/** * Default Action of TPL_ACT_RENDER * * @return bool */ function tpl_content_core() { global $ACT; global $TEXT; global $PRE; global $SUF; global $SUM; global $IDX; global $INPUT; switch ($ACT) { case 'show': html_show(); break; /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ /** @noinspection PhpMissingBreakStatementInspection */ case 'locked': html_locked(); case 'edit': case 'recover': html_edit(); break; case 'preview': html_edit(); html_show($TEXT); break; case 'draft': html_draft(); break; case 'search': html_search(); break; case 'revisions': html_revisions($INPUT->int('first')); break; case 'diff': html_diff(); break; case 'recent': html_recent($INPUT->extract('first')->int('first'), $INPUT->str('show_changes')); break; case 'index': html_index($IDX); #FIXME can this be pulled from globals? is it sanitized correctly? break; case 'backlink': html_backlinks(); break; case 'conflict': html_conflict(con($PRE, $TEXT, $SUF), $SUM); html_diff(con($PRE, $TEXT, $SUF), false); break; case 'login': html_login(); break; case 'register': html_register(); break; case 'resendpwd': html_resendpwd(); break; case 'denied': print p_locale_xhtml('denied'); break; case 'profile': html_updateprofile(); break; case 'admin': tpl_admin(); break; case 'subscribe': tpl_subscribe(); break; case 'media': tpl_media(); break; default: $evt = new Doku_Event('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN', $ACT); if ($evt->advise_before()) { msg("Failed to handle command: " . hsc($ACT), -1); } $evt->advise_after(); unset($evt); return false; } return true; }
function front_end_catalog_wcells($rows, $params, $page_num, $prod_count, $prod_in_page, $ratings, $voted, $categories, $category_list, $params1, $cat_rows, $cat_id, $child_ids, $params7, $categor, $par, $cels_or_list, $ident) { ob_start(); global $ident; $frontpage_id = get_option('page_for_posts'); $pos = strrpos(get_permalink(), "?"); $permalink_for_sp_cat = ""; if ('page' == get_option('show_on_front') && '' != get_option('page_for_posts') && is_home()) { if ($pos) { $permalink_for_sp_cat = get_permalink($frontpage_id); } else { $permalink_for_sp_cat = get_permalink($frontpage_id) . "?s_p_c_t=1342"; } } else { if (is_home()) { $pos1 = strrpos(site_url() . '/index.php', "?"); if ($pos1) { $permalink_for_sp_cat = site_url() . '/index.php'; } else { $permalink_for_sp_cat = site_url() . '/index.php' . "?s_p_c_t=1342"; } } else { if ($pos) { $permalink_for_sp_cat = get_permalink(); } else { $permalink_for_sp_cat = get_permalink() . "?s_p_c_t=1342"; } } } $prod_iterator = 0; if ($params['enable_rating']) { ?> <style type="text/css"> .star-rating { background: url(<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/Front_images/star' . $params['wcells_rating_star'] . '.png'; ?> ) top left repeat-x !important; } .star-rating li a:hover { background: url(<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/Front_images/star' . $params['wcells_rating_star'] . '.png'; ?> ) left bottom !important; } .star-rating li.current-rating { background: url(<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/Front_images/star' . $params['wcells_rating_star'] . '.png'; ?> ) left center !important; } .star-rating1 { background: url(<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/Front_images/star' . $params['wcells_rating_star'] . '.png'; ?> ) top left repeat-x !important; } .star-rating1 li.current-rating { background: url(<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/Front_images/star' . $params['wcells_rating_star'] . '.png'; ?> ) left center !important; } </style> <style> #spanman p { margin: 0; } </style> <?php } html_categories($rows, $params, $page_num, $prod_count, $prod_in_page, $ratings, $voted, $categories, $category_list, $params1, $cat_rows, $cat_id, $child_ids, $params7, $categor, $par, $cels_or_list, $ident, "wcells_"); global $post; $page_id = $post->ID; $frontpage_id = get_option('page_for_posts'); if (!$params["choose_category"] and $params1['categories'] > 0 or !