public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "File Not Found", "File Not Found"); is_present($page, "maintenance mode", "This server is in maintenance mode. Retry in a few minute."); $id = cut_str($page, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $FileName = cut_str($page, 'name="fname" value="', '"'); $post = array(); $post['op'] = "download1"; $post['usr_login'] = ""; $post['id'] = $id; $post['fname'] = $FileName; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); $rand = cut_str($page, 'name="rand" value="', '"'); unset($post); $post['op'] = "download2"; $post['id'] = $id; $post['rand'] = $rand; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $post['method_premium'] = ""; $post['down_script'] = "1"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (!preg_match('/Location: (.*)/i', $page, $dl)) { html_error("Error: Download link not found!"); } $Url = parse_url($dl[1]); if (!$FileName) { $FileName = basename($Url['path']); } $this->RedirectDownload($dl[1], $FileName, 0, 0, $link); exit; }
private function DownloadPremium($link) { global $premium_acc; $page = $this->GetPage(""); $Cookies = GetCookies($page); $lt = cut_str($page, 'name="lt" value="', '"'); $post = array(); $post["username"] = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["megashare_vn"]["user"]; $post["password"] = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["megashare_vn"]["pass"]; $post["lt"] = $lt; $post["_eventId"] = "submit"; $post["submit"] = "%C3%90%C4%82NG+NH%E1%BA%ACP+"; $page = $this->GetPage("", $Cookies, $post); $Cookies .= "; " . GetCookies($page); if (!preg_match("#Location: (.*)#i", $page, $tlink)) { html_error("Error 1x01: Plugin is out of date"); } $page = $this->GetPage(trim($tlink[1]), $Cookies); $tmp = explode(";", GetCookies($page)); $Cookies .= "; " . $tmp[1]; $page = $this->GetPage($link, $Cookies, 0, $link); if (!preg_match("#location: (.*)#i", $page, $tlink)) { html_error("Error 1x02: Plugin is out of date"); } $page = $this->GetPage(trim($tlink[1]), $Cookies, 0, $link); if (!preg_match('#http://.+8080[^"]+#', $page, $dlink)) { html_error("Error 1x03: Plugin is out of date"); } $Url = parse_url($dlink[0]); $FileName = basename($Url['path']); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], $FileName, $Cookies); exit; }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link); if (preg_match('/(\\d+)<\\/span> seconds/', $page, $wait)) { $this->CountDown($wait[1]); } $free = '' . cut_str($page, '<a id="downpage_link" href="', '"'); $page = $this->GetPage($free, 0, 0, $link); $cookie = GetCookies($page); if (!preg_match('/setCookie\\("(v\\w+)", "(\\w+)"/', $page, $ca)) { html_error('Additional Cookie not found!'); } $cookie = $cookie . "; {$ca['1']}={$ca['2']}"; $form = cut_str($page, '<form class="tform" ', '</form>'); $dlink = cut_str($form, 'action="', '" method="post"'); $filename = basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)); if (!preg_match_all('/<input type="hidden" name="([^"]+)" value="([^"]+)" \\/>/', $form, $match)) { html_error('Error : Post Data not found!'); } $match = array_combine($match[1], $match[2]); $post = array(); foreach ($match as $key => $value) { $post[$key] = $value; } $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $filename, $cookie, $post, $link); exit; }
private function DownloadFree($link) { global $Referer; if ($_GET["step"] == "1") { $post = array(); $post["op"] = $_GET["op"]; $post["id"] = $_GET["id"]; $post["rand"] = $_GET["rand"]; $post["referer"] = $_GET["referer"]; $post["method_free"] = $_GET["method_free"]; $post["method_premium"] = $_GET["method_premium"]; $post["code"] = $_GET["code"]; $post["down_script"] = $_GET["down_script"]; } else { // error html_error("Kindly execute catpcha step then this step come.", 0); } $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $Referer); preg_match('/Location: (.*)/', $page, $newredir); $FileName = ""; $Href = trim($newredir[1]); $Url = parse_url($Href); $FileName = !$FileName ? basename($Url["path"]) : $FileName; //$this->RedirectDownload($Href,$FileName,$cookie, 0,$Referer); $this->RedirectDownload($Href, $FileName, 0, 0, $Referer); exit; }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "This file couldn't be found!", "This file doesn't exit or has been deleted."); $post = array(); $post['free_download'] = "1"; $post['free_download1.x'] = rand(0, 83); $post['free_download1.y'] = rand(0, 20); $post['free_download1'] = "1"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); preg_match('/<div id="time2wait" style="display:inline;">(\\d+)<\\/div>/', $page, $wait); $countdown = $wait[1]; insert_timer($countdown, "Download is being prepared.", "", true); $ticket = cut_str($page, 'id="ticket" value="', '"'); unset($post); $post['ticket'] = $ticket; $post['x'] = rand(0, 78); $post['y'] = rand(0, 19); if (!preg_match('/form method="post" action="(.*)"/', $page, $dl)) { html_error("Error, Download link not found bla...bla...bla...he3x"); } $dlink = trim($dl[1]); $Url = parse_url($dlink); $FileName = basename($Url['path']); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, $post, $link); exit; }
