function step2() { if (!$this->input->post('w')) { goto_url('/'); } $not_mb_id = $this->input->post('not_mb_id'); if ($not_mb_id) { $title = '회원아이디 찾기 결과'; } else { if (!$not_mb_id || $this->session->flashdata('mb_idpwd')) { $title = '비밀번호 찾기 2단계'; } } $mb = $this->Member_forget_model->check(); if (isset($mb['mb_id'])) { if ($mb['mb_id'] == ADMIN) { alert('관리자 아이디는 접근 불가합니다.'); } } else { alert('입력하신 내용으로는 회원정보가 존재하지 않습니다.', 'member/forget_idpwd'); } $this->load->helper('textual'); $mb['mb_password_q'] = get_text($mb['mb_password_q']); $head = array('title' => $title); $data = array('time' => time(), 'mb_id' => $mb['mb_id'], 'mb_password_q' => $mb['mb_password_q']); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view('member/forget_' . ($not_mb_id ? 'id' : 'pwd'), $data); widget::run('tail'); }
function memo_delete() { $me_no = $this->input->post('me_no'); $flag = $this->input->post('flag'); check_token('member/memo/lists/' . $flag); if (!IS_MEMBER) { alert_close("회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다."); } if (!($flag && $me_no)) { alert_close("잘못된 접근입니다."); } $member = unserialize(MEMBER); $this->load->model('Member_memo_model'); if ($flag == 'R') { $result = $this->Member_memo_model->get_del_memo($me_no, $flag, $member['mb_id']); $cnt = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { if ($row['me_check'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $cnt++; } } if ($cnt > 0) { $this->Member_memo_model->memo_count($member['mb_id'], $cnt); } } $this->Member_memo_model->memo_delete($me_no, $flag, $member['mb_id']); goto_url('member/memo/lists/' . $flag); }
function out() { if (IS_MEMBER) { $this->session->sess_destroy(); delete_cookie('ck_mb_id'); } goto_url('/'); }
function index() { $seg =& $this->seg; $w = $seg->get('w'); // 모드 $wr_id = $seg->get('wr_id'); // 게시물아이디 $comment_id = $seg->get('comment_id'); // 코멘트아이디 $qstr = $seg->output(); switch ($w) { case 'u': $action = 'board/' . BO_TABLE . '/write' . $qstr; break; case 'd': $qstr = $seg->replace('wr_id', '', $qstr); $action = '_trans/board_write/delete'; break; case 'x': $action = '_trans/board_comment/delete'; break; case 's': if (IS_ADMIN) { // 관리자 통과 goto_url('board/' . BO_TABLE . '/view/wr_id/' . $wr_id); } $write = $this->Basic_model->get_write(BO_TABLE, $wr_id, 'mb_id'); // 회원의 글이라면 if ($write['mb_id']) { $member =& $this->member; if (IS_MEMBER && $member['mb_id'] == $write['mb_id']) { // 자신의 글 goto_url('board/' . BO_TABLE . '/view/wr_id/' . $wr_id); } else { $msg = '글을 읽을 권한이 없습니다.'; if (!IS_MEMBER) { $msg .= '\\n\\n답글의 경우 비회원은 본인글을 읽은 후 읽어 주시기 바랍니다.'; } alert($msg); } } else { // 비회원 $action = '_trans/board_password/check'; } break; default: alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); break; } $head = array('title' => '비밀번호 확인'); $data = array('w' => $w, 'wr_id' => $wr_id, 'comment_id' => $comment_id, 'action' => $action, 'qstr' => $seg->replace('w,comment_id', '', $qstr)); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view('board/password', $data); widget::run('tail'); }
function update() { if ($this->input->post('chk')) { $pu_ids = $this->input->post('chk'); $pu_names = $this->input->post('pu_name'); $pu_uses = $this->input->post('pu_use'); } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } $this->Popup_model->list_update($pu_ids, $pu_names, $pu_uses); goto_url(URL); }
