function sp_google_maps_shortcode_meta() { global $post; ?> <p> <strong> <label for="map_shortcode"><?php _e("ShortCode For This Map", 'sp_google_maps'); ?> </label> </strong> </p> <?php if (get_post_status($post->ID) === "publish") { ?> <input type="text" id="map_shortcode" value='[SPGM id="<?php echo $post->ID; ?> "]' onclick="select();" /> <br> <code><?php _e('Copy and Paste This ShortCode To Use This Map', 'sp_google_maps'); ?> </code> <?php } else { ?> <p><small><?php _e('ShortCode will apear after first save.', 'sp_google_maps'); ?> </small></p> <?php } }
/** * Drop-down Pages sanitization callback example. * * - Sanitization: dropdown-pages * - Control: dropdown-pages * * Sanitization callback for 'dropdown-pages' type controls. This callback sanitizes `$page_id` * as an absolute integer, and then validates that $input is the ID of a published page. * * @see absint() * @see get_post_status() * * @param int $page Page ID. * @param WP_Customize_Setting $setting Setting instance. * * @return int|string Page ID if the page is published; otherwise, the setting default. */ function kamino_sanitize_dropdown_pages($page_id, $setting) { // Ensure $input is an absolute integer. $page_id = absint($page_id); // If $page_id is an ID of a published page, return it; otherwise, return the default. return 'publish' == get_post_status($page_id) ? $page_id : $setting->default; }
function x_shortcode_toc_item($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', 'title' => '', 'page' => ''), $atts, 'x_toc_item')); $id = $id != '' ? 'id="' . esc_attr($id) . '"' : ''; $class = $class != '' ? 'x-toc-item ' . esc_attr($class) : 'x-toc-item'; $style = $style != '' ? 'style="' . $style . '"' : ''; $title = $title != '' ? $title : ''; switch ($page) { case 0: $page = ''; break; case 1: $page = ''; break; default: $page = $page; if (get_post_status(get_the_ID()) == "draft") { $page = '&page=' . $page; } else { $page = get_the_ID() == get_option('page_on_front') ? 'page/' . $page . '/' : $page . '/'; } } $link = esc_url(get_permalink()); $output = "<li {$id} class=\"{$class}\" {$style}><a href=" . $link . $page . " title=\"Go to {$title}\">" . $title . '</a></li>'; return $output; }
static function problogger_jumbotron() { global $post; if (!$post) { return false; } $show = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_problogger_meta_jumbotron_show_key', true); if ($show == '2') { return false; } $the_post_id = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_problogger_meta_jumbotron_post_id', true); if (!get_post_status($the_post_id)) { return false; } $the_post = get_post($the_post_id); $width = problogger_option('jumbotron_width', 'container'); $the_bg_color = get_post_meta($the_post->ID, '_jumbotron_meta_color_key', true); $the_styles = 'style="' . ($the_bg_color ? 'background-color: ' . $the_bg_color . '; ' : '') . 'border-radius: 0;"'; $the_content = apply_filters('the_content', $the_post->post_content); $output = $the_content; switch ($width) { case 'full': $output = sprintf('<section class="jumbotron" %s>%s</section>', $the_styles, $the_content); break; case 'fullcontain': $output = sprintf('<section class="jumbotron" %s><div class="container">%s</div></section>', $the_styles, $the_content); break; case 'container': default: $output = sprintf('<section class="jumbotron container" %s>%s</section>', $the_styles, $the_content); break; } return print $output; }
/** * Saves the video embed code on post save * * @since 4.0 */ function medium_save_video_meta($post_id) { global $post; // Return early if this is a newly created post that hasn't been saved yet. if ('auto-draft' == get_post_status($post_id)) { return $post_id; } // Check if the user intended to change this value. if (!isset($_POST['medium_video_box_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['medium_video_box_nonce'], plugin_basename(__FILE__))) { return $post_id; } // Get post type object $post_type = get_post_type_object($post->post_type); // Check if user has permission if (!current_user_can($post_type->cap->edit_post, $post_id)) { return $post_id; } // Get posted data and sanitize it $new_video = isset($_POST['medium_video_field']) ? $_POST['medium_video_field'] : ''; // Get existing video $video = get_post_meta($post_id, 'video', true); // If a new video was submitted and there was no previous one, add it if ($new_video && '' == $video) { add_post_meta($post_id, 'video', $new_video, true); } elseif ($new_video && $new_video != $video) { update_post_meta($post_id, 'video', $new_video); } elseif ('' == $new_video && $video) { delete_post_meta($post_id, 'video', $video); } }
