Пример #1
function show_posts($posttype, $set, $postid, $start, $finish)
    global $cat;
    if (!has_read_access($posttype)) {
        echo '<div id="textSmall">' . "<p>Sorry, you don't have access to read this topic.</p>" . '</div>';
    $start = max(0, $start);
    $finish = max(FORUM_POSTS_PER_PAGE, $finish);
    if (isset($GLOBALS["objSrcUser"])) {
        $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
        $userid = $objSrcUser->get_userid();
        $arrStats = $objSrcUser->get_stats();
    // dynamic stuff is sooooooo much cooler, isn't that what loops and
    // functions were invented for?
    $strSQL = "SELECT post_id FROM forum WHERE type = {$posttype} AND parent_id = {$postid}";
    $num = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($strSQL));
    $strPages = 'Page ';
    $postcounter = 0;
    do {
        $counternext = $postcounter + FORUM_POSTS_PER_PAGE;
        $page = $postcounter / FORUM_POSTS_PER_PAGE + 1;
        if ($start != $postcounter) {
            $strPages .= "<a class='forum' href='main.php?cat={$cat}&amp;page=forums&amp;set={$set}&amp;postid={$postid}&amp;mode=posts&amp;start={$postcounter}&amp;finish={$counternext}'>";
        $strPages .= "{$page}";
        if ($start != $postcounter) {
            $strPages .= "</a>";
        $strPages .= "&nbsp;";
        $postcounter = $counternext;
    } while ($postcounter < $num);
    $posts = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum WHERE type = {$posttype} AND post_id = {$postid}") or die(mysql_error());
    $posts = mysql_fetch_array($posts);
    if (trim($posts['title']) != '') {
        $posts['title'] = cleanHTML($posts['title']);
    } else {
        $posts['title'] = "No subject";
    // Species 5618, 30-3-2004
    // Checks to see wether the tribe is in the same alli as the post belongs to
    // This was an exploit before i fixed, by manipulating the url, players could read any post in the game.
    if ($posttype == 0 && $arrStats[ALLIANCE] != $posts['poster_kd']) {
        if (isset($posts['poster_kd'])) {
            echo '<div class="center">' . 'The topic/post you requested can\'t be accessed.' . '</div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div class="center">' . "The topic/post you requested doesn't exist anymore.</div>";
    echo "<br />";
    // Back button table
    echo "<div class='tableLinkBig'><a name='top' href='#bottom'>To The Bottom</a> :: ";
    echo "<a href=\"main.php?cat={$cat}&amp;page=forums&amp;set={$set}&amp;mode=threads\">Back To Overview</a>";
    echo "</div>";
    $colspan = '2';
    if ((mod_access($posttype) && isset($arrStats) && $arrStats[LEVEL] >= 5 || $posttype == 0 || $posttype == 4 || $posttype == 5) && $cat != 'main') {
        $colspan = '3';
    // Table Header
    echo '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="big">' . '<form id="center" name="forum" action="main.php?cat=' . $cat . '&amp;page=forums&amp;set=' . $set . '&amp;mode=threads&amp;action=moderation" method="post">' . '<tr class="header">' . '<th colspan="' . $colspan . '">Topic: ' . $posts['title'] . '</th>' . '</tr>' . '<tr class="subheader">' . '<th colspan="' . $colspan . '" class="right">' . $strPages . '</th>' . '</tr>';
    if ($start == 0) {
        $posts['post'] = cleanHTML($posts['post']);
        echo "<tr class=\"data\">";
        echo "<td class='left'><br />";
        // Hide id on WF - AI 31/10/06 M: enable on alliance, lno, ops, + admins
        if ((mod_access($posttype) && isset($arrStats) && $arrStats[LEVEL] >= 5 || $posttype == 0 || $posttype == 4 || $posttype == 5) && $cat != 'main') {
            $alliance = mysql_query("SELECT " . ALLIANCE . " FROM stats WHERE id = {$posts['poster_id']}");
            $alliance = mysql_fetch_array($alliance);
            echo "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose&amp;replyid={$posts['poster_id']}&amp;kingdom={$alliance['kingdom']}\" title=\"{$posts['poster_tribe']} (#" . $alliance[ALLIANCE] . ")\">{$posts['poster_name']}</a> ";
