if they have sent a follow up
                                // before we started the ticketing system.
                                // handy for importing an existing inbox with replies etc..
                                // check to see if the subject matches any existing subjects.
                                $search_subject1 = trim(preg_replace('#^Re:?\\s*#i', '', $overview->subject));
                                $search_subject2 = trim(preg_replace('#^Fwd?:?\\s*#i', '', $overview->subject));
                                $search_subject3 = trim($overview->subject);
                                // find any threads that match this subject, from this user id.
                                $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "ticket` t ";
                                $sql .= " WHERE t.`user_id` = " . (int) $from_user_id . " ";
                                $sql .= " AND ( t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject1) . "%' OR ";
                                $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject2) . "%' OR ";
                                $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject3) . "%') ";
                                $sql .= " ORDER BY ticket_id DESC;";
                                $match = qa1($sql);
                                if (count($match) && (int) $match['ticket_id'] > 0) {
                                    // found a matching email. stoked!
                                    // add it in as a reply from the end user.
                                    $ticket_id = $match['ticket_id'];
                                    update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                                    $new_message = false;
                                if (!$ticket_id) {
                                    // now we see if any match the "TO" address, ie: it's us replying to the user.
                                    // handly from a gmail import.
                                    if ($email_to) {
                                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "user` u WHERE u.`email` LIKE '" . mysql_real_escape_string($email_to) . "'";
                                        $temp_to_user = qa1($sql);
                                        if ($temp_to_user && $temp_to_user['user_id']) {
                                            // we have sent emails to this user before...
                                            // check to see if the subject matches any existing subjects.
                                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . _DB_PREFIX . "ticket` t ";
                                            $sql .= " WHERE t.`user_id` = " . (int) $temp_to_user['user_id'] . " ";
                                            $sql .= " AND ( t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject1) . "%' OR ";
                                            $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject2) . "%' OR ";
                                            $sql .= " t.`subject` LIKE '%" . mysql_real_escape_string($search_subject3) . "%') ";
                                            $sql .= " ORDER BY ticket_id DESC;";
                                            $match = qa1($sql);
                                            if (count($match) && (int) $match['ticket_id'] > 0) {
                                                // found a matching email. stoked!
                                                // add it in as a reply from the end user.
                                                $ticket_id = $match['ticket_id'];
                                                update_insert('ticket_id', $ticket_id, 'ticket', array('status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                                                $new_message = false;
                            if (!$ticket_id) {
                                $ticket_id = update_insert('ticket_id', 'new', 'ticket', array('subject' => $overview->subject, 'ticket_account_id' => $account['ticket_account_id'], 'status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_NEW_ID, 'user_id' => $ticket_user_account['user_id'], 'customer_id' => $ticket_user_account['customer_id'], 'assigned_user_id' => $reply_from_user_id, 'ticket_type_id' => $support_type, 'last_message_timestamp' => strtotime($overview->date)));
                            if (!$ticket_id) {
                                echo 'Error creating ticket';
                            $cache = array('from_email' => $from_address, 'to_email' => $email_to, 'to_emails' => isset($results['To']) && is_array($results['To']) ? $results['To'] : array(), 'cc_emails' => isset($results['Cc']) && is_array($results['Cc']) ? $results['Cc'] : array());
                            // pull otu the email bodyu.
                            $body = $results['Data'];
                            if (isset($results['Encoding']) && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf8' && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf-8') {
                                //mail('*****@*****.**','Ticket import results: Encoding',$results['Encoding']."\n\n".var_export($results,true));
                                //$body2 = quoted_printable_decode($body);
                                if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                    $body3 = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'UTF-8', $results['Encoding']);
                                    //$body3 = mb_convert_encoding($body,'HTML-ENTITIES',$results['Encoding']);
                                    //$body4 = iconv_mime_decode($body,ICONV_MIME_DECODE_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR,"UTF-8");
                                    //mail('*****@*****.**','Ticket import results: Converted',$body . "\n\n\n\n\n ------------ " . $body2 . "\n\n\n\n\n ------------ " . $body3);
                                    if (strlen($body3) > 0) {
                                        $body = $body3;
                            //} // debug
                            if ($results['Type'] == "html") {
                                $is_html = true;
                            } else {
                                // convert body to html, so we can do wrap.