public function Download($link) { if (!preg_match('@://(?:[^/]+\\.)?tune\\.pk/video/(\\d+)@i', $link, $vid)) { html_error('Video ID not found. Check url.'); } $page = $this->GetPage('' . $vid[1] . '/'); is_present($page, 'Video does not exist'); is_present($page, '404 Page not found'); if (!preg_match('@var \\s*video_title\\s*=\\s*\'([^\']+)\';@i', $page, $title)) { html_error('Video title not found.'); } $title = str_replace(str_split('<>:"/\\|?*\'@#+~{}[]^'), '_', html_entity_decode(trim($title[1]), ENT_QUOTES)); if (stripos($page, 'watch_video_hd_button') !== false && preg_match('@var \\s*hq_video_file\\s*=\\s*\'(http://[^\']+)\'@i', $page, $dl)) { $title .= '_HQ'; } elseif (!preg_match('@var \\s*normal_video_file\\s*=\\s*\'(http://[^\']+)\'@i', $page, $dl)) { html_error('Download link not found.'); } $dllink = $dl[1]; $ext = strrchr($dllink, '.'); if (empty($ext)) { $ext = '.flv'; } $fname = $title . $ext; $this->RedirectDownload($dllink, $fname); }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link, 'lang=english'); is_present($page, "<h2>File Not Found</h2>", 'Video not found or it was deleted.'); is_present($page, "Video is not encoded yet.", 'Video is not encoded yet. Please wait some minutes.'); is_present($page, "The file you were looking for could not be found"); $page2 = cut_str($page, '<form name="F1" method="POST"', '</form>'); //Cutting page if (!preg_match('@name="id" value="([^"]+)"@i', $page2, $id)) { html_error("Video ID not found."); } $page = $this->GetPage("{$id[1]}.xml", 'lang=english'); if (!preg_match('@<title><!\\[CDATA\\[([^\\[|\\]]+)\\]\\]></title>@i', $page, $title)) { html_error("Video Title not found."); } $page = $this->GetPage("{$id[1]}.xml", 'lang=english'); if (!preg_match('@<hd\\.file><!\\[CDATA\\[([^\\[|\\]]+)\\]\\]></hd\\.file>@i', $page, $encrypted)) { if (!preg_match('@<file><!\\[CDATA\\[([^\\[|\\]]+)\\]\\]></file>@i', $page, $encrypted)) { html_error("Encrypted link not found."); } } $down = $this->decryptme(substr($encrypted[1], 0, -6)) or $down = $this->decryptme($encrypted[1]); if ($down === false) { html_error("Cannot decrypt download link"); } if (!preg_match('@\\.[^\\.]+$@i', basename($down), $ext)) { $ext = array('.mp4'); } $badchars = '<>:"/\\|?*\'@#+~{}[]^'; $fname = str_replace(str_split($badchars), "_", trim($title[1])) . $ext[0]; $this->RedirectDownload($down . "?start=0", $fname, 0, 0, 0, $fname); }
public function Download($link) { $cookie = array('langfil' => 'en'); $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie); $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $cookie); // check redirect $rdc = 0; while (($redir = $this->ChkRedir($page)) && $rdc < 5) { $page = $this->GetPage($redir, $cookie); $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $cookie); $rdc++; } is_present($page, 'The video you have requested is not available'); if (!preg_match('/mediaid:\'([^\']+)\'/', $page, $mid)) { html_error('Error[Media id not found!]'); } $page = $this->GetPage("{$mid[1]}&publisherid=vidivodo&type=", $cookie, 0, ''); $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $cookie); if (!preg_match('/https?:\\/\\/ss\\d+\\.vidivodo\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/vidivodo\\/vidservers\\/[^\\r\\n\\]]+/i', $page, $dl)) { html_error('Error[Download link not found!]'); } $dlink = trim($dl[0]); $filename = basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $filename, $cookie); }
private function Login($link) { global $premium_acc; $pA = !empty($_REQUEST['premium_user']) && !empty($_REQUEST['premium_pass']) ? true : false; $user = $pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_user'] : $premium_acc['ultramegabit_com']['user']; $pass = $pA ? $_REQUEST['premium_pass'] : $premium_acc['ultramegabit_com']['pass']; if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { html_error('Login Failed: User or Password is empty. Please check login data.'); } $purl = ''; $post = array(); $post['csrf_token'] = cut_str($this->page, 'name="csrf_token" value="', '"'); $post['submit'] = 'Login'; $post['return_url'] = urlencode($purl . 'user/details'); $post['username'] = urlencode($user); $post['password'] = urlencode($pass); $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'login', $this->cookie, $post, $purl); is_present($page, 'Invalid username or password', 'Login failed: User/Password incorrect.'); is_notpresent($page, "\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n", 'Login failed.'); $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page); $page = $this->GetPage($purl . 'user/details', $this->cookie, 0, $purl . 'login'); $this->page = $this->GetPage($link, $this->cookie); if (stripos($page, '"Premium Member"') === false) { $this->changeMesg(lang(300) . '<br /><b>Account isn\'t premium</b><br />Using it as member.'); return $this->FreeDL($link, true); } else { return $this->PremiumDL($link); } }
