function generate_europasslp_xml($userid, $showHTML = false, $locale = 'en_GB', $internaldateformat = 'dmy11', $externaldateformat = '/numeric/long', $convert = false)
    // ================================
    // Load values from Mahara database
    // ================================
    // load user's existing contact information
    $element_list = array('firstname' => 'text', 'lastname' => 'text');
    $contactinfo = array('firstname' => null, 'lastname' => null);
    $contactinfo_data = get_records_select_array('artefact', "owner=? AND artefacttype IN (" . join(",", array_map(create_function('$a', 'return db_quote($a);'), array_keys($element_list))) . ")", array($userid));
    if ($contactinfo_data) {
        foreach ($contactinfo_data as $field) {
            $contactinfo[$field->artefacttype] = $field->title;
    // load user's existing demographics information
    $demographics = null;
    try {
        $demographics = artefact_instance_from_type('personalinformation', $userid);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    // load user's existing mother tongue(s) and foreign language(s)
    $artefact_id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'mothertongue', 'owner', $userid);
    if ($artefact_id !== false) {
        $mothertongue_list = get_records_select_array('artefact_europass_mothertongue', "artefact=?", array($artefact_id));
    } else {
        $mothertongue_list = array();
    $artefact_id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'otherlanguage', 'owner', $userid);
    if ($artefact_id !== false) {
        $otherlanguage_list = get_records_select_array('artefact_europass_otherlanguage', "artefact=?", array($artefact_id));
    } else {
        $otherlanguage_list = array();
    // ======================
    // Dinamically create XML
    // ======================
    $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
    // We want a nice output
    //$xmlDoc->formatOutput = true;
    $styleSheet = $xmlDoc->createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'href="' . $locale . '_V2.0.xsl" type="text/xsl"');
    $rootElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('europass:learnerinfo');
    $rootNode = $xmlDoc->appendChild($rootElement);
    $rootNode->setAttribute('locale', $locale);
    $rootNode->setAttribute('xmlns:xsi', '');
    $rootNode->setAttribute('xmlns:europass', '');
    $rootNode->setAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', '');
    $children = array('docinfo', 'prefs', 'identification', 'languagelist');
    foreach ($children as $child) {
        $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('europass:learnerinfo')->item(0);
        $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement($child);
    // =======================
    // Dinamically set docinfo
    // =======================
    // Dinamically set issuedate
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('docinfo')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('issuedate');
    $childElement->nodeValue = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:sP');
    // Dinamically set xsdversion
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('docinfo')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('xsdversion');
    $childElement->nodeValue = 'V2.0';
    // Dinamically set comment
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('docinfo')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('comment');
    $childElement->nodeValue = 'Automatically generated Europass Language Passport from Mahara e-portfolio data';
    // ========================================
    // Dinamically set prefs and identification
    // ========================================
    // Dinamically set first and last name
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('prefs')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
    $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'personal.lastName');
    $childElement->setAttribute('before', 'personal.firstName');
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('identification')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('firstname');
    $childElement->nodeValue = valid_xml_string($contactinfo['firstname']);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('lastname');
    $childElement->nodeValue = valid_xml_string($contactinfo['lastname']);
    // ----------------------------
    // Dinamically set demographics
    // ----------------------------
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('identification')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('demographics');
    // Dinamically set birthdate
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('prefs')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
    $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'personal.birthDate');
    $childElement->setAttribute('keep', !empty($demographics) ? 'false' : 'true');
    $childElement->setAttribute('format', $externaldateformat);
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('demographics')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('birthdate');
    $childElement->nodeValue = !empty($demographics) ? strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $demographics->get_composite('dateofbirth') + 3600) : null;
    // =======================================
    // Dinamically set prefs and language list
    // =======================================
    // Dinamically add mother tongue(s)
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('languagelist')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('language');
    $childElement->setAttribute('xsi:type', 'europass:mother');
    $language_label = null;
    if (!empty($mothertongue_list)) {
        foreach ($mothertongue_list as $mothertongue) {
            $language_label .= get_string_from_file('language.' . $mothertongue->language, get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/europass/lang/' . get_lang_from_locale($locale) . '/artefact.europass.php') . ', ';
        $language_label = substr($language_label, 0, -2);
        // omitt last comma and whitespace from $language_label
        $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('language')->item(0);
        if (count($mothertongue_list) == 1) {
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('code');
            $childElement->nodeValue = $mothertongue->language;
        $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('label');
        $childElement->nodeValue = $language_label;
    //Dinamically add foreign language(s)
    $l = 0;
    if (!empty($otherlanguage_list)) {
        foreach ($otherlanguage_list as $otherlanguage) {
            // Get otherlanguage's diploma list
            if ($otherlanguage->id !== false) {
                $diploma_list = get_records_select_array('artefact_europass_languagediploma', "languageid=?", array($otherlanguage->id));
            } else {
                $diploma_list = array();
            // Get otherlanguage's experience list
            if ($otherlanguage->id !== false) {
                $experience_list = get_records_select_array('artefact_europass_languageexperience', "languageid=?", array($otherlanguage->id));
            } else {
                $experience_list = array();
            $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('prefs')->item(0);
            // Set foreign language
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
            $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'foreignLanguageList[' . $l . '].ass');
            $childElement->setAttribute('keep', $otherlanguage->language == null ? 'false' : 'true');
            // Set foreign language diploma(s)
            if (!empty($diploma_list)) {
                for ($d = 0; $d < count($diploma_list); $d++) {
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
                    $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'foreignLanguageList[' . $l . '].diplomaList[' . $d . ']');
                    $childElement->setAttribute('keep', 'true');
            // Set foreign language experience(s)
            if (!empty($experience_list)) {
                for ($e = 0; $e < count($experience_list); $e++) {
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
                    $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'foreignLanguageList[' . $l . '].experienceList[' . $e . ']');
                    $childElement->setAttribute('keep', 'true');
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
                    $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'foreignLanguageList[' . $l . '].experienceList[' . $e . '].period');
                    $childElement->setAttribute('format', $externaldateformat);
            // Dinamically set data for each foreign language
            $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('languagelist')->item(0);
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('language');
            $childElement->setAttribute('xsi:type', 'europass:foreign');
            $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('language')->item($l + 1);
            // Because mothertongue has index 0...