function update() { if ($this->input->post('chk')) { $gr_ids = $this->input->post('chk'); $gr_subjects = $this->input->post('gr_subject'); $gr_admins = $this->input->post('gr_admin'); } else { alert("잘못된 접근입니다."); } foreach ($gr_ids as $gr_id) { $this->Boardgroup_model->list_update($gr_id, $gr_subjects[$gr_id], $gr_admins[$gr_id]); } goto_url(URL); }
function delete() { if ($this->input->post('chk')) { $po_ids = $this->input->post('chk'); $mb_ids = array_unique($this->input->post('mb_ids')); } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } $this->Point_model->point_delete($po_ids); foreach ($mb_ids as $mb_id) { $this->Point_model->point_reset($mb_id); } goto_url(URL); }
function alert($msg = '', $url = '') { if (!$msg) { $msg = '올바른 방법으로 이용해 주십시오.'; } echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('{$msg}');"; echo "</script>"; if ($url) { goto_url($url); } else { echo "<script language='javascript'>history.back();"; echo "</script>"; } exit; }
function password() { $this->db->select('mb_id, mb_password'); $result = $this->db->get_where('ki_member', array('mb_level >=' => 2))->result_array(); $key = md5($this->config->item('encryption_key')); $data = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $password = $this->encrypt->_xor_decode(base64_decode($row['mb_password']), $key); if (strlen($password) != 32) { exit('구 버전 암호가 아닐 수 있습니다.'); } $data[] = array('mb_id' => $row['mb_id'], 'mb_password' => $this->encrypt->encode($password)); } $this->db->update_batch('ki_member', $data, 'mb_id'); goto_url('/'); }
function check() { if ($this->input->post('w') == 's') { $bo_table = $this->input->post('bo_table'); $wr = $this->Basic_model->get_write($bo_table, $this->input->post('wr_id'), 'wr_num, wr_password'); $this->load->library('encrypt'); if (md5($this->input->post('password')) != $this->encrypt->decode($wr['wr_password'])) { alert("비밀번호가 맞지 않습니다."); } // 세션에 아래 정보를 저장. 하위번호는 패스워드없이 보아야 하기 때문 $ss_name = "ss_secret_" . $bo_table . "_" . $wr['wr_num']; $this->session->set_userdata($ss_name, TRUE); } else { alert("잘못된 접근입니다."); } goto_url('board/' . $bo_table . '/view' . $this->input->post('qstr')); }
function alert($msg = '', $url = '') { $CI =& get_instance(); if (!$msg) { $msg = '올바른 방법으로 이용하세요.'; } echo "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" . $CI->config->item('charset') . "\">"; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('" . $msg . "');"; if (!$url) { echo "history.go(-1);"; } echo "</script>"; if ($url) { goto_url($url); } exit; }
function update() { if ($this->input->post('chk')) { $bo_tables = $this->input->post('chk'); $bo_subjects = $this->input->post('bo_subject'); $gr_ids = $this->input->post('gr_id'); $bo_skins = $this->input->post('bo_skin'); $bo_use_searchs = $this->input->post('bo_use_search'); $bo_order_searchs = $this->input->post('bo_order_search'); } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } foreach ($bo_tables as $bo_table) { $bo_use_search = isset($bo_use_searchs[$bo_table]) ? $bo_use_searchs[$bo_table] : ''; $this->Board_model->list_update($bo_table, $bo_subjects[$bo_table], $gr_ids[$bo_table], $bo_skins[$bo_table], $bo_use_search, $bo_order_searchs[$bo_table]); } goto_url(URL); }