private function login() { global $premium_acc; $url = ''; $page = $this->GetPage($url . 'login'); $this->cookie = GetCookiesArr($page); $pA = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] && $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? true : false; $user = $pA ? $_REQUEST["premium_user"] : $premium_acc["slingfile_com"]["user"]; $pass = $pA ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["slingfile_com"]["pass"]; if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { html_error("Login Failed: Email or Password is empty. Please check login data.", 0); } $post = array(); $post['f_user'] = $user; $post['f_password'] = $pass; $post['f_keepMeLoggedIn'] = '1'; $post['submit'] = urlencode('Login »'); $page = $this->GetPage($url . 'login', $this->cookie, $post, $url . 'login'); $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie); if (!array_key_exists('cookielogin', $cookie)) { html_error('Invalid account'); } $page = $this->GetPage($url . 'dashboard', $cookie); is_notpresent($page, '<span>Premium</span>', 'Account is not premium!'); return $cookie; }
private function Login($auth = false) { global $premium_acc; if (!$auth) { if (!empty($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["premium_pass"])) { $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"]; $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"]; } else { $user = $premium_acc["real-debrid_com"]['user']; $pass = $premium_acc["real-debrid_com"]['pass']; } if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { html_error("Username or password is empty, you need to insert your login detail!"); } $page = $this->GetPage($this->posturl . "ajax/login.php?user="******"&pass="******"", "lang=en", 0, $this->posturl . "\r\nX-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest"); $cookie = GetCookies($page) . "; lang=en"; is_present($page, 'Your login informations are incorrect !'); } elseif (strlen($auth) == 114) { $cookie = "auth={$auth}; lang=en"; } else { html_error("[Cookie] Invalid cookie (" . strlen($auth) . " != 114)."); } //check account $page = $this->GetPage($this->posturl . "account", $cookie, 0, $this->posturl); is_present($page, "<h3>403 - Forbidden</h3>", "Account invalid!"); is_present($page, 'A dedicated server has been detected and your account will not be Premium on this IP address.'); is_present($page, '<strong>Free</strong>', 'Account Free, login not validated!'); return $cookie; }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "This file no longer exists", 'Video not found or it was deleted.'); is_present($page, "The file is being transfered", 'Video is temporarily unavailable.'); if ($stepkey = cut_str($page, '"stepkey" value="', '"')) { $post = array('stepkey' => $stepkey, 'submit' => 'submit'); $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page); $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, $post); } if (!preg_match('@<h4>\\s*([^"<>]+)\\s*</h4>@i', $page, $fname)) { html_error('Error: Video title not found.'); } if (!preg_match('@flashvars.domain="([^"]+)";\\s+flashvars.file="([^"]+)";\\s+flashvars.filekey=(?:"([^"]+)"|([\\$_A-Za-z][\\$\\w]*))@', $page, $matches)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found.'); } if (empty($matches[3])) { if (!preg_match('@var\\s+' . $matches[4] . '\\s*=\\s*"([^"]+)"\\s*;@i', $page, $fkey)) { html_error('FileKey not Found.'); } $matches[3] = $fkey[1]; } $url = $matches[1] . '/api/player.api.php?user=undefined&codes=1&file=' . $matches[2] . '&pass=undefined&key=' . urlencode($matches[3]); $page2 = $this->GetPage($url); if (!preg_match('@url=(http://[^&]+)@', $page2, $downl)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found.'); } if (!preg_match('@\\.[^\\.]+$@i', basename($downl[1]), $ext)) { $ext = array('.flv'); } $fname = preg_replace('@\\.(mp4|flv|mkv|webm|wmv|(m2)?ts|rm(vb)?|mpe?g?|vob|avi|[23]gp)$@i', '', str_replace(array("\\", "/", ":", "*", "?", "\"", "<", ">", "|"), "_", html_entity_decode(trim($fname[1])))) . $ext[0]; $this->RedirectDownload($downl[1], $fname, 0, 0, 0, $fname); }
