function twentysixteen_entry_meta()
    if ('post' === get_post_type()) {
        $postedOn = ob_get_clean();
        $author_avatar_size = apply_filters('twentysixteen_author_avatar_size', 49);
        printf('<div class="name-date"><div class="name"><span class="screen-reader-text">%2$s </span> <a class="url fn n" href="%3$s">%4$s</a></div><div class="date">%5$s</div></div><div class="avatar">%1$s</div>', get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('user_email'), $author_avatar_size), _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'twentysixteen'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author(), $postedOn);
    if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('attachment'))) {
    $authordate = ob_get_clean();
    printf('<div class="author-date">%s</div>', $authordate);
    $format = get_post_format();
    if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
        printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'twentysixteen')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
    echo '<div class="taxonomies">';
    if ('post' === get_post_type()) {
    echo '</div>';
    if (!is_singular() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
        echo '<span class="comments-link">';
        comments_popup_link(sprintf(__('Leave a comment<span class="screen-reader-text"> on %s</span>', 'twentysixteen'), get_the_title()));
        echo '</span>';
Пример #2
  * @see CPAC_Column::get_value()
  * @since 2.0
 function get_value($post_id)
     if (!($format = $this->get_raw_value($post_id))) {
         return false;
     return esc_html(get_post_format_string($format));
Пример #3
 function warrior_archive_title()
     global $wp_query;
     $title = '';
     if (is_category()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%s <span>Category Archives</span>', 'familia'), single_cat_title('', false));
     } elseif (is_tag()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%s <span>Tag Archives</span>', 'familia'), single_tag_title('', false));
     } elseif (get_post_format()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('Post Format: %s', 'familia'), get_post_format_string(get_post_format()));
     } elseif (is_day()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%s <span>Daily Archives</span>', 'familia'), date_i18n('d', strtotime(get_the_date('Y-m-d'), false)));
     } elseif (is_month()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%s <span>Monthly Archives</span>', 'familia'), date_i18n('F', strtotime(get_the_date('Y-m-d'), false)));
     } elseif (is_year()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%s <span>Yearly Archives</span>', 'familia'), date_i18n('F', strtotime(get_the_date('Y-m-d'), false)));
     } elseif (is_author()) {
         $author = get_user_by('slug', get_query_var('author_name'));
         $title = sprintf(__('%s <span>Author Archives</span>', 'familia'), get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author->ID));
     } elseif (is_search()) {
         if ($wp_query->found_posts) {
             $title = sprintf(__('Search Results for: "%s"', 'familia'), esc_attr(get_search_query()));
         } else {
             $title = sprintf(__('No Results for: "%s"', 'familia'), esc_attr(get_search_query()));
     } elseif (is_404()) {
         $title = __('Not Found', 'familia');
     } elseif (is_home() || is_front_page() || is_single()) {
         $title = '';
     } else {
         $title = __('Blog', 'familia');
     return $title;
Пример #4
function directory_theme_entry_meta()
    if (is_sticky() && is_home() && !is_paged()) {
        printf('<span class="sticky-post">%s</span>', __('Featured', 'directory-starter'));
    $format = get_post_format();
    if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
        printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'directory-starter')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
    if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
        $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>';
        $time_string = sprintf($time_string, esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), get_the_date(), esc_attr(get_the_modified_date('c')), get_the_modified_date());
        printf('<span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a></span>', _x('Posted on', 'Used before publish date.', 'directory-starter'), esc_url(get_permalink()), $time_string);
    if ('post' == get_post_type()) {
        if (is_singular() || is_multi_author()) {
            printf('<span class="byline"><span class="author vcard"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a class="url fn n" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span></span>', _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'directory-starter'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author());
        $categories_list = get_the_category_list(_x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'directory-starter'));
        if ($categories_list) {
            printf('<span class="cat-links"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span>%2$s</span>', _x('Categories', 'Used before category names.', 'directory-starter'), $categories_list);
        $tags_list = get_the_tag_list('', _x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'directory-starter'));
        if ($tags_list) {
            printf('<span class="tags-links"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span>%2$s</span>', _x('Tags', 'Used before tag names.', 'directory-starter'), $tags_list);
    if (!is_single() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
        echo '<span class="comments-link">';
        comments_popup_link(__('Leave a comment', 'directory-starter'), __('1 Comment', 'directory-starter'), __('% Comments', 'directory-starter'));
        echo '</span>';
Пример #5
function entry_date($echo = true)
    $format_prefix = '%2$s';
    $date = sprintf('<time class="date updated" role="update" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>', esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), esc_html(sprintf($format_prefix, get_post_format_string(get_post_format()), get_the_date())));
    if ($echo) {
        echo $date;
    return $date;
Пример #6
function apostrophe_post_format()
    $format = get_post_format();
    $formats = get_theme_support('post-formats');
    // If the post has no format, or if it's not a format supported by the theme, return early
    if (!$format || !has_post_format($formats[0])) {
    printf('<a class="entry-format format-%1$s" href="%2$s" title="%3$s"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s</span></a>', esc_html(strtolower(get_post_format_string($format))), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), sprintf(esc_html('All %s posts', 'apostrophe'), esc_html(get_post_format_string($format))));
function enlightenment_post_formats()
    $formats = get_theme_support('post-formats');
    $post_formats = array();
    foreach ($formats[0] as $format) {
        $post_formats[$format] = get_post_format_string($format);
        if (current_theme_supports('enlightenment-grid-loop')) {
            $post_formats[$format . '-teaser'] = get_post_format_string($format) . ' Teaser';
    return apply_filters('enlightenment_post_formats', $post_formats);
Пример #8
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags.
  * @since Twenty Fifteen 1.0
 function twentyfifteen_entry_meta()
     if (is_sticky() && is_home() && !is_paged()) {
         printf('<span class="sticky-post">%s</span>', __('Featured', 'twentyfifteen'));
     $format = get_post_format();
     if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
         printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'twentyfifteen')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
     if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
         $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>';
         if (get_the_time('U') !== get_the_modified_time('U')) {
             $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time><time class="updated" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time>';
         $time_string = sprintf($time_string, esc_attr(get_the_date('D')), get_the_date(), esc_attr(get_the_modified_date('c')), get_the_modified_date());
         printf('<li class="icon fa-calendar posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a></li>', _x('', 'Used before publish date.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(get_permalink()), get_the_date('d/M'));
     if ('post' == get_post_type()) {
         if (is_singular() || is_multi_author()) {
             // printf( '<span class="byline"><span class="author vcard"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a class="url fn n" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span></span>',
             // 	_x( 'Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'twentyfifteen' ),
             // 	esc_url( get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ),
             // 	get_the_author()
             // );
         $categories_list = get_the_category_list(_x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'twentyfifteen'));
         if ($categories_list && twentyfifteen_categorized_blog()) {
             printf('<li class="cat-links icon fa fa-clone"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span>%2$s</li>', _x('Categories', 'Used before category names.', 'twentyfifteen'), $categories_list);
         $tags_list = get_the_tag_list('', _x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'twentyfifteen'));
         if ($tags_list) {
             printf('<li class="tags-links icon fa-tags"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span>%2$s</li>', _x('', 'Used before tag names.', 'twentyfifteen'), $tags_list);
     if (is_attachment() && wp_attachment_is_image()) {
         // Retrieve attachment metadata.
         $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
         printf('<span class="full-size-link"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s">%3$s &times; %4$s</a></span>', _x('Full size', 'Used before full size attachment link.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(wp_get_attachment_url()), $metadata['width'], $metadata['height']);
     if (!is_single() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
         echo '<li class="icon fa-comment">';
         /* translators: %s: post title */
         echo get_comments_number();
         echo '</li>';
         /* translators: %s: post title */
         // $categories = get_categories();
         // foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
         // 	echo '<li class="icon fa-clone">';
         // 	echo $category->name;
         // 	echo '</li>';
         // }
Пример #9
 function mr_tailor_post_header_entry_date($echo = true)
     if (has_post_format(array('chat', 'status'))) {
         $format_prefix = _x('%1$s on %2$s', '1: post format name. 2: date', 'mr_tailor');
     } else {
         $format_prefix = '%2$s';
