Пример #1
 public function index($language_id = 2)
     $map = array('language_id' => $language_id);
     $result = get_result('location_description', $map);
     $continent = array();
     $country = array();
     $city = array();
     $location_id = array();
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         if ($row['continent'] == '') {
         $continent[$row['continent']] = $row['continent'];
         $country[$row['continent']][] = $row['country'];
         $city[$row['country']][] = $row['city'];
         $location_id[$row['city']] = $row['location_id'];
     $new_country = array();
     foreach ($continent as $row) {
         $new_country[$row] = array_unique($country[$row]);
     $data['continent_json'] = json_encode($continent);
     $data['country_json'] = json_encode($new_country);
     $data['city_json'] = json_encode($city);
     $data['location_id'] = json_encode($location_id);
 public function index($product_id, $Month = '', $moudel = '')
     if (!$product_id) {
         $product_id = 0;
     $map['product_id'] = $product_id;
     $result = get_result('product_price', $map);
     if ($Month) {
         $Montht = $Month;
     } else {
         $Montht = date('Y-m-d');
     $Monthts = date('t', strtotime($Montht));
     foreach ($result as $k => $row) {
         $data[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['type1_price'], 'start' => date('Y-m-d', $row['day']), 'name' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $row['day']), 'textColor' => '#0FDECF');
     for ($im = 1; $im <= $Monthts; $im++) {
         $map['day'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $row['day']));
         $description_info = get_info('product_description', $map);
         if ($description_info) {
             $data[] = array('id' => $description_info['id'], 'title' => $row['type1_price'], 'start' => date('Y-m-d', $description_info['day']), 'name' => date('Y-m-d H:i', $description_info['day']), 'textColor' => '#0FDECF');
         } else {
             $data[] = array('id' => '0', 'title' => '设定价格', 'start' => date('Y-m', strtotime($Montht)) . "-" . $im, 'name' => date('Y-m', strtotime($Montht)) . "-" . $im, 'textColor' => '#0FDECF');
     $datas['data'] = json_encode($data);
Пример #3
function fetch_comments_unit($unitId)
    global $mysqli;
    $sql = 'SELECT Comments.id, (DATE_FORMAT(commentTime,  "%d.%m.%Y %H:%i:%s")) as time,name as user,comment, IFNULL(SUM(isPositive),0) as positive, IFNULL(COUNT(isPositive)-SUM(isPositive),0) as negative, CommentAnswers.answerTo as answerTo,
		IFNULL((SELECT (isPositive-1)+isPositive FROM CommentRating WHERE id=Comments.id AND userId=?),0) as voted
                					FROM Comments
                					    LEFT JOIN UserData
                        					ON Comments.userId=UserData.Id
                        				LEFT JOIN CommentRating
                        					ON Comments.id=CommentRating.id
                        				LEFT JOIN CommentAnswers
                                			ON CommentAnswers.id=Comments.id
                       					WHERE unitId=?
                        				GROUP BY Comments.id';
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
    $stmt->bind_param('ii', $userId, $unitId);
    $result = array();
    $comment = get_result($stmt);
    while ($stmt->fetch()) {
        $result[] = $comment;
        $comment = get_result($stmt);
    return $result;
Пример #4
function read_invitations()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $admintpl, $language, $CURUSER, $STYLEPATH, $btit_settings;
    $scriptname = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?page=admin&user="******"uid"] . "&code=" . $CURUSER["random"] . "&do=invitations");
    $addparam = "";
    $res = get_result("SELECT COUNT(*) as invites FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}invitations", true);
    $count = $res[0]["invites"];
    list($pagertop, $pagerbottom, $limit) = pager('15', $count, $scriptname . "&amp;");
    $admintpl->set("inv_pagertop", $pagertop);
    $admintpl->set("inv_pagerbottom", $pagerbottom);
    $results = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}invitations ORDER BY id DESC {$limit}", true);
    $invitees = array();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($results as $id => $data) {
        $res = do_sqlquery("SELECT username FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users WHERE id = " . $data["inviter"], true);