public function DownloadPremium($link, $user, $pass) { $rootURL = ''; if (!preg_match('#http://(?:www\\.)?', $link)) { html_error("Invalid URL"); } else { $login = array('loginFormSubmit' => 'Login', 'loginUserName' => $user, 'loginUserPassword' => $pass, 'autoLogin' => 'on'); $page = $this->getPage("{$rootURL}login.php", 0, $login); $cookie = GetCookies($page); is_notpresent($cookie, "Cookie=", "Login error. Cookie not found."); $page = $this->GetPage("{$rootURL}dashboard.php", $cookie, 0, $rootURL); is_present($page, "acctype_free", "Error:Not Premium [0]"); is_notpresent($page, "Expiry date: ", "Error:Not Premium [1]"); $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, array('download' => 'premium')); if (stristr($page, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK")) { $page = $this->GetPage($this->link, $cookie, array('download' => 'premium')); } if (preg_match('/Location: (http:\\/\\/d\\[^\\r\\n]+)/i', $page, $tmpDownload)) { $download_link = $tmpDownload[1]; } else { is_present($page, "You are not able to download", "Error:Not Premium [2]"); } $downloadElements = parse_url($download_link); $filename = urldecode(basename($downloadElements["path"])); $this->RedirectDownload($download_link, $filename, $cookie); } }
public function Download($link) { $cookie = 'lang=english'; $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie); is_present($page, 'The file you were looking for could not be found, sorry for any inconvenience.'); $form = cut_str($page, '<form method="POST" action=\'\'>', '</form>'); if (!preg_match_all('/type="hidden" name="([^"]+)" value="([^"]+)?"/', $form, $one) || !preg_match_all('/type="submit" name="(\\w+_free)" .* value="([^"]+)"/', $form, $two)) { html_error('Error[Form Post Data 1 not found!]'); } $match = array_merge(array_combine($one[1], $one[2]), array_combine($two[1], $two[2])); $post = array(); foreach ($match as $key => $value) { $post[$key] = $value; } $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, $post, $link); $form = cut_str($page, '<Form name="F1" method="POST" action=""', '</Form>'); if (!preg_match_all('/type="hidden" name="([^"]+)" value="([^"]+)?"/', $form, $match)) { html_error('Error[Post Data 2 not found!]'); } $match = array_combine($match[1], $match[2]); $post = array(); foreach ($match as $key => $value) { $post[$key] = $value; } $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, $post, $link); if (!preg_match('/Location: (https?:\\/\\/[^\\r\\n]+)/i', $page, $dl)) { html_error('Error[Download Link not found!]'); } $dlink = trim($dl[1]); $filename = basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $filename, $cookie); }
private function DownloadFree($link) { $post = array(); $post['op'] = "download2"; $post['id'] = $_POST['id']; $post['rand'] = $_POST['rand']; $post['referer'] = urldecode($_POST['referer']); $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $post['method_premium'] = ""; $post['code'] = $_POST['captcha']; $post['down_script'] = "1"; $link = $_POST['link']; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (strpos($page, "Wrong captcha")) { return $this->Retrieve($link); } if (!stristr($page, "Location:")) { html_error("Sorry, download link couldn't be found. Contact the author n give the link which u have this error!"); } $dlink = trim(cut_str($page, "Location: ", "\n")); $Url = parse_url($dlink); $FileName = basename($Url['path']); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, 0, $link); exit; }
public function Download($link) { if (stristr($link, '/video/')) { $link = str_replace('/video/', '/download/', $link); } elseif (stristr($link, '/audio/')) { $link = str_replace('/audio/', '/download/', $link); } $page = $this->GetPage($link); //textarea($page, $cols, $rows, true); is_present($page, '/file-404.html', 'File not found!'); $cookie = GetCookies($page); $post = array('referer2' => cut_str($page, 'id="referer2" value="', '"'), 'download' => '1', 'imageField.x' => rand(0, 153), 'imageField.y' => rand(0, 25)); $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookie, $post, $link); $cookie = $cookie . "; " . GetCookies($page); if (!preg_match('#here[|](\\d+)[|]class#', $page, $wait)) { html_error('Error: Timer not found!'); } $this->CountDown($wait[1]); $dlink = cut_str($page, 'var link_enc=new Array(', ');'); $dlink = preg_replace('@[,\']@i', '', $dlink); if (!isset($dlink)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found!'); } $filename = parse_url($dlink); $FileName = basename($filename['path']); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, $cookie, 0, $link); }
