Пример #1
    $link = THEME . 'template.php';
    require_once $link;
// The data is good enough to go under validation
// 1. Checking if all motives have runs
// 2. Checking if all runs have motives
// 3. Checking if all motives have their variants selected
foreach ($_POST['MOTIVES'] as $_index => $_motive) {
    if ($_motive && !$_POST['RUNS'][$_index]) {
        // $errors[] = 'All motives need to have an amount of runs filled in!';
        // break;
list($headers, $rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery) = html_offer_box($_POST, [0]);
if (count($rows[1]) == 2) {
    foreach ($rows as $index => $_row) {
// Storing to seesion the curent calculation
// and the current offer so we can add it to the cart
$template = 'calculator';
$link = THEME . 'template.php';
require_once $link;
Пример #2

<form method="post" action="/orders/cart" enctype="multipart/form-data">
	<input type="hidden" value="" name="offer-state" id="is-offer"/>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="span6">
			<ul class="unstyled">
					$total_environment = $Cart->getProductsCount() * DELIVERY_ENVIRONMENT;
					$total_delivery = 0;

					foreach ($Cart->getProducts() as $i => $_row) {

						list($headers, $rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery) = html_offer_box($_row['PRODUCTS'], $Cart->deliveryDistributionAt($i));
						$total_delivery += $delivery;
						echo html_build_offer_box($rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery, $_row['OFFER'], $_row['PRODUCTS']['MOTIVES'], false, true, $_row['PRODUCTS']['RUNS'], $_row['PRODUCTS']['VARIANT']);
						echo '<li class="span4"><div> </div></li>';
				<li class="span4"><hr /></li>
				<li class="span5">
					<table class="nohover" style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 20px;">
							<td style="width: 100px;">All Products: </td>
							<td style="width: 160px; text-align: right;">
echo number_format($Cart->getTotal(), 2);
Пример #3
function build_customer_pdf($order_id, $person_id, $client = true)
    $system_settings = get_settings();
    $order = order_get($order_id);
    $person = person_get($person_id);
    $contacts = contact_get_by_party($person_id, COMPANY_CONTACT);
    $affiliate = person_affiliate_get($person_id);
    // Dealing with shipments
    $shipment = shipment_get($order_id);
        $delivery_address = 'In requisions files';
    } else {
        $attributes = contact_mech_get_attributes($shipment['DESTINATION_CONTACT_MECH_ID']);
        $delivery_address = contact_generate_string($attributes, '<br />');
    $content = '
	<page backtop="30mm" backbottom="14mm" backleft="10mm" backright="10mm" style="font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; margin-top: 150px;">

		<!-- Page header -->
		<page_header style="margin-left: 20px; height: 400px; margin-bottom: 40px;">
			<table style="margin-left: 15px;">
					<td style="width: 530px;">
						<div style="background-color: #63cdf5; padding-left: 10px;">
							<h1>Order #' . $order_id . '</h1>
    if ($client) {
        $content .= '<img style="width: 200px;" src="./themes/megamedia/img/website-logo-big.png">';
    $content .= '</td></tr>
			<div style="clear: both"></div>

		<!-- Metadata -->
		<table style="margin-left: -30px;" cellspacing="10" cellspadding="0">
				<td style="width: 390px; vertical-align:top; border: 1px solid #fcb040; border-top: none; padding:0; padding-bottom: 10px;">
					<div style="background-color: #fcb040; width: 390px; padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
						<h3 style="margin:10 0 10 0; padding: 0;">Customer</h3>
					<div style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 10px; width: 390px;">
						' . contact_generate_string($contacts, '<br />') . '
    if ($client) {
        $content .= '<td style="width: 300px; vertical-align:top; border: 1px solid #fcb040; border-top: none; padding:0; padding-bottom: 10px;">
						<div style="background-color: #fcb040; width: 300px; padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
							<h3 style="margin:10 10 10 10; padding: 0;">Megamedia DK ApS</h3>
						<div style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 10px; width: 300px;">
							Skøjtevej 19A <br />
							2770 Kastrup <br />
							Denmark <br />
							Tlf.: +45 70 26 26 99 <br />
							<a href="www.megamedia.dk">www.megamedia.dk</a> <br />
							Account manager: <b>' . $affiliate['AFFILIATE_NAME'] . '</b> <br />
							Telephone: <b>' . $affiliate['AFFILIATE_DESCRIPTION'] . '</b>
    $content .= '</tr>
				<td style="width: 390px; vertical-align:top; border: 1px solid #fcb040; border-top: none; padding:0; padding-bottom: 10px;">
					<div style="background-color: #fcb040; width: 390px; padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
						<h3 style="margin:10 0 10 0; padding: 0;">Delivery Address</h3>
					<div style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 10px; width: 390px;">
						' . $delivery_address . '
    if ($client) {
        $content .= '<td style="width: 300px; vertical-align:top; border: 1px solid #fcb040; border-top: none; padding:0; padding-bottom: 10px;">
						<div style="background-color: #fcb040; width: 300px; padding-left: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;">
							<h3 style="margin:10 10 10 10; padding: 0;">Order Details</h3>
						<div style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 10px; width: 300px;">
							Order done by: <b>' . $person['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $person['LAST_NAME'] . '</b><br />
							Order date: <b>' . date_convert($order['ORDER_DATE'], DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT) . '</b><br />
							Your reference: <b>' . $order['EXTERNAL_ID'] . '</b><br />
							Additional order info: <b>' . $order['COMMENTS'] . '</b>
    $content .= '</tr>