function ajax_post() { require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/post.php'; if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], 'update-post_' . $_POST['post_ID'])) { wp_send_json_error(array('message' => __('You are not allowed to edit this item.'))); } $_POST['post_title'] = strip_tags($_POST['post_title']); $post_id = edit_post(); if (isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['publish'])) { $status = get_post_status($post_id); if (isset($_POST['publish'])) { switch ($status) { case 'pending': $message = 8; break; case 'future': $message = 9; break; default: $message = 6; } } else { $message = 'draft' == $status ? 10 : 1; } } else { $message = 4; } $post = get_post($post_id); wp_send_json_success(array('message' => $this->get_message($post, $message), 'post' => $post, 'processedPostContent' => apply_filters('the_content', $post->post_content))); }
/** * Redirect to previous page. * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. */ function redirect_post($post_id = '', $_url) { $_url = esc_url(add_query_arg('form', $post_id, $_url)); if (isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['publish'])) { $status = get_post_status($post_id); if (isset($_POST['publish'])) { switch ($status) { case 'pending': $message = 8; break; case 'future': $message = 9; break; default: $message = 6; } } else { $message = 'draft' == $status ? 10 : 1; } $location = add_query_arg('message', $message, $_url); } else { $location = add_query_arg('message', 4, $_url); } wp_redirect(esc_url($location)); exit; }
/** * Static method that is fired right after a donation is completed, sending the donation receipt. * * @param int $donation_id * @return boolean * @access public * @static * @since 1.0.0 */ public static function send_with_donation_id($donation_id) { if (!charitable_get_helper('emails')->is_enabled_email(self::get_email_id())) { return false; } if (!charitable_is_approved_status(get_post_status($donation_id))) { return false; } $donation = charitable_get_donation($donation_id); if (!is_object($donation) || 0 == count($donation->get_campaign_donations())) { return false; } if (!apply_filters('charitable_send_' . self::get_email_id(), true, $donation)) { return false; } $email = new Charitable_Email_New_Donation(array('donation' => $donation)); /** * Don't resend the email. */ if ($email->is_sent_already($donation_id)) { return false; } $sent = $email->send(); /** * Log that the email was sent. */ if (apply_filters('charitable_log_email_send', true, self::get_email_id(), $email)) { $email->log($donation_id, $sent); } return true; }
function rockAjax_save() { if (!isset($_POST['serializedArray'])) { return; } if (!is_admin()) { return; } // get the submitted parameters $postID = (int) $_POST['postID']; if (!is_string(get_post_status($postID))) { return; } $array = $_POST['serializedArray']; $_builder_in_use = isset($_POST['_builder_in_use']) ? $_POST['_builder_in_use'] : 'false'; $_featured_image_in_builder = $_POST['featuredInBuilder']; update_post_meta($postID, '_this_r_content', addslashes($array)); update_post_meta($postID, '_builder_in_use', $_builder_in_use); update_post_meta($postID, '_featured_image_in_builder', $_featured_image_in_builder); // generate the response $response = json_encode(array('success' => true)); // response output echo $response; exit; }
function show_pending_post_notice($user_id, $post_id) { if (get_post_status($post_id) == 'pending') { add_action('admin_footer', 'disable_review_button'); add_action('admin_head', 'disable_review_button_styles'); } }
