Пример #1
function display_aff_sales()
    global $vars;
    global $db, $t;
    $t->assign('year_month_options', get_ym_options());
    $t->assign('default_month', get_default_ym());
    if ($vars['year_month'] == '') {
        $vars['year_month'] = get_default_ym();
    list($y, $m) = split('_', $vars['year_month']);
    $y = intval($y);
    $m = intval($m);
    $m = sprintf('%02d', $m);
    $dat1 = "{$y}-{$m}-01";
    $dat2 = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($dat1));
    $dattm1 = date('Ymd000000', strtotime($dat1));
    $dattm2 = date('Ymd235959', strtotime($dat2));
    $totaldays = date('t', strtotime($dat1));
    $days = array();
    $total = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $totaldays; $i++) {
        $days[$i] = array('dat' => sprintf("{$y}-{$m}-%02d", $i));
    // get clicks for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT DAYOFMONTH(ac.time), COUNT(log_id), COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_clicks ac\n        WHERE ac.time BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n        GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(ac.time)\n    ");
    while (list($d, $r, $u) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $days[$d]['raw'] = $r;
        $days[$d]['uniq'] = $u;
    // get total clicks for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(log_id), COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_clicks ac\n        WHERE ac.time BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n    ");
    while (list($r, $u) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $total['raw'] = $r;
        $total['uniq'] = $u;
    // get comissions for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT DAYOFMONTH(ac.date), COUNT(commission_id),\n        SUM(IF(record_type='debit', amount, 0)), \n        SUM(IF(record_type='credit', amount, 0))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_commission ac\n        WHERE ac.date BETWEEN '{$dat1}' AND '{$dat2}'\n        GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(ac.date)\n    ");
    while (list($d, $cnt, $deb, $cre) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $days[$d]['trans'] = $cnt;
        $days[$d]['debit'] = $deb != 0 ? -$deb : '';
        //$days[$d]['debit'] = $deb;
        $days[$d]['credit'] = $cre;
        if ($deb || $cre) {
            $days[$d]['total'] = $cre - $deb;
        $total['trans'] += $cnt;
        $total['debit'] += $deb;
        $total['credit'] += $cre;
        $total['total'] += $days[$d]['total'];
    $total['debit'] = $total['debit'] != 0 ? -$total['debit'] : '';
    $t->assign('days', $days);
    $t->assign('total', $total);
    /// top 20 referrers
    $q = $db->query("SELECT referrer, COUNT(log_id) as clog_id, COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr)) as cremote_addr\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_clicks ac\n        WHERE referrer > '' AND ac.time BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n        GROUP BY referrer\n        ORDER BY clog_id DESC, cremote_addr DESC\n        LIMIT 0,20\n    ");
    $refs = array();
    while (list($ref, $raw, $uniq) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $refs[] = array('raw' => $raw, 'uniq' => $uniq, 'ref' => $ref);
    $t->assign('refs', $refs);
Пример #2
function display_aff_sales()
    global $member_id, $vars;
    global $db, $t;
    $t->assign('year_month_options', get_ym_options());
    $t->assign('default_month', get_default_ym());
    if ($vars['year_month'] == '') {
        $vars['year_month'] = get_default_ym();
    list($y, $m) = split('_', $vars['year_month']);
    $m = sprintf('%02d', $m);
    $dat1 = "{$y}-{$m}-01";
    $dat2 = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($dat1));
    $dattm1 = date('Ymd000000', strtotime($dat1));
    $dattm2 = date('Ymd235959', strtotime($dat2));
    $totaldays = date('t', strtotime($dat1));
    $days = array();
    $total = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $totaldays; $i++) {
        $days[$i] = array('dat' => sprintf("{$y}-{$m}-%02d", $i));
    // get clicks for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT DAYOFMONTH(ac.time), COUNT(log_id), COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_clicks ac\n        WHERE aff_id={$member_id} AND ac.time BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n        GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(ac.time)\n    ");
    while (list($d, $r, $u) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $days[$d]['raw'] = $r;
        $days[$d]['uniq'] = $u;
    // get total clicks for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT COUNT(log_id), COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_clicks ac\n        WHERE aff_id={$member_id} AND ac.time BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n    ");
    while (list($r, $u) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $total['raw'] = $r;
        $total['uniq'] = $u;