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('code');
            $childElement->nodeValue = $otherlanguage->language;
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('label');
            $childElement->nodeValue = get_string_from_file('language.' . $otherlanguage->language, get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/europass/lang/' . get_lang_from_locale($locale) . '/artefact.europass.php');
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('level');
            // language levels
            $grandchildRoot = $childRoot->lastChild;
            $levels = array('listening' => $otherlanguage->listening, 'reading' => $otherlanguage->reading, 'spokeninteraction' => $otherlanguage->spokeninteraction, 'spokenproduction' => $otherlanguage->spokenproduction, 'writing' => $otherlanguage->writing);
            foreach ($levels as $field => $value) {
                $grandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement($field);
                $grandchildElement->nodeValue = strtolower($value);
            // language diploma list
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('diplomalist');
            //language experience list
            $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('experiencelist');
            // -----------------------------
            // language diploma list entries
            // -----------------------------
            $parentRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('diplomalist')->item($l);
            if (!empty($diploma_list)) {
                foreach ($diploma_list as $diploma) {
                    $parentElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('diploma');
                    $childRoot = $parentRoot->lastChild;
                    // diploma title
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('title');
                    $childElement->nodeValue = valid_xml_string($diploma->certificate);
                    // diploma awarding body
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('awardingBody');
                    $childElement->nodeValue = $showHTML ? replacehtmlchars(nl2br($diploma->awardingbody)) : valid_xml_string($diploma->awardingbody);
                    // Execute nl2br transformation for HTML display...
                    // diploma date
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('date');
                    $grandchildRoot = $childRoot->firstChild->nextSibling->nextSibling;
                    if ($diploma->certificatedate != null) {
                        if (date('Y', strtotime($diploma->certificatedate)) != null) {
                            $grandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('year');
                            $grandchildElement->nodeValue = date('Y', strtotime($diploma->certificatedate));
                        if (date('m', strtotime($diploma->certificatedate)) != null) {
                            $grandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('month');
                            $grandchildElement->nodeValue = '--' . date('m', strtotime($diploma->certificatedate));
                        if (date('d', strtotime($diploma->certificatedate)) != null) {
                            $grandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('day');
                            $grandchildElement->nodeValue = '---' . date('d', strtotime($diploma->certificatedate));
                    // diploma level
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('level');
                    $childElement->nodeValue = strtolower($diploma->europeanlevel);
            // --------------------------------
            // language experience list entries
            // --------------------------------
            $parentRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('experiencelist')->item($l);
            if (!empty($experience_list)) {
                foreach ($experience_list as $experience) {
                    $parentElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('experience');
                    $childRoot = $parentRoot->lastChild;
                    // experience period
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('period');
                    // experience period - from
                    $grandchildRoot = $childRoot->firstChild;
                    $grandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('from');
                    $grandgrandchildRoot = $grandchildRoot->firstChild;
                    if ($experience->startdate != null) {
                        if (date('Y', strtotime($experience->startdate)) != null) {
                            $grandgrandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('year');
                            $grandgrandchildElement->nodeValue = date('Y', strtotime($experience->startdate));
                        if (date('m', strtotime($experience->startdate)) != null) {
                            $grandgrandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('month');
                            $grandgrandchildElement->nodeValue = '--' . date('m', strtotime($experience->startdate));
                        if (date('d', strtotime($experience->startdate)) != null) {
                            $grandgrandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('day');
                            $grandgrandchildElement->nodeValue = '---' . date('d', strtotime($experience->startdate));
                    // experience period - to
                    $grandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('to');
                    $grandgrandchildRoot = $grandchildRoot->firstChild->nextSibling;
                    if ($experience->enddate != null) {
                        if (date('Y', strtotime($experience->enddate)) != null) {
                            $grandgrandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('year');
                            $grandgrandchildElement->nodeValue = date('Y', strtotime($experience->enddate));
                        if (date('m', strtotime($experience->enddate)) != null) {
                            $grandgrandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('month');
                            $grandgrandchildElement->nodeValue = '--' . date('m', strtotime($experience->enddate));
                        if (date('d', strtotime($experience->enddate)) != null) {
                            $grandgrandchildElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('day');
                            $grandgrandchildElement->nodeValue = '---' . date('d', strtotime($experience->enddate));
                    // experience description
                    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('description');
                    $childElement->nodeValue = $showHTML ? replacehtmlchars(nl2br($experience->description)) : valid_xml_string($experience->description);
    // ===================================
    // Dinamically set prefs (grid option)
    // ===================================
    $childRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('prefs')->item(0);
    $childElement = $xmlDoc->createElement('field');
    $childElement->setAttribute('name', 'grid');
    $childElement->setAttribute('keep', 'true');
    // ================================
    // Return dinamically generated XML
    // ================================
    return $xmlDoc->saveXML();
Пример #2
 * Return a list of available languages
function get_languages()
    static $langs = array();
    if (!$langs) {
        foreach (language_get_searchpaths() as $searchpath) {
            $langbase = $searchpath . 'lang/';
            if ($langdir = @opendir($langbase)) {
                while (false !== ($subdir = readdir($langdir))) {
                    if (preg_match('/\\.utf8$/', $subdir) && is_dir($langbase . $subdir)) {
                        $langfile = $langbase . $subdir . '/langconfig.php';
                        if (is_readable($langfile)) {
                            if ($langname = get_string_from_file('thislanguage', $langfile)) {
                                $langs[$subdir] = $langname;
            } else {
                log_warn('Unable to read language directory ' . $langbase);
    return $langs;
Пример #3
* Returns a localized string.
* Returns the translated string specified by $identifier as
* for $module.  Uses the same format files as STphp.