public function save() { $parent = get_post($this->parent_id); $post_to_save = get_object_vars($parent); unset($post_to_save['ID']); unset($post_to_save['guid']); $post_to_save['post_parent'] = $parent->ID; $post_to_save['post_name'] = $parent->post_name . '-' . $this->start_date->format('Y-m-d'); $duration = $this->get_duration(); $end_date = $this->get_end_date(); if (!empty($this->post_id)) { // update the existing post $post_to_save['ID'] = $this->post_id; if (get_post_status($this->post_id) == 'trash') { $post_to_save['post_status'] = get_post_status($this->post_id); } $this->post_id = wp_update_post($post_to_save); update_post_meta($this->post_id, '_EventStartDate', $this->start_date->format(DateSeriesRules::DATE_FORMAT)); update_post_meta($this->post_id, '_EventEndDate', $end_date->format(DateSeriesRules::DATE_FORMAT)); update_post_meta($this->post_id, '_EventDuration', $duration); } else { // add a new post $post_to_save['guid'] = esc_url(add_query_arg(array('eventDate' => $this->start_date->format('Y-m-d')), $parent->guid)); $this->post_id = wp_insert_post($post_to_save); // save several queries by calling add_post_meta when we have a new post add_post_meta($this->post_id, '_EventStartDate', $this->start_date->format(DateSeriesRules::DATE_FORMAT)); add_post_meta($this->post_id, '_EventEndDate', $end_date->format(DateSeriesRules::DATE_FORMAT)); add_post_meta($this->post_id, '_EventDuration', $duration); } $this->copy_meta(); // everything else $this->set_terms(); }
public function valid() { if (!defined('WPDDL_DEVELOPMENT') && !defined('WPDDL_PRODUCTION')) { return false; } $type = self::get_type_name(); if (isset(self::$layout_id[$type]) && self::$layout_id[$type] !== null && self::$layout_id !== false) { return true; } global $wpdb; $layouts_per_post_type = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_value, post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_ddl_post_types_was_batched'"); foreach ($layouts_per_post_type as $setting) { $setting->meta_value = unserialize($setting->meta_value); if (is_array($setting->meta_value) && in_array($type, $setting->meta_value)) { if (get_post_status($setting->post_id) == 'trash') { continue; } $title = get_the_title($setting->post_id); self::$layout_id[$type] = $setting->post_id; self::$layout_name[$type] = $title; return true; } } self::$layout_id[$type] = false; self::$layout_name[$type] = false; return false; }
function form_init() { global $ultimatemember; $http_post = 'POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; if ($http_post && !is_admin() && isset($_POST['form_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['form_id'])) { $this->form_id = $_POST['form_id']; $this->form_status = get_post_status($this->form_id); if ($this->form_status == 'publish') { /* save entire form as global */ $this->post_form = $_POST; $this->post_form = $this->beautify($this->post_form); $this->form_data = $ultimatemember->query->post_data($this->form_id); $this->post_form['submitted'] = $this->post_form; $this->post_form = array_merge($this->form_data, $this->post_form); if ($_POST[$ultimatemember->honeypot] != '') { wp_die('Hello, spam bot!'); } if (!in_array($this->form_data['mode'], array('login'))) { $form_timestamp = trim($_POST['timestamp']); $live_timestamp = current_time('timestamp'); if ($form_timestamp == '' && um_get_option('enable_timebot') == 1) { wp_die(__('Hello, spam bot!')); } if ($live_timestamp - $form_timestamp < 6 && um_get_option('enable_timebot') == 1) { wp_die(__('Whoa, slow down! You\'re seeing this message because you tried to submit a form too fast and we think you might be a spam bot. If you are a real human being please wait a few seconds before submitting the form. Thanks!')); } } /* Continue based on form mode - pre-validation */ do_action('um_submit_form_errors_hook', $this->post_form); do_action("um_submit_form_{$this->post_form['mode']}", $this->post_form); } } }
