Пример #1
function ioncube_will_work(&$what_to_do)
    $sys_info = ic_system_info();
    if ($sys_info['THREAD_SAFE'] && !$sys_info['CGI_CLI']) {
        return "(reason: multi-thread PHP build)";
    if ($sys_info['DEBUG_BUILD']) {
        return "(reason: debug PHP build)";
    if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
        $what_to_do = "Ask your provider to enable safe_mode in php.ini file";
        return "(safe_mode enabled in php.ini)";
    } elseif (!ini_get('enable_dl')) {
        $what_to_do = "Ask your provider to enable safe_mode in php.ini file";
        return "(enable_dl disabled in php.ini)";
    } elseif (!is_dir($pp = realpath(ini_get('extension_dir')))) {
        $what_to_do = "Ask your provider to create folder: {$pp}";
        return "(extension_dir setting in php.ini is incorrect - points to not-existing folder)";
    } elseif (preg_match('/\\bdl\\b/', ini_get('disable_functions'))) {
        $what_to_do = "Ask your provider to allow 'dl' PHP function execution";
        return "(dl function disabled in php.ini - disable_functions parameters set)";
    $_u = php_uname();
    $_os = substr($_u, 0, strpos($_u, ' '));
    $_os_key = strtolower(substr($_u, 0, 3));
    $_php_version = phpversion();
    $_php_family = substr($_php_version, 0, 3);
    $_loader_sfix = $_os_key == 'win' ? '.dll' : '.so';
    $_ln_old = "ioncube_loader.{$_loader_sfix}";
    if ($os_key == 'lin' || $os_key == 'fre') {
        $what_to_do = "Please get loader for {$_php_family} for {$_os} (file {$_ln_old}) \n        <a href='http://www.ioncube.com/loaders/' target=_top>here</a> \n        and upload it to /amember/ioncube/ folder";
Пример #2
function get_sysinfo()
    static $sysinfo;
    if (empty($sysinfo)) {
        $sysinfo = ic_system_info();
    return $sysinfo;
Пример #3
<tr><th nowrap>PHP Version</th><td><?php 
echo $test . ' (' . phpversion() . ')';
$zend_passed = function_exists('zend_loader_enabled') && zend_loader_enabled();
$test = function_exists('zend_loader_enabled') && zend_loader_enabled() ? "<span class='passed'>Passed</span>" : "<span class='failed'>Failed - Zend Optimizer is not installed.</span><p>\n   Zend Optimizer can be downloaded from <a href='http://www.zend.com/en/products/guard/optimizer/' target=_blank>http://www.zend.com</a>.";
<tr><th nowrap>Zend Optimizer</th><td><?php 
echo $test;
$sys_info = ic_system_info();
$dl_required = false;
if (!$already_installed) {
    if ($sys_info['THREAD_SAFE'] && !$sys_info['CGI_CLI']) {
        $errs[] = "Your PHP install appears to have threading support and run-time Loading\nis only possible on threaded web servers if using the CGI, FastCGI or\nCLI interface.{$nl}{$nl}To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file.{$nl}";
        $ok = false;
    if ($sys_info['DEBUG_BUILD']) {
        $errs[] = "Your PHP installation appears to be built with debugging support\nenabled and this is incompatible with ionCube Loaders.{$nl}{$nl}Debugging support in PHP produces slower execution, is\nnot recommended for production builds and was probably a mistake.{$nl}{$nl}You should rebuild PHP without the --enable-debug option and if\nyou obtained your PHP install from an RPM then the producer of the\nRPM should be notified so that it can be corrected.{$nl}";
        $ok = false;
    // Check safe mode and for a valid extensions directory
    if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
function rtl_tester()
    global $cli;
    global $nl;
    global $working;
    global $instructions;
    global $status;
    global $already_loaded;
    $working = "";
    $status = "";
    $instructions = "";
    $ok = true;
    $already_installed = false;
    // Is the loader already installed?