* $a is an object, string or number that can be used
* within translation strings
* eg "hello \$a->firstname \$a->lastname"
* or "hello \$a"
* If you would like to directly echo the localized string use
* the function {@link print_string()}
* Example usage of this function involves finding the string you would
* like a local equivalent of and using its identifier and module information
* to retrive it.<br/>
* If you open moodle/lang/en/moodle.php and look near line 1031
* you will find a string to prompt a user for their word for student
* <code>
* $string['wordforstudent'] = 'Your word for Student';
* </code>
* So if you want to display the string 'Your word for student'
* in any language that supports it on your site
* you just need to use the identifier 'wordforstudent'
* <code>
* $mystring = '<strong>'. get_string('wordforstudent') .'</strong>';
* </code>
* If the string you want is in another file you'd take a slightly
* different approach. Looking in moodle/lang/en/calendar.php you find
* around line 75:
* <code>
* $string['typecourse'] = 'Course event';
* </code>
* If you want to display the string "Course event" in any language
* supported you would use the identifier 'typecourse' and the module 'calendar'
* (because it is in the file calendar.php):
* <code>
* $mystring = '<h1>'. get_string('typecourse', 'calendar') .'</h1>';
* </code>
* As a last resort, should the identifier fail to map to a string
* the returned string will be [[ $identifier ]]
* @uses $CFG
* @param string $identifier The key identifier for the localized string
* @param string $module The module where the key identifier is stored, usually expressed as the filename in the language pack without the .php on the end but can also be written as mod/forum or grade/export/xls.  If none is specified then moodle.php is used.
* @param mixed $a An object, string or number that can be used
* within translation strings
* @param array $extralocations An array of strings with other locations to look for string files
* @return string The localized string.
function get_string($identifier, $module = '', $a = NULL, $extralocations = NULL)
    global $CFG;
    /// originally these special strings were stored in moodle.php now we are only in langconfig.php
    $langconfigstrs = array('alphabet', 'backupnameformat', 'decsep', 'firstdayofweek', 'listsep', 'locale', 'localewin', 'localewincharset', 'oldcharset', 'parentlanguage', 'strftimedate', 'strftimedateshort', 'strftimedatetime', 'strftimedaydate', 'strftimedaydatetime', 'strftimedayshort', 'strftimedaytime', 'strftimemonthyear', 'strftimerecent', 'strftimerecentfull', 'strftimetime', 'thischarset', 'thisdirection', 'thislanguage', 'strftimedatetimeshort', 'thousandssep');
    $filetocheck = 'langconfig.php';
    $defaultlang = 'en_utf8';
    if (in_array($identifier, $langconfigstrs)) {
        $module = 'langconfig';
        //This strings are under langconfig.php for 1.6 lang packs
    $lang = current_language();
    if ($module == '') {
        $module = 'moodle';
    /// If the "module" is actually a pathname, then automatically derive the proper module name
    if (strpos($module, '/') !== false) {
        $modulepath = split('/', $module);
        switch ($modulepath[0]) {
            case 'mod':
                $module = $modulepath[1];
            case 'blocks':
            case 'block':
                $module = 'block_' . $modulepath[1];
            case 'enrol':
                $module = 'enrol_' . $modulepath[1];
            case 'format':
                $module = 'format_' . $modulepath[1];
            case 'grade':
                $module = 'grade' . $modulepath[1] . '_' . $modulepath[2];
    /// if $a happens to have % in it, double it so sprintf() doesn't break
    if ($a) {
        $a = clean_getstring_data($a);
    /// Define the two or three major locations of language strings for this module
    $locations = array();
    if (!empty($extralocations)) {
        // Calling code has a good idea where to look
        if (is_array($extralocations)) {
            $locations += $extralocations;
        } else {
            if (is_string($extralocations)) {
                $locations[] = $extralocations;
            } else {
                debugging('Bad lang path provided');
    if (isset($CFG->running_installer)) {
        $module = 'installer';
        $filetocheck = 'installer.php';
        $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot . '/install/lang/';
        $locations[] = $CFG->dataroot . '/lang/';
        $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot . '/lang/';
        $defaultlang = 'en_utf8';
    } else {
        $locations[] = $CFG->dataroot . '/lang/';
        $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot . '/lang/';
    /// Add extra places to look for strings for particular plugin types.
    $rules = places_to_search_for_lang_strings();
    $exceptions = $rules['__exceptions'];
    if (!in_array($module, $exceptions)) {
        $dividerpos = strpos($module, '_');
        if ($dividerpos === false) {
            $type = '';
            $plugin = $module;
        } else {
            $type = substr($module, 0, $dividerpos + 1);
            $plugin = substr($module, $dividerpos + 1);
        if ($module == 'local') {
            $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot . '/local/lang/';
        if (!empty($rules[$type])) {
            foreach ($rules[$type] as $location) {
                $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot . "/{$location}/{$plugin}/lang/";
    /// First check all the normal locations for the string in the current language
    $resultstring = '';
    foreach ($locations as $location) {
        $locallangfile = $location . $lang . '_local' . '/' . $module . '.php';
        //first, see if there's a local file
        if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
            if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
                    trigger_error('Lang error: ' . $identifier . ':' . $locallangfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
                return $resultstring;
        //if local directory not found, or particular string does not exist in local direcotry
        $langfile = $location . $lang . '/' . $module . '.php';
        if (file_exists($langfile)) {
            if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
                    trigger_error('Lang error: ' . $identifier . ':' . $langfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
                return $resultstring;
    /// If the preferred language was English (utf8) we can abort now
    /// saving some checks beacuse it's the only "root" lang
    if ($lang == 'en_utf8') {
        return '[[' . $identifier . ']]';
    /// Is a parent language defined?  If so, try to find this string in a parent language file
    foreach ($locations as $location) {
        $langfile = $location . $lang . '/' . $filetocheck;
        if (file_exists($langfile)) {
            if ($result = get_string_from_file('parentlanguage', $langfile, "\$parentlang")) {
                if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
                    trigger_error('Lang error: ' . $identifier . ':' . $langfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
                if (!empty($parentlang)) {
                    // found it!
