Пример #1
function adi_menu_admin($event, $step)
    $debug = 0;
    // display debug info
    // tooltip help information
    $h['se'] = "The TXP section name, set in Sections tab";
    $h['ti'] = "The TXP section title, set in Sections tab";
    $h['ex'] = "Tick if the section should be excluded by default from the menu";
    $h['pa'] = "The section's parent";
    $h['so'] = "The section's sort order number";
    $h['ch'] = "Tick if the section should be cloned in its own submenu";
    $h['ct'] = "Used as the section's title if it's cloned";
    $h['in'] = "Install adi_menu";
    $h['un'] = "Uninstall adi_menu";
    $h['im'] = "Import parent settings from cnk_section_tree (install adi_menu first)";
    $installed = adi_menu_column_found('adi_menu_parent');
    $something = ps("something");
    $res = FALSE;
    if ($installed) {
        if ($something == "uninstall") {
            $res = adi_menu_uninstall();
            if ($res) {
                pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: uninstall successful");
            } else {
                pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: uninstall not successful");
            $installed = adi_menu_column_found('adi_menu_parent');
        } else {
            if ($something == "install") {
                pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: already installed");
            } else {
                if ($something == "import") {
                    $res = adi_menu_import();
                    $res ? pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: import successful") : pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: import failed");
                } else {
                    if ($step == "update") {
                        pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: updated");
                        if ($debug) {
                            echo "<br/>Parent: ";
                            echo "<br/>Alt title: ";
                            echo "<br/>Exclude: ";
                            echo "<br/>Clone: ";
                            echo "<br/>Sort: ";
                        $parent = ps('parent');
                        $alt_title = ps('alt_title');
                        $exclude = ps('exclude');
                        $clone = ps('clone');
                        $sort = ps('sort');
                        $sections = adi_get_sections();
                        adi_menu_update($sections, $parent, $alt_title, $exclude, $clone, $sort);
                    } else {
                        if ($step == "admin") {
                            pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: no admin option selected");
                        } else {
                            // do nothing
                            pagetop("adi_menu admin", "");
    } else {
        // not installed
        if ($something == "install") {
            $res = adi_menu_install();
            if ($res) {
                pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: install successful");
            } else {
                pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: install not successful");
            $installed = adi_menu_column_found('adi_menu_parent');
        } else {
            if ($something == "uninstall") {
                pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: not installed");
            } else {
                if ($something == "import") {
                    pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: must be installed first");
    if ($installed) {
        $sections = adi_get_sections();
        // perform check for section loops
        $out = "";
        foreach ($sections as $index => $section) {
            if (adi_menu_loop_check($sections, $index, $index, FALSE)) {
                $out .= " " . $index;
        if ($out) {
            echo tag("<strong>** WARNING: Section loops found (check: {$out}) **</strong>", 'div', ' align="center" style="margin:1em"');
        echo form(startTable('list') . tr(hcell(adi_menu_tip("Section", $h['se'])) . hcell(adi_menu_tip("Title", $h['ti'])) . hcell(adi_menu_tip("Exclude?", $h['ex'])) . hcell(adi_menu_tip("Parent", $h['pa'])) . hcell(adi_menu_tip("Sort order", $h['so'])) . hcell(adi_menu_tip("Clone?", $h['ch'])) . hcell(adi_menu_tip("Clone title", $h['ct']))) . adi_menu_display_settings($sections) . endTable() . tag(fInput("submit", "update", "Update", "smallerbox") . eInput("adi_menu_admin") . sInput("update"), 'div', ' align="center" style="margin-top:2em"'));
    } else {
        if ($something != "uninstall" && $something != "import") {
            pagetop("adi_menu admin", "adi_menu: not installed");
    if ($debug) {
        echo "Event: " . $event . "<br/>Step: " . $step . "<br/>Something: " . $something;