    if ($already_loaded) {
        echo_status("An ionCube Loader is already installed and run-time loading is unnecessary.\n" . "Encoded files should load without problems.{$nl}");
        echo_instructions("If you have problems running encoded files, make sure that you select binary\n" . "mode if using FTP. If unpacking files with WinZIP you must also disable the\n" . "'TAR Smart CR/LF conversion' feature.{$nl}{$nl}");
        $already_installed = true;
    } else {
        // Intro
        echo_working("Testing whether your system supports run-time loading...{$nl}{$nl}");
    // Test some system info
    $sys_info = ic_system_info();
    if (!$already_installed) {
        if ($sys_info['THREAD_SAFE'] && !$sys_info['CGI_CLI']) {
            echo_status("Your PHP install appears to have threading support and run-time Loading\n" . "is only possible on threaded web servers if using the CGI, FastCGI or\n" . "CLI interface.{$nl}");
            echo_instructions("To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file.");
            $ok = false;
        if ($sys_info['DEBUG_BUILD']) {
            echo_status("Your PHP installation appears to be built with debugging support\n" . "enabled and this is incompatible with ionCube Loaders.{$nl}{$nl}Debugging support in PHP produces slower execution, is\n" . "not recommended for production builds and was probably a mistake.{$nl}");
            echo_instructions("You should rebuild PHP without the --enable-debug option.{$nl}");
            $ok = false;
        // Check safe mode and for a valid extensions directory
        if (check_safe_mode()) {
            echo_status("PHP safe mode is enabled and run time loading will not be possible.");
            echo_instructions("To run encoded files please install the Loader in the php.ini file.\n" . "Alternatively contact your hosting provider or system administrator,\n" . "and ask them to disable safe mode for your account.");
            $ok = false;
        		elseif (!is_dir(realpath(ini_get('extension_dir')))) {
        		echo "The setting of extension_dir in the php.ini file is not a directory
        		or may not exist and run time loading will not be possible. You do not need
        		write permissions on the extension_dir but for run-time loading to work
        		a path from the extensions directory to wherever the Loader is installed
        		must exist.$nl";
        		$ok = false;
        // If ok to try and find a Loader
        if ($ok) {
            // Look for a Loader
            // Old style naming should be long gone now
            $test_old_name = false;
            $_u = php_uname();
            $_os = substr($_u, 0, strpos($_u, ' '));
            $_os_key = strtolower(substr($_u, 0, 3));
            $_php_version = phpversion();
            $_php_family = substr($_php_version, 0, 3);
            $_loader_sfix = $_os_key == 'win' ? '.dll' : '.so';
            $_ln_old = "ioncube_loader.{$_loader_sfix}";
            $_ln_old_loc = "/ioncube/{$_ln_old}";
            $_ln_new = "ioncube_loader_{$_os_key}_{$_php_family}{$_loader_sfix}";
            $_ln_new_loc = "/ioncube/{$_ln_new}";
            echo_working("{$nl}Looking for Loader '{$_ln_new}'");
            if ($test_old_name) {
                echo_working(" or '{$_ln_old}'");
            echo_working($nl . $nl);
            $_extdir = ini_get('extension_dir');
            if ($_extdir == './') {
                $_extdir = '.';
            $_oid = $_id = realpath($_extdir);
            $_here = dirname(__FILE__);
            if (@$_id[1] == ':') {
                $_id = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($_id, 2));
                $_here = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($_here, 2));
            $_rd = str_repeat('/..', substr_count($_id, '/')) . $_here . '/';
            if ($_oid !== false) {
                echo_working("Extensions Dir: {$_extdir} ({$_id}){$nl}");
                echo_working("Relative Path:  {$_rd}{$nl}");
            } else {
                echo_working("Extensions Dir: {$_extdir} (NOT FOUND){$nl}{$nl}");
                echo_status("The directory set for the extension_dir entry in the\n" . "php.ini file may not exist, and run time loading will not be possible.{$nl}");
                echo_instructions("Please ask your hosting provider or system administrator to create the\n" . "directory{$nl}{$nl}" . "{$_extdir}{$nl}{$nl}" . "ensuring that it is accessible by the web server software. They do not\n" . "need to restart the server. Then rerun this script. As an alternative,\n" . "your host could install the Loader in the php.ini file.{$nl}");
                $ok = false;
            if ($ok) {
                $_ln = '';
                $_i = strlen($_rd);
                while ($_i--) {
                    if ($_rd[$_i] == '/') {
                        if ($test_old_name) {
                            // Try the old style Loader name
                            $_lp = substr($_rd, 0, $_i) . $_ln_old_loc;
                            $_fqlp = $_oid . $_lp;
                            if (@file_exists($_fqlp)) {
                                echo_working("Found Loader:   {$_fqlp}{$nl}");
                                $_ln = $_lp;
                        // Try the new style Loader name
                        $_lp = substr($_rd, 0, $_i) . $_ln_new_loc;
                        $_fqlp = $_oid . $_lp;
                        if (@file_exists($_fqlp)) {
                            echo_working("Found Loader:   {$_fqlp}{$nl}");
                            $_ln = $_lp;
                // If Loader not found, try the fallback of in the extensions directory
                if (!$_ln) {
                    if ($test_old_name) {
                        if (@file_exists($_id . $_ln_old_loc)) {
                            $_ln = $_ln_old_loc;
                    if (@file_exists($_id . $_ln_new_loc)) {
                        $_ln = $_ln_new_loc;
                    if ($_ln) {
                        echo_working("Found Loader {$_ln} in extensions directory.{$nl}");
                if ($_ln) {
                    echo_working("Trying to install Loader - this may produce an error...{$nl}{$nl}");
                    if (extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) {
                        echo_status("The Loader was successfully installed and encoded files should be able to\n" . "automatically install the Loader when needed.{$nl}");
                        echo_instructions("No changes to your php.ini file\n" . "are required to use encoded files on this system.{$nl}");
                    } else {
                        echo_status("The Loader was not installed.{$nl}");
                } else {
                    echo_status("Run-time loading should be possible on your system but no suitable Loader\n" . "was found.{$nl}{$nl}");
                    echo_instructions("The {$_os} Loader for PHP {$_php_family} releases is required.{$nl}" . "Loaders can be downloaded from " . weblink("http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php", "www.ioncube.com"));
    //$instructions should never be empty.