function alert($msg = '', $url = '') { if (!$msg) { $msg = '올바른 방법으로 이용해 주십시오.'; } //header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$g4[charset]"); echo "<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"; echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('{$msg}');"; if (!$url) { echo "history.go(-1);"; } echo "</script>"; if ($url) { // 4.06.00 : 불여우의 경우 아래의 코드를 제대로 인식하지 못함 //echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='0;url=$url'>"; goto_url($url); } exit; }
function update() { if ($this->input->post('chk')) { $mb_ids = $this->input->post('chk'); $mb_levels = $this->input->post('mb_levels'); } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } if (SU_ADMIN != ADMIN) { $key = array_search(ADMIN, $mb_ids); if ($key !== FALSE) { unset($mb_ids[$key]); $msg = '최고관리자는 수정할 수 없습니다.'; echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('" . $msg . "');</script>"; } } foreach ($mb_ids as $mb_id) { $this->Member_model->list_update($mb_id, $mb_levels[$mb_id]); } goto_url(URL); }
function form($w = '', $ma_id = '') { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $config = array(array('field' => 'ma_subject', 'label' => '제목', 'rules' => 'trim|required'), array('field' => 'ma_content', 'label' => '내용', 'rules' => 'trim|required')); $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { if (!$w) { $title = "입력"; $ma = FALSE; } else { if ($w == 'u') { $title = "수정"; $ma = $this->Mail_model->get_mail($ma_id, 'ma_id,ma_subject,ma_content'); if (!isset($ma['ma_id'])) { alert("등록된 자료가 없습니다."); } } else { alert("잘못된 접근입니다."); } } $head = array('title' => '회원메일 ' . $title); $data = array('w' => $w, 'ma_id' => $ma['ma_id'], 'subject' => $ma['ma_subject'], 'content' => $ma['ma_content'], 'token' => get_token()); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view(ADM_F . '/mail_form', $data); widget::run('tail'); } else { check_token(); $w = $this->input->post('w'); if (!$w) { $this->Mail_model->insert(); } else { if ($w == 'u') { $this->Mail_model->update(); } else { alert("잘못된 접근입니다."); } } goto_url(ADM_F . '/mail/lists'); } }
$fg_no = 0; } if ($fg_no) { sql_query("update {$g5['sms5_form_group_table']} set fg_count = 0 where fg_no = '{$fg_no}'"); } sql_query("delete from {$g5['sms5_form_table']} where fg_no = '{$fg_no}'"); } } else { if ($w == 'no') { if ($fg_no == 'no') { $fg_no = 0; } if ($fg_no) { sql_query("update {$g5['sms5_form_group_table']} set fg_count = 0 where fg_no = '{$fg_no}'"); } sql_query("delete from {$g5['sms5_form_table']} where fg_no = '{$fg_no}'"); } else { if (!strlen(trim($fg_name))) { alert('그룹명을 입력해주세요'); } $res = sql_fetch("select fg_name from {$g5['sms5_form_group_table']} where fg_name = '{$fg_name}'"); if ($res) { alert('같은 그룹명이 존재합니다.'); } sql_query("insert into {$g5['sms5_form_group_table']} set fg_name = '{$fg_name}'"); } } } } goto_url('./form_group.php');