     $date = sprintf('<a href="%1$s" title="%2$s" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time></a>', esc_url(get_permalink()), esc_attr(sprintf(__('Permalink to %s', 'mr_tailor'), the_title_attribute('echo=0'))), esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), esc_html(sprintf($format_prefix, get_post_format_string(get_post_format()), get_the_date())));
     if ($echo) {
         echo $date;
     return $date;
Пример #10
 protected function getInput()
     $html = array();
     // Initialize some field attributes.
     $class = !empty($this->class) ? ' class="radio ' . $this->class . '"' : ' class="radio"';
     $required = $this->required ? ' required aria-required="true"' : '';
     $autofocus = $this->autofocus ? ' autofocus' : '';
     $disabled = $this->disabled ? ' disabled' : '';
     $readonly = $this->readonly;
     // Start the radio field output.
     $html[] = '<div id="' . $this->id . '"' . $class . $required . $autofocus . $disabled . ' >';
     $options = array();
     $options[] = 0;
     $post_formats = get_theme_support('post-formats');
     if ($post_formats == false) {
         return null;
     foreach ($post_formats[0] as $format) {
         $options[] = $format;
     // Build the radio field output.
     foreach ($options as $i => $option) {
         // Initialize some option attributes.
         $checked = (string) $option == (string) $this->value ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $class = !empty($option->class) ? ' class="' . $option->class . '"' : '';
         if (0 === $option) {
             $class_label = 'class="post-format-icon post-format-standard"';
         } else {
             $class_label = 'class = "post-format-icon post-format-' . esc_attr($option) . '"';
         $disabled = !empty($option->disable) || $readonly && !$checked;
         $disabled = $disabled ? ' disabled' : '';
         // Initialize some JavaScript option attributes.
         $onclick = !empty($option->onclick) ? ' onclick="' . $option->onclick . '"' : '';
         $onchange = !empty($option->onchange) ? ' onchange="' . $option->onchange . '"' : '';
         $html[] = '<label style="display:block;">';
         $html[] = '<input type="radio" id="' . $this->id . $i . '" name="' . $this->name . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($option, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '"' . $checked . $class . $required . $onclick . $onchange . $disabled . ' />';
         //			$html[] = '<label for="' . $this->id . $i . '"' . $class_label . ' >'
         //				. esc_html( get_post_format_string( $option ) ) . '</label>';
         $html[] = '<i ' . $class_label . '></i>';
         $html[] = esc_html(get_post_format_string($option));
         $html[] = '</label>';
         $required = '';
     // End the radio field output.
     $html[] = '</fieldset>';
     return implode($html) . '</div><div><span class="help-block">' . $this->description . '</span>';
Пример #11
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags.
  * @since Twenty Fifteen 1.0
 function twentyfifteen_entry_meta()
     if (is_sticky() && is_home() && !is_paged()) {
         printf('<span class="sticky-post">%s</span>', __('Featured', 'twentyfifteen'));
     $format = get_post_format();
     if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
         printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'twentyfifteen')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
     if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
         $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>';
         if (get_the_time('U') !== get_the_modified_time('U')) {
             $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time><time class="updated" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time>';
         $time_string = sprintf($time_string, esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), get_the_date(), esc_attr(get_the_modified_date('c')), get_the_modified_date());
         printf('<span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a></span>', _x('Posted on', 'Used before publish date.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(get_permalink()), $time_string);
     if ('post' == get_post_type()) {
         if (is_singular() || is_multi_author()) {
             printf('<span class="byline"><span class="author vcard"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a class="url fn n" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span></span>', _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author());
         $categories_list = get_the_category_list(_x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'twentyfifteen'));
         if ($categories_list && twentyfifteen_categorized_blog()) {
             printf('<span class="cat-links"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span>%2$s</span>', _x('Categories', 'Used before category names.', 'twentyfifteen'), $categories_list);
         $tags_list = get_the_tag_list('', _x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'twentyfifteen'));
         if ($tags_list) {
             printf('<span class="tags-links"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span>%2$s</span>', _x('Tags', 'Used before tag names.', 'twentyfifteen'), $tags_list);
     if (is_attachment() && wp_attachment_is_image()) {
         // Retrieve attachment metadata.
         $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
         printf('<span class="full-size-link"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s">%3$s &times; %4$s</a></span>', _x('Full size', 'Used before full size attachment link.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(wp_get_attachment_url()), $metadata['width'], $metadata['height']);
     $_number_roman = array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
     $_number_tibet = array('༠', '༡', '༢', '༣', '༤', '༥', '༦', '༧', '༨', '༩');
     $_number = get_comments_number();
     $new_number = str_replace($_number_roman, $_number_tibet, $_number);
     //echo $new_number;
     if (!is_single() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
         echo '<span class="comments-link">';
         comments_popup_link(__('Leave a comment', 'twentyfifteen'), __('1 Comment', 'twentyfifteen'), __('% Comments', 'twentyfifteen'));
         echo '</span>';
Пример #12
 function twentysixteen_entry_meta()
     if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
     $format = get_post_format();
     if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
         printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'twentysixteen')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
     if ('post' === get_post_type()) {
     if (!is_singular() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
         echo '<span class="comments-link">';
         comments_popup_link(sprintf(__('Leave a comment<span class="screen-reader-text"> on %s</span>', 'twentysixteen'), get_the_title()));
         echo '</span>';
Пример #13
function ubik_meta_type($link = true)
    // Exit early if we're not in the loop
    if (!in_the_loop()) {
    // This sets a default type that can be overridden later
    $type = apply_filters('ubik_meta_type_default', __('Post', 'ubik'));
    // Content type
    if (is_attachment()) {
        if (wp_attachment_is_image()) {
            $type = __('Image', 'ubik');
        } else {
            $type = __('Attachment', 'ubik');
    } elseif (is_page()) {
        $type = __('Page', 'ubik');
    // Post format voodoo
    $post_format = get_post_format();
    if (!empty($post_format)) {
        $type = apply_filters('ubik_meta_post_format', get_post_format_string($post_format));
        if ($link === true) {
            $type = '<a href="' . esc_url(get_post_format_link($post_format)) . '">' . $type . '</a>';
    // Post type voodoo; get all post types that aren't built-in and cycle through to see if we have a match
    $post_types = get_post_types(array('public' => true, '_builtin' => false), 'objects');
    if (!empty($post_types)) {
        foreach ($post_types as $post_type) {
            if ($post_type->name === get_post_type()) {
                if ($post_type->has_archive && $link === true) {
                    $type = sprintf('<a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>', esc_url(get_post_type_archive_link($post_type->name)), $post_type->labels->singular_name);
                } else {
                    $type = $post_type->labels->singular_name;
    // Return whatever we have found
    return apply_filters('ubik_meta_type', $type);
Пример #14
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags.
  * @since Twenty Fifteen 1.0
 function launchpad_entry_meta()
     if (is_sticky() && is_home() && !is_paged()) {
         printf('<span class="sticky-post">%s</span>', __('Featured', 'lifterlms-launchpad'));
     $format = get_post_format();
     if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
         printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="meta-label">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'lifterlmns-launchpad')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
     if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
         $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>';
         // if ( get_the_time( 'U' ) !== get_the_modified_time( 'U' ) ) {
         //     $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time><time class="updated" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time>';
         // }
         $time_string = sprintf($time_string, esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), get_the_date(), esc_attr(get_the_modified_date('c')), get_the_modified_date());
         printf('<span class="posted-on"><span class="meta-label">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a></span>', _x('Posted on', 'Used before publish date.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'), esc_url(get_permalink()), $time_string);
     if ('post' == get_post_type()) {
         if (is_singular() || is_multi_author()) {
             printf('<span class="byline"><span class="author vcard"><span class="meta-label">%1$s </span><a class="url fn n" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span></span>', _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author());
         $categories_list = get_the_category_list(_x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'));
         if ($categories_list && launchpad_categorized_blog()) {
             printf('<span class="cat-links"><span class="meta-label">%1$s </span>%2$s</span>', _x('Categories', 'Used before category names.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'), $categories_list);
         $tags_list = get_the_tag_list('', _x(', ', 'Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'));
         if ($tags_list) {
             printf('<span class="tags-links"><span class="meta-label">%1$s </span>%2$s</span>', _x('Tags', 'Used before tag names.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'), $tags_list);
     if (is_attachment() && wp_attachment_is_image()) {