function fnt_dashboard_widget() { $clientid = '9f690b3117f0c43767528e2b60bc70ce'; $args = array('posts_per_page' => -1, 'offset' => 0, 'post_status' => array('publish', 'draft'), 'post_type' => 'tracks'); $errors = 0; $query = new WP_Query($args); while ($query->have_posts()) { $query->the_post(); $id = get_the_ID(); $track_url = get_post_meta($id, 'track_url', true); $errored = 0; if (get_post_status() == 'draft') { $errored = 1; } else { $soundcloud_url = '' . $track_url . '&format=json&consumer_key=' . $clientid; $track_json = file_get_contents($soundcloud_url); $track = json_decode($track_json); if ($track == null || isset($track->errors) && isset($track->errors[0]) && $track->errors[0]->error_message == '404 - Not Found' || $track->errors[0]->error_message == 'HTTP Error: 403') { $errored = 1; $update = array('ID' => $id, 'post_status' => 'draft'); wp_update_post($update); } } if ($errored > 0) { echo '<span style="color:red;">SC Track is private & won\'t play: </span> ' . '<a href="' . get_edit_post_link() . '" target="_blank">' . get_the_title() . '</a><br/>'; $errors++; } } if ($errors > 0) { echo '<br/><em>These ' . $errors . ' posts are all drafts, but should probably be fixed or removed.</em>'; } else { echo 'There are no broken tracks! That is SHOCKING :)'; } }
/** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { add_action('wp', array($this, 'process')); $this->steps = (array) apply_filters('submit_resume_steps', array('submit' => array('name' => __('Submit Details', 'wp-job-manager-resumes'), 'view' => array($this, 'submit'), 'handler' => array($this, 'submit_handler'), 'priority' => 10), 'preview' => array('name' => __('Preview', 'wp-job-manager-resumes'), 'view' => array($this, 'preview'), 'handler' => array($this, 'preview_handler'), 'priority' => 20), 'done' => array('name' => __('Done', 'wp-job-manager-resumes'), 'view' => array($this, 'done'), 'handler' => '', 'priority' => 30))); uasort($this->steps, array($this, 'sort_by_priority')); // Get step/resume if (!empty($_REQUEST['step'])) { $this->step = is_numeric($_REQUEST['step']) ? max(absint($_REQUEST['step']), 0) : array_search($_REQUEST['step'], array_keys($this->steps)); } $this->resume_id = !empty($_REQUEST['resume_id']) ? absint($_REQUEST['resume_id']) : 0; $this->job_id = !empty($_REQUEST['job_id']) ? absint($_REQUEST['job_id']) : 0; // Load resume details if ($this->resume_id) { $resume_status = get_post_status($this->resume_id); if ('expired' === $resume_status) { if (!resume_manager_user_can_edit_resume($this->resume_id)) { $this->resume_id = 0; $this->job_id = 0; $this->step = 0; } } elseif (0 === $this->step && !in_array($resume_status, apply_filters('resume_manager_valid_submit_resume_statuses', array('preview'))) && empty($_POST['resume_application_submit_button'])) { $this->resume_id = 0; $this->job_id = 0; $this->step = 0; } } }
/** * Registers the Polylang language meta box. * * @param object $post WP_Post post object. * @param array $metabox Array of metabox arguments. * * @return void. */ public static function polylangMetaBoxRender($post, $metabox) { global $polylang; $post_id = $post->ID; $post_type = $metabox['args']['post_type']; if ($lg = $polylang->model->get_post_language($post_id)) { $lang = $lg; } elseif (!empty($_GET['new_lang'])) { $lang = $polylang->model->get_language($_GET['new_lang']); } else { $lang = $polylang->pref_lang; } $text_domain = Plugin::TEXT_DOMAIN; $languages = $polylang->model->get_languages_list(); $pll_dropdown = new PLL_Walker_Dropdown(); $dropdown = $pll_dropdown->walk($languages, array('name' => 'post_lang_choice', 'class' => 'tags-input', 'selected' => $lang ? $lang->slug : '', 'flag' => true)); foreach ($languages as $key_language => $language) { if ($language->term_id == $lang->term_id) { unset($languages[$key_language]); $languages = array_values($languages); break; } } wp_nonce_field('pll_language', '_pll_nonce'); $is_autopost = get_post_status($post) == 'auto-draft'; include Trapp\instance()->plugin_dir . 'views/admin/metabox-translations-post/language.php'; if (!$is_autopost) { include Trapp\instance()->plugin_dir . 'views/admin/metabox-translations-post/translations.php'; include Trapp\instance()->plugin_dir . 'views/admin/metabox-translations-post/trapp.php'; } }
