Пример #1
 * Load statistics form
function guifi_admin_loadstats_form($form_state, $params = array())
    $form['zone_services']['graph_serverstr'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('CNML Graph server'), '#maxlength' => 60, '#required' => FALSE, '#default_value' => guifi_service_str($params), '#autocomplete_path' => 'guifi/js/select-service/SNPgraphs', '#element_validate' => array('guifi_service_name_validate', 'guifi_zone_service_validate'), '#description' => t('CNML graph server to load statistics from. Should support remote calls in v2 syntax.'));
    $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Load statistics'));
    return $form;
Пример #2
function guifi_device_print_data($device)
    $radios = db_query('SELECT *
       FROM {guifi_radios}
       WHERE id=%d
       ORDER BY id', $device['id']);
    $rows[] = array(t($device[type]), '<b>' . $device[nick] . '</b>');
    if (count($device['funders'])) {
        $rows[] = array(count($device['funders']) == 1 ? t('Funder') : t('Funders'), implode(', ', guifi_funders_links($device['funders'])));
    if (count($device['maintainers'])) {
        $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($device['maintainers'])));
    // If radio, print model & firmware
    if ($device['type'] == 'radio') {
        $rows[] = array($device[manufacturer] . '-' . $device[model], $device[variable][firmware]);
        // going to list all device radios
        if (count($device['radios'])) {
            foreach ($device['radios'] as $radio_id => $radio) {
                if ($radio['fund_required'] == '') {
                    $policy = t('n/d, ask to node contacts');
                } else {
                    if ($radio['fund_required'] == 'yes') {
                        $policy = t('Fund: :fund :curr', array(':fund' => $radio['fund_amount'], ':curr' => $radio['fund_currency']));
                    } else {
                        $policy = t($radio['fund_required']);
                $rowsr[] = array($radio['ssid'], $radio['mode'], $radio['protocol'], $radio['channel'], $radio['mac'], t($radio['clients_accepted']), $policy);
            $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme('table', array(t('ssid'), t('mode'), t('protocol'), t('ch'), t('wireless mac'), t('clients'), t('connection policy')), $rowsr), 'colspan' => 2));
    // If ADSL, print characteristics
    if ($device['type'] == 'ADSL' and $device['variable'] != '') {
        $bandwidth = guifi_bandwidth_types();
        $rows[] = array(t('bandwidth'), $bandwidth[$device['variable']['download']] . '/' . $bandwidth[$device['variable']['upload']]);
        $rows[] = array(t('SNMP index to graph'), $device['variable']['mrtg_index']);
    // Others with modelDescr set
    if (isset($device['variable']['modelDescr'])) {
        switch ($device['type']) {
            case 'ups':
                $vDescr = t('Power: %power', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs']));
            case 'generator':
                $vDescr = t('Max Power: %power Watts', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs']));
            case 'battery':
                $vDescr = t('Power: %power/Ah, Quantity: %quantity', array('%power' => $device['variable']['specs'], '%quantity' => $device['variable']['units']));
            case 'rack':
                $vDescr = t('Height: %height Us, Width: %width inches, Depth: %depth mm', array('%height' => $device['variable']['height'], '%width' => $device['variable']['width'], '%depth' => $device['variable']['depth']));
            case 'breaker':
                $vDescr = t('Protection: %cbtype, Auto-reclose: %recloser', array('%cbtype' => $device['variable']['cbtype'], '%recloser' => $device['variable']['recloser'] ? t('Yes') : t('No')));
        $rows[] = array($device['variable']['modelDescr'], $vDescr);
    // generic
    if ($device['type'] == 'generic' || 'confine' and !empty($device['variable']['mrtg_index'])) {
        $rows[] = array(t('SNMP index to graph'), $device['variable']['mrtg_index']);
    if ($device['graph_server'] > 0) {
        $gs = node_load(array('nid' => $device['graph_server']));
    } else {
        $gs = node_load(array('nid' => guifi_graphs_get_server($device['id'], 'device')));
    $rows[] = array(t('graphs provided from'), array('data' => l(guifi_service_str($device['graph_server']), $gs->l, array('attributes' => array('title' => $gs->nick . ' - ' . $gs->title))), 'colspan' => 2));
    $ip = guifi_main_ip($device[id]);
    $rows[] = array(t('IP address & MAC'), $ip[ipv4] . '/' . $ip[maskbits] . ' ' . $device[mac]);
    $status_url = guifi_cnml_availability(array('device' => $device['id'], 'format' => 'long'), $gs);
    if (!empty($ip[ipv4])) {
        $rows[] = array(t('status &#038; availability'), array('data' => t($device[flag]) . $status_url, 'class' => $device['flag']));
    $rows[] = array(array('data' => theme_guifi_contacts($device), 'colspan' => 2));
    return array_merge($rows);
Пример #3
 * Load statistics from remote CNML graph servers into the database
 * @param $graph_server
 *   Graph server ID.