$sub_menu = '100310'; include_once './_common.php'; if ($w == "u" || $w == "d") { check_demo(); } if ($w == 'd') { auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "d"); } else { auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "w"); } $sql_common = " nw_division = '{$_POST['nw_division']}',\r\n nw_device = '{$_POST['nw_device']}',\r\n nw_begin_time = '{$_POST['nw_begin_time']}',\r\n nw_end_time = '{$_POST['nw_end_time']}',\r\n nw_disable_hours = '{$_POST['nw_disable_hours']}',\r\n nw_left = '{$_POST['nw_left']}',\r\n nw_top = '{$_POST['nw_top']}',\r\n nw_height = '{$_POST['nw_height']}',\r\n nw_width = '{$_POST['nw_width']}',\r\n nw_subject = '{$_POST['nw_subject']}',\r\n nw_content = '{$_POST['nw_content']}',\r\n nw_content_html = '{$_POST['nw_content_html']}' "; if ($w == "") { $sql = " insert {$g5['new_win_table']} set {$sql_common} "; sql_query($sql); $nw_id = mysql_insert_id(); } else { if ($w == "u") { $sql = " update {$g5['new_win_table']} set {$sql_common} where nw_id = '{$nw_id}' "; sql_query($sql); } else { if ($w == "d") { $sql = " delete from {$g5['new_win_table']} where nw_id = '{$nw_id}' "; sql_query($sql); } } } if ($w == "d") { goto_url('./newwinlist.php'); } else { goto_url("./newwinform.php?w=u&nw_id={$nw_id}"); }
check_demo(); check_admin_token(); if (!count($_POST['chk'])) { alert($_POST['act_button'] . " 하실 항목을 하나 이상 체크하세요."); } if ($_POST['act_button'] == "선택수정") { auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], 'w'); } else { if ($_POST['act_button'] == "선택삭제") { auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], 'd'); } else { alert("선택수정이나 선택삭제 작업이 아닙니다."); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['chk']); $i++) { $k = $_POST['chk'][$i]; // 실제 번호를 넘김 if ($_POST['act_button'] == "선택수정") { $sql = "update {$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']}\r\n set is_score = '{$_POST['is_score'][$k]}',\r\n is_confirm = '{$_POST['is_confirm'][$k]}'\r\n where is_id = '{$_POST['is_id'][$k]}' "; sql_query($sql); } else { if ($_POST['act_button'] == "선택삭제") { $sql = "delete from {$g5['g5_shop_item_use_table']} where is_id = '{$_POST['is_id'][$k]}' "; sql_query($sql); } } update_use_cnt($_POST['it_id'][$k]); update_use_avg($_POST['it_id'][$k]); } goto_url("./itemuselist.php?sca={$sca}&sst={$sst}&sod={$sod}&sfl={$sfl}&stx={$stx}&page={$page}");
// 쿠키 한달간 저장 $key = md5($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $mb['mb_password']); set_cookie('ck_mb_id', $mb['mb_id'], 86400 * 31); set_cookie('ck_auto', $key, 86400 * 31); // 자동로그인 end --------------------------- } else { set_cookie('ck_mb_id', '', 0); set_cookie('ck_auto', '', 0); } if ($url) { // url 체크 check_url_host($url); $link = urldecode($url); // 2003-06-14 추가 (다른 변수들을 넘겨주기 위함) if (preg_match("/\\?/", $link)) { $split = "&"; } else { $split = "?"; } // $_POST 배열변수에서 아래의 이름을 가지지 않은 것만 넘김 foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'mb_id' && $key != 'mb_password' && $key != 'x' && $key != 'y' && $key != 'url') { $link .= "{$split}{$key}={$value}"; $split = "&"; } } } else { $link = G5_URL; } goto_url($link);
$name = cut_str($pc_name, $config['cf_cut_name']); $mb_id = ''; if ($member['mb_id']) { $mb_id = '(' . $member['mb_id'] . ')'; } // 환경설정의 투표 기타의견 작성시 최고관리자에게 메일발송 사용에 체크되어 있을 경우 if ($config['cf_email_po_super_admin']) { $subject = $po['po_subject']; $content = $pc_idea; ob_start(); include_once './poll_etc_update_mail.php'; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // 관리자에게 보내는 메일 $admin = get_admin('super'); $from_email = $member['mb_email'] ? $member['mb_email'] : $admin['mb_email']; mailer($name, $from_email, $admin['mb_email'], '[' . $config['cf_title'] . '] 설문조사 기타의견 메일', $content, 1); } } else { if ($w == 'd') { if ($member[mb_id] || $is_admin == 'super') { $sql = " delete from {$g5[poll_etc_table]} where pc_id = '{$pc_id}' "; if (!$is_admin) { $sql .= " and mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' "; } sql_query($sql); } } } goto_url('./poll_result.php?po_id=' . $po_id . '&skin_dir=' . $skin_dir);