         // Retrieve attachment metadata.
         $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
         printf('<span class="full-size-link"><span class="meta-label">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s">%3$s &times; %4$s</a></span>', _x('Full size', 'Used before full size attachment link.', 'lifterlms-launchpad'), esc_url(wp_get_attachment_url()), $metadata['width'], $metadata['height']);
     if (!is_single() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
         echo '<span class="comments-link">';
         /* translators: %s: post title */
         comments_popup_link(sprintf(__('Leave a comment<span class="meta-label"> on %s</span>', 'lifterlms-launchpad'), get_the_title()));
         echo '</span>';
Пример #15
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags.
  * Create your own wp_futurelab_entry_meta() function to override in a child theme.
 function wp_futurelab_entry_meta()
     if ('post' === get_post_type()) {
         $author_avatar_size = apply_filters('wp_futurelab_author_avatar_size', 49);
         printf('<span class="byline"><span class="author vcard">%1$s<span class="screen-reader-text">%2$s </span> <a class="url fn n" href="%3$s">%4$s</a></span></span>', get_avatar(get_the_author_meta('user_email'), $author_avatar_size), _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'wp_futurelab'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author());
     if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
     $format = get_post_format();
     if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
         printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'wp_futurelab')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
     if ('post' === get_post_type()) {
     if (!is_singular() && !post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
         echo '<span class="comments-link">';
         comments_popup_link(sprintf(__('Leave a comment<span class="screen-reader-text"> on %s</span>', 'wp_futurelab'), get_the_title()));
         echo '</span>';
Пример #16
function homeroom_post_formats_select($checks = true, $all_label = false)
    if ($checks) {
        if (!current_theme_supports('post-formats')) {
        if ('post' !== get_current_screen()->post_type) {
    $all_label = !$all_label ? __('All Formats', 'homeroom') : $all_label;
    $post_formats = get_theme_support('post-formats');
    if (is_array($post_formats[0])) {
<select name="post_format" id="post_format">
	<option value="0"><?php 
        _e($all_label, 'homeroom');
        foreach ($post_formats[0] as $format) {
            selected(isset($_REQUEST['post_format']) && $_REQUEST['post_format'] == $format);
            echo esc_attr($format);
            echo esc_html(get_post_format_string($format));
 function pf_post_admin_setup()
     if (!empty($this->post_formats[0]) && is_array($this->post_formats[0])) {
         global $post;
         // See if we're specifying custom post formats for this post type
          * This can be achieved by setting some extra data in add_post_type_support so we can test for it here 
          * and if it's found we know to have listed tabs modified to suit this case.
          * Example: add_post_type_support( $post_type, 'post-formats', array( 'gallery', 'image', 'video' ) );  
          * Based on the following resource:
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['_wp_post_type_features'][$post->post_type]['post-formats'])) {
             // This gets the custom Post Type specific list
             $this->post_formats = $GLOBALS['_wp_post_type_features'][$post->post_type]['post-formats'];
         $current_post_format = get_post_format($post->ID);
         // support the possibility of people having hacked in custom
         // post-formats or that this theme doesn't natively support
         // the post-format in the current post - a tab will be added
         // for this format but the default WP post UI will be shown ~sp
         if (!empty($current_post_format) && !in_array($current_post_format, $this->post_formats[0])) {
             array_push($this->post_formats[0], get_post_format_string($current_post_format));
         array_unshift($this->post_formats[0], 'standard');
         $this->post_formats = $this->post_formats[0];
         include 'views/tabs.php';
         $format_views = array('link', 'quote', 'video', 'gallery', 'audio');
         foreach ($format_views as $format) {
             if (in_array($format, $this->post_formats)) {
                 include 'views/format-' . $format . '.php';
function twentyfifteen_child_entry_meta()
    if (is_sticky() && is_home() && !is_paged()) {
        printf('<span class="sticky-post">%s</span>', __('Featured', 'twentyfifteen'));
    $format = get_post_format();
    if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
        printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'twentyfifteen')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
    if (in_array(get_post_type(), array('post', 'attachment'))) {
        $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time>';
        if (get_the_time('U') !== get_the_modified_time('U')) {
            $time_string = '<time class="entry-date published" datetime="%1$s">%2$s</time><time class="updated" datetime="%3$s">%4$s</time>';
        $time_string = sprintf($time_string, esc_attr(get_the_date('c')), get_the_date(), esc_attr(get_the_modified_date('c')), get_the_modified_date());
        printf('<span class="posted-on"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s" rel="bookmark">%3$s</a></span>', _x('Posted on', 'Used before publish date.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(get_permalink()), $time_string);
    if ('post' == get_post_type()) {
        if (is_singular() || is_multi_author()) {
            printf('<span class="byline"><span class="author vcard"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a class="url fn n" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span></span>', _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'twentyfifteen'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author());
Пример #19
  * Prints HTML with meta information for the categories, tags.
 function vanillamilkshake_entry_meta()
     if (is_sticky() && is_home() && !is_paged()) {
         printf('<span class="sticky-post">%s</span>', __('Featured', 'vanillamilkshake'));
     $format = get_post_format();
     if (current_theme_supports('post-formats', $format)) {
         printf('<span class="entry-format">%1$s<a href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span>', sprintf('<span class="screen-reader-text">%s </span>', _x('Format', 'Used before post format.', 'vanillamilkshake')), esc_url(get_post_format_link($format)), get_post_format_string($format));
     if ('post' == get_post_type()) {
         if (is_singular() || is_multi_author()) {
             printf('<div class="byline marginbottom-medium"><span class="author vcard"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><span class="light-gray">&#9670;</span> <a class="url fn n" href="%2$s">%3$s</a></span></div>', _x('Author', 'Used before post author name.', 'vanillamilkshake'), esc_url(get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID'))), get_the_author());
         /* divider between author & categories/tags */
         printf('<div class="marginvertical-medium height-000625 backgroundcolor-light-gray"></div>');
         $categories_list = get_the_category_list(' <span class="light-gray">&#9656;</span> ');
         if ($categories_list && vanillamilkshake_categorized_blog()) {
             printf('<span class="cat-links xsmall"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><span class="light-gray"> &#9656;</span> %2$s</span>', _x('Categories', 'Used before category names.', 'vanillamilkshake'), $categories_list);
         $tags_list = get_the_tag_list('', ' <span class="light-gray">&#9656;</span> ');
         if ($tags_list) {
             printf('<span class="tags-links xsmall"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><span class="light-gray"> &#9656;</span> %2$s</span>', _x('Tags', 'Used before tag names.', 'vanillamilkshake'), $tags_list);
     if (is_attachment() && wp_attachment_is_image()) {
         // Retrieve attachment metadata.
         $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata();
         printf('<span class="full-size-link"><span class="screen-reader-text">%1$s </span><a href="%2$s">%3$s &times; %4$s</a></span>', _x('Full size', 'Used before full size attachment link.', 'vanillamilkshake'), esc_url(wp_get_attachment_url()), $metadata['width'], $metadata['height']);
     	if ( ! is_single() && ! post_password_required() && ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) ) {
     		echo '<div class="comments-link">';
     		comments_popup_link( __( 'Leave a comment', 'vanillamilkshake' ), __( '1 Comment', 'vanillamilkshake' ), __( '% Comments', 'vanillamilkshake' ) );
     		echo '</div>';
Пример #20
 * Remove the post format prefix from the name property of the term objects created by wp_get_object_terms().
 * @access private
 * @since 3.1.0
function _post_format_wp_get_object_terms($terms)
    foreach ((array) $terms as $order => $term) {
        if (isset($term->taxonomy) && 'post_format' == $term->taxonomy) {
            $terms[$order]->name = get_post_format_string(str_replace('post-format-', '', $term->slug));
    return $terms;
Пример #21
     * Outputs the hidden row displayed when inline editing
     * @since 3.1.0
     * @global string $mode
    public function inline_edit()
        global $mode;
        $screen = $this->screen;
        $post = get_default_post_to_edit($screen->post_type);
        $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($screen->post_type);
        $taxonomy_names = get_object_taxonomies($screen->post_type);
        $hierarchical_taxonomies = array();
        $flat_taxonomies = array();
        foreach ($taxonomy_names as $taxonomy_name) {
            $taxonomy = get_taxonomy($taxonomy_name);
            $show_in_quick_edit = $taxonomy->show_in_quick_edit;
             * Filter whether the current taxonomy should be shown in the Quick Edit panel.
             * @since 4.2.0
             * @param bool   $show_in_quick_edit Whether to show the current taxonomy in Quick Edit.
             * @param string $taxonomy_name      Taxonomy name.
             * @param string $post_type          Post type of current Quick Edit post.
            if (!apply_filters('quick_edit_show_taxonomy', $show_in_quick_edit, $taxonomy_name, $screen->post_type)) {
            if ($taxonomy->hierarchical) {
                $hierarchical_taxonomies[] = $taxonomy;
            } else {
                $flat_taxonomies[] = $taxonomy;
        $m = isset($mode) && 'excerpt' == $mode ? 'excerpt' : 'list';
        $can_publish = current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->publish_posts);
        $core_columns = array('cb' => true, 'date' => true, 'title' => true, 'categories' => true, 'tags' => true, 'comments' => true, 'author' => true);