public function Download($link) { if (!preg_match('@(https?://(?:[\\w\\-]+\\.)+[\\w\\-]+(?:\\:\\d+)?/)(?:file/|v/|embed\\.php\\?id=)(\\w+)@i', $link, $vid)) { html_error('Invalid Link.'); } $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, 'The video no longer exists', 'Video not found or it was deleted.'); is_present($page, 'The file is being transfered', 'Video is temporarily unavailable.'); $embed = $this->GetPage("{$vid[1]}embed.php?id={$vid[2]}&autoplay=1"); if (!preg_match('@<h4 class="title">\\s*([^"<>]+)\\s*</h4>@i', $page, $title)) { html_error('Error: Video title not found.'); } if (!preg_match('@domain\\s*:\\s*"([^"]+)"\\s*,\\s*key\\s*:\\s*"([^"]+)"@', $embed, $matches)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found.'); } $url = $matches[1] . '/api/player.api.php?user=undefined&codes=1&file=' . $vid[2] . '&pass=undefined&key=' . urlencode($matches[2]); $page2 = $this->GetPage($url); is_present($page, ' is being transfered', 'Video is temporarily unavailable'); if (!preg_match('@url=(http://[^&]+)@', urldecode($page2), $downl)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found.'); } if (!preg_match('@\\.(?:mp4|flv|webm|avi)$@i', basename($downl[1]), $ext)) { $ext = array('.flv'); } $filename = preg_replace('@\\.(mp4|flv|mkv|webm|wmv|(m2)?ts|rm(vb)?|mpe?g?|vob|avi|[23]gp)$@i', '', preg_replace('@[^ A-Za-z_\\-\\d\\.,\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}&\\!\'\\@\\%\\#]@u', '_', html_entity_decode(trim($title[1]), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'))); $filename .= sprintf(' [Cloudy][%s]%s', $vid[2], $ext[0]); $this->RedirectDownload($downl[1], $filename, 0, 0, 0, $filename); }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link, 'lang=english'); is_present($page, "The file you were looking for could not be found"); $page2 = cut_str($page, '<Form method="POST" action=\'\'>', '</Form>'); //Cutting page $post = array(); $post['op'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="op" value="', '"'); $post['usr_login'] = ''; $post['id'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $post['fname'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="fname" value="', '"'); $post['referer'] = ''; $post['method_free'] = 'Slow+Download'; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 'lang=english', $post); $page2 = cut_str($page, '<form name="F1" method="POST"', '</form>'); //Cutting page $post = array(); $post['op'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="op" value="', '"'); $post['id'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $post['rand'] = cut_str($page2, 'name="rand" value="', '"'); $post['referer'] = urlencode(cut_str($page2, 'name="referer" value="', '"')); $post['method_free'] = 'Slow+Download'; $post['down_direct'] = 1; if (!preg_match('@var\\s+cdnum\\s*=\\s*(\\d+);@i', $page, $count)) { html_error("Timer not found."); } $this->CountDown($count[1]); $page = $this->GetPage($link, 'lang=english', $post); if (!preg_match('@href="(http://[^/|\\"]+/d/[^\\"]+)"@i', $page, $dlink)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found.', 0); } $url = parse_url($dlink[1]); $FileName = basename($url["path"]); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[1], $FileName); }
private function login() { global $premium_acc, $L; $user = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_user"]) : $premium_acc["sendspace_com"]["user"]; $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? trim($_REQUEST["premium_pass"]) : $premium_acc["sendspace_com"]["pass"]; if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) { html_error("Login failed, username[{$user}] or password[{$pass}] is empty!"); } $posturl = ''; $post = array(); $post['action'] = 'login'; $post['submit'] = 'login'; $post['target'] = urlencode('%2F'); $post['action_type'] = 'login'; $post['remember'] = 1; $post['username'] = $user; $post['password'] = $pass; $post['remember'] = 'on'; $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'login.html', $this->cookie, $post, $posturl); $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page, $this->cookie); is_present($cookie['ssal'], "deleted", "Login incorrect retype your username or password correctly"); $page = $this->GetPage($posturl . 'mysendspace/myindex.html', $cookie); if (!preg_match('/<li>You[\\s\\t]?have[\\s\\t]?([\\d\\.]+)([\\w]?B)[\\s\\t]?available[\\s\\t]?bandwidth<\\/li>/', $page, $q)) { html_error('Error[Can\'t check Premium Bandwidth Limit or Account Free!]'); } $this->changeMesg($L->say['_retrieving'] . "<br /> Premium Download<br />You have: {$q[1]} {$q[2]} available bandwidth."); return $cookie; }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "This transfer has expired and the files are no longer available for download."); if (preg_match('@Location: (http(s)?:\\/\\/[^\\r\\n]+)@i', $page, $dl)) { //this is link that we have submit from autodownload $dlink = trim($dl[1]); $FileName = urldecode(cut_str($dlink, 'fn=', '\\r\\n')); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, 0, $link); } else { if (!preg_match_all('@"DownloadUrl":"([^"]+)",@', $page, $temp)) { html_error("Error [Redirect Link not found!]"); } $redir = array(); foreach ($temp[1] as $k) { $redir[] = '' . $k; } if (count($redir) > 1) { $this->moveToAutoDownloader($redir); exit; } else { $page = $this->GetPage($redir[0], 0, 0, $link); if (!preg_match('@Location: (http(s)?:\\/\\/[^\\r\\n]+)@i', $page, $dl)) { html_error('Error [Download Link not found!]'); } $dlink = trim($dl[1]); $FileName = urldecode(cut_str($dlink, 'fn=', '\\r\\n')); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, 0, $link); exit; } } }