        if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
            $inviter_name = mysql_result($res, 0, 0);
        } else {
            $inviter_name = 'Unknown';
        $invitees[$i]["inviter"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=userdetails&amp;user="******"inviter"] . "\">" . $inviter_name . "</a>";
        $invitees[$i]["invitee"] = unesc($data["invitee"]);
        $invitees[$i]["hash"] = unesc($data["hash"]);
        $invitees[$i]["time_invited"] = $data["time_invited"];
        $invitees[$i]["delete"] = "<a href=\"index.php?page=admin&amp;user="******"uid"] . "&amp;code=" . $CURUSER["random"] . "&amp;do=invitations&amp;action=delete&amp;id=" . $data["id"] . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('" . AddSlashes($language["DELETE_CONFIRM"]) . "')\">" . image_or_link("{$STYLEPATH}/images/delete.png", "", $language["DELETE"]) . "</a>";
    $admintpl->set("invitees", $invitees);
    $admintpl->set("language", $language);
Пример #5
 public function index($currency = '')
     $data['result'] = get_result('currency');
     $data['currency'] = $currency;
Пример #6
  *	显示关于N邦的帮助文章
  *	1、将页面中的菜单查询出来并显示
  *	2、要求是用户在后台添加的时候前台能够自动显示出来菜单并显示到页面中
 public function index()
     $article_id = I('id');
     /* 获取分类列表 */
     $help_category_cath = array_id_key(get_help_category_cache());
     $category_ids = array();
     foreach ($help_category_cath as $row) {
         $category_ids[] = $row['id'];
     /* 获取分类下的所有文章 */
     $map = null;
     $map['status'] = 1;
     $map['category_id'] = array('in', $category_ids);
     $articles = get_result($this->table, $map);
     /* 获去当前显示的文章 */
     if ($article_id) {
         $map['id'] = $article_id;
         $map['status'] = 1;
         $cur_article = get_info($this->table, $map);
     } else {
         $cur_article = $articles[0];
     $data['help_category_cath'] = $help_category_cath;
     $data['articles'] = $articles;
     $data['cur_article'] = $cur_article;
Пример #7
function ca_mois($mois, $annee, $jour, $pourc = 100, $port = 1)
    global $cnx;
    if ($jour != "%") {
        $jour = sprintf("%02d", $jour);
    if ($mois != "%") {
        $mois = sprintf("%02d", $mois);
    if ($annee != "%") {
        $annee = sprintf("%04d", $annee);
    $date = "{$annee}-{$mois}-{$jour}";
    $query = "select * from " . Commande::TABLE . " where statut >= " . Commande::PAYE . " and statut <> " . Commande::ANNULE . " and datefact like '{$date}'";
    $resul = $cnx->query($query);
    $list = array();
    while ($resul && ($row = $cnx->fetch_object($resul))) {
        $list[] = $row->id;
    if (count($list) == 0) {
        $list = '0';
    } else {
        $list = implode(',', $list);
    $ca = round(get_result("SELECT sum(quantite*prixu) as camois FROM " . Venteprod::TABLE . " where commande in ({$list})"), 2);
    $ca += get_result("SELECT sum(port) as port FROM " . Commande::TABLE . " where id in ({$list})");
    $ca -= get_result("SELECT sum(remise) as remise FROM " . Commande::TABLE . " where id in ({$list})");
    if (!$port) {
        $ca -= get_result("SELECT sum(port) as port FROM " . Commande::TABLE . " where id in ({$list})");
    return round($ca * $pourc / 100, 2);
Пример #8
  *	显示店铺经营的一些数据统计
  *		1、店铺中交易成功的金额
  *		2、翻译的字数统计
  *		3、口译小时数统计
  *		4、音频翻译分钟数统计
 public function index()
     $apptype = (!empty(I('post.apptype')) and I('post.apptype') == C('APP_KEY')) ? true : false;
     if ($apptype) {
         $app_key = trim(I("post.key"));
         $member_id = I("post.home_member_id");
         $this->isLoginExpire($app_key, $member_id);
     } else {
         $member_id = session('home_member_id');
     //$map['member_id'] = $member_id;
     $map = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'status' => array(in, array(3, 6, 7)));
     $shop_order_data = get_result($this->table, $map);
     $shop_data = $this->shop_data($shop_order_data);
     if ($apptype) {
Пример #9
 public function view()
     if (!isset($_SESSION["autorised"])) {
         header('Location: ' . $_SESSION['base_url'] . '/home');
     include_once "/../models/model_test.php";
     $result = get_result(-1, $_SESSION['user_id']);
     include_once "/../pages/result.php";
Пример #10
 public function completedProjectDetailofUser($userid, $from, $to)
     global $dblink;
     $v = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * FROM project WHERE userid=? AND status='1' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?,?");