function get_assigned_courses_ids($status = 'all') { global $wpdb; $assigned_courses = array(); $courses = Instructor::get_course_meta_keys($this->ID); foreach ($courses as $course) { $course_id = $course; // Dealing with multisite nuances if (is_multisite()) { // Primary blog? if (defined('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE') && BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE == get_current_blog_id()) { $course_id = str_replace($wpdb->base_prefix, '', $course_id); } else { $course_id = str_replace($wpdb->prefix, '', $course_id); } } $course_id = (int) str_replace('course_', '', $course_id); if (!empty($course_id)) { if ($status !== 'all') { if (get_post_status($course_id) == $status) { $assigned_courses[] = $course_id; } } else { $assigned_courses[] = $course_id; } } } return $assigned_courses; }
/** * Sanitizes post_id in slider * @param $input entered value * @return sanitized output * * @since Catch Box 1.4 */ function catchbox_sanitize_post_id($input) { // Ensure $input is an absolute integer. $post_id = absint($input); // If $page_id is an ID of a published page, return it; otherwise, return empty return 'publish' == get_post_status($post_id) ? $post_id : ''; }
public function get_frontend_data($post_id) { $collector = array(); $meta = fw_get_db_post_option($post_id); $post_status = get_post_status($post_id); if ('publish' === $post_status and isset($meta['populated'])) { $slider_name = $meta['slider']['selected']; $population_method = $meta['slider'][$slider_name]['population-method']; $number_of_images = (int) $meta['number_of_images']; $collector = array('slides' => array(), 'settings' => array('title' => $meta['title'], 'slider_type' => $slider_name, 'population_method' => $population_method, 'post_id' => $post_id, 'extra' => isset($meta['custom-settings']) ? $meta['custom-settings'] : array())); $query_data = array(); $post_type = $meta['tags']['selected']; $terms = $meta['tags'][$post_type]['terms']; $tax_query = array('tax_query' => array('relation' => 'OR')); foreach ($terms as $term) { $decoded_data = json_decode($term, true); $query_data[$decoded_data['taxonomy']][] = $decoded_data['term_id']; } foreach ($query_data as $taxonomy => $terms) { $tax_query['tax_query'][] = array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy, 'field' => 'id', 'terms' => $terms); } $final_query = array_merge(array('post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => $number_of_images, 'post_type' => $post_type, 'meta_key' => '_thumbnail_id'), $tax_query); global $post; $original_post = $post; $the_query = new WP_Query($final_query); while ($the_query->have_posts()) { $the_query->the_post(); array_push($collector['slides'], array('title' => get_the_title(), 'multimedia_type' => $this->multimedia_types[0], 'src' => wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id(get_the_ID())), 'desc' => get_the_excerpt(), 'extra' => array('post_id' => $post->ID))); } wp_reset_postdata(); $post = $original_post; unset($original_post); } return $collector; }
public function valid() { // false if views not active if (!parent::valid()) { return false; } global $wpdb; $cpt = Types_Helper_Condition::get_post_type(); if (isset(self::$views_per_post_type[$cpt->name])) { return true; } // @todo check with Juan if views has a get_views_of_post_type() function $views_settings = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT meta_value, post_id FROM {$wpdb->postmeta} WHERE meta_key = '_wpv_settings'"); foreach ($views_settings as $setting) { $setting->meta_value = unserialize($setting->meta_value); if (isset($setting->meta_value['post_type']) && in_array($cpt->name, $setting->meta_value['post_type'])) { if (get_post_status($setting->post_id) == 'trash') { continue; } $title = get_the_title($setting->post_id); self::$views_per_post_type[$cpt->name][] = array('id' => $setting->post_id, 'name' => $title); } } if (isset(self::$views_per_post_type[$cpt->name])) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { add_action('wp', array($this, 'process')); $this->steps = (array) apply_filters('submit_job_steps', array('submit' => array('name' => __('Submit Details', 'wp-job-manager'), 'view' => array($this, 'submit'), 'handler' => array($this, 'submit_handler'), 'priority' => 10), 'preview' => array('name' => __('Preview', 'wp-job-manager'), 'view' => array($this, 'preview'), 'handler' => array($this, 'preview_handler'), 'priority' => 20), 'done' => array('name' => __('Done', 'wp-job-manager'), 'view' => array($this, 'done'), 'priority' => 30))); uasort($this->steps, array($this, 'sort_by_priority')); // Get step/job if (isset($_POST['step'])) { $this->step = is_numeric($_POST['step']) ? max(absint($_POST['step']), 0) : array_search($_POST['step'], array_keys($this->steps)); } elseif (!empty($_GET['step'])) { $this->step = is_numeric($_GET['step']) ? max(absint($_GET['step']), 0) : array_search($_GET['step'], array_keys($this->steps)); } $this->job_id = !empty($_REQUEST['job_id']) ? absint($_REQUEST['job_id']) : 0; // Allow resuming from cookie. if (!