/** * Output the search sidebar facet list content. */ function humcore_directory_sidebar_content() { $extended_query_string = humcore_get_search_request_querystring(); humcore_has_deposits($extended_query_string); $facet_display_counts = humcore_get_facet_counts(); $facet_display_titles = humcore_get_facet_titles(); $query_args = wp_parse_args($extended_query_string); ?> <ul class="facet-set"><?php foreach ($facet_display_counts as $facet_key => $facet_values) { if (!in_array($facet_key, array('genre_facet', 'subject_facet', 'pub_date_facet'))) { continue; } $facet_list_count = 0; ?> <li class="facet-set-item">Browse by <?php echo esc_html(trim($facet_display_titles[$facet_key])); ?> <ul id="<?php echo sanitize_title_with_dashes(trim($facet_key)); ?> -list" class="facet-list"><?php $sorted_counts = $facet_values['counts']; if ("pub_date_facet" === $facet_key) { arsort($sorted_counts); } foreach ($sorted_counts as $facet_value_counts) { if (!empty($facet_value_counts[0])) { $facet_list_item_selected = false; if (!empty($query_args['facets'][$facet_key])) { if (in_array($facet_value_counts[0], $query_args['facets'][$facet_key])) { $facet_list_item_selected = true; } } $display_count = sprintf('<span class="count facet-list-item-count"%1$s>%2$s</span>', $facet_list_item_selected ? ' style="display: none;"' : '', $facet_value_counts[1]); echo sprintf('<li class="facet-list-item"%1$s><a class="facet-search-link" href="/deposits/?facets[%2$s][]=%3$s">%4$s %5$s</a></li>', $facet_list_count < 4 || $facet_list_item_selected ? '' : ' style="display: none;"', trim($facet_key), urlencode(trim($facet_value_counts[0])), trim($facet_value_counts[0]), $display_count); // XSS OK. $facet_list_count++; } } if (4 < $facet_list_count) { echo '<div class="facet-display-button"><span class="show-more button white right">' . esc_attr__('more>>', 'humcore_domain') . '</span></div>'; } ?> </ul> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php }
$my_querystring = ''; // If the ajax string is empty, that usually means that // it's the first page of the "everything" filter. $querystring = bp_ajax_querystring('deposits'); if (empty($querystring)) { $querystring = $my_querystring; } // Handle subsequent pages of the "Everything" filter if ('page' == substr($querystring, 0, 4) && strlen($querystring) < 8) { $querystring = $my_querystring . '&' . $querystring; } ?> <?php if (humcore_has_deposits($querystring)) { ?> <?php if (1 == 1 || empty($_POST['page'])) { //disable for now ?> <ul id="deposits-stream" class="deposits-list item-list"> <?php } ?> <?php
<div id="content" role="main" class="<?php do_action('content_class'); ?> "> <div class="padder"> <h3><?php _e('CORE Deposits Listing ', 'humcore_domain'); ?> <?php do_action('bp_before_deposits_list_loop'); ?> <?php if (humcore_has_deposits('&per_page=250')) { ?> <div id="deposits-stream" class="item-list"> <?php while (humcore_deposits()) { humcore_the_deposit(); ?> <?php do_action('bp_before_deposit_item'); ?> <?php do_action('humcore_deposits_list_entry_content');
// it's the first page of the "everything" filter. $querystring = bp_ajax_querystring('deposits'); if (empty($querystring)) { $querystring = $my_querystring; } else { $querystring = implode('&', array($my_querystring, $querystring)); } // Handle subsequent pages of the "Everything" filter if ('page' == substr($querystring, 0, 4) && strlen($querystring) < 8) { $querystring = $my_querystring . '&' . $querystring; } ?> <?php if (!empty($displayed_user_fullname) && humcore_has_deposits($querystring)) { ?> <?php if (1 == 1 || empty($_POST['page'])) { ?> <ul id="deposits-stream" class="deposits-list item-list"> <?php } ?> <?php while (humcore_deposits()) { humcore_the_deposit();
/** * Show deposit button to logged in users. */ public function humcore_before_directory_deposits_content() { if (is_user_logged_in() && humcore_is_deposit_directory()) { echo '<a href="/deposits/item/new/" class="bp-deposits-deposit button" title="Deposit an Item">Deposit an Item</a>'; } humcore_has_deposits(bp_ajax_querystring('deposits')); }
/** * Load the Deposits item review screen. */ function humcore_deposits_item_review_screen() { global $wp; if (humcore_is_deposit_item_review()) { bp_update_is_directory(false, 'humcore_deposits'); $deposit_id = $wp->query_vars['deposits_item']; if (empty($deposit_id)) { bp_do_404(); return; } $item_found = humcore_has_deposits('include=' . $deposit_id); if ($item_found) { do_action('humcore_deposits_item_review_screen'); add_action('wp_head', 'humcore_deposit_item_search_meta'); bp_core_load_template(apply_filters('humcore_deposits_item_review_screen', 'deposits/single/review')); } else { bp_do_404(); } } }