                    //first, see if there's a local file for parent
                    $locallangfile = $location . $parentlang . '_local' . '/' . $module . '.php';
                    if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
                        if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                            if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
                                trigger_error('Lang error: ' . $identifier . ':' . $locallangfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
                            return $resultstring;
                    //if local directory not found, or particular string does not exist in local direcotry
                    $langfile = $location . $parentlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
                    if (file_exists($langfile)) {
                        if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                            return $resultstring;
    /// Our only remaining option is to try English
    foreach ($locations as $location) {
        $locallangfile = $location . $defaultlang . '_local/' . $module . '.php';
        //first, see if there's a local file
        if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
            if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                return $resultstring;
        //if local_en not found, or string not found in local_en
        $langfile = $location . $defaultlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
        if (file_exists($langfile)) {
            if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                return $resultstring;
    /// And, because under 1.6 en is defined as en_utf8 child, me must try
    /// if it hasn't been queried before.
    if ($defaultlang == 'en') {
        $defaultlang = 'en_utf8';
        foreach ($locations as $location) {
            $locallangfile = $location . $defaultlang . '_local/' . $module . '.php';
            //first, see if there's a local file
            if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
                if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                    return $resultstring;
            //if local_en not found, or string not found in local_en
            $langfile = $location . $defaultlang . '/' . $module . '.php';
            if (file_exists($langfile)) {
                if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
                    return $resultstring;
    return '[[' . $identifier . ']]';
    // Last resort
Пример #4
function game_get_string_lang($identifier, $module, $lang)
    global $CFG;
    $langfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang/{$lang}/game.php";
    if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$ret")) {
        if ($ret != '') {
            return $ret;
    return get_string($identifier, $module);
Пример #5
function game_get_string_lang($identifier, $module, $lang)
    global $CFG;
    $langfile = "{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/game/lang/{$lang}/game.php";
    $result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$ret");
    if ($result != '') {
        $pos = strpos($result, '=');
        if ($pos > 0) {
            $result = substr($result, $pos + 1);
            $pos = strpos($result, "'");
            if ($pos > 0) {
                $result = substr($result, $pos + 1);
                $pos = strpos($result, "'");
                if ($pos > 0) {
                    $result = substr($result, 0, $pos);
    if ($result != '') {
        return $result;
    } else {
        return get_string($identifier, $module);
Пример #6
function tao_header_image_location($image)
    global $CFG;
    $dirbase = $CFG->dirroot . '/theme/' . current_theme() . '/pix/headers/';
    $urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot . '/theme/' . current_theme() . '/pix/headers/';
    $datarootbase = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . SITEID . '/pix/headers/';
    $datarootfilebase = SITEID . '/pix/headers/';
    $lang = current_language();
    // check dataroot first...
    if (file_exists($datarootbase . $lang . '/' . $image)) {
        require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
        return get_file_url($datarootfilebase . $lang . '/' . $image);
    if (file_exists($dirbase . $lang . '/' . $image)) {
        return $urlbase . $lang . '/' . $image;
    // go walking language tree to find one
    while (true) {
        $parent = false;
        $langconfig = $CFG->dataroot . '/lang/' . $lang . '/langconfig.php';
        if (!file_exists($langconfig)) {
            $langconfig = $CFG->dirroot . '/lang/' . $lang . '/langconfig.php';
            if (!file_exists($langfile)) {
                return false;
                // nothing we can do
        get_string_from_file('parentlanguage', $langconfig, "\$parent");
        if ($parent) {
            // check dataroot first...
            if (file_exists($datarootbase . $parent . '/' . $image)) {
                require_once $CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php';
                return get_file_url($datarootfilebase . $parent . '/' . $images);
            if (file_exists($dirbase . $parent . '/' . $image)) {
                return $urlbase . $parent . '/' . $image;
            } else {
                // loop through again and look for another parent
        } else {
            return $urlbase . 'en_utf8/' . $image;
Пример #7
function importeuropassform_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    global $SESSION, $USER;
    $userid = $USER->get('id');
    $dbnow = db_format_timestamp(time());
    // Get locked fields of the institution that the user belongs to...
    $lockedfields = array();
    $records = get_records_sql_array('
		SELECT ilpf.profilefield
		FROM {usr} u INNER JOIN {auth_instance} ai
			ON u.authinstance = JOIN {institution_locked_profile_field} ilpf
			ON ai.institution =
		WHERE = ?
		ORDER BY ilpf.profilefield', array($userid));
    if ($records) {
        foreach ($records as $record) {
            $lockedfields[] = $record->profilefield;
    $filename = $values['file']['tmp_name'];
    if ($filename != null) {
        $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        // Upper line not working, so try another approach...
        // SEE:
        //$simplexmlDoc = simplexml_load_file($filename); // not working...
        $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
        $simplexmlDoc = simplexml_load_string($contents);
        $xmlNode = dom_import_simplexml($simplexmlDoc);
        $xmlNode = $xmlDoc->importNode($xmlNode, true);
        // ======================================
        // Step 1: Import personal information...
        // ======================================
        // These are only fields that can be locked!
        if (!empty($values['identification']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('identification')->item(0))) {
            $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('fieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'firstname'));
            $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('fieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'lastname'));
            // Import address info...
            if (!in_array('address', $lockedfields)) {
                // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
                if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('addressLine')->item(0))) {
                    $address = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('addressLine')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($address != null) {
                        $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'address', 'owner', $userid);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact', array('title' => $address, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'address', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => $address, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            } else {
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('lockedfieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'address'));
            // Import municipality/city...
            if (!in_array('city', $lockedfields)) {
                // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
                if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('municipality')->item(0))) {
                    $municipality = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('municipality')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($municipality != null) {
                        $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'city', 'owner', $userid);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact', array('title' => $municipality, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'city', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => $municipality, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            } else {
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('lockedfieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'municipality'));
            // Import (home) telephone number...
            if (!in_array('homenumber', $lockedfields)) {
                // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
                if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('telephone')->item(0))) {
                    $telephone = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('telephone')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($telephone != null) {
                        $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'homenumber', 'owner', $userid);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact', array('title' => $telephone, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'homenumber', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => $telephone, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            } else {
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('lockedfieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'telephone'));
            // Import mobile number...
