function index() { $q_vars = get_url_vars(); $sort = isset($q_vars->sort) ? $q_vars->sort : ""; $search = isset($q_vars->search_tag) ? $q_vars->search_tag : ""; $base = base_url(); if ($search != "") { $cache = cacheFetch("tagsCache"); } else { $cache = cacheFetch("tagsPopularCache"); } if (isset($cache["data"]) !== false) { $tags = json_decode($cache["data"]); if (is_array($tags) || !empty($tags)) { // start the query_string $q_str = ""; if ($search != "") { $q_str = '?search_tag=' . $search . '&'; } else { $q_str = '?'; } // sort links $sort_alpha = '<a href="' . $base . 'tags/' . $q_str . 'sort=sort-alpha-'; $sort_total = '<a href="' . $base . 'tags/' . $q_str . 'sort=sort-total-'; if ($sort == "sort-alpha-desc") { quicksort($tags, "value"); $tags = array_reverse($tags); $sort_alpha .= 'asc" title="List Alphabetically descending"><strong>List Alphabetically</strong></a>'; $sort_total .= 'desc" title="List By Total descending"><strong>List By Total</strong></a>'; } else { if ($sort == "sort-total-asc") { quicksort($tags, "total"); $sort_alpha .= 'desc" title="List Alphabetically ascending"><strong>List Alphabetically</strong></a>'; $sort_total .= 'desc" title="List By Total descending"><strong>List By Total</strong></a>'; } else { if ($sort == "sort-total-desc") { quicksort($tags, "total"); $tags = array_reverse($tags); $sort_alpha .= 'desc" title="List Alphabetically ascending"><strong>List Alphabetically</strong></a>'; $sort_total .= 'asc" title="List By Total ascending"><strong>List By Total</strong></a>'; } else { quicksort($tags, "value"); $sort_alpha .= 'desc" title="List Alphabetically ascending"><strong>List Alphabetically</strong></a>'; $sort_total .= 'desc" title="List By Total descending"><strong>List By Total</strong></a>'; } } } // grab heighest total value $temp_tags = $tags; quicksort($temp_tags, "total"); $temp_tags = array_reverse($temp_tags); $highest = $temp_tags[0]->total; // now sort $tags_count = count($tags); $list_html = ""; $details_html = ""; $sort_html = 'Sort: ' . $sort_alpha . ' <span class="sep">|</span> ' . $sort_total . ' <span class="sep">|</span> <a href="' . $base . 'tags/' . $q_str . 'tag_cloud=1" title="View popular tags as tag cloud"><strong>View as Tag Cloud</strong></a>'; if ($search != "") { $details_html = ' <ul class="search_filters"> <li><a href="' . $base . 'tags/" title="Remove this filter" class="remove_filter"><span class="hide">Remove</span></a> Showing tags containing "<strong>' . $q_vars->search_tag . '</strong>"</li> <li>' . $sort_html . '</li> </ul>'; } else { $details_html = '<ul class="search_filters"> <li>Showing popular tags</li> <li>' . $sort_html . '</li> </ul>'; } if (isset($q_vars->tag_cloud)) { // tag cloud mode // we'll have 8 font-sizes, ranging from 10-18 // and therefore six colours $list_html .= '<div style="text-align: center;"><ul class="tag_cloud">'; $max = 30; $min = 10; $colours = array("10" => "#aaa", "11" => "#909090", "12" => "#909090", "13" => "#999", "14" => "#808080", "15" => "#808080", "16" => "#888", "17" => "#707070", "18" => "#707070", "19" => "#777", "20" => "#606060", "21" => "#606060", "22" => "#666", "23" => "#505050", "24" => "#505050", "25" => "#555", "26" => "#404040", "27" => "#404040", "28" => "#444", "29" => "#303030", "30" => "#333"); for ($i = 0; $i < $tags_count; $i++) { if ($search != "") { if (strpos($tags[$i]->value, $search) === FALSE) { continue; } } $font_size = (string) $min + round($tags[$i]->total / $highest * ($max - $min)); $list_html .= '<li> <a style="font-size: ' . $font_size . 'px; color: ' . $colours[$font_size] . ';" href="' . $base . 'browse/?tag=' . str_replace(" ", "+", $tags[$i]->value) . '" title="view uploads with this tag"> ' . $tags[$i]->value . ' <em>' . $tags[$i]->total . '</em> </a> </li>'; } $list_html .= '</ul><div class="clear"> </div></div>'; } else { $list_html .= '<ul class="tag_list">'; for ($i = 0; $i < $tags_count; $i++) { if ($search != "") { if (strpos($tags[$i]->value, $q_vars->search_tag) === FALSE) { continue; } } $perc = round($tags[$i]->total / $highest * 100); $list_html .= '<li> <a href="' . $base . 'browse/?tag=' . str_replace(" ", "+", $tags[$i]->value) . '" title="view uploads with this tag"> ' . $tags[$i]->value . ' <em>' . $tags[$i]->total . '</em> </a> <span style="width:' . $perc . '%;" class="bar">' . $perc . '%</span> </li>'; } $list_html .= '</ul>'; } } else { $list_html = "<ul><li>No tags yet</li></ul>"; } // template stuff $data = array("list_html" => $list_html, "details_html" => $details_html, "search" => $search); $this->template->write("title", "Tags"); $this->template->write_view("content", "browse/tags", $data); $this->template->render(); } else { redirect("", "location"); } }