$params["search_by_name"]) { echo '<script> document.getElementById("cat_form_page_nav1").style.display = "none"; </script>'; } $prod_name = html_search($rows, $params, $page_num, $prod_count, $prod_in_page, $ratings, $voted, $categories, $category_list, $params1, $cat_rows, $cat_id, $child_ids, $params7, $categor, $par, $cels_or_list, $ident, "wcells_"); if (isset($_POST['subcat_id_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '']) && $_POST['subcat_id_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . ''] != "") { $subcat_id = $_POST['subcat_id_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '']; } else { if ($cat_id == 'ALL_CAT') { $cat_id = 0; } $subcat_id = $cat_id; } if (count($rows)) { echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="productCartFullcube" style="padding-bottom: 30px;border-width:' . $params['wcells_border_width'] . 'px;border-color:' . $params['wcells_border_color'] . ';border-style:' . $params['wcells_border_style'] . ';border-bottom:none; border-right:none;' . ($params['wcells_text_color'] != '' ? 'color:' . $params['wcells_text_color'] . ';' : '') . ($params['wcells_background_color'] != '' ? 'background-color:' . $params['wcells_background_color'] . ';' : '') . '">'; } if ($params7['show_prod'] == 1) { $urll = site_url(); $perm = get_permalink(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . '&ident=' . $ident . '&product_id=' . $row->id . '&cat_id_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $subcat_id . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $page_num . '&prod_name_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $prod_name . '&back=1'; $imgurl = explode(";;;", $row->image_url); $array = explode(" ", esc_html(stripslashes($row->name))); $array2 = str_replace("{$array['0']}", "", esc_html(stripslashes($row->name))); echo '<tr style="border-bottom:1px solid white !important;background-color:' . $params['wcells_cell_background_color'] . '">'; if (!($row->image_url != "" and $row->image_url != "******0")) { $imgurl[0] = plugins_url("Front_images/noimage.jpg", __FILE__); echo '<td style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;padding: 10px !important;border-width:' . $params['wcells_border_width'] . 'px;border-color:' . $params['wcells_border_color'] . ';border-style:' . $params['wcells_border_style'] . ';border-top:none; border-left:none;"><img style="width:' . $params['single_cell_picture_width'] . 'px;height:' . $params['single_cell_picture_height'] . 'px;border: #CCC solid 1px;" src="' . $imgurl[0] . '" /></td>'; } else { $image_and_atach = explode('******', $imgurl[0]); $image = $image_and_atach[0]; if (isset($image_and_atach[1])) { $atach = $image_and_atach[1]; } else { $atach = ''; } if ($atach) { $array_with_sizes = wp_get_attachment_image_src($atach, 'thumbnail'); $attach_url = $array_with_sizes[0]; } else { $attach_url = $image; } echo '<td style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;padding: 10px !important;border-width:' . $params['wcells_border_width'] . 'px;border-color:' . $params['wcells_border_color'] . ';border-style:' . $params['wcells_border_style'] . ';border-top:none; border-left:none;"><a href="' . $image . '" target="_blank"><img style="max-width:' . $params['single_cell_picture_width'] . 'px;max-height:' . $params['single_cell_picture_height'] . 'px;border: #CCC solid 1px;" src="' . $attach_url . '" /></a></td>'; } echo '<td style="vertical-align:top;padding: 0px 4px 2px 4px;border-width:' . $params['wcells_border_width'] . 'px;border-color:' . $params['wcells_border_color'] . ';border-style:' . $params['wcells_border_style'] . ';border-top:none; border-left:none;"><a href="' . $link . '" style="word-break: break-word;' . ($params['wcells_hyperlink_color'] != '' ? 'color:' . $params['wcells_hyperlink_color'] . ';' : '') . 'font-size:' . $params['single_cell_title_size'] . 'px !important;color:' . $params['single_cell_title_color'] . ';"><b>' . esc_html(stripslashes($row->name)) . '</b></a>'; if ($params['price'] and $row->cost != 0 and $row->cost != '') { echo '<div style="color:' . $params['wcells_price_color'] . ';float:right;font-size:' . $params['wcells_price_size'] . 