function GetMUSites($page = '') { global $cookie, $domain; if (empty($page)) { $page = geturl($domain, 80, "/", 0, $cookie); is_page($page); if (preg_match('@Location: http://([^/|\\r|\\n]+)/@i', $page, $rd)) { $domain = $rd[1]; $page = geturl($domain, 80, "/", 0, $cookie); is_page($page); } $cookie = GetCookiesArr($page); } if (!preg_match_all("@showdetails\\('(\\w+)'\\)@i", $page, $hosts)) { html_error('Cannot Check Supported Sites [1]'); } $sites = array(); foreach ($hosts[1] as $host) { $popup = cut_str($page, 'id="details_' . $host . '">', '</div></div>'); if (empty($popup) || (!preg_match('@"(?:http://[^"]+/)?logos/(\\d+)\\.[^"]+"@i', $popup, $hid) || !preg_match('@Upload files directly into my ([^\\"|\'|\\<|\\:]+) account\\:@i', $popup, $name))) { html_error("Cannot Check Supported Sites [2 ({$host})]"); } $name[1] = trim($name[1]); if ($hid[1] != 14) { $sites[] = array('hname' => $name[1], 'id' => $hid[1], 'sname' => $host); } unset($popup, $hid, $name); } return $sites; }
private function DownloadPremium($link) { global $premium_acc, $Referer; $post = array(); $post["email"] = $_REQUEST["premium_user"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_user"] : $premium_acc["uploaded_to"]["user"]; $post["password"] = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["uploaded_to"]["pass"]; $page = $this->GetPage('', 0, $post); if (strpos($page, "Login failed")) { html_error("Login Failed , Bad username/password combination.", 0); } $cook = GetCookies($page); $id = trim(substr($link, 24, 6)); $newHref = "" . $id . "/?redirect"; $post = array(); $page = $this->GetPage($newHref, $cook, $post, $Referer); preg_match('/Location: (.*)/', $page, $newredir); $Href = trim($newredir[1]); if (strpos($Href, "view=error_fileremoved")) { html_error("Error getting Download Link", 0); } $Url = parse_url($Href); $FileName = !$FileName ? basename($Url["path"]) : $FileName; $this->RedirectDownload($Href, $FileName, $cook); exit; }
public function Download($link) { global $premium_acc, $Referer; $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "Removed", "The file has been removed or has been expired!"); if (stristr($page, 'class="handlinkblocked"')) { $pass = $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] ? $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] : $premium_acc["fileflyer_com"]["pass"]; if (empty($pass)) { html_error("This link required premium account!"); } if (!preg_match('/<form name="form1" method="post" action="(.*)"/U', $page, $pre)) { html_error('Error: Premium link not found?'); } $link = $pre[1]; $post = array(); $post['__EVENTTARGET'] = ""; $post['__EVENTARGUMENT'] = ""; $post['__VIEWSTATE'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, 'id="__VIEWSTATE" value="', '"')); $post['__EVENTVALIDATION'] = urlencode(cut_str($page, 'id="__EVENTVALIDATION" value="', '"')); $post['SMSButton'] = "Go"; $post['Password'] = $pass; $post['TextBox1'] = ""; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $Referer); is_notpresent($page, "Access enabled", "Invalid premium codes"); } $cookie = GetCookies($page); if (!preg_match('@http:\\/\\/.+fileflyer\\.com\\/d\\/[^"]+@', $page, $dl)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found, plugin need to be updated!'); } $dlink = trim($dl[0]); $filename = parse_url($dlink); $FileName = basename($filename['path']); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, $cookie, 0, $Referer); exit; }
function SendLogin($post) { global $_T8, $referer, $cookie, $pauth; $page = geturl($_T8['domain'], $_T8['port'], $_T8['path'] . '?op=login', $referer, $cookie, 0, 0, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth); is_page($page); if (!($form = cut_str($page, '<form', '</form>'))) { html_error('Cannot find login form.'); } if (!($post['rand'] = cut_str($page, 'name="rand" value="', '"'))) { html_error('Login form "rand" not found.'); } if (substr_count($form, "<span style='position:absolute;padding-left:") > 3 && preg_match_all("@<span style='[^\\'>]*padding-left\\s*:\\s*(\\d+)[^\\'>]*'[^>]*>((?:&#\\w+;)|(?:\\d))</span>@i", $form, $txtCaptcha)) { // Text Captcha (decodeable) $txtCaptcha = array_combine($txtCaptcha[1], $txtCaptcha[2]); ksort($txtCaptcha, SORT_NUMERIC); $txtCaptcha = trim(html_entity_decode(implode($txtCaptcha), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $post['code'] = $txtCaptcha; } else { html_error('Login captcha not found.'); } // Don't remove this sleep or you will only see "Error Decoding Captcha. [Login]" sleep(3); // 2 or 3 seconds. $page = geturl($_T8['domain'], $_T8['port'], $_T8['path'] . '?op=login', $referer, $cookie, $post, 0, $_GET['proxy'], $pauth); is_page($page); is_present($page, '>Wrong captcha code<', 'Error: Error Decoding Captcha. [Login]'); return $page; }