            if (!in_array('mobilenumber', $lockedfields)) {
                // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
                if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('mobile')->item(0))) {
                    $mobile = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('mobile')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($mobile != null) {
                        $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'mobilenumber', 'owner', $userid);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact', array('title' => $mobile, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'mobilenumber', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => $mobile, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            } else {
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('lockedfieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'mobile'));
            // Import fax number...
            if (!in_array('faxnumber', $lockedfields)) {
                // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
                if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('fax')->item(0))) {
                    $fax = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('fax')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($fax != null) {
                        $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'faxnumber', 'owner', $userid);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact', array('title' => $fax, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'faxnumber', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => $fax, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            } else {
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('lockedfieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'fax'));
            // Import country...
            if (!in_array('country', $lockedfields) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0))) {
                $parent = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0);
                $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                    $country = strtolower($clone->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                    if ($country != null) {
                        $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'country', 'owner', $userid);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact', array('title' => $country, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'country', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => $country, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            } else {
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('lockedfieldnotimported', 'artefact.europass', 'fax'));
            // -------------------
            // Import demographics
            // -------------------
            // No locked fields from here on...
            $personalinfo = get_record('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'personalinformation', 'owner', $userid);
            if (!$personalinfo) {
                $artefactid = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'personalinformation', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('identification', 'artefact.europass'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
                insert_record('artefact_resume_personal_information', array('artefact' => $artefactid));
            } else {
                $artefactid = $personalinfo->id;
            // Get birthdate...
            $birthdate = null;
            if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('birthdate')->item(0))) {
                $birthdate = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('birthdate')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                $birthdate = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', strtotime($birthdate));
            // Get gender...
            $gender = null;
            if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('gender')->item(0))) {
                $gendervalue = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('gender')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                switch ($gendervalue) {
                    case 'M':
                        $gender = 'male';
                    case 'F':
                        $gender = 'female';
                        $gender = null;
                        // When NA option is set.
            // Get nationality...
            $citizenship = null;
            if (is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('nationality'))) {
                $nationalities = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('nationality');
                foreach ($nationalities as $nationality) {
                    $citizenship .= $nationality->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0)->nodeValue . ', ';
                $citizenship = substr($citizenship, 0, -2);
                // Remove ', ' at the end of string.
            // Import demographics...
            $demographics = array();
            if ($birthdate != null) {
                $demographics = array_merge($demographics, array('dateofbirth' => $birthdate));
            if ($gender != null) {
                $demographics = array_merge($demographics, array('gender' => $gender));
            if ($citizenship != null) {
                $demographics = array_merge($demographics, array('citizenship' => $citizenship));
            $id = get_field('artefact_resume_personal_information', 'artefact', 'artefact', $artefactid);
            if ($id != false) {
                if (!empty($demographics)) {
                    update_record('artefact_resume_personal_information', $demographics, array('artefact' => $artefactid));
                    update_record('artefact', array('mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $artefactid));
            } else {
                insert_record('artefact_resume_personal_information', array_merge($demographics, array('artefact' => $artefactid)));
                update_record('artefact', array('mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $artefactid));
        // =============================
        // Step 2: Import application...
        // =============================
        // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
        if (!empty($values['application']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('application')->item(0))) {
            // Import application code...
            $parent = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('application')->item(0);
            $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
            if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                $application = $clone->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                if ($application != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'application', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('application', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => 'i' . $application, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'application', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('application', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => 'i' . $application, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
        // =================================
        // Step 3: Import work experience...
        // =================================
        // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
        if (!empty($values['workexperience']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('workexperiencelist')->item(0))) {
            $employment = get_record('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'employmenthistory', 'owner', $userid);
            if (!$employment) {
                $artefactid = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'employmenthistory', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('employmenthistory', 'artefact.resume'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
            } else {
                $artefactid = $employment->id;
            // -----------------------
            // Import work experiences
            // -----------------------
            $workexperiences = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('workexperience');
            $getgender = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('gender')->item(0)->nodeValue;
            switch ($getgender) {
                case 'F':
                    $gender = 'female';
                case 'M':
                    $gender = 'male';
                    $gender = null;
            foreach ($workexperiences as $workexperience) {
                // Get startdate...
                $startdate = null;
                if ($workexperience->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $workexperience->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    $start = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                    // Get year, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                        $start['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                    // Get month, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                        $start['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    // Get day, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                        $start['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    $startdate = mahara_date($start, $values['internaldate']);
                // Get enddate...
                $enddate = null;
                if ($workexperience->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $workexperience->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    $end = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                    // Get year, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                        $end['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                    // Get month, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                        $end['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    // Get day, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                        $end['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    $enddate = mahara_date($end, $values['internaldate']);
                // Get employer (name & address)...
                $employer = null;
                $employeraddress = null;
                if ($workexperience->getElementsByTagName('employer')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $workexperience->getElementsByTagName('employer')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    // Get employer's name...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0))) {
                        $employer = $clone->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    // Get employer's address...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('addressLine')->item(0))) {
                        $employeraddress = $clone->getElementsByTagName('addressLine')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('postalCode')->item(0))) {
                        $employeraddress .= ', ' . $clone->getElementsByTagName('postalCode')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('municipality')->item(0))) {
                        $employeraddress .= ' ' . $clone->getElementsByTagName('municipality')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($clone->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                        $country = $clone->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0)->cloneNode(true);
                        if (is_object($country->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                            $countrycode = strtolower($country->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                            $countryname = get_string_from_file('country.' . $countrycode, get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/europass/lang/' . get_config('lang') . '/artefact.europass.php');
                            $employeraddress .= ', ' . $countryname;
                        } else {
                            if (is_object($country->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0))) {
                                $employeraddress .= ', ' . $country->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Get jobtitle...