'px;"><strong>' . ($params['currency_symbol_position'] == 0 ? $params['currency_symbol'] : '') . ' ' . $row->cost . ' ' . ($params['currency_symbol_position'] == 1 ? $params['currency_symbol'] : '') . '</strong></div>'; } if ($params['enable_rating']) { $id = $row->id; $rating = $ratings[$id] * 25; if ($voted[$id] == 0) { if ($ratings[$id] == 0) { $title = __('Not rated Yet.', 'sp_catalog'); } else { $title = $ratings[$id]; } echo "<div id='voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "' style='height:30px;'>\n\n\t\t\t<ul class='star-rating'>\n\n\t\t\t\t<li class='current-rating' id='current-rating' style=\"width:" . $rating . "px\"></li>\n\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"vote(1," . $row->id . ",'voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "','" . __('Rated.', 'sp_catalog') . "','" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=catalogstarerate') . "'); return false;\"\t\ttitle='" . $title . "' class='one-star'>1</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"vote(2," . $row->id . ",'voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "','" . __('Rated.', 'sp_catalog') . "','" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=catalogstarerate') . "'); return false;\" \ttitle='" . $title . "' class='two-stars'>2</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"vote(3," . $row->id . ",'voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "','" . __('Rated.', 'sp_catalog') . "','" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=catalogstarerate') . "'); return false;\" \t title='" . $title . "' class='three-stars'>3</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"vote(4," . $row->id . ",'voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "','" . __('Rated.', 'sp_catalog') . "','" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=catalogstarerate') . "'); return false;\" \ttitle='" . $title . "' class='four-stars'>4</a></li>\n\t\t\t\t<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"vote(5," . $row->id . ",'voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "','" . __('Rated.', 'sp_catalog') . "','" . admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=catalogstarerate') . "'); return false;\"\t\ttitle='" . $title . "' class='five-stars'>5</a></li>\n\n\t\t\t</ul>\n\n\t\t\t</div>"; } else { if ($ratings[$id] == 0) { $title = __('Not rated Yet.', 'sp_catalog'); } else { $title = __('Rating', 'sp_catalog') . ' ' . $ratings[$id] . ' 
' . __('You have already rated this product.', 'sp_catalog'); } echo "<div id='voting" . $row->id . "_" . $cels_or_list . "_" . $ident . "' style='height:30px;'>\n\n\t\t\t<ul class='star-rating1'>\n\n\t\t\t<li class='current-rating' id='current-rating' style=\"width:" . $rating . "px\"></li>\n\n\t\t\t<li><a title='" . $title . "' class='one-star'>1</a></li>\n\n\t\t\t<li><a title='" . $title . "' class='two-stars'>2</a></li>\n\n\t\t\t<li><a title='" . $title . "' class='three-stars'>3</a></li>\n\n\t\t\t<li><a title='" . $title . "' class='four-stars'>4</a></li>\n\n\t\t\t<li><a title='" . $title . "' class='five-stars'>5</a></li>\n\n\t\t\t</ul>\n\n\t\t\t</div>"; } } $categories_id = explode(',', $row->category_id); if ($row->category_id > 0 and $params['cell_show_category']) { echo '<div style="padding-left:7px;background-color:' . $params['single_cell_background_color_1'] . ';font-size:' . $params['single_cell_font_1_size'] . 'px !important;"><span style="color:' . $params['single_cell_text_color_2'] . ' !important;" id="cat_' . $row->id . '">' . __('Category:', 'sp_catalog') . ':'; foreach ($categories as $key => $categ) { if (in_array($key, $categories_id)) { echo $categ . '<br>'; } } echo '</span></div>'; } else { echo '<span id="cat_' . $row->id . '"></span>'; } echo '<table>'; if ($params['list_show_parameters']) { $par_data = explode("par_", $row->param); for ($j = 0; $j < count($par_data); $j++) { if ($par_data[$j] != '') { $par1_data = explode("@@:@@", $par_data[$j]); $par_values = explode("\t", $par1_data[1]); $countOfPar = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < count($par_values); $k++) { if ($par_values[$k] != "") { $countOfPar++; } } if ($j % 2 != 0) { if ($countOfPar != 0) { echo '<tr class="spidercatalogparamslist" >'; echo '<td style="background-color:' . $params['single_cell_background_color_2'] . ';" ><span style="color:' . $params['single_cell_text_color_1'] . ';font-size:' . $params['single_cell_font_2_size'] . 'px !important;"><b>' . $par1_data[0] . ': </b></span>'; for ($k = 0; $k < count($par_values); $k++) { if ($par_values[$k] != "") { echo '<span style="color:' . $params['single_cell_text_color_2'] . ' !important;font-size:' . $params['single_cell_font_1_size'] . 'px !important;">' . $par_values[$k] . '</span>'; } } echo '</td>'; } } if ($j % 2 == 0) { if ($countOfPar != 0) { echo ''; echo '<td style="background-color:' . $params['single_cell_background_color_2'] . ';"><span style="color:' . $params['single_cell_text_color_1'] . ';font-size:' . $params['single_cell_font_2_size'] . 