     * @TODO document
    function get_pro_call()
        global $pl_section_factory;
        $usections = $pl_section_factory->unavailable_sections;
		<div id="vpro_billboard" class="vpro-billboard">
			<div class="vpro-billboard-pad">
				<div class="vpro_billboard_height fix">
					<a class="vpro_thumb" href="<?php 
        echo VPRO_TOUR . '?ref=le-admin';
"><img src="<?php 
        echo PL_IMAGES;
/pro-thumb.png" alt="<?php 
        echo VPRO_NAME;
" /></a>
					<div class="vpro_desc">
						<strong style="font-size: 1.2em">You Are Using PageLines Lite Edition</strong><br/>
						<strong>PageLines Lite</strong> is the <strong>free version</strong> of <?php 
        echo VPRO_NAME;
						Upgrade to the Pro edition for more sections &amp; options, no credit link, enhanced social &amp; SEO, support and <a href="http://www.pagelines.com/tour?ref=le-admin">more...</a><br/>

        $features_js = 'onClick="jQuery(\'.vpro-billboard\').find(\'.whatsmissing\').fadeToggle();"';
        $pro_buttons = OptEngine::superlink(__('Why Upgrade? &darr;', 'pagelines'), 'grey', 'left', '#', $features_js);
        $target = 'target="_blank"';
        $pro_buttons .= OptEngine::superlink(__('PageLines Tour', 'pagelines'), 'grey', 'left', VPRO_TOUR . '?ref=le-admin', $target);
        $pro_buttons .= OptEngine::superlink(__('Upgrade Now &rarr;', 'pagelines'), 'blue', 'left', VPRO_PRICING . '?ref=le-admin', $target);
        printf('<div class="pro_buttons fix">%s</div>', $pro_buttons);

				<div class="whatsmissing">
						Why You'll Love the Professional or Developer edition...

						When you upgrade you get 30+ pro drag &amp; drop sections, 200+ CMS options, SEO and social enhancements and way, way more.
						The pro version way more control options. For advanced users, there is also a Developer version that supports "integrations" and WP "multisite"... To learn more see the <a href="http://www.pagelines.com/pricing?ref=le-admin">pricing page</a> or <a href="http://www.pagelines.com/tour?ref=le-admin">PageLines tour</a>...
						<strong>Some specifics:</strong>

        if (isset($usections) && is_array($usections)) {
						<p class="mod"><strong>Professional Sections In Pro Version</strong><br/>
            $list_sections = array();
            foreach ($usections as $unavailable_section) {
                $list_sections[] = $unavailable_section->name;
            echo join(' &middot; ', $list_sections);

        $unavailable_section_areas = get_unavailable_section_areas();
        if (isset($unavailable_section_areas) && is_array($unavailable_section_areas)) {
						<p class="mod"><strong>New Templates and Template Areas</strong> (i.e. places to put sections)<br/>
            foreach ($unavailable_section_areas as $unavailable_section_area_name) {
                echo $unavailable_section_area_name;
                if ($unavailable_section_area_name !== end($unavailable_section_areas)) {
                    echo ' &middot; ';

					<p class="mod"><strong>New Settings &amp; Options</strong><br/>
        $list = array();
        foreach (get_option_array(true) as $optionset) {
            foreach ($optionset as $oid => $o) {
                if (isset($o['version']) && $o['version'] == 'pro') {
                    $list[] = $o['title'];
        echo join(' &middot; ', $list);



		 * Option Interface Body, including vertical tabbed nav
		function build_body(){
			global $pl_section_factory; 
			<div id="tabs">	
				<ul id="tabsnav">
					<li><span class="graphic top">&nbsp;</span></li>
					<?php foreach($this->option_array as $menu => $oids):?>
							<a class="<?php echo $menu;?>  tabnav-element" href="#<?php echo $menu;?>">
								<span><?php echo ucwords( str_replace('_',' ',$menu) );?></span>
					<?php endforeach;?>