$this->job_id && !empty($_COOKIE['wp-job-manager-submitting-job-id']) && !empty($_COOKIE['wp-job-manager-submitting-job-key'])) { $job_id = absint($_COOKIE['wp-job-manager-submitting-job-id']); $job_status = get_post_status($job_id); if ('preview' === $job_status && get_post_meta($job_id, '_submitting_key', true) === $_COOKIE['wp-job-manager-submitting-job-key']) { $this->job_id = $job_id; } } // Load job details if ($this->job_id) { $job_status = get_post_status($this->job_id); if ('expired' === $job_status) { if (!job_manager_user_can_edit_job($this->job_id)) { $this->job_id = 0; $this->step = 0; } } elseif (!in_array($job_status, apply_filters('job_manager_valid_submit_job_statuses', array('preview')))) { $this->job_id = 0; $this->step = 0; } } }
/** * Redirect to previous page. * * @param int $post_id Optional. Post ID. */ function redirect_post($post_id = '') { if (isset($_POST['save']) || isset($_POST['publish'])) { $status = get_post_status($post_id); if (isset($_POST['publish'])) { switch ($status) { case 'pending': $message = 8; break; case 'future': $message = 9; break; default: $message = 6; } } else { $message = 'draft' == $status ? 10 : 1; } $location = add_query_arg('message', $message, get_edit_post_link($post_id, 'url')); } elseif (isset($_POST['addmeta']) && $_POST['addmeta']) { $location = add_query_arg('message', 2, wp_get_referer()); $location = explode('#', $location); $location = $location[0] . '#postcustom'; } elseif (isset($_POST['deletemeta']) && $_POST['deletemeta']) { $location = add_query_arg('message', 3, wp_get_referer()); $location = explode('#', $location); $location = $location[0] . '#postcustom'; } elseif ('post-quickpress-save-cont' == $_POST['action']) { $location = "post.php?action=edit&post={$post_id}&message=7"; } else { $location = add_query_arg('message', 4, get_edit_post_link($post_id, 'url')); } wp_redirect(apply_filters('redirect_post_location', $location, $post_id)); exit; }
/** * Callback for post changing events to purge URLs. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @return void */ public function purge($post_id) { if (!in_array(get_post_status($post_id), array('publish', 'trash'))) { return; } purgely_purge_surrogate_key('post-' . absint($post_id)); }
function bh_ep_render_send_metabox($post) { if (get_post_status($post) == 'auto-draft' || get_post_status($post) == 'draft') { $button_text = 'Publish and Share'; } else { if (get_post_status($post) == 'publish') { $button_text = 'Share'; } else { $button_text = 'Cannot Share in this state'; } } ?> <!-- on click call JQeury function --> <p id="state">Not Sent</p> <button class="button button-large" onclick="sendEvent()" id="bh-ep-event-send"><?php _e($button_text); ?> </button> <script> function sendEvent() { //foo for testing, "test.asp" for testing var posting = $.post('', "foo"); document.getElementById("state").innerHTML = posting; } </script> <?php //; JSON to server //create Urbanicity page as server }
/** * Sanitizes page/post * @param $input entered value * @return sanitized output * * @since Catch Adaptive 0.1 */ function create_sanitize_page($input) { // Ensure $input is an absolute integer. $page_id = absint($input); // If $page_id is an ID of a published page, return it; otherwise, return false return 'publish' == get_post_status($page_id) ? $page_id : false; }