		<!-- Product section -->
		<div style="margin-left: -20px; width: 715px; background-color: #CB68A8; padding-left: 10px; margin-top: 20px;">
			<h3 style="margin:10 10 10 10; padding: 0;">Products</h3>

		<table style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: -20px; width: 715px; margin-top: 10px;"border="1px" cellspacing="0" >
				<th style="width: 228px; padding: 5px;"><b>Product</b></th>
				<th style="width: 35px; padding: 5px;"><b>Line</b></th>
				<th style="width: 55px; padding: 5px;"><b>Motives</b></th>
				<th style="width: 55px; padding: 5px;"><b>Runs</b></th>
				<th style="width: 85px; padding: 5px;"><b>Variant</b></th>';
    if ($client) {
        $content .= '<th style="width: 95px; padding: 5px;"><b>Price</b></th>';
    $content .= '</tr>';
    $Cart = new Cart();
    $product_count = $Cart->getProductsCount();
    $loop = 0;
    $total = 0;
    $total_delivery = 0;
    foreach ($Cart->getProducts() as $i => $_row) {
        list($headers, $rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery) = html_offer_box($_row['PRODUCTS'], $Cart->deliveryDistributionAt($i));
        list($html, $add_to_total, $delivery) = pdf_build_offer_box($rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery, $_row['OFFER'], $_row['PRODUCTS']['MOTIVES'], false, true, $_row['PRODUCTS']['RUNS'], $_row['PRODUCTS']['VARIANT'], $client);
        $content .= $html;
        $total += $add_to_total;
        $total_delivery += $delivery;
        if ($product_count > $loop) {
            $content .= '<tr><td style="border-left: none; border-right: none;" colspan="6">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    $content .= '</table>

		<!-- Grand Total -->
		<div style="clear: both; margin-top: 40px;">
			<div style="text-align: right; margin-left: -20px; width: 723px; background-color: #CB68A8; padding-right: 10px; margin-top: 20px;">
				<span style="margin:10 10 10 10; padding: 0;">All Delivery + Environment:
				<span style="color: #fff;">' . number_format($total_delivery + DELIVERY_ENVIRONMENT + $system_settings['ORDER_FEE'], 2) . ' ' . DEFAULT_CURRENCY . '</span></span>
		<div style="clear: both; margin-top: 40px;">
			<div style="text-align: right; margin-left: -20px; width: 723px; background-color: #CB68A8; padding-right: 10px; margin-top: 20px;">
				<h3 style="margin:10 10 10 10; padding: 0;">Grand Total:
				<span style="color: #fff;">' . number_format($total + $total_delivery + DELIVERY_ENVIRONMENT + $system_settings['ORDER_FEE'], 2) . ' ' . DEFAULT_CURRENCY . '</span></h3>

		<!-- Footer -->
			<table style="width: 750px;">
					<td class="center">Order: #' . $order_id . ' <i style=" font-size: 10px;">page [[page_cu]]/[[page_nb]]</i></td>
    try {
        $html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'en');
        $html2pdf->writeHTML($content, false);
        $file_name = $client ? 'Customer-Copy-' : 'Production-Copy-';
        $prefix = $file_name . $order_id;
        $pdf_name = $prefix . '.pdf';
        $html2pdf->Output(PDFS_PATH . $pdf_name, 'F');
    } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $e) {
        echo $e;
    return PDFS_PATH . $pdf_name;
Пример #4
echo forms_admin_errors($errors);

<? if(empty($errors)){ ?>
	<div class="row">
		<div class="span6">
			<ul class="unstyled">

					$total_environment = count($order_cart['PRODUCTS']) * DELIVERY_ENVIRONMENT;
					$total_delivery = 0;
					foreach ($order_cart['PRODUCTS'] as $index => $_row) {
						list($headers, $rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery) = html_offer_box($_row['PRODUCTS'], $order_cart['ADDRESS'][$index]);
						$total_delivery += $delivery;
						echo html_build_offer_box($rows, $variants, $copies, $delivery, $_row['OFFER'], $_row['PRODUCTS']['MOTIVES'], false, false, $_row['PRODUCTS']['RUNS'], $_row['PRODUCTS']['VARIANT']);
						echo '<li class="span4"><div> </div></li>';
				<li class="span4"><hr /></li>
				<li class="span5">
					<table class="nohover" style="font-size: 15px; margin-left: 20px;">
							<td style="width: 100px;">All Products: </td>
							<td style="width: 160px; text-align: right;">
echo number_format($order_cart['GRAND_TOTAL'], 2);