	<form method="get"><table style="display: none"><tbody id="inlineedit">
        $hclass = count($hierarchical_taxonomies) ? 'post' : 'page';
        $bulk = 0;
        while ($bulk < 2) {

		<tr id="<?php 
            echo $bulk ? 'bulk-edit' : 'inline-edit';
" class="inline-edit-row inline-edit-row-<?php 
            echo "{$hclass} inline-edit-" . $screen->post_type;
            echo $bulk ? " bulk-edit-row bulk-edit-row-{$hclass} bulk-edit-{$screen->post_type}" : " quick-edit-row quick-edit-row-{$hclass} inline-edit-{$screen->post_type}";
" style="display: none"><td colspan="<?php 
            echo $this->get_column_count();
" class="colspanchange">

		<fieldset class="inline-edit-col-left"><div class="inline-edit-col">
            echo $bulk ? __('Bulk Edit') : __('Quick Edit');
            if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'title')) {
                if ($bulk) {
			<div id="bulk-title-div">
				<div id="bulk-titles"></div>

                } else {
                    // $bulk

				<span class="title"><?php 
				<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="post_title" class="ptitle" value="" /></span>

				<span class="title"><?php 
				<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="post_name" value="" /></span>

                // $bulk
            // post_type_supports title

            if (!$bulk) {
			<fieldset class="inline-edit-date">
			<legend><span class="title"><?php 
                touch_time(1, 1, 0, 1);
			<br class="clear" />
            // $bulk
            if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'author')) {
                $authors_dropdown = '';
                if (is_super_admin() || current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->edit_others_posts)) {
                    $users_opt = array('hide_if_only_one_author' => false, 'who' => 'authors', 'name' => 'post_author', 'class' => 'authors', 'multi' => 1, 'echo' => 0);
                    if ($bulk) {
                        $users_opt['show_option_none'] = __('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
                    if ($authors = wp_dropdown_users($users_opt)) {
                        $authors_dropdown = '<label class="inline-edit-author">';
                        $authors_dropdown .= '<span class="title">' . __('Author') . '</span>';
                        $authors_dropdown .= $authors;
                        $authors_dropdown .= '</label>';
                // authors

                if (!$bulk) {
                    echo $authors_dropdown;
            // post_type_supports author
            if (!$bulk && $can_publish) {

			<div class="inline-edit-group">
				<label class="alignleft">
					<span class="title"><?php 
					<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="post_password" class="inline-edit-password-input" value="" /></span>

				<em class="alignleft inline-edit-or">
                /* translators: Between password field and private checkbox on post quick edit interface */
				<label class="alignleft inline-edit-private">
					<input type="checkbox" name="keep_private" value="private" />
					<span class="checkbox-title"><?php 



            if (count($hierarchical_taxonomies) && !$bulk) {

		<fieldset class="inline-edit-col-center inline-edit-categories"><div class="inline-edit-col">

                foreach ($hierarchical_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {

			<span class="title inline-edit-categories-label"><?php 
                    echo esc_html($taxonomy->labels->name);
			<input type="hidden" name="<?php 
                    echo $taxonomy->name == 'category' ? 'post_category[]' : 'tax_input[' . esc_attr($taxonomy->name) . '][]';
" value="0" />
			<ul class="cat-checklist <?php 
                    echo esc_attr($taxonomy->name);
                    wp_terms_checklist(null, array('taxonomy' => $taxonomy->name));

                //$hierarchical_taxonomies as $taxonomy


            // count( $hierarchical_taxonomies ) && !$bulk

		<fieldset class="inline-edit-col-right"><div class="inline-edit-col">

            if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'author') && $bulk) {
                echo $authors_dropdown;
            if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'page-attributes')) {
                if ($post_type_object->hierarchical) {
				<span class="title"><?php 
                    $dropdown_args = array('post_type' => $post_type_object->name, 'selected' => $post->post_parent, 'name' => 'post_parent', 'show_option_none' => __('Main Page (no parent)'), 'option_none_value' => 0, 'sort_column' => 'menu_order, post_title');
                    if ($bulk) {
                        $dropdown_args['show_option_no_change'] = __('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
                     * Filter the arguments used to generate the Quick Edit page-parent drop-down.
                     * @since 2.7.0
                     * @see wp_dropdown_pages()
                     * @param array $dropdown_args An array of arguments.
                    $dropdown_args = apply_filters('quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args', $dropdown_args);

                // hierarchical
                if (!$bulk) {

				<span class="title"><?php 
				<span class="input-text-wrap"><input type="text" name="menu_order" class="inline-edit-menu-order-input" value="<?php 
                    echo $post->menu_order;
" /></span>

