Пример #1
     $status = $status ? $status : -2;
     $tooltip_key = array(2 => 'STATIC_SIGNOFF_CLEAR', -2 => 'STATIC_SIGNOFF');
     $template->assign_block_vars('raiders.days', array('DAY' => isset($user->lang['DAY_' . $day]) ? $user->lang['DAY_' . $day] : $day, 'DAY_KEY' => $day, 'STATUS' => $statusses[$status], 'TOOLTIP' => sprintf($user->lang[$tooltip_key[$status]], $user->lang['DAY_LONG_' . $day]), 'S_FIRST_DAY_IN_WEEK' => $raid_day_number % $num_days == 0));
 $raid_day_number = 0;
 $last_future = false;
 foreach ($raids as $raid) {
     $future = $raid > $today || $raid == $today && strcmp($now, $raid_time) < 0;
     $status = $attendance[$raider->name][$raid]['status'];
     $status = isset($status) ? $status : ($future ? 0 : -1);
     if (!is_array($raid_sums[$raid])) {
         $raid_sums[$raid] = array(STATUS_OFF => 0, STATUS_NOSHOW => 0);
     $raid_sums[$raid][$status] = $raid_sums[$raid][$status] + 1;
     $day_name = get_raiding_day_name($raid);
     $comment_time = $attendance[$raider->name][$raid]['time'];
     $game_time_comment = $comment_time;
     $game_time_comment += 60 * 60 * $config['raidattendance_timezone'];
     $comment_day = strftime('%Y%m%d', $game_time_comment);
     $comment_hour = strftime('%H:%M', $game_time_comment);
     if ($comment_day == $raid && $comment_hour > $signoff_time && $status == STATUS_OFF) {
         $status = STATUS_LATE_SIGNOFF;
     $difftime = $tnow - $comment_time;
     $difftime = round($difftime / 60);
     $diffcomment = '';
     $comment_time += 60 * 60 * $user->data['user_timezone'];
     if ($difftime < 60) {
         $diffcomment = sprintf($user->lang['COMMENT_TIME_HOUR'], $difftime);
     } else {
Пример #2
 * Merges the two attendance arrays.
function add_static_attendance($raids, &$attendance, $raider_day_attendance)
    global $error;
    foreach ($raider_day_attendance as $raider => $days) {
        if (!is_array($attendance[$raider])) {
            $attendance[$raider] = array();
        foreach ($raids as $raid) {
            $day_name = get_raiding_day_name($raid);
            // Note: the below code will "remove" the static-signoffs if an officer has STARRED the raider
            if (!isset($attendance[$raider][$raid]) and array_key_exists($day_name, $days) and strftime('%Y%m%d', $days[$day_name]['time']) <= $raid) {
                $attendance[$raider][$raid] = $days[$day_name];