} else { $SQL = "Select max(security) as sec from {$pho_main}"; $q->query($DB, $SQL); if ($q->field("sec", 0)) { $url = "login.{$ext}"; if (!empty($f)) { $url .= "?f={$f}"; } addnav($menu, $lLogIn, $url); } } ////////////////////////// // END NAVIGATION // ////////////////////////// if (isset($menu) && is_array($menu)) { $TopNav = getnav($menu); ?> <table width="<?php echo $table_width; ?> " border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3"> <tr> <td <?php echo bgcolor($nav_color); ?> valign="TOP" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo $TopNav; ?> </td> </tr> </table>
addnav($menu, $lForumList, "{$forum_page}.{$ext}?f={$ForumParent}{$GetVars}"); } // New Topic addnav($menu, $lStartTopic, "{$post_page}.{$ext}?f={$num}{$GetVars}"); // Go To Top addnav($menu, $lGoToTop, "{$list_page}.{$ext}?f={$num}{$GetVars}"); // Log Out/Log In if ($ForumSecurity) { if (!empty($phorum_auth)) { //addnav($menu, $lLogOut, "login.$ext?logout=1$GetVars"); addnav($menu, $lMyProfile, "profile.{$ext}?f={$f}&id={$phorum_user['id']}{$GetVars}"); } else { addnav($menu, $lLogIn, "login.{$ext}?f={$f}{$GetVars}"); } } $TopLeftNav = getnav($menu); ////////////////////////// // END NAVIGATION // ////////////////////////// if (empty($search)) { $search = ""; $searchtext = ""; } else { $search = trim(stripslashes($search)); $searchtext = htmlentities($search); $terms = build_search_terms($search, $match); if (count($terms) > 0) { if ($globalsearch) { $SQL = "Select id, name, table_name from {$pho_main} where"; if (isset($searchforums)) { $SQL .= " id in (" . implode(",", $searchforums) . ")";
} } $TopLeftNav = getnav($menu1); $LowLeftNav = getnav($menu2); $menu = array(); // Prev Thread addnav($menu, $lPreviousTopic, "{$read_page}.{$ext}?{$prev_thread}{$GetVars}"); // Next Thread addnav($menu, $lNextTopic, "{$read_page}.{$ext}?{$next_thread}{$GetVars}"); $ThreadNav = getnav($menu); $menu = array(); // Previous Message addnav($menu, $lPreviousMessage, "{$read_page}.{$ext}?{$prev_link}{$GetVars}"); // Next Message addnav($menu, $lNextMessage, "{$read_page}.{$ext}?{$next_link}{$GetVars}"); $MessageNav = getnav($menu); ////////////////////////// // END NAVIGATION // ////////////////////////// ?> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function delmsg(url){ ans=window.confirm("<?php echo $lDelMessageWarning; ?> "); if(ans){ window.location.replace(url); } }
//addnav($menu, $lLogOut, "login.$ext?f=$f&logout=1$GetVars"); if ($id != $phorum_user["id"]) { //The profile of the logged in user addnav($menu, $lMyProfile, "profile.{$ext}?f={$num}&id={$phorum_user['id']}{$GetVars}"); } } else { // Register // addnav($menu, $lRegisterLink, "register.$ext?f=$f$GetVars"); // Log In addnav($menu, $lLogIn, "login.{$ext}?f={$f}{$GetVars}"); } if ($action == "edit") { //Back addnav($menu, $lBack, "profile.{$ext}?f={$num}&id={$id}{$GetVars}"); } $nav = getnav($menu); ////////////////////////// // END NAVIGATION // ////////////////////////// //If user Edits Profile, and He did submit it yet. if ($action == 'edit' && !$done || !empty($EditError)) { //Security, so that only Owner could edit it. //NO go if (empty($phorum_auth) || $UserName != $phorum_user["username"]) { ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"> <tr> <td <?php echo bgcolor($nav_color); ?> ><?php
} //将文件名与扩展名分开 list($filename, $fileext) = split('\\.', $entry, 2); if (ereg("^index", $filename) || $filename == "more" || $fileext != "php") { continue; } //选出php文件 ,搜寻第一行,类似$title="*****"; $linknm = ""; $fp = fopen($entry, "r"); while ($buffer = fgets($fp, 4096)) { //开始读文件 $buffer = trim($buffer); //去两端空格 if (ereg("title*=*\\'", $buffer)) { eval($buffer); $linknm = $title; break; } } fclose($fp); echo "<a href=\"{$entry}\">{$linknm}</a></li><li>"; } $d->close(); } ?> <nav><ul><li><a href="index.php"><img src="image/home.gif" alt="首页" ><span>首页</span></a></li><?php getnav("./"); ?> <a href="more.php">more</a></li></ul></nav>