 * @param $verbose
 *   If TRUE, it will return theme()
 * @return
 *   theme() if $verbose==TRUE
function guifi_cron_loadCNMLstats($graph_server, $verbose = FALSE)
    if (is_null($gs)) {
        $gs = guifi_service_load($graph_server);
    if ($gs->var['version'] >= 2.0) {
        $handle = fopen(guifi_cnml_call_service($gs, 'stats', array()), "r");
    } else {
        $output .= t("This graph server doesn't support v2.0 CNML calls syntax.\n");
    if ($handle) {
        $c = 0;
        $u = 0;
        while (!feof($handle)) {
            $updatestr = array();
            $stat = stream_get_line($handle, 4096, "\n");
            $vstats = explode('|', $stat);
            $device_id = array_shift($vstats);
            $availability_stats = array_shift($vstats);
            list($latmax, $latavg, $availability, $lastonline, $laststatdate, $laststattime, $lastavailability) = explode(',', $availability_stats);
            $tlaststat = to_date($laststatdate . $laststattime);
            if (!$tlaststat) {
            $dev = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT last_stats,last_online,last_flag,ly_availability ' . 'FROM {guifi_devices} ' . 'WHERE id=%d', $device_id));
            if ($tlaststat <= $dev->last_stats) {
            $tlastonline = to_date($lastonline);
            if ($tlastonline > $dev->last_online) {
                $updatestr[] = 'last_online=' . $tlastonline;
            if ($lastavailability <= 100 and $lastavailability >= 0) {
                if ($lastavailability == 0) {
                    $updatestr[] = 'last_flag="Down"';
                } else {
                    $updatestr[] = 'last_flag="Up"';
            $updatestr[] = 'last_stats=' . $tlaststat;
            if ($availability <= 100 and $availability >= 0) {
                $updatestr[] = 'ly_availability=' . $availability;
            if ($latavg) {
                $updatestr[] = 'latency_avg=' . $latavg;
            if ($latmax) {
                $updatestr[] = 'latency_max=' . $latmax;
            // Update availability statistics
            db_query('UPDATE {guifi_devices} SET ' . implode(', ', $updatestr) . ' WHERE id=%d', $device_id);
            // Now going to update traffic statistics
            $nradios = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT count(*) count ' . 'FROM {guifi_radios} ' . 'WHERE id=%d', $device_id));
            if ($nradios->count == 1) {
                // if just one radio, sum all values
                $in = 0;
                $out = 0;
                foreach ($vstats as $value) {
                    $traffic = explode(',', $value);
                    $in += $traffic[1];
                    $out += $traffic[2];
                if ($in or $out) {
                    db_query('UPDATE {guifi_radios} ' . 'SET ly_mb_in=%d, ly_mb_out=%d ' . 'WHERE id=%d', $in, $out, $device_id);
            } else {
                // more than one radio, give the value to each radio
                foreach ($vstats as $value) {
                    db_query('UPDATE {guifi_radios} ' . 'SET ly_mb_in=%d, ly_mb_out=%d ' . 'WHERE id=%d AND radiodev_counter=%d', $traffic[1], $traffic[2], $device_id, $traffic[0]);
            $stats .= $c . ' ' . $stat . "\n";
        watchdog('guifi', 'Loaded statistics from %name, %ndevices updated', array('%name' => guifi_service_str($graph_server), '%ndevices' => $u), WATCHDOG_NOTICE);
        //    $stats =  stream_get_contents($handle);
        $output .= '<pre>' . $stats . '</pre>';
    } else {
        $output .= t('Get stats failed.');
    if ($verbose) {
        return theme('box', t("Load statistics from '%server'", array('%server' => guifi_service_str($graph_server))), $output);
Пример #4
function theme_guifi_node_data($node, $links = FALSE)
    guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'function guifi_node_data(node)', $node);
    /*  $zone = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT id, title, master, zone_mode FROM {guifi_zone} WHERE id = %d',
    $zone = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT id, title, master FROM {guifi_zone} WHERE id = %d', $node->zone_id));
    $rows[] = array(t('node'), $node->nid . ' ' . $node->nick, '<b>' . $node->title . '</b>');
    //  $rows[] = array(t('zone (mode)'),l($zone->title,'node/'.$zone->id).' ('.t($zone->zone_mode).')',$node->zone_description);
    $rows[] = array(t('zone'), l($zone->title, 'node/' . $zone->id), $node->zone_description);
    $rows[] = array(t('position (lat/lon)'), sprintf('<a href="http://maps.guifi.net/world.phtml?Lat=%f&Lon=%f&Layers=all" target="_blank">Lat:%f<br />Lon:%f</a>', $node->lat, $node->lon, $node->lat, $node->lon), $node->elevation . '&nbsp;' . t('meters above the ground'));
    $rows[] = array(t('available for mesh &#038; status'), $node->stable, array('data' => t($node->status_flag), 'class' => $node->status_flag));
    if (count($node->funders)) {
        $rows[] = array(count($node->funders) == 1 ? t('Funder') : t('Funders'), array('data' => implode(', ', guifi_funders_links($node->funders)), 'colspan' => 2));