                                $body = nl2br($body);
                                $is_html = true;
                            // find the alt body.
                            $altbody = '';
                            if (isset($results['Alternative']) && is_array($results['Alternative'])) {
                                foreach ($results['Alternative'] as $alt_id => $alt) {
                                    if ($alt['Type'] == "text") {
                                        $altbody = $alt['Data'];
                                        // if($from_address=='*****@*****.**'){
                                        if (isset($results['Encoding']) && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf8' && strtolower($results['Encoding']) != 'utf-8') {
                                            //$altbody2 = quoted_printable_decode($altbody);
                                            if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
                                                $altbody3 = mb_convert_encoding($altbody, 'UTF-8', $results['Encoding']);
                                                if (strlen($altbody3) > 0) {
                                                    $altbody = $altbody3;
                            if (!$altbody) {
                                // should really never happen, but who knows.
                                // edit - i think this happens with godaddy webmailer.
                                $altbody = $body;
                                // todo: strip any html.
                                $altbody = preg_replace('#<br[^>]*>\\n*#imsU', "\n", $altbody);
                                $altbody = strip_tags($altbody);
                            // pass the body and altbody through a hook so we can modify it if needed.
                            // eg: for envato tickets we strip the header/footer out and check the link to see if the buyer really bought anything.
                            // run_hook(...
                            //echo "<hr>$body<hr>$altbody<hr><br><br><br>";
                            // save the message!
                            $ticket_message_id = update_insert('ticket_message_id', 'new', 'ticket_message', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'content' => $altbody, 'htmlcontent' => $body, 'message_time' => strtotime($overview->date), 'message_type_id' => $message_type_id, 'from_user_id' => $from_user_id, 'to_user_id' => $to_user_id, 'cache' => serialize($cache), 'status_id' => _TICKET_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS_ID));
                            if (isset($results['Related'])) {
                                foreach ($results['Related'] as $related) {
                                    if (isset($related['FileName']) && $related['FileName']) {
                                        // save as attachment against this email.
                                        $attachment_id = update_insert('ticket_message_attachment_id', 'new', 'ticket_message_attachment', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'ticket_message_id' => $ticket_message_id, 'file_name' => $related['FileName'], 'content_type' => $related['Type'] . (isset($related['SubType']) ? '/' . $related['SubType'] : '')));
                                        $result = file_put_contents('includes/plugin_ticket/attachments/' . $attachment_id . '', $related['Data']);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            send_error("Failed to save attachment (named: " . $related['FileName'] . " for this email: \n\n\n\n" . var_export($related, true) . "\n\n\n" . var_export($results, true) . "\n\n\n" . $mail_content);
                            if (isset($results['Attachments'])) {
                                foreach ($results['Attachments'] as $related) {
                                    if (isset($related['FileName']) && $related['FileName']) {
                                        // save as attachment against this email.
                                        $attachment_id = update_insert('ticket_message_attachment_id', 'new', 'ticket_message_attachment', array('ticket_id' => $ticket_id, 'ticket_message_id' => $ticket_message_id, 'file_name' => $related['FileName'], 'content_type' => $related['Type'] . (isset($related['SubType']) ? '/' . $related['SubType'] : '')));
                                        $result = file_put_contents('includes/plugin_ticket/attachments/' . $attachment_id . '', $related['Data']);
                                        if (!$result) {
                                            send_error("Failed to save attachment (named: " . $related['FileName'] . " for this email: \n\n\n\n" . var_export($related, true) . "\n\n\n" . var_export($results, true) . "\n\n\n" . $mail_content);
                            //$new_message &&
                            if (!preg_match('#failure notice#i', $overview->subject)) {
                                // we don't sent ticket autoresponders when the from user and to user are teh same
                                if ($from_user_id && $to_user_id && $from_user_id == $to_user_id) {
                                } else {
                                    $created_tickets[$ticket_id] = $ticket_id;
                            $parse_success = true;
            if ($parse_success && $account['delete']) {
                // remove email from inbox if needed.
                imap_delete($mbox, $overview->msgno);
        return $created_tickets;