     $v->bind_param("iii", $userid, $from, $to);
     $data = get_result($v);
     return $data;
Пример #11
 public function search($emailid)
     global $dblink;
     $v = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE email=? or username=?");
     $v->bind_param("ss", $emailid, $emailid);
     $result = get_result($v);
     return $result;
 private function getUserInfo($id)
     global $dblink;
     $v = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=?");
     $v->bind_param("i", $id);
     $result = get_result($v);
     return $result;
Пример #13
 public function index($action, $parameter = array(), $language_id = '')
     $data['result'] = get_result('language');
     $data['action'] = $action;
     $data['parameter'] = $parameter;
     $data['language_id'] = $language_id;
Пример #14
 public function listBidsforUser($userid, $from, $to)
     global $dblink;
     $v = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * FROM project_bid WHERE userid=? ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT ?,?");
     $v->bind_param("iii", $userid, $from, $to);
     $result = get_result($v);
     return $result;
Пример #15
 public function listar($cod_situacao = null)
     $query = $this->query();
     if (!is_null($cod_situacao)) {
         $query .= " WHERE cod_situacao = '" . do_escape($cod_situacao) . "' ";
     $query .= " ORDER BY nome ";
     return get_result($query);
Пример #16
function main_menu()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $CURUSER, $tpl;
    $blocks = get_result('SELECT content FROM ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'blocks WHERE position="t" AND status=1 AND ' . $CURUSER['id_level'] . '>=minclassview  AND ' . $CURUSER['id_level'] . '<=maxclassview ' . ($FORUMLINK == '' || $FORUMLINK == 'internal' || substr($FORUMLINK, 0, 3) == 'smf' || $FORUMLINK == 'ipb' ? '' : ' AND content!="forum"') . ' ORDER BY sortid', true, $CACHE_DURATION);
    $return = '';
    foreach ($blocks as $entry) {
        $return .= get_content(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/..') . '/blocks/' . $entry['content'] . '_block.php');
    return set_block('', 'justify', $return);
Пример #17
function user_with_color($username, $prefix = NULL, $suffix = NULL)
    global $TABLE_PREFIX;
    if (isset($prefix) && isset($suffix)) {
        return unesc($prefix . $username . $suffix);
    } else {
        // get cached version for the user (prefix and suffix)
        $rps = get_result("SELECT prefixcolor,suffixcolor FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}users u INNER JOIN {$TABLE_PREFIX}users_level ul ON u.id_level=ul.id WHERE u.username="******"", false, 0);
        return unesc($rps[0]['prefixcolor'] . $username . $rps[0]['suffixcolor']);
Пример #18
 public function listar()
     $query = $this->query() . $this->groupby();
     //echo $query;
     $retorno = array();
     $cidades = get_result($query);
     foreach ($cidades as $cidade) {
         $retorno[] = $this->atualizar($cidade);
     return $retorno;
Пример #19
 public function ability()
     $map['type'] = '2';
     $pid = I('pid') ? I('pid') : 0;
     $map['pid'] = $pid;
     $map['status'] = array('gt', '-1');
     $result = get_result($this->table, $map);
     $data['result'] = $result;
Пример #20
 public function catData($id)
     global $dblink;
     $v = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * FROM category WHERE id=?");
     $v->bind_param("i", $id);
     $result = get_result($v);
     foreach ($result as $value) {
         return $value;
Пример #21
 public function listOutboxMessage($userid, $from, $to)
     // Function to list Message outbox
     global $dblink;
     $v = $dblink->prepare("SELECT * FROM message WHERE msg_from=? ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT ?,?");
     $v->bind_param("iii", $userid, $from, $to);
     $data = get_result($v);
     return $data;
Пример #22
function action_log($table_name, $table_id = 0, $action_filed = 'id,title')
    $url = strtolower(MODULE_NAME . '/' . CONTROLLER_NAME . '/' . ACTION_NAME);
    if (is_numeric($table_id)) {
        $map['id'] = $table_id;
    } else {
        $map['id'] = array('in', $table_id);
    $result = get_result($table_name, $map, $action_filed);
    $_POST = array('member_id' => session('member_id'), 'username' => session('username'), 'url' => $url, 'table_name' => $table_name, 'table_id' => $table_id, 'description' => json_encode($result), 'ip' => get_client_ip());
