Пример #1
 * Compute the styles that should be applied for the 
 * current element.
 * We start with the default style, and successively override
 * this with the current style, style set for the tag, classes
 * and inline styles.
function _htmltodocx_get_style($element, $state)
    $style_sheet = $state['style_sheet'];
    // Get the default styles
    $phpword_style = $style_sheet['default'];
    // Update with the current style
    $current_style = $state['current_style'];
    // Remove uninheritable items:
    $inheritable_props = htmltodocx_inheritable_props();
    foreach ($current_style as $property => $value) {
        if (!in_array($property, $inheritable_props)) {
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $current_style);
    // Update with any styles defined by the element tag
    $tag_style = isset($style_sheet['elements'][$element->tag]) ? $style_sheet['elements'][$element->tag] : array();
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $tag_style);
    // Find any classes defined for this element:
    $class_list = array();
    if (!empty($element->class)) {
        $classes = explode(' ', $element->class);
        foreach ($classes as $class) {
            $class_list[] = trim($class);
    // Look for any style definitions for these classes:
    $classes_style = array();
    if (!empty($class_list) && !empty($style_sheet['classes'])) {
        foreach ($style_sheet['classes'] as $class => $attributes) {
            if (in_array($class, $class_list)) {
                $classes_style = array_merge($classes_style, $attributes);
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $classes_style);
    // Find any inline styles:
    $inline_style_list = array();
    if (!empty($element->attr['style'])) {
        $inline_styles = explode(';', rtrim(rtrim($element->attr['style']), ';'));
        foreach ($inline_styles as $inline_style) {
            $style_pair = explode(':', $inline_style);
            $inline_style_list[] = trim($style_pair[0]) . ': ' . trim($style_pair[1]);
    // Look for style definitions of these inline styles:
    $inline_styles = array();
    if (!empty($inline_style_list) && !empty($style_sheet['inline'])) {
        foreach ($style_sheet['inline'] as $inline_style => $attributes) {
            if (in_array($inline_style, $inline_style_list)) {
                $inline_styles = array_merge($inline_styles, $attributes);
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $inline_styles);
    return $phpword_style;
Пример #2
 * Compute the styles that should be applied for the
 * current element.
 * We start with the default style, and successively override
 * this with the current style, style set for the tag, classes
 * and inline styles.
function _htmltodocx_get_style($element, $state)
    $style_sheet = $state['style_sheet'];
    // Get the default styles
    $phpword_style = $style_sheet['default'];
    // Update with the current style
    $current_style = $state['current_style'];
    // Remove uninheritable items:
    $inheritable_props = htmltodocx_inheritable_props();
    foreach ($current_style as $property => $value) {
        if (!in_array($property, $inheritable_props)) {
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $current_style);
    // Update with any styles defined by the element tag
    $tag_style = isset($style_sheet['elements'][$element->tag]) ? $style_sheet['elements'][$element->tag] : array();
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $tag_style);
    // Find any classes defined for this element:
    $class_list = array();
    if (!empty($element->class)) {
        $classes = explode(' ', $element->class);
        foreach ($classes as $class) {
            $class_list[] = trim($class);
    // Look for any style definitions for these classes:
    $classes_style = array();
    if (!empty($class_list) && !empty($style_sheet['classes'])) {
        foreach ($style_sheet['classes'] as $class => $attributes) {
            if (in_array($class, $class_list)) {
                $classes_style = array_merge($classes_style, $attributes);
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $classes_style);
    // Find any inline styles:
    $inline_style_list = array();
    if (!empty($element->attr['style'])) {
        $inline_styles = explode(';', rtrim(rtrim($element->attr['style']), ';'));
        foreach ($inline_styles as $inline_style) {
            $style_pair = explode(':', $inline_style);
            $inline_style_list[] = trim($style_pair[0]) . ': ' . trim($style_pair[1]);
    // Look for style definitions of these inline styles:
    $inline_styles = array();
    if (!empty($inline_style_list) && !empty($style_sheet['inline'])) {
        foreach ($style_sheet['inline'] as $inline_style => $attributes) {
            if (in_array($inline_style, $inline_style_list)) {
                $inline_styles = array_merge($inline_styles, $attributes);
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $inline_styles);
    $new_style = array();
    if ($element->attr && !empty($element->attr["style"])) {
        $attr = $element->attr;
        $style = explode(";", $attr["style"]);
        foreach ($style as $k => $v) {
            $colorStyle = str_replace(" ", "", $v);
            if (mb_strpos($colorStyle, "color:") === 0) {
                $colorStr = str_replace("color:", "", $colorStyle);
                if (mb_strpos($colorStr, "rgb") !== false) {
                    $new_style['color'] = RGBToHex($colorStr);
                } elseif (mb_strpos($colorStr, "#") !== false) {
                    $new_style['color'] = str_replace("#", "", $colorStr);
            if (mb_strpos($colorStyle, "font-family:") === 0) {
                $colorStr = str_replace("font-family:", "", $colorStyle);
                $new_style['name'] = $colorStr;
            if (mb_strpos($colorStyle, "font-size:") === 0) {
                $colorStr = str_replace("font-size:", "", $colorStyle);
                $new_style['size'] = str_replace("px", "", $colorStr);
            if (mb_strpos($colorStyle, "line-through") !== false) {
                $new_style['strikethrough'] = true;
    if (find_parent_strikethrough($element)) {
        $new_style['strikethrough'] = true;
    $phpword_style = array_merge($phpword_style, $new_style);
    return $phpword_style;
Пример #3
$allowed_children = htmltodocx_html_allowed_children($tag = NULL);
$html = '<table><tbody><tr><th width="80">Element</th><th width="560">Allowed child elements</th></tr>';
foreach ($allowed_children as $element => $child_elements) {
    $html .= '<tr><td class="heading"><code>' . $element . '</code></td><td><code>' . implode(', ', $child_elements) . '</code></td></tr>';
$html .= '</tbody></table>';
print $html;


<p>Attributes which can be inherited follow <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/propidx.html">standard CSS recommendations for inheritance</a>. See the function <code>htmltodocx_inheritable_props()</code>. The following attributes can be inherited:</p>

$inheritable_props = htmltodocx_inheritable_props();
$html = '';
foreach ($inheritable_props as $property) {
    $html .= '<code>' . $property . '</code><br>';
$html .= '';
print $html;
<h2>Special characters</h2>

<p>All HTML entities <a href="http://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_entities.asp">listed here</a> are supported. For example: &copy; (&amp;copy;), &pound; (&amp;pound;), &reg; (&amp;reg;).</p> 

<h2>Language support</h2>

<p>Note PHPWord does not support utf8 character encoding. The version of PHPWord shipped with the docxtohtml converter is patched to deal with this: all instances of utf8_encode() have been replaced with a new function - utf8encode_dummy() - which simply returns its string argument. <a href="http://phpword.codeplex.com/discussions/261365">Discussion</a>.</p>