                // !$bulk
                if ('page' == $screen->post_type) {

				<span class="title"><?php 
				<select name="page_template">
                    if ($bulk) {
					<option value="-1"><?php 
                        _e('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
                    // $bulk
                    /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/meta-boxes.php */
                    $default_title = apply_filters('default_page_template_title', __('Default Template'), 'quick-edit');
					<option value="default"><?php 
                    echo esc_html($default_title);

                // page post_type
            // page-attributes

            if (count($flat_taxonomies) && !$bulk) {

                foreach ($flat_taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                    if (current_user_can($taxonomy->cap->assign_terms)) {
			<label class="inline-edit-tags">
				<span class="title"><?php 
                        echo esc_html($taxonomy->labels->name);
				<textarea cols="22" rows="1" name="tax_input[<?php 
                        echo esc_attr($taxonomy->name);
]" class="tax_input_<?php 
                        echo esc_attr($taxonomy->name);

                //$flat_taxonomies as $taxonomy

            // count( $flat_taxonomies ) && !$bulk

            if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'comments') || post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'trackbacks')) {
                if ($bulk) {

			<div class="inline-edit-group">
                    if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'comments')) {
			<label class="alignleft">
				<span class="title"><?php 
				<select name="comment_status">
					<option value=""><?php 
                        _e('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
					<option value="open"><?php 
					<option value="closed"><?php 
                        _e('Do not allow');
                    if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'trackbacks')) {
			<label class="alignright">
				<span class="title"><?php 
				<select name="ping_status">
					<option value=""><?php 
                        _e('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
					<option value="open"><?php 
					<option value="closed"><?php 
                        _e('Do not allow');

                } else {
                    // $bulk

			<div class="inline-edit-group">
                    if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'comments')) {
				<label class="alignleft">
					<input type="checkbox" name="comment_status" value="open" />
					<span class="checkbox-title"><?php 
                        _e('Allow Comments');
                    if (post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'trackbacks')) {
				<label class="alignleft">
					<input type="checkbox" name="ping_status" value="open" />
					<span class="checkbox-title"><?php 
                        _e('Allow Pings');

                // $bulk
            // post_type_supports comments or pings

			<div class="inline-edit-group">
				<label class="inline-edit-status alignleft">
					<span class="title"><?php 
					<select name="_status">
            if ($bulk) {
						<option value="-1"><?php 
                _e('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
            // $bulk
            if ($can_publish) {
                // Contributors only get "Unpublished" and "Pending Review"
						<option value="publish"><?php 
						<option value="future"><?php 
                if ($bulk) {
						<option value="private"><?php 
                // $bulk
						<option value="pending"><?php 
            _e('Pending Review');
						<option value="draft"><?php 

            if ('post' == $screen->post_type && $can_publish && current_user_can($post_type_object->cap->edit_others_posts)) {

                if ($bulk) {

				<label class="alignright">
					<span class="title"><?php 
					<select name="sticky">
						<option value="-1"><?php 
                    _e('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
						<option value="sticky"><?php 
						<option value="unsticky"><?php 
                    _e('Not Sticky');

                } else {
                    // $bulk

				<label class="alignleft">
					<input type="checkbox" name="sticky" value="sticky" />
					<span class="checkbox-title"><?php 
                    _e('Make this post sticky');

                // $bulk

            // 'post' && $can_publish && current_user_can( 'edit_others_cap' )


            if ($bulk && current_theme_supports('post-formats') && post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'post-formats')) {
                $post_formats = get_theme_support('post-formats');
		<label class="alignleft">
		<span class="title"><?php 
                _ex('Format', 'post format');
		<select name="post_format">
			<option value="-1"><?php 
                _e('&mdash; No Change &mdash;');
			<option value="0"><?php 
                echo get_post_format_string('standard');
                if (is_array($post_formats[0])) {
                    foreach ($post_formats[0] as $format) {
					<option value="<?php 
                        echo esc_attr($format);
                        echo esc_html(get_post_format_string($format));


            list($columns) = $this->get_column_info();
            foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) {
                if (isset($core_columns[$column_name])) {
                if ($bulk) {
                     * Fires once for each column in Bulk Edit mode.
                     * @since 2.7.0
                     * @param string  $column_name Name of the column to edit.
                     * @param WP_Post $post_type   The post type slug.
                    do_action('bulk_edit_custom_box', $column_name, $screen->post_type);
                } else {
                     * Fires once for each column in Quick Edit mode.
                     * @since 2.7.0
                     * @param string $column_name Name of the column to edit.
                     * @param string $post_type   The post type slug.
                    do_action('quick_edit_custom_box', $column_name, $screen->post_type);
		<p class="submit inline-edit-save">
			<button type="button" class="button-secondary cancel alignleft"><?php 
            if (!$bulk) {
                wp_nonce_field('inlineeditnonce', '_inline_edit', false);
				<button type="button" class="button-primary save alignright"><?php 
				<span class="spinner"></span>
            } else {
                submit_button(__('Update'), 'button-primary alignright', 'bulk_edit', false);
			<input type="hidden" name="post_view" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($m);
" />
			<input type="hidden" name="screen" value="<?php 
            echo esc_attr($screen->id);
" />
            if (!$bulk && !post_type_supports($screen->post_type, 'author')) {
				<input type="hidden" name="post_author" value="<?php 
                echo esc_attr($post->post_author);
" />
			<span class="error" style="display:none"></span>
			<br class="clear" />
Пример #22
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage UT-TheHill
 * @since Twenty Thirteen 1.0

		<div id="content" class="site-content" role="main">
if (have_posts()) {
			<header class="archive-header">
				<h1 class="archive-title"><?php 
    printf(__('%s Archives', 'utthehill'), '<span>' . get_post_format_string(get_post_format()) . '</span>');
			</header><!-- .archive-header -->

    /* The loop */
    while (have_posts()) {
        get_template_part('content', get_post_format());
Пример #23
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage McKinley
 * @since McKinley 1.0

	<div id="primary" class="content-area">
		<div id="content" class="site-content" role="main">

if (have_posts()) {
			<header class="archive-header">
				<h1 class="archive-title"><?php 
    printf(__('%s Archives', 'mckinley'), '<span>' . get_post_format_string(get_post_format()) . '</span>');
			</header><!-- .archive-header -->