        } else {
            echo "<strong>{$posts['poster_name']}</strong> ";
        echo $posts['date_time'] . " ";
        if ($posts['date_time'] != $posts['updated']) {
            echo " edited ";
        if ($cat == 'game' && $posts['poster_id'] == $userid && $posts['close_option'] != 1) {
            echo "<a href=\"main.php?cat={$cat}&amp;page=forums&amp;set={$set}&amp;postid={$postid}&amp;edit_id={$posts['post_id']}&amp;mode=edit\">edit</a>";
        echo "<br /><br /></td>";
        $strSponsorBadge = get_sponsor_badge($posts['poster_id']);
        echo '<td rowspan="2" class="center bsdown" width="45">' . '<a href="main.php?cat=' . $cat . '&amp;page=sponsors" title="Dragon Sponsor">' . $strSponsorBadge . '</a>' . '</td>';
        if (mod_access($posttype)) {
            echo "<td rowspan='2' align='center' class=\"center bsdown bsleft\" width=\"45\"> X </td>";
        echo "</tr><tr class='data'><td colspan='1' valign='top' class=\"left bsdown\" style='padding-left: 1em;'><div>" . $posts['post'] . "<br /><br /></div></td></tr>";
    @($result = mysql_query("SELECT * from forum where type ='{$posttype}' and parent_id='{$postid}' ORDER BY date_time ASC ")) or die(mysql_error());
    $i = 0;
    while ($forum = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        if ($i >= $start && $i < $finish) {
            if ($forum['date_time']) {
                $forum['post'] = cleanHTML($forum['post']);
                echo "<tr class=\"data\">";
                echo "<td class='left'><br />";
                // Hide ID on WF - AI 31/10/06
                if ((mod_access($posttype) && isset($arrStats) && $arrStats[LEVEL] >= 5 || $posttype == 0 || $posttype == 4 || $posttype == 5) && $cat != 'main') {
                    $alliance = mysql_query("SELECT " . ALLIANCE . " FROM stats WHERE id = {$forum['poster_id']}");
                    $alliance = mysql_fetch_array($alliance);
                    echo "<a href=\"main.php?cat=game&amp;page=mail&amp;set=compose&amp;replyid={$forum['poster_id']}&amp;kingdom={$alliance['kingdom']}\" title=\"{$forum['poster_tribe']} (#" . $alliance[ALLIANCE] . ")\">{$forum['poster_name']}</a> ";
                } else {
                    echo "<strong>{$forum['poster_name']}</strong> ";
                echo $forum['date_time'] . " ";
                if ($forum['date_time'] != $forum['updated']) {
                    echo " edited ";
                if ($cat == 'game' && $forum['poster_id'] == $userid && $posts['close_option'] != 1) {
                    echo "<a href=\"main.php?cat={$cat}&amp;page=forums&amp;set={$set}&amp;postid={$postid}&amp;edit_id={$forum['post_id']}&amp;mode=edit\">edit</a> ";
                echo "<br /><br /></td>";
                $strSponsorBadge = get_sponsor_badge($forum['poster_id']);
                echo '<td rowspan="2" class="center bsdown" width="45">' . '<a href="main.php?cat=' . $cat . '&amp;page=sponsors" title="Dragon Sponsor">' . $strSponsorBadge . '</a>' . '</td>';
                if (mod_access($posttype)) {
                    echo "<td rowspan='2' align='center' class=\"center bsdown bsleft\"><input name='posts[]' type='checkbox' value='{$forum['post_id']}' /></td>";
                echo "</tr><tr class=\"data\"><td colspan='1' class=\"left bsdown\" valign='top' style='padding-left: 1em;'>";
                echo "<div>" . $forum['post'] . "<br /><br /></div></td>";
                echo "</tr>";
    echo "<tr class='subheader'><th colspan='{$colspan}' class='right' style='border: 0;'>{$strPages}</th></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
    echo '<div class="center"><br />';
    if (mod_access($posttype)) {
        echo "| <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('forum')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=true;\">Check All</a>";