                $jobtitle = null;
                if ($workexperience->getElementsByTagName('position')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $workexperience->getElementsByTagName('position')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    // Get position code if it exists, else get label
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                        $code = 'i' . $clone->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                        $occupation = get_occupation($code, set_default_locale(get_config('lang')), $gender);
                        $jobtitle = $occupation['label'];
                    } elseif (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0))) {
                        $jobtitle = $clone->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Get positiondescription...
                $positiondescription = null;
                if (is_object($workexperience->getElementsByTagName('activities')->item(0))) {
                    $positiondescription = $workexperience->getElementsByTagName('activities')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Import employment history...
                $employmentdata = array('artefact' => $artefactid, 'startdate' => $startdate, 'employer' => $employer);
                if ($enddate != null) {
                    $employmentdata = array_merge($employmentdata, array('enddate' => $enddate));
                if ($employeraddress != null) {
                    $employmentdata = array_merge($employmentdata, array('employeraddress' => $employeraddress));
                if ($jobtitle != null) {
                    $employmentdata = array_merge($employmentdata, array('jobtitle' => $jobtitle));
                if ($positiondescription != null) {
                    $employmentdata = array_merge($employmentdata, array('positiondescription' => $positiondescription));
                $id = get_field('artefact_resume_employmenthistory', 'id', 'artefact', $artefactid, 'startdate', $startdate, 'employer', $employer);
                if ($id != false) {
                    update_record('artefact_resume_employmenthistory', $employmentdata, array('id' => $id));
                } else {
                    insert_record('artefact_resume_employmenthistory', $employmentdata);
            update_record('artefact', array('mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $artefactid));
        // ===========================
        // Step 4: Import education...
        // ===========================
        // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
        if (!empty($values['education']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('educationlist')->item(0))) {
            $education = get_record('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'educationhistory', 'owner', $userid);
            if (!$education) {
                $artefactid = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'educationhistory', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('educationhistory', 'artefact.resume'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
            } else {
                $artefactid = $education->id;
            // ----------------
            // Import education
            // ----------------
            $educationlist = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('education');
            foreach ($educationlist as $education) {
                // Get startdate...
                $startdate = null;
                if ($education->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $education->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    $start = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                    // Get year, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                        $start['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                    // Get month, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                        $start['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    // Get day, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                        $start['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    $startdate = mahara_date($start, $values['internaldate']);
                // Get enddate...
                $enddate = null;
                if ($education->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $education->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    $end = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                    // Get year, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                        $end['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                    // Get month, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                        $end['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    // Get day, if it exists...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                        $end['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                    $enddate = mahara_date($end, $values['internaldate']);
                // Get qualification type...
                $qualtype = null;
                if ($education->getElementsByTagName('level')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $education->getElementsByTagName('level')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    // Get employer's name...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0))) {
                        $qualtype = $clone->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Get qualification name...
                $qualname = null;
                if (is_object($education->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0))) {
                    $qualname = $education->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Get qualification description...
                $qualdescription = null;
                if (is_object($education->getElementsByTagName('skills')->item(0))) {
                    $qualdescription = $education->getElementsByTagName('skills')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Get insitution (name & address)...
                $institution = null;
                $institutionaddress = null;
                if ($education->getElementsByTagName('organisation')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $parent = $education->getElementsByTagName('organisation')->item(0);
                    $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                    // Get institution's name...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0))) {
                        $institution = $clone->getElementsByTagName('name')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    // Get institution's address...
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('addressLine')->item(0))) {
                        $institutionaddress = $clone->getElementsByTagName('addressLine')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('postalCode')->item(0))) {
                        $institutionaddress .= ', ' . $clone->getElementsByTagName('postalCode')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('municipality')->item(0))) {
                        $institutionaddress .= ' ' . $clone->getElementsByTagName('municipality')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                    if ($clone->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                        $country = $clone->getElementsByTagName('country')->item(0)->cloneNode(true);
                        if (is_object($country->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                            $countrycode = strtolower($country->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                            $countryname = get_string_from_file('country.' . $countrycode, get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/europass/lang/' . get_config('lang') . '/artefact.europass.php');
                            $institutionaddress .= ', ' . $countryname;
                        } else {
                            if (is_object($country->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0))) {
                                $institutionaddress .= ', ' . $country->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                // Import education history...
                $educationdata = array('artefact' => $artefactid, 'startdate' => $startdate, 'institution' => $institution);
                if ($enddate != null) {
                    $educationdata = array_merge($educationdata, array('enddate' => $enddate));
                if ($qualtype != null) {
                    $educationdata = array_merge($educationdata, array('qualtype' => $qualtype));
                if ($qualname != null) {
                    $educationdata = array_merge($educationdata, array('qualname' => $qualname));
                if ($institutionaddress != null) {
                    $educationdata = array_merge($educationdata, array('institutionaddress' => $institutionaddress));
                if ($qualdescription != null) {
                    $educationdata = array_merge($educationdata, array('qualdescription' => $qualdescription));
                $id = get_field('artefact_resume_educationhistory', 'id', 'artefact', $artefactid, 'startdate', $startdate, 'institution', $institution);
                if ($id != false) {
                    update_record('artefact_resume_educationhistory', $educationdata, array('id' => $id));
                } else {
                    insert_record('artefact_resume_educationhistory', $educationdata);
            update_record('artefact', array('mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $artefactid));
        // ===========================
        // Step 5: Import languages...