    /* The loop */
    while (have_posts()) {
        get_template_part('content', get_post_format());
	<select name="default_post_format" id="default_post_format">
		<option value="0"><?php 
        foreach ($post_formats[0] as $format) {
            selected(get_option('default_post_format'), $format);
            echo esc_attr($format);
            echo esc_html(get_post_format_string($format));
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><label for="default_link_category"><?php 
_e('Default Link Category');
Пример #25
 function woo_archive_title($before = '', $after = '', $echo = true)
     global $wp_query;
     if (is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax()) {
         $taxonomy_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
         $term_id = $taxonomy_obj->term_id;
         $taxonomy_short_name = $taxonomy_obj->taxonomy;
         $taxonomy_raw_obj = get_taxonomy($taxonomy_short_name);
     // End IF Statement
     $title = '';
     $delimiter = ' | ';
     $date_format = get_option('date_format');
     // Category Archive
     if (is_category()) {
         $title = '<span class="fl cat">' . __('Archive', 'woothemes') . $delimiter . single_cat_title('', false) . '</span> <span class="fr catrss">';
         $cat_obj = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
         $cat_id = $cat_obj->cat_ID;
         $title .= '<a href="' . get_term_feed_link($term_id, $taxonomy_short_name, '') . '" class="icon-rss icon-large" ></a></span>';
         $has_title = true;
     // Day Archive
     if (is_day()) {
         $title = __('Archive', 'woothemes') . $delimiter . get_the_time($date_format);
     // Month Archive
     if (is_month()) {
         $date_format = apply_filters('woo_archive_title_date_format', 'F, Y');
         $title = __('Archive', 'woothemes') . $delimiter . get_the_time($date_format);
     // Year Archive
     if (is_year()) {
         $date_format = apply_filters('woo_archive_title_date_format', 'Y');
         $title = __('Archive', 'woothemes') . $delimiter . get_the_time($date_format);
     // Author Archive
     if (is_author()) {
         $title = __('Author Archive', 'woothemes') . $delimiter . get_the_author_meta('display_name', get_query_var('author'));
     // Tag Archive
     if (is_tag()) {
         $title = __('Tag Archives', 'woothemes') . $delimiter . single_tag_title('', false);
     // Post Type Archive
     if (function_exists('is_post_type_archive') && is_post_type_archive()) {
         /* Get the post type object. */
         $post_type_object = get_post_type_object(get_query_var('post_type'));
         $title = $post_type_object->labels->name . ' ' . __('Archive', 'woothemes');
     // Post Format Archive
     if (get_query_var('taxonomy') == 'post_format') {
         $post_format = str_replace('post-format-', '', get_query_var('post_format'));
         $title = get_post_format_string($post_format) . ' ' . __(' Archives', 'woothemes');
     // General Taxonomy Archive
     if (is_tax()) {
         $title = sprintf(__('%1$s Archives: %2$s', 'woothemes'), $taxonomy_raw_obj->labels->name, $taxonomy_obj->name);
     if (strlen($title) == 0) {
     $title = $before . $title . $after;
     // Allow for external filters to manipulate the title value.
     $title = apply_filters('woo_archive_title', $title, $before, $after);
     if ($echo) {
         echo $title;
     } else {
         return $title;
Пример #26
    _e('Sticky', 'themeum');

        <div class="entry-meta">
                <li class="post-format">
                    <i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i> <a class="entry-format" href="<?php 
echo esc_url(get_post_format_link('gallery'));
echo get_post_format_string('gallery');
                <li class="date"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> <time class="entry-date" datetime="<?php 
the_time('j M Y');
                <li class="author"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i> <?php 
                <li class="category"><i class="fa fa-paperclip"></i> <?php 
Пример #27
" class="tile-content<?php 
            if (!has_post_thumbnail()) {
" rel="bookmark">

		<div class="entry-meta">
            $category = get_the_category();
            echo '<h3>' . $category[0]->cat_name . '</h3>';
            if (has_post_format()) {
                echo get_post_format_string(get_post_format());

		<span><time datetime="<?php 
            the_date('j F Y', '<br />', '<br />');

		</div><!-- .entry-meta -->

		<h1 class="entry-title"><?php 
if (is_single()) {
    the_title('<h1 class="entry-title">', '</h1>');
} else {
    the_title('<h1 class="entry-title"><a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '" rel="bookmark">', '</a></h1>');

		<div class="entry-meta">
			<span class="post-format">
				<a class="entry-format" href="<?php 
echo esc_url(get_post_format_link('aside'));
echo get_post_format_string('aside');