Пример #23
  *	显示店铺的时间设置,店家在自己的后台能够设置自己的时间日程
  *	1、分解任务
 public function index()
     $map['shop_id'] = session('home_shop_id');
     $shop_time = get_result($this->shop_time, $map, '', 'time,week asc');
     if (IS_POST) {
         $shop_time = I('brand');
         $shop_time_id = get_result($this->shop_time, array('shop_id' => session('home_shop_id')), '', 'time,week asc');
         $shop_sql_array = array();
         foreach ($shop_time as $k => $v) {
             $shop_sql_array[$k]['id'] = $shop_time_id[$k]['id'];
             $shop_sql_array[$k]['time'] = $v;
         $shop_time_sql = '';
         foreach ($shop_sql_array as $k => $v) {
             $shop_time_sql .= "update `sr_shop_time` set `type`=" . $v['time'] . " where `id`=" . $v['id'] . ";";
         $Model = M();
         $result = $Model->execute($shop_time_sql);
         if (is_numeric($result)) {
             $this->success('修改成功!', U('User/Schedule/index'));
         } else {
             $this->error('修改失败!', U('User/Schedule/index'));
     } else {
         $shop_date_programme = array();
         if (empty($shop_time)) {
             $shop_time = get_result($this->shop_time, $map, '', 'time,week asc');
         foreach ($shop_time as $k => $v) {
             if ($v['time'] == 1) {
                 $shop_date_programme[1][] = $v;
             } else {
                 if ($v['time'] == 2) {
                     $shop_date_programme[2][] = $v;
                 } else {
                     if ($v['time'] == 3) {
                         $shop_date_programme[3][] = $v;
         $data['shop_date_programme'] = $shop_date_programme;
Пример #24
function readGoldSettings()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $settings;
    $res = get_result("SELECT * FROM {$TABLE_PREFIX}gold  WHERE id='1'", true);
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
        $settings[$count]["gold_picture"] = unesc("<img src='../gold/" . $value["gold_picture"] . "' border='0' alt='gold'/>\r\n             \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  <br/>Choose new picture (max size 100px x 100px):<br/><input type='file' name='gold_picture'/>");
        $settings[$count]["level"] = createUsersLevelCombo(unesc($value["level"]));
        $settings[$count]["silver_picture"] = unesc("<img src='../gold/" . $value["silver_picture"] . "' border='0'  alt='silver'/>\r\n             \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<br/>Choose new picture (max size 100px x 100px):<br/><input type='file' name='silver_picture'/>");
        $settings[$count]["gold_description"] = unesc("<textarea name='gold_description' style='width:250px; height:120px; border:1px solid #999999;'>" . $value["gold_description"] . "</textarea>");
        $settings[$count]["silver_description"] = unesc("<textarea name='silver_description' style='width:250px; height:120px; border:1px solid #999999;'>" . $value["silver_description"] . "</textarea>");
        $settings[$count]["classic_description"] = unesc("<textarea name='classic_description' style='width:250px; height:120px; border:1px solid #999999;'>" . $value["classic_description"] . "</textarea>");
Пример #25
  * 改变用户积分
  * 配置操作行为必须和标签名称一致
  * $data  
  * uid 当前用户id 
  * uname  当前用户名
  * ruleId 规则id号
  * field  用户更新的积分 或者 金币字段
  * isdate 是否启用时间限制
 private function _score($_data)
     if (empty($_data['uid']) || empty($_data['ruleId']) || empty($_data['field'])) {
         return false;
     if (!isset($_data['isdate'])) {
         $_data['isdate'] = false;
     $res = M('score_rule')->where(array('id' => $_data['ruleId']))->find();
     if ($res['type'] == 1) {
         $type = 'score';
     } else {
         if ($res['type'] == 2) {
             $type = '_score';
         } else {
             if ($res['type'] == 3) {
                 $type = 'coin';
             } else {
                 if ($res['type'] == 4) {
                     $type = '_coin';
     if (empty($res) || $res['score'] == 0) {
         return false;
     if ($_data['isLimit'] && $this->_check_num($_data['uid'], $_data['action'], $_data['isdate'])) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $result = M('member')->where(array('id' => $_data['uid']))->setInc($_data['field'], $res['score']);
         $now_score = M('member')->where('id=' . $_data['uid'])->getField('score');
         $level_info = get_result('member_level', array('status' => 1, 'score' => array('elt', $now_score)), 'id', 'score desc');