function fpassword() { $q_vars = get_url_vars(); if ($this->input->post("fp_username") !== FALSE) { // 1) Form validation $this->load->library('form_validation'); // field name, error message, validation rules $this->form_validation->set_rules('fp_username', 'Username', 'required'); // used for additional errors $message = ""; // process post input if ($this->user_model->user_attr_exists('u_username', $this->input->post("fp_username")) == FALSE) { $message = '<p class="error">No user exists with this username. Try checking the user list for your own username</p>'; } else { /* Send the Email */ $query = $this->user_model->getUser($this->input->post("fp_username"), "u_username"); $row = $query->row(); $this->load->library("email"); $this->email->from("*****@*****.**", "UR!KA"); $this->email->to($row->u_email); // sort out base url and safe email $base = base_url(); $safe_email = str_replace("@", ".at-urika.", $row->u_email); $link = $base . 'user/fpassword/?userid=' . $row->user_id . '&newpassverify=' . strrev($row->u_confirmation_string); $message = "\nThis email has been sent because someone requested a password reset for your account. If this was your action,\nplease click the link below to reset your password. Otherwise, please delete this e-mail.\n\n" . $link . "\n\nThanks!\nThe Team @ UR!KA\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t"; $this->email->subject("UR!KA - New Password Verificaton"); $this->email->message($message); $this->email->send(); /* End Email sending */ $message = '<p class="success">A verification e-mail has been to sent to <strong>' . $this->input->post("fp_username") . '</strong>\'s e-mail address. Please click the link in the e-mail to reset your password.</p>'; } $data["message"] = $message; $this->template->write("title", "Forgotten Password"); $this->template->write_view("content", "user/fpassword_form", $data, TRUE); //now render templates $this->template->render(); } else { if (isset($q_vars->userid) && isset($q_vars->newpassverify)) { // check if this user exists and the verification matches $send_new = false; $message = ""; $user = $this->user_model->getUser($q_vars->userid, "user_id"); if ($user == false) { $message = '<p class="error">User not found, no password reset</p>'; $send_new = false; } else { $user = $user->row(); // if we've got a match, reset if (trim(strrev($q_vars->newpassverify)) == $user->u_confirmation_string) { $send_new = true; } if ($send_new == true) { //genereate a new password and update database $new_pass = random_string('alnum', 8); $new_pass_data = array("u_password" => md5($new_pass)); /* Send the new password */ $query = $this->user_model->getUser($q_vars->userid, "user_id"); $row = $query->row(); $this->load->library("email"); $this->email->from("*****@*****.**", "UR!KA"); $this->email->to($row->u_email); // sort out base url and safe email $base = base_url(); $safe_email = str_replace("@", ".at-urika.", $row->u_email); $message = "\n\tThanks for verifying your identity in order to reset your password\n\n\tYour new password is " . $new_pass . ".\n\n\tThanks!\n\tThe Team @ UR!KA\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t"; $this->email->subject("UR!KA - New Password"); $this->email->message($message); $this->email->send(); /* End Email sending */ $update = $this->user_model->updateUser($new_pass_data, $q_vars->userid, "user_id"); if ($update) { $message = '<p class="success">A new password has been to sent to <strong>' . $row->u_username . '</strong>\'s e-mail address. Please check your e-mails. You can change your password once you have logged in.</p>'; } else { $message = '<p class="error"> Unfortunately something went wrong. Please try again</p>'; } } } $data["message"] = $message; $this->template->write("title", "Forgotten Password"); $this->template->write_view("content", "user/fpassword_form", $data, TRUE); //now render templates $this->template->render(); } else { // display form $data = array("message" => ""); $this->template->add_js("assets/js/formvalidation.js"); $this->template->write("title", "Forgotten Password"); $this->template->write_view("content", "user/fpassword_form", $data, TRUE); //now render templates $this->template->render(); } } }
