require_once '../../lib/lib_misc.php'; /* perform basic sanity checks */ bombShelter(); /* check URL size */ error_reporting(0); require_once '../../config.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_db.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_auth.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_date.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_validate.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_upload.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_rss.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_tags.php'; include_once '../../lib/lib_logs.php'; if (isset($GLOBALS['pixie_user']) && $GLOBALS['pixie_user_privs'] >= 1) { globalSec('ajax_fileupload.php', 1); extract($_REQUEST); // access to form vars if register globals is off // note : NOT setting a prefix yet, not looked at it yet $prefs = get_prefs(); extract($prefs); include_once '../../lang/' . $language . '.php'; // rebuild new form field if ($form) { if (first_word($form) == 'image') { db_dropdown('pixie_files', "", $form, "file_type = 'Image' order by file_id desc"); if (!$ie) { echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<span class=\"more_upload\">or <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"upswitch('" . $form . "'); return false;\" title=\"" . $lang['upload'] . "\">" . strtolower($lang['upload']) . "...</a></span>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n"; } } else { if (first_word($form) == 'document') { db_dropdown('pixie_files', "", $form, "file_type = 'Other' order by file_id desc");
// Turns off error reporting if (!file_exists('../config.php') or filesize('../config.php') < 10) { // check for config require '../lib/lib_db.php'; db_down(); exit; } if (!defined('DIRECT_ACCESS')) { define('DIRECT_ACCESS', 1); } /* very important to set this first, so that we can use the new config.php */ require '../lib/lib_misc.php'; // $debug = 'no'; // Set this to yes to debug and see all the global vars coming into the file globalSec('Pixie Installer createuser.php', 1); extract($_REQUEST); /* needs prefixing with pixie_ instead */ require '../config.php'; include '../lib/lib_db.php'; // load libraries order is important if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.1.0') >= 0) { if (!isset($server_timezone)) { $server_timezone = 'Europe/London'; } date_default_timezone_set("{$server_timezone}"); } /* New! Built in php function. Tell php what the server timezone is so that we can use php's rewritten time and date functions with the correct time and without error messages */ define('TZ', "{$timezone}"); /* timezone fix (php 5.1.0 or newer will set it's server timezone using function date_default_timezone_set!) */ if (isset($do)) {
} /* redirect to an error page if down */ } ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); /* set default php charset */ require_once 'lib/lib_misc.php'; /* perform basic sanity checks */ bombShelter(); /* check URL size */ if (PIXIE_DEBUG == 'yes') { error_reporting(-1); } else { error_reporting(0); } /* set error reporting up if debug is enabled */ globalSec('Admin index.php', 1); /* prevent superglobal poisoning before extraction */ extract($_REQUEST); /* access to form vars if register globals is off */ /* note : NOT setting a prefix yet, not looked at it yet */ require_once 'config.php'; /* load configuration */ include_once 'lib/lib_db.php'; /* import the database function library */ $prefs = get_prefs(); /* turn the prefs into an array */ extract($prefs); /* add prefs to globals using php's extract function */ define('TZ', "{$timezone}"); /* timezone fix (php 5.1.0 or newer will set it's server timezone using function date_default_timezone_set!) */ if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.1.0') >= 0) {
* @copyright 2008-2010 Scott Evans * @author Scott Evans * @author Sam Collett * @author Tony White * @author Isa Worcs * @link * @license GNU General Public License v3 * */ $refering = NULL; $refering = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if ($refering['host'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { if (defined('DIRECT_ACCESS')) { require_once '../lib/lib_misc.php'; pixieExit(); exit; } define('DIRECT_ACCESS', 1); require_once '../lib/lib_misc.php'; /* perform basic sanity checks */ bombShelter(); /* check URL size */ error_reporting(0); /* Note : If you use this file, any global vars now have the prefix pixie, so what was $s is now $pixie_s */ globalSec('public.js.php', 1); /* extract($_REQUEST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'pixie'); */ /* Disabled by default for security */ } else { header('Location: ../../'); exit; }
