/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->tpl_route_no = (int) gv('tpl_route_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->tpl_title = (string) gv('tpl_title', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * update * @param int $_user_no * @param array $_data * @param boolean $_chg_user * @return boolean */ public function updateRecord($_user_no, $_data, $_chg_user) { $adapter = GlobalAdapterFeature::getStaticAdapter(); $connection = $adapter->getDriver()->getConnection(); $connection->beginTransaction(); $this->db->exchanegArray($_data); try { $row = $this->db->updateRecord($_user_no); if ($row && $_chg_user) { $tpl_route_no = gv('tpl_route_no', $_data); $r = new TplRouteUserTable($adapter); $r->deleteRouteUser($tpl_route_no); $row = $r->insertRecord($tpl_route_no, gv('user_no', $_data)); } if ($row) { $connection->commit(); return true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $connection->rollback(); if (IS_TEST) { echo $e->getMessage(); } return false; } }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->controller_no = (int) gv('controller_no', $_data); $this->controller_name = (string) gv('controller_name', $_data); $this->ctrl_description = (string) gv('ctrl_description', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->sequence_no = (int) gv('sequence_no', $_data); $this->status = (int) gv('status', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->created = (int) gv('created', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->role_no = (int) gv('role_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->role_name = (string) gv('role_name', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->section_no = (int) gv('section_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->section_name = (string) gv('section_name', $_data); $this->abbr_name = (string) gv('abbr_name', $_data, null); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->category_no = (int) gv('category_no', $_data); $this->category_name = (string) gv('category_name', $_data); $this->cate_description = (string) gv('cate_description', $_data); $this->order_no = (int) gv('order_no', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->tpl_doc_no = (int) gv('tpl_doc_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->tpl_title = (string) gv('tpl_title', $_data); $this->tpl_body = \stripslashes(\str_replace(" ", '', (string) gv('tpl_body', $_data))); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->lang_no = (int) gv('lang_no', $_data); $this->lang_name = (string) gv('lang_name', $_data); $this->language = (string) gv('language', $_data); $this->lang_id = (string) gv('lang_id', $_data); $this->resource_id = (string) gv('resource_id', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->status_no = (int) gv('status_no', $_data); $this->status_name = (string) gv('status_name', $_data); $this->stat_description = (string) gv('stat_description', $_data); $this->locked = (int) gv('locked', $_data); $this->order_no = (int) gv('order_no', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->branch_name = (string) gv('branch_name', $_data); $this->abbr_name = (string) gv('abbr_name', $_data); $this->timezone = (string) gv('timezone', $_data); $this->phone = (string) gv('phone', $_data); $this->address = (string) gv('address', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->position_no = (int) gv('position_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->position_name = (string) gv('position_name', $_data); $this->abbr_name = (string) gv('abbr_name', $_data); $this->approval = (int) gv('approval', $_data); $this->priority = (int) gv('priority', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->id = (int) gv('id', $_data); $this->menu_item_name = (string) gv('menu_item_name', $_data); $this->branch_no = (string) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->parent_id = (string) gv('parent_id', $_data); $this->menu_item_code = (string) gv('menu_item_code', $_data); $this->created = (string) gv('created', $_data); $this->modified = (string) gv('modified', $_data); $this->created_by = (string) gv('created_by', $_data); $this->approver_no = (int) gv('approver_no', $_data); }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->page_no = (int) gv('page_no', $_data); $this->category_no = (int) gv('category_no', $_data); $this->controller_no = (int) gv('controller_no', $_data); $this->page_title = (string) gv('page_title', $_data); $this->page_uri = (string) gv('page_uri', $_data); $this->page_description = (string) gv('page_description', $_data); $this->icon = (string) gv('icon', $_data); $this->order_no = (int) gv('order_no', $_data); $this->use_mobile = (int) gv('use_mobile', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); }
/** * for 403 error */ public function forbiddenAction() { $fm = $this->flashMessenger(); $message = gv('0', $fm->getMessages()); if ($message) { $values = array('message' => gv('0', $fm->getMessages())); } else { $values = array(); } $this->layout('error/layout'); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/error/403.phtml'); return $view; }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->decision_no = (int) gv('decision_no', $_data); $this->ref_no = (int) gv('ref_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->create_user = (int) gv('create_user', $_data); $this->decision_title = (string) gv('decision_title', $_data); $this->document = (string) gv('document', $_data); $this->remarks = (string) gv('remarks', $_data); $this->preferred_date = (string) gv('preferred_date', $_data); $this->status = (string) gv('status', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); $this->status_no = (int) gv('status_no', $_data); }
/** * get tag for confirm detail button * @param array $_attr * @param boolean $_disabled * @return string|boolean */ public function printViewButton($_attr = array(), $_disabled = false) { if (!$_attr) { return false; } $url = gv('url', $_attr); $val = gv('value', $_attr); $id = gv('id', $_attr); $class = gv('class', $_attr); $h = (int) gv('height', $_attr, 800); $w = (int) gv('width', $_attr, 600); $f = (bool) gv('frame', $_attr); $t = gv('title', $_attr); echo '<button type="button" onclick="view_button(' . "'" . $url . "', " . $h . ", " . $w . ", " . ($f ? 1 : 0) . ');"' . ($id ? " id='{$id}'" : '') . ($class ? " class='{$class}'" : '') . ($t ? " title='{$t}'" : '') . ($_disabled ? ' disabled=disabled' : '') . ">" . $val . "</button>"; }
/** * select image (location:img/icon) * @return ViewModel */ public function iconListAction() { $public = '/img/icon'; $path = DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/public' . $public; $dir = dir($path); $row = array(); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { $info = pathinfo($file); if (gv('extension', $info)) { $row[$file] = $public . '/' . $file; } } $values = array('col_num' => 10, 'row' => $row); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/' . VIEW_DIR . '/image/icon.phtml'); $view->setTerminal(true); return $view; }
/** * show list * @return ViewModel */ public function listAction() { $this->init(); $success = 0 < $this->ctrlLv ? true : false; if (!$success) { return $this->redirect()->toRoute('app', array('controller' => 'failed', 'action' => 'forbidden')); } $fm = $this->flashMessenger(); $message = gv('0', $fm->getMessages()); // get search word $param = $this->search()->getSearchParam(); if ($param) { $this->container()->set('search', json_encode($param)); } else { $param = $this->container()->get('search'); $param = json_decode($param, true); } // set belonging branch if (!