function index() { //query vars $q_vars = get_url_vars(); $base = base_url(); // set search vars $order_by = isset($q_vars->sort) ? $q_vars->sort : "datetime"; $order_dir = isset($q_vars->sort_dir) ? strtoupper($q_vars->sort_dir) : "DESC"; $per_page = 20; $offset = isset($q_vars->page) ? ($q_vars->page - 1) * $per_page : 0; $current_page = isset($q_vars->page) ? $q_vars->page : 1; $search_val = isset($q_vars->search) ? str_replace("+", " ", $q_vars->search) : ""; $tag_val = isset($q_vars->tag) ? str_replace("+", " ", $q_vars->tag) : ""; $type = isset($q_vars->type) ? $q_vars->type : "both"; $results = $this->general_model->searchAll($tag_val, $search_val, $type, $offset, $per_page, $order_by, $order_dir); if ($results == false) { $total = 0; $count_string = 0; $show_prev = false; $show_next = false; } else { // calculate offset and info $total = $results["total"]; $count = count($results["results"]); // work out page results text // so we can control what appears in the same conditional $show_next = true; $show_prev = false; // if a page is set if (isset($q_vars->page)) { $show_prev = true; $current_start = $per_page * ($q_vars->page - 1) + 1; // determine end if ($per_page * $q_vars->page < $total) { // if there are more on the next page $current_end = $per_page * $q_vars->page; $show_next = true; } else { // else we dont need a previ button $current_end = $total; $show_next = false; } } else { // now page, so determine when the end should say $current_start = 1; if ($total >= $per_page) { $current_end = $per_page; } else { $current_end = $total; $show_next = false; } } $count_string = $current_start . ' - ' . $current_end; } // query html // same as batave, x of y records, filter info $results_info = ""; // count $results_info .= 'Showing <strong>' . $count_string . '</strong> of <strong>' . $total . '</strong> results'; if ($tag_val != "") { $results_info .= '. Filtering for tags containing <strong>' . $tag_val . '</strong>'; } if ($search_val != "") { $results_info .= '. Filtering for search term <strong>' . $search_val . '</strong>'; } // now reassign results $results = $results["results"]; if ($total > 0 && isset($results[0])) { $out = '<ul class="uploadList">'; for ($i = 0; $i < $per_page; $i++) { if (isset($results[$i]->image_id)) { //parse Image $data = array("thumb_url" => $results[$i]->i_thumb_url, "title" => $results[$i]->i_title, "url" => $base . 'image/view/' . $results[$i]->image_id . '/' . slugify($results[$i]->i_title) . '/', "user_url" => $base . 'user/u/' . $results[$i]->u_username . '/', "username" => $results[$i]->u_username, "views" => $results[$i]->i_views, "overlay" => $base . 'assets/images/layout/uploadListOverlay.gif'); $out .= $this->load->view("components/uploadListLi", $data, true); } else { if (isset($results[$i]->moodboard_id)) { // parse Moodboard $data = array("thumb_url" => $results[$i]->m_thumb_url, "title" => $results[$i]->m_title, "url" => $base . 'moodboard/view/' . $results[$i]->moodboard_id . '/' . slugify($results[$i]->m_title) . '/', "user_url" => $base . 'user/u/' . $results[$i]->u_username . '/', "username" => $results[$i]->u_username, "views" => $results[$i]->m_views, "overlay" => $base . 'assets/images/layout/mbListOverlay.gif'); $out .= $this->load->view("components/mbListLi", $data, true); } else { if (isset($results[$i]->row_id)) { // this is from the UNION sql so we have to be a bit smarter here if ($results[$i]->type == "image") { $row_url = $base . 'image/view/' . $results[$i]->row_id . '/' . slugify($results[$i]->row_title) . '/'; $overlay = $base . 'assets/images/layout/uploadListOverlay.gif'; $view = "components/uploadListLi"; } else { $row_url = $base . 'moodboard/view/' . $results[$i]->row_id . '/' . slugify($results[$i]->row_title) . '/'; $overlay = $base . 'assets/images/layout/mbListOverlay.gif'; $view = "components/mbListLi"; } // parse object // parse Moodboard $data = array("thumb_url" => $results[$i]->row_thumb_url, "title" => $results[$i]->row_title, "url" => $row_url, "user_url" => $base . 'user/u/' . $results[$i]->u_username . '/', "username" => $results[$i]->u_username, "views" => $results[$i]->views, "overlay" => $overlay); $out .= $this->load->view($view, $data, true); } } } } $out .= '</ul>'; } else { $out = '<p class="error">No results for this criteria</p>'; } // pagination links $no_list = array('page', 'browse_search'); $out .