'px !important;"><b>' . $par1_data[0] . ': </b></span>'; for ($k = 0; $k < count($par_values); $k++) { if ($par_values[$k] != "") { echo '<span style="color:' . $params['single_cell_text_color_2'] . ' !important;font-size:' . $params['single_cell_font_1_size'] . 'px !important;">' . $par_values[$k] . '</span>'; } } echo '</td></tr>'; } } } } } echo '</table>'; $description = explode('<!--more-->', stripslashes($row->description)); echo '<div id="spanman" style="color:' . $params['single_cell_text_color_2'] . ' !important;padding-left:7px;background-color:' . $params['single_cell_background_color_1'] . ';font-size:' . $params['single_cell_font_1_size'] . 'px !important;" id="prodDescription">' . htmlspecialchars_decode($description[0]) . ' </div>'; echo '<div style="background-color:' . $params['wcells_more_background_color'] . ';width:70px;float:right;margin-bottom: 3px;;padding-left: 16px;position:relative;"><a style="color:' . $params['wcells_more_font_color'] . ';font-size:12pt;" href="' . $link . '">' . __('More', 'sp_catalog') . '</a></div>'; echo '</td>'; echo '</tr>'; } } if (count($rows)) { echo '</table>'; } ?> <script> function submit_catal(page_link) { if (document.getElementById('cat_form_page_nav')) { document.getElementById('cat_form_page_nav').setAttribute('action', page_link); document.getElementById('cat_form_page_nav').submit(); } else { window.location.href = page_link; } } </script> <div id="spidercatalognavigation" style="text-align:center;"> <?php $url = ""; if ($cat_id != 0) { $url = '&cat_id_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $subcat_id; } if ($prod_name != "") { $url .= '&prod_name_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $prod_name; } if ($params7['show_prod'] == 1) { if ($prod_count > $prod_in_page and $prod_in_page > 0) { $r = ceil($prod_count / $prod_in_page); $navstyle = ($params['text_size_small'] != '' ? 'font-size:' . $params['text_size_small'] . 'px !important;' : 'font-size:12px !important;') . ($params['text_color'] != '' ? 'color:' . $params['text_color'] . ' !important;' : ''); $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . $url . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '= '; if ($page_num > 5) { $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . $url . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=1'; echo "\n\n <a href=\"javascript:submit_catal('{$link}')\" style=\"{$navstyle}\">" . __('First', 'sp_catalog') . "</a> ... "; } if ($page_num > 1) { $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . $url . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . ($page_num - 1); echo " <a href=\"javascript:submit_catal('{$link}')\" style=\"{$navstyle}\">" . __('Prev', 'sp_catalog') . "</a> "; } for ($i = $page_num - 4; $i < $page_num + 5; $i++) { if ($i <= $r and $i >= 1) { $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . $url . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $i; if ($i == $page_num) { echo "<span style='font-weight:bold !important; color:#000000 !important; " . ($params['text_size_small'] != '' ? 'font-size:' . ($params['text_size_small'] + 4) . 'px !important;' : 'font-size:16px !important;') . "' > {$i} </span>"; } else { echo "<a href=\"javascript:submit_catal('{$link}')\" style=\"{$navstyle}\"> {$i} </a>"; } } } if ($page_num < $r) { $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . $url . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . ($page_num + 1); echo " <a href=\"javascript:submit_catal('{$link}')\" style=\"{$navstyle}\">" . __('Next', 'sp_catalog') . "</a> "; } if ($r - $page_num > 4) { $link = $permalink_for_sp_cat . $url . '&page_num_' . $cels_or_list . '_' . $ident . '=' . $r; echo " ... <a href=\"javascript:submit_catal('{$link}')\" style=\"{$navstyle}\">" . __('Last', 'sp_catalog') . "</a>"; } } } ?> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var SpiderCatOFOnLoad = window.onload; window.onload = SpiderCatAddToOnload; </script> <?php $ident++; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; }