$this->auth()->get('admin')) { $param['search-branch_no'] = $this->auth()->get('branch_no'); } // ToDo : not yet implemented $form = new TplDocumentForm(); $form->setListForm(); if ($param) { $form->bind(get_array_object($param)); } $form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', 'Search'); // $form->get('submit')->setAttribute('value', '検索'); $where = $this->search()->getSearchParamConv($param); if (4 > $this->ctrlLv) { $where = array_merge($where, array('deleted' => 0)); } $order = $this->search()->getOrder(); $current = $this->search()->getPage(); $max = $this->search()->getDisplayNum(); $db = new TplDocumentEntity(); $page = $db->db()->getPageList($where, $order, $current, $max); $values = array('ctrlLv' => $this->ctrlLv, 'rows' => $page->getCurrentItems()->toArray(), 'page' => $page->getPages(), 'form' => $form, 'admin' => $this->auth()->get('admin'), 'message' => $message); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/' . VIEW_DIR . '/tpl-document/list.phtml'); return $view; }
/** * show list * @return ViewModel */ public function listAction() { $this->init(); $success = 0 < $this->ctrlLv ? true : false; if (!$success) { return $this->redirect()->toRoute('app', array('controller' => 'failed', 'action' => 'forbidden')); } $fm = $this->flashMessenger(); $message = gv('0', $fm->getMessages()); $where = array(); if (4 > $this->ctrlLv) { $where = array_merge($where, array('deleted' => 0)); } $order = $this->search()->getOrder(); $current = $this->search()->getPage(); $max = $this->search()->getDisplayNum(); $db = new StatusEntity(); $page = $db->db()->getPageList($where, $order, $current, $max); $values = array('ctrlLv' => $this->ctrlLv, 'rows' => $page->getCurrentItems()->toArray(), 'page' => $page->getPages(), 'admin' => $this->auth()->get('admin'), 'message' => $message); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/' . VIEW_DIR . '/status/list.phtml'); return $view; }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->tmp_no = (int) gv('tmp_no', $_data); $this->tmp_id = (string) gv('tmp_id', $_data); $this->life_time = (int) gv('life_time', $_data); }
/** * password change page * @return ViewModel */ public function changePwAction() { $this->layout('layout/index'); // create token_id $token_id = make_token_id(); $this->container()->set('token_id', $token_id); $fm = $this->flashMessenger(); $values = array('token_id' => $token_id, 'login_id' => $this->container()->get('login_id'), 'err_msg' => gv('0', $fm->getMessages())); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/' . VIEW_DIR . '/index/change-pw.phtml'); return $view; }
public function dataDlAction() { $this->init(); $request = $this->getRequest(); // get edit page if (!$request->isPost()) { exit; } $work_no = $request->getPost('work_no'); $charset = $request->getPost('charset'); $db = new WorkUserEntity(); $rows = $db->db()->getFinishedRecord($this->auth()->get('user_no'), $work_no, 1); if (!$rows) { $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage("Failed"); // $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage("処理失敗"); return $this->redirect()->toRoute('app', array('controller' => 'work-user', 'action' => 'start')); } $data = '"' . $this->translator()->translate("Section") . '",' . '"' . $this->translator()->translate("User") . '",' . '"Login ID","Login PW"' . "\r\n"; foreach ($rows as $row) { $data .= '"' . gv('section_name', $row) . '",' . '"' . gv('user_name', $row) . '",' . '"' . gv('login_id', $row) . '",' . '"' . gv('login_pw', $row) . '"' . "\r\n"; } if ($charset && 'utf-8' != $charset) { $data = mb_convert_encoding($data, $charset, 'utf-8'); } $values = array('filename' => 'user_list_' . date('Ymd') . '.csv', 'data' => $data); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/common/dl.phtml'); $view->setTerminal(true); return $view; }