error_reporting(0); /* error_reporting(-1); */ /* Turns off or on error reporting */ if (!file_exists('../config.php') or filesize('../config.php') < 10) { // check for config require '../lib/lib_db.php'; db_down(); exit; } if (!defined('DIRECT_ACCESS')) { define('DIRECT_ACCESS', 1); } /* very important to set this first, so that we can use the new config.php */ require '../lib/lib_misc.php'; globalSec('Pixie Installer upgrade.php', 1); require '../config.php'; include '../lib/lib_db.php'; $prefs = get_prefs(); /* turn the prefs into an array */ extract($prefs); /* add prefs to globals using php's extract function */ if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.1.0') >= 0) { if (!isset($server_timezone)) { $server_timezone = 'Europe/London'; } date_default_timezone_set("{$server_timezone}"); } /* New! Built in php function. Tell php what the server timezone is so that we can use php's rewritten time and date functions with the correct time and without error messages */ define('TZ', "{$timezone}"); /* timezone fix (php 5.1.0 or newer will set it's server timezone using function date_default_timezone_set!) */
} } /* Set default php charset */ ini_set('default_charset', 'utf-8'); /* Perform basic sanity checks */ require_once 'admin/lib/lib_misc.php'; /* Check URL size */ bombShelter(); /* Set error reporting up if debug is enabled */ if (PIXIE_DEBUG == 'yes') { error_reporting(-1); } else { error_reporting(0); } /* Prevent superglobal poisoning before extraction */ globalSec('Main index.php', 1); /* Access to form vars if register globals is off */ /* note : NOT setting a prefix yet, not looked at it yet */ extract($_REQUEST); /* Load configuration */ require_once 'admin/config.php'; /* Import the database function library */ include_once 'admin/lib/lib_db.php'; /* Turn the prefs into an array */ $prefs = get_prefs(); /* Add prefs to globals using php's extract function */ extract($prefs); /* Timezone fix (php 5.1.0 or newer will set it's server timezone using function date_default_timezone_set!) */ define('TZ', "{$timezone}"); if (strnatcmp(phpversion(), '5.1.0') >= 0) { if (isset($server_timezone)) {
* */ $refering = NULL; $refering = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if ($refering['host'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { if (defined('DIRECT_ACCESS')) { require_once '../lib/lib_misc.php'; pixieExit(); exit; } define('DIRECT_ACCESS', 1); require_once '../lib/lib_misc.php'; /* perform basic sanity checks */ bombShelter(); /* check URL size */ error_reporting(0); globalSec('style.php', 1); /* Note : If you use this file, any global vars now have the prefix pixie, so what was $s is now $pixie_s */ extract($_REQUEST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'pixie'); echo "\n\t@import url({$pixie_theme}/core.css);\n\t@import url({$pixie_theme}/layout.css);\n\t@import url({$pixie_theme}/navigation.css);\n\t"; if (isset($pixie_s)) { $file = "{$pixie_theme}/{$pixie_s}.css"; if (file_exists($file)) { echo "@import url({$file});"; } } /* This file should be merged as an include or merged directly into another file instead of it being directly accessed like this. */ } else { header('Location: ../../'); exit; }
* @todo Tag release for Pixie 1.04 * */ $refering = NULL; $refering = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); if ($refering['host'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { if (defined('DIRECT_ACCESS')) { require_once '../../lib/lib_misc.php'; pixieExit(); exit; } define('DIRECT_ACCESS', 1); require_once '../../lib/lib_misc.php'; /* perform basic sanity checks */ bombShelter(); error_reporting(0); globalSec('admin_style.php', 1); /* Note : If you use this file, any global vars now have the prefix pixie, so what was $s is now $pixie_s */ extract($_REQUEST, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'pixie'); echo "\n\t@import url(style.css);\n\t@import url(navigation.css);\n\t"; if (isset($pixie_s)) { $file = "{$pixie_s}.css"; if (file_exists($file)) { echo "@import url({$file});"; } } /* This file should be merged as an include or merged directly into another file instead of it being directly accessed like this. */ } else { header('Location: ../../../'); exit; }