= ' <div class="pagination_buttons clear"> '; if ($show_prev) { $out .= '<a class="pagination" href="' . $base . 'browse/' . queryStringDrop(null, $no_list, -1) . '" title="View previous page of results">< Previous</a>'; } if ($show_next && $total > $per_page) { $out .= '<a class="pagination" href="' . $base . 'browse/' . queryStringDrop(null, $no_list, 1) . '" title="Viewnext page of results">Next ></a>'; } $out .= ' </div> '; // now render $data = array("list_html" => $out, "search" => $search_val, "tag" => $tag_val, "type" => $type, "order_by" => $order_by, "results_info" => $results_info); $this->template->write("title", "Browsing"); $this->template->write_view("content", "browse/browse_default", $data); $this->template->render(); }
echo 'user/u/' . $username; ?> " title="link for this profile"><?php echo $username; ?> </a></h2> <p class="u_info_string"><?php echo $info_string; ?> </p> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> <div id="user_profile" class="bumpUp"> <div class="left col-12"> <?php $q_vars = get_url_vars(); if (isset($q_vars->image_deleted)) { echo '<p class="success">Image deleted successfully!</p>'; } if (isset($q_vars->collection_deleted)) { echo '<p class="success">Collection deleted successfully!</p>'; } if (isset($q_vars->moodboard_deleted)) { echo '<p class="success">Moodboard deleted successfully!</p>'; } if (isset($q_vars->moodboard_add)) { echo '<p class="borderbox"><strong>You can add a moodboard from a collection, under the <em>Collections</em> tab.</strong></p>'; } ?> <div id="userImagesTabs" class="tabs fullWidthTabs"> <ul class="tabNav">
function view($id, $name = null) { $collection = $this->collection_model->getCollection($id); if ($collection != false) { $collection = $collection->row(); if ($name !== slugify($collection->col_name)) { // redirect to right version redirect('collection/view/' . $collection->collection_id . '/' . slugify($collection->col_name) . '/', 'location'); } $images = $this->collection_model->getCollectionImages($id); $base = base_url(); $q_vars = get_url_vars(); // image string if ($images != false) { $image_count = count($images); } else { $image_count = 0; } $col_images_string = "Contains "; if ($image_count == 1) { $col_images_string .= "1 Image"; } else { $col_images_string .= $image_count . " Images"; } $col_images_string .= '<span class="sep">|</span> Last Updated ' . date("F j, Y, G:i", strtotime($collection->col_updated)); //mages if ($image_count > 0) { $images_html = '<ul class="uploadList">'; for ($i = 0; $i < $image_count; $i++) { $irow = $images[$i]; // load li through view $data = array("thumb_url" => $irow->i_thumb_url, "title" => $irow->i_title, "url" => $base . 'image/view/' . $irow->image_id . '/' . slugify($irow->i_title) . '/', "user_url" => $base . 'user/u/' . $irow->u_username . '/', "username" => $irow->u_username, "views" => $irow->i_views, "overlay" => $base . 'assets/images/layout/uploadListOverlay.gif'); $images_html .= $this->load->view("components/uploadListLi", $data, true); } $images_html .= '</ul>'; } else { if ($collection->col_user_id == $this->session->userdata("user_id")) { $base = base_url(); $images_html = ' <p class="borderbox"> <img class="right" src="' . $base . 'assets/images/content/add_fav_col_small.jpg" alt="new add to collection button" width="120" height="62" /> <strong>Welcome to your new collection!</strong>. You can use the <strong>Add to Collection</strong> button on any upload to add it to a collection. This button appears under the Add to Favourites button on any upload, including your own. <br/> <br/> For information, see the <a href="' . $base . 'page/faq/" title="FAQ section">FAQ section</a> <span class="clear"> </span> </p> '; } else { $images_html = "No images have been added to this collection."; } } // message start $message = ""; if (isset($q_vars->saved)) { $message = "saved"; } // controls start $controls_html = ""; if ($this->session->userdata("user_id") == $collection->col_user_id) { $controls_html = ' <ul class="collection_controls"> <li><a class="edit_link" href="' . $base . 'collection/edit/' . $collection->collection_id . '/">Edit Collection</a></li> <li><a class="delete_link" href="' . $base . 'collection/delete/' . $collection->collection_id . '/">Delete Collection</a></li> <li><a class="moodboard_link" href="' . $base . 