Пример #1
  * Enqueue Scripts and Styles for DataTable View Type
  * @filter gravityview_datatables_loading_text Modify the text shown while the DataTable is loading
 function add_scripts_and_styles()
     //global $gravityview_view;
     $post = get_post();
     if (!is_a($post, 'WP_Post')) {
         do_action('gravityview_log_debug', 'GV_Extension_DataTables_Data[add_scripts_and_styles] not a post...leaving', $post);
     // Get all the views on the current post/page/view
     $views = gravityview_get_current_views();
     do_action('gravityview_log_debug', 'GV_Extension_DataTables_Data[add_scripts_and_styles] Get current views. Found:', $views);
     // Check whether there's a view with a datatables template
     $is_datatables = false;
     $dt_configs = array();
     foreach ($views as $key => $view_data) {
         if (empty($view_data['template_id']) || 'datatables_table' !== $view_data['template_id']) {
         $is_datatables = true;
         $ajax_settings = array('action' => 'gv_datatables_data', 'view_id' => $view_data['id'], 'post_id' => $post->ID, 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('gravityview_datatables_data'), 'getData' => json_encode((array) $_GET));
         // Prepare DataTables init config
         $dt_config = array('processing' => true, 'deferRender' => true, 'serverSide' => true, 'retrieve' => true, 'stateSave' => true, 'stateDuration' => -1, 'lengthMenu' => $this->get_length_menu($view_data), 'language' => $this->get_language(), 'ajax' => array('url' => $this->get_ajax_url(), 'type' => 'POST', 'data' => $ajax_settings));
         // page size, if defined
         if (!empty($view_data['atts']['page_size']) && is_numeric($view_data['atts']['page_size'])) {
             $dt_config['pageLength'] = intval($view_data['atts']['page_size']);
          * Set the columns to be displayed
          * @link https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns
         $columns = array();
         if (!empty($view_data['fields']['directory_table-columns'])) {
             foreach ($view_data['fields']['directory_table-columns'] as $field) {
                 $columns[] = array('name' => 'gv_' . $field['id'], 'width' => $this->get_column_width($field));
             $dt_config['columns'] = $columns;
         // set default order
         if (!empty($view_data['atts']['sort_field'])) {
             foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
                 if ($column['name'] === 'gv_' . $view_data['atts']['sort_field']) {
                     $dir = !empty($view_data['atts']['sort_direction']) ? $view_data['atts']['sort_direction'] : 'asc';
                     $dt_config['order'] = array(array($key, strtolower($dir)));
         // filter init DataTables options
         $dt_config = apply_filters('gravityview_datatables_js_options', $dt_config, $view_data['id'], $post);
         $dt_configs[] = $dt_config;
     // major FOREACH just to test
     // is the View requested a Datatables view ?
     if (empty($is_datatables)) {
         do_action('gravityview_log_debug', 'GV_Extension_DataTables_Data[add_scripts_and_styles] DataTables view not requested.');
     do_action('gravityview_log_debug', 'GV_Extension_DataTables_Data[add_scripts_and_styles] DataTables configuration: ', $dt_configs);
     $script_debug = defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min';
     $path = plugins_url('assets/datatables/media/', GV_DT_FILE);
      * Include DataTables core script
      * Use your own DataTables core script by using the `gravityview_datatables_script_src` filter
     wp_enqueue_script('gv-datatables', apply_filters('gravityview_datatables_script_src', $path . 'js/jquery.dataTables' . $script_debug . '.js'), array('jquery'), GV_Extension_DataTables::version, true);
      * Use your own DataTables stylesheet by using the `gravityview_datatables_style_src` filter
      * Register the featured entries script so that if active, the Featured Entries extension can use it.
     wp_register_style('gv-datatables-featured-entries', plugins_url('assets/css/featured-entries.css', GV_DT_FILE), array('gravityview_style_datatables_table'), GV_Extension_DataTables::version, 'all');
     // include DataTables custom script
     wp_enqueue_script('gv-datatables-cfg', plugins_url('assets/js/datatables-views' . $script_debug . '.js', GV_DT_FILE), array('gv-datatables'), GV_Extension_DataTables::version, true);
     wp_localize_script('gv-datatables-cfg', 'gvDTglobals', $dt_configs);
     // Extend datatables by including other scripts and styles
     do_action('gravityview_datatables_scripts_styles', $dt_configs, $views, $post);
Пример #2
  * @internal Make sure this test is above the test_directory_link() test so that one doesn't pollute $post
 public function test_gravityview_get_current_views()
     $fe = GravityView_frontend::getInstance();
     // Clear the data so that gravityview_get_current_views() runs parse_content()
     $fe->gv_output_data = null;
     $view_post_type_id = $this->_get_new_view_id();
     global $post;
     $post = get_post($view_post_type_id);
     $this->assertEquals($view_post_type_id, $post->ID);
     $current_views = gravityview_get_current_views();
     // Check if the view post is set
     // When the view is added, the key is set to the View ID and the `id` is also set to that
     $this->assertEquals($view_post_type_id, $current_views[$view_post_type_id]['id']);
     // Just one View
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($current_views));
     $second_view_post_type_id = $this->_get_new_view_id();
     $second_current_views = gravityview_get_current_views();
     // Check to make sure add_view worked properly
     $this->assertEquals($second_view_post_type_id, $second_current_views[$second_view_post_type_id]['id']);
     // Now two Views
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($second_current_views));