public function Download($link) { $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, 'No such file with this filename', 'No such file with this filename'); is_present($page, 'File Not Found', 'File Not Found'); $id = cut_str($page, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $fname = cut_str($page, 'name="fname" value="', '"'); $post = array(); $post['op'] = "download1"; $post['usr_login'] = ""; $post['id'] = $id; $post['fname'] = $fname; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (preg_match('#You have to wait (\\d+) minutes, (\\d+) seconds till next download#', $page, $msg)) { html_error($msg[0]); } if (preg_match('#(\\d+)</span> seconds#', $page, $wait)) { $this->CountDown($wait[1]); } if (preg_match_all("#<span style='position:absolute;padding-left:(\\d+)px;padding-top:\\d+px;'>&\\#(\\d+);</span>#", $page, $temp)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j <= 3; $j++) { if ($temp[1][$i] > $temp[1][$j]) { $t = $temp[1][$i]; $temp[1][$i] = $temp[1][$j]; $temp[1][$j] = $t; $t = $temp[2][$i]; $temp[2][$i] = $temp[2][$j]; $temp[2][$j] = $t; } } } $captcha = ""; for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) { $captcha .= $temp[2][$i] - 48; } } unset($post); $post['op'] = "download2"; $post['id'] = $id; $post['rand'] = cut_str($page, 'name="rand" value="', '"'); $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $post['method_premium'] = ""; $post['code'] = $captcha; $post['down_direct'] = "1"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (!preg_match('#http:\\/\\/.+10upload\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/d\\/[^"]+#', $page, $dlink)) { html_error('Error: Download link not found???'); } $Url = parse_url($dlink[0]); if (!$fname) { $fname = basename($Url['path']); } $this->RedirectDownload($dlink[0], $fname, 0, 0, $link); exit; }
public function Download($link) { global $options; if ($_REQUEST['captcha'] != '') { $post['op'] = $_POST['op']; $post['id'] = $_POST['id']; $post['rand'] = $_POST['rand']; $post['referer'] = $_POST['referer']; $post['method_free'] = 'Free Download'; $post['method_premium'] = ''; $post['down_direct'] = '1'; $post['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = $_POST['recaptcha_challenge_field']; $post['recaptcha_response_field'] = $_POST['captcha']; $link = urldecode($_POST['link']); $cookies = urldecode($_POST['cookies']); $page = $this->GetPage($link, $cookies, $post); } else { $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, '', 'File Not Found'); $cookies = GetCookies($page); } if (strpos($page, 'Type the two words:') || strpos($page, 'Wrong captcha')) { if (preg_match('#(\\d+)<\\/span> seconds#', $page, $wait)) { $this->CountDown($wait[1]); } if (strpos($page, 'Wrong captcha')) { echo '<br><div style="color:#F00; font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;">Wrong Captcha</div>'; } $form = cut_str($page, '<Form name="F1" method="POST"', '</Form>'); if (!preg_match('#api\\/challenge\\?k=([^"]+)"#', $page, $cp)) { html_error("Error get Data Captcha"); } if (!preg_match_all('#<input type="hidden" name="([^"]+)" value="([^"]+)?">#', $form, $dt)) { html_error("Error get Data Form Download"); } $data = array_combine($dt[1], $dt[2]); $page = $this->GetPage("" . $cp[1]); $sr = cut_str($page, "challenge : '", "'"); $img = "" . $sr; $page = $this->GetPage($img); $head = strpos($page, "\r\n\r\n"); $img = substr($page, $head + 4); write_file($options['download_dir'] . "upafile_captcha.jpg", $img); $data['recaptcha_challenge_field'] = $sr; $data['link'] = urlencode($link); $data['cookies'] = urlencode($cookies); $this->EnterCaptcha($options['download_dir'] . "upafile_captcha.jpg", $data, 20); exit; } is_present($page, cut_str($page, '<div class="err">', '</div>')); if (!preg_match('#http://(\\w+)[^\'|"]+)#', $page, $dl)) { html_error("Cannot find Download Link"); } $dlink = trim($dl[0]); $filename = basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $filename, 0, 0, $link); exit; }