function tpl_content_core() { global $ACT; global $TEXT; global $PRE; global $SUF; global $SUM; global $IDX; switch ($ACT) { case 'show': html_show(); break; case 'locked': html_locked(); case 'edit': case 'recover': html_edit(); break; case 'preview': html_edit(); html_show($TEXT); break; case 'draft': html_draft(); break; case 'search': html_search(); break; case 'revisions': $first = isset($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0; html_revisions($first); break; case 'diff': html_diff(); break; case 'recent': if (is_array($_REQUEST['first'])) { $_REQUEST['first'] = array_keys($_REQUEST['first']); $_REQUEST['first'] = $_REQUEST['first'][0]; } $first = is_numeric($_REQUEST['first']) ? intval($_REQUEST['first']) : 0; html_recent($first); break; case 'index': html_index($IDX); #FIXME can this be pulled from globals? is it sanitized correctly? break; case 'backlink': html_backlinks(); break; case 'conflict': html_conflict(con($PRE, $TEXT, $SUF), $SUM); html_diff(con($PRE, $TEXT, $SUF), false); break; case 'login': html_login(); break; case 'register': html_register(); break; case 'resendpwd': html_resendpwd(); break; case 'denied': print p_locale_xhtml('denied'); break; case 'profile': html_updateprofile(); break; case 'admin': tpl_admin(); break; case 'subscribe': tpl_subscribe(); break; default: $evt = new Doku_Event('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN', $ACT); if ($evt->advise_before()) { msg("Failed to handle command: " . hsc($ACT), -1); } $evt->advise_after(); unset($evt); return false; } return true; }
function newlang($langname, $file) { global $lang; print "Writing new Language {$langname} using {$file}\n\n"; if (!($fh = fopen($file, 'r'))) { die("Cannot read {$file}"); } while (false !== ($line = fgets($fh))) { // get content from lang file if (preg_match('/(.*?)=(.*)/', $line, $result)) { //list($name, $value) = $m; $name = trim($result[1]); $value = trim($result[2]); $lang[$name] = $value; } } // Include our language name $lang['lang'] = $langname; // delete previous version of lang templates if (is_dir("html/" . $langname)) { remove_directory("html/" . $langname); } remove_directory("./lang/{$langname}"); copy_directory("./lang/html", "./lang/{$langname}"); /*### TAKE OUT FOR PRODUCTION!!! if ($pref['sql_table'] == "atmail404new") system("find /usr/local/atmail/webmail/lang/$lang -name \".svn\" | sed \"s/^/rm -rf /g\" | sh"); ### TAKE OUT FOR PRODUCTION!!! */ html_search("./lang/{$langname}/"); //html_search("./lang/$langname/calendar/"); html_search("./lang/{$langname}/help/"); html_search("./lang/{$langname}/javascript/"); //html_search("./lang/$langname/javascript/htmleditor/"); html_search("./lang/{$langname}/msg/"); html_search("./lang/{$langname}/simple/"); //html_search("./lang/$langname/simple/heading/"); if (is_dir("./lang/{$langname}/xhtml/")) { html_search("./lang/{$langname}/xhtml/"); } html_search("./lang/{$langname}/xp/"); //html_search("./lang/$langname/xp/heading/"); if (file_exists("./lang/{$langname}/xp/calendar/readpost.html")) { html_search("./lang/{$langname}/xp/calendar/"); } if (file_exists("./lang/{$langname}/xp/css")) { html_search("./lang/{$langname}/xp/css/"); } if (file_exists("./lang/{$langname}/calendar")) { html_search("./lang/{$langname}/calendar"); } //html_search("./lang/$langname/xul/"); //html_search("./lang/$langname/xul/css/"); sleep(1); copy_directory("./lang/{$langname}", "./html/{$langname}"); remove_directory("./lang/{$langname}"); print "New language installed to ./html/{$langname}/\n"; if (!is_dir("imgs/menubar-{$langname}") && !is_dir("lang/languages/{$langname}/menubar-{$langname}")) { print "\nImage Translation\n-----------------\n\n - The imgs/menubar-{$langname} directory does not exist. To complete the translation of @Mail\n you are required to modify the text for the menubar images.\n "; $value = enterinfo("\nIcons for {$langname} could not be found.\nCopy English template to imgs/menubar-{$langname} ?", "Y"); if (strtolower($value) == 'y') { copy_directory("imgs/menubar-english", "imgs/menubar-{$langname}"); } } if (is_dir("lang/languages/{$langname}/menubar-{$langname}")) { $value = enterinfo("\nMove image template from:\nlang/languages/{$langname}/menubar-{$langname} to imgs/menubar-{$langname} ?", "Y"); if (strtolower($value) == 'y') { $time = time(); print "Creating images ...\n\n"; copy_directory("imgs/menubar-{$langname}", "/tmp/menubar-{$langname}-{$time}"); remove_directory("imgs/menubar-{$langname}"); copy_directory("lang/languages/{$langname}/menubar-{$langname}", "imgs/menubar-{$langname}"); remove_directory("lang/languages/{$langname}/menubar-{$langname}"); } } }