if (!post_password_required() && (comments_open() || get_comments_number())) {
			<span class="comments-link"><?php 
    comments_popup_link(__('Leave a comment', 'twentyfourteen'), __('1 Comment', 'twentyfourteen'), __('% Comments', 'twentyfourteen'));
    function single_row($post, $level = 0)
        global $mode;
        static $alternate;
        $global_post = get_post();
        $GLOBALS['post'] = $post;
        $edit_link = get_edit_post_link($post->ID);
        $title = _draft_or_post_title();
        $post_type_object = get_post_type_object($post->post_type);
        $can_edit_post = current_user_can('edit_post', $post->ID);
        $alternate = 'alternate' == $alternate ? '' : 'alternate';
        $classes = $alternate . ' iedit author-' . (get_current_user_id() == $post->post_author ? 'self' : 'other');
        $lock_holder = wp_check_post_lock($post->ID);
        if ($lock_holder) {
            $classes .= ' wp-locked';
            $lock_holder = get_userdata($lock_holder);
		<tr id="post-<?php 
        echo $post->ID;
" class="<?php 
        echo implode(' ', get_post_class($classes, $post->ID));
" valign="top">
        list($columns, $hidden) = $this->get_column_info();
        foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) {
            $class = "class=\"{$column_name} column-{$column_name}\"";
            $style = '';
            if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) {
                $style = ' style="display:none;"';
            $attributes = "{$class}{$style}";
            switch ($column_name) {
                case 'cb':
			<th scope="row" class="check-column">
                    if ($can_edit_post) {
				<label class="screen-reader-text" for="cb-select-<?php 
                        printf(__('Select %s'), $title);
				<input id="cb-select-<?php 
" type="checkbox" name="post[]" value="<?php 
" />
				<div class="locked-indicator"></div>
                case 'title':
                    $attributes = 'class="post-title page-title column-title"' . $style;
                    if ($this->hierarchical_display) {
                        if (0 == $level && (int) $post->post_parent > 0) {
                            //sent level 0 by accident, by default, or because we don't know the actual level
                            $find_main_page = (int) $post->post_parent;
                            while ($find_main_page > 0) {
                                $parent = get_post($find_main_page);
                                if (is_null($parent)) {
                                $find_main_page = (int) $parent->post_parent;
                                if (!isset($parent_name)) {
                                    /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/post-template.php */
                                    $parent_name = apply_filters('the_title', $parent->post_title, $parent->ID);
                    $pad = str_repeat('&#8212; ', $level);
                    echo "<td {$attributes}><strong>";
                    if ($format = get_post_format($post->ID)) {
                        $label = get_post_format_string($format);
                        echo '<a href="' . esc_url(add_query_arg(array('post_format' => $format, 'post_type' => $post->post_type), 'edit.php')) . '" class="post-state-format post-format-icon post-format-' . $format . '" title="' . $label . '">' . $label . ":</a> ";
                    if ($can_edit_post && $post->post_status != 'trash') {
                        echo '<a class="row-title" href="' . $edit_link . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Edit &#8220;%s&#8221;'), $title)) . '">' . $pad . $title . '</a>';
                    } else {
                        echo $pad . $title;
                    if (isset($parent_name)) {
                        echo ' | ' . $post_type_object->labels->parent_item_colon . ' ' . esc_html($parent_name);
                    echo "</strong>\n";
                    if ($can_edit_post && $post->post_status != 'trash') {
                        if ($lock_holder) {
                            $locked_avatar = get_avatar($lock_holder->ID, 18);
                            $locked_text = esc_html(sprintf(__('%s is currently editing'), $lock_holder->display_name));
                        } else {
                            $locked_avatar = $locked_text = '';
                        echo '<div class="locked-info"><span class="locked-avatar">' . $locked_avatar . '</span> <span class="locked-text">' . $locked_text . "</span></div>\n";
                    if (!$this->hierarchical_display && 'excerpt' == $mode && current_user_can('read_post', $post->ID)) {
                    $actions = array();
                    if ($can_edit_post && 'trash' != $post->post_status) {
                        $actions['edit'] = '<a href="' . get_edit_post_link($post->ID, true) . '" title="' . esc_attr(__('Edit this item')) . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a>';
                        $actions['inline hide-if-no-js'] = '<a href="#" class="editinline" title="' . esc_attr(__('Edit this item inline')) . '">' . __('Quick&nbsp;Edit') . '</a>';
                    if (current_user_can('delete_post', $post->ID)) {
                        if ('trash' == $post->post_status) {
                            $actions['untrash'] = "<a title='" . esc_attr(__('Restore this item from the Trash')) . "' href='" . wp_nonce_url(admin_url(sprintf($post_type_object->_edit_link . '&amp;action=untrash', $post->ID)), 'untrash-post_' . $post->ID) . "'>" . __('Restore') . "</a>";
                        } elseif (EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS) {
                            $actions['trash'] = "<a class='submitdelete' title='" . esc_attr(__('Move this item to the Trash')) . "' href='" . get_delete_post_link($post->ID) . "'>" . __('Trash') . "</a>";
                        if ('trash' == $post->post_status || !EMPTY_TRASH_DAYS) {
                            $actions['delete'] = "<a class='submitdelete' title='" . esc_attr(__('Delete this item permanently')) . "' href='" . get_delete_post_link($post->ID, '', true) . "'>" . __('Delete Permanently') . "</a>";
                    if ($post_type_object->public) {
                        if (in_array($post->post_status, array('pending', 'draft', 'future'))) {
                            if ($can_edit_post) {
                                $actions['view'] = '<a href="' . esc_url(apply_filters('preview_post_link', set_url_scheme(add_query_arg('preview', 'true', get_permalink($post->ID))))) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('Preview &#8220;%s&#8221;'), $title)) . '" rel="permalink">' . __('Preview') . '</a>';
                        } elseif ('trash' != $post->post_status) {
                            $actions['view'] = '<a href="' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__('View &#8220;%s&#8221;'), $title)) . '" rel="permalink">' . __('View') . '</a>';
                    $actions = apply_filters(is_post_type_hierarchical($post->post_type) ? 'page_row_actions' : 'post_row_actions', $actions, $post);
                    echo $this->row_actions($actions);
                    echo '</td>';
                case 'date':
                    if ('0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post->post_date) {
                        $t_time = $h_time = __('Unpublished');
                        $time_diff = 0;
                    } else {
                        $t_time = get_the_time(__('Y/m/d g:i:s A'));
                        $m_time = $post->post_date;
                        $time = get_post_time('G', true, $post);
                        $time_diff = time() - $time;
                        if ($time_diff > 0 && $time_diff < DAY_IN_SECONDS) {
                            $h_time = sprintf(__('%s ago'), human_time_diff($time));
                        } else {
                            $h_time = mysql2date(__('Y/m/d'), $m_time);
                    echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>';
                    if ('excerpt' == $mode) {
                        echo apply_filters('post_date_column_time', $t_time, $post, $column_name, $mode);
                    } else {
                        echo '<abbr title="' . $t_time . '">' . apply_filters('post_date_column_time', $h_time, $post, $column_name, $mode) . '</abbr>';
                    echo '<br />';
                    if ('publish' == $post->post_status) {
                    } elseif ('future' == $post->post_status) {
                        if ($time_diff > 0) {
                            echo '<strong class="attention">' . __('Missed schedule') . '</strong>';
                        } else {
                    } else {
                        _e('Last Modified');
                    echo '</td>';
                case 'comments':
			<td <?php 
                    echo $attributes;
><div class="post-com-count-wrapper">
                    $pending_comments = isset($this->comment_pending_count[$post->ID]) ? $this->comment_pending_count[$post->ID] : 0;
                    $this->comments_bubble($post->ID, $pending_comments);
                case 'author':
			<td <?php 
                    echo $attributes;
                    printf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(add_query_arg(array('post_type' => $post->post_type, 'author' => get_the_author_meta('ID')), 'edit.php')), get_the_author());
                    if ('categories' == $column_name) {
                        $taxonomy = 'category';
                    } elseif ('tags' == $column_name) {
                        $taxonomy = 'post_tag';
                    } elseif (0 === strpos($column_name, 'taxonomy-')) {
                        $taxonomy = substr($column_name, 9);
                    } else {
                        $taxonomy = false;
                    if ($taxonomy) {
                        $taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);
                        echo '<td ' . $attributes . '>';
                        if ($terms = get_the_terms($post->ID, $taxonomy)) {
                            $out = array();
                            foreach ($terms as $t) {
                                $posts_in_term_qv = array();
                                if ('post' != $post->post_type) {
                                    $posts_in_term_qv['post_type'] = $post->post_type;
                                if ($taxonomy_object->query_var) {
                                    $posts_in_term_qv[$taxonomy_object->query_var] = $t->slug;
                                } else {
                                    $posts_in_term_qv['taxonomy'] = $taxonomy;
                                    $posts_in_term_qv['term'] = $t->slug;
                                $out[] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url(add_query_arg($posts_in_term_qv, 'edit.php')), esc_html(sanitize_term_field('name', $t->name, $t->term_id, $taxonomy, 'display')));
                            /* translators: used between list items, there is a space after the comma */
                            echo join(__(', '), $out);
                        } else {
                            echo '&#8212;';
                        echo '</td>';
			<td <?php 
                    echo $attributes;
                    if (is_post_type_hierarchical($post->post_type)) {
                        do_action('manage_pages_custom_column', $column_name, $post->ID);
                    } else {
                        do_action('manage_posts_custom_column', $column_name, $post->ID);
                    do_action("manage_{$post->post_type}_posts_custom_column", $column_name, $post->ID);
        $GLOBALS['post'] = $global_post;
Пример #30
     * Serves the app's base HTML, which in turns calls the load script.
     * @since 4.2.0
     * @access public
     * @global WP_Locale $wp_locale
     * @global string    $wp_version
     * @global bool      $is_IE
    public function html()
        global $wp_locale, $wp_version;
        // Get data, new (POST) and old (GET).
        $data = $this->merge_or_fetch_data();
        $post_title = $this->get_suggested_title($data);
        $post_content = $this->get_suggested_content($data);
        // Get site settings array/data.
        $site_settings = $this->site_settings();
        // Pass the images and embeds
        $images = $this->get_images($data);
        $embeds = $this->get_embeds($data);
        $site_data = array('v' => !empty($data['v']) ? $data['v'] : '', 'u' => !empty($data['u']) ? $data['u'] : '', 'hasData' => !empty($data));
        if (!empty($images)) {
            $site_data['_images'] = $images;
        if (!empty($embeds)) {
            $site_data['_embeds'] = $embeds;
        // Add press-this-editor.css and remove theme's editor-style.css, if any.
        add_filter('mce_css', array($this, 'add_editor_style'));
        if (!empty($GLOBALS['is_IE'])) {
            @header('X-UA-Compatible: IE=edge');
        @header('Content-Type: ' . get_option('html_type') . '; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset'));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE 7]>         <html class="lt-ie9 lt-ie8" <?php 
> <![endif]-->
<!--[if IE 8]>         <html class="lt-ie9" <?php 
> <![endif]-->
<!--[if gt IE 8]><!--> <html <?php 
> <!--<![endif]-->
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php 
        echo esc_attr(get_bloginfo('html_type'));
; charset=<?php 
        echo esc_attr(get_option('blog_charset'));
" />
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
        esc_html_e('Press This!');

		window.wpPressThisData   = <?php 
        echo wp_json_encode($site_data);
		window.wpPressThisConfig = <?php 
        echo wp_json_encode($site_settings);