					<li><span class="graphic bottom">&nbsp;</span></li>
					<div class="framework_loading"> 
						<a href="http://www.pagelines.com/forum/topic.php?id=6489#post-34852" target="_blank" title="Javascript Issue Detector"><span class="framework_loading_gif" >&nbsp;</span></a>
				<div id="thetabs" class="fix">
					<?php if(!VPRO):?>
						<div id="vpro_billboard" class="">
							<div class="vpro_billboard_height">
								<a class="vpro_thumb" href="<?php echo PROVERSIONOVERVIEW;?>"><img src="<?php echo PL_IMAGES;?>/pro-thumb-125x50.png" alt="<?php echo PROVERSION;?>" /></a>
								<div class="vpro_desc">
									<strong style="font-size: 1.2em">Get the Pro Version </strong><br/>
									<?php echo THEMENAME;?> is the free version of <?php echo PROVERSION;?>, a premium product by <a href="http://www.pagelines.com" target="_blank">PageLines</a>.<br/> 
									Buy <?php echo PROVERSION;?> for tons more options, sections and templates.<br/> 	
									<a class="vpro_link" href="#" onClick="jQuery(this).parent().parent().parent().find('.whatsmissing').slideToggle();">Pro Features &darr;</a>
									<a class="vpro_link" href="<?php echo PROVERSIONOVERVIEW;?>">Why Pro?</a>
									<a class="vpro_link"  href="<?php echo PROVERSIONDEMO;?>"><?php echo PROVERSION;?> Demo</a>
									<?php if(defined('PROBUY')):?><a class="vpro_link vpro_call"  href="<?php echo PROBUY;?>"><strong>Buy Now &rarr;</strong></a><?php endif;?>
							<div class="whatsmissing">
								 <h3>Pro Only Features</h3>
								<?php if(isset($pl_section_factory->unavailable_sections) && is_array($pl_section_factory->unavailable_sections)):?>
									<p class="mod"><strong>Pro Sections</strong> (drag &amp; drop)<br/>
									<?php foreach( $pl_section_factory->unavailable_sections as $unavailable_section ):?>
										<?php echo $unavailable_section->name;if($unavailable_section !== end($pl_section_factory->unavailable_sections)) echo ' &middot; ';?>
									<?php endforeach;?></p>
								<?php endif;?>
								$unavailable_section_areas = get_unavailable_section_areas();
								if(isset($unavailable_section_areas) && is_array($unavailable_section_areas)):?>
									<p class="mod"><strong>Pro Templates &amp; Section Areas</strong> (i.e. places to put sections)<br/>
									<?php foreach( $unavailable_section_areas as $unavailable_section_area_name ):?>
										<?php echo $unavailable_section_area_name; if($unavailable_section_area_name !== end($unavailable_section_areas)) echo ' &middot; ';?> 
									<?php endforeach;?></p>
								<?php endif;?>
								<p class="mod"><strong>Pro Settings &amp; Options</strong><br/>
								<?php foreach( get_option_array(true) as $optionset ):
										foreach ( $optionset as $oid => $o): 
											if( isset($o['version']) && $o['version'] == 'pro' ):
												echo $o['title']; echo ' &middot; ';
								<p class="mod"><strong>Plus additional meta options, integrated plugins, technical support, and more...</strong></p>
					<?php endif;?>
					<?php foreach($this->option_array as $menu => $oids):?>
							<div id="<?php echo $menu;?>" class="tabinfo">
								<?php if( stripos($menu, '_') !== 0 ): ?>
									<div class="tabtitle"><?php echo ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$menu));?></div>
								<?php endif;?>
								<?php foreach($oids as $oid => $o){
									$this->option_engine($oid, $o);
								} ?>
								<div class="clear"></div>
					<?php endforeach; ?>	
				</div> <!-- End the tabs -->
			</div> <!-- End tabs -->
<?php 	}