        echo " | <a href='#' onclick=\"var posts=document.getElementsByName('forum')[0]['posts[]']; for(var i=0,len=posts.length;i<len;i++) posts[i].checked=false;\">Uncheck All</a> ";
    echo "| <a href=\"main.php?cat={$cat}&amp;page=forums&amp;set={$set}&amp;mode=threads\">Back To Overview</a> |";
    echo " <a name=\"bottom\" href='#top'>To The Top</a> |";
    if (mod_access($posttype)) {
        echo "<br /><br />";
        echo "<input type='submit' name='delete' value='Delete' /> ";
    echo '</div>';
    echo "</form>";
    // Adding in open close option for threads
    //close at 120 posts
    if ($num >= FORUM_MAX_PAGES * FORUM_POSTS_PER_PAGE && $arrStats[ALLIANCE] > 10) {
        $posts['close_option'] = 2;
    if ($posts['close_option'] == 0 && $cat != 'main') {
        $strReplyToTopicForm = '<div id="textMedium">' . '<h2>Reply To Topic</h2>' . '<form action="main.php?cat=game&amp;page=forums&amp;set=' . $set . '&amp;mode=posts&amp;action=post" method="post">' . '<label for="1">Your Reply</label>: ' . '<br /><textarea name="text" rows="8" cols="44" id="1"></textarea>' . '<br /><br />' . '<input type="submit" value="Post your reply" />' . '<br /><br />' . '<input type="checkbox" name="formatted" value="yes" id="2" /> ' . '<label for="2">With Tabs</label> (Sometimes this can make a copied table look great.)' . '<input type="hidden" name="postid" value="' . $postid . '" />' . '</form>' . '</div>';
        echo $strReplyToTopicForm;
    } elseif ($posts['close_option'] == 2 && $arrStats[ALLIANCE] > 10) {
        echo '<div class="center"><br />' . "It seems this was a very popular topic! It is now full, but you may create a new one.</div>";
    } elseif ($posts['close_option'] == 1) {
        echo '<div class="center"><br />' . "This topic has been closed, you can't reply to it.</div>";
Пример #2
function get_forum_links($show = '')
    global $cat;
    if ($cat != 'main' && isset($GLOBALS["objSrcUser"])) {
        $objSrcUser =& $GLOBALS["objSrcUser"];
        $arrPrefs = $objSrcUser->get_preferences();
    } else {
        $arrPrefs = array(NEW_N => 0, NEW_S => 0, NEW_O => 0, NEW_L => 0, NEW_A => 0, NEW_W => 0, NEW_G => 0, NEW_DR => 0);
    // M: Base values in array (Starting with Announcements)
    $arrArrLinks[0][] = 'news';
    // 0 = value used in URL
    $arrArrLinks[0][] = 'Announcements';
    // 1 = name of link
    $arrArrLinks[0][] = $arrPrefs[NEW_N];
    // 2 = BOOLEAN: highlight on / off
    include_once 'inc/functions/forums.php';
    if (has_read_access(select_forum('staff101'))) {
        $arrArrLinks[] = array('staff101', 'Staff Forum', $arrPrefs[NEW_S]);
    if (has_read_access(select_forum('alliance'))) {
        $arrArrLinks[] = array('alliance', 'Alliance Forum', $arrPrefs[NEW_A]);
    if (has_read_access(select_forum('dev'))) {
        $arrArrLinks[] = array('dev', 'Dev', $arrPrefs[NEW_D]);
    if (has_read_access(select_forum('lno'))) {
        $arrArrLinks[] = array('lno', 'LnO', $arrPrefs[NEW_L]);
    if (has_read_access(select_forum('ops'))) {
        $arrArrLinks[] = array('ops', 'Ops', $arrPrefs[NEW_O]);
    // M: All-access forums
    $arrArrLinks[] = array('world', 'World Forum', $arrPrefs[NEW_W]);
    $arrArrLinks[] = array('game', 'Game Talk', $arrPrefs[NEW_G]);
    if (has_read_access(select_forum('dragon'))) {
        $arrArrLinks[] = array('dragon', 'The Dragon Lair', $arrPrefs[NEW_DR]);
    $str = '';
    for ($key = 0; $key < count($arrArrLinks); $key++) {
        $page = $arrArrLinks[$key][0];
        $title = $arrArrLinks[$key][1];
        $bool = $arrArrLinks[$key][2];
        $strClass = '';
        if ($show != $page) {
            $strClass = '';
            if ($bool == 1) {
                $strClass = ' class="check_new"';
            $str .= '<a href="main.php?cat=' . $cat . '&amp;page=forums&amp;set=' . $page . '&amp;mode=threads"' . $strClass . '>' . $title . '</a>';
        } else {
            $str .= '<strong>' . $title . '</strong>';
        $str .= ' | ';
    return '<div class="center">' . substr($str, 0, -2) . '</div>';