'moodboard/add/' . $collection->collection_id . '/col/">Create Moodboard</a></li> </ul> <div class="clear"> </div> '; } $view_data = array("col_title" => $collection->col_name, "username" => $collection->u_username, "profile_url" => getUserProfileURL($collection->u_profile_id, $collection->u_email), "col_images_string" => $col_images_string, "images_html" => $images_html, "message" => $message, "controls_html" => $controls_html); // render templates $this->template->write("title", "Collection: " . $collection->col_name); $this->template->write_view("content", "collections/view", $view_data, TRUE); //now render templates $this->template->render(); } else { $data = array("errorTitle" => "Collection Not Found", "content" => "An error has occurred: the collection with the id <strong>" . $id . "</strong> could not be found. It may have been deleted."); $this->template->write_view("content", "general/error", $data, TRUE); //now render templates $this->template->render(); } }
function product_display_paginated($search_sql = '', $offset, $items_on_page) { global $wpdb, $colorfilter, $totalitems, $siteurl, $sword; $siteurl = get_option('siteurl'); $javascript_functions = ''; $product_list = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_results($search_sql, ARRAY_A); //$totalitems = count($product_list); if ($product_list != null) { $preview_mode = 1; // display as popup window // $preview_mode=0; // display as Lightbox slideshow $output = "<div id='items' class='items'>"; $counter = 0; foreach ($product_list as $product) { if ($product['image'] != null and $counter < $items_on_page) { $imagedir = ABSPATH . "wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/product_images/"; $image_size = @getimagesize($imagedir . $product['image']); $image_link = "index.php?productid=" . $product['id'] . "&width=" . $image_size[0] . "&height=" . $image_size[1] . ""; // thumbs output $output .= "<div id='item" . $counter . "' class='item'>"; // start item //$vstavka = "jQuery('#bigpic').html('<img src=\'".$siteurl."/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/product_images/".$product['image']."\'>');"; $vstavka = "jQuery('#bigpic').html('<img src=" . $product['image'] . ">');"; // here we prepare data for the BIGPIC preview if (stristr($product['image'], 'jpg') != FALSE) { $_file_format = 'jpg'; } if (stristr($product['image'], 'gif') != FALSE) { $_file_format = 'gif'; } if (stristr($product['image'], 'png') != FALSE) { $_file_format = 'png'; } $_number = $product['id']; $_description = htmlspecialchars_decode(nl2br(hilite(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($product['description']), ENT_QUOTES)))); $_size_warning = ''; if (isset($product['brandid'])) { $_brandid = $product['brandid']; } else { $_brandid = ''; } if (isset($product['category_id'])) { $_category_id = $product['category_id']; } else { $_category_id = ''; } $_author = "<a href=\\'" . $siteurl . "/?page_id=29&brand=" . $_brandid . "\\'>" . $product['brand'] . "</a>"; //$product['brand']; //$_name = hilite(nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($product['name']),ENT_QUOTES))); $_name = nl2br(stripslashes($product['name'])); $_avatarurl = ""; //"<a href=\"".get_option('siteurl')."/?page_id=29&brand=$_brandid\"><img src=".$product['avatarurl']." width=32 height=32 align=top border=0></a>"; $_category = "<a href=\\'" . get_option('product_list_url') . "&category=" . $_category_id . "\\'>" . $product['kategoria'] . "</a>"; //$options .= "<a href='".get_option('product_list_url')."/&category=".$option['id']."'>".stripslashes($option['name'])."</a><br />"; $product['additional_description'] = stripslashes($product['additional_description']); $product['additional_description'] = htmlspecialchars($product['additional_description'], ENT_QUOTES); $_tags = hilite(nl2br($product['additional_description'])); if (isset($product['sold'])) { $psold = $product['sold']; } else { $psold = 0; } if ($psold == 0) { $_sold = ""; } else { $_sold = "<h2><b>Продажи:</b> <span class=\\'sold\\'>" . $psold . "</span></h2><br />"; } //$_tags = hilite(nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($product['additional_description'])))); //$_tags = hilite($product[0]['additional_description']); $_bigpicimgalt = addslashes($_name . ", " . $product['brand']); $_bigpicimgtitle = addslashes($_name . " в категории " . $product['kategoria'] . ", " . $product['brand']); //."". ".$_description.". ".