    if (count($node->maintainers)) {
        $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs'), array('data' => implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($node->maintainers)), 'colspan' => 2));
    } else {
        $radios = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT count(id) c FROM {guifi_radios} WHERE nid=%d', $node->id));
        if ($radios->c > 1) {
            $pmaintainers = guifi_maintainers_parents($node->zone_id);
            if (!empty($pmaintainers)) {
                $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs') . ' ' . t('(from parents)'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($pmaintainers)));
    if ($node->graph_server > 0) {
        $gs = node_load(array('nid' => $node->graph_server));
    } else {
        $gs = node_load(array('nid' => guifi_graphs_get_server($node->id, 'node')));
    $rows[] = array(t('graphs provided from'), array('data' => l(guifi_service_str($node->graph_server), $gs->l, array('attributes' => array('title' => $gs->nick . ' - ' . $gs->title))), 'colspan' => 2));
    $output = theme('table', NULL, array_merge($rows));
    $output .= theme_guifi_contacts($node);
    if ($links) {
        $node = node_load(array('nid' => $node->id));
        drupal_set_title(t('%node data', array('%node' => $node->title)));
        $output .= theme_links(module_invoke_all('link', 'node', $node, FALSE));
        print theme('page', $output, FALSE);
    return theme('box', NULL, $output);
Пример #5
function guifi_user_form($form_state, $params = array())
    guifi_log(GUIFILOG_TRACE, 'function guifi_user_form()', $form_state);
    if (empty($form_state['values'])) {
        if (is_numeric($params)) {
            $form_state['values'] = guifi_user_load($params);
        } else {
            $form_state['values'] = $params;
    if (isset($form_state['values']['id'])) {
        $f['id'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values']['id']);
        drupal_set_title(t('edit user') . ' ' . $form_state['values']['username']);
    } else {
        $f['new'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => TRUE);
        drupal_set_title(t('add user') . ' @ ' . guifi_get_nodename($form_state['values']['nid']));
    $f['firstname'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 128, '#title' => t('Firstname'), '#required' => TRUE, '#attributes' => array('class' => 'required'), '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['firstname'], '#description' => t('The real user name (Firstname), ' . 'will be used while building the username.<br />' . 'If username results duplicated, add more words ' . '(i.e. middle initial).<br />' . 'Please enter real data, if fake information is entered, ' . 'administrators might <strong>remove</strong> this user.'));
    $f['lastname'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 128, '#title' => t('Lastname'), '#required' => TRUE, '#attributes' => array('class' => 'required'), '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['lastname'], '#description' => t('The real user name (Lastname).'));
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['username'])) {
        $f['username'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#value' => $form_state['values']['username'], '#description' => t('The resulting username.'));
    if (user_access('administer guifi users')) {
        $f['status'] = array('#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Status'), '#options' => guifi_types('user_status'), '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['status']);
        $f['node'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Node'), '#maxlength' => 60, '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['nid'] . '-' . guifi_get_zone_nick(guifi_get_zone_of_node($form_state['values']['nid'])) . ', ' . guifi_get_nodename($form_state['values']['nid']), '#autocomplete_path' => 'guifi/js/select-node', '#element_validate' => array('guifi_nodename_validate'), '#description' => t('Select the node where the user is.<br />' . 'You can find the node by introducing part of the node id number, ' . 'zone name or node name. A list with all matching values ' . 'with a maximum of 50 values will be created.<br />' . 'You can refine the text to find your choice.'));
    } else {
        $f['status'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Status'), '#value' => $form_state['values']['status']);
        $f['node'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Node'), '#value' => $form_state['values']['nid'] . '-' . guifi_get_zone_nick(guifi_get_zone_of_node($form_state['values']['nid'])) . ', ' . guifi_get_nodename($form_state['values']['nid']));
        if (!isset($f['new'])) {
            $f['previous_pwd'] = array('#type' => 'password', '#title' => t('Current password'), '#description' => t('To proceed for any change, you have to ' . 'know the current password.'));
        if (!isset($f['new'])) {