    //if it is, then put default:
    if (empty($instructions)) {
        $instructions = "Run-time loading is not currently possible.{$nl}" . "If you require further assistance, please contact ionCube support providing{$nl}a link to this script.";
    if ($cli) {
        return "{$working}{$status}{$instructions}\n";
    } else {
        //echo "${nl}Please send the output of this script to $email if you have questions or require further assistance.$nl$nl";
        $body = "<center><h2>Run-Time Loading Installation Instructions</h2></center>" . "<h3>Testing Server</h3>" . "{$working}" . "<h3>Results</h3>" . "{$status}" . "<h3>Instructions</h3>" . $instructions;
        return $body;
Пример #5
function ioncube_tester()
    if (extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) {
        return true;
    // Test some system info
    $sys_info = ic_system_info();
    if ($sys_info['THREAD_SAFE'] && !$sys_info['CGI_CLI']) {
        return false;
    if ($sys_info['DEBUG_BUILD']) {
        return false;
    // Check safe mode and for a valid extensions directory
    if (ini_get('safe_mode') == '1') {
        return false;
    // Old style naming should be long gone now
    $test_old_name = false;
    $_u = php_uname();
    $_os = substr($_u, 0, strpos($_u, ' '));
    $_os_key = strtolower(substr($_u, 0, 3));
    $_php_version = phpversion();
    $_php_family = substr($_php_version, 0, 3);
    $_loader_sfix = $_os_key == 'win' ? '.dll' : '.so';
    $_ln_old = "ioncube_loader.{$_loader_sfix}";
    $_ln_old_loc = "/ioncube/{$_ln_old}";
    $_ln_new = "ioncube_loader_{$_os_key}_{$_php_family}{$_loader_sfix}";
    $_ln_new_loc = "/ioncube/{$_ln_new}";
    $_extdir = ini_get('extension_dir');
    if ($_extdir == './') {
        $_extdir = '.';
    $_oid = $_id = realpath($_extdir);
    $_here = dirname(__FILE__);
    if (@$_id[1] == ':') {
        $_id = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($_id, 2));
        $_here = str_replace('\\', '/', substr($_here, 2));
    $_rd = str_repeat('/..', substr_count($_id, '/')) . $_here . '/';
    if ($_oid === false) {
        return false;
    $_ln = '';
    $_i = strlen($_rd);
    while ($_i--) {
        if ($_rd[$_i] == '/') {
            if ($test_old_name) {
                // Try the old style Loader name
                $_lp = substr($_rd, 0, $_i) . $_ln_old_loc;
                $_fqlp = $_oid . $_lp;
                if (@file_exists($_fqlp)) {
                    $_ln = $_lp;
            // Try the new style Loader name
            $_lp = substr($_rd, 0, $_i) . $_ln_new_loc;
            $_fqlp = $_oid . $_lp;
            if (@file_exists($_fqlp)) {
                $_ln = $_lp;
    // If Loader not found, try the fallback of in the extensions directory
    if (!$_ln) {
        if ($test_old_name) {
            if (@file_exists($_id . $_ln_old_loc)) {
                $_ln = $_ln_old_loc;
        if (@file_exists($_id . $_ln_new_loc)) {
            $_ln = $_ln_new_loc;
    if ($_ln) {
        if (function_exists('dl')) {
        if (extension_loaded('ionCube Loader')) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    return false;