/** * get max value of table * @param string $_column * @param boolean $_next * @return int|boolean */ public function getMaxId($_column = null, $_next = false) { $column = $_column ? $_column : $this->primary; if (!$column) { return false; } $select = $this->getSql()->select(); $select->columns(array('col' => new Expression('MAX(' . $column . ')'))); $row = $this->selectWith($select)->toArray(); $val = gv('col', gv(0, $row)); if ($_next && is_numeric($val)) { return (int) $val + 1; } else { return (int) $val; } }
/** * skelton file download * @return ViewModel */ public function dlSkeltonAction() { $this->adminCheck(); $request = $this->getRequest(); if (!$request->isPost()) { exit; } $table_id = $this->params()->fromPost('table_id'); $db = new Mysql(); $baseName = substr($table_id, 2); $nameId = conv_nameId($baseName); $baseFolder = conv_folderId($baseName); $dl_type = $this->params()->fromPost('dl_type'); $use_detail = $this->params()->fromPost('use_detail'); $pk = gv('Column_name', $db->getTablePrimary($table_id)); $branch = $db->checkTableColumn($table_id, 'branch_no'); switch ($dl_type) { case 'ctrl': $table = array(); $col = array(); break; default: $table = $db->getTableInfo($table_id); $col = $db->getTableColumns($table_id); break; } $values = array('branch' => $branch, 'use_detail' => $use_detail, 'nameId' => $nameId, 'baseFolder' => $baseFolder, 'tbl' => gv(0, $table), 'col' => $col, 'pk' => $pk); $view = new ViewModel($values); $view->setTemplate('/developer/tpl_' . $dl_type . '.phtml'); $view->setTerminal(true); return $view; }
/** * get section select form * @param array $_data * @return array */ public function getSectionList($_data) { $branch_no = gv('branch_no', $_data); $where = array('branch_no' => $branch_no); $db = new SectionTable(); return $db->getPairs(null, null, 0, $where); }
/** * update section and position (bundle) * @param int $_user_no * @param array $_data * @param int $_work_no * @return boolean */ public function updateBatch($_user_no, $_data, $_work_no) { $adapter = GlobalAdapterFeature::getStaticAdapter(); $connection = $adapter->getDriver()->getConnection(); $connection->beginTransaction(); $tmp_user_no = gv('tmp_user_no', $_data); $this->db->exchanegArray(array('section_no' => gv('section_no', $_data), 'position_no' => gv('position_no', $_data))); try { $row = $this->db->updateBatch($_user_no, $tmp_user_no, $_work_no); if ($row) { $connection->commit(); return true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $connection->rollback(); if (IS_TEST) { echo $e->getMessage(); } return false; } }
public function getUserRouteList($_data) { $db = new TplRouteTable(); return $db->getRouteUserPairs(gv('tpl_route_no', $_data)); }
function dump_gv($node) { global $classes; $root = []; $interfaces = []; $traits = []; $namespaces = []; $all = []; if ($node) { if (empty($classes[strtolower($node)])) { Log::err(Log::EFATAL, "{$node} not found"); } $nodes = []; $nodes = walk_up($nodes, $node); $nodes = walk_down($nodes, $node); foreach ($nodes as $cn) { $all[] = $classes[strtolower($cn)]; } } else { $all = $classes; } foreach ($all as $key => $entry) { $ns = empty($entry['namespace']) ? '' : $entry['namespace']; // Classify the entries first so we can colour them appropriately later if ($entry['flags'] & \ast\flags\CLASS_INTERFACE) { $interfaces[$ns][$key] = $entry['name']; $namespaces[$ns] = true; } else { if ($entry['flags'] & \ast\flags\CLASS_TRAIT) { $traits[$ns][$key] = $entry['name']; $namespaces[$ns] = true; } else { if (empty($entry['parent'])) { $root[$ns][$key] = $entry['name']; $namespaces[$ns] = true; } else { $nodes[$ns][$key] = $entry['name']; $namespaces[$ns] = true; } } } // Then work out the connections foreach ($entry['interfaces'] as $v) { if (empty($classes[strtolower($v)])) { continue; } $fe = $classes[strtolower($v)]; if ($entry['file'] != 'internal' || $fe['file'] != 'internal') { $conns[$fe['namespace']][$fe['name']][] = $entry['name']; $seen[$fe['name']] = true; $seen[$entry['name']] = true; } } foreach ($entry['traits'] as $v) { if (empty($classes[strtolower($v)])) { continue; } $fe = $classes[strtolower($v)]; if ($entry['file'] != 'internal' || $fe['file'] != 'internal') { $conns[$fe['namespace']][$fe['name']][] = $entry['name']; $seen[$fe['name']] = true; $seen[$entry['name']] = true; } } if (!empty($entry['parent'])) { if (empty($classes[strtolower($entry['parent'])])) { continue; } $fe = $classes[strtolower($entry['parent'])]; if ($entry['file'] != 'internal' || $fe['file'] != 'internal') { $conns[$fe['namespace']][$fe['name']][] = $entry['name']; $seen[$fe['name']] = true; $seen[$entry['name']] = true; } } } // Now get rid of anything internal that doesn't have a direct connection to something in user-space $temp = $interfaces; foreach ($temp as $ns => $vv) { foreach ($vv as $k => $vv) { $entry = $classes[strtolower($vv)]; if ($entry['file'] == 'internal' && empty($seen[$vv])) { unset($interfaces[$ns][$k]); } } } $temp = $traits; foreach ($temp as $ns => $vv) { foreach ($vv as $k => $vv) { $entry = $classes[strtolower($vv)]; if ($entry['file'] == 'internal' && empty($seen[$vv])) { unset($traits[$ns][$k]); } } } $temp = $root; foreach ($temp as $ns => $vv) { foreach ($vv as $k => $vv) { $entry = $classes[strtolower($vv)]; if ($entry['file'] == 'internal' && empty($seen[$vv])) { unset($root[$ns][$k]); } } } echo "digraph class_graph {\n\tgraph [ overlap=false, fontsize=6, size=\"80,60\"]\n\tnode [ shape=box, style=filled, color=SandyBrown, fontcolor=Black, fontname=Utopia]\n\n"; foreach (array_keys($namespaces) as $i => $ns) { if ($ns != '') { // Each namespace is a subgraph echo "subgraph cluster_{$i} {\n"; echo "label=\"" . trim(str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $ns), '\\') . "\";\n"; echo "style=filled;\n"; echo "color=lightgrey;\n"; } if (!empty($interfaces[$ns])) { foreach ($interfaces[$ns] as $v) { echo $v === $node ? gv($v, "shape=doubleoctagon, color=Gold") : gv($v); } } echo "\n"; echo "node [ shape=box, color=YellowGreen, fontcolor=Black, fontname=Utopia]\n"; if (!empty($traits[$ns])) { foreach ($traits[$ns] as $v) { echo $v === $node ? gv($v, "shape=doubleoctagon, color=Gold") : gv($v); } } echo "\n"; echo "node [ shape=box, color=Wheat, fontcolor=Black, fontname=\"Utopia-Bold\"]\n"; if (!empty($root[$ns])) { foreach ($root[$ns] as $v) { echo $v === $node ? gv($v, "shape=doubleoctagon, color=Gold") : gv($v); } } echo "\n"; echo "node [ shape=box, color=Wheat, fontcolor=Black, fontname=Utopia]\n"; if (!empty($nodes[$ns])) { foreach ($nodes[$ns] as $key => $v) { echo $v === $node ? gv($v, "shape=doubleoctagon, color=Gold") : gv($v); } } echo "\n"; if (!empty($conns[$ns])) { foreach ($conns[$ns] as $key => $nns) { foreach ($nns as $n) { if ($classes[strtolower($key)]['flags'] & \ast\flags\CLASS_INTERFACE) { $style = 'dotted'; } else { if ($classes[strtolower($key)]['flags'] & \ast\flags\CLASS_TRAIT) { $style = 'dashed'; } else { $style = 'solid'; } } echo gvline($key, $n, $style); } } } if ($ns != '') { echo "}\n"; } } echo "}\n"; }
/** * store array for each property * @param array $_data */ public function exchanegArray($_data) { $this->tmp_user_no = (int) gv('tmp_user_no', $_data); $this->branch_no = (int) gv('branch_no', $_data); $this->section_no = (int) gv('section_no', $_data); $this->position_no = (int) gv('position_no', $_data); $this->login_id = (string) gv('login_id', $_data); $this->login_pw = (string) gv('login_pw', $_data); $this->user_name = (string) gv('user_name', $_data); $this->email = (string) gv('email', $_data); $this->phone = (string) gv('phone', $_data); $this->timezone = (string) gv('timezone', $_data); $this->lang_no = (int) gv('lang_no', $_data); $this->join_key = (string) gv('join_key', $_data); $this->status = (int) gv('status', $_data); $this->update_time = (string) gv('update_time', $_data); $this->finish_time = (string) gv('finish_time', $_data); $this->work_no = (int) gv('work_no', $_data); }