$panel_user = $_REQUEST['user']; $panel_pass = $_REQUEST['pass']; $new_panel = new Panel(); $new_panel->user = $panel_user; $new_panel->pass = $panel_pass; $new_panel->id = $panel_id; $new_panel->panel_type = 'shizzow_panel'; $_SESSION['panels'][$panel_id] = $new_panel; echo "REG_SHIZZOW_PANEL"; } elseif ($func == 'check_login') { header("Content-type: text/javascript"); echo check_twitter_user($_REQUEST['user'], $_REQUEST['pass']); } elseif ($func == 'get_twitter_user_info') { $user = $_REQUEST['user']; header("Content-type: text/javascript"); echo get_twitter_user_info($user); } elseif ($func == 'get_search_panel') { $panel_id = $_REQUEST['panel_id']; $panel_user = $_REQUEST['search_term']; $panel_pass = '******'; $new_panel = new Panel(); $new_panel->user = $panel_user; $new_panel->pass = $panel_pass; $new_panel->id = $panel_id; $new_panel->panel_type = 'search'; $_SESSION['panels'][$panel_id] = $new_panel; display_search_panel($new_panel); } elseif ($func == 'get_tweets') { $panel_id = $_REQUEST['panel']; $page = $_REQUEST['page']; $location = $_REQUEST['location'];
$tok = $to->getAccessToken(); /* Save the access tokens. Normally these would be saved in a database for future use. */ $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_access_token'] = $tok['oauth_token']; $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_access_token_secret'] = $tok['oauth_token_secret']; } //echo "whoa - it got returned!"; $to = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_access_token'], $_SESSION['oauth']['oauth_access_token_secret']); /* Run request on twitter API as user. */ $content = json_decode($to->OAuthRequest('https://twitter.com/account/verify_credentials.json', array(), 'GET')); //var_dump( $content ); //register the panel in the normal way require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../structs.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../twitter_tools.php"; $panel_id = $content->screen_name; $panel_user = $content->screen_name; $panel_pass = '******'; $new_panel = new Panel(); $new_panel->user = $panel_user; $new_panel->pass = $panel_pass; $new_panel->id = $panel_id; $new_panel->oauth = $to; $new_panel->gen_info = json_decode(get_twitter_user_info($panel_user)); //need to check user credentials //$legit_user = check_twitter_user($panel_user,$panel_pass); $_SESSION['panels'][$panel_id] = $new_panel; //var_dump($new_panel); //display_panel($new_panel); //echo $content; header('Location: ' . $_SESSION['client_url']); break; }