        // ===========================
        if (!empty($values['languages']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('languagelist')->item(0))) {
            $mothertongue = get_record('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'mothertongue', 'owner', $userid);
            if (!$mothertongue) {
                $mothertongueid = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'mothertongue', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('mothertongue', 'artefact.europass'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
            } else {
                $mothertongueid = $mothertongue->id;
            $otherlanguage = get_record('artefact', 'artefacttype', 'otherlanguage', 'owner', $userid);
            if (!$otherlanguage) {
                $otherlanguageid = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'otherlanguage', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('otherlanguage', 'artefact.europass'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
            } else {
                $otherlanguageid = $otherlanguage->id;
            $parent = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('languagelist')->item(0);
            $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
            $children = $clone->getElementsByTagName('language');
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                // --------------------
                // Import mother tongue
                // --------------------
                if ($child->getAttribute('xsi:type') == 'europass:mother' && $child->hasChildNodes()) {
                    if (is_object($child->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                        $languagecode = strtolower($child->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $id = get_field('artefact_europass_mothertongue', 'id', 'artefact', $mothertongueid, 'language', $languagecode);
                        if ($id != false) {
                            update_record('artefact_europass_mothertongue', array('artefact' => $mothertongueid, 'language' => $languagecode), array('id' => $id));
                        } else {
                            insert_record('artefact_europass_mothertongue', array('artefact' => $mothertongueid, 'language' => $languagecode));
                        update_record('artefact', array('mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $mothertongueid));
                    } else {
                        if (is_object($child->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0))) {
                            $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('languagecodemissing', 'artefact.europass', 'mothertongue'));
                // --------------------------
                // Import foreign language(s)
                // --------------------------
                if ($child->getAttribute('xsi:type') == 'europass:foreign' && $child->hasChildNodes()) {
                    $language = $child->cloneNode(true);
                    if (is_object($language->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0))) {
                        $languagecode = strtolower($language->getElementsByTagName('code')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $level = array();
                        $level['listening'] = strtoupper($language->getElementsByTagName('listening')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $level['reading'] = strtoupper($language->getElementsByTagName('reading')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $level['spokeninteraction'] = strtoupper($language->getElementsByTagName('spokeninteraction')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $level['spokenproduction'] = strtoupper($language->getElementsByTagName('spokenproduction')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $level['writing'] = strtoupper($language->getElementsByTagName('writing')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                        $languagedata = array('artefact' => $otherlanguageid, 'language' => $languagecode, 'listening' => $level['listening'], 'reading' => $level['reading'], 'spokeninteraction' => $level['spokeninteraction'], 'spokenproduction' => $level['spokenproduction'], 'writing' => $level['writing']);
                        $languageid = get_field('artefact_europass_otherlanguage', 'id', 'artefact', $otherlanguageid, 'language', $languagecode);
                        if ($languageid != false) {
                            update_record('artefact_europass_otherlanguage', $languagedata, array('id' => $languageid));
                        } else {
                            $languageid = insert_record('artefact_europass_otherlanguage', $languagedata, 'id', true);
                        // Import language diploma(s)
                        // --------------------------
                        $diplomalist = $language->getElementsByTagName('diploma');
                        foreach ($diplomalist as $diploma) {
                            // Get certificate (title)...
                            $certificate = null;
                            if (is_object($diploma->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0))) {
                                $certificate = $diploma->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                            // Get awarding body...
                            $awardingbody = null;
                            if (is_object($diploma->getElementsByTagName('awardingBody')->item(0))) {
                                $awardingbody = $diploma->getElementsByTagName('awardingBody')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                            // Get certificate date...
                            $certificatedate = null;
                            if ($diploma->getElementsByTagName('date')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                                $parent = $diploma->getElementsByTagName('date')->item(0);
                                $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                                $certdate = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                                // Get year, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                                    $certdate['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                                // Get month, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                                    $certdate['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                                // Get day, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                                    $certdate['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                                $certificatedate = mahara_date($certdate, $values['internaldate']);
                            // Get european level...
                            $europeanlevel = null;
                            if (is_object($diploma->getElementsByTagName('level')->item(0))) {
                                $europeanlevel = strtoupper($diploma->getElementsByTagName('level')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                            // Import language diploma...
                            $artefact = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'languagediploma', 'owner', $userid);
                            if (!$artefact) {
                                $artefact = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'languagediploma', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('languagediploma', 'artefact.europass'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
                            $diplomadata = array('artefact' => $artefact, 'languageid' => $languageid, 'certificate' => $certificate, 'awardingbody' => $awardingbody, 'certificatedate' => $certificatedate);
                            if ($europeanlevel != null) {
                                $diplomadata = array_merge($diplomadata, array('europeanlevel' => $europeanlevel));
                            $id = get_field('artefact_europass_languagediploma', 'id', 'artefact', $otherlanguageid, 'languageid', $languageid);
                            if ($id != false) {
                                update_record('artefact_europass_languagediploma', $diplomadata, array('id' => $id));
                            } else {
                                insert_record('artefact_europass_languagediploma', $diplomadata);
                        // Import linguistic experience(s)
                        // -------------------------------
                        $experiencelist = $language->getElementsByTagName('experience');
                        foreach ($experiencelist as $experience) {
                            // Get startdate...
                            $startdate = null;
                            if ($experience->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                                $parent = $experience->getElementsByTagName('from')->item(0);
                                $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                                $start = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                                // Get year, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                                    $start['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                                // Get month, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                                    $start['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                                // Get day, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                                    $start['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                                $startdate = mahara_date($start, $values['internaldate']);
                            // Get enddate...
                            $enddate = null;
                            if ($experience->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0)->hasChildNodes()) {
                                $parent = $experience->getElementsByTagName('to')->item(0);
                                $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
                                $end = array('year' => 0, 'month' => 0, 'day' => 0);
                                // Get year, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0))) {
                                    $end['year'] = trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('year')->item(0)->nodeValue);
                                // Get month, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0))) {
                                    $end['month'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('month')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                                // Get day, if it exists...
                                if (is_object($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0))) {
                                    $end['day'] = ltrim(trim($clone->getElementsByTagName('day')->item(0)->nodeValue), '-');
                                $enddate = mahara_date($end, $values['internaldate']);
                            // Get qualification name...
                            $description = null;
                            if (is_object($experience->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0))) {
                                $description = $experience->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue;
                            // Import linguistic experience...
