Пример #1
function showAskConfirm()
    global $lll;
    global $hostName, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName, $dbPort, $dbSocket, $dbPrefix;
    global $scriptName;
    $s = "";
    iPrint($lll["inst_params"], "ok", $s1);
    $s .= $s1;
    $s .= "<table border='1'>";
    $s .= "<table border='0'><tr><td>";
    $s .= "<pre><strong>";
    $s .= $lll["mysqluser"] . ":{$dbUser}<BR>";
    $s .= $lll["dbHostName"] . ":{$hostName}<BR>";
    $s .= $lll["dbDbName"] . ":{$dbName}<BR>";
    $s .= $lll["dbPrefix"] . ":{$dbPrefix}<BR>";
    if ($dbSocket != "") {
        $s .= $lll["dbSocket"] . ":{$dbSocket}<BR>";
    if ($dbPort != "") {
        $s .= $lll["dbPort"] . ":{$dbPort}<BR>";
    $s .= "</strong></pre>";
    $s .= "</td></tr></table>\n";
    $s .= "<form method='POST' action='install.php' onsubmit='return checkAccept();'>\n";
    $s .= generHiddens();
    iPrint($lll["acceptTerms"], "ok", $s1);
    $s .= "{$s1}<br>";
    $s .= "<input type='submit' name='edit' value='" . $lll["edit_params"] . "'>";
    $s .= "<br><br>\n";
    $s .= "<input type='submit' name='confirm' value='" . $lll["install"] . "'>";
    $s .= "</form><br>\n";
    $s .= "<textarea rows=30 cols=100>\n" . join('', file(NOAH_APP . '/terms.txt')) . "</textarea>\n";
    return $s;
Пример #2
function update(&$s, $dbName, $fromVersion, $toVersion = "Latest")
    global $noahVersions;
    global $lll;
    $s = "";
    $length = sizeof($noahVersions);
    if ($toVersion == "Latest") {
        $toVersion = $noahVersions[$length - 1];
    if (!in_array($fromVersion, $noahVersions) || !in_array($toVersion, $noahVersions)) {
        iPrint(sprintf($lll["invalid_version"], "{$fromVersion}, {$toVersion}"), "err", $sp);
        $s .= $sp;
        return ok;
    if ($fromVersion == $toVersion) {
        iPrint(sprintf($lll["already_installed"], $toVersion), "ok", $sp);
        $s .= $sp;
        return ok;
    $fromIndex = getIndex($fromVersion);
    $toIndex = getIndex($toVersion);
    if ($toIndex < $fromIndex) {
        iPrint(sprintf($lll["invalid_version"], "{$fromVersion}, {$toVersion}"), "err", $sp);
        $s .= $sp;
        return ok;
    global $updateOutput;
    $updateOutput = "";
    for ($vInd = $fromIndex + 1; $vInd <= $toIndex; $vInd++) {
        $fname = NOAH_BASE . "/updateinfo-{$noahVersions[$vInd]}.php";
        if (file_exists($fname)) {
            $contents = join('', file($fname));
            if (preg_match('{/\\* Files to delete:\\s*(\\S.*)\\s*\\*/}s', $contents, $matches)) {
                $filesToDelete = preg_split('/[\\n\\r]+/', $matches[1]);
                foreach ($filesToDelete as $file) {
                    @unlink(NOAH_BASE . "/{$file}");
            include $fname;
            $s .= $updateOutput;
        } else {
    // storing the last update time:
    executeQueryForUpdate("UPDATE @globalstat SET lastUpdate=NOW()", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    iPrint($lll["updateSuccessful"], "ok", $sp);
    $s .= $sp;