$_tags); $_tags_array = explode(',', $_tags); //$i=0; foreach ($_tags_array as $key => $value) { $_tags_array[$key] = "<li><a href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=29&cs=" . trim($_tags_array[$key]) . "\\'>" . trim($_tags_array[$key]) . "</a></li>"; } $_tags_imploded = implode(" ", $_tags_array); $_tags = $_tags_imploded; $_sharethis_html = "<div id=\\'share_this\\' class=\\'lh2\\'></div>"; $_dimensions_html = "<div id='dimensions'><img src='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/img/ldng.gif' alt='loading'></div>"; $_dimensions_html = str_replace("\"", "\\'", $_dimensions_html); $_dimensions_html = str_replace("'", "\\'", $_dimensions_html); $_rating_html = "<div id='star_rating'><img src='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/img/ldng.gif' alt='loading'></div>"; $_rating_html = str_replace("\"", "\\'", $_rating_html); $_rating_html = str_replace("'", "\\'", $_rating_html); if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { $_edid = ""; //$_edid = " <a href=".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-shopping-cart/display-items.php&edid=".$_number." target=_blank><img border=0 src=".get_option('siteurl')."/img/edit.jpg title=\'открыть редактор\'></a> <a href=".get_option('siteurl')."/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-shopping-cart/display-items.php&updateimage=".$_number." target=_blank><img border=0 src=".get_option('siteurl')."/img/reload.gif title=\'обновить водяной знак\'></a> <a href=".get_option('siteurl')."/ales/wordassociations/words.php?id=".$_number." target=_blank><img border=0 src=".get_option('siteurl')."/img/tags.gif title=\'добавить тэгов\'></a>"; } else { $_edid = ""; } $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // $_SESSION['id']= $current_user->ID; // setcookie('uid', $_SESSION['id']); //pokazh($_COOKIE,"cookie"); //pokazh ($_SESSION,"session"); //pokazh ($current_user); ///pokazh($_SERVER); if (is_user_logged_in()) { $logged = true; //" залогинен "; $klop = ""; //"_"; } else { $logged = false; //" не залогинен "; $klop = ""; //"|"; } if ($logged) { //$_bigpicstrip = "<div style=\'float:left;\'><b>Название: </b><h1>" .$_name."</h1> $klop<span id=\'thumb\' onclick=\'fave_it();\'>$klop<img src=\'".$siteurl."/img/thumbupp.jpg\' border=0 title=\'добавить в любимое\'></span></div> "."<div>№ <a id=\'cuid\' title=\'".$product['kategoria'].", ".$_name.", ".$product['brand']."\' href=\'".get_option('siteurl')."/?page_id=29&cartoonid=".$_number."\'>".$_number."</a> <b>".$_author."</a></b></div>"; $_bigpicstrip = "<div class=\\'fll\\'><b>Название: </b><h3>" . $_name . "</h3> {$klop}</div> " . "<div>№ <a id=\\'cuid\\' title=\\'" . $product['kategoria'] . ", " . $_name . ", " . $product['brand'] . "\\' href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=29&cartoonid=" . $_number . "\\'>" . $_number . "</a> <b>" . $_author . "</a></b></div>"; } else { $_bigpicstrip = "<div class=\\'fll\\'><b>Название: </b><h3>" . $_name . "</h3> {$klop}</div> " . "<div>№ <a id=\\'cuid\\' title=\\'" . $product['kategoria'] . ", " . $_name . ", " . $product['brand'] . "\\' href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=29&cartoonid=" . $_number . "\\'>" . $_number . "</a> <b>" . $_author . "</a></b></div>"; } $_bigpictext = "<h2><b>Категория: </b>" . $_category . "</h2><h2><b>Описание: </b></h2> " . $_description . "<br /><h2><b>Тэги: </b></h2><ul>" . $_tags . "</ul><h2><b>Ссылка:</b></h2><a title=\\'" . $product['kategoria'] . ", " . $_name . ", " . $product['brand'] . "\\' href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=29&cartoonid=" . $_number . "\\'> № " . $_number . "</a><br /><b>Размер:</b><br />" . $_dimensions_html . $_sold . "<b>Оценка:</b><br />" . $_rating_html . $_sharethis_html . $_edid; $_bigpictext .= '<br><a title="Заказать печать у нашего партнера" class="btn-s btn-blue" target=_blank href="' . $product['image'] . '">Печатать в раме</a><br>'; $_bigpic = "<img src=" . rawurlencode($product['image']) . " border=0 alt=\\'" . $_bigpicimgalt . "\\' title=\\'" . $_bigpicimgtitle . "\\' />"; if ($product['l1_price'] == '0') { $l1_disabled = 'disabled=true'; } else { $l1_disabled = ''; } if ($product['l2_price'] == '0') { $l2_disabled = 'disabled=true'; } else { $l2_disabled = ''; } if ($product['l3_price'] == '0') { $l3_disabled = 'disabled=true'; } else { $l3_disabled = ''; } if ($psold == 0) { $_soldd = ''; } else { $_soldd = '<div class="cntrsold" title="продажи">' . $psold . '</div>'; } if (isset($product['not_for_sale']) && $product['not_for_sale'] == '1') { $_bottomstriptext = "Лицензии на это изображение временно недоступны"; } else { // отключить лицензию if (isset($product['l1_price']) && $product['l1_price'] != 0) { $l1_price_text = "<td class=\\'vamtar\\'><b>" . round($product['l1_price']) . " руб.