    // get comissions for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT DAYOFMONTH(ac.date), COUNT(commission_id),\n        SUM(IF(record_type='debit', amount, 0)), \n        SUM(IF(record_type='credit', amount, 0)),\n        SUM(IF(record_type='debit', 1, 0))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_commission ac\n        WHERE aff_id={$member_id} AND ac.date BETWEEN '{$dat1}' AND '{$dat2}'\n        GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(ac.date)\n    ");
    while (list($d, $cnt, $deb, $cre, $deb_count) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $days[$d]['trans'] = $cnt;
        $days[$d]['debit'] = $deb != 0 ? -$deb . " ({$deb_count})" : '';
        $days[$d]['credit'] = $cre;
        $dat = "{$y}-{$m}-{$d}";
        if ($deb || $cre) {
            $rr = $db->query_all("SELECT c.amount as c_amount, c.payment_id, p.member_id, \n        \t\t\tpr.title as pr_title,\n        \t\t\tm.login, m.name_f, m.name_l, p.amount as p_amount, c.tier as tier, c.record_type\n        \t\tFROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_commission c \n        \t\tLEFT JOIN {$db->config[prefix]}payments p USING (payment_id)\n        \t\tLEFT JOIN {$db->config[prefix]}members m ON p.member_id = m.member_id\n        \t\tLEFT JOIN {$db->config[prefix]}products pr ON p.product_id = pr.product_id \n        \t\tWHERE c.date = '{$dat}' AND c.aff_id={$member_id} \n        \t");
            $days[$d]['detail'] = $rr;
        if ($deb || $cre) {
            $days[$d]['total'] = $cre - $deb;
        $total['trans'] += $cnt;
        $total['debit'] += $deb;
        $total['credit'] += $cre;
        $total['total'] += $days[$d]['total'];
    $total['debit'] = $total['debit'] != 0 ? -$total['debit'] : '';
    $t->assign('days', $days);
    $t->assign('total', $total);
    /// top 20 referrers
    $q = $db->query("SELECT referrer, COUNT(log_id), COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr))\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}aff_clicks ac\n        WHERE aff_id={$member_id} AND referrer > '' AND ac.time BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n        GROUP BY referrer\n        #ORDER BY COUNT(log_id) DESC, COUNT(DISTINCT(remote_addr)) DESC\n        #LIMIT 0,20\n    ");
    $refs = array();
    while (list($ref, $raw, $uniq) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $refs[] = array('raw' => $raw, 'uniq' => $uniq, 'ref' => $ref);
    $t->assign('u', $db->get_user($member_id));
    $t->assign('refs', $refs);
Пример #3
function do_stats()
    global $db;
    $vars = get_input_vars();
    $t = new_smarty();
    $t->assign('year_month_options', get_ym_options());
    $t->assign('default_month', get_default_ym());
    if ($vars['year_month'] == '') {
        $vars['year_month'] = get_default_ym();
    list($y, $m) = split('_', $vars['year_month']);
    $m = sprintf('%02d', $m);
    $dat1 = "{$y}-{$m}-01";
    $dat2 = date('Y-m-t', strtotime($dat1));
    $dattm1 = date('Ymd000000', strtotime($dat1));
    $dattm2 = date('Ymd235959', strtotime($dat2));
    $totaldays = date('t', strtotime($dat1));
    $days = array();
    $total = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $totaldays; $i++) {
        $days[sprintf("{$y}-{$m}-%02d", $i)] = array();
    // get clicks for the month
    $q = $db->query("SELECT\n\t\tDAYOFMONTH(rl.payment_date), IFNULL(status, 'null'), COUNT(rebill_log_id) as cnt, SUM(amount) as amount\n        FROM {$db->config[prefix]}rebill_log rl\n        WHERE rl.payment_date BETWEEN {$dattm1} AND {$dattm2}\n        GROUP BY DAYOFMONTH(rl.payment_date), IFNULL(status, 'null')\n    ");
    while (list($d, $status, $cnt, $amount) = mysql_fetch_row($q)) {
        $dat = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $y, $m, $d);
        if ($status == 'null') {
            $s = 'null';
        } elseif ($status == 0) {
            $s = 0;
        } else {
            $s = 1;
        $days[$dat][$s]['cnt'] += $cnt;
        $days[$dat][$s]['amount'] += $amount;
        $days[$dat]['total']['cnt'] += $cnt;
        $days[$dat]['total']['amount'] += $amount;
    $t->assign('list', $days);
Пример #4
    return $res;
function get_default_ym()
    $y = date('Y');
    $m = date('m');
    $m -= 2;
    if ($m <= 0) {
        $m = 12 - $m;
    return "{$y}_{$m}";
$t->assign('year_month_options', get_ym_options());
$t->assign('default_month', get_default_ym());
$t->assign('payout_methods', aff_get_payout_methods() + array('' => 'Not selected', 'ALL' => 'All payouts (for reporting)'));
if ($vars['action'] == 'aff_payout_export') {
    $rand = $vars['payout_sess_id'];
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($_SESSION['_amember_aff_commission'][$rand]['rows'] as $member_id => $to_pay) {
        $r = $db->get_user($member_id);
        $r['to_pay'] = $to_pay;
        $rows[] = $r;
    $dat1 = $_SESSION['_amember_aff_commission'][$rand]['dat1'];
    $dat2 = $_SESSION['_amember_aff_commission'][$rand]['dat2'];
    $payout_method = $_SESSION['_amember_aff_commission'][$rand]['payout_method'];
    $func_name = 'aff_pay_commission_' . $payout_method;
    $func_name($dat1, $dat2, $payout_method, $rows);