} if (!$is_auth) { if ($it['pt_id'] != $member['mb_id']) { alert("\\'{$member['mb_id']}\\' 님께서 수정 할 권한이 없는 상품입니다."); } } // 첫번째 분류 $ca_id = $it['ca_id']; $sql = " select * from {$g5['g5_shop_category_table']} where ca_id = '{$ca_id}' "; $ca = sql_fetch($sql); $ss_name = 'ss_item_' . $it_id; if (!get_session($ss_name)) { set_session($ss_name, TRUE); } } else { goto_url("./"); } } $qstr = $qstr . '&sca=' . $sca . '&ap=list&page=' . $page; $frm_submit = '<div class="btn_confirm01 btn_confirm"><input type="submit" value="확인" class="btn_submit" accesskey="s"> <a href="./?' . $qstr . '" class="btn_frmline">목록</a>'; if ($it_id) { $frm_submit .= PHP_EOL . '<a href="' . G5_SHOP_URL . '/item.php?it_id=' . $it_id . '" target="blank" class="btn_frmline">보기</a> <a href="./?ap=item" class="btn_frmline">신규</a>'; } $frm_submit .= '</div>'; include_once $skin_path . '/'; // 입력폼 선택 if ($w == "" && !$fn) { ?> <style> .new_win { line-height:1.4; } .new_win h1 { line-height:60px; margin:0px; font-weight:bold; }
alert('그룹 ID는 공백없이 영문자, 숫자, _ 만 사용 가능합니다. (10자 이내)'); } if (!$gr_subject) { alert('그룹 제목을 입력하세요.'); } $sql_common = " gr_subject = '{$_POST['gr_subject']}',\n gr_device = '{$_POST['gr_device']}',\n gr_admin = '{$_POST['gr_admin']}',\n gr_show_menu = '{$_POST['gr_show_menu']}',\n gr_1_subj = '{$_POST['gr_1_subj']}',\n gr_2_subj = '{$_POST['gr_2_subj']}',\n gr_3_subj = '{$_POST['gr_3_subj']}',\n gr_4_subj = '{$_POST['gr_4_subj']}',\n gr_5_subj = '{$_POST['gr_5_subj']}',\n gr_6_subj = '{$_POST['gr_6_subj']}',\n gr_7_subj = '{$_POST['gr_7_subj']}',\n gr_8_subj = '{$_POST['gr_8_subj']}',\n gr_9_subj = '{$_POST['gr_9_subj']}',\n gr_10_subj = '{$_POST['gr_10_subj']}',\n gr_1 = '{$_POST['gr_1']}',\n gr_2 = '{$_POST['gr_2']}',\n gr_3 = '{$_POST['gr_3']}',\n gr_4 = '{$_POST['gr_4']}',\n gr_5 = '{$_POST['gr_5']}',\n gr_6 = '{$_POST['gr_6']}',\n gr_7 = '{$_POST['gr_7']}',\n gr_8 = '{$_POST['gr_8']}',\n gr_9 = '{$_POST['gr_9']}',\n gr_10 = '{$_POST['gr_10']}' "; if (isset($_POST['gr_use_access'])) { $sql_common .= ", gr_use_access = '{$_POST['gr_use_access']}' "; } else { $sql_common .= ", gr_use_access = '' "; } if ($w == '') { $sql = " select count(*) as cnt from {$g5['group_table']} where gr_id = '{$_POST['gr_id']}' "; $row = sql_fetch($sql); if ($row['cnt']) { alert('이미 존재하는 그룹 ID 입니다.'); } $sql = " insert into {$g5['group_table']}\n set gr_id = '{$_POST['gr_id']}',\n {$sql_common} "; sql_query($sql); } else { if ($w == "u") { $sql = " update {$g5['group_table']}\n set {$sql_common}\n where gr_id = '{$_POST['gr_id']}' "; sql_query($sql); } else { alert('제대로 된 값이 넘어오지 않았습니다.'); } } // syndication ping include G5_SYNDI_PATH . '/include/include.adm.boardgroup_form_update.php'; goto_url('./boardgroup_form.php?w=u&gr_id=' . $gr_id . '&' . $qstr);