         if ($level_info) {
             M('member')->where(array('id=' . $_data['uid']))->setField('level', $level_info[0]['id']);
         if ($result) {
             $data = array('uid' => $_data['uid'], 'table_name' => $_data['tablename'], 'table_id' => $_data['tableid'], 'uname' => $_data['uname'], 'type' => $type, 'action' => $_data['action'], 'rule_id' => $res['id'], 'score' => $res['score'], 'msg' => $res['title'], 'create_time' => time());
             $score_log_mod = D('score_log');
         return true;
Пример #26
  * 查看订单详情
  * @author						李东
  * @date						2015-06-23
 public function detail()
     $order_id = I('get.id');
     if (!$order_id) {
     $map['order_id'] = $order_id;
     $order_info = get_info(D($this->model), $map);
     $map = array();
     $map['order_id'] = $order_id;
     $order_result = get_result('order_history', $map);
     // 		print_r($order_info);
     // 		exit;
     $data['info'] = $order_info;
     $data['result'] = $order_result;
Пример #27
function send_pm($sender, $recepient, $subject, $msg)
    global $FORUMLINK, $TABLE_PREFIX, $db_prefix, $CACHE_DURATION;
    if ($FORUMLINK == 'smf') {
        # smf forum
        # get smf_fid of recepient
        $recepient = get_result('SELECT smf_fid FROM ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users WHERE id=' . $recepient . ' LIMIT 1;', true, $CACHE_DURATION);
        if (!isset($recepient[0])) {
            return false;
        # valid user
        $recepient = $recepient[0]['smf_fid'];
        if ($recepient == 0) {
            return false;
        # valid smf_fid
        # get smf_fid of sender
        # if sender id is invalid or 0, use System
        $sender = $sender == 0 ? 0 : get_result('SELECT smf_fid, username FROM ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'users WHERE id=' . $sender . ' LIMIT 1;', true, $CACHE_DURATION);
        if (!isset($sender[0])) {
            $sender = array();
            $sender['smf_fid'] = 0;
            $sender['username'] = '******';
        } else {
            $sender = $sender[0];
        # insert message
        quickQuery('INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'personal_messages (ID_MEMBER_FROM, fromName, msgtime, subject, body) VALUES (' . $sender['smf_fid'] . ', ' . sqlesc($sender['username']) . ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ' . $subject . ', ' . $msg . ');');
        # get id of message
        $pm_id = mysql_insert_id();
        # insert recepient for message
        quickQuery('INSERT INTO ' . $db_prefix . 'pm_recipients (ID_PM, ID_MEMBER) VALUES (' . $pm_id . ', ' . $recepient . ');');
        # notify recepient
        quickQuery('UPDATE ' . $db_prefix . 'members SET instantMessages=instantMessages+1, unreadMessages=unreadMessages+1 WHERE ID_MEMBER=' . $recepient . ' LIMIT 1;');
        return true;
    } else {
        # internal PM system
        # insert pm
        quickQuery('INSERT INTO ' . $TABLE_PREFIX . 'messages (sender, receiver, added, subject, msg) VALUES (' . $sender . ', ' . $recepient . ', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ' . $subject . ', ' . $msg . ')');
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #28
  *	也就是系统中的帮助中心
  *@author 刘浩 <372980503>
  *@time 2015-7-8
 public function notice()
     $notice_id = I('id');
     $map['id'] = $news_id;
     $notice_info = get_info($this->table, $map);
     $data['news_detail'] = $notice_info;
     $map_notice['status'] = array('GT', 0);
     $map_notice['type'] = 'notice';
     $map_notice['recommend'] = 1;
     $notice_result = get_result($this->table, $map_notice);
     $data['notice'] = $notice_result;
Пример #29
 public function del()
     $ids = I('ids');
     $map['id'] = array("in", $ids);
     $result = get_result($this->table, $map);
     foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
         $_POST['id'] = $value['product_id'];
         $_POST['comment'] = count_data($this->table, array("product_id" => $value['product_id']));
     delete_data($this->table, $map);
Пример #30
 public function edit()
     if (IS_POST) {
     } else {
         $id = intval(I('id'));
         $map['id'] = $id;
         $data['info'] = M($this->table)->where($map)->find();
         $map['status'] = array("GT", 0);
         $map['type'] = 3;
         $help_category = get_result('category', $map);
         $help_category = list_to_tree($help_category);
         $data['help_category'] = $help_category;