/** * Instantiates this class * * @param int $id ID of the attachment */ public function __construct($id) { // Check if post exists if (!is_string(get_post_status($id))) { throw new \Exception("Post does not exist"); } // Check if post is an attachment if (get_post_type($id) != 'attachment') { throw new \Exception("Target post is not an attachment"); } // Check if attachment have a file path to use $this->partial_path = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attached_file', true); if (!$this->partial_path) { throw new \Exception("Target post does not have a file path to be used"); } // Collect environment information if not already available if (is_null(static::$env)) { static::$env = static::__getEnvInfo(); } // Get WordPress meta data $default_wordpress_meta = ['sizes' => []]; $this->wordpress_meta = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_metadata', true) ?: $default_wordpress_meta; // Get plugin meta data $default_plugin_meta = ['sizes' => []]; $plugin_meta_json = get_post_meta($id, Config::ATTACHMENT_META_KEY, true); $this->plugin_meta = $plugin_meta_json ? json_decode($plugin_meta_json, true) : $default_plugin_meta; // Store post id $this->id = $id; }
function emg_load_wp_enqueue() { if (get_post_type(get_the_ID()) == 'easymediagallery') { $eparams = array('pcnt' => emg_pcnt(), 'psts' => get_post_status(get_the_ID()), 'pcurtp' => get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'easmedia_metabox_media_type', true)); wp_localize_script('cpscript', 'easyMeta', $eparams); if (EMG_WP_VER == "g35") { wp_enqueue_media(); } wp_enqueue_script('jquery-multi-sel'); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-multiselect-css'); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui-themes-redmond'); wp_enqueue_style('emg-bootstrap-css'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-effects-highlight'); wp_enqueue_script('easymedia-jplayer-js', plugins_url('js/jplayer/jquery.jplayer.min.js', __FILE__)); wp_enqueue_script('cpscript'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-i-button', plugins_url('js/jquery/jquery.ibutton.js', __FILE__)); wp_enqueue_style('metabox-ibuttoneditor', plugins_url('css/ibutton.css', __FILE__), false, EASYMEDIA_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style('easymedia-jplayer-css', plugins_url('css/jplayer/skin/pink.flag/', __FILE__), false, EASYMEDIA_VERSION); wp_enqueue_style('jquery-messi-css'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-messi-js'); wp_enqueue_script('emg-bootstrap-js'); wp_enqueue_script('easymedia-metascript', plugins_url('functions/metabox/metabox.js', __FILE__)); // @since 1.3.10 > if (easy_get_option('easymedia_disen_autoupdt') != '1' && is_admin()) { add_action('admin_notices', 'easmedia_update_notify'); } } }
/** * Adds the custom button into the post edit page */ public static function add_button() { // work out if post is published or not $status = get_post_status($_GET['post']); // if the post is already published, label the button as "update" $button_label = $status == 'publish' || $status == 'private' ? 'Update and Visit' : 'Publish and Visit'; // TODO: fix duplicated IDs //var_dump($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); ?> <div id="major-publishing-actions" style="overflow:hidden"> <div id="publishing-action"> <input type="hidden" name="savevisit_referer" value="<?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; ?> "> <input type="submit" tabindex="5" value="<?php echo $button_label; ?> " class="button-primary" id="cbxsaveandvisitbtn" name="save-visit"> </div> </div> <?php }
function __construct($id = '', $status = 'any', $output = 'OBJECT') { $continue = true; if ($status !== 'any') { if (get_post_status($id) == $status) { $continue = true; } else { $continue = false; } } if ($continue) { $this->id = $id; $this->output = $output; $this->details = get_post($this->id, $this->output); $tickets = new TC_Tickets(); $fields = $tickets->get_ticket_fields(); if (isset($this->details)) { if (!empty($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { if (!isset($this->details->{$field['field_name']})) { $this->details->{$field['field_name']} = get_post_meta($this->id, $field['field_name'], true); } } } } } else { $this->id = null; } }
public function staticpress_save_single($postId) { if (get_post_status($postId) === 'publish' && !post_password_required($postId)) { $url = get_permalink($postId); $this->create_static_file($url, 'other_page', false, true); } }