                            $artefact = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'languageexperience', 'owner', $userid);
                            if (!$artefact) {
                                $artefact = insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'languageexperience', 'owner' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('languageexperience', 'artefact.europass'), 'author' => $userid, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow), 'id', true);
                            $experiencedata = array('artefact' => $artefact, 'languageid' => $languageid, 'startdate' => $startdate, 'description' => $description);
                            if ($enddate != null) {
                                $experiencedata = array_merge($experiencedata, array('enddate' => $enddate));
                            $id = get_field('artefact_europass_languageexperience', 'id', 'artefact', $otherlanguageid, 'languageid', $languageid);
                            if ($id != false) {
                                update_record('artefact_europass_languageexperience', $experiencedata, array('id' => $id));
                            } else {
                                insert_record('artefact_europass_languageexperience', $experiencedata);
                        update_record('artefact', array('mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $otherlanguageid));
                    } else {
                        if (is_object($child->getElementsByTagName('label')->item(0))) {
                            $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('languagecodemissing', 'artefact.europass', 'otherlanguage'));
        // ========================================
        // Step 6: Import skills and competences...
        // ========================================
        // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
        if (!empty($values['skills']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('skilllist')->item(0))) {
            $parent = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('skilllist')->item(0);
            $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
            $children = $clone->getElementsByTagName('skill');
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                // Import social skills...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'social' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'socialskill', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('socialskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'socialskill', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('socialskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
                // Import organisatonal skills...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'organisational' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'organisationalskill', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('organisationalskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'organisationalskill', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('organisationalskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
                // Import technical skills...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'technical' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'technicalskill', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('technicalskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'technicalskill', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('technicalskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
                // Import computer skills...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'computer' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'computerskill', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('computerskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'computerskill', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('computerskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
                // Import artistic skills...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'artistic' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'artisticskill', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('artisticskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'artisticskill', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('artisticskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
                // Import other skills...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'other' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'otherskill', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('otherskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'otherskill', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('otherskill', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
            // Import driving licences...
            $drivinglicence = array('AM' => false, 'A1' => false, 'A' => false, 'B' => false, 'BE' => false, 'B1' => false, 'C' => false, 'CE' => false, 'C1' => false, 'C1E' => false, 'D' => false, 'DE' => false, 'D1' => false, 'D1E' => false);
            $licences = $clone->getElementsByTagName('drivinglicence');
            foreach ($licences as $licence) {
                $drivinglicence[$licence->nodeValue] = true;
            $drivinglicence = serialize($drivinglicence);
            $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'drivinglicence', 'owner', $userid);
            if ($id != false) {
                update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('drivinglicence', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $drivinglicence, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
            } else {
                insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'drivinglicence', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('drivinglicence', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $drivinglicence, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
        // ========================================
        // Step 7: Import additional information...
        // ========================================
        // Check if object exists - it only exists in Europass CV XML
        if (!empty($values['additionalinfo']) && is_object($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('misclist')->item(0))) {
            $parent = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('misclist')->item(0);
            $clone = $parent->cloneNode(true);
            $children = $clone->getElementsByTagName('misc');
            foreach ($children as $child) {
                // Import additional information...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'additional' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'additionalinfo', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('additionalinfo', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'additionalinfo', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('additionalinfo', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
                // Import annexes...
                if ($child->getAttribute('type') == 'annexes' && $child->nodeValue != null) {
                    $id = get_field('artefact', 'id', 'artefacttype', 'annexes', 'owner', $userid);
                    if ($id != false) {
                        update_record('artefact', array('title' => get_string('annexes', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow), array('id' => $id));
                    } else {
                        insert_record('artefact', array('artefacttype' => 'annexes', 'owner' => $userid, 'author' => $userid, 'title' => get_string('annexes', 'artefact.europass'), 'description' => $child->nodeValue, 'mtime' => $dbnow, 'atime' => $dbnow, 'ctime' => $dbnow));
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('europassimportexecuted', 'artefact.europass'));
Пример #8
 public function get_survey_info_from_xml($filename = null)
     if ($filename == null) {
         $filename = $this->get('title');
     $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // 'title' field in 'artefact' table contains the survey xml filename...
     $ch = curl_init(get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/survey/surveys/' . $filename);
     # Return http response in string
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     $loaded = $xmlDoc->loadXML(curl_exec($ch));
     // Get survey copyright
     if ($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('copyright')->item(0) != null) {
         $copyright = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('copyright')->item(0)->getAttribute(self::get_default_lang($filename));
     } else {
         $copyright = '';
     // Get survey description
     if ($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0) != null) {
         $description = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->getAttribute(self::get_default_lang($filename));
         // Replace {image:pict.jpg} in responses with proper <img src="pict.jpg"> tag...
         $description = preg_replace('#{image:([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\_\\-\\~]+)}#', '<img src="' . get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/survey/surveys/' . substr($filename, 0, -4) . '/$1">', $description);
     } else {
         $description = '';
     // Get survey instructions
     if ($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('instructions')->item(0) != null) {
         $instructions = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('instructions')->item(0)->getAttribute(self::get_default_lang($filename));
     } else {
         $instructions = '';
     // Get survey url
     $surveyurl = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('survey')->item(0)->getAttribute('url');
     $instructions_title = '';
     $lang = self::get_default_lang($filename);
     if ($lang == 'en.utf8') {
         $instructions_title = get_string_from_file('instructions', get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/survey/lang/en.utf8/artefact.survey.php');
     } else {
         if (file_exists(get_config('dataroot') . 'langpacks/' . $lang . '/artefact/survey/lang/' . $lang . '/artefact.survey.php')) {
             $instructions_title = get_string_from_file('instructions', get_config('dataroot') . 'langpacks/' . $lang . '/artefact/survey/lang/' . $lang . '/artefact.survey.php');
         } else {
             $instructions_title = get_string_from_file('instructions', get_config('docroot') . 'artefact/survey/lang/' . $lang . '/artefact.survey.php');
     $html = '';
     if (!empty($description)) {
         $html .= '<div class="description">' . html_entity_decode($copyright) . '</div>';
     if (!empty($surveyurl)) {
         $html .= '<div class="description"><a href="' . $surveyurl . '" target="_blank">' . $surveyurl . '</a></div>';
     $html .= '<p>' . html_entity_decode($description) . '</p>';
     $html .= '<h3>' . $instructions_title . '</h3>';
     $html .= '<p>' . html_entity_decode($instructions) . '</p>';
     return $html;