<?php include_once "./_common.php"; if ($w == "u") { $action = "./write.php"; } else { if ($w == "d") { $action = "./delete.php"; } else { if ($w == "x") { $action = "./delete_comment.php"; } else { if ($w == "s") { // 패스워드 창에서 로그인 하는 경우 관리자 또는 자신의 글이면 바로 글보기로 감 if ($is_admin || $member[mb_id] == $write[mb_id] && $write[mb_id]) { goto_url("./board.php?bo_table={$bo_table}&wr_id={$wr_id}"); } else { $action = "./password_check.php"; } } else { alert("w 값이 제대로 넘어오지 않았습니다."); } } } } $g4[title] = "패스워드 입력"; $member_skin_path = "{$g4['path']}/skin/member/{$config['cf_member_skin']}"; include_once "{$g4['path']}/head.sub.php"; if ($board[bo_include_head]) { @(include $board[bo_include_head]); }
<?php include_once './_common.php'; if (!$is_member) { alert('회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다.'); } $sql = " delete from {$g5['scrap_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and ms_id = '{$ms_id}' "; sql_query($sql); goto_url('./scrap.php?page=' . $page);
} } } } } $_SESSION['ss_is_mobile'] = $is_mobile; define('G5_IS_MOBILE', $is_mobile); if (G5_IS_MOBILE) { include_once G5_LIB_PATH . '/mobile.lib.php'; // 모바일 전용 라이브러리 $g5['mobile_path'] = G5_PATH . '/' . $g5['mobile_dir']; } //============================================================================== // 4.00.03 : [보안관련] PHPSESSID 가 틀리면 로그아웃한다. if (isset($_REQUEST['PHPSESSID']) && $_REQUEST['PHPSESSID'] != session_id()) { goto_url(G5_BBS_URL . '/logout.php'); } // QUERY_STRING $qstr = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['sca'])) { $sca = escape_trim($_REQUEST['sca']); if ($sca) { $qstr .= '&sca=' . urlencode($sca); } } else { $sca = ''; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sfl'])) { $sfl = escape_trim($_REQUEST['sfl']); $sfl = preg_replace("/[\\<\\>\\'\"\\%\\=\\(\\)\\s]/", "", $sfl); if ($sfl) {
alert("존재하지 않는 그룹입니다."); } $sql = " select count(*) as cnt\n from {$g4['group_member_table']}\n where gr_id = '{$gr_id}'\n and mb_id = '{$mb_id}' "; $row = sql_fetch($sql); if ($row[cnt]) { alert("이미 등록되어 있는 자료입니다."); } else { check_token(); $sql = " insert into {$g4['group_member_table']}\n set gr_id = '{$_POST['gr_id']}',\n mb_id = '{$_POST['mb_id']}',\n gm_datetime = '{$g4['time_ymdhis']}' "; sql_query($sql); } } else { if ($w == 'd' || $w == 'listdelete') { auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "d"); $sql = " select * from {$g4['group_member_table']} where gm_id = '{$_POST['gm_id']}' "; $gm = sql_fetch($sql); if (!$gm[gm_id]) { alert("존재하지 않는 자료입니다."); } check_token(); $gr_id = $gm[gr_id]; $mb_id = $gm[mb_id]; $sql = " delete from {$g4['group_member_table']} where gm_id = '{$_POST['gm_id']}' "; sql_query($sql); } } if ($w == 'listdelete') { goto_url("./boardgroupmember_list.php?gr_id={$gr_id}"); } else { goto_url("./boardgroupmember_form.php?mb_id={$mb_id}"); }