            $f['resetPwd'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Reset password'));
    $f['nid'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values']['nid']);
    $f['pass'] = array('#type' => 'password_confirm', '#required' => isset($f['new']), '#title' => t('Set a new password'), '#description' => t('To change/set the current user password, enter the new password in both fields.'), '#size' => 25);
    $f['notification'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#size' => 60, '#maxlength' => 1024, '#title' => t('contact'), '#required' => TRUE, '#element_validate' => array('guifi_emails_validate'), '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['notification'], '#description' => t('Mailid where changes on this user will be notified, ' . 'if many, separated by \',\'<br />' . 'Also where the user can be contacted.'));
    // services
    $f['services'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('services'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, '#tree' => TRUE);
    if (user_access('administer guifi users')) {
        $f['services']['proxystr'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('proxy'), '#maxlength' => 60, '#default_value' => guifi_service_str($form_state['values']['services']['proxy']), '#autocomplete_path' => 'guifi/js/select-service/proxy', '#element_validate' => array('guifi_service_name_validate', 'guifi_user_proxy_validate'));
    } else {
        $f['services']['proxystr'] = array('#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('proxy'), '#value' => guifi_service_str($form_state['values']['services']['proxy']));
    $f['services']['proxy'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values']['services']['proxy']);
    $f['services']['filters'] = array('#type' => 'checkboxes', '#parents' => array('content_filters'), '#title' => t('content filters'), '#options' => guifi_types('filter'), '#multiple' => TRUE, '#description' => t('Content to be filtered.<br />Check the type of content ' . 'which will be filtered to this user. ' . 'Note that this filters will work only on those sites ' . 'which have enabled this feature, ' . 'so don\'t think that is safe to rely on this.'));
    if (!empty($form_state['values']['content_filters'])) {
        $f['services']['filters']['#default_value'] = $form_state['values']['content_filters'];
    $f['author'] = array('#type' => 'fieldset', '#access' => user_access('administer guifi users'), '#title' => t('Authoring information'), '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE);
    $f['author']['username_created'] = array('#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Authored by'), '#maxlength' => 60, '#autocomplete_path' => 'user/autocomplete', '#default_value' => $form_state['values']['username_created'], '#description' => t('Leave blank for %anonymous.', array('%anonymous' => variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')))));
    $f['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'));
    if (!isset($f['new'])) {
        $f['delete'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Delete'));
    return $f;
Пример #6
function guifi_service_url($id)
    if (empty($id)) {
        // get from parents
        return l(guifi_service_str($id), 'node/' . $id);
Пример #7
/** guifi_zone_data(): outputs the zone information data
function guifi_zone_data($zone)
    $rows[] = array(t('zone name'), $zone->nick . ' - <b>' . $zone->title . '</b>');
    if (count($zone->maintainers)) {
        $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($zone->maintainers)));
    } else {
        $pmaintainers = guifi_maintainers_parents($zone->id);
        if (!empty($pmaintainers)) {
            $rows[] = array(t('Maintenance & SLAs') . ' ' . t('(from parents)'), implode(', ', guifi_maintainers_links($pmaintainers)));
    if ($zone->homepage) {
        $rows[] = array(t('homepage'), l($zone->homepage, $zone->homepage));
    $rows[] = array(t('default proxy'), l(guifi_service_str($zone->proxy_id), guifi_zone_get_service($zone, 'proxy_id', TRUE)));
    if ($zone->graph_server > 0) {
        $gs = node_load(array('nid' => $zone->graph_server));
    } else {
        $gs = node_load(array('nid' => guifi_graphs_get_server($zone->id, 'zone')));
    $rows[] = array(t('default graph server'), array('data' => l(guifi_service_str($zone->graph_server), $gs->l, array('attributes' => array('title' => $gs->nick . ' - ' . $gs->title))), 'colspan' => 2));
    $rows[] = array(t('network global information') . ':', NULL);
    //  $rows[] = array(t('Mode'),t($zone->zone_mode));
    $rows[] = array(t('DNS Servers'), $zone->dns_servers);
    $rows[] = array(t('NTP Servers'), $zone->ntp_servers);
    $rows[] = array(t('OSPF zone'), $zone->ospf_zone);
    $tz = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT description FROM {guifi_types} WHERE type = 'tz' AND text = '%s'", $zone->time_zone));
    $rows[] = array(t('Time zone'), $tz->description);
    return array_merge($rows);