Пример #1
function m4music_imagecache_generate($presetname, $filepath)
    if (!($preset = imagecache_preset_by_name($presetname))) {
    $dst = imagecache_create_path($presetname, $filepath);
    if (!file_exists($dst)) {
        imagecache_build_derivative($preset['actions'], $filepath, $dst);
    return $dst;
  * - $view: The view object
  * - $field: The field handler object that can process the input
  * - $row: The raw SQL result that can be used
  * - $output: The processed output that will normally be used.
  * When fetching output from the $row, this construct should be used:
  * $data = $row->{$field->field_alias}
  * The above will guarantee that you'll always get the correct data,
  * regardless of any changes in the aliasing that might happen if
  * the view is modified.
  // Shows the islamic posters image.
	  global $base_url;
	  $path= "sites/default/files/islamposters/". $output; 
	  $presetname = 'Islam_posters';
      $preset = imagecache_preset_by_name($presetname);
	  $src = $path;
	  $dst = imagecache_create_path($presetname, $src);
    // Ensure existing derivative or try to create it on the fly
   if (file_exists($dst) || imagecache_build_derivative($preset['actions'], $src, $dst)) {

<div style="width:600px;" align="center">
 <a href="<?php print  $base_url.'/'.$dst ?> " rel="lightbox">
<img src='<?=$base_url?>/sites/default/files/islamposters/<?php print $output;?>' height="312" width="211" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Пример #3
 * Print logo.
function jake_print_logo()
    $settings = theme_get_settings('jake');
    $name = check_plain(variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'));
    if (!empty($settings['printlogo_path']) && file_exists($settings['printlogo_path']) && module_exists('imagecache') && imagecache_preset_by_name('logo_print')) {
        $url = imagecache_create_url('logo_print', $settings['printlogo_path']);
        $image = "<img src='{$url}' title='{$name}' class='logo'/>";
        return l($image, '<front>', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('class' => 'logo')));
    // Last resort, use just the name
    return l(t($name), '<front>');
Пример #4
function mni_chatroom_user_list($users, $node)
    global $user;
    $is_admin = $user->uid == $node->uid || user_access('administer chats');
    $html = '<div id="chatroom-user-list-wrapper"><ul id="chatroom-user-list">';
    $preset = false;
    if (module_exists('imagecache') && $node->chat->imagecache_preset) {
        $preset = imagecache_preset_by_name($node->chat->imagecache_preset);
    foreach ($users as $chat_user) {
        $class = 'chatroom-user' . ($chat_user->sid == session_id() ? ' chatroom-current-user' : '');
        $id = 'chatroom_' . ($chat_user->uid ? "user_{$chat_user->uid}" : "guest_{$chat_user->guest_id}");
        $html .= '<li id="' . $id . '" class="' . $class . '">';
        if ($chat_user->uid && $node->chat->profile_picture && $chat_user->picture) {
            if ($preset) {
                $alt = t("@user's picture", array('@user' => $chat_user->name));
                $chat_user->picture = theme('imagecache', $preset['presetname'], $chat_user->picture, $alt, $alt);
                $html .= $chat_user->picture . theme('username', $chat_user);
            } else {
                $html .= theme('user_picture', $chat_user);
        } else {
            $html .= theme('username', $chat_user);
        $html .= '</li>';
    $html .= '</ul></div>';
    return $html;