<?php require_once "../php/main.php"; $id = argreq("id"); $code = argreq("code"); if (check_ticker_passcode($id, $code)) { api_done(array("ticker" => get_ticker($id))); } api_error();
<?php require_once "../php/main.php"; $id = argreq("id"); $ticker = get_ticker($id); if ($ticker) { api_done(array("ticker" => $ticker)); } api_error();
} else { $ticker_huobi['status'] = 'error'; $ticker_huobi['spread'] = $oldticker_huobi['ask'] - $oldticker_huobi['bid']; $ticker_huobi['ask'] = $oldticker_bix['mid'] + $ticker_huobi['spread'] / 2 + $oldticker_huobi['premium']; $ticker_huobi['bid'] = $oldticker_bix['mid'] - $ticker_huobi['spread'] / 2 + $oldticker_huobi['premium']; $ticker_huobi['timestamp'] = $oldticker_bix['timestamp']; echo time() . " - Error - Setting virtual price for Huobi" . PHP_EOL; echo time() . " - Last Huobi Ticker: " . json_encode($oldticker_huobi) . PHP_EOL; echo time() . " - Virtual Huobi Ticker: " . json_encode($ticker_huobi) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } // check data and calculate the average best bid and ask price $time_now = time(); $latency_bfx = $time_now - intval($ticker_bfx['timestamp']); $latency_bstmp = $time_now - intval($ticker_bstmp['timestamp']); $latency_huobi = $time_now - intval($ticker_huobi['timestamp']); echo time() . " - Last Trade - Bitfinex: " . $latency_bfx . " / Bitstamp: " . $latency_bstmp . " / Huobi: " . $latency_huobi . PHP_EOL; $ticker['ask'] = round(($ticker_bfx['ask'] * 3 + $ticker_bstmp['ask'] * 2 + $ticker_huobi['ask'] * 1) / 6, 2); $ticker['bid'] = round(($ticker_bfx['bid'] * 3 + $ticker_bstmp['bid'] * 2 + $ticker_huobi['bid'] * 1) / 6, 2); $ticker['mid'] = round(($ticker['ask'] + $ticker['bid']) / 2, 2); $ticker['ts'] = time(); $comm = fopen($apiDir, "w"); $comm_message = json_encode($ticker); fwrite($comm, $comm_message); fclose($comm); return $ticker; } while (true) { usleep(10000); $bix = get_ticker(); echo PHP_EOL . time() . " - BIX Ticker: " . json_encode($bix) . PHP_EOL; }
$body .= "<p>\n"; $body .= "go to "; $url = "https://cast.google.com/publish/#/overview"; $body .= mklink_nw($url, $url); $body .= " then click Add New Application, then Custom Receiver.\n"; $body .= "Give a name of your choice and for the url, enter:\n"; $body .= "</p>\n"; $body .= "<p>\n"; $body .= sprintf("<input type='text' readonly='readonly'" . " size='50' value='%s' />\n", h($receiver_url)); $body .= "</p>\n"; $body .= "<p>\n"; $body .= "After you Save, you'll get an application id. Add it" . " to the array \$app_db at the top of index.php\n"; $body .= "</p>\n"; pfinish(); } $tick = get_ticker(); $body .= sprintf("<div>tick = %d</div>\n", $tick); $body .= "<div>\n"; $body .= mklink_nw("google cast console", "https://cast.google.com/publish/#/overview"); $body .= "</div>\n"; $body .= "<div>\n"; $body .= mklink_nw($receiver_url, $receiver_url); $body .= "</div>\n"; $body .= "<div>\n"; $body .= "<form method='get' action='#' id='sender_form'>\n"; $body .= "<input id='sender_data' type='text' size='30' />\n"; $body .= "</form>\n"; $body .= "<input id='stop_button' type='button' value='Stop' />\n"; $body .= "<input id='reload_receiver_button' type='button'" . " value='Reload receiver' />\n"; $body .= "<input id='reconnect_button' type='button'" . " value='Reconnect to jrconsole' />\n"; $body .= "<input id='game_up_button' type='button'" . " value='up' />\n";
//echo $ticker["ticker_last"]; $hora = end($F1); $hora = explode(",", $hora); $times = date('i', strtotime($hora[0])); $hora_old = $times; wfilew($datachart, $line); $voll = vol_anormal(1); if ($voll != false) { echo "\n*** High volume detected! " . $voll; if ($enable_tweet) { tweet($tmhOAuth, "High volume detected! " . $voll . " {$twitter_users}"); } } $last_order = get_lasttrade_local($last_two_orders); $ticker = get_tickerf($fake); $ticker = get_ticker($ticker, $fake); if (1 == 1) { echo "\n*** Checking for open orders... "; $myorders = get_orders($fake); if (count($myorders["data"]) >= 1) { echo "waiting " . count($myorders["data"]) . " orders to process."; } else { echo " no orders."; $transa = false; $wall = false; if ($info["trade_mode"] == "ask") { if ($reverse_prices == 1) { $ticker["ticker_sell"] = $ticker["ticker_buy"]; } $range = $ticker["ticker_sell"] - ($last_order["price"] + $up_diff); //$updown=