</b></td>"; } else { $l1_price_text = "<td class=\\'vamtar\\'>не доступна</td>"; } if (isset($product['l2_price']) && $product['l2_price'] != 0) { $l2_price_text = "<td class=\\'vamtar\\'><b>" . round($product['l2_price']) . " руб.</b></td>"; } else { $l2_price_text = "<td class=\\'vamtar\\'>не доступна</td>"; } if (isset($product['l3_price']) && $product['l3_price'] != 0) { $l3_price_text = "<td class=\\'vamtar\\'><b>" . round($product['l3_price']) . " руб.</b></td>"; } else { $l3_price_text = "<td class=\\'vamtar\\'>не доступна</td>"; } if ($_brandid == 1 || $_brandid == 6 || $_brandid == 8) { //$printdirect = "<div class=\'prdrrdr\'>.</div>"; $printdirect = "<div class=\\'fll\\'><a onclick=\"prdrrdr(" . $product['id'] . ");\";);\" rel=\\'nofollow\\' href=\\'#\\'><img src=\\'/img/tshirt.jpg\\' title=\\'Закажите этот рисунок на кружке, футболке или другом сувенире\\' alt=\\'t-shirt\\'></a></div><div class=\\'mrktimg\\'><a onclick=\"prdrrdr(" . $product['id'] . ");\";);\" rel=\\'nofollow\\' href=\\'#\\'>Заказать сувенир<br>с этим рисунком</a>.</div>"; } else { $printdirect = ""; } $_bottomstriptext = $printdirect . $_size_warning . "<div class=\\'w4fr\\'><form name=\\'licenses\\' id=\\'licenses\\' onsubmit=\\'submitform(this);return false;\\' action=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=29\\' method=\\'POST\\'><table class=\\'licenses\\'> <tr> <td class=\\'wh w8vb\\'><b>Выбор</b></td> <td class=\\'wh tal\\'><input type=\\'radio\\' name=\\'license\\' {$l1_disabled} value=\\'l1_price\\'></td> " . $l1_price_text . " <td rowspan=\\'2\\' class=\\'w20\\'> </td> <td class=\\'wh\\' class=\\'tal\\'><input type=\\'radio\\' name=\\'license\\' {$l2_disabled} value=\\'l2_price\\'></td> " . $l2_price_text . " <td rowspan=\\'2\\' class=\\'w20\\'> </td> <td class=\\'wh\\' class=\\'tal\\'><input type=\\'radio\\' name=\\'license\\' {$l3_disabled} value=\\'l3_price\\'></td> " . $l3_price_text . " <td rowspan=\\'2\\' class=\\'wh\\' class=\\'w8tarvab\\'><input id=\\'searchsubmit\\' value=\\'Купить\\' type=\\'submit\\' class=\\'btn-s\\' title=\\'Добавить рисунок в корзину заказов\\'></td> </tr> <tr> <td class=\\'wh vat\\'><b>лицензии:</b></td> <td colspan=\\'2\\' class=\\'pl6\\'><a target=\\'_blank\\' href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=238\\' title=\\'подробнее об ограниченной лицензии\\'>ограниченная</a></td> <td colspan=\\'2\\' class=\\'pl6\\'><a target=\\'_blank\\' href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=242\\' title=\\'подробнее о стандартной лицензии\\'>стандартная</a></td> <td colspan=\\'2\\' class=\\'pl6\\'><a target=\\'_blank\\' href=\\'" . get_option('siteurl') . "/?page_id=245\\' title=\\'подробнее об расширенной лицензии\\'>расширенная</a></td> </tr> </table><input type=\\'hidden\\' value=\\'" . $_number . "\\' name=\\'prodid\\'> </form></div>"; } $_next_item = $counter + 1; if ($_next_item == 20) { $vstavka = "jQuery('#bigpic').html('<a title=\"следующая страница > \" href=\"" . get_option('siteurl') . "/cartoon/" . $_number . "\" onclick=\"next_page();return false;\">" . $_bigpic . "</a>');"; } else { $vstavka = "jQuery('#bigpic').html('<a title=\"следующее изображение > \" href=\"" . get_option('siteurl') . "/cartoon/" . $_number . "\" onclick=\"get_item" . $_next_item . "();return false;\">" . $_bigpic . "</a>');"; } $vstavka .= "jQuery('#bigpictext').html('" . $_bigpictext . "');"; $vstavka .= "jQuery('#bigpictopstrip').html ('" . $_bigpicstrip . "');"; //$vstavka .= "jQuery('#hone').html('<h1>Карикатура «".$_name."», ".$_author."</h1>');"; $vstavka .= "jQuery('#bigpicbottomstrip').html ('" . $_bottomstriptext . "');"; $output .= "<a href=\"" . get_option('siteurl') . "/cartoon/" . $_number . "\" onclick=\"get_item" . ($_next_item - 1) . "();return false;\">"; $jq_stars = ' get_5stars(); '; $jq_dimensions = ' get_dimensions(); '; $share_this = ' get_share_this(); '; $add_hash_2url = ' change_url(); '; $get_favorite = ' get_fave(); '; if (isset($sword) && $sword != '') { //$highlight = " highlight(\"".$sword."