    echo form(tag("Administration", "h3") . graf(" " . adi_menu_tip("Install", $h['in']) . fInput("radio", "something", "install", "edit", "", "", "20", "1") . " " . adi_menu_tip("Uninstall", $h['un']) . fInput("radio", "something", "uninstall", "edit", "", "", "20", "1") . " " . adi_menu_tip("Import", $h['im']) . fInput("radio", "something", "import", "edit", "", "", "20", "1") . " " . fInput("submit", "do_something", "Do admin", "smallerbox", "", 'return verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')')) . eInput("adi_menu_admin") . sInput("admin"), "text-align:center;margin-top:3em");
    // output hierarchy summary
    global $sections, $exclude, $sort, $default_first, $default_title, $include_default, $menu_id;
    $sections = $exclude = "";
    $sort = "NULL";
    $default_first = $include_default = "1";
    $menu_id = "mainmenu";
    $section_list = adi_menu_section_list(FALSE);
    $hierarchy = adi_menu_hierarchy($section_list, '', 0);
    $out = adi_menu_markup($hierarchy, 0);
    echo '<div style="margin-left:10em">';
    echo tag("Summary", "h3", ' style="margin-top:3em"');
    echo tag("The above configuration will generate the following section hierarchy (subject to adi_menu tag attributes):", "p");
    foreach ($out as $index => $value) {
        print $out[$index];
    echo '</div>';
function rss_sql_run($event, $step)
    pagetop("Run SQL Query");
    $text = "";
    $rsd[] = "";
    $sql_query2 = "";
    if (gps("tn")) {
        $tq = "select * from " . gps("tn");
    if (gps("sql_query") || gps("tn")) {
        $sql_queries2 = gps("sql_query") ? trim(gps("sql_query")) : trim($tq);
        $totalquerycount = 0;
        $successquery = 0;
        if ($sql_queries2) {
            $sql_queries = array();
            $sql_queries2 = explode("\n", $sql_queries2);
            foreach ($sql_queries2 as $sql_query2) {
                $sql_query2 = trim(stripslashes($sql_query2));
                $sql_query2 = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", '', $sql_query2);
                if (!empty($sql_query2)) {
                    $sql_queries[] = $sql_query2;
            foreach ($sql_queries as $sql_query) {
                if (preg_match("/^\\s*(insert|update|replace|delete|create|truncate) /i", $sql_query)) {
                    $run_query = safe_query($sql_query);
                    if (!$run_query) {
                        $text .= graf(mysql_error(), ' style="color:#D10000;"');
                        $text .= graf($sql_query, ' style="color:#D10000;"');
                    } else {
                        $text .= graf($sql_query, ' style="color:#4B9F00;"');
                } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*(select) /i", $sql_query)) {
                    $run_query = safe_query($sql_query);
                    if ($run_query) {
                    if ($run_query && mysql_num_rows($run_query) > 0) {
                        /* get column metadata */
                        $i = 0;
                        $headers = "";
                        while ($i < mysql_num_fields($run_query)) {
                            $meta = mysql_fetch_field($run_query, $i);
                            $headers .= hcell($meta->name);
                        $rsd[] = '<div class="scrollWrapper">' . startTable('list', '', 'scrollable') . '<thead>' . tr($headers) . '</thead><tbody>';
                        while ($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($run_query)) {
                            $out[] = $a;
                        foreach ($out as $b) {
                            $data = "";
                            foreach ($b as $f) {
                                $data .= td($f);
                            $rsd[] = tr($data);
                        $rsd[] = '</tbody>' . endTable() . '</div>' . br;
                        $out = array();
                    } else {
                        $text .= graf(mysql_error(), ' style="color:#D10000;"');
                    $text .= graf($sql_query, ' style="color:#D10000;"');
                } elseif (preg_match("/^\\s*(drop|show|grant) /i", $sql_query)) {
                    $text .= graf($sql_query . " - QUERY TYPE NOT SUPPORTED", ' style="color:#D10000;"');
            $text .= graf($successquery . "/" . $totalquerycount . " Query(s) Executed Successfully", ' style="color:#0069D1;"');
    echo startTable('edit') . tr(td(form(graf("Each query must be on a single line.  You may run multiple queries at once by starting a new line." . br . "Supported query types include SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, CREATE, REPLACE, and DELETE.") . graf("WARNING: All SQL run in this window will immediately and permanently change your database.", ' style="font-weight:bold;"') . text_area('sql_query', '200', '550', $sql_query2) . br . fInput('submit', 'run', gTxt('Run'), 'publish') . href("Go to Database Manager", "index.php?event=rss_db_man") . eInput('rss_sql_run'), '', ' verify(\'' . gTxt('are_you_sure') . '\')"'))) . tr(td(graf($text . br . implode('', $rsd)))) . endTable();