	<script type="text/javascript">
		var ajaxurl = '<?php 
        echo esc_js(admin_url('admin-ajax.php', 'relative'));
			pagenow = 'press-this',
			typenow = 'post',
			adminpage = 'press-this-php',
			thousandsSeparator = '<?php 
        echo addslashes($wp_locale->number_format['thousands_sep']);
			decimalPoint = '<?php 
        echo addslashes($wp_locale->number_format['decimal_point']);
			isRtl = <?php 
        echo (int) is_rtl();

         * $post->ID is needed for the embed shortcode so we can show oEmbed previews in the editor.
         * Maybe find a way without it.
        $post = get_default_post_to_edit('post', true);
        $post_ID = (int) $post->ID;
        wp_enqueue_media(array('post' => $post_ID));
        $supports_formats = false;
        $post_format = 0;
        if (current_theme_supports('post-formats') && post_type_supports($post->post_type, 'post-formats')) {
            $supports_formats = true;
            if (!($post_format = get_post_format($post_ID))) {
                $post_format = 0;
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        do_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'press-this.php');
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        $admin_body_class = 'press-this';
        $admin_body_class .= is_rtl() ? ' rtl' : '';
        $admin_body_class .= ' branch-' . str_replace(array('.', ','), '-', floatval($wp_version));
        $admin_body_class .= ' version-' . str_replace('.', '-', preg_replace('/^([.0-9]+).*/', '$1', $wp_version));
        $admin_body_class .= ' admin-color-' . sanitize_html_class(get_user_option('admin_color'), 'fresh');
        $admin_body_class .= ' locale-' . sanitize_html_class(strtolower(str_replace('_', '-', get_locale())));
        /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/admin-header.php */
        $admin_body_classes = apply_filters('admin_body_class', '');
<body class="wp-admin wp-core-ui <?php 
        echo $admin_body_classes . ' ' . $admin_body_class;
	<div id="adminbar" class="adminbar">
		<h1 id="current-site" class="current-site">
			<a class="current-site-link" href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
" target="_blank" rel="home">
				<span class="dashicons dashicons-wordpress"></span>
				<span class="current-site-name"><?php 
		<button type="button" class="options button-subtle closed">
			<span class="dashicons dashicons-tag on-closed"></span>
			<span class="screen-reader-text on-closed"><?php 
        _e('Show post options');
			<span aria-hidden="true" class="on-open"><?php 
			<span class="screen-reader-text on-open"><?php 
        _e('Hide post options');

	<div id="scanbar" class="scan">
		<form method="GET">
			<label for="url-scan" class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Scan site for content');
			<input type="url" name="u" id="url-scan" class="scan-url" value="" placeholder="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Enter a URL to scan');
" />
			<input type="submit" name="url-scan-submit" id="url-scan-submit" class="scan-submit" value="<?php 
" />

	<form id="pressthis-form" method="post" action="post.php" autocomplete="off">
		<input type="hidden" name="post_ID" id="post_ID" value="<?php 
        echo $post_ID;
" />
		<input type="hidden" name="action" value="press-this-save-post" />
		<input type="hidden" name="post_status" id="post_status" value="draft" />
		<input type="hidden" name="wp-preview" id="wp-preview" value="" />
		<input type="hidden" name="post_title" id="post_title" value="" />
        wp_nonce_field('update-post_' . $post_ID, '_wpnonce', false);
        wp_nonce_field('add-category', '_ajax_nonce-add-category', false);

	<div class="wrapper">
		<div class="editor-wrapper">
			<div class="alerts" role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-relevant="all" aria-atomic="true">
        if (isset($data['v']) && $this->version > $data['v']) {
					<p class="alert is-notice">
            printf(__('You should upgrade <a href="%s" target="_blank">your bookmarklet</a> to the latest version!'), admin_url('tools.php'));

			<div id="app-container" class="editor">
				<span id="title-container-label" class="post-title-placeholder" aria-hidden="true"><?php 
        _e('Post title');
				<h2 id="title-container" class="post-title" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="true" aria-label="<?php 
        esc_attr_e('Post title');
" tabindex="0"><?php 
        echo esc_html($post_title);

				<div class="media-list-container">
					<div class="media-list-inner-container">
						<h2 class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Suggested media');
						<ul class="media-list"></ul>

        wp_editor($post_content, 'pressthis', array('drag_drop_upload' => true, 'editor_height' => 600, 'media_buttons' => false, 'textarea_name' => 'post_content', 'teeny' => true, 'tinymce' => array('resize' => false, 'wordpress_adv_hidden' => false, 'add_unload_trigger' => false, 'statusbar' => false, 'autoresize_min_height' => 600, 'wp_autoresize_on' => true, 'plugins' => 'lists,media,paste,tabfocus,fullscreen,wordpress,wpautoresize,wpeditimage,wpgallery,wplink,wpview', 'toolbar1' => 'bold,italic,bullist,numlist,blockquote,link,unlink', 'toolbar2' => 'undo,redo'), 'quicktags' => false));

		<div class="options-panel-back is-hidden" tabindex="-1"></div>
		<div class="options-panel is-off-screen is-hidden" tabindex="-1">
			<div class="post-options">

        if ($supports_formats) {
					<button type="button" class="button-reset post-option">
						<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-post"></span>
						<span class="post-option-title"><?php 
            _ex('Format', 'post format');
						<span class="post-option-contents" id="post-option-post-format"><?php 
            echo esc_html(get_post_format_string($post_format));
						<span class="dashicons post-option-forward"></span>

				<button type="button" class="button-reset post-option">
					<span class="dashicons dashicons-category"></span>
					<span class="post-option-title"><?php 
					<span class="dashicons post-option-forward"></span>

				<button type="button" class="button-reset post-option">
					<span class="dashicons dashicons-tag"></span>
					<span class="post-option-title"><?php 
					<span class="dashicons post-option-forward"></span>

        if ($supports_formats) {
				<div class="setting-modal is-off-screen is-hidden">
					<button type="button" class="button-reset modal-close">
						<span class="dashicons post-option-back"></span>
						<span class="setting-title" aria-hidden="true"><?php 
            _ex('Format', 'post format');
						<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
            _e('Back to post options');

			<div class="setting-modal is-off-screen is-hidden">
				<button type="button" class="button-reset modal-close">
					<span class="dashicons post-option-back"></span>
					<span class="setting-title" aria-hidden="true"><?php 
					<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Back to post options');

			<div class="setting-modal tags is-off-screen is-hidden">
				<button type="button" class="button-reset modal-close">
					<span class="dashicons post-option-back"></span>
					<span class="setting-title" aria-hidden="true"><?php 
					<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Back to post options');
		</div><!-- .options-panel -->
	</div><!-- .wrapper -->

	<div class="press-this-actions">
		<div class="pressthis-media-buttons">
			<button type="button" class="insert-media button-subtle" data-editor="pressthis">
				<span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-media"></span>
				<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('Add Media');
		<div class="post-actions">
			<span class="spinner">&nbsp;</span>
			<div class="split-button">
				<div class="split-button-head">
					<button type="button" class="publish-button split-button-primary"><?php 
        echo current_user_can('publish_posts') ? __('Publish') : __('Submit for Review');
</button><button type="button" class="split-button-toggle" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
						<i class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down-alt2"></i>
						<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php 
        _e('More actions');
				<ul class="split-button-body">
					<li><button type="button" class="button-subtle draft-button split-button-option" aria-live="polite"><?php 
        _e('Save Draft');
					<li><a href="<?php 
        echo esc_url(get_edit_post_link($post_ID));
" class="edit-post-link split-button-option" target="_blank"><?php 
        _e('Standard Editor');
					<li><button type="button" class="button-subtle preview-button split-button-option"><?php 

        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-footer.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-footer.php */
        /** This action is documented in wp-admin/admin-footer.php */