\"); "; $highlight = " highlight(\"" . htmlentities($sword, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"); "; } else { $highlight = ""; } $javascript_functions .= " function get_item" . $counter . "() { jQuery('#pt')[0].scrollIntoView(true);" . $vstavka . $highlight . " scrpts(); } "; $_offset = $offset + 20; $javascript_functions .= ' function next_page(){window.location = "' . get_option('siteurl') . '/?' . get_url_vars() . 'offset=' . $_offset . '"; var cuid = jQuery("#cuid").html(); jQuery("#navbar").html(cuid);}'; $fiilename = ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-shopping-cart/images/' . $product['image']; if (file_exists($fiilename)) { $output .= "<img src='" . $product['image'] . "' title='" . $product['name'] . "' alt='" . $_bigpicimgalt . "' width='140' height='140' class='thumb' />"; } else { $output .= "<img src='' width='140' height='140' class='thumb' />"; } $output .= "</a>"; $output .= $_soldd . "</div>"; // stop item } $counter = $counter + 1; } $output .= "</div>"; $pagination = pagination($offset, $totalitems, $items_on_page); return "<script>get_item0();" . $javascript_functions . "</script>" . " " . $pagination . $output; } // end function output first page }
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function invites() { if (isAdmin() == false) { redirect('', 'location'); } if ($this->input->post("inviteAction") !== FALSE) { if (!is_numeric($this->input->post("inviteCount"))) { $out = '<p class="error">Invite count was not a number</p>'; } else { $count = $this->input->post("inviteCount"); $this->load->model("invite_model"); if ($this->input->post("inviteAction") == "allGenerate") { $this->invite_model->generateInvites($count); redirect('batcave/invites/?allGen=' . $count, 'location'); } else { if ($this->input->post("inviteAction") == "userGenerate") { $this->invite_model->generateInvitesForUsers($count); redirect('batcave/invites/?userGen=' . $count, 'location'); } } } } else { $out = "<p><strong>Use the form below to generate invites:</strong></p>"; $q_vars = get_url_vars(); if (isset($q_vars->userGen)) { $out .= '<p class="success"><strong>' . $q_vars->userGen . '</strong> new invites generated for all users</p>'; } else { if (isset($q_vars->allGen)) { $out .= '<p class="success"><strong>' . $q_vars->allGen . '</strong> new invites generated</p>'; } } $out .= ' <form action="" method="post" style="width: 250px"> <fieldset width="250"> <ul> <li> <label for="inviteAction">Action to perform:</label> <select name="inviteAction"> <option value="allGenerate">Generate Non-User</option> <option value="userGenerate">Generate For Each User</option> </select> </li> <li> <label for="inviteCount">How Many Invites:</label> <input name="inviteCount" type="number" value="5" /> </li> <li> <input type="submit" value="Generate Invites" name="inviteSub" /> </li> </fieldset> </form> '; } // list table fields $this->template->set_template("urika_admin"); $this->template->add_css("assets/css/admin.css"); $this->template->write("menu_lis", $this->_tableMenuLinksHTML()); $this->template->write("feature", "<h2>Generate Invites</h2>"); $this->template->write("content", $out); $this->template->render(); // set back to defaut $this->template->set_template("urika"); }
/** Set tagging files. This funtions creates and stores the file, if the timestamp is less than an hour dont bother */ function _setTaggingFile() { // first attempt to hit the cache $cache = cacheFetch("tagsCache"); $popcache = cacheFetch("tagsPopularCache"); $regenerate = false; if (isset($cache["expire"]) == false || isset(get_url_vars()->forcerefresh) == true) { $regenerate = true; } else { // now check time stamp $time_diff = $cache["expire"] - time(); if ($time_diff < 1) { $regenerate = true; } } if ($regenerate == true) { // create cache file etc $tags_json = $this->image_model->getTags(); $full = json_encode($tags_json["full"]) . ""; $popular = json_encode($tags_json["popular"]) . ""; $result = cacheStore(trim($full), "tagsCache", 60); $resultp = cacheStore(trim($popular), "tagsPopularCache", 60); // the other thing we have to do is add our own file outside of the cache // for use by the autocomplete $this->load->helper("file"); write_file("./assets/tags/tags.txt", trim($full)); write_file("./assets/tags/popular.txt", trim($popular)); $this->tags_array = $tags_json["full"]; } else { // cache hit or data is less than an hour old $this->tags_array = json_decode($cache["data"]); } return true; // arbitary since it doesnt do anything }