} if (is_checked('chk_all_content_tail')) { $all_fields .= " , bo_content_tail = '{$bo_content_tail}' "; } if (is_checked('chk_all_mobile_content_head')) { $all_fields .= " , bo_mobile_content_head = '{$bo_mobile_content_head}' "; } if (is_checked('chk_all_mobile_content_tail')) { $all_fields .= " , bo_mobile_content_tail = '{$bo_mobile_content_tail}' "; } if (is_checked('chk_all_insert_content')) { $all_fields .= " , bo_insert_content = '{$bo_insert_content}' "; } if (is_checked('chk_all_use_search')) { $all_fields .= " , bo_use_search = '{$bo_use_search}' "; } if (is_checked('chk_all_order')) { $all_fields .= " , bo_order = '{$bo_order}' "; } for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { if (is_checked('chk_all_' . $i)) { $all_fields .= " , bo_{$i}_subj = '" . $_POST['bo_' . $i . '_subj'] . "' "; $all_fields .= " , bo_{$i} = '" . $_POST['bo_' . $i] . "' "; } } if ($all_fields) { sql_query(" update {$g5['board_table']} set bo_table = bo_table {$all_fields} "); } delete_cache_latest($bo_table); goto_url("./board_form.php?w=u&bo_table={$bo_table}&{$qstr}");
<?php $sub_menu = "200100"; include_once "./_common.php"; check_demo(); auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "d"); $mb = get_member($_POST['mb_id']); if (!$mb[mb_id]) { alert("회원자료가 존재하지 않습니다."); } else { if ($member[mb_id] == $mb[mb_id]) { alert("로그인 중인 관리자는 삭제 할 수 없습니다."); } else { if (is_admin($mb[mb_id]) == "super") { alert("최고 관리자는 삭제할 수 없습니다."); } else { if ($mb[mb_level] >= $member[mb_level]) { alert("자신보다 권한이 높거나 같은 회원은 삭제할 수 없습니다."); } } } } check_token(); // 회원자료 삭제 member_delete($mb[mb_id]); if ($url) { goto_url("{$url}?{$qstr}&w=u&mb_id={$mb_id}"); } else { goto_url("./member_list.php?{$qstr}"); }
<?php include_once './_common.php'; if (USE_G5_THEME && defined('G5_THEME_PATH')) { require_once G5_SHOP_PATH . '/yc/orderaddress.php'; return; } if (!$is_member) { alert_close('회원이시라면 회원로그인 후 이용해 주십시오.'); } if ($w == 'd') { $sql = " delete from {$g5['g5_shop_order_address_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' and ad_id = '{$ad_id}' "; sql_query($sql); goto_url($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); } $sql_common = " from {$g5['g5_shop_order_address_table']} where mb_id = '{$member['mb_id']}' "; $sql = " select count(ad_id) as cnt " . $sql_common; $row = sql_fetch($sql); $total_count = $row['cnt']; $rows = $config['cf_page_rows']; $total_page = ceil($total_count / $rows); // 전체 페이지 계산 if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } // 페이지가 없으면 첫 페이지 (1 페이지) $from_record = ($page - 1) * $rows; // 시작 열을 구함 $sql = " select *\n {$sql_common}\n order by ad_default desc, ad_id desc\n limit {$from_record}, {$rows}"; $result = sql_query($sql); if (!sql_num_rows($result)) {
if ($w == "u") { $sql = " update {$g5['faq_master_table']} {$sql_common} where fm_id = '{$fm_id}' "; sql_query($sql); } else { if ($w == "d") { @unlink(G5_DATA_PATH . "/faq/{$fm_id}_h"); @unlink(G5_DATA_PATH . "/faq/{$fm_id}_t"); // FAQ삭제 $sql = " delete from {$g5['faq_master_table']} where fm_id = '{$fm_id}' "; sql_query($sql); // FAQ상세삭제 $sql = " delete from {$g5['faq_table']} where fm_id = '{$fm_id}' "; sql_query($sql); } } } if ($w == "" || $w == "u") { if ($_FILES['fm_himg']['name']) { $dest_path = G5_DATA_PATH . "/faq/" . $fm_id . "_h"; @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fm_himg']['tmp_name'], $dest_path); @chmod($dest_path, G5_FILE_PERMISSION); } if ($_FILES['fm_timg']['name']) { $dest_path = G5_DATA_PATH . "/faq/" . $fm_id . "_t"; @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['fm_timg']['tmp_name'], $dest_path); @chmod($dest_path, G5_FILE_PERMISSION); } goto_url("./faqmasterform.php?w=u&fm_id={$fm_id}"); } else { goto_url("./faqmasterlist.php"); }