public function Download($link) { global $Referer; $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "File Not Found", "The file you were looking for could not be found"); $id = cut_str($page, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $FileName = cut_str($page, 'name="fname" value="', '"'); $post = array(); $post['op'] = "download1"; $post['usr_login'] = ""; $post['id'] = $id; $post['fname'] = $FileName; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = " "; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); $rand = cut_str($page, 'name="rand" value="', '"'); if (preg_match('#(\\d+)</span> seconds#', $page, $wait)) { $this->CountDown($wait[1]); } if (preg_match_all("#<span style='[^\\d]+(\\d+)[^\\d]+\\d+\\w+;'>(\\d+)</span>#", $page, $temp)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp[1]) - 1; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($temp[1]); $j++) { if ($temp[1][$i] > $temp[1][$j]) { $n = 1; do { $tmp = $temp[$n][$i]; $temp[$n][$i] = $temp[$n][$j]; $temp[$n][$j] = $tmp; $n++; } while ($n <= 2); } } } $captcha = ""; foreach ($temp[2] as $value) { $captcha .= $value; } } unset($post); $post['op'] = "download2"; $post['id'] = $id; $post['rand'] = $rand; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = " "; $post['method_premium'] = ""; $post['code'] = $captcha; $post['down_direct'] = "1"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (!preg_match('#(http:\\/\\/.+zomgupload\\.com(:\\d+)?\\/files\\/\\d+\\/[^"]+)"#', $page, $dl)) { html_error("Sorry, Download link not found, contact the author n give the link which u have this error"); } $dlink = trim($dl[1]); $Url = parse_url($dlink); if (!$FileName) { $FileName = basename($Url['path']); } $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, 0, $link); }
public function Download($link) { global $premium_acc; if ($_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && $_REQUEST["premium_user"] && $_REQUEST["premium_pass"] || $_REQUEST["premium_acc"] == "on" && $premium_acc["animeground_com"]["user"] && $premium_acc["animeground_com"]["pass"]) { $this->DownloadMember($link); } else { html_error("You need to be member of for downloading the file!"); } }
public function Download($link) { global $Referer; $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "No such file with this filename", "No such file with this filename"); $id = cut_str($page, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $FileName = cut_str($page, 'name="fname" value="', '"'); $post = array(); $post['op'] = "download1"; $post['usr_login'] = ""; $post['id'] = $id; $post['fname'] = $FileName; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (preg_match('#(\\d+)</b></font></span> seconds#', $page, $wait)) { $this->CountDown($wait[1]); } if (preg_match_all("#<span style='[^\\d]+(\\d+)[^\\d]+\\d+\\w+;'>\\W+(\\d+);</span>#", $page, $temp)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp[1]) - 1; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($temp[1]); $j++) { if ($temp[1][$i] > $temp[1][$j]) { $n = 1; do { $tmp = $temp[$n][$i]; $temp[$n][$i] = $temp[$n][$j]; $temp[$n][$j] = $tmp; $n++; } while ($n <= 2); } } } $captcha = ""; foreach ($temp[2] as $value) { $captcha .= chr($value); } } $rand = cut_str($page, 'name="rand" value="', '"'); unset($post); $post['op'] = "download2"; $post['id'] = $id; $post['rand'] = $rand; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Free Download"; $post['method_premium'] = ""; $post['code'] = $captcha; $post['down_script'] = "1"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (!stristr($page, "Location:")) { html_error("Sorry, download link couldn't be found. Contact the author n give the link which u have this error!"); } $dlink = trim(cut_str($page, "Location: ", "\n")); if (!$FileName) { $FileName = basename($Url['path']); } $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, 0, $link); }
public function Download($link) { if (strstr($link, "")) { $link = str_replace("", "", $link); } $page = $this->GetPage($link); is_present($page, "File Not Found"); $id = cut_str($page, 'name="id" value="', '"'); $FileName = cut_str($page, 'name="fname" value="', '"'); $post = array(); $post['op'] = "download1"; $post['usr_login'] = ""; $post['id'] = $id; $post['fname'] = $FileName; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Generate Download Link"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); if (preg_match_all("#<span style='[^\\d]+(\\d+)[^\\d]+\\d+\\w+;'>\\W+(\\d+);</span>#", $page, $temp)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp[1]) - 1; $i++) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($temp[1]); $j++) { if ($temp[1][$i] > $temp[1][$j]) { $n = 1; do { $tmp = $temp[$n][$i]; $temp[$n][$i] = $temp[$n][$j]; $temp[$n][$j] = $tmp; $n++; } while ($n <= 2); } } } $captcha = ""; foreach ($temp[2] as $value) { $captcha .= chr($value); } } $rand = cut_str($page, 'name="rand" value="', '"'); unset($post); $post['op'] = "download2"; $post['id'] = $id; $post['rand'] = $rand; $post['referer'] = $link; $post['method_free'] = "Generate Download Link"; $post['method_premium'] = ""; $post['code'] = $captcha; $post['down_script'] = "1"; $page = $this->GetPage($link, 0, $post, $link); is_present($page, "Wrong captcha"); if (!preg_match('@http:\\/\\/[\\d.]+(:\\d+)?\\/d\\/[^|\\r|\\n|"]+@i', $page, $dl)) { html_error("Error: Download link not found!"); } $dlink = trim($dl[0]); $FileName = basename(parse_url($dlink, PHP_URL_PATH)); $this->RedirectDownload($dlink, $FileName, 0, 0, $link); exit; }